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Last active January 12, 2024 21:17
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Operations (CQRS-like service pattern)
namespace Cryptoc1.Extensions.Operations.Abstractions;
public interface IOperation
public interface IOperation<TResult>
public interface IOperationInvoker
Task Invoke( IOperation operation, CancellationToken cancellation = default );
Task<TResult> Invoke<TResult>( IOperation<TResult> operation, CancellationToken cancellation = default );
public interface IOperationHandler<TOperation>
where TOperation : IOperation
Task Invoke( TOperation operation, CancellationToken cancellation );
public interface IOperationHandler<TOperation, TResult>
where TOperation : IOperation<TResult>
Task<TResult> Invoke( TOperation operation, CancellationToken cancellation );
namespace Cryptoc1.Extensions.Operations;
internal sealed partial class OperationInvoker( IServiceProvider serviceProvider ) : IOperationInvoker
private readonly IServiceProvider serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public Task Invoke( IOperation operation, CancellationToken cancellation )
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull( operation );
var descriptor = serviceProvider.GetHandlerDescriptor( operation.GetType() );
var handler = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance( serviceProvider, descriptor.HandlerType );
return Unsafe.As<Task>(
descriptor.InvokeMethod.Invoke( handler, [ operation, cancellation ] )! );
public Task<TResult> Invoke<TResult>( IOperation<TResult> operation, CancellationToken cancellation )
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull( operation );
var descriptor = serviceProvider.GetHandlerDescriptor( operation.GetType() );
var handler = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance( serviceProvider, descriptor.HandlerType );
return Unsafe.As<Task<TResult>>(
descriptor.InvokeMethod.Invoke( handler, [ operation, cancellation ] )! );
namespace Cryptoc1.Extensions.Operations;
public static class OperationServiceExtensions
public static IServiceCollection AddOperationHandler<THandler>( this IServiceCollection services )
where THandler : class
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull( services );
services.TryAddTransient<IOperationInvoker, OperationInvoker>();
var handlerType = typeof( THandler );
var descriptors = handlerType.GetInterfaces()
.Where( IsOperationHandlerInterface )
.Select( type => new OperationHandlerDescriptor( handlerType, type.GetMethod( "Invoke" )!, type.GenericTypeArguments[ 0 ] ) )
.Select( ServiceDescriptor.Singleton )
if( descriptors.Length is 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( $"Given type does not implement {handlerType.Name}.", nameof( THandler ) );
return services.Add( descriptors );
static bool IsOperationHandlerInterface( Type type )
if( !type.IsGenericType )
return false;
var definition = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
return definition == typeof( IOperationHandler<> ) || definition == typeof( IOperationHandler<,> );
internal static OperationHandlerDescriptor GetHandlerDescriptor( this IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Type operationType )
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull( serviceProvider );
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull( operationType );
return serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<HandlerDescriptorFinder>()
.Find( operationType )
?? throw new InvalidOperationException( $"An IOperationHandler for {operationType} has not been registered to the service provider." );
private sealed class HandlerDescriptorFinder( IEnumerable<OperationHandlerDescriptor> descriptors )
private readonly Dictionary<Type, OperationHandlerDescriptor> descriptorsByOperationType = descriptors.ToDictionary( handler => handler.OperationType );
public OperationHandlerDescriptor? Find( Type operationType )
if( descriptorsByOperationType.TryGetValue( operationType, out var descriptor ) )
return descriptor;
return null;
public sealed record class OperationHandlerDescriptor( Type HandlerType, MethodInfo InvokeMethod, Type OperationType );
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Cryptoc1 commented Jan 12, 2024

An "operation" is an arbitrary unit-of-work. It encapsulate a reusable, deterministic & independent block of code that "does something" (Inversion of Control principle).

Example Usage

  • Define operation+handler types:
public static class UserOperation
  public sealed record GetById( int UserId ) : IOperation<User?>;

internal sealed class GetUserHandler( MyDbContext context ) : IOperationHandler<UserOperation.GetById, User?>
  public async Task<User> Invoke( UserOperation.GetById operation, CancellationToken cancellation )
     ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull( operation );

    // get user from db 
    var entity = await context.Users.FindAsync( [operation.UserId], cancellation );
    return ...;
  • Register handle as a service
var services = new ServiceCollection()
  • Use IOperationInvoker to invoke the operation:
public async Task<IActionResult> Get( [FromServices] IOperationInvoker operations, [FromRoute] int id )
  return Ok(
    await operations.Invoke( new UserOperation.GetById( id ) ) );

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