<!DOCTYPE html> |
<div style="position: absolute"> |
<button id="resetZoom">Reset zoom</button> |
<p style="display: inline-block">Selected id: <span id="selectedId"></span></p> |
</div> |
<canvas id="render" width="960" height="500"></canvas> |
<canvas id="hidden" width="960" height="500"></canvas> |
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> |
<script src="https://unpkg.com/topojson-client@2"></script> |
<script src="https://unpkg.com/topojson-simplify@2"></script> |
<script> |
var canvas = d3.select("canvas#render"), |
hidden = d3.select("canvas#hidden"), |
context = canvas.node().getContext("2d"), |
contextHdn = hidden.node().getContext("2d"), |
width = canvas.property("width"), |
height = canvas.property("height"), |
zoomPercentage = .9 // let 10% padding |
var selectedId = null, |
selectedFeature = null, |
selectedSpan = document.getElementById('selectedId'), |
resetButton = d3.select("button#resetZoom"); |
var land, |
borders; |
var scale, |
translate, |
visibleArea, // minimum area threshold for points inside viewport |
invisibleArea; // minimum area threshold for points outside viewport |
var simplify = d3.geoTransform({ |
point: function(x, y, z) { |
if (z < visibleArea) return |
x = x * scale + translate[0] |
y = y * scale + translate[1] |
if (x >= -10 && |
x <= width + 10 && |
y >= -10 && |
y <= height + 10 || |
z >= invisibleArea) { |
this.stream.point(x, y) |
} |
} |
}) |
// Needed to get the lat lng of bounding box |
// https://bl.ocks.org/Fil/a8cfbbfd0100d38241beb48d23c9d4d1 |
simplify.invert = function(u) { |
return [(u[0] - translate[0])/scale, (u[1] - translate[1])/scale] |
} |
//*** Original zoom from Mike Bostock ***// |
//*** https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7755778 ***// |
// An arbitrary scale and center point to set the initial view. |
// This projection is baked into the TopoJSON file, |
// but is used here to compute the desired zoom translate. |
var backed = { |
projection: d3.geoMercator().translate([0, 0]).scale(4000) |
} |
var zoom = d3.zoom() |
.on("zoom", zoomed); |
// styling |
context.lineJoin = "round"; |
context.lineCap = "round"; |
var styles = { |
fill: "#bbb", |
stroke: "#fff", |
selected: { |
fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', |
stroke: 'red' |
} |
} |
var path = d3.geoPath() |
.projection(simplify) |
.context(context) |
d3.json("us-states.json", function(error, us) { |
if (error) throw error; |
topojson.presimplify(us); |
land = topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states) |
borders = topojson.mesh(us, us.objects.states, (a, b) => a !== b) |
canvas |
.call(zoom) |
.on('click', onClick) |
resetButton.on('click', () => { |
// For exemple, NY latlng |
zoomTo([-75.959, 38.250]) |
}) |
// Init, reset zoom |
resetButton.dispatch('click') |
}); |
function zoomed(d) { |
var z = d3.event.transform |
translate = [z.x, z.y] |
scale = z.k |
visibleArea = 1 / scale / scale |
invisibleArea = 200 * visibleArea |
draw() |
} |
function onClick () { |
getHiddenData() |
zoomTo(selectedFeature) |
} |
// Retrieve the id with the color, and so, the feature. https://bl.ocks.org/Lacroute/579bc326fb547110a959c0a9ac2b30ce |
function getHiddenData() { |
path.context(contextHdn) |
drawHidden() |
let mouse = d3.mouse(canvas.node()) |
let data = contextHdn.getImageData(mouse[0], mouse[1], 1, 1).data |
selectedId = data[0] |
selectedFeature = land.features.find(f => +f.id === selectedId) |
path.context(context) |
} |
// Zoom to bounding box of the selected area. |
function zoomTo (location) { |
if (location === undefined) return |
let point, sc = 1 |
if (!Array.isArray(location)) { |
let bounds = path.bounds(location), |
dx = bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0], |
dy = bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1], |
x = (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0]) / 2, |
y = (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1]) / 2 |
let factor = Math.min(width / dx, height / dy) |
sc = factor * scale * zoomPercentage |
location = backed.projection.invert(simplify.invert([x, y])) |
// If you prefer zoom to the centroid |
// location = backed.projection.invert(simplify.invert(path.centroid(location))) |
} |
point = backed.projection(location) |
// Apply the new transform |
canvas.transition() |
.duration(750) |
.call( |
zoom.transform, |
d3.zoomIdentity |
.translate(width / 2 - point[0] * sc, height / 2 - point[1] * sc) |
.scale(sc) |
) |
} |
// Main drawing loop |
function draw () { |
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); |
context.fillStyle = styles.fill; |
context.strokeStyle = styles.stroke; |
context.beginPath(); |
path(land) |
context.fill(); |
context.beginPath(); |
path(borders); |
context.stroke(); |
if (selectedFeature) drawSelected() |
drawCenter() |
} |
// Highlight the selected feature |
function drawSelected () { |
selectedSpan.innerHTML = selectedId |
context.fillStyle = styles.selected.fill; |
context.strokeStyle = styles.selected.stroke; |
context.beginPath(); |
path(selectedFeature) |
context.fill(); |
context.stroke(); |
// Draw his centroid |
context.beginPath() |
let cent = path.centroid(selectedFeature) |
context.arc(cent[0], cent[1], 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI) |
context.fillStyle = 'green' |
context.strokeStyle = 'white' |
context.stroke() |
context.fill() |
} |
// Draw a cross in the center of the canvas |
function drawCenter () { |
context.beginPath(); |
let x = width / 2 |
let y = height / 2 |
context.strokeStyle = 'green'; |
context.moveTo(x - 10, y - 10); |
context.lineTo(x + 10, y + 10); |
context.stroke(); |
context.moveTo(x + 10, y - 10); |
context.lineTo(x - 10, y + 10); |
context.stroke(); |
} |
// Drawing method to encode id to color |
function drawHidden() { |
contextHdn.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); |
land.features.map(f => { |
contextHdn.beginPath(); |
path(f); |
// basic exemple because there is less than 255 counties |
contextHdn.fillStyle = `rgba(${f.id}, 0, 0, 1)` |
contextHdn.fill(); |
}) |
} |
</script> |