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Created December 13, 2017 23:09
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Makefile with GCC and Clang, ASAN, Valgrind and some other nice things
# The path of the executable
OUTPUT_EXEC = build/main
# Use clang by default
CC = clang
# Flags for Clang
CFLAGS = -O0 -g -Weverything
# Flags for GCC
GCC_FLAGS = -O0 -g -Wall -Wextra
# Default valgrind flags
VALGRIND_FLAGS = --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all -v
# All targets that are not files
.PHONY: all gcc shit asan help run valgrind clean remake cleanrun
# Show some help
@echo -e "make help show this help"
@echo -e "make all build all files with ASAN on clang"
@echo -e "make shit build all files with ASAN on gcc"
@echo -e "make valgrind build all files (clang), then run with valgrind"
@echo -e "make valshit build all files (gcc), then run with valgrind"
@echo -e "make run just run the executable"
@echo -e "make clean remove all build files"
@echo -e "make remake same as make clean; make all"
@echo -e "make cleanrun same as make remake, but runs formed executable directly after"
asan: CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address
asan: $(OUTPUT_EXEC)
# Clang + ASAN
all: asan
shit: CC = gcc
shit: asan
# Just run the executable
# Enable and run valgrind
# Don't call `all` since that would enable ASAN
valgrind: clean $(OUTPUT_EXEC)
# Enable and run valgrind
# Don't call `all` since that would enable ASAN
valshit: CC = gcc
valshit: CFLAGS = $(GCC_FLAGS)
valshit: valgrind
# Clean all build files
rm -f $(OUTPUT_EXEC) build/*
# Remove all files, then build again
remake: clean all
# Remove all files, build, then run
cleanrun: remake
@echo -e "\n\n"
# Build all dependencies
# Find all C files
DEPS = $(shell find src -name '*.c')
# Change src/ to build/ and .c to .o
DEPS_O = $(DEPS:src/%.c=build/%.o)
$(DEPS_O): build/%.o: src/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
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