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Created October 4, 2016 14:09
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Drupal JS behaviors: Bueditor: Adding toolbar to ajax added textfields (otherwise they are missing)
(function($, BUE) {
'use strict';
// Don't setup the behavior on pages without BUEditor.
if (typeof BUE ==='undefined') {
* New behavior to handle BUEditors text areas added dynamically
* by paragraphs.
* @type {{attach: Drupal.behaviors.paragraphsBUEditor.attach}}
Drupal.behaviors.paragraphsBUEditor = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
* e followed by the id of the editor to use based on
* /en/admin/config/content/bueditor
var EDITOR_ID = 'e5';
$('.field-type-paragraphs .field-widget-text-textarea textarea'),
function(i, T) {
BUE.processTextarea(T, EDITOR_ID);
})(jQuery, window.BUE);
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