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Created June 1, 2024 06:43
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PR: CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package#4337

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英文 中文
Tissue made of Elastic Fibers. 由弹性纤维构成的生物组织
Cutting tooth made of tissue rich in minerals. 由富含无机盐的骨组织构成的锋利牙齿
Hardened Claw made of tough fibers and rich in minerals. 由富含无机盐的强韧纤维构成的硬爪
A sac filled to the brim with bile. 饱含着苦涩胆汁的囊状器官
A tiny bit of flesh... Used as a primary crafting ingredient. 一小块肉……也是一种基础合成材料
A tiny fragment of bone. Provides rigidity and shape to flesh. Useful for assembling mechanical parts. 骨头的一小部分,它曾为肉身提供坚硬的支架,用于组装力学结构
Component only obtained in Decomposer.
Used to toughen and harden fibers. 只能通过分解器获得
Bedazzle your fleshy creations!
Used to enhance hardened fibers to their maximum resilience, but they're very expensive. 装点你的血肉造物!
A basic component only obtained via the Decomposer, usually alongside biotic matter.

Used as a cosmetic upgrade to make things glow. | 一种基础成分,通常在分解器里和生物质一起产出


能够让物品闪闪发光。 | | Moist organic material, extracted from plants. With its dark and fibrous texture, it almost seems like humus. | 从柔软的植物嫩叶里提取出来的物质,其棕褐色的外观使其看起来和腐殖质无二
从柔软的植物嫩叶里提取出来的物质,其棕褐色的外观使其看起来和腐殖质无二。 | | Exotic substance, perhaps the very essence of magic itself. An uncommon byproduct obtained by decomposing magical things. | 奇怪的物质,没准儿真的有些蹊跷 在分解器里分解一些不属于主世界的东西时可以获得
奇怪的物质,没准儿真的有些蹊跷 在分解器里分解一些不属于主世界的东西时可以获得。 | | A very basic crafting component, usually obtained as a byproduct from decomposing things. | 极其基础的物质成分,通常以副产品的身份游走于各种合成配方里
极其基础的物质成分,通常以副产品的身份游走于各种合成配方里。 | | Very hard pellets rich in energy that almost look like vitamin pills. | 硬的和石头似的的富含营养的小块,和维生素片差不多
硬的和石头似的的富含营养的小块,和维生素片差不多。 | | Nutrients combined with Biotic Matter to moisten the hard pellets, producing a paste. It almost looks like yellowish cake, and is a convenient source of energy. | 营养素和生物质糅合而成的膏状物 看起来有些像是块卖相不是很好的蛋糕,是各种活体机械的优质能量来源
营养素和生物质糅合而成的膏状物 看起来有些像是块卖相不是很好的蛋糕,是各种活体机械的优质能量来源。 | | Nutrient Paste compressed into the shape of a bar. Looks edible, if a bit bland. | 把营养膏压缩成一整块食物棒后的样子。能吃,但没什么味道
把营养膏压缩成一整块食物棒后的样子。能吃,但没什么味道。 | | An exotic delicacy which has a bioluminescent sheen and grants random potion effects when eaten. | 怪异而美味的果实,带有荧荧微光,食用时给予随机药水效果
怪异而美味的果实,带有荧荧微光,食用时给予随机药水效果。 | | A fluid with regenerative properties, used to concoct healing additives. | 有着极强再生能力的液体,可以用于调制各种原液
有着极强再生能力的液体,可以用于调制各种原液。 | | A corrosive extract. It likely has uses in bio-alchemy. | 一种腐蚀性的提取物。看起来可以用于活体酿造。
一种腐蚀性的提取物,看起来可以用于活体酿造。 | | A fluid extract very rich in various hormones. A potent material for making drugs. | 富含各种让人亢奋的激素的提取物,我想它并不应该被滥用
富含各种让人亢奋的激素的提取物,我想它并不应该被滥用。 | | A fluid so toxic you probably shouldn't touch it. Good for making a plethora of dubious substances. | 一种从各种方面来说都有剧毒的物质,极其适合制作各种可疑物质
一种从各种方面来说都有剧毒的物质,极其适合制作各种可疑物质。 | | Organic base material which is often used in bio-alchemy. | 活体酿造时经常会用到的东西
活体酿造时经常会用到的东西。 | | A very brittle yet highly specialized tool for pillaging special loot from dying mobs.

When held in either hand, the tool guarantees Despoil loot drops. When doing so, it receives extra durability damage. | 十分脆弱的武器,却极擅长从濒死生物中掠夺出特殊的战利品


手持时,此工具必定能使“抽筋剥骨”战利品掉落,同时额外消耗耐久度。 | | A small organic container with very high alchemical resistance, perfect for holding reactive substances. The vial dissolves on use. | 一种小型有机容器,有着极强的炼金抗性。作为容纳各种活性原液的容器实在是太合适不过了 会在使用时溶化
一种小型有机容器,有着极强的炼金抗性。作为容纳各种活性原液的容器实在是太合适不过了 会在使用时溶化。 | | It's alive! Unfortunately, it looks too dumb to be the brain of a mob. You should turn it into a construct instead. | 毫无疑问它是活着的! 但是对于真正意义上的生物来说,它实在是太愚昧了……也许作为一台机器的运转核心倒是不错的选择
毫无疑问它是活着的! 但是对于真正意义上的生物来说,它实在是太愚昧了……也许作为一台机器的运转核心倒是不错的选择。 | | A ominous artifact made of flesh. Looking at it makes you feel uneasy... | 带有不祥气息的物件,全由血肉构成;看着就让人有些不安……
带有不祥气息的物件,全由血肉构成。看着就让人有些不安…… | | A meal made for the cradle... not for you. | 为本源温床准备的一顿大餐……我没说这是你可以吃的
为原初温床准备的一顿大餐……我没说这是你可以吃的。 | | A simple device which utilizes a razor sharp needle to quickly and forcefully inject Serums into Mobs and Players.

Can be enchanted with:

  • Piercing: Increases the chance to pierce through armor
  • Anesthetic Touch: Nullifies the damage from the needle | 一种简单的生物器械,使用尖锐而中空的骨刺将调制的原液迅猛地注入进生物或者玩家体内


  • 穿透:增加穿透盔甲的概率
  • 麻醉:取消针头造成的伤害


  • 穿透:增加穿透盔甲的概率
  • 麻醉:取消针头造成的伤害 | | Looks like some objects are wrapped in an organic layer of skin. Might be filled with items or toxin if your language is set to German.

Right Click the Sac to retrieve the Items. | 薄薄的皮肤中好像包裹了些东西。要么是里面真装满了物品或者毒液,要么就是你的语言设置成了天书。


手持肉囊右击以取出物品。 | | Acid Bucket
Gastric Acid Bucket | 酸液桶
胃酸桶 | | Extremely hungry and vicious Claws forged by starving living flesh and grafting claws onto it.

Repair the famished claws by feeding them with food via the player inventory, as you would fill a bundle.

Killing Mobs with these claws grants blood charges, which allow you to use the Awakened mode. | 极度饥饿而邪恶的利爪,由鲜活血肉锻造而成,移植有许多尖锐的利爪




击杀生物可获得血能,以此切换为觉醒模式。 | | Caustic Gunblade | 腐蚀枪刃 | | A caustic gunblade that can alternate between melee and ranged mode and utilizes acidic ammo to damage its targets. The acidic ammunition regenerates by itself after 5s of no usage. | 一把极具腐蚀性的枪刃,可以在近战与远程模式间切换,使用酸性弹药腐蚀目标 酸性弹药在5s未使用后会自动重新装填。 | | [Dev Tool] Arm Cannon | [开发者工具!] 手炮
[开发者工具] 手炮 | | Creative/Developer Tool for testing projectiles. | 创造模式专属,用于测试弹射物的工具
创造模式专属,用于测试弹射物的工具。 | | Acolyte Helmet | 侍僧头盔 | | Acolyte Chestplate | 侍僧胸甲 | | Acolyte Leggings | 侍僧护腿 | | Acolyte Boots | 侍僧靴子 | | The Thorn | 棘刺盾 | | Cute but prickly shield. | 可爱但扎人的盾牌 | | Essence Extractor | 精华提取器 | | Primed Suck, slurps essence from its victims. | 伺机而动,从活体材料身上啜食精华。 | | [PH] Essence
Essence | [PH] 精华
精华 | | Extracted life essence from a Mob. Contains sequences of genetic information. | 从生物身上吸取生命精华。其包含遗传信息序列。 | | %1$s Essence | %1$s精华 | | Unique %1$s Essence | 唯一的%1$s精华 | | Slimy substance made of bile infused with nutrients. | 由胆汁和营养膏调制而成的黏稠原液
由胆汁和营养素调制而成的黏稠原液。 | | Very unstable and reactive substance. Seems like it will combust if it comes in contact with just about anything else. | 化学结构极其不稳定,只需要轻轻摇晃就会爆发出难以想象的力量
化学结构极其不稳定,只需要轻轻摇晃就会爆发出难以想象的力量。 | | Substance of a questionable nature, comprised of exotic material and other trace elements. | 十分不对劲的物质,由各种奇异材料和痕量元素混合而来
十分不对劲的物质,由各种奇异材料和痕量元素混合而来。 | | Cocktail of various hormones, nutrients and organic elements. It seems useful for producing potent stimulants. | 一种混合了各种生物激素的复合原液,可以产生极强的兴奋作用
一种混合了各种生物激素、营养素、有机元素的复合原液,可以产生极强的兴奋作用。 | | A highly corrosive fluid that seems useful for alchemically burning away organic material, or weakening the bonds of complex substances. | 一种高强度的腐蚀性液体,可以用于在调制原液时祛除有机物或者削弱某种复杂物质的结构
一种高强度的腐蚀性液体,可以用于在调制原液时祛除有机材料或者削弱某种复杂物质的化学键。 | | An highly concentrated substance that is used to imbue its properties to other compounds. | 一种高度浓缩的化合物,可以结合其他物质的特性
一种高度浓缩的化合物,可以结合其他物质的特性。 | | Rejuvenation Serum | 还童血清
活力血清 | | Rejuvenation Serum | 还童血清
活力血清 | | Reverses the maturation of Mobs, in most cases turning them into children. | 奇迹般的使生物返老还童,多数情况下是这样
奇迹般的使生物返老还童,多数情况下是这样。 | | Induces growth in Slimes, Magma Cubes and Flesh Blobs.

(If Pehkui is installed you can enlarge yourself and all Mobs) | 使得史莱姆,岩浆怪,肉块之类的生物生长


(如果你安装了Pehkui,那么你和其他生物也可以变大) | | Shrinks Slimes, Magma Cubes and Flesh Blobs.

(If Pehkui is installed you can shrink yourself and all Mobs) | 使得史莱姆,岩浆怪,肉块之类的生物缩小


(如果你安装了Pehkui,那么你和其他生物也可以变小) | | Burns away all foreign substances inside a creature. Very effective on sticky status effects that refuse to be healed with milk. | 祛除生物体内一切外来要素 对于那些牛奶无法解除的效果非常有效
祛除生物体内一切外来要素 对于那些牛奶无法解除的效果非常有效。 | | Makes Animals hyper-fertile, making them able to repeatedly reproduce for a short time. | 使动物极度亢奋,让其能在短时间内繁殖多次
使动物极度亢奋,让其能在短时间内繁殖多次。 | | Grants stackable absorption health points to Mobs and Players. | 为生物和玩家提供类似于伤害吸收的可堆叠额外生命值
为生物和玩家提供类似于伤害吸收的可堆叠额外生命值。 | | Resets the last slept time, no need to sleep for quite some time. Coffee who? | 重置失眠时长,和那些该死的幻翼说再见吧!
重置未睡眠时长,相当长一段时间内不用再睡觉了。 有了它谁还喝咖啡。 | | Hungry Flesh Blob Spawn Egg | 饥饿的肉块刷怪蛋
饥饿肉块刷怪蛋 | | Primordial Hungry Flesh Blob Spawn Egg | 饥饿的原初肉块刷怪蛋
饥饿原初肉块刷怪蛋 | | Primordial Cradle | 本源温床
原初温床 | | Offer adequate Tributes to the cradle and summon forth primordial messengers of exquisite flesh. | 向本源温床献上足够的祭品,便可召唤原初使者——精致的血肉。
向原初温床献上足够的祭品,便可召唤原初使者——精致的血肉 | | A bio-machine that deconstructs items into their base components. The Decomposer consumes nutrients to function. | 一台将有机物分解成各种基础材料的生物机械 分解器需要充足的营养才能工作
一台将有机物分解成各种基础材料的生物机械 分解器需要充足的营养素才能工作。 | | A machine born from flesh that converts food and plants into extremely bio-available nutrients. | 一台消化各种食物和植物的生物机械,用于生产营养膏
一台消化各种食物和植物的生物机械,用于生产营养素。 | | Extracts up to 3 items of the same type every 24 ticks from containers it's attached to, and drops them on the ground. | 每24tick从附着的容器里提取三个同类型物品并把它们扔在地上
每24tick从附着的容器里提取三个同类型物品并把它们扔在地上。 | | A fleshy sister of the hopper. Transfers up to 16 items at a time. | 漏斗的血亲——至少是物理意义上的,可以一次传输16个物品
漏斗的血亲——至少是物理意义上的,可以一次传输16个物品。 | | Cheap Shulker-like storage sac that also acts like a bundle. | 丐版潜影盒……也可以拿来当做收纳袋用
更便宜的潜影盒……也可以拿来当做收纳袋用。 | | Chrysalis | 蛹 | | Stores babies/children, small mobs and flesh blobs | 可储存幼崽/儿童、小型生物、肉块 | | Fleshkin pancake. Yummy... It has two behaviors, either it only activates for its owner or it only works for everyone else.

Sneak click to change its behavior. | 肉煎饼?说的我都馋了…… 这个压力板有两种模式,要么只能由它的主人触发,要么除了它的主人谁都能触发

肉煎饼?说的我都馋了…… 这个压力板有两种模式,要么只能由它的主人触发,要么除了它的主人谁都能触发。

潜行右击以切换模式。 | | A generic wall of flesh. | 烂泥也许扶不上墙,但烂肉可以
烂泥也许扶不上墙,但烂肉可以。 | | Tenacious wall of flesh. | 一面结实的肉墙
一面结实的肉墙。 | | A Pillar made of bones and flesh. | 骨头和血肉拼凑成的柱子
骨头和血肉拼凑成的柱子。 | | A unusual block flesh made from the innards of someone. | 用某个家伙的内脏做成的奇怪肉块
用某个家伙的内脏做成的奇怪肉块。 | | Ornamental Flesh Block | 华丽血肉块
装饰用血肉块 | | A set of regal teeth and flesh. | 一堆华丽的牙齿和血肉
一套华丽的牙齿和血肉。 | | Ornamental Flesh Slab | 装饰用血肉台阶 | | An incomplete set of regal teeth and flesh. | 半套华丽的牙齿和血肉。 | | Fake flesh pipes for everyone. | 伪造的血肉管道,童叟无欺
伪造的血肉管道,童叟无欺。 | | Flesh Fence | 血肉栏杆
血肉栅栏 | | Trapdoor-like iris door made of flesh... | 和活板门差不多,但是是肉做的
和活板门差不多,但是是肉做的。 | | A sliding door made of flesh... | 一扇肉制的门
一扇肉制的门。 | | A wide sliding door made of flesh... | 一扇宽的血肉门
一扇宽的血肉门。 | | A deadly trap fashioned from the amalgamation of reinforced bone and sinew. Approach with caution, for any contact will inflict considerable harm.

Multiple spikes can be meticulously placed within a single location, intensifying their lethality. | 由坚固的骨头和血肉做成的危险尖刺,触碰到它就会受伤。同一位置可以放置多个尖刺

同一位置可以放置多个尖刺,以增强其致命性。 | | Ladder mainly made of bones and a little bit of flesh... | 骨骼和少量血肉拼接而成的梯子
骨骼和少量血肉拼接而成的梯子…… | | A bioluminescent light source that is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. | 生物光源,节能环保
生物光源,节能环保。 | | A bioluminescent light source. This one is blue! | 生物光源,节能环保,还是蓝色的!
生物光源,节能环保。还是蓝色的! | | A malignant light source. This one is magenta as well! | 恶性的光源,也是品红色的!
恶性的光源,是邪恶的品红色! | | A chain made of tendons. | 肌腱拧成的锁链
肌腱拧成的锁链。 | | Display and organize your serums. | 放置以整理试管
放置以整理试管。 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜
以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜。 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜
以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜。 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Baby mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


幼年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Baby mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


幼年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Adult mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


成年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Adult mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


成年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | Primal Membrane | 原初渗膜
原生渗膜 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are alive can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有非亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | Primal Membrane Pane | 原初渗膜板
原生渗膜板 | | Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are alive can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有非亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | Gelatinized phantom membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are undead can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | Gelatinized phantom membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are undead can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | Biometric Membrane | 生物识别膜 | | Membrane which is configured via Mob Essence | 可用生物精华配置的生物膜 | | Inverted Biometric Membrane | 反向生物识别膜 | | Inverted Unique Biometric Membrane | 反向唯一生物识别膜 | | Unique Biometric Membrane | 唯一生物识别膜 | | Modular Larynx | 模块化咽喉 | | Similar to a Jukebox but made of an adaptive larynx. Capable of reproducing the sounds of a mob via the insertion of essence and redstone power.

Right-Click with Mob Essence in hand to insert it. Or Shift Right-Click with empty hand to extract Mob Essence.

You can also use automation like Hoppers to insert and extract the Mob Essence. | 类似于自动点唱机,但由自适应咽喉制作而成。植入精华并通入红石信号即可重现生物声音。

手持生物精华右击以植入。 空手潜行右击以取出。

你也可以使用漏斗自动化这两种行为。 | | Primal Flesh Block | 原初血肉块
原生血肉块 | | Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它
原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | Primal Flesh Slab | 原初血肉台阶
原生血肉台阶 | | Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它
原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | Primal Flesh Stairs | 原初血肉楼梯
原生血肉楼梯 | | Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原初之血肉制成的楼梯……踩上去有些微妙
由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | | Primal Flesh Wall | 原初血肉墙
原生血肉墙 | | Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 由原初之血肉制成的墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 赶紧逃跑吧 >:D
一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | | Smooth Primal Flesh Block | 平滑原生血肉块 | | Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | Smooth Primal Flesh Slab | 平滑原生血肉台阶 | | Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | Smooth Primal Flesh Stairs | 平滑原生血肉楼梯 | | Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | | Smooth Primal Flesh Wall | 平滑原生血肉墙 | | Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | | Porous Primal Flesh Block | 多孔原生血肉块 | | Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | Porous Primal Flesh Slab | 多孔原生血肉台阶 | | Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | Porous Primal Flesh Stairs | 多孔原生血肉楼梯 | | Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | | Porous Primal Flesh Wall | 多孔原生血肉墙 | | Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | | Primal Bloom | 原初肉蕾
原生肉蕾 | | An exotic flower of primordial beauty.

It will spread itself by launching it's ripe berry into the air. On impact the berry explodes and spreads malignant veins as well. | 奇异的花朵,具有原初之美

会将成熟的莓果向空中发射,以此传播繁衍 莓果着陆时会爆炸,并产生恶性脉络

会将成熟的莓果向空中发射,以此传播繁衍。 莓果着陆时会爆炸,并产生恶性脉络。 | | Primal Orifice | 原初孔腔
原生孔腔 | | A primitive piece full of holes. It seems to leak an acidic substance.
A primitive piece full of holes that seems to generate and leak acidic juices. It can be milked with buckets and bottles. | 满是孔洞的原初肉块;像是在分泌一种酸性的物质
满是孔洞的原生肉块,像是在分泌一种酸性的汁液。 可以用瓶子或桶接取。 | | Acid
Gastric Acid | 酸液
胃酸 | | Hungry Flesh Blob | 饥饿的肉块
饥饿肉块 | | Primordial Hungry Flesh Blob | 饥饿的原初肉块
饥饿原初肉块 | | Despoil | 凌迟
抽筋剥骨 | | Surgical Precision | 外科精度 | | Improves the quality and success of surgeries or extraction of essences from mobs. | 提高外科手术和提取精华的质量和成功率。 | | Parasitic Metabolism | 代谢寄生 | | When any held or equipped living item is damaged, consumes every 1.5 seconds nutrition from a healthy players food bar to restore nutrients. | 任何持有或装备的活体物品损坏时,每1.5秒消耗健康玩家的饥饿条补充自身营养。 | | Self-Feeding | 主动觅食 | | When any held or equipped living item is damaged, consumes every 1.5 seconds nutrients from the players hotbar. | 任何持有或装备的活体物品损坏时,每1.5秒消耗玩家快捷栏中的营养素补充自身营养。 | | Gastric Juice | 胃液 | | Gastric Splash-Juice | 喷溅型胃液 | | Gastric Linger-Juice | 滞留型胃液 | | Arrow of Gastric Juice | 胃液之箭 | | [PH] Essence Anemia
Essence Anemia | [PH] 精华贫血
精华流失 | | Drowsy | 微醺
昏昏欲睡 | | Despoil | 凌迟
抽筋剥骨 | | ERROR: INVALID SERUM | 无效血清!
错误:无效血清! | | %1$s tried opening a chest, but was eaten instead | %1$s误触了血肉箱,被吞了
%1$s想打开一个箱子,但被吞了进去 | | %1$s was thrown into a spike pit by %2$s | %1$s被%2$s扔进了刺坑 | | %1$s was skewered by a sharp spike by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s因为%2$s使用了%3$s注定要被锋利尖刺贯穿 | | %1$s was impaled onto a sharp spike by %2$s | %1$s因为%2$s而被尖刺扎穿 | | %1$s was impaled onto a sharp spike by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s因为%2$s使用了%3$s而被尖刺扎穿 | | %1$s was doused with corrosive acid by %2$s | %1$s因为%2$s而被腐蚀性酸浇了 | | %1$s was showered in corrosive acid by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s因为%2$s使用了%3$s而被迫在腐蚀性酸中洗澡 | | %1$s was drained of blood by %2$s | %1$s被%2$s抽光了血液 | | %1$s was blood let by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s被%2$s用%3$s放了血 | | [WIP] %1$s was forcefully implanted with teeth by %2$s | [WIP] %1$s被%2$s执行了非法植牙手术 | | Primal Energy | 原初能量
原生能量 | | [PH] Contains Unique Genetic Sequences
Contains Unique Genetic Sequences | [PH] 含有独特的遗传序列
含有唯一的遗传序列 | | Eviscerating Slash | 内脏削除 | | When triggered, adds one Bleed Stack (max 2) | 触发时,对目标施加出血效果(最高II) | | Blood Explosion | 血爆 | | On Bleed Stack, deals 10% of max health as damage | 攻击出血敌人时,额外造成最大生命10%的伤害 | | Acid Coat | 酸浸 | | On Right-Click coats the blade in Acid for 10 seconds. Full-Strength Attacks inflict one stack of Armor Shred for 4s and one stack of Corrosion for 2s. Critical Hits inflict two stacks of Armor Shred for 4s. | 右击时使刀刃被酸液覆盖,持续10s。 造成完整伤害后施加4s碎甲I、2s腐蚀I。 暴击时碎甲效果提高II。 | | Thorny Hide | 荆棘表皮 | | On successful block, deals thorns damage to the attacker | 成功防御时,对攻击者造成荆棘伤害 | | Fleshkin Affinity | 血肉亲和 | | -5% Primordial Cradle Hostility | -5%原初温床敌意 | | Bio-Alchemical Epidermis | 生物炼金上皮 | | +15% Resistance to external application of harmful Status-Effects -25% Injection Resistance -25% Injection Damage | +15%外部施加负面效果抗性 -25%注射抗性 -25%注射伤害 | | Fire Rate | 射速 | | Accuracy | 精准度 | | Ammo | 弹药 | | Reload Time | 装弹时间 | | Projectile Damage | 弹药伤害 | | Not enough Ammo | 弹药不足 | | The Mob is too old | 这个生物太老了 | | Already Full | 已经满了 | | Failed to store the mob | 储存生物失败 | | Failed to spawn the stored mob | 释放存储的生物失败 | | Item interaction is not allowed | 物品交互不允许 | | Click Fleshy Button | 血肉按钮:点击
血肉按钮:咔哒 | | Fleshkin eats | 血肉子裔:进食 | | Primordial Cradle Spawns a Mob | 本源温床:孕育
原初温床:孕育 | | Primordial Cradle Spawns a Primal Mob | 原初温床:孕育原生之物 | | Primordial Cradle became full | 本源温床:饱和
原初温床:饱和 | | Primordial Cradle Eating | 本源温床:进食
原初温床:进食 | | Primordial Cradle disagrees | 本源温床:拒绝
原初温床:拒绝 | | Primordial Cradle is summoning | 本源温床:召唤
原初温床:召唤 | | Primordial Cradle attacks | 本源温床:攻击
原初温床:攻击 | | Decomposer burps | 分解器:一个不礼貌的嗝
分解器:打嗝 | | Bio-Lab is slurping | 活体酿造台:一个不雅观的嗝
活体酿造台:啜食 | | Digester is burping | 消化器:一个粗鄙的嗝
消化器:打嗝 | | White Mascot Base | 白色吉祥物底座
白色吉祥物底色 | | Orange Mascot Base | 橙色吉祥物底座
橙色吉祥物底色 | | Magenta Mascot Base | 品红色吉祥物底座
品红色吉祥物底色 | | Light Blue Mascot Base | 淡蓝色吉祥物底座
淡蓝色吉祥物底色 | | Yellow Mascot Base | 黄色吉祥物底座
黄色吉祥物底色 | | Lime Mascot Base | 黄绿色吉祥物底座
黄绿色吉祥物底色 | | Pink Mascot Base | 粉红色吉祥物底座
粉红色吉祥物底色 | | Gray Mascot Base | 灰色吉祥物底座
灰色吉祥物底色 | | Light Gray Mascot Base | 淡灰色吉祥物底座
淡灰色吉祥物底色 | | Cyan Mascot Base | 青色吉祥物底座
青色吉祥物底色 | | Purple Mascot Base | 紫色吉祥物底座
紫色吉祥物底色 | | Blue Mascot Base | 蓝色吉祥物底座
蓝色吉祥物底色 | | Brown Mascot Base | 棕色吉祥物底座
棕色吉祥物底色 | | Green Mascot Base | 绿色吉祥物底座
绿色吉祥物底色 | | Red Mascot Base | 红色吉祥物底座
红色吉祥物底色 | | Black Mascot Base | 黑色吉祥物底座
黑色吉祥物底色 | | Meat Whisperer
Whispers in the Meat | 赤红的低语
肉中的低语 | | You feel a presence in the flesh, it whispers into your ears: "Raw Meat is useful..."
You feel a presence in the flesh, faint whispers reach your ears:

"Raw Meat is useful..." | 在你目光所不能及之处,眼角余光扫过的地方;一个赤红的身影在你耳畔倾吐着话语:“生肉非常有用……”

生肉非常有用… | | Collector of Raw Meats | 生肉收集者 | | Collect each type of prime meat. Pork, beef, chicken and mutton reflect their source. Primeval whispers of absurdity. You need to catch them all! | 收集所有种类的初等肉块:猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、羊肉。荒诞的原始低语仍在继续。你要继续屠宰! | | Primal Crafting | 原生合成 | | The presence seems lost, fading into the dark...

Craft the Primordial Core from raw meats and ender pearls to bridge the gap. | 那个存在正在消失,隐入无边的黑暗……

用生肉和末影珍珠合成原初核心,以期与祂重温。 | | Primal Vision | 原生视觉 | | You feel bare before the oculus. The mirror leers at you... infinite reflections of yourself... eternal cycles... meaningless existence? | 在这只眼睛面前,你感觉赤身裸体。镜中的自我无限重叠交错……如同永恒的轮回……过往的存在只是虚无? | | You've acquired a taste for organs. Craft the plundering Sickle to get them fresh from your victims death.
You've acquired a taste for organic trinkets. Craft the plundering Sickle to get them fresh from your victims death. | 出于某种原因,你迷上了器官。于是你制作了一把独特的工具去肢解那些活体材料
出于某种原因,你迷上了器官。于是你制作了一把独特的工具去肢解那些活体材料。 | | Become the funnel for fleshy parts and trade various organs with villagers. | 明面上开一间肉铺,私下里与村民们达成着各种肮脏但有利可图的勾当
明面上开一间肉铺,私下里与村民们达成着各种肮脏但有利可图的勾当。 | | Hunt predators and collect their fangs and claws. | 猎杀一只动物,并取得它的獠牙和利爪
猎杀一只动物,并取得它的獠牙和利爪。 | | Kill a innocent cat. | 杀死一只无辜的猫
杀死一只无辜的猫。 | | The Primordial Core is whispering of a bowl filled with life... build the flesh construct and feed it with organic materials. | 原初核心在低语着满溢生命力的碗装容器……造出那种血肉造物,然后给它喂食有机材料
原初核心在低语着满溢生命力的碗装容器……造出那种血肉造物,然后给它喂食有机材料。 | | It's seems like fluids enriched in life energy are needed. Jumpstart the process with a few healing potions.
It's seems like items rich in life energy are needed. Jumpstart the process with a few healing/regen potions, other special foods or artifacts. | 看起来我们还需要一些富含生命力的液体……治疗药水怎么样?
看起来我们还需要一些富含生命力的物品。用治疗/再生药水,或者类似的食物/人造物试试? | | Serve raw meat to the Primordial Cradle. | 给本源温床喂食一些血肉
给原初温床喂食一些血肉。 | | Serve cooked meat to the Primordial Cradle. | 给本源温床喂食一些熟肉
给原初温床喂食一些熟肉。 | | Betrayal of Life | 背叛生命 | | Kill a innocent Flesh Blob to progress further. Twist their essence to your will.. | 杀死一只天真无邪的肉块,这样才能推进流程。按照你的想法随意扭曲它们的精华…… | | Craft a Injector to be able to forcefully inject Serums into all living things. | 制作一个活体注射器——把你精心调制的原液注射进你或者其他生物的肉体里
制作一个活体注射器——把你精心调制的原液注射进你或者其他生物的肉体里。 | | Combine various organic secretions and substances to create Compounds and Serums. | 将各种原料混合,调制你需要的原液
将各种原料混合,调制你需要的原液。 | | Combine organic things with exotic compounds to create cures and cleansing fluids. | 将各种原料混合,制作治愈性原液和净化原液
将各种原料混合,制作治愈性原液和净化原液。 | | Combine organic things with genetic compounds to create fluids that influence growth and fertility. | 将各种原料混合,支配生物的繁衍生息
将各种原料混合,支配生物的繁衍生息。 | | [WIP] %1$s was forcefully implanted with teeth by %2$s
[WIP] | [WIP] %1$s被%2$s执行了非法植牙手术
[WIP] | | ctrl | Ctrl
ctrl | | alt | Alt
alt | | shift | Shift
shift |

Key 英文 中文
item.biomancy.mob_sinew.tooltip Tissue made of Elastic Fibers. 由弹性纤维构成的生物组织
item.biomancy.mob_fang.tooltip Cutting tooth made of tissue rich in minerals. 由富含无机盐的骨组织构成的锋利牙齿
item.biomancy.mob_claw.tooltip Hardened Claw made of tough fibers and rich in minerals. 由富含无机盐的强韧纤维构成的硬爪
item.biomancy.mob_gland.tooltip A sac filled to the brim with bile. 饱含着苦涩胆汁的囊状器官
item.biomancy.flesh_bits.tooltip A tiny bit of flesh... Used as a primary crafting ingredient. 一小块肉……也是一种基础合成材料
item.biomancy.bone_fragments.tooltip A tiny fragment of bone. Provides rigidity and shape to flesh. Useful for assembling mechanical parts. 骨头的一小部分,它曾为肉身提供坚硬的支架,用于组装力学结构
item.biomancy.mineral_fragment.tooltip Component only obtained in Decomposer.
Used to toughen and harden fibers. 只能通过分解器获得
item.biomancy.gem_fragments.tooltip Bedazzle your fleshy creations!
Used to enhance hardened fibers to their maximum resilience, but they're very expensive. 装点你的血肉造物!
item.biomancy.bio_lumens.tooltip A basic component only obtained via the Decomposer, usually alongside biotic matter.

Used as a cosmetic upgrade to make things glow. | 一种基础成分,通常在分解器里和生物质一起产出


能够让物品闪闪发光。 | | item.biomancy.organic_matter.tooltip |Moist organic material, extracted from plants. With its dark and fibrous texture, it almost seems like humus. | 从柔软的植物嫩叶里提取出来的物质,其棕褐色的外观使其看起来和腐殖质无二
从柔软的植物嫩叶里提取出来的物质,其棕褐色的外观使其看起来和腐殖质无二。 | | item.biomancy.exotic_dust.tooltip |Exotic substance, perhaps the very essence of magic itself. An uncommon byproduct obtained by decomposing magical things. | 奇怪的物质,没准儿真的有些蹊跷 在分解器里分解一些不属于主世界的东西时可以获得
奇怪的物质,没准儿真的有些蹊跷 在分解器里分解一些不属于主世界的东西时可以获得。 | | item.biomancy.stone_powder.tooltip |A very basic crafting component, usually obtained as a byproduct from decomposing things. | 极其基础的物质成分,通常以副产品的身份游走于各种合成配方里
极其基础的物质成分,通常以副产品的身份游走于各种合成配方里。 | | item.biomancy.nutrients.tooltip |Very hard pellets rich in energy that almost look like vitamin pills. | 硬的和石头似的的富含营养的小块,和维生素片差不多
硬的和石头似的的富含营养的小块,和维生素片差不多。 | | item.biomancy.nutrient_paste.tooltip |Nutrients combined with Biotic Matter to moisten the hard pellets, producing a paste. It almost looks like yellowish cake, and is a convenient source of energy. | 营养素和生物质糅合而成的膏状物 看起来有些像是块卖相不是很好的蛋糕,是各种活体机械的优质能量来源
营养素和生物质糅合而成的膏状物 看起来有些像是块卖相不是很好的蛋糕,是各种活体机械的优质能量来源。 | | item.biomancy.nutrient_bar.tooltip |Nutrient Paste compressed into the shape of a bar. Looks edible, if a bit bland. | 把营养膏压缩成一整块食物棒后的样子。能吃,但没什么味道
把营养膏压缩成一整块食物棒后的样子。能吃,但没什么味道。 | | item.biomancy.bloomberry.tooltip |An exotic delicacy which has a bioluminescent sheen and grants random potion effects when eaten. | 怪异而美味的果实,带有荧荧微光,食用时给予随机药水效果
怪异而美味的果实,带有荧荧微光,食用时给予随机药水效果。 | | item.biomancy.regenerative_fluid.tooltip |A fluid with regenerative properties, used to concoct healing additives. | 有着极强再生能力的液体,可以用于调制各种原液
有着极强再生能力的液体,可以用于调制各种原液。 | | item.biomancy.withering_ooze.tooltip |A corrosive extract. It likely has uses in bio-alchemy. | 一种腐蚀性的提取物。看起来可以用于活体酿造。
一种腐蚀性的提取物,看起来可以用于活体酿造。 | | item.biomancy.hormone_secretion.tooltip |A fluid extract very rich in various hormones. A potent material for making drugs. | 富含各种让人亢奋的激素的提取物,我想它并不应该被滥用
富含各种让人亢奋的激素的提取物,我想它并不应该被滥用。 | | item.biomancy.toxin_extract.tooltip |A fluid so toxic you probably shouldn't touch it. Good for making a plethora of dubious substances. | 一种从各种方面来说都有剧毒的物质,极其适合制作各种可疑物质
一种从各种方面来说都有剧毒的物质,极其适合制作各种可疑物质。 | | item.biomancy.bile.tooltip |Organic base material which is often used in bio-alchemy. | 活体酿造时经常会用到的东西
活体酿造时经常会用到的东西。 | | item.biomancy.despoil_sickle.tooltip |A very brittle yet highly specialized tool for pillaging special loot from dying mobs.

When held in either hand, the tool guarantees Despoil loot drops. When doing so, it receives extra durability damage. | 十分脆弱的武器,却极擅长从濒死生物中掠夺出特殊的战利品


手持时,此工具必定能使“抽筋剥骨”战利品掉落,同时额外消耗耐久度。 | | item.biomancy.vial.tooltip |A small organic container with very high alchemical resistance, perfect for holding reactive substances. The vial dissolves on use. | 一种小型有机容器,有着极强的炼金抗性。作为容纳各种活性原液的容器实在是太合适不过了 会在使用时溶化
一种小型有机容器,有着极强的炼金抗性。作为容纳各种活性原液的容器实在是太合适不过了 会在使用时溶化。 | | item.biomancy.living_flesh.tooltip |It's alive! Unfortunately, it looks too dumb to be the brain of a mob. You should turn it into a construct instead. | 毫无疑问它是活着的! 但是对于真正意义上的生物来说,它实在是太愚昧了……也许作为一台机器的运转核心倒是不错的选择
毫无疑问它是活着的! 但是对于真正意义上的生物来说,它实在是太愚昧了……也许作为一台机器的运转核心倒是不错的选择。 | | item.biomancy.primordial_core.tooltip |A ominous artifact made of flesh. Looking at it makes you feel uneasy... | 带有不祥气息的物件,全由血肉构成;看着就让人有些不安……
带有不祥气息的物件,全由血肉构成。看着就让人有些不安…… | | item.biomancy.creator_mix.tooltip |A meal made for the cradle... not for you. | 为本源温床准备的一顿大餐……我没说这是你可以吃的
为原初温床准备的一顿大餐……我没说这是你可以吃的。 | | item.biomancy.injector.tooltip |A simple device which utilizes a razor sharp needle to quickly and forcefully inject Serums into Mobs and Players.

Can be enchanted with:

  • Piercing: Increases the chance to pierce through armor
  • Anesthetic Touch: Nullifies the damage from the needle | 一种简单的生物器械,使用尖锐而中空的骨刺将调制的原液迅猛地注入进生物或者玩家体内


  • 穿透:增加穿透盔甲的概率
  • 麻醉:取消针头造成的伤害


  • 穿透:增加穿透盔甲的概率
  • 麻醉:取消针头造成的伤害 | | item.biomancy.gift_sac.tooltip |Looks like some objects are wrapped in an organic layer of skin. Might be filled with items or toxin if your language is set to German.

Right Click the Sac to retrieve the Items. | 薄薄的皮肤中好像包裹了些东西。要么是里面真装满了物品或者毒液,要么就是你的语言设置成了天书。


手持肉囊右击以取出物品。 | | item.biomancy.acid_bucket |Acid Bucket
Gastric Acid Bucket | 酸液桶
胃酸桶 | | item.biomancy.ravenous_claws.tooltip |Extremely hungry and vicious Claws forged by starving living flesh and grafting claws onto it.

Repair the famished claws by feeding them with food via the player inventory, as you would fill a bundle.

Killing Mobs with these claws grants blood charges, which allow you to use the Awakened mode. | 极度饥饿而邪恶的利爪,由鲜活血肉锻造而成,移植有许多尖锐的利爪




击杀生物可获得血能,以此切换为觉醒模式。 | | item.biomancy.caustic_gunblade |Caustic Gunblade | 腐蚀枪刃 | | item.biomancy.caustic_gunblade.tooltip |A caustic gunblade that can alternate between melee and ranged mode and utilizes acidic ammo to damage its targets. The acidic ammunition regenerates by itself after 5s of no usage. | 一把极具腐蚀性的枪刃,可以在近战与远程模式间切换,使用酸性弹药腐蚀目标 酸性弹药在5s未使用后会自动重新装填。 | | item.biomancy.dev_arm_cannon |[Dev Tool] Arm Cannon | [开发者工具!] 手炮
[开发者工具] 手炮 | | item.biomancy.dev_arm_cannon.tooltip |Creative/Developer Tool for testing projectiles. | 创造模式专属,用于测试弹射物的工具
创造模式专属,用于测试弹射物的工具。 | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_helmet |Acolyte Helmet | 侍僧头盔 | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_chestplate |Acolyte Chestplate | 侍僧胸甲 | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_leggings |Acolyte Leggings | 侍僧护腿 | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_boots |Acolyte Boots | 侍僧靴子 | | item.biomancy.thorn_shield |The Thorn | 棘刺盾 | | item.biomancy.thorn_shield.tooltip |Cute but prickly shield. | 可爱但扎人的盾牌 | | item.biomancy.extractor |Essence Extractor | 精华提取器 | | item.biomancy.extractor.tooltip |Primed Suck, slurps essence from its victims. | 伺机而动,从活体材料身上啜食精华。 | | item.biomancy.essence |[PH] Essence
Essence | [PH] 精华
精华 | | item.biomancy.essence.tooltip |Extracted life essence from a Mob. Contains sequences of genetic information. | 从生物身上吸取生命精华。其包含遗传信息序列。 | | item.biomancy.essence.mob |%1$s Essence | %1$s精华 | | item.biomancy.essence.unique_mob |Unique %1$s Essence | 唯一的%1$s精华 | | item.biomancy.organic_compound.tooltip |Slimy substance made of bile infused with nutrients. | 由胆汁和营养膏调制而成的黏稠原液
由胆汁和营养素调制而成的黏稠原液。 | | item.biomancy.unstable_compound.tooltip |Very unstable and reactive substance. Seems like it will combust if it comes in contact with just about anything else. | 化学结构极其不稳定,只需要轻轻摇晃就会爆发出难以想象的力量
化学结构极其不稳定,只需要轻轻摇晃就会爆发出难以想象的力量。 | | item.biomancy.exotic_compound.tooltip |Substance of a questionable nature, comprised of exotic material and other trace elements. | 十分不对劲的物质,由各种奇异材料和痕量元素混合而来
十分不对劲的物质,由各种奇异材料和痕量元素混合而来。 | | item.biomancy.genetic_compound.tooltip |Cocktail of various hormones, nutrients and organic elements. It seems useful for producing potent stimulants. | 一种混合了各种生物激素的复合原液,可以产生极强的兴奋作用
一种混合了各种生物激素、营养素、有机元素的复合原液,可以产生极强的兴奋作用。 | | item.biomancy.corrosive_additive.tooltip |A highly corrosive fluid that seems useful for alchemically burning away organic material, or weakening the bonds of complex substances. | 一种高强度的腐蚀性液体,可以用于在调制原液时祛除有机物或者削弱某种复杂物质的结构
一种高强度的腐蚀性液体,可以用于在调制原液时祛除有机材料或者削弱某种复杂物质的化学键。 | | item.biomancy.healing_additive.tooltip |An highly concentrated substance that is used to imbue its properties to other compounds. | 一种高度浓缩的化合物,可以结合其他物质的特性
一种高度浓缩的化合物,可以结合其他物质的特性。 | | serum.biomancy.rejuvenation_serum |Rejuvenation Serum | 还童血清
活力血清 | | item.biomancy.rejuvenation_serum |Rejuvenation Serum | 还童血清
活力血清 | | serum.biomancy.rejuvenation_serum.tooltip |Reverses the maturation of Mobs, in most cases turning them into children. | 奇迹般的使生物返老还童,多数情况下是这样
奇迹般的使生物返老还童,多数情况下是这样。 | | serum.biomancy.enlargement_serum.tooltip |Induces growth in Slimes, Magma Cubes and Flesh Blobs.

(If Pehkui is installed you can enlarge yourself and all Mobs) | 使得史莱姆,岩浆怪,肉块之类的生物生长


(如果你安装了Pehkui,那么你和其他生物也可以变大) | | serum.biomancy.shrinking_serum.tooltip |Shrinks Slimes, Magma Cubes and Flesh Blobs.

(If Pehkui is installed you can shrink yourself and all Mobs) | 使得史莱姆,岩浆怪,肉块之类的生物缩小


(如果你安装了Pehkui,那么你和其他生物也可以变小) | | serum.biomancy.cleansing_serum.tooltip |Burns away all foreign substances inside a creature. Very effective on sticky status effects that refuse to be healed with milk. | 祛除生物体内一切外来要素 对于那些牛奶无法解除的效果非常有效
祛除生物体内一切外来要素 对于那些牛奶无法解除的效果非常有效。 | | serum.biomancy.breeding_stimulant.tooltip |Makes Animals hyper-fertile, making them able to repeatedly reproduce for a short time. | 使动物极度亢奋,让其能在短时间内繁殖多次
使动物极度亢奋,让其能在短时间内繁殖多次。 | | serum.biomancy.absorption_boost.tooltip |Grants stackable absorption health points to Mobs and Players. | 为生物和玩家提供类似于伤害吸收的可堆叠额外生命值
为生物和玩家提供类似于伤害吸收的可堆叠额外生命值。 | | serum.biomancy.insomnia_cure.tooltip |Resets the last slept time, no need to sleep for quite some time. Coffee who? | 重置失眠时长,和那些该死的幻翼说再见吧!
重置未睡眠时长,相当长一段时间内不用再睡觉了。 有了它谁还喝咖啡。 | | item.biomancy.hungry_flesh_blob_spawn_egg |Hungry Flesh Blob Spawn Egg | 饥饿的肉块刷怪蛋
饥饿肉块刷怪蛋 | | item.biomancy.primordial_hungry_flesh_blob_spawn_egg |Primordial Hungry Flesh Blob Spawn Egg | 饥饿的原初肉块刷怪蛋
饥饿原初肉块刷怪蛋 | | block.biomancy.primordial_cradle |Primordial Cradle | 本源温床
原初温床 | | block.biomancy.primordial_cradle.tooltip |Offer adequate Tributes to the cradle and summon forth primordial messengers of exquisite flesh. | 向本源温床献上足够的祭品,便可召唤原初使者——精致的血肉。
向原初温床献上足够的祭品,便可召唤原初使者——精致的血肉 | | block.biomancy.decomposer.tooltip |A bio-machine that deconstructs items into their base components. The Decomposer consumes nutrients to function. | 一台将有机物分解成各种基础材料的生物机械 分解器需要充足的营养才能工作
一台将有机物分解成各种基础材料的生物机械 分解器需要充足的营养素才能工作。 | | block.biomancy.digester.tooltip |A machine born from flesh that converts food and plants into extremely bio-available nutrients. | 一台消化各种食物和植物的生物机械,用于生产营养膏
一台消化各种食物和植物的生物机械,用于生产营养素。 | | block.biomancy.tongue.tooltip |Extracts up to 3 items of the same type every 24 ticks from containers it's attached to, and drops them on the ground. | 每24tick从附着的容器里提取三个同类型物品并把它们扔在地上
每24tick从附着的容器里提取三个同类型物品并把它们扔在地上。 | | block.biomancy.maw_hopper.tooltip |A fleshy sister of the hopper. Transfers up to 16 items at a time. | 漏斗的血亲——至少是物理意义上的,可以一次传输16个物品
漏斗的血亲——至少是物理意义上的,可以一次传输16个物品。 | | block.biomancy.storage_sac.tooltip |Cheap Shulker-like storage sac that also acts like a bundle. | 丐版潜影盒……也可以拿来当做收纳袋用
更便宜的潜影盒……也可以拿来当做收纳袋用。 | | block.biomancy.chrysalis |Chrysalis | 蛹 | | block.biomancy.chrysalis.tooltip |Stores babies/children, small mobs and flesh blobs | 可储存幼崽/儿童、小型生物、肉块 | | block.biomancy.fleshkin_pressure_plate.tooltip |Fleshkin pancake. Yummy... It has two behaviors, either it only activates for its owner or it only works for everyone else.

Sneak click to change its behavior. | 肉煎饼?说的我都馋了…… 这个压力板有两种模式,要么只能由它的主人触发,要么除了它的主人谁都能触发

肉煎饼?说的我都馋了…… 这个压力板有两种模式,要么只能由它的主人触发,要么除了它的主人谁都能触发。

潜行右击以切换模式。 | | block.biomancy.flesh_wall.tooltip |A generic wall of flesh. | 烂泥也许扶不上墙,但烂肉可以
烂泥也许扶不上墙,但烂肉可以。 | | block.biomancy.packed_flesh_wall.tooltip |Tenacious wall of flesh. | 一面结实的肉墙
一面结实的肉墙。 | | block.biomancy.flesh_pillar.tooltip |A Pillar made of bones and flesh. | 骨头和血肉拼凑成的柱子
骨头和血肉拼凑成的柱子。 | | block.biomancy.fibrous_flesh.tooltip |A unusual block flesh made from the innards of someone. | 用某个家伙的内脏做成的奇怪肉块
用某个家伙的内脏做成的奇怪肉块。 | | block.biomancy.ornate_flesh |Ornamental Flesh Block | 华丽血肉块
装饰用血肉块 | | block.biomancy.ornate_flesh.tooltip |A set of regal teeth and flesh. | 一堆华丽的牙齿和血肉
一套华丽的牙齿和血肉。 | | block.biomancy.ornate_flesh_slab |Ornamental Flesh Slab | 装饰用血肉台阶 | | block.biomancy.ornate_flesh_slab.tooltip |An incomplete set of regal teeth and flesh. | 半套华丽的牙齿和血肉。 | | block.biomancy.tubular_flesh.tooltip |Fake flesh pipes for everyone. | 伪造的血肉管道,童叟无欺
伪造的血肉管道,童叟无欺。 | | block.biomancy.flesh_fence |Flesh Fence | 血肉栏杆
血肉栅栏 | | block.biomancy.flesh_iris_door.tooltip |Trapdoor-like iris door made of flesh... | 和活板门差不多,但是是肉做的
和活板门差不多,但是是肉做的。 | | block.biomancy.flesh_door.tooltip |A sliding door made of flesh... | 一扇肉制的门
一扇肉制的门。 | | block.biomancy.full_flesh_door.tooltip |A wide sliding door made of flesh... | 一扇宽的血肉门
一扇宽的血肉门。 | | block.biomancy.flesh_spike.tooltip |A deadly trap fashioned from the amalgamation of reinforced bone and sinew. Approach with caution, for any contact will inflict considerable harm.

Multiple spikes can be meticulously placed within a single location, intensifying their lethality. | 由坚固的骨头和血肉做成的危险尖刺,触碰到它就会受伤。同一位置可以放置多个尖刺

同一位置可以放置多个尖刺,以增强其致命性。 | | block.biomancy.flesh_ladder.tooltip |Ladder mainly made of bones and a little bit of flesh... | 骨骼和少量血肉拼接而成的梯子
骨骼和少量血肉拼接而成的梯子…… | | block.biomancy.bio_lantern_yellow.tooltip |A bioluminescent light source that is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. | 生物光源,节能环保
生物光源,节能环保。 | | block.biomancy.bio_lantern_blue.tooltip |A bioluminescent light source. This one is blue! | 生物光源,节能环保,还是蓝色的!
生物光源,节能环保。还是蓝色的! | | block.biomancy.bloomlight.tooltip |A malignant light source. This one is magenta as well! | 恶性的光源,也是品红色的!
恶性的光源,是邪恶的品红色! | | block.biomancy.tendon_chain.tooltip |A chain made of tendons. | 肌腱拧成的锁链
肌腱拧成的锁链。 | | block.biomancy.vial_holder.tooltip |Display and organize your serums. | 放置以整理试管
放置以整理试管。 | | block.biomancy.impermeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜
以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜。 | | block.biomancy.impermeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜
以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜。 | | block.biomancy.baby_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Baby mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


幼年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.baby_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Baby mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


幼年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.adult_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Adult mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


成年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.adult_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Adult mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


成年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.primal_permeable_membrane |Primal Membrane | 原初渗膜
原生渗膜 | | block.biomancy.primal_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are alive can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有非亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.primal_permeable_membrane_pane |Primal Membrane Pane | 原初渗膜板
原生渗膜板 | | block.biomancy.primal_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are alive can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有非亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.undead_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinized phantom membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are undead can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.undead_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinized phantom membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are undead can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | | block.biomancy.biometric_membrane |Biometric Membrane | 生物识别膜 | | block.biomancy.biometric_membrane.tooltip |Membrane which is configured via Mob Essence | 可用生物精华配置的生物膜 | | block.biomancy.biometric_membrane.inverted |Inverted Biometric Membrane | 反向生物识别膜 | | block.biomancy.biometric_membrane.inverted.unique |Inverted Unique Biometric Membrane | 反向唯一生物识别膜 | | block.biomancy.biometric_membrane.unique |Unique Biometric Membrane | 唯一生物识别膜 | | block.biomancy.modular_larynx |Modular Larynx | 模块化咽喉 | | block.biomancy.modular_larynx.tooltip |Similar to a Jukebox but made of an adaptive larynx. Capable of reproducing the sounds of a mob via the insertion of essence and redstone power.

Right-Click with Mob Essence in hand to insert it. Or Shift Right-Click with empty hand to extract Mob Essence.

You can also use automation like Hoppers to insert and extract the Mob Essence. | 类似于自动点唱机,但由自适应咽喉制作而成。植入精华并通入红石信号即可重现生物声音。

手持生物精华右击以植入。 空手潜行右击以取出。

你也可以使用漏斗自动化这两种行为。 | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh |Primal Flesh Block | 原初血肉块
原生血肉块 | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh.tooltip |Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它
原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_slab |Primal Flesh Slab | 原初血肉台阶
原生血肉台阶 | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_slab.tooltip |Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它
原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_stairs |Primal Flesh Stairs | 原初血肉楼梯
原生血肉楼梯 | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_stairs.tooltip |Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原初之血肉制成的楼梯……踩上去有些微妙
由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_wall |Primal Flesh Wall | 原初血肉墙
原生血肉墙 | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_wall.tooltip |Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 由原初之血肉制成的墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 赶紧逃跑吧 >:D
一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh |Smooth Primal Flesh Block | 平滑原生血肉块 | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh.tooltip |Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_slab |Smooth Primal Flesh Slab | 平滑原生血肉台阶 | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_slab.tooltip |Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_stairs |Smooth Primal Flesh Stairs | 平滑原生血肉楼梯 | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_stairs.tooltip |Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_wall |Smooth Primal Flesh Wall | 平滑原生血肉墙 | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_wall.tooltip |Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh |Porous Primal Flesh Block | 多孔原生血肉块 | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh.tooltip |Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_slab |Porous Primal Flesh Slab | 多孔原生血肉台阶 | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_slab.tooltip |Primitive and pure, you better not touch this with your dirty mitts. | 原始而纯洁,你最好别用你那脏爪子碰它。 | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_stairs |Porous Primal Flesh Stairs | 多孔原生血肉楼梯 | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_stairs.tooltip |Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_wall |Porous Primal Flesh Wall | 多孔原生血肉墙 | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_wall.tooltip |Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | | block.biomancy.primal_bloom |Primal Bloom | 原初肉蕾
原生肉蕾 | | block.biomancy.primal_bloom.tooltip |An exotic flower of primordial beauty.

It will spread itself by launching it's ripe berry into the air. On impact the berry explodes and spreads malignant veins as well. | 奇异的花朵,具有原初之美

会将成熟的莓果向空中发射,以此传播繁衍 莓果着陆时会爆炸,并产生恶性脉络

会将成熟的莓果向空中发射,以此传播繁衍。 莓果着陆时会爆炸,并产生恶性脉络。 | | block.biomancy.primal_orifice |Primal Orifice | 原初孔腔
原生孔腔 | | block.biomancy.primal_orifice.tooltip |A primitive piece full of holes. It seems to leak an acidic substance.
A primitive piece full of holes that seems to generate and leak acidic juices. It can be milked with buckets and bottles. | 满是孔洞的原初肉块;像是在分泌一种酸性的物质
满是孔洞的原生肉块,像是在分泌一种酸性的汁液。 可以用瓶子或桶接取。 | | block.biomancy.acid_fluid_block |Acid
Gastric Acid | 酸液
胃酸 | | entity.biomancy.hungry_flesh_blob |Hungry Flesh Blob | 饥饿的肉块
饥饿肉块 | | entity.biomancy.primordial_hungry_flesh_blob |Primordial Hungry Flesh Blob | 饥饿的原初肉块
饥饿原初肉块 | | enchantment.biomancy.despoil |Despoil | 凌迟
抽筋剥骨 | | enchantment.biomancy.surgical_precision |Surgical Precision | 外科精度 | | enchantment.biomancy.surgical_precision.desc |Improves the quality and success of surgeries or extraction of essences from mobs. | 提高外科手术和提取精华的质量和成功率。 | | enchantment.biomancy.parasitic_metabolism |Parasitic Metabolism | 代谢寄生 | | enchantment.biomancy.parasitic_metabolism.desc |When any held or equipped living item is damaged, consumes every 1.5 seconds nutrition from a healthy players food bar to restore nutrients. | 任何持有或装备的活体物品损坏时,每1.5秒消耗健康玩家的饥饿条补充自身营养。 | | enchantment.biomancy.self_feeding |Self-Feeding | 主动觅食 | | enchantment.biomancy.self_feeding.desc |When any held or equipped living item is damaged, consumes every 1.5 seconds nutrients from the players hotbar. | 任何持有或装备的活体物品损坏时,每1.5秒消耗玩家快捷栏中的营养素补充自身营养。 | | item.minecraft.potion.effect.biomancy.gastric_juice |Gastric Juice | 胃液 | | item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.biomancy.gastric_juice |Gastric Splash-Juice | 喷溅型胃液 | | item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.biomancy.gastric_juice |Gastric Linger-Juice | 滞留型胃液 | | item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.biomancy.gastric_juice |Arrow of Gastric Juice | 胃液之箭 | | effect.biomancy.essence_anemia |[PH] Essence Anemia
Essence Anemia | [PH] 精华贫血
精华流失 | | effect.biomancy.drowsy |Drowsy | 微醺
昏昏欲睡 | | effect.biomancy.despoil |Despoil | 凌迟
抽筋剥骨 | | serum.biomancy.empty |ERROR: INVALID SERUM | 无效血清!
错误:无效血清! | | death.attack.biomancy.chest_bite |%1$s tried opening a chest, but was eaten instead | %1$s误触了血肉箱,被吞了
%1$s想打开一个箱子,但被吞了进去 | | death.attack.biomancy.spike_fall_on.player |%1$s was thrown into a spike pit by %2$s | %1$s被%2$s扔进了刺坑 | | death.attack.biomancy.spike_fall_on.item |%1$s was skewered by a sharp spike by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s因为%2$s使用了%3$s注定要被锋利尖刺贯穿 | | death.attack.biomancy.spike_impale.player |%1$s was impaled onto a sharp spike by %2$s | %1$s因为%2$s而被尖刺扎穿 | | death.attack.biomancy.spike_impale.item |%1$s was impaled onto a sharp spike by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s因为%2$s使用了%3$s而被尖刺扎穿 | | death.attack.biomancy.corrosive_acid.player |%1$s was doused with corrosive acid by %2$s | %1$s因为%2$s而被腐蚀性酸浇了 | | death.attack.biomancy.corrosive_acid.item |%1$s was showered in corrosive acid by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s因为%2$s使用了%3$s而被迫在腐蚀性酸中洗澡 | | death.attack.biomancy.bleed.player |%1$s was drained of blood by %2$s | %1$s被%2$s抽光了血液 | | death.attack.biomancy.bleed.item |%1$s was blood let by %2$s using %3$s | %1$s被%2$s用%3$s放了血 | | death.attack.biomancy.tooth_projectile.player |[WIP] %1$s was forcefully implanted with teeth by %2$s | [WIP] %1$s被%2$s执行了非法植牙手术 | | tooltip.biomancy.primal_energy |Primal Energy | 原初能量
原生能量 | | tooltip.biomancy.contains_unique_dna |[PH] Contains Unique Genetic Sequences
Contains Unique Genetic Sequences | [PH] 含有独特的遗传序列
含有唯一的遗传序列 | | ability.biomancy.bleed_proc |Eviscerating Slash | 内脏削除 | | ability.biomancy.bleed_proc.desc |When triggered, adds one Bleed Stack (max 2) | 触发时,对目标施加出血效果(最高II) | | ability.biomancy.blood_explosion |Blood Explosion | 血爆 | | ability.biomancy.blood_explosion.desc |On Bleed Stack, deals 10% of max health as damage | 攻击出血敌人时,额外造成最大生命10%的伤害 | | ability.biomancy.acid_coat |Acid Coat | 酸浸 | | ability.biomancy.acid_coat.desc |On Right-Click coats the blade in Acid for 10 seconds. Full-Strength Attacks inflict one stack of Armor Shred for 4s and one stack of Corrosion for 2s. Critical Hits inflict two stacks of Armor Shred for 4s. | 右击时使刀刃被酸液覆盖,持续10s。 造成完整伤害后施加4s碎甲I、2s腐蚀I。 暴击时碎甲效果提高II。 | | ability.biomancy.thorny_hide |Thorny Hide | 荆棘表皮 | | ability.biomancy.thorny_hide.desc |On successful block, deals thorns damage to the attacker | 成功防御时,对攻击者造成荆棘伤害 | | ability.biomancy.fleshkin_affinity |Fleshkin Affinity | 血肉亲和 | | ability.biomancy.fleshkin_affinity.desc |-5% Primordial Cradle Hostility | -5%原初温床敌意 | | ability.biomancy.bio_alchemical_epidermis |Bio-Alchemical Epidermis | 生物炼金上皮 | | ability.biomancy.bio_alchemical_epidermis.desc |+15% Resistance to external application of harmful Status-Effects -25% Injection Resistance -25% Injection Damage | +15%外部施加负面效果抗性 -25%注射抗性 -25%注射伤害 | | tooltip.biomancy.fire_rate |Fire Rate | 射速 | | tooltip.biomancy.accuracy |Accuracy | 精准度 | | tooltip.biomancy.ammo |Ammo | 弹药 | | tooltip.biomancy.reload_time |Reload Time | 装弹时间 | | tooltip.biomancy.projectile_damage |Projectile Damage | 弹药伤害 | | msg.biomancy.not_enough_ammo |Not enough Ammo | 弹药不足 | | msg.biomancy.mob_too_old |The Mob is too old | 这个生物太老了 | | msg.biomancy.already_full |Already Full | 已经满了 | | msg.biomancy.failed_to_store_mob |Failed to store the mob | 储存生物失败 | | msg.biomancy.failed_to_spawn_mob |Failed to spawn the stored mob | 释放存储的生物失败 | | msg.biomancy.item_interaction_not_allowed |Item interaction is not allowed | 物品交互不允许 | | |Click Fleshy Button | 血肉按钮:点击
血肉按钮:咔哒 | | |Fleshkin eats | 血肉子裔:进食 | | sounds.biomancy.block.cradle.spawn_mob |Primordial Cradle Spawns a Mob | 本源温床:孕育
原初温床:孕育 | | sounds.biomancy.block.cradle.spawn_primordial_mob |Primordial Cradle Spawns a Primal Mob | 原初温床:孕育原生之物 | | sounds.biomancy.block.cradle.became_full |Primordial Cradle became full | 本源温床:饱和
原初温床:饱和 | | |Primordial Cradle Eating | 本源温床:进食
原初温床:进食 | | |Primordial Cradle disagrees | 本源温床:拒绝
原初温床:拒绝 | | sounds.biomancy.block.cradle.crafting_random |Primordial Cradle is summoning | 本源温床:召唤
原初温床:召唤 | | sounds.biomancy.cradle.spike_attack |Primordial Cradle attacks | 本源温床:攻击
原初温床:攻击 | | sounds.biomancy.block.decomposer.crafting_random |Decomposer burps | 分解器:一个不礼貌的嗝
分解器:打嗝 | | sounds.biomancy.block.bio_lab.crafting_random |Bio-Lab is slurping | 活体酿造台:一个不雅观的嗝
活体酿造台:啜食 | | sounds.biomancy.block.digester.crafting_random |Digester is burping | 消化器:一个粗鄙的嗝
消化器:打嗝 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.white |White Mascot Base | 白色吉祥物底座
白色吉祥物底色 | | |Orange Mascot Base | 橙色吉祥物底座
橙色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.magenta |Magenta Mascot Base | 品红色吉祥物底座
品红色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.light_blue |Light Blue Mascot Base | 淡蓝色吉祥物底座
淡蓝色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.yellow |Yellow Mascot Base | 黄色吉祥物底座
黄色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.lime |Lime Mascot Base | 黄绿色吉祥物底座
黄绿色吉祥物底色 | | |Pink Mascot Base | 粉红色吉祥物底座
粉红色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.gray |Gray Mascot Base | 灰色吉祥物底座
灰色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.light_gray |Light Gray Mascot Base | 淡灰色吉祥物底座
淡灰色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.cyan |Cyan Mascot Base | 青色吉祥物底座
青色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.purple |Purple Mascot Base | 紫色吉祥物底座
紫色吉祥物底色 | | |Blue Mascot Base | 蓝色吉祥物底座
蓝色吉祥物底色 | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.brown |Brown Mascot Base | 棕色吉祥物底座
棕色吉祥物底色 | | |Green Mascot Base | 绿色吉祥物底座
绿色吉祥物底色 | | |Red Mascot Base | 红色吉祥物底座
红色吉祥物底色 | | |Black Mascot Base | 黑色吉祥物底座
黑色吉祥物底色 | | advancements.biomancy.root.title |Meat Whisperer
Whispers in the Meat | 赤红的低语
肉中的低语 | | advancements.biomancy.root.description |You feel a presence in the flesh, it whispers into your ears: "Raw Meat is useful..."
You feel a presence in the flesh, faint whispers reach your ears:

"Raw Meat is useful..." | 在你目光所不能及之处,眼角余光扫过的地方;一个赤红的身影在你耳畔倾吐着话语:“生肉非常有用……”

生肉非常有用… | | advancements.biomancy.raw_meat_collection.title |Collector of Raw Meats | 生肉收集者 | | advancements.biomancy.raw_meat_collection.description |Collect each type of prime meat. Pork, beef, chicken and mutton reflect their source. Primeval whispers of absurdity. You need to catch them all! | 收集所有种类的初等肉块:猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、羊肉。荒诞的原始低语仍在继续。你要继续屠宰! | | advancements.biomancy.craft_primal_core.title |Primal Crafting | 原生合成 | | advancements.biomancy.craft_primal_core.description |The presence seems lost, fading into the dark...

Craft the Primordial Core from raw meats and ender pearls to bridge the gap. | 那个存在正在消失,隐入无边的黑暗……

用生肉和末影珍珠合成原初核心,以期与祂重温。 | | advancements.biomancy.primal_vision.title |Primal Vision | 原生视觉 | | advancements.biomancy.primal_vision.description |You feel bare before the oculus. The mirror leers at you... infinite reflections of yourself... eternal cycles... meaningless existence? | 在这只眼睛面前,你感觉赤身裸体。镜中的自我无限重叠交错……如同永恒的轮回……过往的存在只是虚无? | | advancements.biomancy.greedy_butcher.description |You've acquired a taste for organs. Craft the plundering Sickle to get them fresh from your victims death.
You've acquired a taste for organic trinkets. Craft the plundering Sickle to get them fresh from your victims death. | 出于某种原因,你迷上了器官。于是你制作了一把独特的工具去肢解那些活体材料
出于某种原因,你迷上了器官。于是你制作了一把独特的工具去肢解那些活体材料。 | | advancements.biomancy.organ_trader.description |Become the funnel for fleshy parts and trade various organs with villagers. | 明面上开一间肉铺,私下里与村民们达成着各种肮脏但有利可图的勾当
明面上开一间肉铺,私下里与村民们达成着各种肮脏但有利可图的勾当。 | | advancements.biomancy.predator_killer.description |Hunt predators and collect their fangs and claws. | 猎杀一只动物,并取得它的獠牙和利爪
猎杀一只动物,并取得它的獠牙和利爪。 | | advancements.biomancy.cat_killer.description |Kill a innocent cat. | 杀死一只无辜的猫
杀死一只无辜的猫。 | | advancements.biomancy.cradle.description |The Primordial Core is whispering of a bowl filled with life... build the flesh construct and feed it with organic materials. | 原初核心在低语着满溢生命力的碗装容器……造出那种血肉造物,然后给它喂食有机材料
原初核心在低语着满溢生命力的碗装容器……造出那种血肉造物,然后给它喂食有机材料。 | | advancements.biomancy.healing_activator_sacrifice.description |It's seems like fluids enriched in life energy are needed. Jumpstart the process with a few healing potions.
It's seems like items rich in life energy are needed. Jumpstart the process with a few healing/regen potions, other special foods or artifacts. | 看起来我们还需要一些富含生命力的液体……治疗药水怎么样?
看起来我们还需要一些富含生命力的物品。用治疗/再生药水,或者类似的食物/人造物试试? | | advancements.biomancy.raw_meat_sacrifice.description |Serve raw meat to the Primordial Cradle. | 给本源温床喂食一些血肉
给原初温床喂食一些血肉。 | | advancements.biomancy.cooked_meat_sacrifice.description |Serve cooked meat to the Primordial Cradle. | 给本源温床喂食一些熟肉
给原初温床喂食一些熟肉。 | | advancements.biomancy.living_flesh.title |Betrayal of Life | 背叛生命 | | advancements.biomancy.living_flesh.description |Kill a innocent Flesh Blob to progress further. Twist their essence to your will.. | 杀死一只天真无邪的肉块,这样才能推进流程。按照你的想法随意扭曲它们的精华…… | | advancements.biomancy.bio_injector.description |Craft a Injector to be able to forcefully inject Serums into all living things. | 制作一个活体注射器——把你精心调制的原液注射进你或者其他生物的肉体里
制作一个活体注射器——把你精心调制的原液注射进你或者其他生物的肉体里。 | | advancements.biomancy.organic_compounds.description |Combine various organic secretions and substances to create Compounds and Serums. | 将各种原料混合,调制你需要的原液
将各种原料混合,调制你需要的原液。 | | advancements.biomancy.exotic_compounds.description |Combine organic things with exotic compounds to create cures and cleansing fluids. | 将各种原料混合,制作治愈性原液和净化原液
将各种原料混合,制作治愈性原液和净化原液。 | | advancements.biomancy.genetic_compounds.description |Combine organic things with genetic compounds to create fluids that influence growth and fertility. | 将各种原料混合,支配生物的繁衍生息
将各种原料混合,支配生物的繁衍生息。 | | death.attack.biomancy.tooth_projectile |[WIP] %1$s was forcefully implanted with teeth by %2$s
[WIP] | [WIP] %1$s被%2$s执行了非法植牙手术
[WIP] | | keyboard.biomancy.ctrl |ctrl | Ctrl
ctrl | | keyboard.biomancy.alt |alt | Alt
alt | | keyboard.biomancy.shift |shift | Shift
shift |

Key 英文 中文 检查结果
item.biomancy.mob_gland.tooltip A sac filled to the brim with bile. 饱含着苦涩胆汁的囊状器官
⚠ 术语异常 filled => 填充
item.biomancy.flesh_bits.tooltip A tiny bit of flesh... Used as a primary crafting ingredient. 一小块肉……也是一种基础合成材料
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 crafting => 合成
item.biomancy.gem_fragments.tooltip Bedazzle your fleshy creations!
Used to enhance hardened fibers to their maximum resilience, but they're very expensive. 装点你的血肉造物!
用于增加硬化纤维的最大弹性,十分贵重。 ✔ 术语 maximum => 最大
item.biomancy.exotic_dust.tooltip Exotic substance, perhaps the very essence of magic itself.
An uncommon byproduct obtained by decomposing magical things. 奇怪的物质,没准儿真的有些蹊跷
在分解器里分解一些不属于主世界的东西时可以获得。 ⚠ 术语异常 uncommon => 少见
item.biomancy.stone_powder.tooltip A very basic crafting component, usually obtained as a byproduct from decomposing things. 极其基础的物质成分,通常以副产品的身份游走于各种合成配方里
✔ 术语 crafting => 合成
item.biomancy.nutrients.tooltip Very hard pellets rich in energy that almost look like vitamin pills. 硬的和石头似的的富含营养的小块,和维生素片差不多
⚠ 术语异常 hard => 困难
item.biomancy.nutrient_paste.tooltip Nutrients combined with Biotic Matter to moisten the hard pellets, producing a paste.
It almost looks like yellowish cake, and is a convenient source of energy. 营养素和生物质糅合而成的膏状物
看起来有些像是块卖相不是很好的蛋糕,是各种活体机械的优质能量来源。 ⚠ 术语异常 hard => 困难
item.biomancy.bloomberry.tooltip An exotic delicacy which has a bioluminescent sheen and grants random potion effects when eaten. 怪异而美味的果实,带有荧荧微光,食用时给予随机药水效果
✔ 术语 potion => 药水
item.biomancy.regenerative_fluid.tooltip A fluid with regenerative properties, used to concoct healing additives. 有着极强再生能力的液体,可以用于调制各种原液
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
item.biomancy.hormone_secretion.tooltip A fluid extract very rich in various hormones. A potent material for making drugs. 富含各种让人亢奋的激素的提取物,我想它并不应该被滥用
⚠ 术语异常 material => 材料
item.biomancy.bile.tooltip Organic base material which is often used in bio-alchemy. 活体酿造时经常会用到的东西
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
⚠ 术语异常 material => 材料
item.biomancy.despoil_sickle.tooltip A very brittle yet highly specialized tool for pillaging special loot from dying mobs.

When held in either hand, the tool guarantees Despoil loot drops. When doing so, it receives extra durability damage. | 十分脆弱的武器,却极擅长从濒死生物中掠夺出特殊的战利品


手持时,此工具必定能使“抽筋剥骨”战利品掉落,同时额外消耗耐久度。 | ✔ 术语 loot => 战利品 | | | item.biomancy.vial.tooltip |A small organic container with very high alchemical resistance, perfect for holding reactive substances. The vial dissolves on use. | 一种小型有机容器,有着极强的炼金抗性。作为容纳各种活性原液的容器实在是太合适不过了 会在使用时溶化
一种小型有机容器,有着极强的炼金抗性。作为容纳各种活性原液的容器实在是太合适不过了 会在使用时溶化。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | item.biomancy.living_flesh.tooltip |It's alive! Unfortunately, it looks too dumb to be the brain of a mob. You should turn it into a construct instead. | 毫无疑问它是活着的! 但是对于真正意义上的生物来说,它实在是太愚昧了……也许作为一台机器的运转核心倒是不错的选择
毫无疑问它是活着的! 但是对于真正意义上的生物来说,它实在是太愚昧了……也许作为一台机器的运转核心倒是不错的选择。 | ⚠ 术语异常 brain => 脑纹 | | | item.biomancy.primordial_core.tooltip |A ominous artifact made of flesh. Looking at it makes you feel uneasy... | 带有不祥气息的物件,全由血肉构成;看着就让人有些不安……
带有不祥气息的物件,全由血肉构成。看着就让人有些不安…… | ⚠ 术语异常 ominous => 不详 | | | item.biomancy.injector.tooltip |A simple device which utilizes a razor sharp needle to quickly and forcefully inject Serums into Mobs and Players.

Can be enchanted with:

  • Piercing: Increases the chance to pierce through armor
  • Anesthetic Touch: Nullifies the damage from the needle | 一种简单的生物器械,使用尖锐而中空的骨刺将调制的原液迅猛地注入进生物或者玩家体内


  • 穿透:增加穿透盔甲的概率
  • 麻醉:取消针头造成的伤害


  • 穿透:增加穿透盔甲的概率
  • 麻醉:取消针头造成的伤害 | ✔ 术语 - => -
    ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物
    ⚠ 术语异常 device => 设备
    ⚠ 术语异常 enchanted => 附魔 | | | item.biomancy.gift_sac.tooltip |Looks like some objects are wrapped in an organic layer of skin. Might be filled with items or toxin if your language is set to German.

Right Click the Sac to retrieve the Items. | 薄薄的皮肤中好像包裹了些东西。要么是里面真装满了物品或者毒液,要么就是你的语言设置成了天书。


手持肉囊右击以取出物品。 | ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
⚠ 术语异常 filled => 填充 | | | item.biomancy.acid_bucket |Acid Bucket
Gastric Acid Bucket | 酸液桶
胃酸桶 | ✔ 术语 bucket => 桶 | | | item.biomancy.ravenous_claws.tooltip |Extremely hungry and vicious Claws forged by starving living flesh and grafting claws onto it.

Repair the famished claws by feeding them with food via the player inventory, as you would fill a bundle.

Killing Mobs with these claws grants blood charges, which allow you to use the Awakened mode. | 极度饥饿而邪恶的利爪,由鲜活血肉锻造而成,移植有许多尖锐的利爪




击杀生物可获得血能,以此切换为觉醒模式。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物
⚠ 术语异常 player => 玩家 | | | item.biomancy.caustic_gunblade.tooltip |A caustic gunblade that can alternate between melee and ranged mode and utilizes acidic ammo to damage its targets. The acidic ammunition regenerates by itself after 5s of no usage. | 一把极具腐蚀性的枪刃,可以在近战与远程模式间切换,使用酸性弹药腐蚀目标 酸性弹药在5s未使用后会自动重新装填。 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_helmet |Acolyte Helmet | 侍僧头盔 | ✔ 术语 helmet => 头盔 | | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_chestplate |Acolyte Chestplate | 侍僧胸甲 | ✔ 术语 chestplate => 胸甲 | | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_leggings |Acolyte Leggings | 侍僧护腿 | ✔ 术语 leggings => 护腿 | | | item.biomancy.acolyte_armor_boots |Acolyte Boots | 侍僧靴子 | ✔ 术语 boots => 靴子 | | | item.biomancy.exotic_compound.tooltip |Substance of a questionable nature, comprised of exotic material and other trace elements. | 十分不对劲的物质,由各种奇异材料和痕量元素混合而来
十分不对劲的物质,由各种奇异材料和痕量元素混合而来。 | ✔ 术语 material => 材料 | | | item.biomancy.healing_additive.tooltip |An highly concentrated substance that is used to imbue its properties to other compounds. | 一种高度浓缩的化合物,可以结合其他物质的特性
一种高度浓缩的化合物,可以结合其他物质的特性。 | ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用 | | | serum.biomancy.enlargement_serum.tooltip |Induces growth in Slimes, Magma Cubes and Flesh Blobs.

(If Pehkui is installed you can enlarge yourself and all Mobs) | 使得史莱姆,岩浆怪,肉块之类的生物生长


(如果你安装了Pehkui,那么你和其他生物也可以变大) | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 magma cube => 岩浆怪
✔ 术语 magma => 岩浆 | | | serum.biomancy.shrinking_serum.tooltip |Shrinks Slimes, Magma Cubes and Flesh Blobs.

(If Pehkui is installed you can shrink yourself and all Mobs) | 使得史莱姆,岩浆怪,肉块之类的生物缩小


(如果你安装了Pehkui,那么你和其他生物也可以变小) | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 magma cube => 岩浆怪
✔ 术语 magma => 岩浆 | | | serum.biomancy.cleansing_serum.tooltip |Burns away all foreign substances inside a creature. Very effective on sticky status effects that refuse to be healed with milk. | 祛除生物体内一切外来要素 对于那些牛奶无法解除的效果非常有效
祛除生物体内一切外来要素 对于那些牛奶无法解除的效果非常有效。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 burns => 燃烧
⚠ 术语异常 status effect => 状态效果 | | | serum.biomancy.absorption_boost.tooltip |Grants stackable absorption health points to Mobs and Players. | 为生物和玩家提供类似于伤害吸收的可堆叠额外生命值
为生物和玩家提供类似于伤害吸收的可堆叠额外生命值。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物
✔ 术语 absorption => 伤害吸收
✔ 术语 health => 生命 | | | serum.biomancy.insomnia_cure.tooltip |Resets the last slept time, no need to sleep for quite some time. Coffee who? | 重置失眠时长,和那些该死的幻翼说再见吧!
重置未睡眠时长,相当长一段时间内不用再睡觉了。 有了它谁还喝咖啡。 | ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否 | | | item.biomancy.hungry_flesh_blob_spawn_egg |Hungry Flesh Blob Spawn Egg | 饥饿的肉块刷怪蛋
饥饿肉块刷怪蛋 | ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成 | | | item.biomancy.primordial_hungry_flesh_blob_spawn_egg |Primordial Hungry Flesh Blob Spawn Egg | 饥饿的原初肉块刷怪蛋
饥饿原初肉块刷怪蛋 | ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成 | | | block.biomancy.decomposer.tooltip |A bio-machine that deconstructs items into their base components. The Decomposer consumes nutrients to function. | 一台将有机物分解成各种基础材料的生物机械 分解器需要充足的营养才能工作
一台将有机物分解成各种基础材料的生物机械 分解器需要充足的营养素才能工作。 | ⚠ 术语异常 items => 物品 | | | block.biomancy.tongue.tooltip |Extracts up to 3 items of the same type every 24 ticks from containers it's attached to, and drops them on the ground. | 每24tick从附着的容器里提取三个同类型物品并把它们扔在地上
每24tick从附着的容器里提取三个同类型物品并把它们扔在地上。 | ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开 | | | block.biomancy.maw_hopper.tooltip |A fleshy sister of the hopper. Transfers up to 16 items at a time. | 漏斗的血亲——至少是物理意义上的,可以一次传输16个物品
漏斗的血亲——至少是物理意义上的,可以一次传输16个物品。 | ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上 | | | block.biomancy.chrysalis.tooltip |Stores babies/children, small mobs and flesh blobs | 可储存幼崽/儿童、小型生物、肉块 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | block.biomancy.fleshkin_pressure_plate.tooltip |Fleshkin pancake. Yummy... It has two behaviors, either it only activates for its owner or it only works for everyone else.

Sneak click to change its behavior. | 肉煎饼?说的我都馋了…… 这个压力板有两种模式,要么只能由它的主人触发,要么除了它的主人谁都能触发

肉煎饼?说的我都馋了…… 这个压力板有两种模式,要么只能由它的主人触发,要么除了它的主人谁都能触发。

潜行右击以切换模式。 | ⚠ 术语异常 activates => 激活
⚠ 术语异常 activates => 发动
⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断 | | | block.biomancy.flesh_wall.tooltip |A generic wall of flesh. | 烂泥也许扶不上墙,但烂肉可以
烂泥也许扶不上墙,但烂肉可以。 | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙 | | | block.biomancy.packed_flesh_wall.tooltip |Tenacious wall of flesh. | 一面结实的肉墙
一面结实的肉墙。 | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙 | | | block.biomancy.ornate_flesh_slab |Ornamental Flesh Slab | 装饰用血肉台阶 | ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶 | | | block.biomancy.flesh_fence |Flesh Fence | 血肉栏杆
血肉栅栏 | ✔ 术语 fence => 栅栏 | | | block.biomancy.flesh_iris_door.tooltip |Trapdoor-like iris door made of flesh... | 和活板门差不多,但是是肉做的
和活板门差不多,但是是肉做的。 | ✔ 术语 door => 门 | | | block.biomancy.flesh_door.tooltip |A sliding door made of flesh... | 一扇肉制的门
一扇肉制的门。 | ✔ 术语 door => 门 | | | block.biomancy.full_flesh_door.tooltip |A wide sliding door made of flesh... | 一扇宽的血肉门
一扇宽的血肉门。 | ✔ 术语 door => 门 | | | block.biomancy.flesh_spike.tooltip |A deadly trap fashioned from the amalgamation of reinforced bone and sinew. Approach with caution, for any contact will inflict considerable harm.

Multiple spikes can be meticulously placed within a single location, intensifying their lethality. | 由坚固的骨头和血肉做成的危险尖刺,触碰到它就会受伤。同一位置可以放置多个尖刺

同一位置可以放置多个尖刺,以增强其致命性。 | ⚠ 术语异常 placed => 被放置
✔ 术语 bone => 骨头 | | | block.biomancy.flesh_ladder.tooltip |Ladder mainly made of bones and a little bit of flesh... | 骨骼和少量血肉拼接而成的梯子
骨骼和少量血肉拼接而成的梯子…… | ✔ 术语 ladder => 梯子 | | | block.biomancy.bio_lantern_yellow.tooltip |A bioluminescent light source that is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. | 生物光源,节能环保
生物光源,节能环保。 | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | block.biomancy.bio_lantern_blue.tooltip |A bioluminescent light source. This one is blue! | 生物光源,节能环保,还是蓝色的!
生物光源,节能环保。还是蓝色的! | ✔ 术语 light => 光 | | | block.biomancy.bloomlight.tooltip |A malignant light source. This one is magenta as well! | 恶性的光源,也是品红色的!
恶性的光源,是邪恶的品红色! | ✔ 术语 light => 光
✔ 术语 magenta => 品红色 | | | block.biomancy.tendon_chain.tooltip |A chain made of tendons. | 肌腱拧成的锁链
肌腱拧成的锁链。 | ✔ 术语 chain => 锁链 | | | block.biomancy.baby_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Baby mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


幼年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | block.biomancy.baby_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Baby mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


幼年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | block.biomancy.adult_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Adult mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


成年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | block.biomancy.adult_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Adult mobs can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


成年生物可以穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | block.biomancy.primal_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are alive can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有非亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | block.biomancy.primal_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinous-like membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are alive can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有非亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物 | | | block.biomancy.undead_permeable_membrane.tooltip |Gelatinized phantom membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are undead can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物
⚠ 术语异常 phantom membrane => 幻翼膜
⚠ 术语异常 phantom => 幻翼 | | | block.biomancy.undead_permeable_membrane_pane.tooltip |Gelatinized phantom membrane reinforced with elastic fibers.

Only mobs that are undead can diffuse through the membrane. | 以弹性纤维加固的胶状生物膜


只有亡灵生物才可穿过此渗膜。 | ✔ 术语 mobs => 生物
⚠ 术语异常 phantom membrane => 幻翼膜
⚠ 术语异常 phantom => 幻翼 | | | block.biomancy.biometric_membrane.inverted |Inverted Biometric Membrane | 反向生物识别膜 | ✔ 术语 inverted => 反向 | | | block.biomancy.biometric_membrane.inverted.unique |Inverted Unique Biometric Membrane | 反向唯一生物识别膜 | ✔ 术语 inverted => 反向 | | | block.biomancy.modular_larynx.tooltip |Similar to a Jukebox but made of an adaptive larynx. Capable of reproducing the sounds of a mob via the insertion of essence and redstone power.

Right-Click with Mob Essence in hand to insert it. Or Shift Right-Click with empty hand to extract Mob Essence.

You can also use automation like Hoppers to insert and extract the Mob Essence. | 类似于自动点唱机,但由自适应咽喉制作而成。植入精华并通入红石信号即可重现生物声音。

手持生物精华右击以植入。 空手潜行右击以取出。

你也可以使用漏斗自动化这两种行为。 | ✔ 术语 redstone => 红石
⚠ 术语异常 insert => insert
⚠ 术语异常 jukebox => 唱片机
⚠ 术语异常 redstone => 红石粉 | | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_slab |Primal Flesh Slab | 原初血肉台阶
原生血肉台阶 | ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶 | | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_stairs |Primal Flesh Stairs | 原初血肉楼梯
原生血肉楼梯 | ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯 | | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_stairs.tooltip |Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原初之血肉制成的楼梯……踩上去有些微妙
由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯 | | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_wall |Primal Flesh Wall | 原初血肉墙
原生血肉墙 | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙 | | | block.biomancy.primal_flesh_wall.tooltip |Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 由原初之血肉制成的墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 赶紧逃跑吧 >:D
一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙 | | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh |Smooth Primal Flesh Block | 平滑原生血肉块 | ✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑 | | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_slab |Smooth Primal Flesh Slab | 平滑原生血肉台阶 | ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑 | | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_stairs |Smooth Primal Flesh Stairs | 平滑原生血肉楼梯 | ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑 | | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_stairs.tooltip |Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯 | | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_wall |Smooth Primal Flesh Wall | 平滑原生血肉墙 | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑 | | | block.biomancy.smooth_primal_flesh_wall.tooltip |Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙 | | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_slab |Porous Primal Flesh Slab | 多孔原生血肉台阶 | ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶 | | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_stairs |Porous Primal Flesh Stairs | 多孔原生血肉楼梯 | ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯 | | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_stairs.tooltip |Stairs made of primal flesh. Feels primitive and pure... | 由原生之血肉制成的楼梯…… 踩上去有些微妙…… | ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯 | | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_wall |Porous Primal Flesh Wall | 多孔原生血肉墙 | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙 | | | block.biomancy.porous_primal_flesh_wall.tooltip |Wall of primal flesh. Is this Terraria? You better start running >:D | 一面原生血肉墙,这是在玩《泰拉瑞亚》吗? 还不快跑 >:D | ✔ 术语 wall => 墙 | | | block.biomancy.primal_bloom.tooltip |An exotic flower of primordial beauty.

It will spread itself by launching it's ripe berry into the air. On impact the berry explodes and spreads malignant veins as well. | 奇异的花朵,具有原初之美

会将成熟的莓果向空中发射,以此传播繁衍 莓果着陆时会爆炸,并产生恶性脉络

会将成熟的莓果向空中发射,以此传播繁衍。 莓果着陆时会爆炸,并产生恶性脉络。 | ✔ 术语 explodes => 爆炸
✔ 术语 flower => 花 | | | enchantment.biomancy.parasitic_metabolism.desc |When any held or equipped living item is damaged, consumes every 1.5 seconds nutrition from a healthy players food bar to restore nutrients. | 任何持有或装备的活体物品损坏时,每1.5秒消耗健康玩家的饥饿条补充自身营养。 | ✔ 术语 players => 玩家
✔ 术语 item => 物品 | | | enchantment.biomancy.self_feeding.desc |When any held or equipped living item is damaged, consumes every 1.5 seconds nutrients from the players hotbar. | 任何持有或装备的活体物品损坏时,每1.5秒消耗玩家快捷栏中的营养素补充自身营养。 | ✔ 术语 players => 玩家
✔ 术语 item => 物品 | | | item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.biomancy.gastric_juice |Arrow of Gastric Juice | 胃液之箭 | ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 arrow of => 之箭 | | | death.attack.biomancy.spike_fall_on.player |%1$s was thrown into a spike pit by %2$s | %1$s被%2$s扔进了刺坑 | ⚠ 术语异常 thrown => 甩出
⚠ 术语异常 thrown => 扔出 | | | ability.biomancy.blood_explosion.desc |On Bleed Stack, deals 10% of max health as damage | 攻击出血敌人时,额外造成最大生命10%的伤害 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 health => 生命 | | | ability.biomancy.acid_coat.desc |On Right-Click coats the blade in Acid for 10 seconds. Full-Strength Attacks inflict one stack of Armor Shred for 4s and one stack of Corrosion for 2s. Critical Hits inflict two stacks of Armor Shred for 4s. | 右击时使刀刃被酸液覆盖,持续10s。 造成完整伤害后施加4s碎甲I、2s腐蚀I。 暴击时碎甲效果提高II。 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 attacks => 攻击
⚠ 术语异常 hits => 击中 | | | ability.biomancy.thorny_hide.desc |On successful block, deals thorns damage to the attacker | 成功防御时,对攻击者造成荆棘伤害 | ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 thorns => 荆棘 | | | ability.biomancy.bio_alchemical_epidermis.desc |+15% Resistance to external application of harmful Status-Effects -25% Injection Resistance -25% Injection Damage | +15%外部施加负面效果抗性 -25%注射抗性 -25%注射伤害 | ⚠ 术语异常 resistance => 抗性提升
✔ 术语 resistance => 抗, 防 | | | tooltip.biomancy.fire_rate |Fire Rate | 射速 | ⚠ 术语异常 fire => 火 | | | tooltip.biomancy.projectile_damage |Projectile Damage | 弹药伤害 | ⚠ 术语异常 projectile => 弹射物 | | | msg.biomancy.mob_too_old |The Mob is too old | 这个生物太老了 | ⚠ 术语异常 old => 旧世界类型 | | | msg.biomancy.failed_to_store_mob |Failed to store the mob | 储存生物失败 | ✔ 术语 failed => 失败 | | | msg.biomancy.failed_to_spawn_mob |Failed to spawn the stored mob | 释放存储的生物失败 | ✔ 术语 failed => 失败
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成 | | | msg.biomancy.item_interaction_not_allowed |Item interaction is not allowed | 物品交互不允许 | ✔ 术语 item => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 interaction => 互动 | | | |Click Fleshy Button | 血肉按钮:点击
血肉按钮:咔哒 | ⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
✔ 术语 button => 按钮 | | | |Fleshkin eats | 血肉子裔:进食 | ✔ 术语 eats => 进食 | | | |Primordial Cradle disagrees | 本源温床:拒绝
原初温床:拒绝 | ⚠ 术语异常 disagrees => 反对
✔ 术语 disagrees => 拒绝 | | | sounds.biomancy.cradle.spike_attack |Primordial Cradle attacks | 本源温床:攻击
原初温床:攻击 | ✔ 术语 attacks => 攻击 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.white |White Mascot Base | 白色吉祥物底座
白色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 white => 白色 | | | |Orange Mascot Base | 橙色吉祥物底座
橙色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 orange => 橙色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.magenta |Magenta Mascot Base | 品红色吉祥物底座
品红色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 magenta => 品红色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.light_blue |Light Blue Mascot Base | 淡蓝色吉祥物底座
淡蓝色吉祥物底色 | ⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色
✔ 术语 light blue => 淡蓝色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.yellow |Yellow Mascot Base | 黄色吉祥物底座
黄色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 yellow => 黄色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.lime |Lime Mascot Base | 黄绿色吉祥物底座
黄绿色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 lime => 黄绿色 | | | |Pink Mascot Base | 粉红色吉祥物底座
粉红色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 pink => 粉红色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.gray |Gray Mascot Base | 灰色吉祥物底座
灰色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 gray => 灰色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.light_gray |Light Gray Mascot Base | 淡灰色吉祥物底座
淡灰色吉祥物底色 | ⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
✔ 术语 gray => 灰色
✔ 术语 light gray => 淡灰色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.cyan |Cyan Mascot Base | 青色吉祥物底座
青色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 cyan => 青色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.purple |Purple Mascot Base | 紫色吉祥物底座
紫色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 purple => 紫色 | | | |Blue Mascot Base | 蓝色吉祥物底座
蓝色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色 | | | block.minecraft.banner.biomancy.mascot_base.brown |Brown Mascot Base | 棕色吉祥物底座
棕色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 brown => 棕色 | | | |Green Mascot Base | 绿色吉祥物底座
绿色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 green => 绿色 | | | |Red Mascot Base | 红色吉祥物底座
红色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 red => 红色 | | | |Black Mascot Base | 黑色吉祥物底座
黑色吉祥物底色 | ✔ 术语 black => 黑色 | | | advancements.biomancy.raw_meat_collection.title |Collector of Raw Meats | 生肉收集者 | ✔ 术语 raw => 粗, 生 | | | advancements.biomancy.raw_meat_collection.description |Collect each type of prime meat. Pork, beef, chicken and mutton reflect their source. Primeval whispers of absurdity. You need to catch them all! | 收集所有种类的初等肉块:猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、羊肉。荒诞的原始低语仍在继续。你要继续屠宰! | ✔ 术语 chicken => 鸡 | | | advancements.biomancy.craft_primal_core.title |Primal Crafting | 原生合成 | ✔ 术语 crafting => 合成 | | | advancements.biomancy.craft_primal_core.description |The presence seems lost, fading into the dark...

Craft the Primordial Core from raw meats and ender pearls to bridge the gap. | 那个存在正在消失,隐入无边的黑暗……

用生肉和末影珍珠合成原初核心,以期与祂重温。 | ✔ 术语 ender pearl => 末影珍珠
✔ 术语 raw => 粗, 生 | | | advancements.biomancy.greedy_butcher.description |You've acquired a taste for organs. Craft the plundering Sickle to get them fresh from your victims death.
You've acquired a taste for organic trinkets. Craft the plundering Sickle to get them fresh from your victims death. | 出于某种原因,你迷上了器官。于是你制作了一把独特的工具去肢解那些活体材料
出于某种原因,你迷上了器官。于是你制作了一把独特的工具去肢解那些活体材料。 | ⚠ 术语异常 craft => 合成 | | | advancements.biomancy.cradle.description |The Primordial Core is whispering of a bowl filled with life... build the flesh construct and feed it with organic materials. | 原初核心在低语着满溢生命力的碗装容器……造出那种血肉造物,然后给它喂食有机材料
原初核心在低语着满溢生命力的碗装容器……造出那种血肉造物,然后给它喂食有机材料。 | ⚠ 术语异常 filled => 填充
✔ 术语 bowl => 碗
⚠ 术语异常 build => 开发版 | | | advancements.biomancy.healing_activator_sacrifice.description |It's seems like fluids enriched in life energy are needed. Jumpstart the process with a few healing potions.
It's seems like items rich in life energy are needed. Jumpstart the process with a few healing/regen potions, other special foods or artifacts. | 看起来我们还需要一些富含生命力的液体……治疗药水怎么样?
看起来我们还需要一些富含生命力的物品。用治疗/再生药水,或者类似的食物/人造物试试? | ✔ 术语 items => 物品 | | | advancements.biomancy.raw_meat_sacrifice.description |Serve raw meat to the Primordial Cradle. | 给本源温床喂食一些血肉
给原初温床喂食一些血肉。 | ⚠ 术语异常 raw => 粗, 生 | | | advancements.biomancy.cooked_meat_sacrifice.description |Serve cooked meat to the Primordial Cradle. | 给本源温床喂食一些熟肉
给原初温床喂食一些熟肉。 | ✔ 术语 cooked => 熟 | | | advancements.biomancy.bio_injector.description |Craft a Injector to be able to forcefully inject Serums into all living things. | 制作一个活体注射器——把你精心调制的原液注射进你或者其他生物的肉体里
制作一个活体注射器——把你精心调制的原液注射进你或者其他生物的肉体里。 | ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
⚠ 术语异常 craft => 合成 | |

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