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Last active January 4, 2024 07:32
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unit test generation with pynguin
# Pynguin is now able to generate assertions for simple data types (int, float, str, and bool),
# as well as checks for None return values.
def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
assert n >= 0
a, b = 1, 0
for _ in range(n):
a, b = a + b, a
return a
# usage: `$ make utest MODULE_NAME=fibonacci`
if [ ! -d "test" ]; then mkdir test; fi
pynguin --algorithm RANDOM --project_path . --output_path test --module_name ${MODULE_NAME}
# usage: `$ make run-utest`
env PYTHONPATH=. pytest test --verbose --cov . --cov-report=html --cov-report=term-missing
# usage: `$ make show-cov MODULE_NAME=fibonacci`
open -a "Google Chrome" htmlcov/${MODULE_NAME}_py.html
# pip install -r requirements.txt
pynguin == 0.8.0
pytest == 6.2.3
pytest-cov == 2.11.1
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