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Last active December 3, 2015 19:08
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  • Save Cspeisman/13ea27d9ffdb0ccc72d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cspeisman/13ea27d9ffdb0ccc72d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Each lesson should be short, sweet, and no longer that 25mins. A good platform might be introduction, code sample, then questions - in that order.

Week 1:

  • ES6 Introduction
    • Versioning (difference between ES5, ES6, ES2016, ES.Next)
  • Transpiling tools (babel) vs native features and browser support

Week 2:

  • Let and Const
  • Symbols (maybe???)
  • Arrow functions

Week 3:

  • Classes
    • class body
    • class inheritance
    • static function

Week 4:

  • destructuring
  • Default parameters
  • rest & spread operator

Week 5:

  • Modules
  • Templating strings
  • Sets

Week 6:

  • Promises

Week 7:

  • Proxies

Week 8 (es2016):

  • async await
  • functionally bind this operator

Week 9:

  • For..of looping
  • Iterators + Generators
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