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Last active January 17, 2024 08:55
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extract the root motion from a three.js AnimationClip
// Adapted from
import {AnimationClip, Bone, BufferAttribute, Object3D, Quaternion, Vector3, Vector4} from "three";
function getRootBone(rootNode: Object3D) {
const rootBones: Bone[] = [];
rootNode.traverse(function (object) {
// @ts-ignore
if (object.isBone && !(object.parent && object.parent.isBone)) {
rootBones.push(object as Bone);
if (rootBones.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(`THREE.SkeletonUtils: Expected 1 root bone, found ${rootBones.length}.`);
return rootBones[0];
export type RootMotionData = {
startPosition: Vector3,
endPosition: Vector3,
totalDistance: number,
averageVelocity: Vector3,
export function extractRootMotionPosition(rootNode: Object3D, targetClip: AnimationClip, trackName?: string): RootMotionData {
// if no explicit name for the track containing the root motion was specified, we try it to infer it from the name of the root bone
if (trackName == undefined) {
const rootBone = getRootBone(rootNode);
trackName = ( || rootBone.uuid) + '.position';
const track = targetClip.tracks.find((track) => === trackName);
if (track == undefined) {
throw new Error(`THREE.SkeletonUtils: Track ${trackName} not found.`);
const startTime = track.times[0];
const endTime = track.times[track.times.length - 1];
const duration = endTime - startTime;
const values = new BufferAttribute(track.values, 3);
const itemsPerKeyframe = track.getValueSize() / 3; // 1 (value), or 3 (inTan,value,outTan)
const itemOffset = (itemsPerKeyframe === 3) ? 1 : 0;
const startPosition = new Vector3().fromBufferAttribute(values, itemOffset);
const endPositionIndex = values.count - itemsPerKeyframe + itemOffset;
const endPosition = new Vector3().fromBufferAttribute(values, endPositionIndex);
const averageVelocity = new Vector3();
const position = new Vector3();
for (let i = 0, il = track.times.length; i < il; i++) {
const dt = track.times[i] - startTime;
position.fromBufferAttribute(values, i + itemOffset);
position.x -= averageVelocity.x * dt;
position.y -= averageVelocity.y * dt;
position.z -= averageVelocity.z * dt;
values.setXYZ(i + itemOffset, position.x, position.y, position.z);
const resultObject = {
totalDistance: startPosition.distanceTo(endPosition),
return resultObject;
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