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Created March 3, 2021 17:52
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(ns whoop.core
;; .
;; /'
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;; . //
;; |\//7
;; /' " \
;; . . .
;; | ( \ '._
;; | '._ ' '. '
;; / \'-'_---. ) )
;; . :.'
;; | \
;; | . . . .
;; ' . | | |
;; \^ /_-': /
;; / | | '\ .'
;; / /| | \\ |
;; \ \( ) // /
;; \ | | // /
;; L! ! // / Monoceros'95
;; [_] L[_| R.B.Cleary
;; Before we begin...
;; A secret destructuring technique (●≧ω≦)9
(let [{:strs [a b] :keys []} {'a 1 :b 2 "a" 5 "b" 6}]
(= (+ a b) 11))
;; As taught by Dirk.
;; (ASCII art from
;; Programming to Abstractions
;; ---------------------------
;; '
;; * .
;; * '
;; * *
;; * '*
;; *
;; *
;; *
;; *
;; *
;; . .
;; . ;
;; : - --+- -
;; ! . !
;; | . .
;; |_ +
;; , | `.
;; --- --+-<#>-+- --- -- -
;; `._|_,'
;; T
;; |
;; !
;; : . :
;; . *
;; Ojo
;; `map` can apply to many data structures.
(defn titleize
(str topic " for the Brave and True"))
(map titleize ["Hamsters" "Ragnarok"])
; => ("Hamsters for the Brave and True" "Ragnarok for the Brave and True")
(map titleize '("Empathy" "Decorating"))
; => ("Empathy for the Brave and True" "Decorating for the Brave and True")
(map titleize #{"Elbows" "Soap Carving"})
; => ("Elbows for the Brave and True" "Soap Carving for the Brave and True")
(map #(titleize (second %)) {:uncomfortable-thing "Winking"})
; => ("Winking for the Brave and True")
(= (seq {:a "Hello" :b "Goodbye"}) '([:a "Hello"] [:b "Goodbye"]))
;; Indirection / Polymorphism
(seq '(1 2 3))
; => (1 2 3)
(seq [1 2 3])
; => (1 2 3)
(seq #{1 2 3})
; => (1 2 3)
(seq {:name "Bill Compton" :occupation "Dead mopey guy"})
; => ([:name "Bill Compton"] [:occupation "Dead mopey guy"])
(into {} (seq {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}))
; => {:a 1, :c 3, :b 2}
;; Functions that work with seq abstractions
;; Art by Nina Butorac
;; @\_______/@
;; @ |X|| X |
;; @ |X|| X |
;; @ |XXXXXXXX |
;; @ |X|| X | V
;; @ |X|| .X |
;; @ |X||. .X | V
;; @ |%XXXXXXXX%||
;; @ |X|| . . X||
;; |X|| .. X|| @ @
;; |X|| . X||. ||====%
;; |X|| . X|| . || %
;; |X||. X|| . ||====%
;; |XXXXXXXXXXXX|| . || %
;; |XXXXXXXXXXXX|| . . ||====% .
;; |XX| X|| . . || % .
;; |XX| X|| . ||====% .
;; |XX| X|| . . || % .
;; |XX|======= X||============================+ || .. % ........
;; ===== / X|| || %
;; X|| /) || %
;; An abstraction is a set of
;; Set
;; - Collection
;; - count
;; - job2
;; - Sequence
;; - first
;; - resnt
;; - cons
;; (count {:a 1})
(map inc [1 2 3])
; => (2 3 4)
(map str ["a" "b" "c"] ["A" "B" "C"])
(map str ["a" "b" "c"] #{"A" "B" "C"})
;; (shuffle [1 2 3])
; => ("aA" "bB" "cC")
(list (str "a" "A") (str "b" "B") (str "c" "C"))
;; It's time for performance!!!
(def ten-thousand (vec (range 10000)))
;; Linear time
(time (last ten-thousand))
(time (peek ten-thousand))
;; (peek ()))
(time (reverse ten-thousand))
(time (rseq ten-thousand))
;; (ffirst [[1]])
;; Vampire diet
(def human-consumption [8.1 7.3 6.6 5.0])
(def critter-consumption [0.0 0.2 0.3 1.1])
(defn unify-diet-data
[human critter]
{:human human
:critter critter})
(map unify-diet-data human-consumption critter-consumption)
;; => ({:human 8.1, :critter 0.0}
;; {:human 7.3, :critter 0.2}
;; {:human 6.6, :critter 0.3}
;; {:human 5.0, :critter 1.1})
(def sum #(reduce + %))
(def avg #(/ (sum %) (count %)))
(defn stats
(map #(% numbers) [sum count avg]))
(stats [3 4 10])
; => (17 3 17/3)
(stats [80 1 44 13 6])
; => (144 5 144/5)
(def identities
[{:alias "Batman" :real "Bruce Wayne"}
{:alias "Spider-Man" :real "Peter Parker"}
{:alias "Santa" :real "Your mom"}
{:alias "Easter Bunny" :real "Your dad"}])
(= 43 (:real {:real 43}))
(map :real identities)
; => ("Bruce Wayne" "Peter Parker" "Your mom" "Your dad")
;; reduce
(reduce (fn [new-map [key val]]
(assoc new-map key (inc val)))
{:max 30 :min 10})
; => {:max 31, :min 11}
(reduce-kv #(assoc %1 %2 (inc %3))
{:max 30 :min 10})
(assoc (assoc {} :max (inc 30))
:min (inc 10))
;; reduce vamp diet log, nom.
(reduce #(into %1 %2))
(let [[x y] [1 2]] x)
(let [[x y] [1 2]] y)
;; (let [[[{:a x}] y z] [[a] 2 3]] a)
(let [[x [y] thing-we-dont-want z] [1 [2] 3 4 5 6]] y)
;; (let [[[x] y] [1 2]] x)
(defn [x y] y)
(reduce #(let [a %1 [b] %2] (conj a b) )
[] [[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]])
;; (apply concat [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]])
(reduce (fn [new-map [key val]]
(if (> val 4)
(assoc new-map key val)
{:human 4.1
:critter 3.9}))
'([:human 4.1] [:critter 3.9])
; => {:human 4.1}
;; /
;; __ //
;; -\= \=\ //
;; --=_\=---//=--
;; -_==/ \/ //\/--
;; ==/ /O O\==--
;; _ _ _ _ /_/ \ ] /--
;; /\ ( (- \ / ] ] ]==-
;; (\ _\_\_\-\__/ \ (,_,)--
;; (\_/ \ \-
;; \/ / ( ( \ ] /)
;; / ( \ \_ \./ )
;; ( \ \ ) \
;; ( /\_ _ _ _ /---/ /\_ \
;; \ / \ / ____/ / \ \
;; ( / ) / / /__ ) ( )
;; ( ) / __/ '---` / /
;; \ / \ \ _/ /
;; ] ] )_\_ /__\/
;; /_\ ]___\
;; (___)
;; give and take
;; i.e. take, drop, take-while, and drop-while
(take 3 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10])
; => (1 2 3)
(drop 3 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10])
; => (4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
;; Vampire food journal!
(def food-journal
[{:month 1 :day 1 :human 5.3 :critter 2.3}
{:month 1 :day 2 :human 5.1 :critter 2.0}
{:month 2 :day 1 :human 4.9 :critter 2.1}
{:month 2 :day 2 :human 5.0 :critter 2.5}
{:month 3 :day 1 :human 4.2 :critter 3.3}
{:month 3 :day 2 :human 4.0 :critter 3.8}
{:month 4 :day 1 :human 3.7 :critter 3.9}
{:month 4 :day 2 :human 3.7 :critter 3.6}])
(take-while #(< (:month %) 3) food-journal)
;; => ({:month 1 :day 1 :human 5.3 :critter 2.3}
;; {:month 1 :day 2 :human 5.1 :critter 2.0}
;; {:month 2 :day 1 :human 4.9 :critter 2.1}
;; {:month 2 :day 2 :human 5.0 :critter 2.5})
(drop-while #(< (:month %) 3) food-journal)
;; => ({:month 3 :day 1 :human 4.2 :critter 3.3}
;; {:month 3 :day 2 :human 4.0 :critter 3.8}
;; {:month 4 :day 1 :human 3.7 :critter 3.9}
;; {:month 4 :day 2 :human 3.7 :critter 3.6})
(take-while #(< (:month %) 4)
(drop-while #(< (:month %) 2) food-journal))
;; => ({:month 2 :day 1 :human 4.9 :critter 2.1}
;; {:month 2 :day 2 :human 5.0 :critter 2.5}
;; {:month 3 :day 1 :human 4.2 :critter 3.3}
;; {:month 3 :day 2 :human 4.0 :critter 3.8})
;; filter and some
(filter #(< (:human %) 5) food-journal)
;; => ({:month 2 :day 1 :human 4.9 :critter 2.1}
;; {:month 3 :day 1 :human 4.2 :critter 3.3}
;; {:month 3 :day 2 :human 4.0 :critter 3.8}
;; {:month 4 :day 1 :human 3.7 :critter 3.9}
;; {:month 4 :day 2 :human 3.7 :critter 3.6})
(filter #(< (:month %) 3) food-journal)
;; => ({:month 1 :day 1 :human 5.3 :critter 2.3}
;; {:month 1 :day 2 :human 5.1 :critter 2.0}
;; {:month 2 :day 1 :human 4.9 :critter 2.1}
;; {:month 2 :day 2 :human 5.0 :critter 2.5})
;; Vamp food journal
(some #(> (:critter %) 5) food-journal)
; => nil
(some #(> (:critter %) 3) food-journal)
; => true
(some #(and (> (:critter %) 3) %) food-journal)
; => {:month 3 :day 1 :human 4.2 :critter 3.3}
;; sort and sort-by
(sort [3 1 2])
; => (1 2 3)
(sort-by count ["aaa" "c" "bb"])
; => ("c" "bb" "aaa")
;; concat
(concat [1 2] [3 4])
; => (1 2 3 4)
;; Lazy Seq
;; lazy bears by Joan G. Stark
;; _,-""`""-~`)
;; (`~_,=========\
;; |---,___.-.__,\
;; | o \ ___ _,,,,_ _.--.
;; \ `^` /`_.-"~ `~-;` \
;; \_ _ .' `, |
;; |`- \'__/
;; / ,_ \ `'-.
;; / .-""~~--. `"-, ;_ /
;; | \ \ | `""`
;; \__.--'`"-. /_ |'
;; `"` `~~~---.., |
;; jgs \ _.-'`-.
;; \ \
;; '. /
;; `"~"`
(def vampire-database
{0 {:makes-blood-puns? false, :has-pulse? true :name "McFishwich"}
1 {:makes-blood-puns? false, :has-pulse? true :name "McMackson"}
2 {:makes-blood-puns? true, :has-pulse? false :name "Damon Salvatore"}
3 {:makes-blood-puns? true, :has-pulse? true :name "Mickey Mouse"}})
(defn vampire-related-details
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(get vampire-database social-security-number))
(defn vampire?
(and (:makes-blood-puns? record)
(not (:has-pulse? record))
(defn identify-vampire
(first (filter vampire?
(map vampire-related-details social-security-numbers))))
;; =/\ /\=
;; / \'._ (\_/) _.'/ \
;; / .''._'--(o.o)--'_.''. \
;; /.' _/ |`'=/ " \='`| \_ `.\
;; /` .' `\;-,'\___/',-;/` '. '\
;; /.-' jgs `\(-V-)/` `-.\
;; ` " " `
;; (time (vampire-related-details 0))
; => "Elapsed time: 1001.042 msecs"
; => {:name "McFishwich", :makes-blood-puns? false, :has-pulse? true}
;; (time (def mapped-details (map vampire-related-details (range 0 1000000))))
; => "Elapsed time: 0.049 msecs"
; => #'user/mapped-details
;; (time (first mapped-details))
; => "Elapsed time: 32030.767 msecs"
; => {:name "McFishwich", :makes-blood-puns? false, :has-pulse? true}
;; (time (first mapped-details))
; => "Elapsed time: 0.022 msecs"
; => {:name "McFishwich", :makes-blood-puns? false, :has-pulse? true}
;; (time (identify-vampire (range 0 1000000)))
; "Elapsed time: 32019.912 msecs"
; => {:name "Damon Salvatore", :makes-blood-puns? true, :has-pulse? false}
;; Infinite sequences from laziness
;; M.C. Esher's Waterfall by Veronica Karlsson
;; _.-"""-._
;; .' `.
;; / \
;; | |
;; | |
;; | |
;; \ / _.-"""-._
;; _.`. .'. .' `.
;; |`-._`-.._..-'_.-| / \
;; | _ `-._ _.-' | | |
;; | | `-._ " _.-'| | | |
;; | | || | | | | |
;; | | || | | | \ /
;; | | || | | | _`. .'.
;; | | || | | | |`-.`-.._..-'.-'|
;; | | || | | | | `-._.-' |
;; | | _.-'| |_ | | | |`-._ _.-'| |
;; | |'_.-'| |_`-.| | | | || | | |
;; |_.-' | | `-._ `._|`-._ | | || | | |
;; / / | | ``---._ `-._ | | || | | |
;; | / / .-' `-._|`-._ ``-._ `-._ | | || | | |
;; || || / /|-| |-._ `-._ `--._`-._|`-._ | | || | | |
;; | | ' || |\ `-._ `-._ ``---._ `| | || | | |
;; | - | | | || | \ | |`-._ `-._|`-._ ``-| |`-.|| | | |
;; _.-' | | || | \ | | `-._ `-._ | |-._ | |._ | |
;; _.-' | | || | \| | `-._ `-.| | `| |_ `-| |
;; | | | || | | | `-._ _.| | | | `.-| |
;; | | || || | | | _.-'|_.-'_.-' | |_.-' |
;; | | | . || | | | _.-' __.---'' _.| ' |
;; | | || || | | |\_.-'|_.-'_.-'' _.-'|_.-' _. |
;; | | | || | | |' _- _.-' _.-' | |
;; || || || |_.-'| |_.---'' _.-' _ | | |
;; \ | | | || |_.-'| | _.-'|_.-' _.-'|| | | |
;; \ | || .'_| | | |_.-' _.-'| | || | | |
;; \ | | |._ | | | `-._ _.-' | | || | | |
;; \ || | | `| | ```-._`-._|`-._ _.-' | | || | | |
;; |\_.-| | `-._ ``---._ `-._ | | || | | |
;; | | `-._|`-._ ``-._ `-._ | | || | | |
;; | || || | `-._ `--._`-._|`| | || | | |
;; | | | | `-._ ``---.| |`|| | | |
;; | | | | |`-._ `-._|`-._ | |-.| |-._ | |
;; | | ||`-._ `-.| | | |._ `-| |
;; | | | | || | `-._ _.| | | | `-_| |
;; | | | ||__ | | | `-._ _.-'|_.-'_.-' | |_.-' |
;; | | | | ._.-| |. | | `-._ _.-' __.---'' _| |
;; | | | ||/ | | \ | | _.-'|_.-'_.-'' _.-'|_.-' |
;; | || || | | .'| |-' __.---'' _.-' |
;; | | | | |.| '| |-'' _.-'|_.-' |
;; | | || _. | | | | | _.-' |
;; | | | ' | | | | |_.-' |
;; | || | | \ | | / _| ' _.-'
;; |_.-' | _`.| |'-' _.-'
;; |`-._ _.| _.-'
;; | `-._ _.-' _.-'
;; | |' _.-'
;; | | _.-'
;; | | _.-'
;; | | _.-'
;; | | _.-'
;; | | _.-'
;; | | _.-'
;; _ | | _.-'
;; `-|_ | _.-'
;; `-._ | _.-'
;; `-.|.-'
;; Infinite sequences from laziness
(concat (take 8 (repeat "na")) ["Batman!"])
; => ("na" "na" "na" "na" "na" "na" "na" "na" "Batman!")
(take 3 (repeatedly (fn [] (rand-int 10))))
; => (1 4 0)
;; Our own version of an infinite sequence:
(defn even-numbers
([] (even-numbers 0))
([n] (cons n (lazy-seq (even-numbers (+ n 2))))))
(take 10 (even-numbers))
; => (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18)
(cons 0 '(2 4 6))
; => (0 2 4 6)
;; It's mentally relieving compared to conj and into.
;; List? Vec? It's always at the beginning.
(cons 0 [2 4 6])
;; The Collection Abstraction
;; Art by Lukasz Tyrala
;; [\
;; |\) ____
;; | __(_ )__
;; Y\ ___ _( )
;; T \ __) )--. ( )-----`
;; J \ ,-( )_ `---'
;; Y/T`-._\ ( ( _) __
;; /[| ]| `-(__ ___)-` |\ ,-( __)
;; | | | (__) J' ( )
;; _ | | ] | _ /;\ `- '
;; (,,) [| | | L' /; \
;; /||.| /\ | /\ /.,-._\ ___ _
;; /_|||| || | / \ | |{ | (._.'_)
;; L/\ | \| | '` |_ _ {| | | U | /\
;; /v^v\/\ `| Y | [ '-' '--''-''-"-'`' | ,`^v\ /\,`\
;; / ,'./ \.` |[ | [ __ L ] | /^v\ \
;; ,' ` | | ,`##Y. ] |___Y Y____,_,,_,,_
;; -- -----.-(] [ | ] o/####U|o ]|| /`-, Y _ Y Y
;; Y Y --;`~T | } \####U|[\ _,.-(^) ,-' _ (^)__ _
;; Y YY ;'~~l | L [|\###U'E'\ \ \Y-` _ (^) _Y _
;; Y Y Y ;\~~/\{| [ _,'-\`= = '.\_ ,` (^)(^) (^) (^)
;; -- ;\~~~/\| _,.-'`_ `.\_..-'" _ . ,_ Y_ Y_ _Y _Y__
;; _ _; \~~( Y`` Y (^) / `, (^) _ (^) (^)
;; (^) (^)`._~ / L \ _.Y'` _ ` -- Y - - -(^) - Y - Y -
;; Y Y `'--..,-'` (^) _ - _ Y ____
;; -- _ _ -- Y (^) _ (^) === ----
;; __ - (^) (^) --- Y (^) Y
;; _ Y Y Y lt.
(count [:a :b])
; => 2
(count {:a 2 :b 'Heyo :c [1 2]})
; => 3
(empty? [])
; => true
(empty? ["no!"])
; => false
(every? #(= % "cashews") ["cashews" "cashews"])
; => true
(every? #(= % "cashews") ["cashews" "peanuts"])
; => false
;; into
(map identity {:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"})
; => ([:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"])
(into {} (map identity {:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"}))
; => {:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"}
;; Other structures
(map identity [:garlic :sesame-oil :fried-eggs])
; => (:garlic :sesame-oil :fried-eggs)
(into [] (map identity [:garlic :sesame-oil :fried-eggs]))
; => [:garlic :sesame-oil :fried-eggs]
;; Vector to list to set
(map identity [:garlic-clove :garlic-clove])
; => (:garlic-clove :garlic-clove)
(into #{} (map identity [:garlic-clove :garlic-clove]))
; => #{:garlic-clove}
;; Non-empty starting collection
(into {:favorite-emotion "gloomy"} [[:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"]])
; => {:favorite-emotion "gloomy" :sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"}
(into ["cherry"] '("pine" "spruce"))
; => ["cherry" "pine" "spruce"]
(into {:favorite-animal "kitty"} {:least-favorite-smell "dog"
:relationship-with-teenager "creepy"})
;; => {:favorite-animal "kitty"
;; :relationship-with-teenager "creepy"
;; :least-favorite-smell "dog"}
;; The almight conj
(conj [0] [1])
; => [0 [1]]
(into [0] [1])
; => [0 1]
(conj [0] 1)
; => [0 1]
;; Conj as many as you want!
(conj [0] 1 2 3 4)
; => [0 1 2 3 4]
(conj {:time "midnight"} [:place "ye olde cemetarium"])
; => {:place "ye olde cemetarium" :time "midnight"}
;; conj in terms of into
(defn my-conj
[target & additions]
(into target additions))
(my-conj [0] 1 2 3)
; => [0 1 2 3]
;; Function functions
;; Art by Tua Xiong
;; \ __
;; --==/////////////[})))==*
;; / \ ' ,|
;; `\`\ //| ,|
;; \ `\ //,/' -~ |
;; ) _-~~~\ |/ / |'| _-~ / ,
;; (( /' ) | \ / /'/ _-~ _/_-~|
;; ((( ; /` ' )/ /'' _ -~ _-~ ,/'
;; ) )) `~~\ `\\/'/|' __--~~__--\ _-~ _/,
;; ((( )) / ~~ \ /~ __--~~ --~~ __/~ _-~ /
;; ((\~\ | ) | ' / __--~~ \-~~ _-~
;; `\(\ __--( _/ |'\ / --~~ __--~' _-~ ~|
;; ( ((~~ __-~ \~\ / ___---~~ ~~\~~__--~
;; ~~\~~~~~~ `\-~ \~\ / __--~~~'~~/
;; ;\ __.-~ ~-/ ~~~~~__\__---~~ _..--._
;; ;;;;;;;;' / ---~~~/_.-----.-~ _.._ ~\
;; ;;;;;;;' / ----~~/ `\,~ `\ \
;; ;;;;' ( ---~~/ `:::| `\\.
;; |' _ `----~~~~' / `:| ()))),
;; ______/\/~ | / / (((((())
;; /~;;.____/;;' / ___.---( `;;;/ )))'`))
;; / // _;______;'------~~~~~ |;;/\ / (( (
;; // \ \ / | \;;,\ `
;; (<_ \ \ /',/-----' _>
;; \_| \\_ //~;~~~~~~~~~
;; \_| (,~~ -Tua Xiong
;; \~\
;; ~~
;; apply , the explodey function
(max 0 1 2)
; => 2
(max [0 1 2])
; => [0 1 2]
(apply max [0 1 2])
; => 2
;; into in terms of conj
(defn my-into
[target additions]
(apply conj target additions))
(my-into [0] [1 2 3])
; => [0 1 2 3]
;; I'm... partial... to the partial function
(def add10 (partial + 10))
(add10 3)
; => 13
(add10 5)
; => 15
(def add-missing-elements
(partial conj ["water" "earth" "air"]))
(add-missing-elements "unobtainium" "adamantium")
; => ["water" "earth" "air" "unobtainium" "adamantium"]
;; Handmade partial
(defn my-partial
[partialized-fn & args]
(fn [& more-args]
(apply partialized-fn (into args more-args))))
(def add20 (my-partial + 20))
(add20 3)
; => 23
(fn [& more-args]
(apply + (into [20] more-args)))
(defn lousy-logger
[log-level message]
(condp = log-level
:warn (clojure.string/lower-case message)
:emergency (clojure.string/upper-case message)))
(def warn (partial lousy-logger :warn))
(warn "Red light ahead")
; => "red light ahead"
;; complement
(defn identify-humans
(filter #(not (vampire? %))
(map vampire-related-details social-security-numbers)))
(def not-vampire? (complement vampire?))
(defn identify-humans
(filter not-vampire?
(map vampire-related-details social-security-numbers)))
(defn my-complement
(fn [& args]
(not (apply fun args))))
(def my-pos? (complement neg?))
(my-pos? 1)
; => true
(my-pos? -1)
; => false
;; _.._
;; _________....-~ ~-.______
;; ~~~ ~~~~-----...___________..--------
;; | | |
;; | | | ||
;; | | | |
;; |'. .' .`.|
;; ___________________________________________|0oOO0oO0o|____________
;; - - - - - / ' '. ` ` \ - -
;; -- -- -- / ' . ` ` \ --
;; --- --- --- / ' \ ---
;; ---- ---- / ' ' . ` ` \ ----
;; ----- ----- ----- / ' ' ` ` \
;; .-~~-. ------ / ' . ` ` ` \
;; (_^..^_)------- / ' ' ' `
;; Lester||||AMC --------/ ' ' '
;; My stuff.
;; -------------
;; ;; It builds an empty K-map
;; (defn k-map [n]
;; (if (= n 3)
;; [[0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]]
;; [[0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]]))
;; ;; Tests
;; (= (get-correct-cells [[0 0 1 1]
;; [0 0 1 1]
;; [0 0 0 1]
;; [0 1 1 1]]) #{#{[0 2] [0 3] [1 2] [1 3]} #{[0 3] [1 3] [2 3] [3 3]} #{[3 1] [3 2]}})
;; (defn k-map-tests []
;; (= (k-map 3) [[0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]])
;; (= (k-map 4) [[0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]
;; [0 0 0 0]]))
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