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CSCA48 Assigment 2 Custom Tester
A2 Custom Tester Project
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
double findHarmFreq(double curFreq, int semitones){
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
if(fabs(note_freq[i] -curFreq) < 1e-15){
if(i + semitones <= 99 && i + semitones >= 0){
return note_freq[i+semitones];
return -1.0;
BST_Node * read_song(char * songName)
// Read note names and frequencies from file
FILE *f;
char line[1024];
int idx;
int bar;
double index;
double freq_src;
//char * freq_input = NULL;
char freq_name[5];
BST_Node *newSong = NULL;
BST_Node *newNote = NULL;
if (f==NULL)
printf("Unable to open song file!\n");
return NULL;
while (fgets(&line[0],1024,f))
//printf("Reading file at line %d\n",idx);
//printf("Read Elements %s\n",freq_name);
//freq_src = -1.0;
//printf("Outside for loop\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 100;i++){
if(strcmp(freq_name,note_names[i]) == 0){
freq_src = note_freq[i];
//printf("Found Frequency \n");
if(freq_src == -1.0){
return NULL;
//printf("Before creating new node\n");
newNote = newBST_Node(freq_src,bar,index);
if(newNote == NULL){
return NULL;
newSong = BST_insert(newSong,newNote);
printf("Added %d notes to create a new song !\n",idx);
return newSong;
bool inOrderShiftCheck(BST_Node *root,double freq_src){
if(root == NULL){return false;}
if(root->left != NULL){
if(inOrderShiftCheck(root->left,freq_src) == false){
return false;
if(root != NULL){
if(fabs(root->freq - freq_src) <1e-15){
return false;
if(root->right != NULL){
if(inOrderShiftCheck(root->right,freq_src) == false){
return false;
return true;
bool checkShifted(BST_Node *root, BST_Node *harmonized, int semitones, double time_shift){
BST_Node *temp = BST_search(root,harmonized->bar,harmonized->index + time_shift);
double testFreq = findHarmFreq(temp->freq,semitones);
if(temp != NULL){
if(fabs(temp->freq - testFreq) < 1e-15){
return true;
return false;
bool harmonizeCheck(BST_Node *root, BST_Node *harmonized, int semitones, double time_shift){
if(harmonized == NULL){return false;}
if(harmonized->left != NULL){
if(harmonizeCheck(root,harmonized->left,semitones,time_shift) == false){
return false;
if(harmonized != NULL){
if((BST_search(root,harmonized->bar,harmonized->index)== NULL) && (checkShifted(root,harmonized,semitones,time_shift) ==false) && (checkShifted(root,harmonized,semitones,time_shift + 1e-05) == false)){
return false;
if(harmonized->right != NULL){
if(harmonizeCheck(root,harmonized->right,semitones,time_shift) == false){
return false;
return true;
int BST_size(BST_Node *node) {
if(node == NULL) return 0;
else {
return BST_size(node -> left) + BST_size(node -> right) + 1;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
printf("Use this test file under the assumption that you passed all test cases in A2_test_driver.c\n");
printf("To change song pass the song file name as Argument 1\n");
int printINOrder = 0;
printf("Do you want to print tree traversals?\n");
printf("0. Yes (default)\t");
printf("1. No \n");
char *inputSong = "./stairway.txt";
if(argv[1] != NULL){
BST_Node *root = NULL;
// Test 1
// Trivial Print Test
// printing NUll list
printf("Passed 1 Travesing Null List\n");
printf("---Test 2 ---\n");
// Test 2
// Insert a full song
root = read_song(inputSong);
if(root == NULL){
printf("Failed to insert notes from %s song into binary tree \n",inputSong);
return 1;
if(printINOrder == 0){BST_inOrder(root,0);}
printf("Passed Test 2? - check message above to see if all notes were inserted\n");
// // Test 3
// // Shift Frequency
// printf("--- Test 3 Shift Frequency --- \n");
// char freq_src[5],freq_dst[5];
// printf("Choose frequency to change only 5 Characters\n");
// scanf("%s",freq_src);
// printf("Choose destination frequency\n");
// scanf("%s",freq_dst);
// BST_shiftFreq(root,freq_src,freq_dst);
// double freq;
// freq = -1.0;
// for(int i = 0; i < 100;i++){
// if(strcmp(freq_src,note_names[i]) == 0){
// freq = note_freq[i];
// }
// }
// if(inOrderShiftCheck(root,freq) == false){
// printf("Failed Test 3, did not change all the frequencies\n");
// return 1;
// }
// printf("Passed Test 3 Shifted Frequencies\n");
// Test 4
// Harmonize
printf("--- Test 4 --- \n");
BST_Node *harmonized;
harmonized = BST_harmonize(root,4,0.1);
printf("--- Below is InOrder Traversal of Harmonized Output --- \n");
if(printINOrder == 0){BST_inOrder(harmonized,0);}
int originalSize = BST_size(root);
int harmoinzedSize = BST_size(harmonized);
printf("--- Check that is has ~2x Elements as original, Original %d, Harmonized %d ---\n",originalSize,harmoinzedSize);
if(harmonizeCheck(root,harmonized,4.0,0.1) == false){
printf("Failed Test 4 to harmonize all values correctly\n");
printf("Pls check the +- added to duplicate indexs, the code checks for + 1e-05 if you have a different value either change this file or your code\n");
return 1;
printf("Passed Test 4 Harmonize Basic\n");
// Test 5
// Double Harmonize
printf("--- Test 5 -- \n");
BST_Node *doubleHarmonize;
doubleHarmonize = BST_harmonize(harmonized,5.0,0.2);
printf("--- Below is InOrder Traversal of Harmonized Output --- \n");
if(printINOrder == 0){BST_inOrder(doubleHarmonize,0);}
int doubleHarmonizedSize = BST_size(doubleHarmonize);
printf("--- Check that is has ~2x Elements as original Original %d, Harmonized %d, Double Harmonized %d ---\n",originalSize,harmoinzedSize,doubleHarmonizedSize);
if(harmonizeCheck(root,harmonized,5.0,0.2) == false){
printf("Failed Test 4 to harmonize all values correctly\n");
printf("Pls check the +- added to duplicate indexs, the code checks for + 1e-05 if you have a different value either change this file or your code\n");
return 1;
printf("Passed Test 5 Double Harmonize\n");
// Make Playlist Test
return 0;
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