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Last active March 3, 2019 21:28
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Save CyberPunkCodes/1637073371ad126779076344c34278f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function injectGitFileStatus()
const timeout = 5000;
const addedColor = "#8dc149";
const modifiedColor = "#cbcb41";
const stagedColor = "#ca2820";
const ignoredOpacity = "0.4";
const explorer = document.getElementById("workbench.view.explorer");
if (explorer)
const foldersView = explorer.getElementsByClassName("explorer-folders-view")[0];
if (foldersView)
const tree = foldersView.getElementsByClassName("monaco-tree")[0];
if (tree)
const firstRow = tree.getElementsByClassName("monaco-tree-row")[0];
if (firstRow)
const explorerItem = firstRow.getElementsByClassName("explorer-item")[0];
if (explorerItem)
const path = require("path");
const exec = require("child_process").exec;
const style = document.createElement("style");
const resolveHome = (filepath) =>
if (filepath[0] === "~")
return path.join(process.env.HOME, filepath.slice(1));
return filepath;
const unresolveHome = (filepath) =>
const home = process.env.HOME;
if (home && filepath.startsWith(home))
const regex = new RegExp(`^${home}`);
return filepath.replace(regex, "~");
return filepath;
const normalizePath = (name) =>
return path.normalize(name.substr(3));
const normalizePathClean = (name) =>
return path.normalize(name).replace(/\\+$/, "").replace(/\/+$/, "").replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
const getAllSubdirectories = (name) =>
let i = 1;
const paths = [];
const sep = path.sep.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
while (i = name.indexOf(sep, i) + 1)
paths.push(name.substr(0, i - 1));
return paths;
const classPath = "#workbench\\.view\\.explorer .explorer-folders-view .monaco-tree .monaco-tree-rows .monaco-tree-row .explorer-item";
const getCssEntry = (root, file, cssEntry) =>
const filepath = unresolveHome(path.join(root, file).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"));
return `${classPath}[title="${filepath}" i]{${cssEntry}}`;
const getCssEntryDir = (root, file, cssEntry) =>
const filepath = unresolveHome(path.join(root, file).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")).replace(/\/+$/, "");
return `${classPath}[title="${filepath}" i]{${cssEntry}} ${classPath}[title^="${filepath}/" i]{${cssEntry}}`;
const firstFileDir = path.normalize(path.dirname(explorerItem.getAttribute("title")));
const gitRootCommand = "git rev-parse --show-toplevel";
const gitRootOptions = { cwd: resolveHome(firstFileDir) };
const gitRootCallback = (error, stdout, stderr) =>
if (!error)
const gitRoot = stdout.trim();
const startGitStatusChecks = () =>
// run git status
const gitStatusCommand = "git status --short --ignored";
const gitStatusOptions = { cwd: resolveHome(gitRoot) }
const gitStatusCallback = (error, stdout, stderr) =>
if (!error)
const files = stdout.split("\n");
const added = files.filter(name => { return name.startsWith("?? ") || name.startsWith("AM "); }).map(name => { return normalizePath(name); });
const modified = files.filter(name => { return name.startsWith(" M ") || name.startsWith("M ") || name.startsWith("MM "); }).map(name => { return normalizePath(name); });
const ignored = files.filter(name => { return name.startsWith("!! "); }).map(name => { return normalizePath(name); });
const renamed = files.filter(name => { return name.startsWith("R "); }).map(name => { return normalizePathClean(name.split(" -> ")[1]); });
const staged = files.filter(name => { return name.startsWith("A "); }).map(name => { return normalizePath(name); });
let html = "";
const addedFolders = new Set();
const modifiedFolders = new Set();
// files
added.concat(renamed).forEach(addedFile =>
const subdirectories = getAllSubdirectories(addedFile);
subdirectories.forEach(subdirectory =>
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, addedFile, `color:${addedColor};`);
modified.forEach(modifiedFile =>
const subdirectories = getAllSubdirectories(modifiedFile);
subdirectories.forEach(subdirectory =>
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, modifiedFile, `color:${modifiedColor};`);
ignored.forEach(ignoredFile =>
if ( ignoredFile.endsWith("/") ) {
html += getCssEntryDir(gitRoot, ignoredFile, `opacity:${ignoredOpacity} !important;`);
} else {
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, ignoredFile, `opacity:${ignoredOpacity} !important;`);
// folders
addedFolders.forEach((addedFolder) =>
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, addedFolder, `color:${addedColor};`);
modifiedFolders.forEach((modifiedFolder) =>
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, modifiedFolder, `color:${modifiedColor};`);
staged.forEach(stagedFile =>
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, stagedFile, `color:${stagedColor};`);
// run git status
const gitStatusCommand1 = "git ls-files --others --exclude-standard";
const gitStatusOptions1 = { cwd: resolveHome(gitRoot) }
const gitStatusCallback1 = (error, stdout, stderr) =>
if (!error)
const added = stdout.split("\n");
// files
added.forEach(addedFile =>
const subdirectories = getAllSubdirectories(addedFile);
subdirectories.forEach(subdirectory =>
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, addedFile, `color:${addedColor};`);
// folders
addedFolders.forEach((addedFolder) =>
html += getCssEntry(gitRoot, addedFolder, `color:${addedColor};`);
if (style.innerHTML !== html)
style.innerHTML = html;
setTimeout(startGitStatusChecks, timeout);
exec(gitStatusCommand1, gitStatusOptions1, gitStatusCallback1);
exec(gitStatusCommand, gitStatusOptions, gitStatusCallback);
exec(gitRootCommand, gitRootOptions, gitRootCallback);
// loaded
setTimeout(injectGitFileStatus, timeout);
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dhruvdutt commented Nov 4, 2017

Awesome. It works on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit. 🚀

For linux users the file is located at: /usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench

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boutmine commented Mar 1, 2018

@WadeShuler Whats up man this Harris Marketing hit me up on skype man my skype id is harrismarketing

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