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Last active March 21, 2021 21:47
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A school task
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# From
# This dictionary stores the coffees available and their prices
coffee_kv_store = {"espresso": 2.50, "mocha": 4, "cappuccino": 3, "latte": 3.50, "flat white": 2.50, "long black": 2.50}
# This list stores the coffees ordered
coffees_ordered = [] # a key-value pair would be ideal but this is easiest imo tbh
# 'while' loop variables
ordering = True
order_fetching = True
quantity_fetching = True
# declares a variable for use in the calculation section. i could've declared it just before the 'for' loop but this looks tidier
total_calc = 0
# contains all ordering code
while ordering:
# fetches the type of coffee the user wants to order, checks if it matches anything in my dictionary, and if so,
# allows the user to continue
while order_fetching:
# maybe if i had more time, i'd print the list of coffees available
ui_coffee_order = input("What species of coffee would you like to order?\n").strip().lower()
if ui_coffee_order in coffee_kv_store:
order_fetching = False
# just a lil easter egg if people have such a big brain to type this
elif ui_coffee_order == "coffee":
print("Yes, what type of coffee?")
print("We don't have that, try again!")
# asks the user how many coffees (of type entered in ui_coffee_order's input) they'd like
while quantity_fetching:
quantity = int(input("How many {}s do you want?\n".format(coffees_ordered[-1].title())))
if quantity >= 1:
quantity_fetching = False
print("Your input must be greater than or equal to '1', try again!")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input! Try again with a whole number please!")
# adds 'ui_coffee_order' in the quantity from 'quantity' to the list
for coffees in range(1, quantity):
# asks the user if they want to order more coffee
add_order_bool = input(
"Do you want to order more coffee?\n"
"Type 'y' for yes, and anything else to continue to checkout:\n").strip().lower()
# if anything other than 'y', continues to checkout (calculations)
if add_order_bool != "y":
ordering = False
# if 'y', re-enables loop variables and restarts the `ordering` loop
order_fetching = True
quantity_fetching = True
# calculations section
# this is the quickest and most simple way to put the total price into a variable. this was a quick fix to a bug,
# all done in the nano text editor haha
for coffee in coffees_ordered:
total_calc = total_calc + coffee_kv_store.get(coffee)
# if there's more than one item in the list, just says "Those coffees will cost you $x!"
if len(coffees_ordered) > 1:
print("Those coffees will cost you ${}!".format(total_calc))
# if there's only one item in the list (including duplicates), tells you what you ordered and the price
elif len(coffees_ordered) == 1:
print("That {} will cost you ${}!".format(ui_coffee_order.title(), coffee_kv_store.get(ui_coffee_order)))
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