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Forked from kriegsman/MapTwinkle.ino
Last active December 23, 2015 04:18
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MapTwinkle- randomly twinkle pixels up from a base color to a peak color and back down.
#include "FastLED.h"
// MapTwinkle
// Designed to illuminate a 'map' of pixels, each of which randomly
// sometimes twinkles brighter and then back down to it's base color again.
// Parameters include: background color, peak twinkle color, and speed
// of brightening and dimming.
// Mark Kriegsman, August 2015
#define LED_PIN 6
#define LED_TYPE WS2811
#define NUM_LEDS 50
// Base background color
#define BASE_COLOR CRGB(11,11,11)
// Peak color to twinkle up to
#define PEAK_COLOR CRGB(50,50,50)
// Currently set to brighten up a bit faster than it dims down,
// but this can be adjusted.
// Amount to increment the color by each loop as it gets brighter:
#define DELTA_COLOR_UP CRGB(50,0,50)
// Amount to decrement the color by each loop as it gets dimmer:
#define DELTA_COLOR_DOWN CRGB(50,0,50)
// Chance of each pixel starting to brighten up.
// 1 or 2 = a few brightening pixels at a time.
// 10 = lots of pixels brightening at a time.
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE,LED_PIN,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
void loop()
enum { SteadyDim, GettingBrighter, GettingDimmerAgain };
uint8_t PixelState[NUM_LEDS];
void InitPixelStates()
memset( PixelState, sizeof(PixelState), SteadyDim); // initialize all the pixels to SteadyDim.
fill_solid( leds, NUM_LEDS, BASE_COLOR);
void TwinkleMapPixels()
for( uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
if( PixelState[i] == SteadyDim) {
// this pixels is currently: SteadyDim
// so we randomly consider making it start getting brighter
if( random8() < CHANCE_OF_TWINKLE) {
PixelState[i] = GettingBrighter;
} else if( PixelState[i] == GettingBrighter ) {
// this pixels is currently: GettingBrighter
// so if it's at peak color, switch it to getting dimmer again
if( leds[i] >= PEAK_COLOR ) {
PixelState[i] = GettingDimmerAgain;
} else {
// otherwise, just keep brightening it:
leds[i] += DELTA_COLOR_UP;
} else { // getting dimmer again
// this pixels is currently: GettingDimmerAgain
// so if it's back to base color, switch it to steady dim
if( leds[i] <= BASE_COLOR ) {
leds[i] = BASE_COLOR; // reset to exact base color, in case we overshot
PixelState[i] = SteadyDim;
} else {
// otherwise, just keep dimming it down:
leds[i] -= DELTA_COLOR_DOWN;
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