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Created November 21, 2019 18:28
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* Masukin @abcdtest_bot ke group telegram lu
* jadi in admin
* jalanin script ini
* kalo ga tau caranya modar aja lu tolol
* auto bantai siapa aja yg nge chat di group
* do with your own risk
* salam ubur - ubur
system('stty cbreak -echo'); // buat nonaktifin echo ya anjink biar terminal bersih
class Telegram {
public function __construct()
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); //exec time
ini_set('memory_limit', '999999999M'); //memmory limit
define('BOT_TOKEN', '983615954:AAGX1Q7NSNHnx7aLAdfmKrVB0oAlJ0JXxDo');
public function bot($method, $datas = []) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''.BOT_TOKEN.'/'.$method);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $datas);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
$res = curl_exec($ch);
return json_decode($res, 1);
public function getupdates($up_id) {
$get=$this->bot('getupdates', ['offset' => $up_id]);
return @end($get['result']);
$telegram=new Telegram();
while (true) {
$last_up=$telegram->getupdates($last_up['update_id'] + 1);
$msg = $last_up['message'];
if(empty($msg['text'])) {
else {
if(empty($msg['chat']['title'])) {
if(empty($msg['from']['username'])) {
echo 'Chat Title : '.$msg['chat']['title']."\n";
echo 'Chat ID : '.$msg['chat']['id']."\n";
echo 'Name : '.$msg['from']['first_name']."\n";
echo 'Username: '.$msg['from']['username']."\n";
echo 'Text : '.$msg['text']."\n";
echo 'Date : '.date('d/m/Y H:i:s',$msg['date'])."\n\n";
'date'=>date('d/m/Y H:i:s', $msg['date'])
$tulis=fopen('chat_logs.json','a'); // nulis chat logger
fwrite($tulis, json_encode($data)."\n");
if(preg_match('/^\/debug/',strtolower($msg['text']))) {
['chat_id' => $msg['chat']['id'],
'message_id'=> $msg['message_id']
['chat_id' => $msg['chat']['id']]);
['chat_id' => $msg['chat']['id'],
'user_id' => $msg['from']['id']
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