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Last active July 11, 2020 14:46
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  • Save Cyb3r-Monk/9234aa82023cdf008f73987dac9f23aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cyb3r-Monk/9234aa82023cdf008f73987dac9f23aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#This script reads the Sysmon event logs, gets process IDs from the event and dumps its memory.
#Since task scheduler cannot provide the process id as an input for the script, we have to read Sysmon logs to get the process Ids.
$events=Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ProviderName="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"; Id = 11; StartTime = [datetime]::Now.AddMinutes(-20)} -ErrorAction Stop
#the below function was copied from PowerSploit.
#It dumps the full memory of a given process Id into a specified folder.
function Out-Minidump {
#Specify Save location for the dump files.
#you just need to change this part of the function.
$DumpFilePath = "C:\AntiRansom"
$ProcessId = $Process.Id
$ProcessName = $Process.Name
$ProcessHandle = $Process.Handle
#small change for dump file name. will be used to check if the dump file exists.
$ProcessFileName = "$($ProcessId).dmp"
#$ProcessFileName = "$($ProcessName)_$($ProcessId).dmp"
#Check if the evet log query returns at least one event.
#If there is no event, exit.Since we already used -ErrorAction Stop, this is not necessary.
#if you change it to SilentlyContinue, you need to make sure the query returns at least one event.
if (!$events[0].message) {
else {
$processes = @()
#for each event, get process Id and dump it.
#this is because the ransomware process can spawn multiple process for encryption.
foreach ($event in $events) {
#parse the process Id.
$processes += $processId
$processes = $processes | Select -Unique
foreach ($process in $processes) {
#define the dump name based on the Process Id.
$dumpFileName = $process.ToString()+".dmp"
#check if the process has already been dumped.
if (Test-Path '"C:\AntiRansom\$dumpFileName"') {
else {
#dump the process.
Out-Minidump -Process (Get-Process -Id $process)
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