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Last active March 4, 2024 10:17
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  • Save CuteLifeBot/f509039ff6259baa32473a362fcda2cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CuteLifeBot/f509039ff6259baa32473a362fcda2cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tampermonkey numeric pad cheats for cheats

New Discord server! ( [2016-06-29]

UPDATE (2018-03-28)

  • Most of this is now broken and obsolete. Some of the code might be salvageable... good luck.

It was fun while it lasted. See the Discord server linked above for more information.

UPDATE (2017-04-20)

  • A recent game update broke the zoom functionality. I'll fix it sometime in the next week.
  • Also might add an option to disable collision detection.
  • If you installed the script a while ago and are looking at this page again, reinstall this script and try Zombie Madness!

This page contains instructions for setup and usage.


This script has been tested with the Google Chrome web browser. These steps will instruct you how to install the script into Chrome.


  1. Install Google Chrome if you are not already using it.
  2. Install the Tampermonkey Chrome extension. This can be found here (or here) in the Chrome web store.
  3. Install the Tampermonkey user script on this page (direct link) via the Tampermonkey dashboard:
    i. Copy all of the text from this file.
    ii. Look for the Tampermonkey symbol in your Chrome menu in the upper right of the browser
    iii. Click on the Tampermonkey symbol, and then click on "Dashboard". The dashboard will open in a new tab -- open it.
    iv. In the dashboard, the first tab in the upper right is a "new script" button. Click on it.
    v. Delete all of the default code. Paste all of the code you copied from this script into the editor area.
    vi. Press the save icon in the upper left.

That's it! Read the usage instructions and shortcuts below and then go to and cheat away.


  • If you have trouble opening this file, just copy the text from the script directly from below on this page.
  • If nothing works, you can try installing an old revision of this script as a last resort.
  • Firefox users: It is strongly recommended to use Chrome, as it has not been tested on Firefox, but it might be possible to run this script using Greasemonkey.
  • If you could not get it set up with Tampermonkey for some reason, or refuse to use Chrome, you might have luck directly pasting the script into the Javascript developer console on your browser.
    • If you do this you must paste the script before pressing start!
    • Beware this has not been tested on any other browsers. Here's a Google search

Updates are not automatic. For updates check back on this page once in a while and follow the instructions again (replace or update the script in Tampermonkey).


Turn on numlock!
If some things work but others do not, double check that you have numlock turned on.

What this script does:

  • Warp to arbitrary locations on the map
    • Press escape to start typing coordinates (or just click on the X text field in the upper left). Press enter or tab to go to the next text field if you want to not use the mouse.
    • Press enter to warp to the coordinates you typed.
    • Alternatively, use the minimap (see below).
  • Zoom
    • Scroll with the mouse wheel
  • World map
    • Check the minimap checkbox to toggle a minimap (alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Numpad 7)
    • Your position shows up on the map
    • Click on the map to warp to a location
  • Zero gravity
    • Make sure numlock is on!
    • Numpad 4, 5, 6, and 8 move you left, down, right, and up with gravity disabled.
    • Numpad 9 toggles gravity.
  • Move fast and through walls
    • Numpad 1, 2, 3, and / move you left, down, right, and up really fast and allow you to pass through barriers.

Keyboard shortcuts

Turn on numlock!

  • Esc - Change focus to the X position text field
  • Enter - Change between text fields and set new location
  • Numpad 7 - Toggle minimap
  • Numpad 9 - Toggle gravity
  • Numpad 4 - Go left zero gravity
  • Numpad 5 - Go down zero gravity
  • Numpad 6 - Go right zero gravity
  • Numpad 8 - Go up zero gravity
  • Numpad 1 - Go left very fast and pass through walls
  • Numpad 2 - Go down very fast and pass through floors
  • Numpad 3 - Go right very fast and pass through walls
  • Numpad / - Go up very fast and pass through ceilings

Mouse actions

  • Click on minimap to change location
  • Use scroll wheel to zoom in and out

New Discord server! (
The old Discord server has been shut down so I offer this as an alterative.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Brofistio Cheats
// @namespace
// @version 0.3
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match http*://*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
//////////////// OBSOLETE ////////////////
* Authored by CuteLifeBot
* April 2017
* For updates and more information go to:
* Or use the shortlink:
(function() {
var oldGravity = -9.77;
var zoomCoeff = 1600;
window.denyNormalness = false;
// Minimap Coefficients
var MC = {
x: {
p: [
a: [
y: {
p: [
a: [
width: 5168,
height: 1016
plyer = false;
function waitForPlay() {
if(!plyer) {
setTimeout(waitForPlay, 500);
function doCheats() {
console.log("Added cheats!");
////// LEFT
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 100 && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 100 && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[0] += -0.03
}, 10);
////// RIGHT
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 102 && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 102 && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[0] += 0.03
}, 10);
////// UP
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
(e.keyCode == 104 || (e.keyCode == 38 && denyNormalness)) && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
(e.keyCode == 104 || (e.keyCode == 38 && denyNormalness)) && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[1] += 0.03
}, 10);
////// DOWN
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
(e.keyCode == 101 || e.keyCode == 40) && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
(e.keyCode == 101 || e.keyCode == 40) && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[1] += -0.03
}, 10);
////// SUPER UP
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 111 && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 111 && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[1] += 0.15
}, 10);
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 98 && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 98 && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[1] += -0.15
}, 10);
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 97 && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 97 && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[0] += -0.15
}, 10);
(function() {
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
var repeat = 0;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 99 && (repeat = 1) || olddown(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
e.keyCode == 99 && (repeat = 0, 1) && resetNormalness() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!repeat) {
keyboard.characterStack.push(8) = [0, 0]; = false;
plyer.position[0] += 0.15
}, 10);
// Text box functions
(function() {
// Prepend html
// imgur / ptZVIHV alternative
var textHtml="";
textHtml += "<div id=\"cheats\" style=\"position: absolute; background-color: lightgrey; padding: 5px;\">";
textHtml += " X: <input type=\"text\" id=\"positionX\" maxlength=\"8\" size=\"10\"><br\/>";
textHtml += " Y: <input type=\"text\" id=\"positionY\" maxlength=\"8\" size=\"10\"><hr\/>";
textHtml += " <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"minimapcb\"> minimap<br\/>";
textHtml += " <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"gravitycb\"> gravity<br\/>";
textHtml += " <button type=\"button\" id=\"zombiebt\" onclick=\"confirmZombieMadness();\">Zombie madness!<\/button><hr\/>";
textHtml += " Z = <span id=\"zoomElem\">1600<\/span>";
textHtml += " <a href=\"https:\/\/\/CuteLifeBot\/f509039ff6259baa32473a362fcda2cf\" style=\"position: relative; float: right; text-decoration: none;\">Help<\/a>";
textHtml += "<\/div>";
textHtml += "<div id=\"minimap\" style=\"position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; width: 50%\">";
textHtml += " <img id=\"minimapimg\" src=\"http:\/\/\/fjM6WpB.png\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" style=\"position: relative; top: 0; left: 0;\"\/>";
textHtml += " <svg id=\"minimapsvg\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" style=\"position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1;\">";
textHtml += " <circle id=\"posMarker\" cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"3\" stroke=\"red\" stroke-width=\"2\" fill=\"black\"><\/circle>";
textHtml += " <\/svg>";
textHtml += "<\/div>";
document.body.insertBefore(createFragment(textHtml), document.body.childNodes[0]);
// Done prepending html
var olddown = window.onkeydown,
oldup = window.onkeyup;
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
positionFocused() && keyboard.characterStack.push(8) || olddown(e)
if((e.keyCode == 13) && document.getElementById("positionX") === document.activeElement) {
} else if((e.keyCode == 13) && document.getElementById("positionY") === document.activeElement) {
plyer.position = [
parseFloat(document.getElementById("positionX").value) || -75,
parseFloat(document.getElementById("positionY").value) || 0
} else if(e.keyCode == 27) {
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
positionFocused() || oldup(e)
setInterval(function() {
if (!positionFocused()) {
document.getElementById("positionX").value = plyer.position[0].toFixed(2);
document.getElementById("positionY").value = plyer.position[1].toFixed(2);
}, 100);
// Minimap functions
(function () {
// Init minimap state
var oldup = window.onkeyup;
// Toggle mini map with "7" on numpad
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 103) {
if (document.getElementById('minimapcb').checked) {
document.getElementById("minimap").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("minimap").style.visibility = "hidden";
} else {
document.getElementById("minimap").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("minimap").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById('minimapcb').checked = !document.getElementById('minimapcb').checked;
} else {
document.getElementById("minimap").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("minimap").style.visibility = "hidden";
setInterval(function() {
if (document.getElementById('minimapcb').checked) {
}, 100);
// Gravity toggle
(function () {
var oldup = window.onkeyup;
// Toggle mini map with "7" on numpad
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 105) {
if (document.getElementById('gravitycb').checked) { = [0, 0]; = false;
window.denyNormalness = true;
} else {
window.denyNormalness = false;
document.getElementById('gravitycb').checked = !document.getElementById('gravitycb').checked;
} else {
document.getElementById('gravitycb').checked = true;
// Zoom
window.addEventListener('mousewheel', function(e){
if (e.wheelDelta < 0) {
if (zoomCoeff < 4800) {
zoomCoeff += 100;
} else {
if (zoomCoeff > 1600) {
zoomCoeff -= 100;
document.getElementById("zoomElem").innerText = zoomCoeff;
// Toggle minimap
document.getElementById('minimapcb').onclick = function() {
if (document.getElementById('minimapcb').checked) {
document.getElementById("minimap").style.display = "";
document.getElementById("minimap").style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
document.getElementById("minimap").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("minimap").style.visibility = "hidden";
// Toggle gravity
document.getElementById('gravitycb').onclick = function() {
if (!document.getElementById('gravitycb').checked) { = [0, 0]; = false;
window.denyNormalness = true;
} else {
window.denyNormalness = false;
// Minimap handle clicks
document.getElementById('minimap').onmouseup = function(e) {
var relative_pixel_pos = getRelativeXY(e, 'minimap');
function resetNormalness() {
if (!window.denyNormalness) { = [0, oldGravity]; = true;
return true;
function positionFocused() {
return (document.getElementById("positionX") === document.activeElement || document.getElementById("positionY") === document.activeElement);
function createFragment(htmlStr) {
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = htmlStr;
while (temp.firstChild) {
return frag;
function customZoom(numlevel) {
window.renderer.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
window.zoomLevel = window.innerWidth / numlevel;
"undefined" != typeof editorActive && (zoomLevel = 1);
graphicsWorld.graphicsLayer.scale.x = zoomLevel;
graphicsWorld.graphicsLayer.scale.y = zoomLevel;
for (var p = 0; p < graphicsWorld.textLayer.children.length; p++) {
var b = graphicsWorld.textLayer.children[p];
g.isDefined(b.dynamic) || (b.x = b.originalPosition.x * zoomLevel,
b.y = b.originalPosition.y * zoomLevel, = b.originalFontSize * zoomLevel)
// World location to pixel location on minimap
function aToPminimap(a) {
var mx = (MC.x.p[1] - MC.x.p[0])/(MC.x.a[1] - MC.x.a[0]);
var my = (MC.y.p[1] - MC.y.p[0])/(MC.y.a[1] - MC.y.a[0]);
var bx = MC.x.p[0] - mx*MC.x.a[0];
var by = MC.y.p[0] - my*MC.y.a[0];
return {
x: mx*a.x + bx,
y: my*a.y + by
// Pixel location on minimap to world location
// (inverse of the above function)
function pToAminimap(p) {
var mx = (MC.x.a[1] - MC.x.a[0])/(MC.x.p[1] - MC.x.p[0]);
var my = (MC.y.a[1] - MC.y.a[0])/(MC.y.p[1] - MC.y.p[0]);
var bx = MC.x.a[0] - mx*MC.x.p[0];
var by = MC.y.a[0] - my*MC.y.p[0];
return {
x: mx*p.x + bx,
y: my*p.y + by
// Update minimap position
function updateMinimapPosition() {
var scale_x = document.getElementById("minimapimg").width / MC.width;
var scale_y = document.getElementById("minimapimg").height / MC.height;
var p = aToPminimap({
x: plyer.position[0],
y: plyer.position[1]
p.x = scale_x * p.x;
p.y = scale_y * p.y;
var textHtml = "";
textHtml += "<svg id=\"minimapsvg\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" style=\"position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1;\">";
textHtml += "<circle id=\"posMarker\" cx=\"" + p.x + "\" cy=\"" + p.y + "\" r=\"3\" stroke=\"red\" stroke-width=\"2\" fill=\"black\"><\/circle>";
textHtml += "<\/svg>";
document.getElementById("minimap").insertBefore(createFragment(textHtml), document.getElementById("minimap").childNodes[0]);
// Warp to position, given a pixel location on the minimap
function warpToLocation(pos) {
var scale_x = MC.width / document.getElementById("minimapimg").width;
var scale_y = MC.height / document.getElementById("minimapimg").height;
var p = {
x: pos.x * scale_x,
y: pos.y * scale_y
var a = pToAminimap(p);
plyer.position[0] = a.x;
plyer.position[1] = a.y;
// Generic relative mouse clicks
function getRelativeXY(evt, id) {
var element = document.getElementById(id); //replace elementId with your element's Id.
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop?
var scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft?
var elementLeft = rect.left+scrollLeft;
var elementTop =;
if (document.all){ //detects using IE
x = event.clientX+scrollLeft-elementLeft; //event not evt because of IE
y = event.clientY+scrollTop-elementTop;
x = evt.pageX-elementLeft;
y = evt.pageY-elementTop;
return {"x":x, "y":y};
window.confirmZombieMadness = function() {
var doZombieMadness = confirm("Are you sure? This cannot be undone without refreshing!");
if (doZombieMadness) {
document.getElementById("zombiebt").disabled = true;
} else {
function createZombieMadnessMode() {
modifiedMap = [
// Beginning of game
zombie: '{"x":-6613,"y":-42,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-6613,"y":-42,"width":1000,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-6100,"y":-42,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":100,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-6100,"y":-42,"width":250,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-5800,"y":-42,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":100,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-5800,"y":-42,"width":250,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-5500,"y":-42,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":100,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-5500,"y":-42,"width":250,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-5250,"y":-42,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":100,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-5250,"y":-42,"width":250,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-4950,"y":-42,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":100,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-4950,"y":-42,"width":250,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-4650,"y":-42,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":100,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-4650,"y":-42,"width":250,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
// A little after the beginning (D4)
zombie: '{"x":600,"y":134,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":600,"y":134,"width":1000,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-1060,"y":-1054,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-1060,"y":-1054,"width":1000,"height":1000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
// Before the first ladder, (E6)
zombie: '{"x":2500,"y":228,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":20,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":2500,"y":228,"width":650,"height":100,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":2749,"y":-1033,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":20,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":2749,"y":-1033,"width":650,"height":100,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
block: '{"x":2429,"y":-989,"width":30,"height":10,"color":"0x000000","rotation":0,"alpha":1,"dynamic":false}',
type: "block"
// After the first ladder (F6)
checkPoint: '{"x":4895,"y":-1105,"width":35.011940144638515,"height":70,"dynamic":false}',
type: "checkPoint"
zombie: '{"x":4583,"y":-632,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":4583,"y":-632,"width":1000,"height":200,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":4016,"y":-632,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":4016,"y":-632,"width":1000,"height":200,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":3325,"y":-632,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":3325,"y":-632,"width":1000,"height":200,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
// Before the first of 4 long choices
checkPoint: '{"x":4400,"y":2690,"width":35.011940144638515,"height":70,"dynamic":false}',
type: "checkPoint"
zombie: '{"x":3525,"y":2768,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":200,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":3525,"y":2768,"width":600,"height":660,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
// During the first of 4 choices and shortly before
zombie: '{"x":6213,"y":3649,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":6213,"y":3649,"width":1000,"height":300,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":4615,"y":2376,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":4615,"y":2376,"width":600,"height":200,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":4710,"y":2665,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":4710,"y":2665,"width":600,"height":200,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-6359,"y":2587,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":270,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":6359,"y":2587,"width":3000,"height":3000,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":1200,"y":2447,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":350,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":1200,"y":2447,"width":3000,"height":300,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
// On the first boring hill and shortly after
checkPoint: '{"x":-13790,"y":-290,"width":35.011940144638515,"height":70,"dynamic":false}',
type: "checkPoint"
zombie: '{"x":-13837,"y":-1367,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":200,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-13837,"y":-1367,"width":300,"height":660,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-14087,"y":-1367,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":200,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-14087,"y":-1367,"width":300,"height":660,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-13497,"y":-1367,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":200,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-13497,"y":-1367,"width":300,"height":660,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-12129,"y":-1369,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-12129,"y":-1369,"width":1000,"height":660,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
zombie: '{"x":-11279,"y":-1369,"width":30,"height":100,"zombieSpeed":250,"dynamic":true}',
redZone: '{"x":-11279,"y":-1369,"width":1000,"height":660,"dynamic":false}',
type: "zombie"
checkPoint: '{"x":-7150,"y":-279,"width":35.011940144638515,"height":70,"dynamic":false}',
type: "checkPoint"
// Long boring part in C6
poison: '{"x":-6095,"y":-280,"width":200,"height":50,"dynamic":false,"rotation":0}',
type: "poison"
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plz tell me the code to kick people

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