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Last active July 6, 2022 12:18
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  • Save CumpsD/f05966d2cbc55917522fe07cb373b1f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CumpsD/f05966d2cbc55917522fe07cb373b1f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OpenSCAD Stuff
// Living Room
wall_height = 250;
door_to_window = 157;
window_width = 157;
window_height = 220;
window_to_end = 483;
wall_thickness = 10;
room_length = door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end + wall_thickness;
room_width = 320 + 120 + 82;
window_offset = door_to_window + window_width;
// kitchen_wall();
// kitchen();
// toys(window_offset);
av(window_offset, window_to_end);
module stone_floor() {
translate([0, 0, -5])
color("GhostWhite") cube([room_width, room_length, 5]);
module tv_wall() {
// Left Wall part
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([wall_thickness, door_to_window, wall_height]);
// Wall part above window
translate([0, door_to_window, window_height])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([wall_thickness, window_width, 30]);
// Big wall part
translate([0, door_to_window + window_width, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([wall_thickness, window_to_end, wall_height]);
module piano_wall() {
// Left Wall part
translate([wall_thickness, 0, 0]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([33, wall_thickness, wall_height]);
translate([wall_thickness + 33, 0, 200]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([83, wall_thickness, 50]);
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83, 0, 0]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([310, wall_thickness, wall_height]);
module garden_wall() {
// Side wall part
translate([0, door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end, 0]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([63, wall_thickness, wall_height]);
translate([63, door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end, window_height]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([320, wall_thickness, 30]);
translate([63 + 320, door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end, 0]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([120, wall_thickness, wall_height]);
module kitchen_wall() {
// Back wall
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83 + 310, 0, 0]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([85, door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end - 370, wall_height]);
module kitchen() {
// Kitchen
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83 + 310 + 30, door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end - 370, 0]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([85 - 30, 370 - 97, 93]);
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83 + 310, door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end - 370, 93 - 4]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([30, 370 - 97, 4]);
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83 + 310, door_to_window + window_width + window_to_end - 97 - 4, 0]) color("AntiqueWhite") cube([30, 4, 93]);
module pictures(start) {
picture_height = 60;
picture_width = 80;
picture_floor = 146;
picture_window = 53;
// Left Picture Frame
translate([wall_thickness, start + picture_window, picture_floor]) {
color("DimGray") cube([5, picture_width, picture_height]);
// Right Picture Frame
translate([0, picture_width + 32, 0])
color("DimGray") cube([5, picture_width, picture_height]);
module furniture() {
// Drinks
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83 + 310 - 122, wall_thickness, 0]) color("DarkGoldenrod") cube([122, 50, 170]);
// Piano
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83 + 310 - 122 - 140 - 5, wall_thickness, 0]) color("Black") cube([140, 50, 90]);
// Stuff
translate([wall_thickness + 33 + 83 + 310 - 50, 100, 0]) color("DarkGoldenrod") cube([50, 240, 85]);
// Table
translate([200, 150, 0]) {
color("Wheat") cube([95, 165, 78]);
// Chairs
translate([95, 10, 0]) color("Burlywood") cube([60, 50, 100]);
translate([95, 165 - 10 - 50, 0]) color("Burlywood") cube([60, 50, 100]);
translate([-60, 10, 0]) color("Burlywood") cube([60, 50, 100]);
translate([-60, 165 - 10 - 50, 0]) color("Burlywood") cube([60, 50, 100]);
module toys(start) {
mat_width = 200;
mat_height = 5;
mat_depth = 100;
ikea_part_width = 31;
ikea_depth = 43;
ikea_total = ikea_part_width * 3;
// wall_offset = wall_thickness;
wall_offset = 200;
// Play mat
translate([wall_offset, start, 0])
color("SeaGreen") cube([mat_depth, mat_width, mat_height]);
// Ikea speelgoed
translate([wall_offset, start + mat_width - ikea_total, mat_height]) {
union() {
color("Goldenrod") cube([ikea_depth, ikea_part_width, 40]);
translate([0, ikea_part_width, 0])
color("Goldenrod") cube([ikea_depth, ikea_part_width, 65]);
translate([0, ikea_part_width * 2, 0])
color("Goldenrod") cube([ikea_depth, ikea_part_width, 90]);
module av(start, available) {
speaker_depth = 46;
speaker_width = 33;
speaker_height = 116;
subwoofer_depth = 53;
subwoofer_width = 43;
subwoofer_height = 55;
tv_depth = 35;
tv_width = 150;
tv_height = 85;
lp_depth = 40;
lp_width = 48;
lp_height = 20;
preamp_depth = 16;
preamp_width = 20;
preamp_height = 6;
av_depth = 40;
av_width = 44;
av_height = 20;
center_depth = 40;
center_width = 75;
center_height = 23;
ps_depth = 30;
ps_width = 32;
ps_height = 6;
nuc_depth = 24;
nuc_width = 17;
nuc_height = 6;
eye_height = 97.5;
tv_center = tv_height / 2;
tv_floor = eye_height - tv_center;
safety_depth = 20;
furniture_depth = safety_depth + max(
safety_height = 5;
audio_width = center_width + av_width + 30;
audio_height = safety_height + max(center_height, av_height);
metal_bars_width = 8;
furniture_width = max(
20 + tv_width + 60 + lp_width + 20 + preamp_width + 20,
- metal_bars_width
- metal_bars_width;
floor_furniture_spacing = 11;
furniture_center = furniture_depth / 2;
furniture_height = max(
audio_height) - floor_furniture_spacing;
total_width =
speaker_width + 10 + furniture_width + 10 + subwoofer_width + 5 + speaker_width;
// Possible furniture
translate([wall_thickness, start + available / 2 - total_width / 2 + speaker_width + 10, 0]) {
start_av_pieces = floor_furniture_spacing + furniture_height / 2 - audio_height / 2;
top_height = start_av_pieces - floor_furniture_spacing;
wood_height = top_height / 8 * 3;
metal_height = top_height / 8 * 5;
lp_start = 20;
av_start = lp_start + lp_width / 2 - av_width / 2;
door_depth = 4;
door_open = true;
$t = 0; // This is passed in from AutoCad 0-1
door_percentage_open = $t * 100;
spacer_width = 5;
union () {
spacer_start = round((furniture_width - metal_bars_width - metal_bars_width) / 100 * 40);
door_width = spacer_start - metal_bars_width + spacer_width;
// Now 58
echo ("Meubel Width: ", furniture_width, ", Meubel Height: ", furniture_height + floor_furniture_spacing, "Meubel Depth: ", furniture_depth);
echo ("Height plate: ", top_height);
echo ("Height wood plate: ", wood_height);
echo ("Height metal plate: ", metal_height);
echo ("Metal width: ", metal_bars_width);
echo ("Furniture width - metal: ", furniture_width - metal_bars_width - metal_bars_width);
echo ("AV width: ", spacer_start);
echo ("Spacer width: ", spacer_width);
echo ("Speaker width: ", furniture_width - metal_bars_width - metal_bars_width - spacer_start - spacer_width);
echo ("Door width: ", door_width);
echo ("Door depth: ", door_depth);
color("OrangeRed") {
translate([0, metal_bars_width, floor_furniture_spacing + metal_height]) cube([furniture_depth, furniture_width - metal_bars_width - metal_bars_width, wood_height]);
translate([0, metal_bars_width, start_av_pieces]) cube([20, furniture_width - metal_bars_width - metal_bars_width, furniture_height - top_height - top_height]);
translate([0, 0, start_av_pieces + audio_height + metal_height]) cube([furniture_depth, furniture_width, wood_height]);
translate([0, spacer_start, start_av_pieces]) cube([furniture_depth - door_depth, spacer_width, furniture_height - top_height - top_height]);
if (!door_open) {
translate([furniture_depth - door_depth, metal_bars_width, start_av_pieces])
cube([door_depth, door_width, furniture_height - top_height - top_height]);
if (door_open) {
translate([furniture_depth - door_depth, metal_bars_width + ((door_width - spacer_width) / 100 * door_percentage_open), start_av_pieces])
cube([door_depth, door_width, furniture_height - top_height - top_height]);
echo ("Spacing floor: ", floor_furniture_spacing);
echo ("Audio Space: ", audio_height);
color("Black") {
translate([0, 0, 0]) cube([furniture_depth, metal_bars_width, furniture_height + floor_furniture_spacing - top_height]);
translate([0, furniture_width - metal_bars_width, 0]) cube([furniture_depth, metal_bars_width, furniture_height + floor_furniture_spacing - top_height]);
translate([0, 0, start_av_pieces + audio_height]) cube([furniture_depth, furniture_width, metal_height]);
translate([0, metal_bars_width, floor_furniture_spacing]) cube([furniture_depth, furniture_width - metal_bars_width - metal_bars_width, metal_height]);
// Left Speaker
translate([furniture_center - speaker_depth / 2, -speaker_width - 10, 0])
color("SaddleBrown") cube([speaker_depth, speaker_width, speaker_height]);
// Subwoofer
translate([furniture_center - subwoofer_depth / 2, furniture_width + 10, 0])
color("Snow") cube([subwoofer_depth, subwoofer_width, subwoofer_height]);
// Right Speaker
translate([furniture_center - speaker_depth / 2, furniture_width + 10 + subwoofer_width + 5, 0])
color("SaddleBrown") cube([speaker_depth, speaker_width, speaker_height]);
// TV should not be higher than this line
translate([-20, 0, tv_floor - 5])
color("Red") cube([5, furniture_width, 5]);
// TV
tv_start = furniture_width - tv_width - 20;
translate([furniture_center - tv_depth / 2, tv_start, furniture_height + floor_furniture_spacing])
color("Gold") cube([tv_depth, tv_width, tv_height]);
// Record Player
translate([furniture_center - lp_depth / 2, lp_start, furniture_height + floor_furniture_spacing])
color("Maroon") cube([lp_depth, lp_width, lp_height]);
// Phono Preamp
translate([furniture_center - preamp_depth / 2, lp_start + lp_width + 5, furniture_height + floor_furniture_spacing])
color("Sienna") cube([preamp_depth, preamp_width, preamp_height]);
// AV Receiver
translate([furniture_depth - av_depth - door_depth, av_start, start_av_pieces])
color("Silver") cube([av_depth, av_width, av_height]);
// Center Speaker
translate([furniture_depth - center_depth - door_depth, tv_start + tv_width / 2 - center_width / 2, start_av_pieces])
color("Snow") cube([center_depth, center_width, center_height]);
// NUC Stand
ps_spacer_width = 1.5;
ps_spacing_top = 3;
union () {
translate([0, av_start + av_width + 5, start_av_pieces])
color("OrangeRed") cube([furniture_depth - door_depth, ps_spacer_width, ps_height + ps_spacing_top + ps_spacer_width]);
translate([0, av_start + av_width + 5 + ps_spacer_width + 2 + ps_width + 2, start_av_pieces])
color("OrangeRed") cube([furniture_depth - door_depth, ps_spacer_width, ps_height + ps_spacing_top + ps_spacer_width]);
translate([0, av_start + av_width + 5 + ps_spacer_width, start_av_pieces + ps_height + ps_spacing_top])
color("OrangeRed") cube([furniture_depth - door_depth, 2 + ps_width + 2, ps_spacer_width]);
// Playstation
translate([furniture_depth - ps_depth - door_depth, av_start + av_width + 5 + ps_spacer_width + 2, start_av_pieces])
color("Crimson") cube([ps_depth, ps_width, ps_height]);
// NUC
translate([furniture_depth - nuc_depth - door_depth, av_start + av_width + 5 + ps_spacer_width + ((2 + ps_width + 2) / 2) - (nuc_width / 2), start_av_pieces + ps_height + ps_spacing_top + ps_spacer_width])
color("Indigo") cube([nuc_depth, nuc_width, nuc_height]);
// Office
ceiling_door_gap = 30;
door_trim_height = 210;
door_trim_width = 90;
door_wall_gap = 20;
toilet_wall_width = 107;
toilet_wall_length = 93;
cable_gutter_width = 21;
cable_gutter_length = 5.5;
electric_wall_width = 97;
vent_length = 56;
vent_width = 60;
side_wall_length = 450;
room_width = 285;
inner_wall_length = 303;
transfos_margin = 5;
transfos_height = 60;
transfos_width = 60;
transfos_depth = 20;
transfos_gutter = 10;
heating_depth = 31;
heating_height = 75;
edge_height = 20;
edge_depth = 25;
edge_length = 200;
side_wall_window = 52;
inner_wall_window = 76;
window_bottom = 92;
window_top = 31;
wall_height = door_trim_height + ceiling_door_gap;
room_length = side_wall_length + vent_length; // 508
// x, y, z
module stone_floor() {
translate([0, 0, -5])
color("GhostWhite") cube([room_width + 5, room_length, 5]);
module side_wall() {
translate([0, -5, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([5, room_length + 5, wall_height]);
module vent_wall() {
translate([5, 0, 0])
color("Green") cube([vent_width, vent_length, wall_height]);
translate([5, -5, 0])
// color("AntiqueWhite") cube([vent_width + electric_wall_width + cable_gutter_width, 5, wall_height]);
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([room_width, 5, wall_height]);
translate([5 + vent_width + electric_wall_width, 0, 0])
color("Silver") cube([cable_gutter_width, cable_gutter_length, wall_height]);
translate([5 + vent_width + electric_wall_width + cable_gutter_width, 0, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([toilet_wall_width, toilet_wall_length, wall_height]);
translate([5 + vent_width, 0, wall_height - transfos_height - transfos_gutter - transfos_margin])
color("Silver") cube([electric_wall_width, cable_gutter_length, transfos_gutter]);
translate([5 + vent_width, 0, wall_height - transfos_height - transfos_margin])
color("Gray") cube([transfos_width, transfos_depth, transfos_height]);
translate([5 + vent_width, 0, 0])
color("Green") cube([electric_wall_width + cable_gutter_width, heating_depth, heating_height]);
module inner_wall() {
inner_wall_offset = vent_width + electric_wall_width + cable_gutter_width + toilet_wall_width;
translate([inner_wall_offset, toilet_wall_length, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([5, door_wall_gap, wall_height]);
translate([inner_wall_offset, toilet_wall_length + door_wall_gap, 0])
color("Maroon") cube([5, door_trim_width, door_trim_height]);
translate([inner_wall_offset, toilet_wall_length + door_wall_gap, door_trim_height])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([5, door_trim_width, ceiling_door_gap]);
translate([inner_wall_offset, toilet_wall_length + door_wall_gap + door_trim_width, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([5, inner_wall_length, wall_height]);
translate([inner_wall_offset - edge_depth, room_length - edge_length, wall_height - edge_height])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([edge_depth, edge_length, edge_height]);
module window_wall() {
translate([5, room_length - 5, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([side_wall_window, 5, wall_height]);
translate([5 + side_wall_window, room_length - 5, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([room_width - side_wall_window - inner_wall_window, 5, window_bottom]);
translate([5 + side_wall_window, room_length - 5, wall_height - window_top])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([room_width - side_wall_window - inner_wall_window, 5, window_top]);
translate([room_width - inner_wall_window, room_length - 5, 0])
color("AntiqueWhite") cube([inner_wall_window, 5, wall_height]);
translate([5 + side_wall_window, room_length - 5, window_bottom])
color("Aqua") cube([room_width - side_wall_window - inner_wall_window, 5, wall_height - window_bottom - window_top]);
wall_height = 230;
wall_length = 500;
sidewalk_width = 118;
green_width = 127;
hedge_height = 220;
poles = 5;
pole_height = 300;
start_pole = 20;
module building() {
translate([0, 0, -5])
color("GhostWhite") cube([5, wall_length, wall_height + 5]);
translate([0, wall_length - 5, -5])
color("GhostWhite") cube([100, 5, wall_height + 5]);
module sidewalk() {
translate([-sidewalk_width, 0, -5])
color("Grey") cube([sidewalk_width, wall_length, 5]);
translate([-sidewalk_width, wall_length, -5])
color("Grey") cube([sidewalk_width + 100, sidewalk_width, 5]);
module grass() {
translate([-green_width - sidewalk_width, 0, -5])
color("Green") cube([green_width, wall_length, 5]);
translate([-green_width - sidewalk_width, wall_length, -5])
color("Green") cube([green_width, 200, 5]);
translate([-green_width - sidewalk_width, wall_length, -5])
color("Green") cube([green_width, 200, 5]);
translate([-sidewalk_width, wall_length + sidewalk_width, -5])
color("Green") cube([sidewalk_width + 100, 82, 5]);
module hedge() {
translate([-green_width - sidewalk_width - 5, 0, -5])
color("DarkGreen") cube([5, wall_length, hedge_height + 5]);
translate([-green_width - sidewalk_width - 5, wall_length, -5])
color("DarkGreen") cube([5, 200, hedge_height + 5]);
module poles() {
margins = start_pole * 2;
spread_over = wall_length - margins;
interval = spread_over / (poles - 1);
for (i = [0:interval:spread_over]) {
translate([-green_width - sidewalk_width + 10, start_pole + i, -1 * (hedge_height - pole_height + 10)])
color("Brown") cylinder(h=pole_height, r=5, center=true, $fn=25);
translate([-sidewalk_width - 10, start_pole, -1 * (hedge_height - pole_height + 10)])
color("Brown") cylinder(h=pole_height, r=5, center=true, $fn=25);
translate([-sidewalk_width - 10, wall_length - start_pole, -1 * (hedge_height - pole_height + 10)])
color("Brown") cylinder(h=pole_height, r=5, center=true, $fn=25);
module load_bearers() {
translate([-5, 10, wall_height - 20])
color("Brown") cube([5, wall_length - 20, 20]);
translate([-green_width - sidewalk_width, 10, hedge_height - 20])
color("Brown") cube([5, wall_length - 20, 20]);
translate([-sidewalk_width - green_width + 6, 10, wall_height - 20 - 10])
color("Blue") cube([sidewalk_width + green_width - 10, 5, 20]);
margins = start_pole * 2;
spread_over = wall_length - margins;
interval = spread_over / (poles - 1);
for (i = [start_pole + interval:interval:spread_over + interval]) {
translate([-sidewalk_width - green_width + 6, i - (interval / 2), wall_height - 20 - 10])
color("Blue") cube([sidewalk_width + green_width - 10, 5, 20]);
translate([-sidewalk_width - green_width + 6, wall_length - 15, wall_height - 20 - 10])
color("Blue") cube([sidewalk_width + green_width - 10, 5, 20]);
module roof() {
translate([-sidewalk_width - green_width, 0, wall_height - 10])
color([1,1,1,0.8]) %cube([sidewalk_width + green_width, wall_length, 2]);
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