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Created April 14, 2022 19:43
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Gets Duration (Seconds) and Total Rows Refreshed in Partition by Partition and Table
let process_table =
| where OperationName == "ProgressReportEnd"
| where EventSubclass_s == 1
| where Success_s == 1
| extend Object_Json = parse_xml(ObjectReference_s)
| extend Database = tostring(Object_Json.Object.Database)
| extend Model = tostring(Object_Json.Object.Model)
| extend Table = tostring(Object_Json.Object.Table)
| extend Partition = tostring(Object_Json.Object.Partition)
| extend Duration_Seconds = toint(Duration_s)/1000.00
| extend unique_id = strcat(tostring(SPID_s),"-",ObjectPath_s)
| project-keep ResourceGroup, Resource, Database, Model, Table, Partition, User_s, Duration_Seconds, StartTime_t, EndTime_t, unique_id
| project-rename End_Time = EndTime_t, Start_Time = StartTime_t, User = User_s, Resource_Group = ResourceGroup;
let rows_table =
| where OperationName == "ProgressReportEnd"
| where EventSubclass_s == 17
| where Success_s == 1
| extend unique_id = strcat(tostring(SPID_s),"-",ObjectPath_s)
| project-keep unique_id, IntegerData_s
| project-rename Number_Of_Rows = IntegerData_s;
| join kind = leftouter rows_table on $left.unique_id == $right.unique_id
| project-away unique_id, unique_id1
| project-reorder Resource_Group, Resource, Database, Model, Table, Partition, User, Duration_Seconds, Number_Of_Rows, Start_Time, End_Time
| distinct *
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