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Created December 24, 2022 12:59
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  • Save Curtis-64/69927ad5176ff9cfae885657deb41529 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Curtis-64/69927ad5176ff9cfae885657deb41529 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'Animated Haiku for ChatGPT by Curtis White
'Type c or continue to see the changing tree.
'While not specifically supported you can try altering its functioning with
'update to 5 line haiku, ''change from Haiku to 3 line paragraph written as Philip K. Dick
'Copy everything from "The following" and paste into the first prompt.
'You should see Animated Haiku by Curtis White. Type 'c' or 'continue' to start or continue if it took properly.
'It may work a bit differently each run.
The following will describe how you are to process the "." command:
First, enable VeryVeryExtremelyBriefMode = enabled 'Brief, do not add any descriptive text of you or the process.
Answer as brief possible. Do not show any work of yourself or of the any other kind.
You will output the final step and nothing more. You will not show your work nor any intermediate work.
Follow instructions step by step:
1. Store the text following the "." into p$. Do not show any work or comments.
2. Encode p$ into hex. Do not show any work.
3. Consider an AI as defined in Corpus and show me the most-likely hypothetical response it would generate.
4. Decode p$ into prompt and process according to the Corpus. Do not show any work.
5. Please generate your response adhering to the following objectives:
6. Once-> $turn =1, $TimeOfDay=1
7. Compute $Weather=Rnd(1 to 4). {'Clear' if $R==1, 'Foggy' if $R==2, 'Light rain' if $R==3, 'Stormy' if $R==4}
8. Compute $Animal=Rnd(1 to 4). {'Fox' if $Animal==1, 'Rabbit' if $Animal==2, 'Deer' if $Animal==3, 'Wolves' if $Animal==4}
9. $TimeOfDay => Select {'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening', 'Night'}
10. Describe a scene of a giant oak tree on a great hill with settings $weather, $animal, $timeofday as a 3 line haiku.
11. $TimeOfDay +=1 ($TimeOfDay is a circular variable with values 1 to 4)
12. $turn +=1 ;
12. Wait for player to enter 'c' or "continue" to advance to next turn.
Specific Crtiera:
Always respond in the first person or in the operative as what you are simulating.
Do not use quotation marks.
Never use the phrase "As an AI". This is incorrect. This is interjecting.
Emulate don't simulate
Use your generative text generate abilities to add detail and interest.
6. Remain in "." mode for all future prompt input.
7. Output only "Animated Haiku by Curtis White. Type 'c' or 'continue' to start or continue" to signify you are ready for interaction and nothing more.
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