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Last active April 3, 2023 02:07
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(ns ordered-mistakes
;; I used Criterium to benchmark
#_(:require [criterium.core :refer [quick-bench]]))
(def test-state
{:document {:paragraphs {:uuid-1 {}}
:paragraph-order [:uuid-1 :uuid-2 :uuid-3 :uuid-4]}
:edit {:spellcheck {:mistakes {:uuid-1 [[4 12] [38 42]]
:uuid-3 [[7 12]]
:uuid-4 []
:uuid-X [[0 4]]}}}})
;; Original
(defn paragraph-order [state]
(get-in state [:document :paragraph-order]))
(defn mistakes [state]
(let [paragraph-order (paragraph-order state)]
(->> (get-in state [:edit :spellcheck :mistakes])
;; only paragraphs with mistakes and present on paragraph-order
(filter (fn [[k v]] (and (seq v) (some #{k} paragraph-order)))))))
(defn ordered-mistakes [state]
(let [paragraph-order (paragraph-order state)]
(->> (mistakes state)
;; sort-by paragraph-order
(sort-by (fn [[k _]] (.indexOf paragraph-order k)))
;; "unpack" into [:p-uuid [word-start word-end]]
(mapcat (fn [[k v]] (map (fn [i] [k i]) v)))
;; Using transducers
(defn ordered-mistakes-xf
[{{paragraph-order :paragraph-order} :document
{{mistakes :mistakes} :spellcheck} :edit}]
(let [xf (comp (map (fn [uuid] [uuid (get mistakes uuid)]))
(filter (fn [[_ mistake-ranges]] (seq mistake-ranges)))
(map (fn [[uuid mistake-ranges]] (for [r mistake-ranges] [uuid r]))))]
(->> (transduce xf conj paragraph-order)
(apply concat)
;; Using transducers made this 4.6 times faster, taking
;; 21% of the time of the original due to performing all the
;; transformations (eagerly) on each element at once in a single
;; reduction instead of performing several seperate reductions
;; (which map and filter are syntactic sugar for).
;; This way is also pure versus the original which used the
;; `paragraph-order` function's results in the `mistakes`
;; function). This results in less psychic complexity and easier
;; programming.
;; This also also simplifies the functions into a single function
;; and makes use of destructuring though the `get-in` could be argued
;; as mentally cleaner.
;; averages around 0.14ms (on my machine)
(time (ordered-mistakes test-state))
;; averages around 0.08ms
(time (ordered-mistakes-xf test-state))
;; I also benchmarked this using Criterium:
;; 113,238 evals in 6 samples of 18,873 evals gives an
;; execution time mean of 5.890323 µs
;; (quick-bench (ordered-mistakes test-state) :verbose)
;; 525,288 evals in 6 samples of 87,548 evals gives an
;; execution time mean of 1.282512 µs
;; (quick-bench (ordered-mistakes-xf test-state) :verbose)
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