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Created May 24, 2021 19:48
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M1 Code issue
import SwiftUI
import ComposableArchitecture
struct HotlistSelector: View
let store: Store<HotlistManagementState, HotlistManagementAction>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore(store) { (viewStore: ViewStore<HotlistManagementState, HotlistManagementAction>) in
NavigationView {
List {
"Select all lists",
isOn: viewStore.binding(get: \.allListsSelected, send: { .setAllSelected($0) })
ForEachStore(store.scope(state: \.sections, action: sectionAction)) { sectionStore in
WithViewStore(sectionStore) { vs in
Section(header: Text(vs.source.description)) {
ForEachStore(sectionStore.scope(state: \.hotlists), content: Row.init)
.navigationTitle("List Management")
typealias ListActionData = (id: UUID, action: HotlistManagementAction.List)
typealias SectionActionData = (source: HotlistSource, listData: ListActionData)
private func sectionAction(for sectionData: SectionActionData) -> HotlistManagementAction {
.listAction(sectionData.source,, sectionData.listData.action)
private struct Row: View
var store: Store<HotlistSelection, HotlistManagementAction.List>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in
HStack {
Image(viewStore.isSelected ? .checkmarkCircleFill : .circle)
.foregroundColor(viewStore.isSelected ? Color.rekorGreen : Color.rekorGrey)
.font(.system(size: 20))
.onTapGesture { viewStore.send(.toggleSelected) }
.animation(.default, value: viewStore.isSelected)
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