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Created December 15, 2021 16:31
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Apache Geronimo Simple Encryption Password Decrypter
from Crypto.Cipher import AES #
import javaobj #
import struct
import base64
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage:\n\tpython3 [base64_{SIMPLE} Value]")
# hardcoded Apache Geronimo key:
key = [-45, -15, 100, -34, 70, 83, 75, -100, -75, 61, 26, 114, -20, -58, 114, 77]
key = struct.pack('bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',*key)
# Geronimo {simple} and {standard} passwords will actually be a base64-encoded Java sealed object
# Example:
sealed_object = sys.argv[1]
sealed_object = base64.b64decode(sealed_object)
# The sealed object contents can be accessed with some help from the javaobj python library which can parse serialized java object strings.
sealed_object = javaobj.loads(sealed_object)
ciphertext = sealed_object.encryptedContent._data
ciphertext = struct.pack('b'*len(ciphertext), *ciphertext)
# The simple encryption uses "AES" as the cipher, which by default in Java will be AES MODE_ECB.
ecb =, AES.MODE_ECB)
plaintext = ecb.decrypt(ciphertext)
# this will print out the raw serialized object, but the password will show up as plaintext.
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