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Created September 22, 2013 21:40
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Alter Table Add Field with Constraint
if not exists (select 1 from syscolumns where name = 'Integrated_Mapping' and ID in (select so.ID from sysobjects so where = 'PRODUCTS' and so.type = 'U') )
alter table PRODUCTS ADD Integrated_Mapping bit NULL
UPDATE PRODUCTS SET Integrated_Mapping = 0 where (Integrated_Mapping IS NULL)
if not exists ( select 1 from sysconstraints where constid in
(select so.ID from sysobjects so
where = 'df_Product_IntgMapping' and so.type = 'D')
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PRODUCTS] ADD CONSTRAINT [df_Product_IntgMapping] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Integrated_Mapping]
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