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Created May 2, 2024 04:23
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PR: CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package#4347

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Confirm 确认
Cancel 取消
Back 返回
Delete 删除
OK 确定
Add/Edit 添加/编辑
New Waypoint 新建路径点
initials 首字母
Edit Waypoint 编辑路径点
Choose a Preset 选择一个预设
Choose an Interface 选择一个界面
Minimap 小地图
Edit Mode 编辑模式
Instructions/Help 教程/帮助
You have to be in game to be able to use the edit mode! 你必须先进入游戏才能使用编辑模式!
Welcome to the edit mode! 欢迎来到编辑模式!
Left-click an interface to select it. 左键点击一个界面来选择它。
Left-click and drag to move an interface around. 左键点住并拖动以移动界面。
Right-click to deselect an interface. 右键点击取消选择界面。
Press "C" to center or uncenter the selected interface. 按“C”使所选界面居中或取消居中。
Some interfaces have a different centered look. 某些界面在居中时具有不同的外观。
Press "F" to flip or unflip the selected interface. 按“F”翻转或取消翻转所选界面。
Press "S" to quickly access settings of the selected interface. 按“S”快速打开所选界面的设置。
Select a preset by clicking the "Choose a Preset" button. 点击“选择一个预设”按钮选择一个预设。
Save your changes by clicking the "Confirm" button. 点击“确认”按钮保存更改。
Discard your changes by clicking the "Cancel" button. 点击“取消”按钮放弃你的更改。
Minimap Settings 小地图设置
The server might have disabled some of the mod features. 服务器可能禁用了某些模组功能。
Waypoints 路径点
Centered: 已居中:
(pr. C) (按C)
Flipped: 已翻转:
(pr. F) (按F)
Restore Default Settings 恢复默认设置
Cave Mode 洞穴模式
On-Map Waypoints 地图上路径点
Zoom 推近小地图
Size 大小
Entity Number 实体数量
Black 黑色
Dark Blue 深蓝色
Dark Green 深绿色
Dark Aqua 深青色
Dark Red 深红色
Dark Purple 深紫色
Gold 金色
Gray 灰色
Dark Gray 深灰色
Blue 蓝色
Green 绿色
Aqua 青色
Red 红色
Light Purple 淡紫色
Yellow 黄色
White 白色
Zoom In Minimap 推近小地图
Zoom Out Minimap 拉远小地图
Top-Left Corner 左上角
Top-Right Corner 右上角
Teleport 传送
Open Waypoint Screen 打开路径点界面
Display Coordinates 显示坐标
Disable/Enable 禁用/启用
disabled 禁用
Left-click and drag to move the minimap around. 左键点住并拖动以移动小地图。
Change Position 更改位置
Bottom-Left Corner 左下角
Bottom-Right Corner 右下角
In-Game Waypoints 游戏内路径点
Next >> 下一页 >>
<< Prev << 上一页
Lock Minimap North 锁定小地图北方
Latest Death 上次死亡地点
Old Death 此前死亡地点
Deathpoints 死亡地点
Chunk Grid 区块网格
Players 玩家
Friendly Mobs 友好生物
Hostile Mobs 敌对生物
Items 物品
Other Entities 其他实体
Enlarge Minimap 放大小地图
Opacity 不透明度
Slime Chunks 史莱姆区块
Unlimited 无限制
Keep Old Deathpoints 保留旧的死亡地点
Toggle Minimap 切换小地图
Anti-Aliasing 抗锯齿
Safe Mode 安全模式
Transfer 转移
Transfer All Waypoints 转移所有路径点
Clear Set 清除集合
Seed to Use: 使用的种子:
Distance to WP 到路径点的距离
In-Game Waypoint Scale 游戏内路径点缩放
Block Color Mode 方块颜色模式
Accurate 准确
Vanilla 原版
Lighting 光照
Looking At 准星指向的
All 全部
Show Redstone 显示红石
Are you sure you would like to clear the current set 你确定要清除当前集合吗
All waypoints from this set will be deleted! 集合中的所有路径点都将被删除!
Default 默认
New Waypoint Set 新建路径点集合
Delete Set 删除集合
Are you sure you would like to delete the current set 你确定要删除当前集合吗
This set will be removed from the current world. 此集合将从当前世界中移除。
Toggle In-Game Waypoints 切换游戏内路径点
Entity Dot Size 实体点大小
Toggle Slime Chunks 切换史莱姆区块
Toggle Chunk Grid 切换区块网格
Compass Over Waypoints 罗盘在路径点上层
Display Current Biome 显示当前生物群系
Auto 自动
Are you sure you would like to restore the default settings? 你确定要恢复默认设置吗?
This action cannot be undone! 此操作无法撤消!
yaw 朝向
Team Colors 队伍颜色
Quick Waypoint 快速路径点
Show Entity Depth 显示实体深度
Show Flowers 显示花
WP Name Above Distance 路径点名称在距离之上
Max WP Render Dist. 最大路径点渲染距离
Default Teleport Command 默认传送命令
Min WP Render Dist. 最小路径点渲染距离
Other Teams 其他队伍
Arrow Scale 箭头缩放
Arrow Color 箭头颜色
Smooth Dots 平滑点
Cave Mode Zoom In 洞穴模式推近
Use Java-based (CPU) equivalent of this mod instead of the default, OpenGL-based (GPU) one. Safe mode is a plan B in case the mod does not function correctly. Not all features work in the safe mode. Do not use unless you have to. 使用此模组的基于Java(CPU)的等效实现,而不是默认的基于OpenGL(GPU)的实现。 安全模式是B计划,以防模组无法正常运行。 并非所有功能都在安全模式下工作。除非必须,否则不要使用。
Entity Height Limit 实体高度限制
World Map 世界地图
Use World Map Mod Chunks 使用世界地图模组区块
Patreon Capes Patreon 披风
Entity Radar 实体雷达
Terrain Depth 地形深度
Terrain Slopes 地形坡度
Block Transparency 方块透明度
Team 队伍
World/Server 世界/服务器
Sub-World/Dimension 子世界/维度
Switch Waypoint Set 切换路径点集合
Waypoint Opacity in Game 游戏内路径点不透明度
Waypoint Opacity on Map 地图上路径点不透明度
Hide IPs/World Names 隐藏IP/世界名称
Open on Key Press 按下按键时打开
Options 选项
Make World/Server Auto 使世界/服务器为auto
Are you sure? 你确定吗?
This will swap all waypoint data between the selected world/server and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected world/server automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing. 这将交换所选世界/服务器和auto之间的所有路径点数据,从而模拟使所选世界/服务器为auto。请确认你知道你在做什么。
Make Sub-World Auto 使子世界为auto
Are you sure? 你确定吗?
This will swap all waypoint data between the selected sub-world and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected sub-world automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing. 这将交换所选子世界和auto之间的所有路径点数据,从而模拟使所选子世界为auto。请确认你知道你在做什么。
Delete World/Server 删除世界/服务器
Would you like to delete all waypoint data for the selected world/server? 你要删除所选世界/服务器的所有路径点数据吗?
This action cannot be undone! Make sure you know what you are doing. 此操作无法撤消!请确认你知道你在做什么。
Delete Sub-World 删除子世界
Would you like to delete all waypoint data for the selected sub-world? 你要删除所选子世界的所有路径点数据吗?
This action cannot be undone! Make sure you know what you are doing. 此操作无法撤消!请确认你知道你在做什么。
Always Disp. Dist. to WP 始终显示到路径点的距离
Sub-World Coordinates * 8 子世界坐标 * 8
Sub-World Coordinates / 8 子世界坐标 / 8
This option should be used only to fix incorrect waypoint coordinates. 此选项应仅用于修复不正确的路径点坐标。
Are you sure you would like to MULTIPLY all sub-world coordinates by 8? 你确定要将所有子世界坐标§c乘以§f 8 吗?
Are you sure you would like to DIVIDE all sub-world coordinates by 8? 你确定要将所有子世界坐标§c除以§f 8 吗?
Share 分享
Are you sure you would like to share this waypoint with §cEVERYONE§f in the chat? 你确定要在聊天中与§c所有人§f分享这个路径点吗?
Make sure you do not expose a secret location! 请确认你没有暴露一个秘密位置!
Ceiling 天花板
Partial 部分
Full 完全
Display Light Level 显示光照等级
[Go Up] [向上]
[Go Down] [向下]
Toggle All WP Sets Render 切换所有路径点集的渲染
waypoint name 路径点名称
Set Name 集合名称
Overlay Render Layer 叠加渲染层
§eYou need to visit this dimension first to convert it to the new format! §e你需要先进入该维度,将其转换为新格式!
Cross-Dimensional TP 跨维度传送
Unreachable destination dimension. 目标维度无法到达。
Display Game Time 显示游戏时间
24h 24 小时制
12h 12 小时制
temporary 临时的
Temporary 临时的
Restore 恢复
Biomes in Vanilla Color Mode 原版颜色模式的生物群系
Multiworld Detection 多世界检测
Close 关闭
WP Dist. Horis. Angle 路径点距离水平可见角度
WP Dist. Vertic. Angle 路径点距离垂直可见角度
Teleportation 传送
Once disabled, it can be enabled back only through the config file! 一旦禁用,只能通过配置文件启用回来!
Disable if this is a simple server with a single world (no separate lobby, game mode, or minigame worlds). Multiworld detection will cause only issues on such servers. However, installing this mod on the server side should prevent these issues. 如果这是一个具有单一世界(没有单独的大厅、游戏模式或迷你游戏世界)的简单服务器,请禁用。 在这类服务器上多世界检测只会引起问题。 但是,在服务器端安装这个模组应该可以防止这些问题。
Teleport Command 传送命令
Use Default 使用默认值
Center When Enlarged 放大时居中
Zoom Out When Enlarged 放大时拉远
Sort By 排序方式
Reversed Sort Order 反转排序顺序
Unsorted 不排序
Name 名称
Initials 首字母
Distance 距离
Mapping mode that can go deeper than the surface blocks, mainly to display underground caves and interiors of buildings. The ceiling size refers to the size of a horizontal "square" of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. 可以看到比地表方块更深处的地图模式,主要用于显示地下洞穴和建筑物内部。 天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到以激活洞穴模式的水平“正方形”固体方块的大小。
Mapping mode that can go deeper than the surface blocks, mainly to display underground caves and interiors of buildings. The ceiling size refers to the size of a square ceiling of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. The solid blocks don't have to be on the same Y level. 可以看到比地表方块更深处的地图模式,主要用于显示地下洞穴和建筑物内部。 天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到以激活洞穴模式的水平“正方形”固体方块的大小。 固体方块不必在同一Y水平面上。
The limit per each entity category. 每个实体类别的数量限制。
Specifies, for which in-game waypoints to show the distance to. 指定显示哪一个游戏内路径点的距离。
Specifies, for which in-game waypoints to show the distance to. This does not guarantee that it will be shown for multiple waypoints at once. Check out the "Multiple Waypoint Distances" setting as well. 指定显示哪一个游戏内路径点的距离。 这不保证它会同时显示多个路径点。 还要查看“多个路径点距离”设置。
Display distance even when the waypoint is very close. This setting does not override the "Distance to WP" option. 即使路径点非常近,也显示距离。这不会覆盖“到路径点的距离”选项。
Scale of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases. 在小地图的固定旋转和其他几种情况下使用的箭头缩放。
Color of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases. 在小地图的固定旋转和其他几种情况下使用的箭头颜色。
Specifies, how much to zoom the minimap further in when the cave mode is active. 激活洞穴模式时,小地图要进一步推近多少。
Display entities darker on the minimap depending on their Y level relative to you. 根据相对你的Y的高度,在小地图上显示较暗的实体。
Maximum Y-level distance for entities until they are no longer displayed on the minimap. 实体的最大Y垂直距离,超出则不显示在小地图上。
Toggle On-Map Waypoints 切换小地图路径点
Always Render Entity Name Tags 始终渲染实体命名牌
Info Text Alignment 信息文本对齐
Center 中心
Display Facing Angles 显示面向角度
Always render names for entities with name tags regardless of what the name setting is set to in the "Entity Radar" screen. 无论“实体雷达”界面中的名称设置如何,始终为带有命名牌的实体显示名称。
The command used for waypoint teleportation if a world-specific or a server-specific command is not set in the Options menu in the waypoint screen. 未在路径点界面的“选项”菜单中 设置特定于世界或特定于服务器的命令时, 用于路径点传送的命令。
One by One 逐一
All at Once 一次性全部
Compass 罗盘
Cave Mode Depth 洞穴模式深度
Reset 重置
Main Entity As 自身显示为
Arrow 箭头
Crosshair 十字准星
Unable to teleport, because it would expose the waypoint coordinates. Disable the "Hide Waypoint Coordinates" option to be able to freely teleport again. 无法传送,因为它会暴露路径点坐标。禁用“隐藏路径点坐标”选项,才能够继续自由传送。
Hide Waypoint Coordinates 隐藏路径点坐标
Show 显示
Hide 隐藏
Teleport Anyway 强制传送
It will expose the coordinates! 这会暴露坐标!
Render All Waypoint Sets 渲染所有路径点集
Global 全局
Local 局部
Arrow Opacity 箭头不透明度
Maximum render distance for local waypoints. Global waypoints are not affected. 局部路径点的最大渲染距离。全局路径点不受影响。
Add Sub-World Connection 添加子世界连接
Delete Sub-World Connection 删除子世界连接
Connect/disconnect selected sub-world to/from the current auto one. Connect only sub-worlds that are from the same sub-server/world save. For example, if a vanilla Nether portal takes you from sub-world A to sub-world B, then you can safely connect them. Other sub-worlds connected to the current one are always at the top of the list and are marked by an asterisk (symbol: *). 连接/断开连接选择的子世界与当前auto世界。仅连接来自同一子服务器/世界存档的子世界。例如,如果一个普通的下界传送门将你从子世界 A 带到子世界 B,那么你可以安全地连接它们。连接到当前子世界的其他子世界始终位于列表顶部,并用星号(符号:*)标记。
Would you like to create the following connection between sub-worlds? 你想在以下子世界之间创建连接吗?
Would you like to delete the following connection between sub-worlds? 你要删除以下子世界之间的连接吗?
You are trying to teleport to a sub-world that is not connected to the current auto one. If you are sure that this sub-world is from the same sub-server/world save as the auto one, then you can enable teleportation by adding a connection in the waypoint screen -> Options -> Add Sub-World Connection. But beware, if you connect unrelated sub-worlds and teleport, then there is a good chance you will suffocate in a block or die from fall damage, so be careful and connect only the right ones. 你正试图传送到一个未连接到当前auto子世界的子世界。如果你确定这个子世界来自auto子服务器/世界,那么你可以通过在路径点界面 -> 选项 -> 添加子世界连接中添加连接来启用传送。但请注意,如果你连接不相关的子世界并进行传送,那么你很有可能会在方块中窒息或因坠落伤害而死亡,因此请小心并仅连接正确的子世界。
Ignore Server Heightmaps 忽略服务器高度图
Some servers put custom values in the world heightmaps, which may result in incorrectly rendered maps. Sometimes it may even happen in heavily modded singleplayer worlds. This option should fix such issues at the expense of a bit of performance. Do not use unless you have to. Reenter the world after toggling this option! 一些服务器将自定义值放在世界高度图中,这可能会导致地图渲染不正确。 有时它甚至可能发生在经过大量修改的单人游戏世界中。 此选项应该可以解决此类问题,但会降低一点性能。 除非必须,否则不要使用。切换此选项后重新进入存档!
Error loading server minimap properties. Please retry. 加载服务器小地图属性时出错。请重试。
Block 方块
Sky 天空
All 全部
All 总和
Both 两者
New Waypoints to Bottom 在底部新建路径点
Put newly created waypoints at the bottom of the waypoint list instead of the default top. 将新创建的路径点放在路径点列表的底部,而不是默认的顶部。
Shape 形状
Square 方形
Circle 圆形
Legacy 旧版
Player List 玩家列表
Always 总是
No Names 无名称
Type: 类型:
Color: 颜色:
Visibility: 可见性:
Names: 名称:
Icons/Heads: 图标/头像:
Render entity names under the dots or icons/heads.

Option "Player List" - render only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 在点或图标/头像下渲染实体名称。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅在按下“玩家列表”键(默认为 TAB)时显示。 | | Using Light Overlay | 使用光照叠加层 | | Light Overlay | 光照叠加层 | | Light Overlay | 光照叠加层 | | Color | 颜色 | | Max Light | 最大光照等级 | | Min Light | 最小光照等级 | | Toggle Light Overlay | 切换光照叠加层 | | Using this overlay can negatively affect the game performance because it currently does not use the World Map mod chunks and increases the minimap updating frequency. Do not keep it active all the time. | 使用此叠加层会对游戏性能产生负面影响, 因为它目前不使用世界地图模组区块并增加小地图更新频率。 不要一直保持在开启状态。 | | Day | 天 | | Tamed Mobs | 驯服的生物 | | Untamed Color | 未驯服颜色 | | Player List | 玩家列表 | | Always | 总是 | | No Icons | 无图标 | | Render entity icons instead of colored dots.

Option "Player List" - render only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 渲染实体图标而不是彩色点。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅在按下“玩家列表”键(默认为 TAB)时显示。 | | Dot Name Scale | 点名称缩放 | | Entity Icon Scale | 实体图标缩放 | | Size of the minimap frame that affects how much is visible. Square-shaped minimap is forced into the non-rotating mode (option "Lock Minimap North") when the size is greater than 180.

For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left.

Size values in older mod versions: Tiny - 57 Small - 85 Medium - 113 Large - 169 | 影响可见程度的小地图框体大小。 当大小大于180时,方形小地图会强制进入非旋转模式(选项“锁定小地图北方”)。


旧版本模组中的大小值: 微小 - 57 小 - 85 中 - 113 大 - 169 | | Auto | 自动 | | Clamp Depth | 深度限制 | | Waypoint Distance Text Scale | 路径点距离文本缩放 | | Waypoint Name Text Scale | 路径点名称文本缩放 | | The screen depth at which in-game waypoints stop getting smaller when you go further away from them. Use this if you want to make waypoints that are far away bigger/smaller on the screen. Use the "Waypoint In-Game Scale" setting to also affect the size of waypoints when you are close to them.

For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. The automatic option attempts to give you the best value for the default values of scale types, taking your FOV and screen height into account.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 当你远离它们时,游戏内路径点停止变小的屏幕深度。 如果你想在屏幕上使远处的路径点变大/变小,请使用此选项。使用“游戏内路径点缩放”设置也可以在你靠近它们时影响路径点的大小。

对于“自动”选项,一直拉到到左边。 自动选项会同时考虑你的 FOV 和屏幕高度,尝试为你提供最佳的缩放默认值,。

旧模组版本中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | Scale of the text displaying the distance to an in-game waypoint.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 到游戏内路径点的距离的文本显示缩放。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | Scale of the text displaying the name of an in-game waypoint.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 游戏内路径点名称的文本显示缩放。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | Scale of in-game waypoints. Use this to change the scale of all in-game waypoints, including those that are near you. Use the "Clamp Depth" setting to specifically affect the size of waypoints that are far away.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 游戏内路径点的缩放。使用它来更改所有游戏内路径点的缩放,包括你附近的路径点。使用“深度限制”设置专门影响远处路径点的大小。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | %1$s shared a waypoint called "%2$s"! §2§n[Add] | %1$s 分享了一个名为“%2$s”的路径点! §2§n[添加] | | %1$s shared a waypoint called "%2$s" from %3$s! §2§n[Add] | %1$s 分享了一个来自 %3$s 的名为“%2$s”的路径点! §2§n[添加] | | an unknown dimension | 未知维度 | | Setting value is taken from the world map settings! | 此设置的值来自世界地图设置! | | Setting value cannot be configured when using the world map chunks! | 使用世界地图区块时无法配置此设置的值! | | Entity Dots Style | 实体点样式 | | Default | 默认 | | Legacy | 旧版 | | Default 3D | 默认 3D | | Default 2D | 默认 2D | | UI Scale | UI 尺寸 | | Auto | 自动 | | Scale of text and other minimap UI elements. Not made for zooming in or resizing. There are separate options for that. | 文本和其他小地图UI元素的缩放。 不适用于推近或调整大小。有单独的选项。 | | Normal | 正常 | | Screen Height | 屏幕高度 | | Boss Health Push Box | Boss生命条碰撞箱 | | Potion Effects Push Box | 药水效果状态栏碰撞箱 | | An invisible box around the vanilla boss health display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way.

Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance.

Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed. | 原版Boss生命条周围有一个隐形碰撞箱将模组的界面推开。


屏幕高度类型的碰撞箱拉伸到整个屏幕高度,并且总是以正常类型的高度垂直移动碰撞的界面。 当你在一列中有多个界面并希望所有这些界面都被推开时,这将非常有用。 | | An invisible box around the vanilla potion effects display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way.

Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance.

Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed. | 原版药水效果状态栏周围有一个隐形碰撞箱将模组的界面推开。


屏幕高度类型的碰撞箱拉伸到整个屏幕高度,并且总是以正常类型的高度垂直移动碰撞的界面。 当你在一列中有多个界面并希望所有这些界面都被推开时,这将非常有用。 | | Frame Style | 边框样式 | | Frame Color | 边框颜色 | | The color of the minimap frame for the non-default colored frame styles. | 边框样式不是默认时的小地图边框颜色。 | | Default | 默认 | | Colored | 彩色 | | Colored Thin | 彩色薄边框 | | N | 北 | | E | 东 | | S | 南 | | W | 西 | | Compass Scale On-Map | 地图上的罗盘缩放 | | The scale of the compass letters NESW when using the on-map compass location. | 罗盘位置在地图上时罗盘文字东西南北的缩放。 | | On Map | 在地图上 | | On Frame | 在边框上 | | Compass Shadow Color | 罗盘阴影颜色 | | Render compass letters (N, E, S, W) over the on-map waypoints. This only works for the on-frame compass location. | 在地图上的路径点之上渲染罗盘文字(东、西、南、北)。这仅适用于罗盘位置在边框上时。 | | No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | | No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | | No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | | No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | | No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | | No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | | No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | | No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | | No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | | No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | | No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | | No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | | Display Item Frame Dots | 用点显示物品展示框 | | Display Current Dimension | 显示当前维度 | | Unknown Biome | 未知生物群系 | | Light: %d | 光照等级:%d | | You can't teleport to a waypoint that doesn't specify the Y coordinate. Edit the waypoint to be able to teleport to it. | 你不能传送到未指定 Y 坐标的路径点。编辑路径点以便能够传送到它的位置。 | | Scale of the text displaying the distance to an in-game waypoint. | 到游戏内路径点距离文本显示缩放。 | | Scale of the text displaying the name of an in-game waypoint. | 游戏内路径点名称文本显示缩放。 | | Scale of the in-game waypoint icons. | 游戏内路径点图标的缩放。 | | In-Game Waypoint Icon Scale | 游戏内路径点图标缩放 | | In-Game Waypoint Up-Close Scale | 近距离游戏内路径点缩放 | | Scale of the in-game waypoints when you are very close to them. To change the scale of waypoints that are far away, use the "In-Game Waypoint Icon Scale", "Waypoint Distance Text Scale" and "Waypoint Name Text Scale" settings. | 当你非常靠近它们时,游戏内路径点的缩放。 要更改远处路径点的缩放,请使用 “游戏内路径点图标缩放”、“路径点距离文本缩放”和“路径点名称文本缩放”设置。 | | Entity Name When Icon Fails | 找不到图标时使用实体名称 | | Settings Search | 设置搜索 | | Search... | 搜索…… | | View Settings | 视图设置 | | Entity Radar Settings | 实体雷达设置 | | Entity Category Settings | 实体类别设置 | | Block Map Settings | 方块地图设置 | | Overlay Settings | 叠加层设置 | | Information Settings | 信息设置 | | Waypoint Settings | 路径点设置 | | Miscellaneous Settings | 其他设置 | | Category: | 类别: | | No matching entries found for your input! | 找不到与你的输入匹配的项! | | Multiple Waypoint Distances | 多个路径点距离 | | Whether the distance can be displayed for multiple in-game waypoints at once. By default, only the distance to the closest waypoint to the crosshair is displayed. Use the "Distance to WP" setting to configure which waypoints the distance could even be shown for. | 是否可以同时显示多个游戏内路径点的距离。 默认情况下,仅显示离十字准星最近的路径点的距离。 使用“到路径点的距离”设置来配置可以显示到哪些路径点的距离。 | | Sneaking | 潜行时 | | Always | 总是 | | Nothing | 无 | | %s (Choose an Option) | %s(选择一个选项) | | Any | 任何 | | Living | 生物 | | Hostile | 敌对的 | | Friendly | 友好的 | | Tamed | 驯服的 | | Tamed | 驯服的 | | Player | 玩家 | | From the Same Team | 来自相同队伍 | | From Other Teams | 来自其他队伍 | | Item | 物品 | | Other | 其他 | | Settings | 设置 | | Include List | 包含列表 | | A list of entities to include in the (sub-)category on top of the entities included by the "Hard Include". | 要包含在“硬包含”所包含的实体之上的(子)类别中的实体类型列表。 | | Exclude List | 排除列表 | | A list of entities to exclude from the entities already included in the (sub-)category. Can work both as a "whitelist" and a "blacklist" depending on the exclusion mode you choose. This does not remove entities from the entity radar, unless you're excluding from the root "Any" category. The "Display" setting can remove entities from the radar. | 要从已包含在(子)类别中的实体类型中排除的实体类型列表。 根据你选择的排除模式,可以同时用作“白名单”和“黑名单”。 这不会从实体雷达中删除实体,除非你从根“任何”类别中排除。 “显示”设置可以从雷达中排除实体。 | | Add Sub-Category | 添加子类别 | | Hard Include | 硬包含 | | Controls which entities to automatically include in the (sub-)category without having to put them in the include list manually. | 控制哪些实体自动包含在(子)类别中,无需手动将它们放入包含列表中。 | | Add To List... | 添加到列表…… | | Exclusion Mode | 排除模式 | | Category Name... | 类别名称…… | | Confirm | 确认 | | Delete Category | 删除类别 | | Delete the following category? | 删除以下类别? | | Protection: OFF | 保护:关 | | Protection: ON | 保护:开 | | Disable protection for the following category? | 禁用以下类别的保护? | | Enable protection for the following category? | 启用以下类别的保护? | | Category protection prevents you from (accidentally) deleting, moving, renaming a category or changing its "Hard Include" setting. | 类别保护可防止你(意外)删除、移动、重命名类别或更改其“硬包含”设置。 | | Protected! | 受保护! | | Increase Priority | 提高优先级 | | Decrease Priority | 降低优先级 | | Delete | 删除 | | Confirm | 确认 | | Cancel | 取消 | | Leave without saving your changes? | 离开而不保存你的更改? | | Reset Defaults | 重置为默认 | | Reset the category configuration to default values? | 将类别配置重置为默认? | | Custom categories will be removed and the default ones will be reset. | 自定义类别将被删除,默认类别将被重置。 | | Display | 显示 | | Dot Color | 点颜色 | | Icons | 图标 | | Names | 名称 | | Render Order | 渲染顺序 | | Controls the order in which the radar categories are rendered. A lower number means being rendered earlier. However, in the newer Minecraft versions dots are always rendered on top of the icons. The order still applies within dot or icon rendering though. | 控制雷达类别的渲染顺序。较低的数字意味着更早地渲染。 然而,在较新的Minecraft版本中,点总是显示在图标之上。 该顺序仍然适用于点或图标渲染。 | | Team Color | 队伍颜色 | | Always render names for entities with name tags regardless of what the name setting is set to. | 无论名称设置是什么,始终为带有命名牌的实体显示名称。 | | Display Radar | 显示雷达 | | Display Names | 显示名称 | | Display Icons | 显示图标 | | Toggle Entity Radar | 切换实体雷达 | | Press LEFT and RIGHT buttons to select a column within the entry. | 按下“左”和“右”按钮选择条目中的一列。 | | Select a sub-category and go to its Settings to configure things like dot color, names, icons etc.

Sub-categories that are higher on the list are prioritized when multiple sub-categories include the same entity! Keep that in mind when creating custom categories. Usually, a new custom category should be placed at the top. | 选择一个子类别并转到其设置以配置点颜色、名称、图标等内容。

当多个子类别包含同一实体时,列表中较高的子类别优先! 创建自定义类别时请记住这一点。 通常,新的自定义类别应该会被放在顶部。 | | Update Notifications | 更新通知 | | Cut/Move §e%1$s | 剪切/移动 §e%1$s | | Paste §e%1$s§r Into §e%2$s | 将 §e%1$s§r 粘贴到 §e%2$s | | Cancel Cut/Paste | 取消剪切/粘贴 | | Duplicate §e%1$s | 复制 §e%1$s | | Duplicate the following category? | 复制以下类别? | | Reverse Radar Render Order | 反转雷达渲染顺序 | | Adjust Y For Short Blocks | 为矮的方块调整 Y 值 | | Subtract 1 from the height value for short carpetlike blocks, e.g. carpet, 1-layer snow, lilypad etc. This prevents such blocks from causing harsh shading on the map like a full block. | 类似地毯的矮方块的高度值减去1,例如地毯、1层雪、睡莲等。 这可以防止这些方块像一个完整的方块一样在地图上显示明显的阴影。 | | View/Edit §e%1$s | 查看/编辑 §e%1$s | | Settings For §e%1$s | §e%1$s§r 的设置 | | Convert Distance to KM at | 将距离转换为公里 | | Never | 从不 | | Waypoint Distance Precision | 路径点距离精度 | | Angular Distance | 角距离 | | Enabled | 已启用 | | Disabled | 已禁用 | | Main Entity Dot Size | 自身点大小 | | Save changes before you exit? | 退出前保存更改? | | Warning: This confirmation screen was recently replaced! | 警告:此确认屏幕最近已被替换! | | Min Y Distance For Depth Fade | 深度渐变的最小 Y 距离 | | Minimum Y level difference requirement for an entity to start darkening on the radar when the "Show Entity Depth" setting is enabled. | 当启用“显示实体深度”设置时,实体在雷达上开始变暗的最小Y高度差距。 | | Auto | 自动 | | Legacy | 旧版 | | Use Y With Partial When TP | 传送时使用偏移的 Y 值 | | When teleporting to a waypoint, offset the Y coordinate by 0.5 to avoid falling through carpet-like blocks into the void. Otherwise, the integer Y coordinate is used. | 传送到路径点时,将 Y 坐标偏移 0.5 以避免穿过地毯状方块掉入虚空。否则,使用整数 Y 坐标。 | | Delete Reached Deathpoints | 删除到达过的死亡地点 | | Automatically delete deathpoints when you are within 4 blocks from them. This requires the deathpoint to be visible in-game or on the minimap. A deathpoint is protected from deletion for 5 seconds after its creation. | 当你靠近到4个方块内时自动删除死亡地点。 这要求死亡地点在游戏中或小地图上可见。 死亡地点在创建后5秒内不会被删除。 | | Hide When Under Screen | 位于其他界面下方时隐藏 | | Hide the minimap when a GUI screen is open, e.g. the inventory, with the exception of minimap-related screens and the chat screen. | 当GUI界面打开时隐藏小地图,例如物品栏,与小地图相关的界面和聊天界面除外。 | | North Compass Color | 罗盘北方颜色 | | Default | 默认 | | Confirm Custom Input: %1$s | 确认自定义输入:%1$s | | Supports player names, entity/item identifiers or patterns with special characters * ) ( and |.

    • matches anything. )( - parenthesis, mostly for usage with |. | - the OR operator to match different sequences in the same location.

For example: minecraft:creeper minecraft:zombie(_villager|_horse) - zombie villagers and horses. minecraft:a*l - any vanilla entity which starts with 'a' and ends with 'l'. | 支持带有特殊字符 * ) ( 和 | 的实体标识符或匹配模式。

    • 匹配任何内容。 ) ( - 括号,主要与 | 一起使用。 | - “或”运算符以匹配相同位置的不同序列。

例如: minecraft:creeper minecraft:zombie(_villager|_horse) - 僵尸村民和马。 minecraft:a*l - 任何以“a”开头并以“l”结尾的原版实体。 | | Waypoints: %1$s | 路径点:%1$s | | Hide When Under F3 | 在 F3 时隐藏 | | Hide the minimap when the F3 debug screen is enabled. | 启用 F3 调试界面时隐藏小地图。 | | ⛔ | 显示 Y 高度 | | ⛔ | 显示实体 Y 高度 | | BL: %d | 方块光照:%d | | SL: %d | 天空光照:%d | | L: %d | 光照等级:%d | | BL: %d SL: %d | 方块光照:%d 天空光照:%d | | Toggle Manual Cave Mode | 切换手动洞穴模式 | | Manual Cave Mode | 手动洞穴模式 | | Manual Cave Mode Start Y | 手动洞穴模式起始 Y 高度 | | Which Y level to start mapping blocks from when the manual cave mode is enabled. Manual cave mode can be toggled with a key binding. For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. | 启用手动洞穴模式时,从哪个Y高度开始绘制方块。 手动洞穴模式可以通过按键绑定进行切换。 对于“自动”选项,一直拉到左边。 | | Auto | 自动 | | Chunk Grid Line Width | 区块网格线宽度 | | Render Over Minimap Frame | 在小地图边框之上渲染 | | Render the entities over the minimap frame instead of rendering them inside the frame. Entities rendered this way act similarly to the waypoints and stick to the border when out of bounds. Visible entities are still limited to the ones loaded on the game client side though.

Option "Player List" - render over minimap only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 允许在小地图边框上渲染实体,而不只是在边框内渲染它们。 以这种方式渲染的实体的行为类似于路径点,并且在超出边界时会粘在边界上。 可见实体仍然仅限于游戏客户端加载的实体。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅当按下“玩家列表”键绑定(默认为 TAB)时才在小地图上如此渲染。 | | Render Radar Over Frame | 在边框之上渲染雷达 | | Never | 从不 | | Player List | 玩家列表 | | Always | 总是 | | Compass Over Everything | 罗盘在最上层 | | Render the cardinal direction letters (N, E, S, W) above all map elements, as opposed to under some, e.g. waypoints. | 在所有地图元素上方渲染罗盘文字(东、西、南、北),而不是在某些元素下方,例如路径点。 | | Server | 服务器 | | Somebody | 某人 | | ⛔ | 展示帮派/盟友玩家 | | ⛔ | 当玩家超出小地图框体边界或因其他原因不可见时,显示与你共享位置的玩家(由 Open Parties and Claims 模组提供)。 | | ⛔ | 切换帮派/盟友玩家 | | Toggle Chunk Claims | 切换区块认领 | | (Forceloadable) | (可强制加载) | | %1$s's Claim%2$s | %1$s 的认领 %2$s | | Server Claim%1$s | 服务器认领 %1$s | | Expired Claim%1$s | 到期的认领 %1$s | | Display Chunk Claims | 显示区块认领 | | Display chunk claims from the Open Parties and Claims mod as a colored overlay. | 将来自 Open Parties and Claims 模组的区块认领显示为彩色叠加层。 | | Chunk Claims Border Opacity | 区块认领边界不透明度 | | The opacity of the chunk claims overlay border color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块认领叠加层的边缘不透明度。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | Chunk Claims Fill Opacity | 区块认领填充不透明度 | | The opacity of the chunk claims overlay fill color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块认领叠加层的填充颜色不透明度。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | Display Current Claim | 显示当前认领 | | Display claim information about the chunk that you are in. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 显示有关你所在区块的认领信息。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | Include in Super-Category | 包含在超类别中 | | Automatically include all entities from this list, and other lists included in this category, in the super-category/parent of this category, except the entities in the exclude list. That way you don't have to manually add duplicates on each level. | 自动将此列表中的所有实体以及此类别中包含的其他列表包含在此类别的超类别/父级中,排除列表中的实体除外。 这样你就不必在每个级别上手动添加重复项。 | | Automatically include all elements from this list, and other sub-lists included in this category, in the super-category/parent of this category. That way you don't have to manually add duplicates on each level. Keep in mind that super-categories are not going to check the exclusion lists of this category. | 自动将此列表中的所有元素以及此类别中包括的其他子列表包括在此类别的超类别/父类别中。这样,你就不必在每个级别上手动添加重复项。请记住,超级类别不会检查此类别的排除列表。 | | Global Temporary Waypoints | 临时路径点为全局 | | When enabled, temporary waypoints are treated as global waypoints and ignore the waypoint render distance limits. | 启用后,临时路径点将被视为全局路径点并忽略路径点渲染距离限制。 | | Keep Rotation When Enlarged | 放大时保持旋转 | | Do not lock the minimap to north when enlarged if possible, which is only when using the circle shape at the time of writing this. | 如果可能的话,在放大时不要将小地图锁定在北方,这只适用于圆形小地图。 | | Toggled Enlarged Minimap | 放大小地图键视为切换 | | Treat the "Enlarge Minimap" key binding as a toggle instead of having to hold it. | 将“放大小地图”键视为切换,而不用按住它。 | | World Map Loc. | 世界地图局部 | | World Map Glo. | 世界地图全局 | | In-Game/Minimap Visibility Type

Local - only visible when in the maximum waypoint render distance Global - always visible World Map Loc. - not visible but is considered local World Map Glo. - not visible but is considered global | 游戏内/小地图可见性类型

局部 - 仅在最大路径点渲染距离内可见 全局 - 始终可见 世界地图局部 - 不可见,但被视为局部 世界地图全局 - 不可见,但被视为全局 | | This option requires you to be in game. | 此选项要求你已进入游戏。 | | "List Players" Alternative | “玩家列表”第二键位 | | Display Stained Glass | 显示染色玻璃 | | On-Map Waypoint Scale | 地图上路径点大小 | | Auto | 自动 | | Auto Sub-World On Death | 死亡时自动切换到子世界 | | Whether to switch the waypoint sub-world to auto on deathpoint creation. This doesn't affect what sub-world the deathpoint is created in. | 是否在创建死亡点时将路径点子世界切换为自动。这不影响死亡点创建在哪个子世界。 | | Zoom Level When Enlarged | 放大时的缩放级别 | | Auto | 自动 | | Color | 颜色 | | Display Weather Info | 显示天气信息 | | Raining/Snowing | 下雨/下雪 | | Thundering | 打雷 | | Waypoint Color | 路径点颜色 | | Waypoint Set | 路径点集合 | | Waypoint Server/World | 路径点服务器/世界 | | Waypoint Sub-World/Dimension | 路径点子世界/维度 | | From Sub-World/Dimension | 从子世界/维度 | | To Sub-World/Dimension | 到子世界/维度 | | From Server/World | 从服务器/世界 | | To Server/World | 到服务器/世界 | | %1$s is selected. | %1$s 已选择。 | | Coordinates | 坐标 | | Dimension | 维度 | | Biome | 生物群系 | | Weather | 天气 | | Light Level | 光照等级 | | Game Time | 游戏时间 | | Highlight Info (e.g. Claims) | 高亮信息(例如领地) | | Facing Angles | 朝向角度 | | Light Overlay Status | 光照覆盖状态 | | Manual Cave Mode Status | 手动洞穴模式状态 | | Custom Waypoint Sub-World | 自定义路径点子世界 | | Text Color | 文本颜色 | | Text Background Color | 文本背景颜色 | | Info Display Manager | 信息显示管理器 | | Click and drag the elements to change the order of the displayed information. | 点击并拖动元素以更改显示信息的顺序。 | | Info Display Background Opacity | 信息显示背景不透明度 | | The opacity of the colored backgrounds of information types that have a background enabled in the info display manager. | 信息显示管理器中启用了背景的信息类型的彩色背景的不透明度。 | | Chunk Coordinates | 区块坐标 | | Actual | 实际高度 | | Relative | 相对高度 | | Direction | 方向 | | Destination | 目的地 | | Enabled - regular waypoint Disabled - regular hidden waypoint Temporary - waypoint disappears on world exit Destination - waypoint disappears when reached | 启用 - 常规路径点 禁用 - 常规隐藏路径点 临时 - 路径点在退出世界时消失 目的地 - 路径点在到达时消失 | | Real Time | 实时时间 | | Cave Mode Toggle Timer | 洞穴模式切换计时器 | | The minimum time to wait between toggles of cave mode to prevent flickering when quickly switching between being under blocks and not. The latest world map mod has a separate setting for this as well. | 在快速切换在方块下和不在方块下时防止闪烁时,等待切换洞穴模式的最短时间。最新的世界地图模组也有一个单独的设置。 | | Overworld Coordinates | 主世界坐标 | | Legible Cave Maps | 可读的洞穴地图 | | Use depth-based lighting in cave mode instead of actual block lighting, making it easier to mentally separate the different cave layers. | 在洞穴模式中使用基于深度的光照,而不是实际的方块光照,使不同的洞穴层更容易在心理上分开。 | | Setting value is taken from the world map screen! | 设置值来自世界地图屏幕! | | Biome Blending | 生物群系混合 | | Smooth out biome color edges by sampling biome colors for multiple blocks for every block on the map. Turning this off can significantly improve performance when biome color calculation is modded to be much more heavyweight than vanilla. | 通过对地图上每个方块的多个方块采样生物群系颜色,平滑生物群系颜色边缘。关闭此功能可以显著提高性能,当生物群系颜色计算被修改为比原版更重的情况下。 | | Configure and/or rearrange different types of info displayed under the minimap, such as current coordinates, facing angles, dimension, biome, weather, light level, game time, real time and more. | 配置和/或重新排列显示在小地图下的不同类型的信息,例如当前坐标、朝向角度、维度、生物群系、天气、光照等级、游戏时间、实时时间等。 | | Configure specific entity categories, which are usually players, hostile mobs, friendly mobs, items or other entities, separately instead of having the same configuration for every entity. You can even create your own custom categories for specific entity types. | 单独配置通常为玩家、敌对生物、友好生物、物品或其他实体的特定实体类别,而不是为每个实体都使用相同的配置。你甚至可以为特定实体类型创建自定义类别。 | | The cardinal directions displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的基本方向。 | | The color of the background/shadow under the cardinal directions displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的基本方向下的背景/阴影的颜色。 | | The color of the background/shadow under the north cardinal direction displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的北方基本方向下的背景/阴影的颜色。 | | Auto | 自动 | | Compass Scale | 指南针刻度 | | The scale of the cardinal direction letters NESW. For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. | 基本方向字母NESW的刻度。对于“自动”选项,请将其调整到最左边。 | | Friend | 好友 | | Tracked (e.g. Party/Allies) | 已跟踪(例如队伍/盟友) | | Dimension-scaled Max WP Distance | 按维度缩放的最大路径点距离 | | Scale the maximum waypoint render distance by the current dimension's coordinate scale (e.g. 1/8 in the Nether). | 通过当前维度的坐标比例(例如在下界中为1/8)来缩放最大路径点渲染距离。 | | Maximum render distance for local waypoints. Global waypoints are not affected. By default, the maximum distance is scaled by the current dimension's coordinate scale. You can toggle this with "Dimension-scaled Max WP Distance". | 本地路径点的最大渲染距离。全局路径点不受影响。默认情况下,最大距离按照当前维度的坐标比例进行缩放。你可以使用“按维度缩放的最大路径点距离”进行切换。 | | Beta | Beta |

Minecraft Minecraft
Key 英文 中文
gui.xaero_confirm Confirm 确认
gui.xaero_cancel Cancel 取消
gui.xaero_back Back 返回
gui.xaero_delete Delete 删除
gui.xaero_OK OK 确定
gui.xaero_add_edit Add/Edit 添加/编辑
gui.xaero_new_waypoint New Waypoint 新建路径点
gui.xaero_initial initials 首字母
gui.xaero_edit_waypoint Edit Waypoint 编辑路径点
gui.xaero_choose_a_preset Choose a Preset 选择一个预设
gui.xaero_choose_an_interface Choose an Interface 选择一个界面
gui.xaero_minimap Minimap 小地图
gui.xaero_edit_mode Edit Mode 编辑模式
gui.xaero_instructions Instructions/Help 教程/帮助
gui.xaero_not_ingame You have to be in game to be able to use the edit mode! 你必须先进入游戏才能使用编辑模式!
gui.xaero_welcome_edit_mode Welcome to the edit mode! 欢迎来到编辑模式!
gui.xaero_howto_select Left-click an interface to select it. 左键点击一个界面来选择它。
gui.xaero_howto_drag Left-click and drag to move an interface around. 左键点住并拖动以移动界面。
gui.xaero_howto_deselect Right-click to deselect an interface. 右键点击取消选择界面。
gui.xaero_howto_center Press "C" to center or uncenter the selected interface. 按“C”使所选界面居中或取消居中。
gui.xaero_different_centered Some interfaces have a different centered look. 某些界面在居中时具有不同的外观。
gui.xaero_howto_flip Press "F" to flip or unflip the selected interface. 按“F”翻转或取消翻转所选界面。
gui.xaero_howto_settings Press "S" to quickly access settings of the selected interface. 按“S”快速打开所选界面的设置。
gui.xaero_howto_preset Select a preset by clicking the "Choose a Preset" button. 点击“选择一个预设”按钮选择一个预设。
gui.xaero_howto_save Save your changes by clicking the "Confirm" button. 点击“确认”按钮保存更改。
gui.xaero_howto_cancel Discard your changes by clicking the "Cancel" button. 点击“取消”按钮放弃你的更改。
gui.xaero_minimap_settings Minimap Settings 小地图设置
gui.xaero_server_disabled The server might have disabled some of the mod features. 服务器可能禁用了某些模组功能。
gui.xaero_waypoints Waypoints 路径点
gui.xaero_centered Centered: 已居中:
gui.xaero_press_c (pr. C) (按C)
gui.xaero_flipped Flipped: 已翻转:
gui.xaero_press_f (pr. F) (按F)
gui.xaero_reset_defaults Restore Default Settings 恢复默认设置
gui.xaero_cave_maps Cave Mode 洞穴模式
gui.xaero_display_waypoints On-Map Waypoints 地图上路径点
gui.xaero_zoom Zoom 推近小地图
gui.xaero_minimap_size Size 大小
gui.xaero_entity_amount Entity Number 实体数量
gui.xaero_black Black 黑色
gui.xaero_dark_blue Dark Blue 深蓝色
gui.xaero_dark_green Dark Green 深绿色
gui.xaero_dark_aqua Dark Aqua 深青色
gui.xaero_dark_red Dark Red 深红色
gui.xaero_dark_purple Dark Purple 深紫色
gui.xaero_gold Gold 金色
gui.xaero_gray Gray 灰色
gui.xaero_dark_gray Dark Gray 深灰色
gui.xaero_blue Blue 蓝色
gui.xaero_green Green 绿色
gui.xaero_aqua Aqua 青色
gui.xaero_red Red 红色
gui.xaero_purple Light Purple 淡紫色
gui.xaero_yellow Yellow 黄色
gui.xaero_white White 白色
gui.xaero_zoom_in Zoom In Minimap 推近小地图
gui.xaero_zoom_out Zoom Out Minimap 拉远小地图
gui.xaero_on ON
gui.xaero_off OFF
gui.xaero_preset_topleft Top-Left Corner 左上角
gui.xaero_preset_topright Top-Right Corner 右上角
gui.xaero_waypoint_teleport Teleport 传送
gui.xaero_waypoints_key Open Waypoint Screen 打开路径点界面
gui.xaero_display_coords Display Coordinates 显示坐标
gui.xaero_disable_enable Disable/Enable 禁用/启用
gui.xaero_disabled disabled 禁用
gui.xaero_minimap_guide Left-click and drag to move the minimap around. 左键点住并拖动以移动小地图。
gui.xaero_change_position Change Position 更改位置
gui.xaero_preset_bottom_left Bottom-Left Corner 左下角
gui.xaero_preset_bottom_right Bottom-Right Corner 右下角
gui.xaero_ingame_waypoints In-Game Waypoints 游戏内路径点
gui.xaero_next Next >> 下一页 >>
gui.xaero_previous << Prev << 上一页
gui.xaero_lock_north Lock Minimap North 锁定小地图北方
gui.xaero_deathpoint Latest Death 上次死亡地点
gui.xaero_deathpoint_old Old Death 此前死亡地点
gui.xaero_deathpoints Deathpoints 死亡地点
gui.xaero_chunkgrid Chunk Grid 区块网格
gui.xaero_players Players 玩家
gui.xaero_mobs Friendly Mobs 友好生物
gui.xaero_hostile Hostile Mobs 敌对生物
gui.xaero_items Items 物品
gui.xaero_other Other Entities 其他实体
gui.xaero_enlarge_map Enlarge Minimap 放大小地图
gui.xaero_opacity Opacity 不透明度
gui.xaero_slime_chunks Slime Chunks 史莱姆区块
gui.xaero_unlimited Unlimited 无限制
gui.xaero_old_deathpoints Keep Old Deathpoints 保留旧的死亡地点
gui.xaero_toggle_map Toggle Minimap 切换小地图
gui.xaero_antialiasing Anti-Aliasing 抗锯齿
gui.xaero_safe_mode Safe Mode 安全模式
gui.xaero_transfer Transfer 转移
gui.xaero_transfer_all Transfer All Waypoints 转移所有路径点
gui.xaero_clear Clear Set 清除集合
gui.xaero_from From
gui.xaero_to To
gui.xaero_used_seed Seed to Use: 使用的种子:
gui.xaero_show_distance Distance to WP 到路径点的距离
gui.xaero_waypoints_scale In-Game Waypoint Scale 游戏内路径点缩放
gui.xaero_block_colours Block Color Mode 方块颜色模式
gui.xaero_accurate Accurate 准确
gui.xaero_vanilla Vanilla 原版
gui.xaero_lighting Lighting 光照
gui.xaero_looking_at Looking At 准星指向的
gui.xaero_all All 全部
gui.xaero_display_redstone Show Redstone 显示红石
gui.xaero_clear_set_message Are you sure you would like to clear the current set 你确定要清除当前集合吗
gui.xaero_clear_set_message2 All waypoints from this set will be deleted! 集合中的所有路径点都将被删除!
gui.xaero_default Default 默认
gui.xaero_create_set New Waypoint Set 新建路径点集合
gui.xaero_delete_set Delete Set 删除集合
gui.xaero_delete_set_message Are you sure you would like to delete the current set 你确定要删除当前集合吗
gui.xaero_delete_set_message2 This set will be removed from the current world. 此集合将从当前世界中移除。
gui.xaero_toggle_waypoints Toggle In-Game Waypoints 切换游戏内路径点
gui.xaero_dots_size Entity Dot Size 实体点大小
gui.xaero_toggle_slime Toggle Slime Chunks 切换史莱姆区块
gui.xaero_toggle_grid Toggle Chunk Grid 切换区块网格
gui.xaero_compass_over_wp Compass Over Waypoints 罗盘在路径点上层
gui.xaero_current_biome Display Current Biome 显示当前生物群系
gui.xaero_auto_map_size Auto 自动
gui.xaero_reset_message Are you sure you would like to restore the default settings? 你确定要恢复默认设置吗?
gui.xaero_reset_message2 This action cannot be undone! 此操作无法撤消!
gui.xaero_yaw yaw 朝向
gui.xaero_true true
gui.xaero_false false
gui.xaero_team_colours Team Colors 队伍颜色
gui.xaero_instant_waypoint Quick Waypoint 快速路径点
gui.xaero_entity_depth Show Entity Depth 显示实体深度
gui.xaero_show_flowers Show Flowers 显示花
gui.xaero_waypoint_names WP Name Above Distance 路径点名称在距离之上
gui.xaero_waypoints_distance Max WP Render Dist. 最大路径点渲染距离
gui.xaero_teleport_default_command Default Teleport Command 默认传送命令
gui.xaero_waypoints_distance_min Min WP Render Dist. 最小路径点渲染距离
gui.xaero_other_teams Other Teams 其他队伍
gui.xaero_arrow_scale Arrow Scale 箭头缩放
gui.xaero_arrow_colour Arrow Color 箭头颜色
gui.xaero_smooth_dots Smooth Dots 平滑点
gui.xaero_cave_zoom Cave Mode Zoom In 洞穴模式推近
gui.xaero_safe_mode_box Use Java-based (CPU) equivalent of this mod instead of the default, OpenGL-based (GPU) one. Safe mode is a plan B in case the mod does not function correctly. Not all features work in the safe mode. Do not use unless you have to. 使用此模组的基于Java(CPU)的等效实现,而不是默认的基于OpenGL(GPU)的实现。 安全模式是B计划,以防模组无法正常运行。 并非所有功能都在安全模式下工作。除非必须,否则不要使用。
gui.xaero_height_limit Entity Height Limit 实体高度限制
gui.xaero_world_map World Map 世界地图
gui.xaero_use_world_map Use World Map Mod Chunks 使用世界地图模组区块
gui.xaero_patron_capes Patreon Capes Patreon 披风
gui.xaero_entity_radar Entity Radar 实体雷达
gui.xaero_terrain_depth Terrain Depth 地形深度
gui.xaero_terrain_slopes Terrain Slopes 地形坡度
gui.xaero_block_transparency Block Transparency 方块透明度
gui.xaero_team Team 队伍
gui.xaero_world_server World/Server 世界/服务器
gui.xaero_subworld_dimension Sub-World/Dimension 子世界/维度
gui.xaero_switch_waypoint_set Switch Waypoint Set 切换路径点集合
gui.xaero_waypoint_opacity_ingame Waypoint Opacity in Game 游戏内路径点不透明度
gui.xaero_waypoint_opacity_map Waypoint Opacity on Map 地图上路径点不透明度
gui.xaero_hide_world_names Hide IPs/World Names 隐藏IP/世界名称
gui.xaero_open_slime Open on Key Press 按下按键时打开
gui.xaero_options Options 选项
gui.xaero_make_automatic Make World/Server Auto 使世界/服务器为auto
gui.xaero_make_automatic_msg1 Are you sure? 你确定吗?
gui.xaero_make_automatic_msg2 This will swap all waypoint data between the selected world/server and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected world/server automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing. 这将交换所选世界/服务器和auto之间的所有路径点数据,从而模拟使所选世界/服务器为auto。请确认你知道你在做什么。
gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic Make Sub-World Auto 使子世界为auto
gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic_msg1 Are you sure? 你确定吗?
gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic_msg2 This will swap all waypoint data between the selected sub-world and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected sub-world automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing. 这将交换所选子世界和auto之间的所有路径点数据,从而模拟使所选子世界为auto。请确认你知道你在做什么。
gui.xaero_delete_world Delete World/Server 删除世界/服务器
gui.xaero_delete_world_msg1 Would you like to delete all waypoint data for the selected world/server? 你要删除所选世界/服务器的所有路径点数据吗?
gui.xaero_delete_world_msg2 This action cannot be undone! Make sure you know what you are doing. 此操作无法撤消!请确认你知道你在做什么。
gui.xaero_delete_multi_world Delete Sub-World 删除子世界
gui.xaero_delete_multi_world_msg1 Would you like to delete all waypoint data for the selected sub-world? 你要删除所选子世界的所有路径点数据吗?
gui.xaero_delete_multi_world_msg2 This action cannot be undone! Make sure you know what you are doing. 此操作无法撤消!请确认你知道你在做什么。
gui.xaero_always_show_distance Always Disp. Dist. to WP 始终显示到路径点的距离
gui.xaero_multiply_all_by_8 Sub-World Coordinates * 8 子世界坐标 * 8
gui.xaero_divide_all_by_8 Sub-World Coordinates / 8 子世界坐标 / 8
gui.xaero_multiply_msg1 This option should be used only to fix incorrect waypoint coordinates. 此选项应仅用于修复不正确的路径点坐标。
gui.xaero_multiply_msg2 Are you sure you would like to MULTIPLY all sub-world coordinates by 8? 你确定要将所有子世界坐标§c乘以§f 8 吗?
gui.xaero_divide_msg2 Are you sure you would like to DIVIDE all sub-world coordinates by 8? 你确定要将所有子世界坐标§c除以§f 8 吗?
gui.xaero_share Share 分享
gui.xaero_share_msg1 Are you sure you would like to share this waypoint with §cEVERYONE§f in the chat? 你确定要在聊天中与§c所有人§f分享这个路径点吗?
gui.xaero_share_msg2 Make sure you do not expose a secret location! 请确认你没有暴露一个秘密位置!
gui.xaero_roof Ceiling 天花板
gui.xaero_partial Partial 部分
gui.xaero_full Full 完全
gui.xaero_show_light_level Display Light Level 显示光照等级
gui.xaero_up [Go Up] [向上]
gui.xaero_down [Go Down] [向下]
gui.xaero_display_all_sets Toggle All WP Sets Render 切换所有路径点集的渲染
gui.xaero_waypoint_name waypoint name 路径点名称
gui.xaero_set_name Set Name 集合名称
gui.xaero_render_layer Overlay Render Layer 叠加渲染层
gui.xaero_visit_needed §eYou need to visit this dimension first to convert it to the new format! §e你需要先进入该维度,将其转换为新格式!
gui.xaero_cross_tp Cross-Dimensional TP 跨维度传送
gui.xaero_unreachable_dimension Unreachable destination dimension. 目标维度无法到达。
gui.xaero_show_time Display Game Time 显示游戏时间
gui.xaero_24h 24h 24 小时制
gui.xaero_12h 12h 12 小时制
gui.xaero_temporary temporary 临时的
gui.xaero_temporary2 Temporary 临时的
gui.xaero_restore Restore 恢复
gui.xaero_biomes_vanilla Biomes in Vanilla Color Mode 原版颜色模式的生物群系
gui.xaero_use_multiworld Multiworld Detection 多世界检测
gui.xaero_close Close 关闭
gui.xaero_waypoint_distance_visibility_angle WP Dist. Horis. Angle 路径点距离水平可见角度
gui.xaero_waypoint_distance_vertical_visibility_angle WP Dist. Vertic. Angle 路径点距离垂直可见角度
gui.xaero_teleportation Teleportation 传送
gui.xaero_teleportation_tooltip Once disabled, it can be enabled back only through the config file! 一旦禁用,只能通过配置文件启用回来!
gui.xaero_use_multiworld_tooltip Disable if this is a simple server with a single world (no separate lobby, game mode, or minigame worlds). Multiworld detection will cause only issues on such servers. However, installing this mod on the server side should prevent these issues. 如果这是一个具有单一世界(没有单独的大厅、游戏模式或迷你游戏世界)的简单服务器,请禁用。 在这类服务器上多世界检测只会引起问题。 但是,在服务器端安装这个模组应该可以防止这些问题。
gui.xaero_world_teleport_command Teleport Command 传送命令
gui.xaero_use_default Use Default 使用默认值
gui.xaero_centered_enlarged Center When Enlarged 放大时居中
gui.xaero_zoomed_out_enlarged Zoom Out When Enlarged 放大时拉远
gui.xaero_sort Sort By 排序方式
gui.xaero_sort_reversed Reversed Sort Order 反转排序顺序
gui.xaero_sort_unsorted Unsorted 不排序
gui.xaero_sort_name Name 名称
gui.xaero_sort_symbol Initials 首字母
gui.xaero_sort_distance Distance 距离
gui.xaero_box_cave_maps Mapping mode that can go deeper than the surface blocks, mainly to display underground caves and interiors of buildings. The ceiling size refers to the size of a horizontal "square" of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. 可以看到比地表方块更深处的地图模式,主要用于显示地下洞穴和建筑物内部。 天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到以激活洞穴模式的水平“正方形”固体方块的大小。
gui.xaero_box_cave_maps2 Mapping mode that can go deeper than the surface blocks, mainly to display underground caves and interiors of buildings. The ceiling size refers to the size of a square ceiling of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. The solid blocks don't have to be on the same Y level. 可以看到比地表方块更深处的地图模式,主要用于显示地下洞穴和建筑物内部。 天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到以激活洞穴模式的水平“正方形”固体方块的大小。 固体方块不必在同一Y水平面上。
gui.xaero_box_entity_amount The limit per each entity category. 每个实体类别的数量限制。
gui.xaero_box_distance Specifies, for which in-game waypoints to show the distance to. 指定显示哪一个游戏内路径点的距离。
gui.xaero_box_distance2 Specifies, for which in-game waypoints to show the distance to. This does not guarantee that it will be shown for multiple waypoints at once. Check out the "Multiple Waypoint Distances" setting as well. 指定显示哪一个游戏内路径点的距离。 这不保证它会同时显示多个路径点。 还要查看“多个路径点距离”设置。
gui.xaero_box_always_distance Display distance even when the waypoint is very close. This setting does not override the "Distance to WP" option. 即使路径点非常近,也显示距离。这不会覆盖“到路径点的距离”选项。
gui.xaero_box_arrow_scale Scale of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases. 在小地图的固定旋转和其他几种情况下使用的箭头缩放。
gui.xaero_box_arrow_color Color of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases. 在小地图的固定旋转和其他几种情况下使用的箭头颜色。
gui.xaero_box_cave_zoom Specifies, how much to zoom the minimap further in when the cave mode is active. 激活洞穴模式时,小地图要进一步推近多少。
gui.xaero_box_entity_depth Display entities darker on the minimap depending on their Y level relative to you. 根据相对你的Y的高度,在小地图上显示较暗的实体。
gui.xaero_box_height_limit Maximum Y-level distance for entities until they are no longer displayed on the minimap. 实体的最大Y垂直距离,超出则不显示在小地图上。
gui.xaero_toggle_map_waypoints Toggle On-Map Waypoints 切换小地图路径点
gui.xaero_always_entity_nametags Always Render Entity Name Tags 始终渲染实体命名牌
gui.xaero_minimap_text_align Info Text Alignment 信息文本对齐
gui.xaero_center Center 中心
gui.xaero_left Left
gui.xaero_right Right
gui.xaero_show_angles Display Facing Angles 显示面向角度
gui.xaero_box_always_entity_nametags Always render names for entities with name tags regardless of what the name setting is set to in the "Entity Radar" screen. 无论“实体雷达”界面中的名称设置如何,始终为带有命名牌的实体显示名称。
gui.xaero_box_teleport_default_command The command used for waypoint teleportation if a world-specific or a server-specific command is not set in the Options menu in the waypoint screen. 未在路径点界面的“选项”菜单中 设置特定于世界或特定于服务器的命令时, 用于路径点传送的命令。
gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_mode_individually One by One 逐一
gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_mode_all All at Once 一次性全部
gui.xaero_compass Compass 罗盘
gui.xaero_cave_maps_depth Cave Mode Depth 洞穴模式深度
gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_reset Reset 重置
gui.xaero_main_entity_as Main Entity As 自身显示为
gui.xaero_arrow Arrow 箭头
gui.xaero_dot Dot
gui.xaero_crosshair Crosshair 十字准星
gui.xaero_teleport_coordinates_hidden Unable to teleport, because it would expose the waypoint coordinates. Disable the "Hide Waypoint Coordinates" option to be able to freely teleport again. 无法传送,因为它会暴露路径点坐标。禁用“隐藏路径点坐标”选项,才能够继续自由传送。
gui.xaero_hide_wp_coords Hide Waypoint Coordinates 隐藏路径点坐标
gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_show Show 显示
gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_hide Hide 隐藏
gui.xaero_teleport_anyway Teleport Anyway 强制传送
gui.xaero_teleport_shows_coordinates It will expose the coordinates! 这会暴露坐标!
gui.xaero_render_all_wp_sets Render All Waypoint Sets 渲染所有路径点集
gui.xaero_waypoints_global Global 全局
gui.xaero_waypoints_local Local 局部
gui.xaero_player_arrow_opacity Arrow Opacity 箭头不透明度
gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance Maximum render distance for local waypoints. Global waypoints are not affected. 局部路径点的最大渲染距离。全局路径点不受影响。
gui.xaero_connect_with_auto Add Sub-World Connection 添加子世界连接
gui.xaero_disconnect_from_auto Delete Sub-World Connection 删除子世界连接
gui.xaero_world_connection_tooltip Connect/disconnect selected sub-world to/from the current auto one. Connect only sub-worlds that are from the same sub-server/world save. For example, if a vanilla Nether portal takes you from sub-world A to sub-world B, then you can safely connect them. Other sub-worlds connected to the current one are always at the top of the list and are marked by an asterisk (symbol: *). 连接/断开连接选择的子世界与当前auto世界。仅连接来自同一子服务器/世界存档的子世界。例如,如果一个普通的下界传送门将你从子世界 A 带到子世界 B,那么你可以安全地连接它们。连接到当前子世界的其他子世界始终位于列表顶部,并用星号(符号:*)标记。
gui.xaero_connect_with_auto_msg Would you like to create the following connection between sub-worlds? 你想在以下子世界之间创建连接吗?
gui.xaero_disconnect_from_auto_msg Would you like to delete the following connection between sub-worlds? 你要删除以下子世界之间的连接吗?
gui.xaero_teleport_not_connected You are trying to teleport to a sub-world that is not connected to the current auto one. If you are sure that this sub-world is from the same sub-server/world save as the auto one, then you can enable teleportation by adding a connection in the waypoint screen -> Options -> Add Sub-World Connection. But beware, if you connect unrelated sub-worlds and teleport, then there is a good chance you will suffocate in a block or die from fall damage, so be careful and connect only the right ones. 你正试图传送到一个未连接到当前auto子世界的子世界。如果你确定这个子世界来自auto子服务器/世界,那么你可以通过在路径点界面 -> 选项 -> 添加子世界连接中添加连接来启用传送。但请注意,如果你连接不相关的子世界并进行传送,那么你很有可能会在方块中窒息或因坠落伤害而死亡,因此请小心并仅连接正确的子世界。
gui.xaero_ignore_heightmaps Ignore Server Heightmaps 忽略服务器高度图
gui.xaero_box_ignore_heightmaps Some servers put custom values in the world heightmaps, which may result in incorrectly rendered maps. Sometimes it may even happen in heavily modded singleplayer worlds. This option should fix such issues at the expense of a bit of performance. Do not use unless you have to. Reenter the world after toggling this option! 一些服务器将自定义值放在世界高度图中,这可能会导致地图渲染不正确。 有时它甚至可能发生在经过大量修改的单人游戏世界中。 此选项应该可以解决此类问题,但会降低一点性能。 除非必须,否则不要使用。切换此选项后重新进入存档!
gui.xaero_error_loading_properties Error loading server minimap properties. Please retry. 加载服务器小地图属性时出错。请重试。
gui.xaero_light_block Block 方块
gui.xaero_light_sky Sky 天空
gui.xaero_light_both All 全部
gui.xaero_light_all All 总和
gui.xaero_light_both2 Both 两者
gui.xaero_waypoints_bottom New Waypoints to Bottom 在底部新建路径点
gui.xaero_box_waypoints_bottom Put newly created waypoints at the bottom of the waypoint list instead of the default top. 将新创建的路径点放在路径点列表的底部,而不是默认的顶部。
gui.xaero_minimap_shape Shape 形状
gui.xaero_minimap_shape_square Square 方形
gui.xaero_minimap_shape_circle Circle 圆形
gui.xaero_slopes_legacy Legacy 旧版
gui.xaero_names_list Player List 玩家列表
gui.xaero_names_always Always 总是
gui.xaero_names_off No Names 无名称
gui.xaero_entity_radar_type Type: 类型:
gui.xaero_entity_radar_color Color: 颜色:
gui.xaero_entity_radar_visiblity Visibility: 可见性:
gui.xaero_entity_radar_names Names: 名称:
gui.xaero_entity_radar_icons Icons/Heads: 图标/头像:
gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_names Render entity names under the dots or icons/heads.

Option "Player List" - render only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 在点或图标/头像下渲染实体名称。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅在按下“玩家列表”键(默认为 TAB)时显示。 | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_status |Using Light Overlay | 使用光照叠加层 | | gui.xaero_light_overlay |Light Overlay | 光照叠加层 | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_type |Light Overlay | 光照叠加层 | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_color |Color | 颜色 | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_max_light |Max Light | 最大光照等级 | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_min_light |Min Light | 最小光照等级 | | gui.xaero_toggle_light_overlay |Toggle Light Overlay | 切换光照叠加层 | | gui.xaero_box_light_overlay_type |Using this overlay can negatively affect the game performance because it currently does not use the World Map mod chunks and increases the minimap updating frequency. Do not keep it active all the time. | 使用此叠加层会对游戏性能产生负面影响, 因为它目前不使用世界地图模组区块并增加小地图更新频率。 不要一直保持在开启状态。 | | gui.xaero_day |Day | 天 | | gui.xaero_tamed |Tamed Mobs | 驯服的生物 | | gui.xaero_untamed_color |Untamed Color | 未驯服颜色 | | gui.xaero_icons_list |Player List | 玩家列表 | | gui.xaero_icons_always |Always | 总是 | | gui.xaero_icons_off |No Icons | 无图标 | | gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_icons |Render entity icons instead of colored dots.

Option "Player List" - render only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 渲染实体图标而不是彩色点。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅在按下“玩家列表”键(默认为 TAB)时显示。 | | gui.xaero_dot_name_scale |Dot Name Scale | 点名称缩放 | | gui.xaero_entity_heads_scale |Entity Icon Scale | 实体图标缩放 | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_size |Size of the minimap frame that affects how much is visible. Square-shaped minimap is forced into the non-rotating mode (option "Lock Minimap North") when the size is greater than 180.

For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left.

Size values in older mod versions: Tiny - 57 Small - 85 Medium - 113 Large - 169 | 影响可见程度的小地图框体大小。 当大小大于180时,方形小地图会强制进入非旋转模式(选项“锁定小地图北方”)。


旧版本模组中的大小值: 微小 - 57 小 - 85 中 - 113 大 - 169 | | gui.xaero_auto_clamp_depth |Auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_waypoints_clamp_depth |Clamp Depth | 深度限制 | | gui.xaero_waypoints_distance_scale |Waypoint Distance Text Scale | 路径点距离文本缩放 | | gui.xaero_waypoints_name_scale |Waypoint Name Text Scale | 路径点名称文本缩放 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_clamp_depth |The screen depth at which in-game waypoints stop getting smaller when you go further away from them. Use this if you want to make waypoints that are far away bigger/smaller on the screen. Use the "Waypoint In-Game Scale" setting to also affect the size of waypoints when you are close to them.

For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. The automatic option attempts to give you the best value for the default values of scale types, taking your FOV and screen height into account.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 当你远离它们时,游戏内路径点停止变小的屏幕深度。 如果你想在屏幕上使远处的路径点变大/变小,请使用此选项。使用“游戏内路径点缩放”设置也可以在你靠近它们时影响路径点的大小。

对于“自动”选项,一直拉到到左边。 自动选项会同时考虑你的 FOV 和屏幕高度,尝试为你提供最佳的缩放默认值,。

旧模组版本中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance_scale |Scale of the text displaying the distance to an in-game waypoint.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 到游戏内路径点的距离的文本显示缩放。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_name_scale |Scale of the text displaying the name of an in-game waypoint.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 游戏内路径点名称的文本显示缩放。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_scale |Scale of in-game waypoints. Use this to change the scale of all in-game waypoints, including those that are near you. Use the "Clamp Depth" setting to specifically affect the size of waypoints that are far away.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 游戏内路径点的缩放。使用它来更改所有游戏内路径点的缩放,包括你附近的路径点。使用“深度限制”设置专门影响远处路径点的大小。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_shared |%1$s shared a waypoint called "%2$s"! §2§n[Add] | %1$s 分享了一个名为“%2$s”的路径点! §2§n[添加] | | gui.xaero_waypoint_shared_dimension |%1$s shared a waypoint called "%2$s" from %3$s! §2§n[Add] | %1$s 分享了一个来自 %3$s 的名为“%2$s”的路径点! §2§n[添加] | | gui.xaero_waypoint_unknown_dimension |an unknown dimension | 未知维度 | | gui.xaero_uses_worldmap_value |Setting value is taken from the world map settings! | 此设置的值来自世界地图设置! | | gui.xaero_uses_worldmap_hard_value |Setting value cannot be configured when using the world map chunks! | 使用世界地图区块时无法配置此设置的值! | | gui.xaero_dots_style |Entity Dots Style | 实体点样式 | | gui.xaero_dots_style_default |Default | 默认 | | gui.xaero_dots_style_legacy |Legacy | 旧版 | | gui.xaero_slopes_default_3d |Default 3D | 默认 3D | | gui.xaero_slopes_default_2d |Default 2D | 默认 2D | | gui.xaero_ui_scale |UI Scale | UI 尺寸 | | gui.xaero_ui_scale_auto |Auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_box_ui_scale |Scale of text and other minimap UI elements. Not made for zooming in or resizing. There are separate options for that. | 文本和其他小地图UI元素的缩放。 不适用于推近或调整大小。有单独的选项。 | | gui.xaero_pushbox_normal |Normal | 正常 | | gui.xaero_pushbox_screen_height |Screen Height | 屏幕高度 | | gui.xaero_pushbox_boss_health |Boss Health Push Box | Boss生命条碰撞箱 | | gui.xaero_pushbox_potion_effects |Potion Effects Push Box | 药水效果状态栏碰撞箱 | | gui.xaero_box_pushbox_boss_health |An invisible box around the vanilla boss health display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way.

Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance.

Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed. | 原版Boss生命条周围有一个隐形碰撞箱将模组的界面推开。


屏幕高度类型的碰撞箱拉伸到整个屏幕高度,并且总是以正常类型的高度垂直移动碰撞的界面。 当你在一列中有多个界面并希望所有这些界面都被推开时,这将非常有用。 | | gui.xaero_box_pushbox_potion_effects |An invisible box around the vanilla potion effects display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way.

Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance.

Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed. | 原版药水效果状态栏周围有一个隐形碰撞箱将模组的界面推开。


屏幕高度类型的碰撞箱拉伸到整个屏幕高度,并且总是以正常类型的高度垂直移动碰撞的界面。 当你在一列中有多个界面并希望所有这些界面都被推开时,这将非常有用。 | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame |Frame Style | 边框样式 | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_color |Frame Color | 边框颜色 | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_frame_color |The color of the minimap frame for the non-default colored frame styles. | 边框样式不是默认时的小地图边框颜色。 | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_default |Default | 默认 | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_colored_thick |Colored | 彩色 | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_colored_thin |Colored Thin | 彩色薄边框 | | gui.xaero_compass_north |N | 北 | | gui.xaero_compass_east |E | 东 | | gui.xaero_compass_south |S | 南 | | gui.xaero_compass_west |W | 西 | | gui.xaero_compass_scale |Compass Scale On-Map | 地图上的罗盘缩放 | | gui.xaero_box_compass_scale |The scale of the compass letters NESW when using the on-map compass location. | 罗盘位置在地图上时罗盘文字东西南北的缩放。 | | gui.xaero_minimap_compass_inside_frame |On Map | 在地图上 | | gui.xaero_minimap_compass_on_frame |On Frame | 在边框上 | | gui.xaero_compass_color |Compass Shadow Color | 罗盘阴影颜色 | | gui.xaero_box_compass_over_wp2 |Render compass letters (N, E, S, W) over the on-map waypoints. This only works for the on-frame compass location. | 在地图上的路径点之上渲染罗盘文字(东、西、南、北)。这仅适用于罗盘位置在边框上时。 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap |No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar |No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints |No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps |No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap_harmful |No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar_harmful |No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints_harmful |No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps_harmful |No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap_beneficial |No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar_beneficial |No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints_beneficial |No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | | effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps_beneficial |No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | | gui.xaero_radar_item_frames |Display Item Frame Dots | 用点显示物品展示框 | | gui.xaero_show_dimension_name |Display Current Dimension | 显示当前维度 | | gui.xaero_unknown_biome |Unknown Biome | 未知生物群系 | | gui.xaero_light_value |Light: %d | 光照等级:%d | | gui.xaero_teleport_y_unknown |You can't teleport to a waypoint that doesn't specify the Y coordinate. Edit the waypoint to be able to teleport to it. | 你不能传送到未指定 Y 坐标的路径点。编辑路径点以便能够传送到它的位置。 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance_scale2 |Scale of the text displaying the distance to an in-game waypoint. | 到游戏内路径点距离文本显示缩放。 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_name_scale2 |Scale of the text displaying the name of an in-game waypoint. | 游戏内路径点名称文本显示缩放。 | | gui.xaero_box_ingame_waypoint_icon_scale |Scale of the in-game waypoint icons. | 游戏内路径点图标的缩放。 | | gui.xaero_ingame_waypoint_icon_scale |In-Game Waypoint Icon Scale | 游戏内路径点图标缩放 | | gui.xaero_ingame_waypoint_close_scale |In-Game Waypoint Up-Close Scale | 近距离游戏内路径点缩放 | | gui.xaero_box_ingame_waypoint_close_scale |Scale of the in-game waypoints when you are very close to them. To change the scale of waypoints that are far away, use the "In-Game Waypoint Icon Scale", "Waypoint Distance Text Scale" and "Waypoint Name Text Scale" settings. | 当你非常靠近它们时,游戏内路径点的缩放。 要更改远处路径点的缩放,请使用 “游戏内路径点图标缩放”、“路径点距离文本缩放”和“路径点名称文本缩放”设置。 | | gui.xaero_entity_icon_name_fallback |Entity Name When Icon Fails | 找不到图标时使用实体名称 | | gui.xaero_settings_search |Settings Search | 设置搜索 | | gui.xaero_settings_search_placeholder |Search... | 搜索…… | | gui.xaero_minimap_view_settings |View Settings | 视图设置 | | gui.xaero_entity_radar_settings |Entity Radar Settings | 实体雷达设置 | | gui.xaero_entity_radar_categories |Entity Category Settings | 实体类别设置 | | gui.xaero_minimap_block_map_settings |Block Map Settings | 方块地图设置 | | gui.xaero_overlay_settings |Overlay Settings | 叠加层设置 | | gui.xaero_minimap_info_settings |Information Settings | 信息设置 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_settings |Waypoint Settings | 路径点设置 | | gui.xaero_minimap_misc_settings |Miscellaneous Settings | 其他设置 | | gui.xaero_entity_radar_category |Category: | 类别: | | gui.xaero_settings_not_found |No matching entries found for your input! | 找不到与你的输入匹配的项! | | gui.xaero_multiple_waypoint_info |Multiple Waypoint Distances | 多个路径点距离 | | gui.xaero_box_multiple_waypoint_info |Whether the distance can be displayed for multiple in-game waypoints at once. By default, only the distance to the closest waypoint to the crosshair is displayed. Use the "Distance to WP" setting to configure which waypoints the distance could even be shown for. | 是否可以同时显示多个游戏内路径点的距离。 默认情况下,仅显示离十字准星最近的路径点的距离。 使用“到路径点的距离”设置来配置可以显示到哪些路径点的距离。 | | gui.xaero_while_sneaking |Sneaking | 潜行时 | | gui.xaero_multiple_waypoints_always |Always | 总是 | | gui.xaero_narrator_select_nothing |Nothing | 无 | | gui.xaero_category_expanded_options |%s (Choose an Option) | %s(选择一个选项) | | gui.xaero_entity_category_root |Any | 任何 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_living |Living | 生物 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_hostile |Hostile | 敌对的 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_friendly |Friendly | 友好的 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_hostile_tamed |Tamed | 驯服的 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_friendly_tamed |Tamed | 驯服的 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_players |Player | 玩家 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_same_team |From the Same Team | 来自相同队伍 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_other_teams |From Other Teams | 来自其他队伍 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_items |Item | 物品 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_other_entities |Other | 其他 | | gui.xaero_category_settings |Settings | 设置 | | gui.xaero_category_include_list |Include List | 包含列表 | | gui.xaero_box_category_include_list2 |A list of entities to include in the (sub-)category on top of the entities included by the "Hard Include". | 要包含在“硬包含”所包含的实体之上的(子)类别中的实体类型列表。 | | gui.xaero_category_exclude_list |Exclude List | 排除列表 | | gui.xaero_box_category_exclude_list2 |A list of entities to exclude from the entities already included in the (sub-)category. Can work both as a "whitelist" and a "blacklist" depending on the exclusion mode you choose. This does not remove entities from the entity radar, unless you're excluding from the root "Any" category. The "Display" setting can remove entities from the radar. | 要从已包含在(子)类别中的实体类型中排除的实体类型列表。 根据你选择的排除模式,可以同时用作“白名单”和“黑名单”。 这不会从实体雷达中删除实体,除非你从根“任何”类别中排除。 “显示”设置可以从雷达中排除实体。 | | gui.xaero_category_add_subcategory |Add Sub-Category | 添加子类别 | | gui.xaero_category_hard_include |Hard Include | 硬包含 | | gui.xaero_box_category_hard_include2 |Controls which entities to automatically include in the (sub-)category without having to put them in the include list manually. | 控制哪些实体自动包含在(子)类别中,无需手动将它们放入包含列表中。 | | gui.xaero_category_list_add |Add To List... | 添加到列表…… | | gui.xaero_category_exclude_list_mode |Exclusion Mode | 排除模式 | | gui.xaero_category_name |Category Name... | 类别名称…… | | gui.xaero_category_confirm |Confirm | 确认 | | gui.xaero_category_delete |Delete Category | 删除类别 | | gui.xaero_category_delete_confirm |Delete the following category? | 删除以下类别? | | gui.xaero_category_enable_protection |Protection: OFF | 保护:关 | | gui.xaero_category_disable_protection |Protection: ON | 保护:开 | | gui.xaero_category_disable_protection_confirm |Disable protection for the following category? | 禁用以下类别的保护? | | gui.xaero_category_enable_protection_confirm |Enable protection for the following category? | 启用以下类别的保护? | | gui.xaero_box_category_protection |Category protection prevents you from (accidentally) deleting, moving, renaming a category or changing its "Hard Include" setting. | 类别保护可防止你(意外)删除、移动、重命名类别或更改其“硬包含”设置。 | | gui.xaero_category_protected_category |Protected! | 受保护! | | gui.xaero_category_category_move_up |Increase Priority | 提高优先级 | | gui.xaero_category_category_move_down |Decrease Priority | 降低优先级 | | gui.xaero_category_delete_list_element |Delete | 删除 | | gui.xaero_category_settings_confirm |Confirm | 确认 | | gui.xaero_category_settings_cancel |Cancel | 取消 | | gui.xaero_category_settings_cancel_confirm |Leave without saving your changes? | 离开而不保存你的更改? | | gui.xaero_category_settings_reset |Reset Defaults | 重置为默认 | | gui.xaero_category_settings_reset_confirm1 |Reset the category configuration to default values? | 将类别配置重置为默认? | | gui.xaero_category_settings_reset_confirm2 |Custom categories will be removed and the default ones will be reset. | 自定义类别将被删除,默认类别将被重置。 | | gui.xaero_radar_displayed |Display | 显示 | | gui.xaero_radar_dots_color |Dot Color | 点颜色 | | gui.xaero_radar_icons_displayed |Icons | 图标 | | gui.xaero_radar_names_displayed |Names | 名称 | | gui.xaero_radar_render_order |Render Order | 渲染顺序 | | gui.xaero_box_radar_render_order |Controls the order in which the radar categories are rendered. A lower number means being rendered earlier. However, in the newer Minecraft versions dots are always rendered on top of the icons. The order still applies within dot or icon rendering though. | 控制雷达类别的渲染顺序。较低的数字意味着更早地渲染。 然而,在较新的Minecraft版本中,点总是显示在图标之上。 该顺序仍然适用于点或图标渲染。 | | gui.xaero_radar_dots_color_team_colour |Team Color | 队伍颜色 | | gui.xaero_box_always_entity_nametags2 |Always render names for entities with name tags regardless of what the name setting is set to. | 无论名称设置是什么,始终为带有命名牌的实体显示名称。 | | gui.xaero_radar_setting_displayed |Display Radar | 显示雷达 | | gui.xaero_radar_setting_names |Display Names | 显示名称 | | gui.xaero_radar_setting_icons |Display Icons | 显示图标 | | gui.xaero_toggle_entity_radar |Toggle Entity Radar | 切换实体雷达 | | narration.xaero_ui_list_left_right_usage |Press LEFT and RIGHT buttons to select a column within the entry. | 按下“左”和“右”按钮选择条目中的一列。 | | gui.xaero_category_help2 |Select a sub-category and go to its Settings to configure things like dot color, names, icons etc.

Sub-categories that are higher on the list are prioritized when multiple sub-categories include the same entity! Keep that in mind when creating custom categories. Usually, a new custom category should be placed at the top. | 选择一个子类别并转到其设置以配置点颜色、名称、图标等内容。

当多个子类别包含同一实体时,列表中较高的子类别优先! 创建自定义类别时请记住这一点。 通常,新的自定义类别应该会被放在顶部。 | | gui.xaero_update_notification |Update Notifications | 更新通知 | | gui.xaero_category_cut |Cut/Move §e%1$s | 剪切/移动 §e%1$s | | gui.xaero_category_paste |Paste §e%1$s§r Into §e%2$s | 将 §e%1$s§r 粘贴到 §e%2$s | | gui.xaero_category_paste_cancel |Cancel Cut/Paste | 取消剪切/粘贴 | | gui.xaero_category_duplicate |Duplicate §e%1$s | 复制 §e%1$s | | gui.xaero_category_duplicate_confirm |Duplicate the following category? | 复制以下类别? | | gui.xaero_reverse_entity_radar |Reverse Radar Render Order | 反转雷达渲染顺序 | | gui.xaero_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Adjust Y For Short Blocks | 为矮的方块调整 Y 值 | | gui.xaero_box_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Subtract 1 from the height value for short carpetlike blocks, e.g. carpet, 1-layer snow, lilypad etc. This prevents such blocks from causing harsh shading on the map like a full block. | 类似地毯的矮方块的高度值减去1,例如地毯、1层雪、睡莲等。 这可以防止这些方块像一个完整的方块一样在地图上显示明显的阴影。 | | gui.xaero_box_category |View/Edit §e%1$s | 查看/编辑 §e%1$s | | gui.xaero_box_category_settings |Settings For §e%1$s | §e%1$s§r 的设置 | | gui.xaero_auto_convert_wp_distance_km |Convert Distance to KM at | 将距离转换为公里 | | gui.xaero_auto_convert_wp_distance_km_never |Never | 从不 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_distance_precision |Waypoint Distance Precision | 路径点距离精度 | | gui.xaero_sort_angle |Angular Distance | 角距离 | | gui.xaero_toggle_enabled |Enabled | 已启用 | | gui.xaero_toggle_disabled |Disabled | 已禁用 | | gui.xaero_main_entity_dot_size |Main Entity Dot Size | 自身点大小 | | gui.xaero_category_settings_save_confirm |Save changes before you exit? | 退出前保存更改? | | gui.xaero_category_settings_save_confirm_warning |Warning: This confirmation screen was recently replaced! | 警告:此确认屏幕最近已被替换! | | gui.xaero_start_fading_at |Min Y Distance For Depth Fade | 深度渐变的最小 Y 距离 | | gui.xaero_box_start_fading_at |Minimum Y level difference requirement for an entity to start darkening on the radar when the "Show Entity Depth" setting is enabled. | 当启用“显示实体深度”设置时,实体在雷达上开始变暗的最小Y高度差距。 | | gui.xaero_start_fading_at_auto |Auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_legacy_color |Legacy | 旧版 | | gui.xaero_partial_y_teleportation |Use Y With Partial When TP | 传送时使用偏移的 Y 值 | | gui.xaero_box_partial_y_teleportation |When teleporting to a waypoint, offset the Y coordinate by 0.5 to avoid falling through carpet-like blocks into the void. Otherwise, the integer Y coordinate is used. | 传送到路径点时,将 Y 坐标偏移 0.5 以避免穿过地毯状方块掉入虚空。否则,使用整数 Y 坐标。 | | gui.xaero_delete_reached_deathpoints |Delete Reached Deathpoints | 删除到达过的死亡地点 | | gui.xaero_box_delete_reached_deathpoints |Automatically delete deathpoints when you are within 4 blocks from them. This requires the deathpoint to be visible in-game or on the minimap. A deathpoint is protected from deletion for 5 seconds after its creation. | 当你靠近到4个方块内时自动删除死亡地点。 这要求死亡地点在游戏中或小地图上可见。 死亡地点在创建后5秒内不会被删除。 | | gui.xaero_hide_minimap_under_screen |Hide When Under Screen | 位于其他界面下方时隐藏 | | gui.xaero_box_hide_minimap_under_screen |Hide the minimap when a GUI screen is open, e.g. the inventory, with the exception of minimap-related screens and the chat screen. | 当GUI界面打开时隐藏小地图,例如物品栏,与小地图相关的界面和聊天界面除外。 | | gui.xaero_north_compass_color |North Compass Color | 罗盘北方颜色 | | gui.xaero_north_compass_color_default |Default | 默认 | | gui.xaero_category_add_to_list_custom |Confirm Custom Input: %1$s | 确认自定义输入:%1$s | | gui.xaero_box_category_list_add |Supports player names, entity/item identifiers or patterns with special characters * ) ( and |.

    • matches anything. )( - parenthesis, mostly for usage with |. | - the OR operator to match different sequences in the same location.

For example: minecraft:creeper minecraft:zombie(_villager|_horse) - zombie villagers and horses. minecraft:a*l - any vanilla entity which starts with 'a' and ends with 'l'. | 支持带有特殊字符 * ) ( 和 | 的实体标识符或匹配模式。

    • 匹配任何内容。 ) ( - 括号,主要与 | 一起使用。 | - “或”运算符以匹配相同位置的不同序列。

例如: minecraft:creeper minecraft:zombie(_villager|_horse) - 僵尸村民和马。 minecraft:a*l - 任何以“a”开头并以“l”结尾的原版实体。 | | gui.xaero_using_custom_subworld |Waypoints: %1$s | 路径点:%1$s | | gui.xaero_hide_minimap_under_f3 |Hide When Under F3 | 在 F3 时隐藏 | | gui.xaero_box_hide_minimap_under_f3 |Hide the minimap when the F3 debug screen is enabled. | 启用 F3 调试界面时隐藏小地图。 | | gui.xaero_entity_display_y |⛔ | 显示 Y 高度 | | gui.xaero_entity_display_y_full |⛔ | 显示实体 Y 高度 | | gui.xaero_block_light_value |BL: %d | 方块光照:%d | | gui.xaero_sky_light_value |SL: %d | 天空光照:%d | | gui.xaero_all_light_value |L: %d | 光照等级:%d | | gui.xaero_both_light_value |BL: %d SL: %d | 方块光照:%d 天空光照:%d | | gui.xaero_toggle_manual_cave_mode |Toggle Manual Cave Mode | 切换手动洞穴模式 | | gui.xaero_manual_cave_mode |Manual Cave Mode | 手动洞穴模式 | | gui.xaero_manual_cave_mode_start |Manual Cave Mode Start Y | 手动洞穴模式起始 Y 高度 | | gui.xaero_box_manual_cave_mode_start |Which Y level to start mapping blocks from when the manual cave mode is enabled. Manual cave mode can be toggled with a key binding. For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. | 启用手动洞穴模式时,从哪个Y高度开始绘制方块。 手动洞穴模式可以通过按键绑定进行切换。 对于“自动”选项,一直拉到左边。 | | gui.xaero_manual_cave_mode_start_auto |Auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_chunk_grid_line_width |Chunk Grid Line Width | 区块网格线宽度 | | gui.xaero_radar_render_over_minimap |Render Over Minimap Frame | 在小地图边框之上渲染 | | gui.xaero_box_radar_render_over_minimap |Render the entities over the minimap frame instead of rendering them inside the frame. Entities rendered this way act similarly to the waypoints and stick to the border when out of bounds. Visible entities are still limited to the ones loaded on the game client side though.

Option "Player List" - render over minimap only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 允许在小地图边框上渲染实体,而不只是在边框内渲染它们。 以这种方式渲染的实体的行为类似于路径点,并且在超出边界时会粘在边界上。 可见实体仍然仅限于游戏客户端加载的实体。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅当按下“玩家列表”键绑定(默认为 TAB)时才在小地图上如此渲染。 | | gui.xaero_radar_render_radar_over_frame |Render Radar Over Frame | 在边框之上渲染雷达 | | gui.xaero_radar_over_map_never |Never | 从不 | | gui.xaero_radar_over_map_list |Player List | 玩家列表 | | gui.xaero_radar_over_map_always |Always | 总是 | | gui.xaero_compass_over_everything |Compass Over Everything | 罗盘在最上层 | | gui.xaero_box_compass_over_everything |Render the cardinal direction letters (N, E, S, W) above all map elements, as opposed to under some, e.g. waypoints. | 在所有地图元素上方渲染罗盘文字(东、西、南、北),而不是在某些元素下方,例如路径点。 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_server_shared |Server | 服务器 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_somebody_shared |Somebody | 某人 | | gui.xaero_pac_players |⛔ | 展示帮派/盟友玩家 | | gui.xaero_box_pac_players |⛔ | 当玩家超出小地图框体边界或因其他原因不可见时,显示与你共享位置的玩家(由 Open Parties and Claims 模组提供)。 | | gui.xaero_toggle_pac_players |⛔ | 切换帮派/盟友玩家 | | gui.xaero_toggle_pac_chunk_claims |Toggle Chunk Claims | 切换区块认领 | | gui.xaero_pac_marked_for_forceload | (Forceloadable) | (可强制加载) | | gui.xaero_pac_claim_tooltip |%1$s's Claim%2$s | %1$s 的认领 %2$s | | gui.xaero_pac_server_claim_tooltip |Server Claim%1$s | 服务器认领 %1$s | | gui.xaero_pac_expired_claim_tooltip |Expired Claim%1$s | 到期的认领 %1$s | | gui.xaero_pac_claims |Display Chunk Claims | 显示区块认领 | | gui.xaero_box_pac_claims |Display chunk claims from the Open Parties and Claims mod as a colored overlay. | 将来自 Open Parties and Claims 模组的区块认领显示为彩色叠加层。 | | gui.xaero_pac_claims_border_opacity |Chunk Claims Border Opacity | 区块认领边界不透明度 | | gui.xaero_box_pac_claims_border_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay border color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块认领叠加层的边缘不透明度。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | gui.xaero_pac_claims_fill_opacity |Chunk Claims Fill Opacity | 区块认领填充不透明度 | | gui.xaero_box_pac_claims_fill_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay fill color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块认领叠加层的填充颜色不透明度。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | gui.xaero_pac_current_claim |Display Current Claim | 显示当前认领 | | gui.xaero_box_pac_current_claim |Display claim information about the chunk that you are in. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 显示有关你所在区块的认领信息。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | gui.xaero_category_include_list_include_in_super |Include in Super-Category | 包含在超类别中 | | gui.xaero_box_category_include_list_include_in_super |Automatically include all entities from this list, and other lists included in this category, in the super-category/parent of this category, except the entities in the exclude list. That way you don't have to manually add duplicates on each level. | 自动将此列表中的所有实体以及此类别中包含的其他列表包含在此类别的超类别/父级中,排除列表中的实体除外。 这样你就不必在每个级别上手动添加重复项。 | | gui.xaero_box_category_include_list_include_in_super2 |Automatically include all elements from this list, and other sub-lists included in this category, in the super-category/parent of this category. That way you don't have to manually add duplicates on each level. Keep in mind that super-categories are not going to check the exclusion lists of this category. | 自动将此列表中的所有元素以及此类别中包括的其他子列表包括在此类别的超类别/父类别中。这样,你就不必在每个级别上手动添加重复项。请记住,超级类别不会检查此类别的排除列表。 | | gui.xaero_temp_waypoints_global |Global Temporary Waypoints | 临时路径点为全局 | | gui.xaero_box_temp_waypoints_global |When enabled, temporary waypoints are treated as global waypoints and ignore the waypoint render distance limits. | 启用后,临时路径点将被视为全局路径点并忽略路径点渲染距离限制。 | | gui.xaero_keep_enlarged_minimap_unlocked |Keep Rotation When Enlarged | 放大时保持旋转 | | gui.xaero_box_keep_enlarged_minimap_unlocked |Do not lock the minimap to north when enlarged if possible, which is only when using the circle shape at the time of writing this. | 如果可能的话,在放大时不要将小地图锁定在北方,这只适用于圆形小地图。 | | gui.xaero_enlarged_minimap_a_toggle |Toggled Enlarged Minimap | 放大小地图键视为切换 | | gui.xaero_box_enlarged_minimap_a_toggle |Treat the "Enlarge Minimap" key binding as a toggle instead of having to hold it. | 将“放大小地图”键视为切换,而不用按住它。 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_visibility_type_world_map_local |World Map Loc. | 世界地图局部 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_visibility_type_world_map_global |World Map Glo. | 世界地图全局 | | gui.xaero_box_visibility_type |In-Game/Minimap Visibility Type

Local - only visible when in the maximum waypoint render distance Global - always visible World Map Loc. - not visible but is considered local World Map Glo. - not visible but is considered global | 游戏内/小地图可见性类型

局部 - 仅在最大路径点渲染距离内可见 全局 - 始终可见 世界地图局部 - 不可见,但被视为局部 世界地图全局 - 不可见,但被视为全局 | | gui.xaero_option_requires_ingame |This option requires you to be in game. | 此选项要求你已进入游戏。 | | gui.xaero_alternative_list_players |"List Players" Alternative | “玩家列表”第二键位 | | gui.xaero_display_stained_glass |Display Stained Glass | 显示染色玻璃 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_onmap_scale |On-Map Waypoint Scale | 地图上路径点大小 | | gui.xaero_waypoint_onmap_scale_auto |Auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_switch_to_auto_on_death |Auto Sub-World On Death | 死亡时自动切换到子世界 | | gui.xaero_box_switch_to_auto_on_death |Whether to switch the waypoint sub-world to auto on deathpoint creation. This doesn't affect what sub-world the deathpoint is created in. | 是否在创建死亡点时将路径点子世界切换为自动。这不影响死亡点创建在哪个子世界。 | | gui.xaero_zoom_on_enlarge |Zoom Level When Enlarged | 放大时的缩放级别 | | gui.xaero_zoom_on_enlarge_auto |Auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_sort_color |Color | 颜色 | | gui.xaero_weather_display |Display Weather Info | 显示天气信息 | | gui.xaero_weather_raining |Raining/Snowing | 下雨/下雪 | | gui.xaero_weather_thundering |Thundering | 打雷 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_waypoint_color |Waypoint Color | 路径点颜色 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_waypoint_set |Waypoint Set | 路径点集合 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_waypoint_container |Waypoint Server/World | 路径点服务器/世界 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_waypoint_world |Waypoint Sub-World/Dimension | 路径点子世界/维度 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_transfer_worlds1 |From Sub-World/Dimension | 从子世界/维度 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_transfer_worlds2 |To Sub-World/Dimension | 到子世界/维度 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_transfer_containers1 |From Server/World | 从服务器/世界 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_transfer_containers2 |To Server/World | 到服务器/世界 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_selected_narration |%1$s is selected. | %1$s 已选择。 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_coords |Coordinates | 坐标 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_dimension |Dimension | 维度 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_biome |Biome | 生物群系 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_weather |Weather | 天气 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_light_level |Light Level | 光照等级 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_time |Game Time | 游戏时间 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_highlights |Highlight Info (e.g. Claims) | 高亮信息(例如领地) | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_angles |Facing Angles | 朝向角度 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_light_overlay_indicator |Light Overlay Status | 光照覆盖状态 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_manual_cave_mode_indicator |Manual Cave Mode Status | 手动洞穴模式状态 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_custom_sub_world |Custom Waypoint Sub-World | 自定义路径点子世界 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_info_display_text_color |Text Color | 文本颜色 | | gui.xaero_dropdown_info_display_background_color |Text Background Color | 文本背景颜色 | | gui.xaero_minimap_info_display_manager |Info Display Manager | 信息显示管理器 | | gui.xaero_minimap_info_display_manager_help |Click and drag the elements to change the order of the displayed information. | 点击并拖动元素以更改显示信息的顺序。 | | gui.xaero_info_display_background_opacity |Info Display Background Opacity | 信息显示背景不透明度 | | gui.xaero_box_info_display_background_opacity |The opacity of the colored backgrounds of information types that have a background enabled in the info display manager. | 信息显示管理器中启用了背景的信息类型的彩色背景的不透明度。 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_chunk_coords |Chunk Coordinates | 区块坐标 | | gui.xaero_entity_display_height_actual |Actual | 实际高度 | | gui.xaero_entity_display_height_relative |Relative | 相对高度 | | gui.xaero_entity_display_height_direction |Direction | 方向 | | gui.xaero_destination |Destination | 目的地 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoint_type |Enabled - regular waypoint Disabled - regular hidden waypoint Temporary - waypoint disappears on world exit Destination - waypoint disappears when reached | 启用 - 常规路径点 禁用 - 常规隐藏路径点 临时 - 路径点在退出世界时消失 目的地 - 路径点在到达时消失 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_real_time |Real Time | 实时时间 | | gui.xaero_cave_mode_toggle_timer |Cave Mode Toggle Timer | 洞穴模式切换计时器 | | gui.xaero_box_cave_mode_toggle_timer |The minimum time to wait between toggles of cave mode to prevent flickering when quickly switching between being under blocks and not. The latest world map mod has a separate setting for this as well. | 在快速切换在方块下和不在方块下时防止闪烁时,等待切换洞穴模式的最短时间。最新的世界地图模组也有一个单独的设置。 | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_overworld_coords |Overworld Coordinates | 主世界坐标 | | gui.xaero_legible_cave_maps |Legible Cave Maps | 可读的洞穴地图 | | gui.xaero_box_legible_cave_maps |Use depth-based lighting in cave mode instead of actual block lighting, making it easier to mentally separate the different cave layers. | 在洞穴模式中使用基于深度的光照,而不是实际的方块光照,使不同的洞穴层更容易在心理上分开。 | | gui.xaero_uses_worldmap_screen_value |Setting value is taken from the world map screen! | 设置值来自世界地图屏幕! | | gui.xaero_biome_blending |Biome Blending | 生物群系混合 | | gui.xaero_box_biome_blending |Smooth out biome color edges by sampling biome colors for multiple blocks for every block on the map. Turning this off can significantly improve performance when biome color calculation is modded to be much more heavyweight than vanilla. | 通过对地图上每个方块的多个方块采样生物群系颜色,平滑生物群系颜色边缘。关闭此功能可以显著提高性能,当生物群系颜色计算被修改为比原版更重的情况下。 | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_info_display_manager |Configure and/or rearrange different types of info displayed under the minimap, such as current coordinates, facing angles, dimension, biome, weather, light level, game time, real time and more. | 配置和/或重新排列显示在小地图下的不同类型的信息,例如当前坐标、朝向角度、维度、生物群系、天气、光照等级、游戏时间、实时时间等。 | | gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_categories |Configure specific entity categories, which are usually players, hostile mobs, friendly mobs, items or other entities, separately instead of having the same configuration for every entity. You can even create your own custom categories for specific entity types. | 单独配置通常为玩家、敌对生物、友好生物、物品或其他实体的特定实体类别,而不是为每个实体都使用相同的配置。你甚至可以为特定实体类型创建自定义类别。 | | gui.xaero_box_compass |The cardinal directions displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的基本方向。 | | gui.xaero_box_compass_color |The color of the background/shadow under the cardinal directions displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的基本方向下的背景/阴影的颜色。 | | gui.xaero_box_north_compass_color |The color of the background/shadow under the north cardinal direction displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的北方基本方向下的背景/阴影的颜色。 | | gui.xaero_compass_scale_auto |Auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_compass_scale2 |Compass Scale | 指南针刻度 | | gui.xaero_box_compass_scale2 |The scale of the cardinal direction letters NESW. For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. | 基本方向字母NESW的刻度。对于“自动”选项,请将其调整到最左边。 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_friend |Friend | 好友 | | gui.xaero_entity_category_tracked |Tracked (e.g. Party/Allies) | 已跟踪(例如队伍/盟友) | | gui.xaero_dimension_scaled_max_waypoint_distance |Dimension-scaled Max WP Distance | 按维度缩放的最大路径点距离 | | gui.xaero_box_dimension_scaled_max_waypoint_distance |Scale the maximum waypoint render distance by the current dimension's coordinate scale (e.g. 1/8 in the Nether). | 通过当前维度的坐标比例(例如在下界中为1/8)来缩放最大路径点渲染距离。 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance2 |Maximum render distance for local waypoints. Global waypoints are not affected. By default, the maximum distance is scaled by the current dimension's coordinate scale. You can toggle this with "Dimension-scaled Max WP Distance". | 本地路径点的最大渲染距离。全局路径点不受影响。默认情况下,最大距离按照当前维度的坐标比例进行缩放。你可以使用“按维度缩放的最大路径点距离”进行切换。 | | gui.xaero_fbo |Beta | Beta | | gui.xaero_ui_scale_mc |Minecraft | Minecraft | | gui.xaero_category_setting_inherit |- | - |

Key 英文 中文 检查结果
gui.xaero_cancel Cancel 取消 ✔ 术语 cancel => 取消
gui.xaero_back Back 返回 ✔ 术语 back => 返回
gui.xaero_delete Delete 删除 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_OK OK 确定 ✔ 术语 ok => 确定
gui.xaero_howto_save Save your changes by clicking the "Confirm" button. 点击“确认”按钮保存更改。 ✔ 术语 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式
gui.xaero_reset_defaults Restore Default Settings 恢复默认设置 ✔ 术语 default => 默认
gui.xaero_zoom Zoom 推近小地图 ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_entity_amount Entity Number 实体数量 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_black Black 黑色 ✔ 术语 black => 黑色
gui.xaero_dark_blue Dark Blue 深蓝色 ✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色
gui.xaero_dark_green Dark Green 深绿色 ✔ 术语 green => 绿色
gui.xaero_dark_red Dark Red 深红色 ✔ 术语 red => 红色
gui.xaero_dark_purple Dark Purple 深紫色 ✔ 术语 purple => 紫色
gui.xaero_gold Gold 金色 ✔ 术语 gold => 金
gui.xaero_gray Gray 灰色 ✔ 术语 gray => 灰色
gui.xaero_dark_gray Dark Gray 深灰色 ✔ 术语 gray => 灰色
gui.xaero_blue Blue 蓝色 ✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色
gui.xaero_green Green 绿色 ✔ 术语 green => 绿色
gui.xaero_red Red 红色 ✔ 术语 red => 红色
gui.xaero_purple Light Purple 淡紫色 ⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
✔ 术语 purple => 紫色
gui.xaero_yellow Yellow 黄色 ✔ 术语 yellow => 黄色
gui.xaero_white White 白色 ✔ 术语 white => 白色
gui.xaero_zoom_in Zoom In Minimap 推近小地图 ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_zoom_out Zoom Out Minimap 拉远小地图 ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_on ON ✔ 术语 on => 开
gui.xaero_off OFF ✔ 术语 off => 关
gui.xaero_preset_topleft Top-Left Corner 左上角 ⚠ 术语异常 corner => 角落模式
gui.xaero_preset_topright Top-Right Corner 右上角 ⚠ 术语异常 corner => 角落模式
gui.xaero_waypoints_key Open Waypoint Screen 打开路径点界面 ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
gui.xaero_preset_bottom_left Bottom-Left Corner 左下角 ⚠ 术语异常 corner => 角落模式
gui.xaero_preset_bottom_right Bottom-Right Corner 右下角 ⚠ 术语异常 corner => 角落模式
gui.xaero_deathpoint_old Old Death 此前死亡地点 ⚠ 术语异常 old => 旧世界类型
gui.xaero_chunkgrid Chunk Grid 区块网格 ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
gui.xaero_players Players 玩家 ✔ 术语 players => 玩家
gui.xaero_mobs Friendly Mobs 友好生物 ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物
gui.xaero_hostile Hostile Mobs 敌对生物 ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物
gui.xaero_items Items 物品 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
gui.xaero_opacity Opacity 不透明度 ✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
gui.xaero_slime_chunks Slime Chunks 史莱姆区块 ✔ 术语 slime => 史莱姆
⚠ 术语异常 slime => 黏液
gui.xaero_unlimited Unlimited 无限制 ✔ 术语 unlimited => 无限制
gui.xaero_old_deathpoints Keep Old Deathpoints 保留旧的死亡地点 ⚠ 术语异常 old => 旧世界类型
gui.xaero_toggle_map Toggle Minimap 切换小地图 ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
gui.xaero_transfer_all Transfer All Waypoints 转移所有路径点 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
gui.xaero_all All 全部 ✔ 术语 all => 全部
gui.xaero_display_redstone Show Redstone 显示红石 ✔ 术语 redstone => 红石
⚠ 术语异常 redstone => 红石粉
gui.xaero_clear_set_message Are you sure you would like to clear the current set 你确定要清除当前集合吗 ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
gui.xaero_clear_set_message2 All waypoints from this set will be deleted! 集合中的所有路径点都将被删除! ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
gui.xaero_default Default 默认 ✔ 术语 default => 默认
gui.xaero_delete_set Delete Set 删除集合 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_delete_set_message Are you sure you would like to delete the current set 你确定要删除当前集合吗 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
gui.xaero_delete_set_message2 This set will be removed from the current world. 此集合将从当前世界中移除。 ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
gui.xaero_toggle_waypoints Toggle In-Game Waypoints 切换游戏内路径点 ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
gui.xaero_dots_size Entity Dot Size 实体点大小 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_toggle_slime Toggle Slime Chunks 切换史莱姆区块 ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 slime => 史莱姆
⚠ 术语异常 slime => 黏液
gui.xaero_toggle_grid Toggle Chunk Grid 切换区块网格 ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
gui.xaero_compass_over_wp Compass Over Waypoints 罗盘在路径点上层 ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针
gui.xaero_current_biome Display Current Biome 显示当前生物群系 ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
gui.xaero_auto_map_size Auto 自动 ✔ 术语 auto => 自动
gui.xaero_reset_message Are you sure you would like to restore the default settings? 你确定要恢复默认设置吗? ✔ 术语 default => 默认
gui.xaero_team_colours Team Colors 队伍颜色 ✔ 术语 colors => 颜色
gui.xaero_entity_depth Show Entity Depth 显示实体深度 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_show_flowers Show Flowers 显示花 ✔ 术语 flowers => 花
gui.xaero_teleport_default_command Default Teleport Command 默认传送命令 ✔ 术语 default => 默认
gui.xaero_arrow_scale Arrow Scale 箭头缩放 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
gui.xaero_arrow_colour Arrow Color 箭头颜色 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
gui.xaero_smooth_dots Smooth Dots 平滑点 ✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
gui.xaero_cave_zoom Cave Mode Zoom In 洞穴模式推近 ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_safe_mode_box Use Java-based (CPU) equivalent of this mod instead of the default, OpenGL-based (GPU) one. Safe mode is a plan B in case the mod does not function correctly. Not all features work in the safe mode. Do not use unless you have to. 使用此模组的基于Java(CPU)的等效实现,而不是默认的基于OpenGL(GPU)的实现。 安全模式是B计划,以防模组无法正常运行。 并非所有功能都在安全模式下工作。除非必须,否则不要使用。 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 work => 工作
gui.xaero_height_limit Entity Height Limit 实体高度限制 ✔ 术语 height => 高度
✔ 术语 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_world_map World Map 世界地图 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_use_world_map Use World Map Mod Chunks 使用世界地图模组区块 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_entity_radar Entity Radar 实体雷达 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_waypoint_opacity_ingame Waypoint Opacity in Game 游戏内路径点不透明度 ✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
gui.xaero_waypoint_opacity_map Waypoint Opacity on Map 地图上路径点不透明度 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
gui.xaero_open_slime Open on Key Press 按下按键时打开 ✔ 术语 on => 开
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
gui.xaero_options Options 选项 ✔ 术语 options => 选项
gui.xaero_make_automatic Make World/Server Auto 使世界/服务器为auto ⚠ 术语异常 auto => 自动
gui.xaero_make_automatic_msg2 This will swap all waypoint data between the selected world/server and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected world/server automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing. 这将交换所选世界/服务器和auto之间的所有路径点数据,从而模拟使所选世界/服务器为auto。请确认你知道你在做什么。 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 auto => 自动
⚠ 术语异常 data => 数据模式
gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic Make Sub-World Auto 使子世界为auto ⚠ 术语异常 auto => 自动
gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic_msg2 This will swap all waypoint data between the selected sub-world and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected sub-world automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing. 这将交换所选子世界和auto之间的所有路径点数据,从而模拟使所选子世界为auto。请确认你知道你在做什么。 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 auto => 自动
⚠ 术语异常 data => 数据模式
gui.xaero_delete_world Delete World/Server 删除世界/服务器 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_delete_world_msg1 Would you like to delete all waypoint data for the selected world/server? 你要删除所选世界/服务器的所有路径点数据吗? ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 data => 数据模式
gui.xaero_delete_multi_world Delete Sub-World 删除子世界 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_delete_multi_world_msg1 Would you like to delete all waypoint data for the selected sub-world? 你要删除所选子世界的所有路径点数据吗? ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 data => 数据模式
gui.xaero_divide_all_by_8 Sub-World Coordinates / 8 子世界坐标 / 8 ✔ 术语 / => /
gui.xaero_multiply_msg1 This option should be used only to fix incorrect waypoint coordinates. 此选项应仅用于修复不正确的路径点坐标。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
gui.xaero_multiply_msg2 Are you sure you would like to MULTIPLY all sub-world coordinates by 8? 你确定要将所有子世界坐标§c乘以§f 8 吗? ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
gui.xaero_divide_msg2 Are you sure you would like to DIVIDE all sub-world coordinates by 8? 你确定要将所有子世界坐标§c除以§f 8 吗? ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
gui.xaero_show_light_level Display Light Level 显示光照等级 ✔ 术语 light => 光
gui.xaero_display_all_sets Toggle All WP Sets Render 切换所有路径点集的渲染 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
gui.xaero_visit_needed §eYou need to visit this dimension first to convert it to the new format! §e你需要先进入该维度,将其转换为新格式! ✔ 术语 dimension => 维度
gui.xaero_teleportation_tooltip Once disabled, it can be enabled back only through the config file! 一旦禁用,只能通过配置文件启用回来! ⚠ 术语异常 back => 返回
gui.xaero_use_multiworld_tooltip Disable if this is a simple server with a single world (no separate lobby, game mode, or minigame worlds). Multiworld detection will cause only issues on such servers. However, installing this mod on the server side should prevent these issues. 如果这是一个具有单一世界(没有单独的大厅、游戏模式或迷你游戏世界)的简单服务器,请禁用。 在这类服务器上多世界检测只会引起问题。 但是,在服务器端安装这个模组应该可以防止这些问题。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
gui.xaero_use_default Use Default 使用默认值 ✔ 术语 default => 默认
gui.xaero_zoomed_out_enlarged Zoom Out When Enlarged 放大时拉远 ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_box_cave_maps Mapping mode that can go deeper than the surface blocks, mainly to display underground caves and interiors of buildings. The ceiling size refers to the size of a horizontal "square" of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. 可以看到比地表方块更深处的地图模式,主要用于显示地下洞穴和建筑物内部。 天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到以激活洞穴模式的水平“正方形”固体方块的大小。 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 caves => 洞穴
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
gui.xaero_box_cave_maps2 Mapping mode that can go deeper than the surface blocks, mainly to display underground caves and interiors of buildings. The ceiling size refers to the size of a square ceiling of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. The solid blocks don't have to be on the same Y level. 可以看到比地表方块更深处的地图模式,主要用于显示地下洞穴和建筑物内部。 天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到以激活洞穴模式的水平“正方形”固体方块的大小。 固体方块不必在同一Y水平面上。 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 caves => 洞穴
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
gui.xaero_box_entity_amount The limit per each entity category. 每个实体类别的数量限制。 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_box_distance2 Specifies, for which in-game waypoints to show the distance to. This does not guarantee that it will be shown for multiple waypoints at once. Check out the "Multiple Waypoint Distances" setting as well. 指定显示哪一个游戏内路径点的距离。 这不保证它会同时显示多个路径点。 还要查看“多个路径点距离”设置。 ✔ 术语 shown => 显示
gui.xaero_box_arrow_scale Scale of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases. 在小地图的固定旋转和其他几种情况下使用的箭头缩放。 ✔ 术语 used => 使用
✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
gui.xaero_box_arrow_color Color of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases. 在小地图的固定旋转和其他几种情况下使用的箭头颜色。 ✔ 术语 used => 使用
✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
gui.xaero_box_cave_zoom Specifies, how much to zoom the minimap further in when the cave mode is active. 激活洞穴模式时,小地图要进一步推近多少。 ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_box_entity_depth Display entities darker on the minimap depending on their Y level relative to you. 根据相对你的Y的高度,在小地图上显示较暗的实体。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
gui.xaero_box_height_limit Maximum Y-level distance for entities until they are no longer displayed on the minimap. 实体的最大Y垂直距离,超出则不显示在小地图上。 ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 maximum => 最大
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
gui.xaero_toggle_map_waypoints Toggle On-Map Waypoints 切换小地图路径点 ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
gui.xaero_always_entity_nametags Always Render Entity Name Tags 始终渲染实体命名牌 ✔ 术语 name tag => 命名牌
✔ 术语 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_left Left ⚠ 术语异常 left => 左手
gui.xaero_right Right ⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
gui.xaero_box_always_entity_nametags Always render names for entities with name tags regardless of what the name setting is set to in the "Entity Radar" screen. 无论“实体雷达”界面中的名称设置如何,始终为带有命名牌的实体显示名称。 ✔ 术语 name tag => 命名牌
gui.xaero_box_teleport_default_command The command used for waypoint teleportation if a world-specific or a server-specific command is not set in the Options menu in the waypoint screen. 未在路径点界面的“选项”菜单中 设置特定于世界或特定于服务器的命令时, 用于路径点传送的命令。 ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
✔ 术语 options => 选项
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_mode_all All at Once 一次性全部 ✔ 术语 all => 全部
gui.xaero_compass Compass 罗盘 ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针
gui.xaero_main_entity_as Main Entity As 自身显示为 ⚠ 术语异常 entity => 实体
gui.xaero_arrow Arrow 箭头 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
gui.xaero_crosshair Crosshair 十字准星 ✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
gui.xaero_render_all_wp_sets Render All Waypoint Sets 渲染所有路径点集 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
gui.xaero_player_arrow_opacity Arrow Opacity 箭头不透明度 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance Maximum render distance for local waypoints. Global waypoints are not affected. 局部路径点的最大渲染距离。全局路径点不受影响。 ✔ 术语 maximum => 最大
✔ 术语 render distance => 渲染距离
gui.xaero_disconnect_from_auto Delete Sub-World Connection 删除子世界连接 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_world_connection_tooltip Connect/disconnect selected sub-world to/from the current auto one. Connect only sub-worlds that are from the same sub-server/world save. For example, if a vanilla Nether portal takes you from sub-world A to sub-world B, then you can safely connect them. Other sub-worlds connected to the current one are always at the top of the list and are marked by an asterisk (symbol: *). 连接/断开连接选择的子世界与当前auto世界。仅连接来自同一子服务器/世界存档的子世界。例如,如果一个普通的下界传送门将你从子世界 A 带到子世界 B,那么你可以安全地连接它们。连接到当前子世界的其他子世界始终位于列表顶部,并用星号(符号:*)标记。 ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
⚠ 术语异常 auto => 自动
✔ 术语 nether portal => 下界传送门
✔ 术语 portal => 传送门
✔ 术语 nether => 下界
gui.xaero_disconnect_from_auto_msg Would you like to delete the following connection between sub-worlds? 你要删除以下子世界之间的连接吗? ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_teleport_not_connected You are trying to teleport to a sub-world that is not connected to the current auto one. If you are sure that this sub-world is from the same sub-server/world save as the auto one, then you can enable teleportation by adding a connection in the waypoint screen -> Options -> Add Sub-World Connection. But beware, if you connect unrelated sub-worlds and teleport, then there is a good chance you will suffocate in a block or die from fall damage, so be careful and connect only the right ones. 你正试图传送到一个未连接到当前auto子世界的子世界。如果你确定这个子世界来自auto子服务器/世界,那么你可以通过在路径点界面 -> 选项 -> 添加子世界连接中添加连接来启用传送。但请注意,如果你连接不相关的子世界并进行传送,那么你很有可能会在方块中窒息或因坠落伤害而死亡,因此请小心并仅连接正确的子世界。 ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
⚠ 术语异常 auto => 自动
⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
✔ 术语 options => 选项
⚠ 术语异常 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式
gui.xaero_box_ignore_heightmaps Some servers put custom values in the world heightmaps, which may result in incorrectly rendered maps. Sometimes it may even happen in heavily modded singleplayer worlds. This option should fix such issues at the expense of a bit of performance. Do not use unless you have to. Reenter the world after toggling this option! 一些服务器将自定义值放在世界高度图中,这可能会导致地图渲染不正确。 有时它甚至可能发生在经过大量修改的单人游戏世界中。 此选项应该可以解决此类问题,但会降低一点性能。 除非必须,否则不要使用。切换此选项后重新进入存档! ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
gui.xaero_light_both All 全部 ✔ 术语 all => 全部
gui.xaero_light_all All 总和 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
gui.xaero_box_waypoints_bottom Put newly created waypoints at the bottom of the waypoint list instead of the default top. 将新创建的路径点放在路径点列表的底部,而不是默认的顶部。 ✔ 术语 default => 默认
gui.xaero_names_list Player List 玩家列表 ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
gui.xaero_names_off No Names 无名称 ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_names Render entity names under the dots or icons/heads.

Option "Player List" - render only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 在点或图标/头像下渲染实体名称。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅在按下“玩家列表”键(默认为 TAB)时显示。 | ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 list players => 玩家列表
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_status |Using Light Overlay | 使用光照叠加层 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_light_overlay |Light Overlay | 光照叠加层 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_type |Light Overlay | 光照叠加层 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_max_light |Max Light | 最大光照等级 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_light_overlay_min_light |Min Light | 最小光照等级 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_toggle_light_overlay |Toggle Light Overlay | 切换光照叠加层 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_box_light_overlay_type |Using this overlay can negatively affect the game performance because it currently does not use the World Map mod chunks and increases the minimap updating frequency. Do not keep it active all the time. | 使用此叠加层会对游戏性能产生负面影响, 因为它目前不使用世界地图模组区块并增加小地图更新频率。 不要一直保持在开启状态。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_tamed |Tamed Mobs | 驯服的生物 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | gui.xaero_icons_list |Player List | 玩家列表 | ✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_icons_off |No Icons | 无图标 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_icons |Render entity icons instead of colored dots.

Option "Player List" - render only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 渲染实体图标而不是彩色点。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅在按下“玩家列表”键(默认为 TAB)时显示。 | ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 list players => 玩家列表
✔ 术语 entity => 实体
⚠ 术语异常 colored => 染色 | | | gui.xaero_entity_heads_scale |Entity Icon Scale | 实体图标缩放 | ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_size |Size of the minimap frame that affects how much is visible. Square-shaped minimap is forced into the non-rotating mode (option "Lock Minimap North") when the size is greater than 180.

For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left.

Size values in older mod versions: Tiny - 57 Small - 85 Medium - 113 Large - 169 | 影响可见程度的小地图框体大小。 当大小大于180时,方形小地图会强制进入非旋转模式(选项“锁定小地图北方”)。


旧版本模组中的大小值: 微小 - 57 小 - 85 中 - 113 大 - 169 | ✔ 术语 - => -
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_auto_clamp_depth |Auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_clamp_depth |The screen depth at which in-game waypoints stop getting smaller when you go further away from them. Use this if you want to make waypoints that are far away bigger/smaller on the screen. Use the "Waypoint In-Game Scale" setting to also affect the size of waypoints when you are close to them.

For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. The automatic option attempts to give you the best value for the default values of scale types, taking your FOV and screen height into account.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 当你远离它们时,游戏内路径点停止变小的屏幕深度。 如果你想在屏幕上使远处的路径点变大/变小,请使用此选项。使用“游戏内路径点缩放”设置也可以在你靠近它们时影响路径点的大小。

对于“自动”选项,一直拉到到左边。 自动选项会同时考虑你的 FOV 和屏幕高度,尝试为你提供最佳的缩放默认值,。

旧模组版本中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | ✔ 术语 height => 高度
✔ 术语 default => 默认
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 fov => 视场角
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance_scale |Scale of the text displaying the distance to an in-game waypoint.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 到游戏内路径点的距离的文本显示缩放。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_name_scale |Scale of the text displaying the name of an in-game waypoint.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 游戏内路径点名称的文本显示缩放。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_scale |Scale of in-game waypoints. Use this to change the scale of all in-game waypoints, including those that are near you. Use the "Clamp Depth" setting to specifically affect the size of waypoints that are far away.

Default values in older mod versions: Clamp Depth: 12 In-Game Scale: 2.5 Name Text Scale: 0.5 Distance Text Scale: 0.8 | 游戏内路径点的缩放。使用它来更改所有游戏内路径点的缩放,包括你附近的路径点。使用“深度限制”设置专门影响远处路径点的大小。

旧版本模组中的默认值: 深度限制:12 游戏内缩放:2.5 名称文本缩放:0.5 距离文本缩放:0.8 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部 | | | gui.xaero_waypoint_unknown_dimension |an unknown dimension | 未知维度 | ✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_uses_worldmap_value |Setting value is taken from the world map settings! | 此设置的值来自世界地图设置! | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_uses_worldmap_hard_value |Setting value cannot be configured when using the world map chunks! | 使用世界地图区块时无法配置此设置的值! | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_dots_style |Entity Dots Style | 实体点样式 | ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_dots_style_default |Default | 默认 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_slopes_default_3d |Default 3D | 默认 3D | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_slopes_default_2d |Default 2D | 默认 2D | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_ui_scale_auto |Auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_box_ui_scale |Scale of text and other minimap UI elements. Not made for zooming in or resizing. There are separate options for that. | 文本和其他小地图UI元素的缩放。 不适用于推近或调整大小。有单独的选项。 | ✔ 术语 options => 选项 | | | gui.xaero_pushbox_normal |Normal | 正常 | ⚠ 术语异常 normal => 普通
⚠ 术语异常 normal => 中 | | | gui.xaero_pushbox_screen_height |Screen Height | 屏幕高度 | ✔ 术语 height => 高度 | | | gui.xaero_pushbox_boss_health |Boss Health Push Box | Boss生命条碰撞箱 | ✔ 术语 health => 生命 | | | gui.xaero_pushbox_potion_effects |Potion Effects Push Box | 药水效果状态栏碰撞箱 | ✔ 术语 potion => 药水 | | | gui.xaero_box_pushbox_boss_health |An invisible box around the vanilla boss health display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way.

Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance.

Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed. | 原版Boss生命条周围有一个隐形碰撞箱将模组的界面推开。


屏幕高度类型的碰撞箱拉伸到整个屏幕高度,并且总是以正常类型的高度垂直移动碰撞的界面。 当你在一列中有多个界面并希望所有这些界面都被推开时,这将非常有用。 | ✔ 术语 height => 高度
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 normal => 普通
✔ 术语 normal => 中
✔ 术语 health => 生命 | | | gui.xaero_box_pushbox_potion_effects |An invisible box around the vanilla potion effects display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way.

Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance.

Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed. | 原版药水效果状态栏周围有一个隐形碰撞箱将模组的界面推开。


屏幕高度类型的碰撞箱拉伸到整个屏幕高度,并且总是以正常类型的高度垂直移动碰撞的界面。 当你在一列中有多个界面并希望所有这些界面都被推开时,这将非常有用。 | ✔ 术语 height => 高度
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 normal => 普通
✔ 术语 normal => 中
✔ 术语 potion => 药水 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame |Frame Style | 边框样式 | ⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_color |Frame Color | 边框颜色 | ⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_frame_color |The color of the minimap frame for the non-default colored frame styles. | 边框样式不是默认时的小地图边框颜色。 | ⚠ 术语异常 colored => 染色
⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_default |Default | 默认 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_colored_thick |Colored | 彩色 | ⚠ 术语异常 colored => 染色 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_frame_colored_thin |Colored Thin | 彩色薄边框 | ⚠ 术语异常 colored => 染色 | | | gui.xaero_compass_scale |Compass Scale On-Map | 地图上的罗盘缩放 | ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针 | | | gui.xaero_box_compass_scale |The scale of the compass letters NESW when using the on-map compass location. | 罗盘位置在地图上时罗盘文字东西南北的缩放。 | ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_compass_inside_frame |On Map | 在地图上 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_compass_on_frame |On Frame | 在边框上 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_compass_color |Compass Shadow Color | 罗盘阴影颜色 | ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针 | | | gui.xaero_box_compass_over_wp2 |Render compass letters (N, E, S, W) over the on-map waypoints. This only works for the on-frame compass location. | 在地图上的路径点之上渲染罗盘文字(东、西、南、北)。这仅适用于罗盘位置在边框上时。 | ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap |No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar |No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints |No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps |No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap_harmful |No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar_harmful |No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints_harmful |No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps_harmful |No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap_beneficial |No Minimap | 小地图不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar_beneficial |No Entity Radar | 实体雷达不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints_beneficial |No Waypoints | 路径点不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps_beneficial |No Cave Maps | 洞穴地图不可用 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | gui.xaero_radar_item_frames |Display Item Frame Dots | 用点显示物品展示框 | ✔ 术语 item frame => 物品展示框
✔ 术语 item => 物品
✔ 术语 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_show_dimension_name |Display Current Dimension | 显示当前维度 | ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_unknown_biome |Unknown Biome | 未知生物群系 | ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系 | | | gui.xaero_entity_icon_name_fallback |Entity Name When Icon Fails | 找不到图标时使用实体名称 | ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_settings_search_placeholder |Search... | 搜索…… | ✔ 术语 search... => 搜索… | | | gui.xaero_entity_radar_settings |Entity Radar Settings | 实体雷达设置 | ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_entity_radar_categories |Entity Category Settings | 实体类别设置 | ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_block_map_settings |Block Map Settings | 方块地图设置 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_misc_settings |Miscellaneous Settings | 其他设置 | ⚠ 术语异常 miscellaneous => 杂项 | | | gui.xaero_settings_not_found |No matching entries found for your input! | 找不到与你的输入匹配的项! | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | gui.xaero_box_multiple_waypoint_info |Whether the distance can be displayed for multiple in-game waypoints at once. By default, only the distance to the closest waypoint to the crosshair is displayed. Use the "Distance to WP" setting to configure which waypoints the distance could even be shown for. | 是否可以同时显示多个游戏内路径点的距离。 默认情况下,仅显示离十字准星最近的路径点的距离。 使用“到路径点的距离”设置来配置可以显示到哪些路径点的距离。 | ✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 shown => 显示
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 | | | gui.xaero_while_sneaking |Sneaking | 潜行时 | ✔ 术语 sneaking => 潜行 | | | gui.xaero_entity_category_players |Player | 玩家 | ✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_entity_category_items |Item | 物品 | ✔ 术语 item => 物品 | | | gui.xaero_box_category_include_list2 |A list of entities to include in the (sub-)category on top of the entities included by the "Hard Include". | 要包含在“硬包含”所包含的实体之上的(子)类别中的实体类型列表。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_box_category_exclude_list2 |A list of entities to exclude from the entities already included in the (sub-)category. Can work both as a "whitelist" and a "blacklist" depending on the exclusion mode you choose. This does not remove entities from the entity radar, unless you're excluding from the root "Any" category. The "Display" setting can remove entities from the radar. | 要从已包含在(子)类别中的实体类型中排除的实体类型列表。 根据你选择的排除模式,可以同时用作“白名单”和“黑名单”。 这不会从实体雷达中删除实体,除非你从根“任何”类别中排除。 “显示”设置可以从雷达中排除实体。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 work => 工作
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_category_hard_include |Hard Include | 硬包含 | ⚠ 术语异常 hard => 困难 | | | gui.xaero_category_delete |Delete Category | 删除类别 | ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete | | | gui.xaero_category_delete_confirm |Delete the following category? | 删除以下类别? | ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete | | | gui.xaero_category_enable_protection |Protection: OFF | 保护:关 | ✔ 术语 off => 关 | | | gui.xaero_category_disable_protection |Protection: ON | 保护:开 | ✔ 术语 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_category_disable_protection_confirm |Disable protection for the following category? | 禁用以下类别的保护? | ✔ 术语 protection => 保护 | | | gui.xaero_category_enable_protection_confirm |Enable protection for the following category? | 启用以下类别的保护? | ✔ 术语 protection => 保护 | | | gui.xaero_box_category_protection |Category protection prevents you from (accidentally) deleting, moving, renaming a category or changing its "Hard Include" setting. | 类别保护可防止你(意外)删除、移动、重命名类别或更改其“硬包含”设置。 | ✔ 术语 protection => 保护 | | | gui.xaero_category_delete_list_element |Delete | 删除 | ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete | | | gui.xaero_category_settings_cancel |Cancel | 取消 | ✔ 术语 cancel => 取消 | | | gui.xaero_category_settings_reset |Reset Defaults | 重置为默认 | ✔ 术语 defaults => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_category_settings_reset_confirm1 |Reset the category configuration to default values? | 将类别配置重置为默认? | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_category_settings_reset_confirm2 |Custom categories will be removed and the default ones will be reset. | 自定义类别将被删除,默认类别将被重置。 | ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_box_radar_render_order |Controls the order in which the radar categories are rendered. A lower number means being rendered earlier. However, in the newer Minecraft versions dots are always rendered on top of the icons. The order still applies within dot or icon rendering though. | 控制雷达类别的渲染顺序。较低的数字意味着更早地渲染。 然而,在较新的Minecraft版本中,点总是显示在图标之上。 该顺序仍然适用于点或图标渲染。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 minecraft => minecraft | | | gui.xaero_box_always_entity_nametags2 |Always render names for entities with name tags regardless of what the name setting is set to. | 无论名称设置是什么,始终为带有命名牌的实体显示名称。 | ✔ 术语 name tag => 命名牌 | | | gui.xaero_toggle_entity_radar |Toggle Entity Radar | 切换实体雷达 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | narration.xaero_ui_list_left_right_usage |Press LEFT and RIGHT buttons to select a column within the entry. | 按下“左”和“右”按钮选择条目中的一列。 | ⚠ 术语异常 right button => 右键
⚠ 术语异常 left => 左手
⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手 | | | gui.xaero_category_help2 |Select a sub-category and go to its Settings to configure things like dot color, names, icons etc.

Sub-categories that are higher on the list are prioritized when multiple sub-categories include the same entity! Keep that in mind when creating custom categories. Usually, a new custom category should be placed at the top. | 选择一个子类别并转到其设置以配置点颜色、名称、图标等内容。

当多个子类别包含同一实体时,列表中较高的子类别优先! 创建自定义类别时请记住这一点。 通常,新的自定义类别应该会被放在顶部。 | ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 placed => 被放置 | | | gui.xaero_category_paste_cancel |Cancel Cut/Paste | 取消剪切/粘贴 | ✔ 术语 cancel => 取消 | | | gui.xaero_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Adjust Y For Short Blocks | 为矮的方块调整 Y 值 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 | | | gui.xaero_box_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Subtract 1 from the height value for short carpetlike blocks, e.g. carpet, 1-layer snow, lilypad etc. This prevents such blocks from causing harsh shading on the map like a full block. | 类似地毯的矮方块的高度值减去1,例如地毯、1层雪、睡莲等。 这可以防止这些方块像一个完整的方块一样在地图上显示明显的阴影。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 height => 高度
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_main_entity_dot_size |Main Entity Dot Size | 自身点大小 | ⚠ 术语异常 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_category_settings_save_confirm |Save changes before you exit? | 退出前保存更改? | ✔ 术语 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式 | | | gui.xaero_box_start_fading_at |Minimum Y level difference requirement for an entity to start darkening on the radar when the "Show Entity Depth" setting is enabled. | 当启用“显示实体深度”设置时,实体在雷达上开始变暗的最小Y高度差距。 | ✔ 术语 minimum => 最小
✔ 术语 on => 开
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_start_fading_at_auto |Auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_box_partial_y_teleportation |When teleporting to a waypoint, offset the Y coordinate by 0.5 to avoid falling through carpet-like blocks into the void. Otherwise, the integer Y coordinate is used. | 传送到路径点时,将 Y 坐标偏移 0.5 以避免穿过地毯状方块掉入虚空。否则,使用整数 Y 坐标。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 the void => 虚空
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 | | | gui.xaero_delete_reached_deathpoints |Delete Reached Deathpoints | 删除到达过的死亡地点 | ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete | | | gui.xaero_box_delete_reached_deathpoints |Automatically delete deathpoints when you are within 4 blocks from them. This requires the deathpoint to be visible in-game or on the minimap. A deathpoint is protected from deletion for 5 seconds after its creation. | 当你靠近到4个方块内时自动删除死亡地点。 这要求死亡地点在游戏中或小地图上可见。 死亡地点在创建后5秒内不会被删除。 | ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 | | | gui.xaero_box_hide_minimap_under_screen |Hide the minimap when a GUI screen is open, e.g. the inventory, with the exception of minimap-related screens and the chat screen. | 当GUI界面打开时隐藏小地图,例如物品栏,与小地图相关的界面和聊天界面除外。 | ✔ 术语 chat => 聊天 | | | gui.xaero_north_compass_color |North Compass Color | 罗盘北方颜色 | ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针 | | | gui.xaero_north_compass_color_default |Default | 默认 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_category_add_to_list_custom |Confirm Custom Input: %1$s | 确认自定义输入:%1$s | ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义 | | | gui.xaero_box_category_list_add |Supports player names, entity/item identifiers or patterns with special characters * ) ( and |.

    • matches anything. )( - parenthesis, mostly for usage with |. | - the OR operator to match different sequences in the same location.

For example: minecraft:creeper minecraft:zombie(_villager|_horse) - zombie villagers and horses. minecraft:a*l - any vanilla entity which starts with 'a' and ends with 'l'. | 支持带有特殊字符 * ) ( 和 | 的实体标识符或匹配模式。

    • 匹配任何内容。 ) ( - 括号,主要与 | 一起使用。 | - “或”运算符以匹配相同位置的不同序列。

例如: minecraft:creeper minecraft:zombie(_villager|_horse) - 僵尸村民和马。 minecraft:a*l - 任何以“a”开头并以“l”结尾的原版实体。 | ✔ 术语 - => -
⚠ 术语异常 . => .
⚠ 术语异常 player => 玩家
✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸
✔ 术语 zombie villager => 僵尸村民
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_hide_minimap_under_f3 |Hide When Under F3 | 在 F3 时隐藏 | ✔ 术语 f3 => f3 | | | gui.xaero_box_hide_minimap_under_f3 |Hide the minimap when the F3 debug screen is enabled. | 启用 F3 调试界面时隐藏小地图。 | ✔ 术语 f3 => f3 | | | gui.xaero_toggle_manual_cave_mode |Toggle Manual Cave Mode | 切换手动洞穴模式 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换 | | | gui.xaero_box_manual_cave_mode_start |Which Y level to start mapping blocks from when the manual cave mode is enabled. Manual cave mode can be toggled with a key binding. For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. | 启用手动洞穴模式时,从哪个Y高度开始绘制方块。 手动洞穴模式可以通过按键绑定进行切换。 对于“自动”选项,一直拉到左边。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 | | | gui.xaero_manual_cave_mode_start_auto |Auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_chunk_grid_line_width |Chunk Grid Line Width | 区块网格线宽度 | ✔ 术语 width => 宽度
✔ 术语 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_radar_render_over_minimap |Render Over Minimap Frame | 在小地图边框之上渲染 | ⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_box_radar_render_over_minimap |Render the entities over the minimap frame instead of rendering them inside the frame. Entities rendered this way act similarly to the waypoints and stick to the border when out of bounds. Visible entities are still limited to the ones loaded on the game client side though.

Option "Player List" - render over minimap only when the "List Players" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed. | 允许在小地图边框上渲染实体,而不只是在边框内渲染它们。 以这种方式渲染的实体的行为类似于路径点,并且在超出边界时会粘在边界上。 可见实体仍然仅限于游戏客户端加载的实体。

选项“玩家列表” - 仅当按下“玩家列表”键绑定(默认为 TAB)时才在小地图上如此渲染。 | ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 list players => 玩家列表
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 stick => 木棍
⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_radar_render_radar_over_frame |Render Radar Over Frame | 在边框之上渲染雷达 | ⚠ 术语异常 frame => 框架, 展示框 | | | gui.xaero_radar_over_map_list |Player List | 玩家列表 | ✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_compass_over_everything |Compass Over Everything | 罗盘在最上层 | ⚠ 术语异常 compass => 指南针 | | | gui.xaero_box_compass_over_everything |Render the cardinal direction letters (N, E, S, W) above all map elements, as opposed to under some, e.g. waypoints. | 在所有地图元素上方渲染罗盘文字(东、西、南、北),而不是在某些元素下方,例如路径点。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_toggle_pac_chunk_claims |Toggle Chunk Claims | 切换区块认领 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_pac_claims |Display Chunk Claims | 显示区块认领 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_box_pac_claims |Display chunk claims from the Open Parties and Claims mod as a colored overlay. | 将来自 Open Parties and Claims 模组的区块认领显示为彩色叠加层。 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
⚠ 术语异常 colored => 染色
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_pac_claims_border_opacity |Chunk Claims Border Opacity | 区块认领边界不透明度 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度 | | | gui.xaero_box_pac_claims_border_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay border color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块认领叠加层的边缘不透明度。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_pac_claims_fill_opacity |Chunk Claims Fill Opacity | 区块认领填充不透明度 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度 | | | gui.xaero_box_pac_claims_fill_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay fill color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块认领叠加层的填充颜色不透明度。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_pac_current_claim |Display Current Claim | 显示当前认领 | ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率 | | | gui.xaero_box_pac_current_claim |Display claim information about the chunk that you are in. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 显示有关你所在区块的认领信息。区块认领需要 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_category_include_list_include_in_super |Automatically include all entities from this list, and other lists included in this category, in the super-category/parent of this category, except the entities in the exclude list. That way you don't have to manually add duplicates on each level. | 自动将此列表中的所有实体以及此类别中包含的其他列表包含在此类别的超类别/父级中,排除列表中的实体除外。 这样你就不必在每个级别上手动添加重复项。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_box_category_include_list_include_in_super2 |Automatically include all elements from this list, and other sub-lists included in this category, in the super-category/parent of this category. That way you don't have to manually add duplicates on each level. Keep in mind that super-categories are not going to check the exclusion lists of this category. | 自动将此列表中的所有元素以及此类别中包括的其他子列表包括在此类别的超类别/父类别中。这样,你就不必在每个级别上手动添加重复项。请记住,超级类别不会检查此类别的排除列表。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_box_temp_waypoints_global |When enabled, temporary waypoints are treated as global waypoints and ignore the waypoint render distance limits. | 启用后,临时路径点将被视为全局路径点并忽略路径点渲染距离限制。 | ✔ 术语 render distance => 渲染距离 | | | gui.xaero_box_enlarged_minimap_a_toggle |Treat the "Enlarge Minimap" key binding as a toggle instead of having to hold it. | 将“放大小地图”键视为切换,而不用按住它。 | ✔ 术语 hold => 按住
✔ 术语 toggle => 切换 | | | gui.xaero_waypoint_visibility_type_world_map_local |World Map Loc. | 世界地图局部 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_waypoint_visibility_type_world_map_global |World Map Glo. | 世界地图全局 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_visibility_type |In-Game/Minimap Visibility Type

Local - only visible when in the maximum waypoint render distance Global - always visible World Map Loc. - not visible but is considered local World Map Glo. - not visible but is considered global | 游戏内/小地图可见性类型

局部 - 仅在最大路径点渲染距离内可见 全局 - 始终可见 世界地图局部 - 不可见,但被视为局部 世界地图全局 - 不可见,但被视为全局 | ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 maximum => 最大
✔ 术语 render distance => 渲染距离
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_alternative_list_players |"List Players" Alternative | “玩家列表”第二键位 | ✔ 术语 list players => 玩家列表 | | | gui.xaero_display_stained_glass |Display Stained Glass | 显示染色玻璃 | ✔ 术语 glass => 玻璃
✔ 术语 stained glass => 染色玻璃 | | | gui.xaero_waypoint_onmap_scale_auto |Auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_switch_to_auto_on_death |Auto Sub-World On Death | 死亡时自动切换到子世界 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_box_switch_to_auto_on_death |Whether to switch the waypoint sub-world to auto on deathpoint creation. This doesn't affect what sub-world the deathpoint is created in. | 是否在创建死亡点时将路径点子世界切换为自动。这不影响死亡点创建在哪个子世界。 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_zoom_on_enlarge |Zoom Level When Enlarged | 放大时的缩放级别 | ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降 | | | gui.xaero_zoom_on_enlarge_auto |Auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_weather_display |Display Weather Info | 显示天气信息 | ✔ 术语 weather => 天气 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_dimension |Dimension | 维度 | ✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_biome |Biome | 生物群系 | ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_weather |Weather | 天气 | ✔ 术语 weather => 天气 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_light_level |Light Level | 光照等级 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_light_overlay_indicator |Light Overlay Status | 光照覆盖状态 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_custom_sub_world |Custom Waypoint Sub-World | 自定义路径点子世界 | ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义 | | | gui.xaero_dropdown_info_display_background_color |Text Background Color | 文本背景颜色 | ✔ 术语 text background => 文本背景 | | | gui.xaero_minimap_info_display_manager_help |Click and drag the elements to change the order of the displayed information. | 点击并拖动元素以更改显示信息的顺序。 | ⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断 | | | gui.xaero_info_display_background_opacity |Info Display Background Opacity | 信息显示背景不透明度 | ✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度 | | | gui.xaero_box_info_display_background_opacity |The opacity of the colored backgrounds of information types that have a background enabled in the info display manager. | 信息显示管理器中启用了背景的信息类型的彩色背景的不透明度。 | ✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
⚠ 术语异常 colored => 染色 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_chunk_coords |Chunk Coordinates | 区块坐标 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoint_type |Enabled - regular waypoint Disabled - regular hidden waypoint Temporary - waypoint disappears on world exit Destination - waypoint disappears when reached | 启用 - 常规路径点 禁用 - 常规隐藏路径点 临时 - 路径点在退出世界时消失 目的地 - 路径点在到达时消失 | ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 hidden => 隐藏
⚠ 术语异常 hidden => 已隐藏
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 disappears => 隐身 | | | gui.xaero_cave_mode_toggle_timer |Cave Mode Toggle Timer | 洞穴模式切换计时器 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换 | | | gui.xaero_box_cave_mode_toggle_timer |The minimum time to wait between toggles of cave mode to prevent flickering when quickly switching between being under blocks and not. The latest world map mod has a separate setting for this as well. | 在快速切换在方块下和不在方块下时防止闪烁时,等待切换洞穴模式的最短时间。最新的世界地图模组也有一个单独的设置。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 minimum => 最小
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_infodisplay_overworld_coords |Overworld Coordinates | 主世界坐标 | ✔ 术语 overworld => 主世界 | | | gui.xaero_uses_worldmap_screen_value |Setting value is taken from the world map screen! | 设置值来自世界地图屏幕! | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_biome_blending |Biome Blending | 生物群系混合 | ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
⚠ 术语异常 biome blend => 生物群系过渡距离 | | | gui.xaero_box_biome_blending |Smooth out biome color edges by sampling biome colors for multiple blocks for every block on the map. Turning this off can significantly improve performance when biome color calculation is modded to be much more heavyweight than vanilla. | 通过对地图上每个方块的多个方块采样生物群系颜色,平滑生物群系颜色边缘。关闭此功能可以显著提高性能,当生物群系颜色计算被修改为比原版更重的情况下。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
✔ 术语 off => 关
✔ 术语 colors => 颜色
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑 | | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_info_display_manager |Configure and/or rearrange different types of info displayed under the minimap, such as current coordinates, facing angles, dimension, biome, weather, light level, game time, real time and more. | 配置和/或重新排列显示在小地图下的不同类型的信息,例如当前坐标、朝向角度、维度、生物群系、天气、光照等级、游戏时间、实时时间等。 | ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_categories |Configure specific entity categories, which are usually players, hostile mobs, friendly mobs, items or other entities, separately instead of having the same configuration for every entity. You can even create your own custom categories for specific entity types. | 单独配置通常为玩家、敌对生物、友好生物、物品或其他实体的特定实体类别,而不是为每个实体都使用相同的配置。你甚至可以为特定实体类型创建自定义类别。 | ✔ 术语 items => 物品
✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_box_compass |The cardinal directions displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的基本方向。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_box_compass_color |The color of the background/shadow under the cardinal directions displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的基本方向下的背景/阴影的颜色。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_box_north_compass_color |The color of the background/shadow under the north cardinal direction displayed on the minimap. | 小地图上显示的北方基本方向下的背景/阴影的颜色。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_compass_scale_auto |Auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_compass_scale2 |Compass Scale | 指南针刻度 | ✔ 术语 compass => 指南针 | | | gui.xaero_box_compass_scale2 |The scale of the cardinal direction letters NESW. For the "Auto" option, go all the way to the left. | 基本方向字母NESW的刻度。对于“自动”选项,请将其调整到最左边。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部 | | | gui.xaero_box_dimension_scaled_max_waypoint_distance |Scale the maximum waypoint render distance by the current dimension's coordinate scale (e.g. 1/8 in the Nether). | 通过当前维度的坐标比例(例如在下界中为1/8)来缩放最大路径点渲染距离。 | ⚠ 术语异常 coordinate scale => 平面比例
✔ 术语 maximum => 最大
⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
✔ 术语 render distance => 渲染距离
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度
✔ 术语 the nether => 下界 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance2 |Maximum render distance for local waypoints. Global waypoints are not affected. By default, the maximum distance is scaled by the current dimension's coordinate scale. You can toggle this with "Dimension-scaled Max WP Distance". | 本地路径点的最大渲染距离。全局路径点不受影响。默认情况下,最大距离按照当前维度的坐标比例进行缩放。你可以使用“按维度缩放的最大路径点距离”进行切换。 | ⚠ 术语异常 coordinate scale => 平面比例
✔ 术语 maximum => 最大
⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 render distance => 渲染距离
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_fbo |Beta | Beta | ✔ 术语 beta => beta | | | gui.xaero_ui_scale_mc |Minecraft | Minecraft | ✔ 术语 minecraft => minecraft | | | gui.xaero_category_setting_inherit |- | - | ✔ 术语 - => - | |

英文 中文
Open World Map 打开世界地图
Open Settings 打开设置
Debug 调试
ON 开启
OFF 关闭
Lighting 光照
Block Colours 方块颜色
Accurate 精确
Vanilla 原版
Back 返回
Load New Chunks 加载新区块
Update Chunks 更新区块
Terrain Depth 地形深度
Terrain Slopes 地形坡度
Footsteps 脚步声
Light Levels 光照等级
Requires reloading the world to take effect! Lower 需要重新加载世界以生效!降低
Load Flowers 加载花朵
Texture Compression 纹理压缩
World Map Screen 世界地图屏幕
Xaero's World Map Settings Xaero的世界地图设置
Cursor Coordinates 光标坐标
Biomes In Vanilla Mode 原版模式下的生物群系
World Map Waypoints 世界地图路径点
Zoom In (alternative) 放大(备选)
Zoom Out (alternative) 缩小(备选)
World map needs confirmation! 世界地图需要确认!
Confirm 确认
Cancel 取消
Map Selection 地图选择
Single 单一
Manual 手动
World Spawn 世界生成点
Create New Map 创建新地图
Rename 重命名
Delete 删除
World Map Name 世界地图名称
Are you sure you would like to delete the selected map? 你确定要删除所选地图吗?
Only the latest deleted map is backed up. 只有最近删除的地图会被备份。
Please confirm deletion by pressing Yes again. 请再次按“是”确认删除。
Map 地图
Quick Manual Confirmation 快速手动确认
Default 默认
Manual - you are asked to select and confirm the world map every time you switch worlds or dimensions.

World Spawn - the world map is selected and confirmed automatically based on the world spawn point that the game client is aware of. Can break if the server is using the vanilla compass item for a custom function.

Single - each dimension has a single world map that is automatically confirmed. Useful for simple servers with a single world.

Server - install the world map mod on the server side to use this automatic mode. | 手动 - 每次切换世界或维度时都会要求你选择并确认世界地图。

世界生成点 - 根据游戏客户端知道的世界生成点自动选择和确认世界地图。如果服务器正在使用原版指南针物品进行自定义功能,可能会出现问题。

单一 - 每个维度都有一个自动确认的世界地图。适用于只有一个世界的简单服务器。

服务器 - 在服务器端安装世界地图模组以使用此自动模式。 | | Select Map | 选择地图 | | Render Player Arrow | 渲染玩家箭头 | | Display Zoom Level | 显示缩放级别 | | Ignore Server Heightmaps | 忽略服务器高度图 | | Some servers put custom values in the world heightmaps, which can cause incorrectly rendered maps. Sometimes it can even happen in heavily modded singleplayer worlds. This option should fix such issues at the expense of a bit of performance. Do not use unless you need to. Reenter the world after toggling the option! | 一些服务器在世界高度图中放置了自定义值,这可能导致地图渲染不正确。有时甚至会在大量修改的单人游戏世界中发生。此选项应该可以解决此类问题,但会稍微降低性能。除非需要,否则不要使用。切换选项后重新进入世界! | | Waypoint Scale | 路径点缩放 | | Error loading server world map properties. Please retry. | 加载服务器世界地图属性时出错。请重试。 | | Server | 服务器 | | Map selection is automatically controlled by the server. You can turn this off with "ignoreServerLevelId" in the server-specific config in the XaeroWorldMap directory. | 地图选择由服务器自动控制。你可以在XaeroWorldMap目录中的服务器特定配置中使用“ignoreServerLevelId”关闭此功能。 | | Next >> | 下一页 >> | | << Prev | << 上一页 | | Legacy | 传统 | | Animation On Open | 打开时的动画 | | Default 3D | 默认3D | | Default 2D | 默认2D | | No World Map | 无世界地图 | | No World Map | 无世界地图 | | No World Map | 无世界地图 | | The map is disabled with a potion effect. | 该地图被药水效果禁用。 | | %s Zoom In (or mouse wheel) | %s 放大 (或使用鼠标滚轮) | | %s Zoom Out (or mouse wheel) | %s 缩小 (或使用鼠标滚轮) | | Controls

Click and drag to scroll the map. Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out (CTRL for precise). Right-click the map for some useful shortcuts. Some UI buttons have additional key bindings displayed in their tooltip.

Right-click a map element (e.g. waypoint) for options. %1$sClick here to edit the key bindings. | 控制方式

点击并拖动以滚动地图。 使用鼠标滚轮进行放大和缩小(按住CTRL键进行精确操作)。 右键单击地图以使用一些有用的快捷方式。 某些UI按钮在工具提示中显示了其他按键绑定。

右键单击地图元素(例如路径点)以获取选项。 %1$s点击此处编辑按键绑定。 | | §2%s§r to create a new waypoint. §2%s§r to create a quick temporary waypoint. §2%s§r to switch the waypoint set. §2%s§r to toggle rendering all waypoint sets. §2%s§r to open the full waypoint menu.

| §2%s§r 创建新的路径点。 §2%s§r 创建临时路径点。 §2%s§r 切换路径点集。 §2%s§r 切换渲染所有路径点集。 §2%s§r 打开完整的路径点菜单。

| | §2%s§r to open the Parties and Claims menu.

| §2%s§r 打开派对和领地菜单。

| | Export the map as a PNG file. | 将地图导出为PNG文件。 | | Do you want to export the map as a PNG file? | 你是否要将地图导出为PNG文件? | | The game will temporarily appear frozen while it's working. | 在处理过程中,游戏会暂时出现冻结。 | | Map Switching Options | 地图切换选项 | | Waypoints | 路径点 | | Close Waypoints | 关闭路径点 | | §2%s§r Open Settings | §2%s§r 打开设置 | | §2%s§r Close Settings | §2%s§r 关闭设置 | | [Go Up] | [向上] | | [Go Down] | [向下] | | Filter Waypoints... | 筛选路径点... | | Invalid Regex syntax! | 无效的正则表达式语法! | | %s Open Full Waypoint Menu | %s 打开完整的路径点菜单 | | %s Rendering all waypoint sets | %s 渲染所有路径点集 | | %s Rendering only the current set | %s 仅渲染当前路径点集 | | Zoom Buttons | 缩放按钮 | | Showing disabled waypoints | 显示禁用的路径点 | | Hiding disabled waypoints | 隐藏禁用的路径点 | | The waypoint feature requires the Xaero's Minimap mod! | 路径点功能需要 Xaero's Minimap 模组 | | Waypoints are disabled in the world map settings! | 世界地图设置中已禁用路径点! | | §2%s§r Edit Waypoint | §2%s§r 编辑路径点 | | §2%s§r Teleport to Waypoint | §2%s§r 传送到路径点 | | §2%s§r Disable Waypoint | §2%s§r 禁用路径点 | | §2%s§r Enable Waypoint | §2%s§r 启用路径点 | | Restore Waypoint | 恢复路径点 | | §2%s§r Confirm Deletion | §2%s§r 确认删除 | | §2%s§r Delete Waypoint | §2%s§r 删除路径点 | | §2%s§r Create Waypoint | §2%s§r 创建路径点 | | §2%s§r Set Temporary Waypoint | §2%s§r 设置临时路径点 | | §2%s§r Open Waypoint Menu | §2%s§r 打开路径点菜单 | | Teleport Here | 传送到这里 | | Choose an Option | 选择一个选项 | | §2%s§r Open Settings | §2%s§r 打开设置 | | Export Map as PNG | 导出地图为PNG | | Render Waypoint Backgrounds | 渲染路径点背景 | | §8(Teleport) Ambiguous Y... | §8(传送) Y坐标不明确... | | §8(Teleport) Unconfirmed... | §8(传送) 未确认... | | §8Can't Set A Waypoint Here... | §8无法在此处设置路径点... | | The mod is configured to require the following item in your hotbar or equipped: | 该模组配置需要你的热键栏或装备中有以下物品: | | Share Waypoint In Chat | 在聊天中分享路径点 | | Share Location In Chat | 在聊天中分享位置 | | §8Can't Share This Location... | §8无法分享此位置... | | The currently selected map is used by another process (Minecraft client). | 当前选择的地图正在被其他进程(Minecraft客户端)使用。 | | Please select a different map of this server (bottom left icon). | 请为此服务器选择不同的地图(左下角图标)。 | | Detect Ambiguous Y In Discovered | 检测发现的模糊Y坐标 | | A single pixel on the map can contain multiple transparent layers and an opaque block under them. In older non-cache map data files, only the Y level (height) of the opaque block is stored in such cases, which often makes it unsafe to blindly teleport to the stored Y coordinate. When this setting is ON, the mod treats such map pixels as it would undiscovered chunks. It defaults to 2D waypoints and disables direct teleportation to such pixels. Disable this at your own risk! | 地图上的单个像素可以包含多个透明层,并在其下方包含一个不透明方块。在较旧的非缓存地图数据文件中,这种情况仅存储不透明块的Y坐标。这通常会导致盲目传送到存储的Y坐标不安全。当此设置打开时,模组将像对待未发现的区块一样处理这些地图像素。默认为2D路径点,并禁用直接传送到这些像素。请自行决定是否关闭此选项! | | Closing the menu when hopping to a waypoint (left-clicking in the menu) | 在跳转到路径点时关闭菜单(在菜单中左键单击) | | Not closing the menu when hopping to a waypoint (left-clicking in the menu) | 在跳转到路径点时不关闭菜单(在菜单中左键单击) | | Update Notifications | 更新通知 | | Adjust Y For Short Blocks | 调整矮方块的Y坐标 | | Subtract 1 from the height value for short carpetlike blocks, e.g. carpet, 1-layer snow, lilypad etc. This prevents such blocks from causing harsh shading on the map like a full block. Waypoints and teleportation over these blocks should make more sense too. | 对于像地毯一样的不完整方块,例如地毯、1层雪、睡莲等,从高度值中减去1。这可以防止这些块在地图上造成像整个方块一样的粗糙阴影。同时,路径点和远程传送也将更合理。 | | Displaying only the waypoints bound to the current world map, even if another waypoint sub-world is selected for the minimap using the full waypoint menu. | 仅显示绑定到当前世界地图的路径点,即使在完整路径点菜单中选择了另一个路径点子世界用于小地图。 | | Displaying waypoints from the same waypoint sub-world as you are viewing in game and on the minimap. The sub-world can be switched in the full waypoint menu. | 在游戏中查看的路径点子世界和小地图上查看的路径点子世界相同的路径点。可以在完整路径点菜单中切换子世界。 | | Min Zoom For Local Waypoints | 本地路径点的最小缩放级别 | | Arrow Color | 箭头颜色 | | Color of the arrow that indicates the position and the rotation of the player. | 指示玩家位置和朝向的箭头的颜色。 | | Minimap | 小地图 | | Red | 红色 | | Green | 绿色 | | Blue | 蓝色 | | Yellow | 黄色 | | Purple | 紫色 | | White | 白色 | | Black | 黑色 | | Legacy | 传统色 | | Team | 队伍色 | | Waypoints: %1$s | 自定义子世界:%1$s | | %s Minimap entity radar is displayed (requires Xaero's Minimap) | %s 显示小地图实体雷达(需要 Xaero's Minimap) | | %s Minimap entity radar is not displayed | %s 不显示小地图实体雷达 | | Toggle Minimap Radar On World Map | 切换小地图雷达在世界地图上的显示 | | Same Party | 同一队伍 | | Ally Party | 盟友队伍 | | The party player menu feature requires the Open Parties and Claims mod! | 使用派对玩家菜单功能需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组! | | The chunk claim feature requires the Open Parties and Claims mod! | 使用区块领地功能需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组! | | %s Displaying chunk claims | %s 显示领地 | | %s Not displaying chunk claims | %s 不显示领地 | | Player Teleport Command | 玩家传送命令 | | The chat command used on this world/server to teleport you to other players on the map when Open Parties and Claims is installed. | 当安装了 Open Parties and Claims 时,在此世界/服务器上用于将你传送到地图上其他玩家的聊天命令。 | | (Forceloadable) | (可强制加载) | | %1$s's Claim%2$s | %1$s 的领地%2$s | | Server Claim%1$s | 服务器领地%1$s | | Expired Claim%1$s | 过期的领地%1$s | | %s Rendering waypoints | %s 显示路径点 | | %s Not rendering waypoints | %s 不显示路径点 | | %s Rendering players | %s 显示玩家 | | %s Not rendering players | %s 不显示玩家 | | Toggle Tracked Players | 切换显示追踪的玩家 | | Player Teleport Command | 玩家传送命令 | | The chat command used on this world/server to teleport you to tracked players on the map (not regular radar). | 在此世界/服务器上用于将你传送到地图上追踪的玩家(不是普通雷达)的聊天命令。 | | Filter Players... | 按名称筛选玩家... | | §2%s§r Teleport to Player | §2%s§r 传送到玩家 | | §2%s§r Edit Player Config | §2%s§r 编辑玩家配置 | | Close Tracked Player Menu | 关闭追踪的玩家菜单 | | Tracked Player Menu | 追踪的玩家菜单 | | Toggle Chunk Claims | 切换区块领地 | | Claim Selected | 领取选定区块 | | Unclaim Selected | 取消领取选定区块 | | Forceload Selected | 强制加载选定区块 | | Unforceload Selected | 取消强制加载选定区块 | | §8(Claims) Out of Range... | §8(领地)超出范围... | | Display Chunk Claims | 显示区块领地 | | Display chunk claims from the Open Parties and Claims mod as a colored overlay. | 以彩色覆盖层的形式显示来自 Open Parties and Claims 模组的区块领地。 | | Chunk Claims Border Opacity | 区块领地边框不透明度 | | The opacity of the chunk claims overlay border color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块领地覆盖层边框颜色的不透明度。区块领地需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | Chunk Claims Fill Opacity | 区块领地填充不透明度 | | The opacity of the chunk claims overlay fill color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块领地覆盖层填充颜色的不透明度。区块领地需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | Please wait... | 请稍候... | | Map Teleport Command | 地图传送命令 | | Waypoint Command | 路径点命令 | | Waypoint teleportation is configured by the minimap. | 路径点传送由小地图配置。 | | Map Teleportation | 允许地图传送 | | Whether right-click map teleportation is allowed. Once disabled, it can be enabled back only through the world-specific config file in the XaeroWorldMap folder. Waypoint teleportation is configured separately in the full waypoint menu options. | 是否允许右键地图传送。一旦禁用,只能通过 XaeroWorldMap 文件夹中的特定于世界的配置文件重新启用。路径点传送在完整的路径点菜单选项中单独配置。 | | §8(Teleport) Disabled | §8(传送)已禁用 | | This option requires the Xaero's Minimap mod. | 此选项需要安装 Xaero's Minimap 模组。 | | This option requires you to be in game. | 此选项需要你在游戏中。 | | Settings Search | 设置搜索 | | Search... | 搜索... | | No matching entries found for your input! | 未找到与你的输入匹配的条目! | | Minimap Settings | 小地图设置 | | Restore Default Settings | 恢复默认设置 | | Are you sure you would like to restore the default settings? | 你确定要恢复默认设置吗? | | This action cannot be undone! | 此操作无法撤消! | | Use Y With Partial When TP | 在 TP 时使用 Y 坐标的小数部分 | | When teleporting to a map location, offset the Y coordinate by 0.5 to avoid falling through carpet-like blocks into the void. Otherwise, the integer Y coordinate is used. | 在传送到地图位置时,将 Y 坐标偏移 0.5,以避免穿过类似地毯的方块掉入虚空。否则,使用整数 Y 坐标。 | | Display Stained Glass | 显示染色玻璃 | | Map Selection | 地图选择 | | Cursor Biome | 光标生物群系 | | Unknown Biome | 未知生物群系 | | Cave Mode Depth | 洞穴模式深度 | | Update chunks on the non-world-save maps (multiplayer). | 更新非世界保存的地图上的区块(多人游戏)。 | | Add new chunks to the non-world-save maps (multiplayer). | 将新区块添加到非世界保存的地图上(多人游戏)。 | | Legible Cave Maps | 可辨认的洞穴地图 | | Use depth-based lighting in cave mode instead of actual block lighting, making it easier to mentally separate the different cave layers. | 在洞穴模式中使用基于深度的光照,而不是实际的方块光照,使不同洞穴层更容易在心理上区分。 | | Cave Mode | 洞穴模式 | | Cave Mode (not allowed) | 洞穴模式(不允许) | | auto | 自动 | | Cave Mode Top Y | 洞穴模式顶部 Y 坐标 | | Cave Mode Type | 洞穴模式类型 | | The cave mode type to use when cave mode is enabled.

OFF - display above ground even when cave mode is automatically or manually enabled (same as old world map versions without cave mode) Layered - separate cave maps into multiple layers depending on the used top Y Full - ignore the used top Y, use a single layer for cave maps and map everything from the world top to the world bottom | 当启用洞穴模式时要使用的洞穴模式类型。

OFF - 即使自动或手动启用洞穴模式,也在地表显示(与旧版没有洞穴模式的世界地图相同) Layered - 根据使用的顶部 Y 将洞穴地图分成多个层 Full - 忽略使用的顶部 Y,使用单一层的洞穴地图,将世界顶部到世界底部的所有内容都绘制出来 | | Default Cave Mode Type | 默认洞穴模式类型 | | The default cave mode type assigned to dimensions visited for the first time in a world/server. You can read more about cave mode types by clicking the cave mode icon on the map screen. | 分配给首次访问世界/服务器的维度的默认洞穴模式类型。你可以通过在地图屏幕上点击洞穴模式图标来了解更多关于洞穴模式类型的信息。 | | Layered | 分层 | | Full | 完整 | | Auto Cave Mode | 自动洞穴模式 | | How the mod should determine the "auto" top Y when viewing the full screen map. The ceiling size refers to the size of a square ceiling of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. The solid blocks don't have to be on the same Y level.

Minimap - if installed, match the minimap mod's cave mode, otherwise use the ceiling size 3x3 | 在查看全屏地图时,模组应如何确定“自动”顶部 Y。天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到的实心方块的正方形天花板的大小,以激活洞穴模式。实心方块不必在同一 Y 级别上。

Minimap - 如果安装了 Minimap 模组,则与 Minimap 模组的洞穴模式匹配,否则使用天花板大小 3x3 | | Ceiling | 天花板 | | Display Cave Mode Top Y | 显示洞穴模式顶部 Y | | Top Y: %d | 顶部 Y:%d | | Cave Mode Toggle Timer | 洞穴模式切换定时器 | | The minimum time to wait between toggles of cave mode to prevent flickering when quickly switching between being under blocks and not. This only applies when "Auto Cave Mode" isn't redirecting to the minimap mod. The latest minimap mod has a separate setting for this as well. | 为了防止在快速切换在方块下方和不在方块下方时出现闪烁,设置洞穴模式切换的最小等待时间。仅在“自动洞穴模式”未重定向到小地图模组时适用。最新的小地图模组也有单独的设置。 | | No WM Cave Maps | 没有 WM 洞穴地图 | | No WM Cave Maps | 没有 WM 洞穴地图 | | Biome Blending | 生物群系混合 | | Smooth out biome color edges by sampling biome colors for multiple blocks for every block on the map. Turning this off can significantly improve performance when biome color calculation is modded to be much more heavyweight than vanilla. | 通过对地图上每个方块进行多次生物群系颜色采样,平滑生物群系颜色边缘。关闭此选项可以显著提高性能,尤其在生物群系颜色计算被修改为比原版更复杂的情况下。 | | Can't export just yet! The world map has not been prepared yet. | 无法导出!世界地图尚未准备好。 | | The exported area is empty! | 导出区域为空! | | The exported area is way too big to scale down! Please make a smaller selection. | 导出区域太大,无法缩小!请选择较小的区域。 | | The image size is beyond what's possible to store in a BufferedImage! | 图像大小超出了 BufferedImage 可以存储的范围! | | The export failed because the Java heap ran out of memory! Please try again or allocate more memory. | 导出失败,因为 Java 堆内存耗尽!请重试或分配更多内存。 | | The export failed because the mod failed to create an OpenGL framebuffer. | 导出失败,因为模组无法创建 OpenGL 帧缓冲。 | | The export failed because of an IO exception! Please try again. The full exception has been logged. | 导出失败,因为出现 IO 异常!请重试。完整的异常已记录。 | | Successfully exported the map! | 地图导出成功! | | World Map PNG Export | 世界地图 PNG 导出 | | Exporting... Will temporarily appear frozen. Might take a while! | 正在导出... 临时会出现冻结。可能需要一些时间! | | Force Full Map | 强制完整地图 | | Export the whole map even if you've made a map selection. | 导出整个地图,即使你已经选择了地图区域。 | | Multiple Unscaled Images | 多个未缩放的图像导出 | | Export the map as multiple unscaled images no matter how big it is. This does not have the same memory limitations as a single image. | 无论地图大小如何,都将地图导出为多个未缩放的图像。这不受单个图像的内存限制。 | | Nighttime | 夜间模式 | | Export the map with nighttime lighting. This doesn't affect cave mode maps. | 导出带有夜间光照的地图。这不会影响洞穴模式地图。 | | Max Single Image Size | 最大单个图像尺寸 | | %1$dx%1$d reg | %1$dx%1$d 区域 | | Unscaled | 未缩放 | | The size, in regions, of a square image equivalent to the resolution that a large exported map will be scaled down to if necessary. For example, 20x20 stands for 400 regions, 512x512 blocks/pixels each. The resulting image doesn't have to be a square. 10x40 is also 400 regions.

Your computer or the Java heap size might not be able to handle higher export resolutions. | 这是一个正方形图像的大小,以区域为单位,相当于大型导出地图在必要时缩小的分辨率。例如,20x20表示400个区域,每个区域512x512个方块/像素。生成的图像不一定是正方形。10x40也是400个区域。请注意,你的计算机或Java堆大小可能无法处理更高的导出分辨率。 | | Include Active Highlights | 包括活动高亮 | | Export the map with all currently enabled highlights (e.g. claims) applied to the map. When exporting the full map, highlights very far from your discovered map won't be included. | 导出地图时包括所有当前启用的高亮(例如领地)。 | | World Save | 世界保存 | | Map Writing Distance | 地图写入距离 | | The maximum X and Z distance in chunks at which chunks can be loaded or updated on a non-world-save map. For the "Unlimited" option, go all the way to the left. World save maps always generate within your render distance | 非世界保存地图上可以加载或更新区块的最大X和Z距离(以区块为单位)。对于“无限”选项,请将滑块调到最左边。世界保存地图总是在你的渲染距离内生成。 | | Unlimited | 无限 | | Reload All Regions | 重新加载所有区域 | | Reload all regions on the map without having to manually view them. The reloading process will work in the background and turn off when it's done. It is important to note that going to another dimension will pause it until you come back and changing maps will fully cancel it. | 无需手动查看即可重新加载地图上的所有区域。重新加载过程将在后台运行,并在完成后关闭。需要注意的是,切换到另一个维度会暂停重新加载,直到你回来,而更改地图将完全取消重新加载。 | | Convert All Regions | 转换所有区域。 | | Reload and resave all regions on the map without having to manually visit them. World save maps will be converted into normal map data saved to a separate map instance "Converted World Save", stored in the folder "cm$converted", which can be transferred to multiplayer map instances for the same world, using file manager. The reloading process will work in the background and turn off when it's done. It is important to note that going to another dimension will pause it until you come back and changing maps will fully cancel it. | 无需手动访问即可重新加载和重新保存地图上的所有区域。世界保存地图将转换为保存在单独的地图实例“Converted World Save”中的普通地图数据,存储在文件夹“cm$converted”中,可以通过文件管理器转移到同一世界的多人地图实例中。重新加载过程将在后台运行,并在完成后关闭。需要注意的是,切换到另一个维度会暂停重新加载,直到你回来,而更改地图将完全取消重新加载。 | | Full map reload is in progress... | 全地图重新加载正在进行中... | | Reload Viewed Regions | 重新加载已查看的区域 | | Reload every region that is displayed on your screen once. | 重新加载在你屏幕上显示的每个区域。 | | Converted World Save | 已转换的世界保存 | | Currently unknown dimension type! | 当前未知的维度类型! | | The map functions are limited. Visiting the dimension once might help. | 地图功能受限。访问该维度一次可能有所帮助。 | | Dimension Selection | 维度选择 | | Map Cross-Dimension Teleport Command | 地图跨维度传送命令 | | You are trying to teleport to a map that is not connected to the current confirmed/auto one. If you are sure that this map is from your current sub-server/world save, then you can enable teleportation by adding a connection in the map selection screen -> Connect. But beware, if you connect unrelated maps and teleport, then there is a good chance you will suffocate in a block or die from fall damage, so be careful and connect only the right ones. | 你正在尝试传送到与当前确认/自动地图不相连的地图。如果你确定这张地图来自你当前的子服务器/世界存档,那么你可以在地图选择屏幕上添加连接以启用传送。但请注意,如果连接无关的地图并传送,那么你很有可能会被方块窒息或因坠落伤害而死亡,所以请谨慎,只连接正确的地图。 | | You cannot teleport yet because you have not yet confirmed a single map in your current dimension. Please confirm a map in your current dimension or change map selection type to an automatic one. | 你还不能传送,因为你尚未在当前维度中确认过任何地图。请在当前维度中确认一个地图,或将地图选择类型更改为自动类型。 | | Connect | 连接 | | Disconnect | 断开连接 | | Would you like to create the following connection between maps? | 你是否想要在以下地图之间创建连接? | | Would you like to delete the following connection between maps? | 你是否想要删除以下地图之间的连接? | | §2%s§r Toggle Dimension (hold shift to reverse) | §2%s§r 切换维度(按住Shift键可反转) | | Toggle Dimension | 切换维度 | | Switched to §2%s§r | 已切换到 §2%s§r | | Switched to §2%s§r (current) | 已切换到 §2%s§r(当前) | | §8(Claims) Out of Dimension... | §8(领地)超出维度... | | Minimap | Minimap |

Key 英文 中文
gui.xaero_open_map Open World Map 打开世界地图
gui.xaero_open_settings Open Settings 打开设置
gui.xaero_debug Debug 调试
gui.xaero_on ON 开启
gui.xaero_off OFF 关闭
gui.xaero_lighting Lighting 光照
gui.xaero_block_colours Block Colours 方块颜色
gui.xaero_accurate Accurate 精确
gui.xaero_vanilla Vanilla 原版
gui.xaero_back Back 返回
gui.xaero_load_chunks Load New Chunks 加载新区块
gui.xaero_update_chunks Update Chunks 更新区块
gui.xaero_terrain_depth Terrain Depth 地形深度
gui.xaero_terrain_slopes Terrain Slopes 地形坡度
gui.xaero_footsteps Footsteps 脚步声
gui.xaero_light_levels Light Levels 光照等级
gui.xaero_requires_reload Requires reloading the world to take effect! Lower 需要重新加载世界以生效!降低
gui.xaero_flowers Load Flowers 加载花朵
gui.xaero_texture_compression Texture Compression 纹理压缩
gui.xaero_world_map_screen World Map Screen 世界地图屏幕
gui.xaero_world_map_settings Xaero's World Map Settings Xaero的世界地图设置
gui.xaero_wm_coordinates Cursor Coordinates 光标坐标
gui.xaero_biome_colors Biomes In Vanilla Mode 原版模式下的生物群系
gui.xaero_worldmap_waypoints World Map Waypoints 世界地图路径点
gui.xaero_map_zoom_in Zoom In (alternative) 放大(备选)
gui.xaero_map_zoom_out Zoom Out (alternative) 缩小(备选)
gui.xaero_map_unconfirmed World map needs confirmation! 世界地图需要确认!
gui.xaero_confirm Confirm 确认
gui.xaero_cancel Cancel 取消
gui.xaero_map_selection Map Selection 地图选择
gui.xaero_mw_single Single 单一
gui.xaero_mw_manual Manual 手动
gui.xaero_mw_spawn World Spawn 世界生成点
gui.xaero_create_new_map Create New Map 创建新地图
gui.xaero_rename Rename 重命名
gui.xaero_delete Delete 删除
gui.xaero_map_name World Map Name 世界地图名称
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg1 Are you sure you would like to delete the selected map? 你确定要删除所选地图吗?
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg2 Only the latest deleted map is backed up. 只有最近删除的地图会被备份。
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg3 Please confirm deletion by pressing Yes again. 请再次按“是”确认删除。
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg4 Map 地图
gui.xaero_quick_confirm Quick Manual Confirmation 快速手动确认
gui.xaero_default Default 默认
gui.xaero_map_selection_box Manual - you are asked to select and confirm the world map every time you switch worlds or dimensions.

World Spawn - the world map is selected and confirmed automatically based on the world spawn point that the game client is aware of. Can break if the server is using the vanilla compass item for a custom function.

Single - each dimension has a single world map that is automatically confirmed. Useful for simple servers with a single world.

Server - install the world map mod on the server side to use this automatic mode. | 手动 - 每次切换世界或维度时都会要求你选择并确认世界地图。

世界生成点 - 根据游戏客户端知道的世界生成点自动选择和确认世界地图。如果服务器正在使用原版指南针物品进行自定义功能,可能会出现问题。

单一 - 每个维度都有一个自动确认的世界地图。适用于只有一个世界的简单服务器。

服务器 - 在服务器端安装世界地图模组以使用此自动模式。 | | gui.xaero_select_map |Select Map | 选择地图 | | gui.xaero_render_arrow |Render Player Arrow | 渲染玩家箭头 | | gui.xaero_display_zoom |Display Zoom Level | 显示缩放级别 | | gui.xaero_wm_ignore_heightmaps |Ignore Server Heightmaps | 忽略服务器高度图 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_ignore_heightmaps |Some servers put custom values in the world heightmaps, which can cause incorrectly rendered maps. Sometimes it can even happen in heavily modded singleplayer worlds. This option should fix such issues at the expense of a bit of performance. Do not use unless you need to. Reenter the world after toggling the option! | 一些服务器在世界高度图中放置了自定义值,这可能导致地图渲染不正确。有时甚至会在大量修改的单人游戏世界中发生。此选项应该可以解决此类问题,但会稍微降低性能。除非需要,否则不要使用。切换选项后重新进入世界! | | gui.xaero_wm_waypoint_scale |Waypoint Scale | 路径点缩放 | | gui.xaero_wm_error_loading_properties |Error loading server world map properties. Please retry. | 加载服务器世界地图属性时出错。请重试。 | | gui.xaero_mw_server |Server | 服务器 | | gui.xaero_mw_server_box |Map selection is automatically controlled by the server. You can turn this off with "ignoreServerLevelId" in the server-specific config in the XaeroWorldMap directory. | 地图选择由服务器自动控制。你可以在XaeroWorldMap目录中的服务器特定配置中使用“ignoreServerLevelId”关闭此功能。 | | gui.xaero_wm_next |Next >> | 下一页 >> | | gui.xaero_wm_previous |<< Prev | << 上一页 | | gui.xaero_wm_slopes_legacy |Legacy | 传统 | | gui.xaero_open_map_animation |Animation On Open | 打开时的动画 | | gui.xaero_wm_slopes_default_3d |Default 3D | 默认3D | | gui.xaero_wm_slopes_default_2d |Default 2D | 默认2D | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_world_map |No World Map | 无世界地图 | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_world_map_harmful |No World Map | 无世界地图 | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_world_map_beneficial |No World Map | 无世界地图 | | gui.xaero_no_world_map_message |The map is disabled with a potion effect. | 该地图被药水效果禁用。 | | gui.xaero_box_zoom_in |%s Zoom In (or mouse wheel) | %s 放大 (或使用鼠标滚轮) | | gui.xaero_box_zoom_out |%s Zoom Out (or mouse wheel) | %s 缩小 (或使用鼠标滚轮) | | gui.xaero_box_controls |Controls

Click and drag to scroll the map. Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out (CTRL for precise). Right-click the map for some useful shortcuts. Some UI buttons have additional key bindings displayed in their tooltip.

Right-click a map element (e.g. waypoint) for options. %1$sClick here to edit the key bindings. | 控制方式

点击并拖动以滚动地图。 使用鼠标滚轮进行放大和缩小(按住CTRL键进行精确操作)。 右键单击地图以使用一些有用的快捷方式。 某些UI按钮在工具提示中显示了其他按键绑定。

右键单击地图元素(例如路径点)以获取选项。 %1$s点击此处编辑按键绑定。 | | gui.xaero_box_controls_minimap |§2%s§r to create a new waypoint. §2%s§r to create a quick temporary waypoint. §2%s§r to switch the waypoint set. §2%s§r to toggle rendering all waypoint sets. §2%s§r to open the full waypoint menu.

| §2%s§r 创建新的路径点。 §2%s§r 创建临时路径点。 §2%s§r 切换路径点集。 §2%s§r 切换渲染所有路径点集。 §2%s§r 打开完整的路径点菜单。

| | gui.xaero_box_controls_pac |§2%s§r to open the Parties and Claims menu.

| §2%s§r 打开派对和领地菜单。

| | gui.xaero_box_export |Export the map as a PNG file. | 将地图导出为PNG文件。 | | gui.xaero_export_confirm_1 |Do you want to export the map as a PNG file? | 你是否要将地图导出为PNG文件? | | gui.xaero_export_confirm_2 |The game will temporarily appear frozen while it's working. | 在处理过程中,游戏会暂时出现冻结。 | | gui.xaero_box_map_switching |Map Switching Options | 地图切换选项 | | gui.xaero_box_open_waypoints |Waypoints | 路径点 | | gui.xaero_box_close_waypoints |Close Waypoints | 关闭路径点 | | gui.xaero_box_open_settings |§2%s§r Open Settings | §2%s§r 打开设置 | | gui.xaero_box_close_settings |§2%s§r Close Settings | §2%s§r 关闭设置 | | gui.xaero_wm_up |[Go Up] | [向上] | | gui.xaero_wm_down |[Go Down] | [向下] | | gui.xaero_filter_waypoints_by_name |Filter Waypoints... | 筛选路径点... | | gui.xaero_wm_search_invalid_regex |Invalid Regex syntax! | 无效的正则表达式语法! | | gui.xaero_box_full_waypoints_menu |%s Open Full Waypoint Menu | %s 打开完整的路径点菜单 | | gui.xaero_box_rendering_all_sets |%s Rendering all waypoint sets | %s 渲染所有路径点集 | | gui.xaero_box_rendering_current_set |%s Rendering only the current set | %s 仅渲染当前路径点集 | | gui.xaero_zoom_buttons |Zoom Buttons | 缩放按钮 | | gui.xaero_box_showing_disabled |Showing disabled waypoints | 显示禁用的路径点 | | gui.xaero_box_hiding_disabled |Hiding disabled waypoints | 隐藏禁用的路径点 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_minimap_required |The waypoint feature requires the Xaero's Minimap mod! | 路径点功能需要 Xaero's Minimap 模组 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_disabled |Waypoints are disabled in the world map settings! | 世界地图设置中已禁用路径点! | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_edit |§2%s§r Edit Waypoint | §2%s§r 编辑路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_teleport |§2%s§r Teleport to Waypoint | §2%s§r 传送到路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_disable |§2%s§r Disable Waypoint | §2%s§r 禁用路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_enable |§2%s§r Enable Waypoint | §2%s§r 启用路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_restore |Restore Waypoint | 恢复路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_delete_confirm |§2%s§r Confirm Deletion | §2%s§r 确认删除 | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_delete |§2%s§r Delete Waypoint | §2%s§r 删除路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_create_waypoint |§2%s§r Create Waypoint | §2%s§r 创建路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_create_temporary_waypoint |§2%s§r Set Temporary Waypoint | §2%s§r 设置临时路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_waypoints_menu |§2%s§r Open Waypoint Menu | §2%s§r 打开路径点菜单 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_teleport |Teleport Here | 传送到这里 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_title |Choose an Option | 选择一个选项 | | gui.xaero_right_click_box_map_settings |§2%s§r Open Settings | §2%s§r 打开设置 | | gui.xaero_right_click_box_map_export |Export Map as PNG | 导出地图为PNG | | gui.xaero_waypoint_backgrounds |Render Waypoint Backgrounds | 渲染路径点背景 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_cant_teleport |§8(Teleport) Ambiguous Y... | §8(传送) Y坐标不明确... | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_cant_teleport_world |§8(Teleport) Unconfirmed... | §8(传送) 未确认... | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_cant_create_waypoint |§8Can't Set A Waypoint Here... | §8无法在此处设置路径点... | | gui.xaero_no_world_map_item_message |The mod is configured to require the following item in your hotbar or equipped: | 该模组配置需要你的热键栏或装备中有以下物品: | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_share |Share Waypoint In Chat | 在聊天中分享路径点 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_share_location |Share Location In Chat | 在聊天中分享位置 | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_cant_share_location |§8Can't Share This Location... | §8无法分享此位置... | | gui.xaero_current_map_locked1 |The currently selected map is used by another process (Minecraft client). | 当前选择的地图正在被其他进程(Minecraft客户端)使用。 | | gui.xaero_current_map_locked2 |Please select a different map of this server (bottom left icon). | 请为此服务器选择不同的地图(左下角图标)。 | | gui.xaero_wm_detect_ambiguous_y |Detect Ambiguous Y In Discovered | 检测发现的模糊Y坐标 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_detect_ambiguous_y |A single pixel on the map can contain multiple transparent layers and an opaque block under them. In older non-cache map data files, only the Y level (height) of the opaque block is stored in such cases, which often makes it unsafe to blindly teleport to the stored Y coordinate. When this setting is ON, the mod treats such map pixels as it would undiscovered chunks. It defaults to 2D waypoints and disables direct teleportation to such pixels. Disable this at your own risk! | 地图上的单个像素可以包含多个透明层,并在其下方包含一个不透明方块。在较旧的非缓存地图数据文件中,这种情况仅存储不透明块的Y坐标。这通常会导致盲目传送到存储的Y坐标不安全。当此设置打开时,模组将像对待未发现的区块一样处理这些地图像素。默认为2D路径点,并禁用直接传送到这些像素。请自行决定是否关闭此选项! | | gui.xaero_box_closing_menu_when_hopping |Closing the menu when hopping to a waypoint (left-clicking in the menu) | 在跳转到路径点时关闭菜单(在菜单中左键单击) | | gui.xaero_box_not_closing_menu_when_hopping |Not closing the menu when hopping to a waypoint (left-clicking in the menu) | 在跳转到路径点时不关闭菜单(在菜单中左键单击) | | gui.xaero_wm_update_notification |Update Notifications | 更新通知 | | gui.xaero_wm_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Adjust Y For Short Blocks | 调整矮方块的Y坐标 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Subtract 1 from the height value for short carpetlike blocks, e.g. carpet, 1-layer snow, lilypad etc. This prevents such blocks from causing harsh shading on the map like a full block. Waypoints and teleportation over these blocks should make more sense too. | 对于像地毯一样的不完整方块,例如地毯、1层雪、睡莲等,从高度值中减去1。这可以防止这些块在地图上造成像整个方块一样的粗糙阴影。同时,路径点和远程传送也将更合理。 | | gui.xaero_box_only_current_map_waypoints |Displaying only the waypoints bound to the current world map, even if another waypoint sub-world is selected for the minimap using the full waypoint menu. | 仅显示绑定到当前世界地图的路径点,即使在完整路径点菜单中选择了另一个路径点子世界用于小地图。 | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_selected_by_minimap |Displaying waypoints from the same waypoint sub-world as you are viewing in game and on the minimap. The sub-world can be switched in the full waypoint menu. | 在游戏中查看的路径点子世界和小地图上查看的路径点子世界相同的路径点。可以在完整路径点菜单中切换子世界。 | | gui.xaero_wm_min_zoom_local_waypoints |Min Zoom For Local Waypoints | 本地路径点的最小缩放级别 | | gui.xaero_wm_arrow_colour |Arrow Color | 箭头颜色 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_arrow_color |Color of the arrow that indicates the position and the rotation of the player. | 指示玩家位置和朝向的箭头的颜色。 | | gui.xaero_wm_color_minimap |Minimap | 小地图 | | gui.xaero_wm_red |Red | 红色 | | gui.xaero_wm_green |Green | 绿色 | | gui.xaero_wm_blue |Blue | 蓝色 | | gui.xaero_wm_yellow |Yellow | 黄色 | | gui.xaero_wm_purple |Purple | 紫色 | | gui.xaero_wm_white |White | 白色 | | gui.xaero_wm_black |Black | 黑色 | | gui.xaero_wm_legacy_color |Legacy | 传统色 | | gui.xaero_wm_team_color |Team | 队伍色 | | gui.xaero_wm_using_custom_subworld |Waypoints: %1$s | 自定义子世界:%1$s | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_radar |%s Minimap entity radar is displayed (requires Xaero's Minimap) | %s 显示小地图实体雷达(需要 Xaero's Minimap) | | gui.xaero_box_no_minimap_radar |%s Minimap entity radar is not displayed | %s 不显示小地图实体雷达 | | gui.xaero_wm_toggle_minimap_radar |Toggle Minimap Radar On World Map | 切换小地图雷达在世界地图上的显示 | | gui.xaero_wm_player_same_party |Same Party | 同一队伍 | | gui.xaero_wm_player_ally_party |Ally Party | 盟友队伍 | | gui.xaero_box_players_pac_required |The party player menu feature requires the Open Parties and Claims mod! | 使用派对玩家菜单功能需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组! | | gui.xaero_box_claims_pac_required |The chunk claim feature requires the Open Parties and Claims mod! | 使用区块领地功能需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组! | | gui.xaero_box_pac_displaying_claims |%s Displaying chunk claims | %s 显示领地 | | gui.xaero_box_pac_not_displaying_claims |%s Not displaying chunk claims | %s 不显示领地 | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_player_teleport_command |Player Teleport Command | 玩家传送命令 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_player_teleport_command |The chat command used on this world/server to teleport you to other players on the map when Open Parties and Claims is installed. | 当安装了 Open Parties and Claims 时,在此世界/服务器上用于将你传送到地图上其他玩家的聊天命令。 | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_marked_for_forceload | (Forceloadable) | (可强制加载) | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_claim_tooltip |%1$s's Claim%2$s | %1$s 的领地%2$s | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_server_claim_tooltip |Server Claim%1$s | 服务器领地%1$s | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_expired_claim_tooltip |Expired Claim%1$s | 过期的领地%1$s | | gui.xaero_box_rendering_waypoints |%s Rendering waypoints | %s 显示路径点 | | gui.xaero_box_not_rendering_waypoints |%s Not rendering waypoints | %s 不显示路径点 | | gui.xaero_box_showing_tracked_players |%s Rendering players | %s 显示玩家 | | gui.xaero_box_hiding_tracked_players |%s Not rendering players | %s 不显示玩家 | | gui.xaero_toggle_tracked_players |Toggle Tracked Players | 切换显示追踪的玩家 | | gui.xaero_wm_player_teleport_command |Player Teleport Command | 玩家传送命令 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_player_teleport_command |The chat command used on this world/server to teleport you to tracked players on the map (not regular radar). | 在此世界/服务器上用于将你传送到地图上追踪的玩家(不是普通雷达)的聊天命令。 | | gui.xaero_filter_players_by_name |Filter Players... | 按名称筛选玩家... | | gui.xaero_right_click_player_teleport |§2%s§r Teleport to Player | §2%s§r 传送到玩家 | | gui.xaero_right_click_player_config |§2%s§r Edit Player Config | §2%s§r 编辑玩家配置 | | gui.xaero_box_close_players |Close Tracked Player Menu | 关闭追踪的玩家菜单 | | gui.xaero_box_open_players |Tracked Player Menu | 追踪的玩家菜单 | | gui.xaero_toggle_pac_chunk_claims |Toggle Chunk Claims | 切换区块领地 | | gui.xaero_pac_claim_chunks |Claim Selected | 领取选定区块 | | gui.xaero_pac_unclaim_chunks |Unclaim Selected | 取消领取选定区块 | | gui.xaero_pac_forceload_chunks |Forceload Selected | 强制加载选定区块 | | gui.xaero_pac_unforceload_chunks |Unforceload Selected | 取消强制加载选定区块 | | gui.xaero_pac_claim_selection_out_of_range |§8(Claims) Out of Range... | §8(领地)超出范围... | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_claims |Display Chunk Claims | 显示区块领地 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_claims |Display chunk claims from the Open Parties and Claims mod as a colored overlay. | 以彩色覆盖层的形式显示来自 Open Parties and Claims 模组的区块领地。 | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_claims_border_opacity |Chunk Claims Border Opacity | 区块领地边框不透明度 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_claims_border_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay border color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块领地覆盖层边框颜色的不透明度。区块领地需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_claims_fill_opacity |Chunk Claims Fill Opacity | 区块领地填充不透明度 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_claims_fill_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay fill color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块领地覆盖层填充颜色的不透明度。区块领地需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | | gui.xaero_map_menu_please_wait |Please wait... | 请稍候... | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_command |Map Teleport Command | 地图传送命令 | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_command_waypoints |Waypoint Command | 路径点命令 | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_command_waypoints_hint |Waypoint teleportation is configured by the minimap. | 路径点传送由小地图配置。 | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_allowed |Map Teleportation | 允许地图传送 | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_allowed_tooltip |Whether right-click map teleportation is allowed. Once disabled, it can be enabled back only through the world-specific config file in the XaeroWorldMap folder. Waypoint teleportation is configured separately in the full waypoint menu options. | 是否允许右键地图传送。一旦禁用,只能通过 XaeroWorldMap 文件夹中的特定于世界的配置文件重新启用。路径点传送在完整的路径点菜单选项中单独配置。 | | gui.xaero_wm_right_click_map_teleport_not_allowed |§8(Teleport) Disabled | §8(传送)已禁用 | | gui.xaero_wm_option_requires_minimap |This option requires the Xaero's Minimap mod. | 此选项需要安装 Xaero's Minimap 模组。 | | gui.xaero_wm_option_requires_ingame |This option requires you to be in game. | 此选项需要你在游戏中。 | | gui.xaero_wm_settings_search |Settings Search | 设置搜索 | | gui.xaero_wm_settings_search_placeholder |Search... | 搜索... | | gui.xaero_wm_settings_not_found |No matching entries found for your input! | 未找到与你的输入匹配的条目! | | gui.xaero_wm_minimap_settings |Minimap Settings | 小地图设置 | | gui.xaero_wm_reset_defaults |Restore Default Settings | 恢复默认设置 | | gui.xaero_wm_reset_message |Are you sure you would like to restore the default settings? | 你确定要恢复默认设置吗? | | gui.xaero_wm_reset_message2 |This action cannot be undone! | 此操作无法撤消! | | gui.xaero_wm_partial_y_teleportation |Use Y With Partial When TP | 在 TP 时使用 Y 坐标的小数部分 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_partial_y_teleportation |When teleporting to a map location, offset the Y coordinate by 0.5 to avoid falling through carpet-like blocks into the void. Otherwise, the integer Y coordinate is used. | 在传送到地图位置时,将 Y 坐标偏移 0.5,以避免穿过类似地毯的方块掉入虚空。否则,使用整数 Y 坐标。 | | gui.xaero_wm_display_stained_glass |Display Stained Glass | 显示染色玻璃 | | gui_xaero_wm_dropdown_map_select |Map Selection | 地图选择 | | gui.xaero_wm_hovered_biome |Cursor Biome | 光标生物群系 | | gui.xaero_wm_unknown_biome |Unknown Biome | 未知生物群系 | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_depth |Cave Mode Depth | 洞穴模式深度 | | gui.xaero_box_update_chunks |Update chunks on the non-world-save maps (multiplayer). | 更新非世界保存的地图上的区块(多人游戏)。 | | gui.xaero_box_load_chunks |Add new chunks to the non-world-save maps (multiplayer). | 将新区块添加到非世界保存的地图上(多人游戏)。 | | gui.xaero_wm_legible_cave_maps |Legible Cave Maps | 可辨认的洞穴地图 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_legible_cave_maps |Use depth-based lighting in cave mode instead of actual block lighting, making it easier to mentally separate the different cave layers. | 在洞穴模式中使用基于深度的光照,而不是实际的方块光照,使不同洞穴层更容易在心理上区分。 | | gui.xaero_box_cave_mode |Cave Mode | 洞穴模式 | | gui.xaero_box_cave_mode_not_allowed |Cave Mode (not allowed) | 洞穴模式(不允许) | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_start_auto |auto | 自动 | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_start |Cave Mode Top Y | 洞穴模式顶部 Y 坐标 | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_type |Cave Mode Type | 洞穴模式类型 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_cave_mode_type |The cave mode type to use when cave mode is enabled.

OFF - display above ground even when cave mode is automatically or manually enabled (same as old world map versions without cave mode) Layered - separate cave maps into multiple layers depending on the used top Y Full - ignore the used top Y, use a single layer for cave maps and map everything from the world top to the world bottom | 当启用洞穴模式时要使用的洞穴模式类型。

OFF - 即使自动或手动启用洞穴模式,也在地表显示(与旧版没有洞穴模式的世界地图相同) Layered - 根据使用的顶部 Y 将洞穴地图分成多个层 Full - 忽略使用的顶部 Y,使用单一层的洞穴地图,将世界顶部到世界底部的所有内容都绘制出来 | | gui.xaero_wm_default_cave_mode_type |Default Cave Mode Type | 默认洞穴模式类型 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_default_cave_mode_type |The default cave mode type assigned to dimensions visited for the first time in a world/server. You can read more about cave mode types by clicking the cave mode icon on the map screen. | 分配给首次访问世界/服务器的维度的默认洞穴模式类型。你可以通过在地图屏幕上点击洞穴模式图标来了解更多关于洞穴模式类型的信息。 | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_type_layered |Layered | 分层 | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_type_full |Full | 完整 | | gui.xaero_auto_cave_mode |Auto Cave Mode | 自动洞穴模式 | | gui.xaero_box_auto_cave_mode |How the mod should determine the "auto" top Y when viewing the full screen map. The ceiling size refers to the size of a square ceiling of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. The solid blocks don't have to be on the same Y level.

Minimap - if installed, match the minimap mod's cave mode, otherwise use the ceiling size 3x3 | 在查看全屏地图时,模组应如何确定“自动”顶部 Y。天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到的实心方块的正方形天花板的大小,以激活洞穴模式。实心方块不必在同一 Y 级别上。

Minimap - 如果安装了 Minimap 模组,则与 Minimap 模组的洞穴模式匹配,否则使用天花板大小 3x3 | | gui.xaero_wm_ceiling |Ceiling | 天花板 | | gui.xaero_wm_display_cave_mode_start |Display Cave Mode Top Y | 显示洞穴模式顶部 Y | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_start_display |Top Y: %d | 顶部 Y:%d | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_toggle_timer |Cave Mode Toggle Timer | 洞穴模式切换定时器 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_cave_mode_toggle_timer |The minimum time to wait between toggles of cave mode to prevent flickering when quickly switching between being under blocks and not. This only applies when "Auto Cave Mode" isn't redirecting to the minimap mod. The latest minimap mod has a separate setting for this as well. | 为了防止在快速切换在方块下方和不在方块下方时出现闪烁,设置洞穴模式切换的最小等待时间。仅在“自动洞穴模式”未重定向到小地图模组时适用。最新的小地图模组也有单独的设置。 | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_cave_maps |No WM Cave Maps | 没有 WM 洞穴地图 | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_cave_maps_harmful |No WM Cave Maps | 没有 WM 洞穴地图 | | gui.xaero_wm_biome_blending |Biome Blending | 生物群系混合 | | gui.xaero_wm_box_biome_blending |Smooth out biome color edges by sampling biome colors for multiple blocks for every block on the map. Turning this off can significantly improve performance when biome color calculation is modded to be much more heavyweight than vanilla. | 通过对地图上每个方块进行多次生物群系颜色采样,平滑生物群系颜色边缘。关闭此选项可以显著提高性能,尤其在生物群系颜色计算被修改为比原版更复杂的情况下。 | | gui.xaero_png_result_not_prepared |Can't export just yet! The world map has not been prepared yet. | 无法导出!世界地图尚未准备好。 | | gui.xaero_png_result_empty |The exported area is empty! | 导出区域为空! | | gui.xaero_png_result_too_big |The exported area is way too big to scale down! Please make a smaller selection. | 导出区域太大,无法缩小!请选择较小的区域。 | | gui.xaero_png_result_image_too_big |The image size is beyond what's possible to store in a BufferedImage! | 图像大小超出了 BufferedImage 可以存储的范围! | | gui.xaero_png_result_out_of_memory |The export failed because the Java heap ran out of memory! Please try again or allocate more memory. | 导出失败,因为 Java 堆内存耗尽!请重试或分配更多内存。 | | gui.xaero_png_result_bad_fbo |The export failed because the mod failed to create an OpenGL framebuffer. | 导出失败,因为模组无法创建 OpenGL 帧缓冲。 | | gui.xaero_png_result_io_exception |The export failed because of an IO exception! Please try again. The full exception has been logged. | 导出失败,因为出现 IO 异常!请重试。完整的异常已记录。 | | gui.xaero_png_result_success |Successfully exported the map! | 地图导出成功! | | gui.xaero_export_screen |World Map PNG Export | 世界地图 PNG 导出 | | gui.xaero_export_screen_exporting |Exporting... Will temporarily appear frozen. Might take a while! | 正在导出... 临时会出现冻结。可能需要一些时间! | | gui.xaero_export_option_full |Force Full Map | 强制完整地图 | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_full |Export the whole map even if you've made a map selection. | 导出整个地图,即使你已经选择了地图区域。 | | gui.xaero_export_option_multiple_images |Multiple Unscaled Images | 多个未缩放的图像导出 | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_multiple_images |Export the map as multiple unscaled images no matter how big it is. This does not have the same memory limitations as a single image. | 无论地图大小如何,都将地图导出为多个未缩放的图像。这不受单个图像的内存限制。 | | gui.xaero_export_option_nighttime |Nighttime | 夜间模式 | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_nighttime |Export the map with nighttime lighting. This doesn't affect cave mode maps. | 导出带有夜间光照的地图。这不会影响洞穴模式地图。 | | gui.xaero_export_option_scale_down_square |Max Single Image Size | 最大单个图像尺寸 | | gui.xaero_export_option_scale_down_square_value |%1$dx%1$d reg | %1$dx%1$d 区域 | | gui.xaero_export_option_scale_down_square_unscaled |Unscaled | 未缩放 | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_scale_down_square |The size, in regions, of a square image equivalent to the resolution that a large exported map will be scaled down to if necessary. For example, 20x20 stands for 400 regions, 512x512 blocks/pixels each. The resulting image doesn't have to be a square. 10x40 is also 400 regions.

Your computer or the Java heap size might not be able to handle higher export resolutions. | 这是一个正方形图像的大小,以区域为单位,相当于大型导出地图在必要时缩小的分辨率。例如,20x20表示400个区域,每个区域512x512个方块/像素。生成的图像不一定是正方形。10x40也是400个区域。请注意,你的计算机或Java堆大小可能无法处理更高的导出分辨率。 | | gui.xaero_export_option_highlights |Include Active Highlights | 包括活动高亮 | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_highlights |Export the map with all currently enabled highlights (e.g. claims) applied to the map. When exporting the full map, highlights very far from your discovered map won't be included. | 导出地图时包括所有当前启用的高亮(例如领地)。 | | gui.xaero_world_save |World Save | 世界保存 | | gui.xaero_map_writing_distance |Map Writing Distance | 地图写入距离 | | gui.xaero_box_map_writing_distance |The maximum X and Z distance in chunks at which chunks can be loaded or updated on a non-world-save map. For the "Unlimited" option, go all the way to the left. World save maps always generate within your render distance | 非世界保存地图上可以加载或更新区块的最大X和Z距离(以区块为单位)。对于“无限”选项,请将滑块调到最左边。世界保存地图总是在你的渲染距离内生成。 | | gui.xaero_map_writing_distance_unlimited |Unlimited | 无限 | | gui.xaero_full_reload |Reload All Regions | 重新加载所有区域 | | gui.xaero_box_full_reload |Reload all regions on the map without having to manually view them. The reloading process will work in the background and turn off when it's done. It is important to note that going to another dimension will pause it until you come back and changing maps will fully cancel it. | 无需手动查看即可重新加载地图上的所有区域。重新加载过程将在后台运行,并在完成后关闭。需要注意的是,切换到另一个维度会暂停重新加载,直到你回来,而更改地图将完全取消重新加载。 | | gui.xaero_full_resave |Convert All Regions | 转换所有区域。 | | gui.xaero_box_full_resave |Reload and resave all regions on the map without having to manually visit them. World save maps will be converted into normal map data saved to a separate map instance "Converted World Save", stored in the folder "cm$converted", which can be transferred to multiplayer map instances for the same world, using file manager. The reloading process will work in the background and turn off when it's done. It is important to note that going to another dimension will pause it until you come back and changing maps will fully cancel it. | 无需手动访问即可重新加载和重新保存地图上的所有区域。世界保存地图将转换为保存在单独的地图实例“Converted World Save”中的普通地图数据,存储在文件夹“cm$converted”中,可以通过文件管理器转移到同一世界的多人地图实例中。重新加载过程将在后台运行,并在完成后关闭。需要注意的是,切换到另一个维度会暂停重新加载,直到你回来,而更改地图将完全取消重新加载。 | | gui.xaero_full_reload_in_progress |Full map reload is in progress... | 全地图重新加载正在进行中... | | gui.xaero_reload_viewed_regions |Reload Viewed Regions | 重新加载已查看的区域 | | gui.xaero_box_reload_viewed_regions |Reload every region that is displayed on your screen once. | 重新加载在你屏幕上显示的每个区域。 | | gui.xaero_converted_world_save |Converted World Save | 已转换的世界保存 | | gui.xaero_unknown_dimension_type1 |Currently unknown dimension type! | 当前未知的维度类型! | | gui.xaero_unknown_dimension_type2 |The map functions are limited. Visiting the dimension once might help. | 地图功能受限。访问该维度一次可能有所帮助。 | | gui_xaero_wm_dropdown_dimension_select |Dimension Selection | 维度选择 | | gui.xaero_wm_dimension_teleport_command |Map Cross-Dimension Teleport Command | 地图跨维度传送命令 | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_not_connected |You are trying to teleport to a map that is not connected to the current confirmed/auto one. If you are sure that this map is from your current sub-server/world save, then you can enable teleportation by adding a connection in the map selection screen -> Connect. But beware, if you connect unrelated maps and teleport, then there is a good chance you will suffocate in a block or die from fall damage, so be careful and connect only the right ones. | 你正在尝试传送到与当前确认/自动地图不相连的地图。如果你确定这张地图来自你当前的子服务器/世界存档,那么你可以在地图选择屏幕上添加连接以启用传送。但请注意,如果连接无关的地图并传送,那么你很有可能会被方块窒息或因坠落伤害而死亡,所以请谨慎,只连接正确的地图。 | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_never_confirmed |You cannot teleport yet because you have not yet confirmed a single map in your current dimension. Please confirm a map in your current dimension or change map selection type to an automatic one. | 你还不能传送,因为你尚未在当前维度中确认过任何地图。请在当前维度中确认一个地图,或将地图选择类型更改为自动类型。 | | gui.xaero_connect_map |Connect | 连接 | | gui.xaero_disconnect_map |Disconnect | 断开连接 | | gui.xaero_wm_connect_with_auto_msg |Would you like to create the following connection between maps? | 你是否想要在以下地图之间创建连接? | | gui.xaero_wm_disconnect_from_auto_msg |Would you like to delete the following connection between maps? | 你是否想要删除以下地图之间的连接? | | gui.xaero_dimension_toggle_button |§2%s§r Toggle Dimension (hold shift to reverse) | §2%s§r 切换维度(按住Shift键可反转) | | gui.xaero_toggle_dimension |Toggle Dimension | 切换维度 | | gui.xaero_switched_to_dimension |Switched to §2%s§r | 已切换到 §2%s§r | | gui.xaero_switched_to_current_dimension |Switched to §2%s§r (current) | 已切换到 §2%s§r(当前) | | gui.xaero_pac_claim_selection_out_of_dimension |§8(Claims) Out of Dimension... | §8(领地)超出维度... | | gui.xaero_auto_cave_mode_minimap |Minimap | Minimap |

Key 英文 中文 检查结果
gui.xaero_open_map Open World Map 打开世界地图 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
gui.xaero_open_settings Open Settings 打开设置 ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
gui.xaero_on ON 开启 ✔ 术语 on => 开
gui.xaero_off OFF 关闭 ✔ 术语 off => 关
gui.xaero_back Back 返回 ✔ 术语 back => 返回
gui.xaero_load_chunks Load New Chunks 加载新区块 ✔ 术语 load => 加载
⚠ 术语异常 load => 加载模式
gui.xaero_light_levels Light Levels 光照等级 ✔ 术语 light => 光
gui.xaero_flowers Load Flowers 加载花朵 ✔ 术语 load => 加载
⚠ 术语异常 load => 加载模式
✔ 术语 flowers => 花
gui.xaero_world_map_screen World Map Screen 世界地图屏幕 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_world_map_settings Xaero's World Map Settings Xaero的世界地图设置 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_worldmap_waypoints World Map Waypoints 世界地图路径点 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_map_zoom_in Zoom In (alternative) 放大(备选) ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_map_zoom_out Zoom Out (alternative) 缩小(备选) ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
gui.xaero_map_unconfirmed World map needs confirmation! 世界地图需要确认! ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_cancel Cancel 取消 ✔ 术语 cancel => 取消
gui.xaero_map_selection Map Selection 地图选择 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_mw_spawn World Spawn 世界生成点 ✔ 术语 spawn => 生成
gui.xaero_create_new_map Create New Map 创建新地图 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_delete Delete 删除 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_map_name World Map Name 世界地图名称 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg1 Are you sure you would like to delete the selected map? 你确定要删除所选地图吗? ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg2 Only the latest deleted map is backed up. 只有最近删除的地图会被备份。 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg3 Please confirm deletion by pressing Yes again. 请再次按“是”确认删除。 ✔ 术语 yes => 是
gui.xaero_delete_map_msg4 Map 地图 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
gui.xaero_default Default 默认 ✔ 术语 default => 默认
gui.xaero_map_selection_box Manual - you are asked to select and confirm the world map every time you switch worlds or dimensions.

World Spawn - the world map is selected and confirmed automatically based on the world spawn point that the game client is aware of. Can break if the server is using the vanilla compass item for a custom function.

Single - each dimension has a single world map that is automatically confirmed. Useful for simple servers with a single world.

Server - install the world map mod on the server side to use this automatic mode. | 手动 - 每次切换世界或维度时都会要求你选择并确认世界地图。

世界生成点 - 根据游戏客户端知道的世界生成点自动选择和确认世界地图。如果服务器正在使用原版指南针物品进行自定义功能,可能会出现问题。

单一 - 每个维度都有一个自动确认的世界地图。适用于只有一个世界的简单服务器。

服务器 - 在服务器端安装世界地图模组以使用此自动模式。 | ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 compass => 指南针
✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 item => 物品
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度
✔ 术语 spawn => 生成
⚠ 术语异常 break => 挖掘
⚠ 术语异常 break => 损坏 | | | gui.xaero_select_map |Select Map | 选择地图 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_render_arrow |Render Player Arrow | 渲染玩家箭头 | ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_display_zoom |Display Zoom Level | 显示缩放级别 | ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_ignore_heightmaps |Some servers put custom values in the world heightmaps, which can cause incorrectly rendered maps. Sometimes it can even happen in heavily modded singleplayer worlds. This option should fix such issues at the expense of a bit of performance. Do not use unless you need to. Reenter the world after toggling the option! | 一些服务器在世界高度图中放置了自定义值,这可能导致地图渲染不正确。有时甚至会在大量修改的单人游戏世界中发生。此选项应该可以解决此类问题,但会稍微降低性能。除非需要,否则不要使用。切换选项后重新进入世界! | ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义 | | | gui.xaero_wm_error_loading_properties |Error loading server world map properties. Please retry. | 加载服务器世界地图属性时出错。请重试。 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_mw_server_box |Map selection is automatically controlled by the server. You can turn this off with "ignoreServerLevelId" in the server-specific config in the XaeroWorldMap directory. | 地图选择由服务器自动控制。你可以在XaeroWorldMap目录中的服务器特定配置中使用“ignoreServerLevelId”关闭此功能。 | ✔ 术语 off => 关
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_open_map_animation |Animation On Open | 打开时的动画 | ✔ 术语 on => 开
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_wm_slopes_default_3d |Default 3D | 默认3D | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_wm_slopes_default_2d |Default 2D | 默认2D | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_world_map |No World Map | 无世界地图 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_world_map_harmful |No World Map | 无世界地图 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_world_map_beneficial |No World Map | 无世界地图 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_no_world_map_message |The map is disabled with a potion effect. | 该地图被药水效果禁用。 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 potion => 药水 | | | gui.xaero_box_zoom_in |%s Zoom In (or mouse wheel) | %s 放大 (或使用鼠标滚轮) | ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降 | | | gui.xaero_box_zoom_out |%s Zoom Out (or mouse wheel) | %s 缩小 (或使用鼠标滚轮) | ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降 | | | gui.xaero_box_controls |Controls

Click and drag to scroll the map. Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out (CTRL for precise). Right-click the map for some useful shortcuts. Some UI buttons have additional key bindings displayed in their tooltip.

Right-click a map element (e.g. waypoint) for options. %1$sClick here to edit the key bindings. | 控制方式

点击并拖动以滚动地图。 使用鼠标滚轮进行放大和缩小(按住CTRL键进行精确操作)。 右键单击地图以使用一些有用的快捷方式。 某些UI按钮在工具提示中显示了其他按键绑定。

右键单击地图元素(例如路径点)以获取选项。 %1$s点击此处编辑按键绑定。 | ⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_controls_minimap |§2%s§r to create a new waypoint. §2%s§r to create a quick temporary waypoint. §2%s§r to switch the waypoint set. §2%s§r to toggle rendering all waypoint sets. §2%s§r to open the full waypoint menu.

| §2%s§r 创建新的路径点。 §2%s§r 创建临时路径点。 §2%s§r 切换路径点集。 §2%s§r 切换渲染所有路径点集。 §2%s§r 打开完整的路径点菜单。

| ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_controls_pac |§2%s§r to open the Parties and Claims menu.

| §2%s§r 打开派对和领地菜单。

| ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_export |Export the map as a PNG file. | 将地图导出为PNG文件。 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_export_confirm_1 |Do you want to export the map as a PNG file? | 你是否要将地图导出为PNG文件? | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_export_confirm_2 |The game will temporarily appear frozen while it's working. | 在处理过程中,游戏会暂时出现冻结。 | ✔ 术语 frozen => 冻 | | | gui.xaero_box_map_switching |Map Switching Options | 地图切换选项 | ✔ 术语 options => 选项
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_open_settings |§2%s§r Open Settings | §2%s§r 打开设置 | ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_full_waypoints_menu |%s Open Full Waypoint Menu | %s 打开完整的路径点菜单 | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_rendering_all_sets |%s Rendering all waypoint sets | %s 渲染所有路径点集 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部 | | | gui.xaero_box_rendering_current_set |%s Rendering only the current set | %s 仅渲染当前路径点集 | ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率 | | | gui.xaero_zoom_buttons |Zoom Buttons | 缩放按钮 | ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_minimap_required |The waypoint feature requires the Xaero's Minimap mod! | 路径点功能需要 Xaero's Minimap 模组 | ⚠ 术语异常 feature => 地物, 地形特征
⚠ 术语异常 feature => 特性 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_disabled |Waypoints are disabled in the world map settings! | 世界地图设置中已禁用路径点! | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_delete |§2%s§r Delete Waypoint | §2%s§r 删除路径点 | ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete | | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_waypoints_menu |§2%s§r Open Waypoint Menu | §2%s§r 打开路径点菜单 | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_right_click_box_map_settings |§2%s§r Open Settings | §2%s§r 打开设置 | ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_right_click_box_map_export |Export Map as PNG | 导出地图为PNG | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_no_world_map_item_message |The mod is configured to require the following item in your hotbar or equipped: | 该模组配置需要你的热键栏或装备中有以下物品: | ⚠ 术语异常 hotbar => 快捷栏
✔ 术语 item => 物品 | | | gui.xaero_right_click_waypoint_share |Share Waypoint In Chat | 在聊天中分享路径点 | ✔ 术语 chat => 聊天 | | | gui.xaero_right_click_map_share_location |Share Location In Chat | 在聊天中分享位置 | ✔ 术语 chat => 聊天 | | | gui.xaero_current_map_locked1 |The currently selected map is used by another process (Minecraft client). | 当前选择的地图正在被其他进程(Minecraft客户端)使用。 | ✔ 术语 used => 使用
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_current_map_locked2 |Please select a different map of this server (bottom left icon). | 请为此服务器选择不同的地图(左下角图标)。 | ⚠ 术语异常 left => 左手
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_detect_ambiguous_y |Detect Ambiguous Y In Discovered | 检测发现的模糊Y坐标 | ⚠ 术语异常 detect => 探测 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_detect_ambiguous_y |A single pixel on the map can contain multiple transparent layers and an opaque block under them. In older non-cache map data files, only the Y level (height) of the opaque block is stored in such cases, which often makes it unsafe to blindly teleport to the stored Y coordinate. When this setting is ON, the mod treats such map pixels as it would undiscovered chunks. It defaults to 2D waypoints and disables direct teleportation to such pixels. Disable this at your own risk! | 地图上的单个像素可以包含多个透明层,并在其下方包含一个不透明方块。在较旧的非缓存地图数据文件中,这种情况仅存储不透明块的Y坐标。这通常会导致盲目传送到存储的Y坐标不安全。当此设置打开时,模组将像对待未发现的区块一样处理这些地图像素。默认为2D路径点,并禁用直接传送到这些像素。请自行决定是否关闭此选项! | ✔ 术语 defaults => 默认
✔ 术语 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 data => 数据模式
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_closing_menu_when_hopping |Closing the menu when hopping to a waypoint (left-clicking in the menu) | 在跳转到路径点时关闭菜单(在菜单中左键单击) | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单 | | | gui.xaero_box_not_closing_menu_when_hopping |Not closing the menu when hopping to a waypoint (left-clicking in the menu) | 在跳转到路径点时不关闭菜单(在菜单中左键单击) | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单 | | | gui.xaero_wm_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Adjust Y For Short Blocks | 调整矮方块的Y坐标 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_adjust_height_for_carpetlike_blocks |Subtract 1 from the height value for short carpetlike blocks, e.g. carpet, 1-layer snow, lilypad etc. This prevents such blocks from causing harsh shading on the map like a full block. Waypoints and teleportation over these blocks should make more sense too. | 对于像地毯一样的不完整方块,例如地毯、1层雪、睡莲等,从高度值中减去1。这可以防止这些块在地图上造成像整个方块一样的粗糙阴影。同时,路径点和远程传送也将更合理。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 height => 高度
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_only_current_map_waypoints |Displaying only the waypoints bound to the current world map, even if another waypoint sub-world is selected for the minimap using the full waypoint menu. | 仅显示绑定到当前世界地图的路径点,即使在完整路径点菜单中选择了另一个路径点子世界用于小地图。 | ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率 | | | gui.xaero_box_waypoints_selected_by_minimap |Displaying waypoints from the same waypoint sub-world as you are viewing in game and on the minimap. The sub-world can be switched in the full waypoint menu. | 在游戏中查看的路径点子世界和小地图上查看的路径点子世界相同的路径点。可以在完整路径点菜单中切换子世界。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_wm_min_zoom_local_waypoints |Min Zoom For Local Waypoints | 本地路径点的最小缩放级别 | ⚠ 术语异常 zoom => 骤降 | | | gui.xaero_wm_arrow_colour |Arrow Color | 箭头颜色 | ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_arrow_color |Color of the arrow that indicates the position and the rotation of the player. | 指示玩家位置和朝向的箭头的颜色。 | ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭 | | | gui.xaero_wm_red |Red | 红色 | ✔ 术语 red => 红色 | | | gui.xaero_wm_green |Green | 绿色 | ✔ 术语 green => 绿色 | | | gui.xaero_wm_blue |Blue | 蓝色 | ✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色 | | | gui.xaero_wm_yellow |Yellow | 黄色 | ✔ 术语 yellow => 黄色 | | | gui.xaero_wm_purple |Purple | 紫色 | ✔ 术语 purple => 紫色 | | | gui.xaero_wm_white |White | 白色 | ✔ 术语 white => 白色 | | | gui.xaero_wm_black |Black | 黑色 | ✔ 术语 black => 黑色 | | | gui.xaero_box_minimap_radar |%s Minimap entity radar is displayed (requires Xaero's Minimap) | %s 显示小地图实体雷达(需要 Xaero's Minimap) | ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_box_no_minimap_radar |%s Minimap entity radar is not displayed | %s 不显示小地图实体雷达 | ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 | | | gui.xaero_wm_toggle_minimap_radar |Toggle Minimap Radar On World Map | 切换小地图雷达在世界地图上的显示 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_players_pac_required |The party player menu feature requires the Open Parties and Claims mod! | 使用派对玩家菜单功能需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组! | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
✔ 术语 player => 玩家
⚠ 术语异常 feature => 地物, 地形特征
⚠ 术语异常 feature => 特性
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_claims_pac_required |The chunk claim feature requires the Open Parties and Claims mod! | 使用区块领地功能需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组! | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
⚠ 术语异常 feature => 地物, 地形特征
⚠ 术语异常 feature => 特性
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_pac_displaying_claims |%s Displaying chunk claims | %s 显示领地 | ⚠ 术语异常 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_box_pac_not_displaying_claims |%s Not displaying chunk claims | %s 不显示领地 | ⚠ 术语异常 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_player_teleport_command |Player Teleport Command | 玩家传送命令 | ✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_player_teleport_command |The chat command used on this world/server to teleport you to other players on the map when Open Parties and Claims is installed. | 当安装了 Open Parties and Claims 时,在此世界/服务器上用于将你传送到地图上其他玩家的聊天命令。 | ✔ 术语 players => 玩家
✔ 术语 chat => 聊天
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 map => 地图
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_box_showing_tracked_players |%s Rendering players | %s 显示玩家 | ✔ 术语 players => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_box_hiding_tracked_players |%s Not rendering players | %s 不显示玩家 | ✔ 术语 players => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_toggle_tracked_players |Toggle Tracked Players | 切换显示追踪的玩家 | ✔ 术语 players => 玩家
✔ 术语 toggle => 切换 | | | gui.xaero_wm_player_teleport_command |Player Teleport Command | 玩家传送命令 | ✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_player_teleport_command |The chat command used on this world/server to teleport you to tracked players on the map (not regular radar). | 在此世界/服务器上用于将你传送到地图上追踪的玩家(不是普通雷达)的聊天命令。 | ✔ 术语 players => 玩家
✔ 术语 chat => 聊天
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_right_click_player_teleport |§2%s§r Teleport to Player | §2%s§r 传送到玩家 | ✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_right_click_player_config |§2%s§r Edit Player Config | §2%s§r 编辑玩家配置 | ✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_box_close_players |Close Tracked Player Menu | 关闭追踪的玩家菜单 | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_box_open_players |Tracked Player Menu | 追踪的玩家菜单 | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
✔ 术语 player => 玩家 | | | gui.xaero_toggle_pac_chunk_claims |Toggle Chunk Claims | 切换区块领地 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_claims |Display Chunk Claims | 显示区块领地 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_claims |Display chunk claims from the Open Parties and Claims mod as a colored overlay. | 以彩色覆盖层的形式显示来自 Open Parties and Claims 模组的区块领地。 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
⚠ 术语异常 colored => 染色
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_claims_border_opacity |Chunk Claims Border Opacity | 区块领地边框不透明度 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_claims_border_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay border color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块领地覆盖层边框颜色的不透明度。区块领地需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_wm_pac_claims_fill_opacity |Chunk Claims Fill Opacity | 区块领地填充不透明度 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_pac_claims_fill_opacity |The opacity of the chunk claims overlay fill color. Chunk claims require the Open Parties and Claims mod. | 区块领地覆盖层填充颜色的不透明度。区块领地需要安装 Open Parties and Claims 模组。 | ✔ 术语 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 opacity => 不透明度
⚠ 术语异常 open => 打开, 开启 | | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_command |Map Teleport Command | 地图传送命令 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_allowed |Map Teleportation | 允许地图传送 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_allowed_tooltip |Whether right-click map teleportation is allowed. Once disabled, it can be enabled back only through the world-specific config file in the XaeroWorldMap folder. Waypoint teleportation is configured separately in the full waypoint menu options. | 是否允许右键地图传送。一旦禁用,只能通过 XaeroWorldMap 文件夹中的特定于世界的配置文件重新启用。路径点传送在完整的路径点菜单选项中单独配置。 | ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
⚠ 术语异常 back => 返回
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_settings_search_placeholder |Search... | 搜索... | ⚠ 术语异常 search... => 搜索… | | | gui.xaero_wm_settings_not_found |No matching entries found for your input! | 未找到与你的输入匹配的条目! | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | gui.xaero_wm_reset_defaults |Restore Default Settings | 恢复默认设置 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_wm_reset_message |Are you sure you would like to restore the default settings? | 你确定要恢复默认设置吗? | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_partial_y_teleportation |When teleporting to a map location, offset the Y coordinate by 0.5 to avoid falling through carpet-like blocks into the void. Otherwise, the integer Y coordinate is used. | 在传送到地图位置时,将 Y 坐标偏移 0.5,以避免穿过类似地毯的方块掉入虚空。否则,使用整数 Y 坐标。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 the void => 虚空
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_display_stained_glass |Display Stained Glass | 显示染色玻璃 | ✔ 术语 glass => 玻璃
✔ 术语 stained glass => 染色玻璃 | | | gui_xaero_wm_dropdown_map_select |Map Selection | 地图选择 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_hovered_biome |Cursor Biome | 光标生物群系 | ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系 | | | gui.xaero_wm_unknown_biome |Unknown Biome | 未知生物群系 | ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系 | | | gui.xaero_box_update_chunks |Update chunks on the non-world-save maps (multiplayer). | 更新非世界保存的地图上的区块(多人游戏)。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_start_auto |auto | 自动 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_cave_mode_type |The cave mode type to use when cave mode is enabled.

OFF - display above ground even when cave mode is automatically or manually enabled (same as old world map versions without cave mode) Layered - separate cave maps into multiple layers depending on the used top Y Full - ignore the used top Y, use a single layer for cave maps and map everything from the world top to the world bottom | 当启用洞穴模式时要使用的洞穴模式类型。

OFF - 即使自动或手动启用洞穴模式,也在地表显示(与旧版没有洞穴模式的世界地图相同) Layered - 根据使用的顶部 Y 将洞穴地图分成多个层 Full - 忽略使用的顶部 Y,使用单一层的洞穴地图,将世界顶部到世界底部的所有内容都绘制出来 | ✔ 术语 - => -
⚠ 术语异常 off => 关
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 used => 使用
✔ 术语 map => 地图
⚠ 术语异常 old => 旧世界类型 | | | gui.xaero_wm_default_cave_mode_type |Default Cave Mode Type | 默认洞穴模式类型 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_default_cave_mode_type |The default cave mode type assigned to dimensions visited for the first time in a world/server. You can read more about cave mode types by clicking the cave mode icon on the map screen. | 分配给首次访问世界/服务器的维度的默认洞穴模式类型。你可以通过在地图屏幕上点击洞穴模式图标来了解更多关于洞穴模式类型的信息。 | ✔ 术语 default => 默认
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_auto_cave_mode |Auto Cave Mode | 自动洞穴模式 | ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 | | | gui.xaero_box_auto_cave_mode |How the mod should determine the "auto" top Y when viewing the full screen map. The ceiling size refers to the size of a square ceiling of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode. The solid blocks don't have to be on the same Y level.

Minimap - if installed, match the minimap mod's cave mode, otherwise use the ceiling size 3x3 | 在查看全屏地图时,模组应如何确定“自动”顶部 Y。天花板大小是指必须在你上方检测到的实心方块的正方形天花板的大小,以激活洞穴模式。实心方块不必在同一 Y 级别上。

Minimap - 如果安装了 Minimap 模组,则与 Minimap 模组的洞穴模式匹配,否则使用天花板大小 3x3 | ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 | | | gui.xaero_wm_cave_mode_toggle_timer |Cave Mode Toggle Timer | 洞穴模式切换定时器 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_cave_mode_toggle_timer |The minimum time to wait between toggles of cave mode to prevent flickering when quickly switching between being under blocks and not. This only applies when "Auto Cave Mode" isn't redirecting to the minimap mod. The latest minimap mod has a separate setting for this as well. | 为了防止在快速切换在方块下方和不在方块下方时出现闪烁,设置洞穴模式切换的最小等待时间。仅在“自动洞穴模式”未重定向到小地图模组时适用。最新的小地图模组也有单独的设置。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 minimum => 最小
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 | | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_cave_maps |No WM Cave Maps | 没有 WM 洞穴地图 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | effect.xaeroworldmap.no_cave_maps_harmful |No WM Cave Maps | 没有 WM 洞穴地图 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | gui.xaero_wm_biome_blending |Biome Blending | 生物群系混合 | ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
⚠ 术语异常 biome blend => 生物群系过渡距离 | | | gui.xaero_wm_box_biome_blending |Smooth out biome color edges by sampling biome colors for multiple blocks for every block on the map. Turning this off can significantly improve performance when biome color calculation is modded to be much more heavyweight than vanilla. | 通过对地图上每个方块进行多次生物群系颜色采样,平滑生物群系颜色边缘。关闭此选项可以显著提高性能,尤其在生物群系颜色计算被修改为比原版更复杂的情况下。 | ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
✔ 术语 off => 关
✔ 术语 colors => 颜色
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑 | | | gui.xaero_png_result_not_prepared |Can't export just yet! The world map has not been prepared yet. | 无法导出!世界地图尚未准备好。 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_png_result_out_of_memory |The export failed because the Java heap ran out of memory! Please try again or allocate more memory. | 导出失败,因为 Java 堆内存耗尽!请重试或分配更多内存。 | ✔ 术语 failed => 失败 | | | gui.xaero_png_result_bad_fbo |The export failed because the mod failed to create an OpenGL framebuffer. | 导出失败,因为模组无法创建 OpenGL 帧缓冲。 | ✔ 术语 failed => 失败 | | | gui.xaero_png_result_io_exception |The export failed because of an IO exception! Please try again. The full exception has been logged. | 导出失败,因为出现 IO 异常!请重试。完整的异常已记录。 | ✔ 术语 failed => 失败 | | | gui.xaero_export_screen |World Map PNG Export | 世界地图 PNG 导出 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_export_option_full |Force Full Map | 强制完整地图 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_full |Export the whole map even if you've made a map selection. | 导出整个地图,即使你已经选择了地图区域。 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_multiple_images |Export the map as multiple unscaled images no matter how big it is. This does not have the same memory limitations as a single image. | 无论地图大小如何,都将地图导出为多个未缩放的图像。这不受单个图像的内存限制。 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_nighttime |Export the map with nighttime lighting. This doesn't affect cave mode maps. | 导出带有夜间光照的地图。这不会影响洞穴模式地图。 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_scale_down_square |The size, in regions, of a square image equivalent to the resolution that a large exported map will be scaled down to if necessary. For example, 20x20 stands for 400 regions, 512x512 blocks/pixels each. The resulting image doesn't have to be a square. 10x40 is also 400 regions.

Your computer or the Java heap size might not be able to handle higher export resolutions. | 这是一个正方形图像的大小,以区域为单位,相当于大型导出地图在必要时缩小的分辨率。例如,20x20表示400个区域,每个区域512x512个方块/像素。生成的图像不一定是正方形。10x40也是400个区域。请注意,你的计算机或Java堆大小可能无法处理更高的导出分辨率。 | ⚠ 术语异常 down => 向下
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_export_option_highlights |Export the map with all currently enabled highlights (e.g. claims) applied to the map. When exporting the full map, highlights very far from your discovered map won't be included. | 导出地图时包括所有当前启用的高亮(例如领地)。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_world_save |World Save | 世界保存 | ✔ 术语 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式 | | | gui.xaero_map_writing_distance |Map Writing Distance | 地图写入距离 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_map_writing_distance |The maximum X and Z distance in chunks at which chunks can be loaded or updated on a non-world-save map. For the "Unlimited" option, go all the way to the left. World save maps always generate within your render distance | 非世界保存地图上可以加载或更新区块的最大X和Z距离(以区块为单位)。对于“无限”选项,请将滑块调到最左边。世界保存地图总是在你的渲染距离内生成。 | ✔ 术语 x => x
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 maximum => 最大
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 render distance => 渲染距离
✔ 术语 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式 | | | gui.xaero_map_writing_distance_unlimited |Unlimited | 无限 | ⚠ 术语异常 unlimited => 无限制 | | | gui.xaero_full_reload |Reload All Regions | 重新加载所有区域 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部 | | | gui.xaero_box_full_reload |Reload all regions on the map without having to manually view them. The reloading process will work in the background and turn off when it's done. It is important to note that going to another dimension will pause it until you come back and changing maps will fully cancel it. | 无需手动查看即可重新加载地图上的所有区域。重新加载过程将在后台运行,并在完成后关闭。需要注意的是,切换到另一个维度会暂停重新加载,直到你回来,而更改地图将完全取消重新加载。 | ⚠ 术语异常 pause => pause
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 back => 返回
✔ 术语 cancel => 取消
✔ 术语 off => 关
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 work => 工作
✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_full_resave |Convert All Regions | 转换所有区域。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部 | | | gui.xaero_box_full_resave |Reload and resave all regions on the map without having to manually visit them. World save maps will be converted into normal map data saved to a separate map instance "Converted World Save", stored in the folder "cm$converted", which can be transferred to multiplayer map instances for the same world, using file manager. The reloading process will work in the background and turn off when it's done. It is important to note that going to another dimension will pause it until you come back and changing maps will fully cancel it. | 无需手动访问即可重新加载和重新保存地图上的所有区域。世界保存地图将转换为保存在单独的地图实例“Converted World Save”中的普通地图数据,存储在文件夹“cm$converted”中,可以通过文件管理器转移到同一世界的多人地图实例中。重新加载过程将在后台运行,并在完成后关闭。需要注意的是,切换到另一个维度会暂停重新加载,直到你回来,而更改地图将完全取消重新加载。 | ⚠ 术语异常 multiplayer => 多人游戏
⚠ 术语异常 pause => pause
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 back => 返回
✔ 术语 cancel => 取消
✔ 术语 off => 关
✔ 术语 normal => 普通
✔ 术语 normal => 中
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 data => 数据模式
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式
⚠ 术语异常 work => 工作
✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_full_reload_in_progress |Full map reload is in progress... | 全地图重新加载正在进行中... | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_box_reload_viewed_regions |Reload every region that is displayed on your screen once. | 重新加载在你屏幕上显示的每个区域。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | gui.xaero_converted_world_save |Converted World Save | 已转换的世界保存 | ✔ 术语 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式 | | | gui.xaero_unknown_dimension_type1 |Currently unknown dimension type! | 当前未知的维度类型! | ✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_unknown_dimension_type2 |The map functions are limited. Visiting the dimension once might help. | 地图功能受限。访问该维度一次可能有所帮助。 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui_xaero_wm_dropdown_dimension_select |Dimension Selection | 维度选择 | ✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_wm_dimension_teleport_command |Map Cross-Dimension Teleport Command | 地图跨维度传送命令 | ✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_not_connected |You are trying to teleport to a map that is not connected to the current confirmed/auto one. If you are sure that this map is from your current sub-server/world save, then you can enable teleportation by adding a connection in the map selection screen -> Connect. But beware, if you connect unrelated maps and teleport, then there is a good chance you will suffocate in a block or die from fall damage, so be careful and connect only the right ones. | 你正在尝试传送到与当前确认/自动地图不相连的地图。如果你确定这张地图来自你当前的子服务器/世界存档,那么你可以在地图选择屏幕上添加连接以启用传送。但请注意,如果连接无关的地图并传送,那么你很有可能会被方块窒息或因坠落伤害而死亡,所以请谨慎,只连接正确的地图。 | ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
✔ 术语 map => 地图 | | | gui.xaero_wm_teleport_never_confirmed |You cannot teleport yet because you have not yet confirmed a single map in your current dimension. Please confirm a map in your current dimension or change map selection type to an automatic one. | 你还不能传送,因为你尚未在当前维度中确认过任何地图。请在当前维度中确认一个地图,或将地图选择类型更改为自动类型。 | ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_wm_disconnect_from_auto_msg |Would you like to delete the following connection between maps? | 你是否想要删除以下地图之间的连接? | ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete | | | gui.xaero_dimension_toggle_button |§2%s§r Toggle Dimension (hold shift to reverse) | §2%s§r 切换维度(按住Shift键可反转) | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | | | gui.xaero_toggle_dimension |Toggle Dimension | 切换维度 | ✔ 术语 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度 | |

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