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Created October 4, 2016 14:08
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Drupal JS behaviors: Picture mapping helper, hiding focal point information and focusing user on focal point when needed.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.PictureMapping = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
* Update function which helps to change the states
* @param selectMapping
* @param imagePreview
function updateVisibility(selectMapping, imagePreview) {
var match = selectMapping.val().match(/cropped/);
// If we don't have a cropped mapping, hide the focal stuff
if (match === null) {
} else {
// Call to action:
// Make the indicator visible, zoom up and down.
$('.focal-point-indicator', imagePreview).animate({ 'font-size': '3rem' }, 'slow', function() {
$(this).animate({ 'font-size': '1rem' }, 'slow');
* Initialize the states and add an on change event handler
var allParagraphsWithImage = $('.paragraphs-item-type-image-full-width');
$.each(allParagraphsWithImage, function(){
var selectMapping = $('.field-name-field-image-display .form-select', $(this));
var imagePreview = $('.image-preview', $(this));
// Initially update the visibility state
updateVisibility(selectMapping, imagePreview);
// Change the state on change
selectMapping.on('change', function() {
updateVisibility(selectMapping, imagePreview);
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