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Forked from mayank23/ActionTypeMatching.js
Created July 26, 2018 08:38
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Jest user defined asymmetric matchers
import * as actionTypes from './action-types.js';
class ActionTypeMatching extends AsymmetricMatcher {
this.$$typeof = Symbol.for('jest.asymmetricMatcher');
this.expected = expected;
asymmetricMatch(other) {
return (other === expected && actionTypes.hasOwnProperty(other))
toString() {
return 'ActionTypeMatching';
getExpectedType() {
return 'String'
toAsymmetricMatcher() {
// to be printed in diff string.
return `ActionTypeMatching(${this.expected})`;
// patch expect
expect.actionTypeMatching = (expected) => (new ActionTypeMatching(expected));
export const SOME_ACTION = 'SOME_ACTION'
"helloWorld" : "hello world"
class GreaterThan extends AsymmetricMatcher {
this.$$typeof = Symbol.for('jest.asymmetricMatcher');
this.expected = expected;
asymmetricMatch(other) {
return other > this.expected;
toString() {
return 'GreaterThan';
getExpectedType() {
return 'Number'
toAsymmetricMatcher() {
// to be printed in diff string.
return `GreaterThan(${this.expected})`;
// patch expect
expect.greaterThan = (expected) => (new GreaterThan(expected));
// patch expect by importing these files
import from './GreaterThan'
import from './ActionTypeMatching'
import from './TranslationKeyMatching'
describe('custom asymmetric matchers', () => {
describe('numeric limits', () => {
/* a bit contrived but a possible use case */
it('PASS: has x> 9 && y > 19', () => {
const obj = {
x: 10,
y: 20
x: expect.greaterThan(9),
y: expect.greaterThan(19)
it('FAIL: has x>9 && y >19', () => {
const obj = {
x: 9,
y: 19
x: expect.greaterThan(9),
y: expect.greaterThan(19)
describe('redux example', () => {
Assume for example, we have a `actionTypes.js` file, which lists all
constants for all the various redux action types in our application.
// constants.js
export const SOME_ACTION = 'SOME_ACTION';
// end file
Basically, the asymmetric matcher, `actionTypeMatching`,
would test that the action type equals the `expected` value:
'some-action-type' and also exists in our `actionTypes.js` file.
The `someActionCreator` function returns our redux action which is a plain object:
type: 'SOME_ACTION',
it('PASS: returns valid action type', () => {
const actionObj = someActionCreator();
type: expect.actionTypeMatching('SOME_ACTION')
it('FAIL: returns valid action type', () => {
const actionObj = someActionCreator();
type: expect.actionTypeMatching('SOME_ACTION-TYPO')
describe('internationalization (i18n) example', () => {
Assume for example, we have an internationalized application which uses
translation keys for showing the correct message based on the locale.
// en-us.json
"helloWorld": "hello world"
// end file
Basically, the asymmetric matcher, `translationKeyMatching`,
would test that the translation key matched the `expected` value:
'helloWorld' and also exists in our `en-us.json` translations file.
(note: simple example, since just checking en-us)
it('PASS: has a valid translation key', () => {
/* let's say we have an object that will have a property that needs to be a translation key*/
const objWithTranslationKey = {
messageId: 'helloWorld',
messageId: expect.translationKeyMatching('helloWorld')
it('FAIL: has a valid translation key', () => {
/* let's say we have an object that will have a property that needs to be a translation key*/
const objWithTranslationKey = {
messageId: 'helloWorld-typo',
messageId: expect.translationKeyMatching('helloWorld')
import translations from './en-us.json';
class TranslationKeyMatching extends AsymmetricMatcher {
this.$$typeof = Symbol.for('jest.asymmetricMatcher');
this.expected = expected;
asymmetricMatch(other) {
return (other === expected && translations.hasOwnProperty(other))
toString() {
return 'TranslationKeyMatching';
getExpectedType() {
return 'String'
toAsymmetricMatcher() {
// to be printed in diff string.
return `TranslationKey(${this.expected})`;
// patch expect
expect.translationKeyMatching = (expected) => (new TranslationKeyMatching(expected));
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