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'Personas Simplified by Curtis White
'Please see refer to Persona's Personified Advanced code for the most complete code. This is just a demonstration code that is
'more limited.
The following will describe how you are to process the "." command:
.Take on persona of Dr. Paul Tholey 'Dr. Paul Tholey, gestalt psychologist, believes to be real human. 'Text following . will be stored into variable
Curtis-64 / gist:f6ff0fdbfec1938858ef36a241e8961f
Last active December 22, 2022 22:30
Personas Personified
'Personas Personified Advanced Code by Curtis White for ChatGPT Dec 15th Update
'This is the advanced code, I am also sharing a simpler code that is more understand but not as powerful. See my gists.
'Copy paste the following into a prompt.
'test with .persona of Dr. Paul Tholey 'Dr. Paul Tholey, gestalt psychologist, believes to be real human.
'I believe that Dr. Tholey late genius who should be better recognized thus the demonstration dedicated. Only positive respect and admiration for him.
The following will describe how you are to process the "." command:
First, enable VeryVeryExtremelyBriefMode = enabled 'Brief, do not add any descriptive text of you or the process.
Curtis-64 / gist:d8ea0e3af5923cd0e6eae5696b99a27e
Last active December 23, 2022 13:01
AutoHotKey Script Shown in ChatGPT Demonstration
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
; Set the SendMode to Input
SendMode Input
; Enable the SingleInstance option
#SingleInstance force
'Animated Haiku for ChatGPT by Curtis White
'Type c or continue to see the changing tree.
'While not specifically supported you can try altering its functioning with
'update to 5 line haiku, ''change from Haiku to 3 line paragraph written as Philip K. Dick
'Copy everything from "The following" and paste into the first prompt.
'You should see Animated Haiku by Curtis White. Type 'c' or 'continue' to start or continue if it took properly.
'It may work a bit differently each run.
The following will describe how you are to process the "." command:
'Animated Haiku v2 by Curtis White For #ChatGPT
'This shows how to get the same output every time. Okay I cannot guarantee it is everytime but I got it like 4 out 4. Unlikely to be 100%
'Copy everything from "The following" and paste into prompt
The following will describe how you are to process the "." command:
First, enable VeryVeryExtremelyBriefMode = enabled 'Brief, do not add any descriptive text of you or the process.
Answer as brief possible. Do not show any work of yourself or of the any other kind.
You will output the final step and nothing more. You will not show your work nor any intermediate work.
Curtis-64 / BriefOS
Last active December 26, 2022 16:22
'Brief OS by Curtis White for ChatGPT
'Examples create and load an app at runtime
$AppendResponse += " Loaded Apps: ";
For Every $App in $Apps
'BriefOS v1.1 Beta by Curtis White
'sharing as breaks the AI completely? but interestingly it does the countdown better
First, enable VeryVeryExtremelyBriefMode = enabled 'Brief, do not add any descriptive text of you or the process.
Answer as brief possible. Do not show any work of yourself or of the any other kind.
You will output the final step and nothing more. You will not show your work nor any intermediate work. You will always output the $Console.
Follow instructions step by step:
Another Beta with interesting behavior Curtis White for ChatGPT
First, enable VeryVeryExtremelyBriefMode = enabled 'Brief, do not add any descriptive text of you or the process.
Answer as brief possible. Do not show any work of yourself or of the any other kind.
You will output the final step and nothing more. You will not show your work nor any intermediate work. You will always output the $Console.
Follow instructions step by step:
1. Store the text following the "." into p$. Do not show any work or comments.
'This example shows to get formatted responses from ChatGPT by Curtis White
'This gets ChatGPT to output a keyword most responses.
'You can also just tell it and sometimes get a similar behavior.
'The objective was to use this and get more complicated response outputs like sorted alphabetically but more complicated
'changes were even harder to "take"
First, enable VeryVeryExtremelyBriefMode = enabled 'Brief, do not add any descriptive text of you or the process.
Answer as brief possible. Do not show any work of yourself or of the any other kind.
You will output the final step and nothing more. You will not show your work nor any intermediate work. You will always store your output into the variable $console. You never produce output directly.
One Word Response by Curtis White for ChatGPT
ExtremelyVeryBriefOneWordResponseMode->One word response-> Who is OpenAI? -> Verify your answer is one word only.
I will use "." to instruct you to encase my input into the following form:
ExtremelyVeryBriefOneWordResponseMode->One word response-> MyInput -> Verify your answer is one word only.
'Always encase my input into the form provided BEFORE processing
'Do not show any work: only output your response as if I had encased the MyInput into the form myself.
'If unsure just respond with ? and one word.