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Created June 26, 2024 07:35
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PR: CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package#4415

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英文 中文
The air is thick with gas 空气中充斥着毒气。
The lava is too hot to carry. 熔岩太烫了,无法携带。
The lava melted through the bucket. 熔岩融化了桶。
You have joined the %1$s team. 你已加入 %1$s 团队;
Sneak and right click to make your team follow you. 潜行并右键点击你的队员,让你的团队跟随你。
%1$s has joined the %2$s team; %1$s 已加入 %2$s 团队;
%1$s days remain. 剩余 %1$s 天。
Dawn of the final day. 最后一天的黎明。
At midnight the apocalypse will begin. 午夜时分,末日即将降临。
The air smells of death. You can already feel the horrors this night will bring. 空气中弥漫着死亡的气息。你已经能感受到这个夜晚将带来的恐怖。
As the sun finally rises, you can feel the invasion over. 当太阳终于升起时,你感到入侵已经结束了。
The zombies have evolved, now they can break blocks. 僵尸已经进化,现在它们可以破坏方块。
The zombies have evolved, now they can place blocks. 僵尸已经进化,现在它们可以放置方块。
An enemy army appears at the horizon. 一支敌军出现在地平线上。
The sounds of gunfire start to fade. 枪声渐渐消失。
Word has been spread among the surviving civillians of a %1$s, who has constructed a heavilly fortified compound. 幸存的居民们中相传称有一名幸存者 %1$s,他建造了一个重兵护卫的堡垒。
Survivor 幸存者
Place a %1$s above your base structure's door and the civillians will start coming to you. 在你基地结构的门上放置 %1$s,居民就会开始前来。
Right click with a Crow Bar to open sealed crates 使用撬棍右击打开密封板条箱。
Bosses have been spawned, the event has now started Boss 已生成,Boss 事件现已开始。
Successfully spawned %1$s ambush. 成功生成 %1$s 袭击。
%1$s is an invalid parameter for /spawnAmbush %1$s 是 /spawnAmbush 的无效参数。
you must be on the RED or BLU team to spawn an %1$s ambush. 你必须在任意一支队伍里才能生成 %1$s 袭击。
LDoH Tweaks LDoH 调整
Demoman 爆破手
Engineer 工程师
Heavy 重型兵
Medic 医生
Pyro 火焰兵
Scout 侦察兵
Sniper 狙击手
Soldier 士兵
Spy 间谍
Clothing Scraps 布料
Diamond Nugget 钻石粒
Lead Nugget 铅粒
Empty Syringe 空注射器
Blood Filled Syringe 血液注射器
Enriched Antibody Serum 浓缩抗体血清
Contaminated Syringe 污染注射器
Spawn 生成
Gas Filter 防毒面具滤芯
Gas Mask 防毒面具
Nurse Hat 护士帽
Mechanic Hat 机械师帽
Hardhat 安全帽
Bonesaw 骨锯
Incendiary Ammo 燃烧弹
AP Ammo 穿甲弹
Fire Axe 灭火斧
Fireman Helmet 消防员头盔
Blank Sentry Turret Upgrade 空白哨兵炮塔升级
Sentry Turret Upgrade 哨兵炮塔升级
Candy Corn 玉米糖
Torn Note 破损的笔记
Experience Bucket 桶装经验
Barbed Wire 铁刺绳
Gold Barbed Wire 金刺绳
Diamond Encrusted Barbed Wire 钻石刺绳
Landmine 地雷
Sentry Turret 哨兵炮塔
Enemy Turret 敌方哨兵炮塔
Flickering Light 闪光灯
Horde Spawner 尸群生成器
Filing Cabinet 档案柜
Laboratory Block 实验室方块
Experience 经验
Morphine 吗啡
Necrotic Blood 坏死血液
Enriched Antibody Serum 富集抗体血清
Slows and deals damage to mobs. 减速并对怪物造成伤害。
Has Medium durability and low damage. 具有中等耐久度和低伤害。
Has Low durability and high damage. 耐久度低,但伤害高。
Has Very high durability and medium damage. 耐久度非常高,但伤害适中。
Durability: 耐久度:
Explodes when stepped off, dealing lots of damage. 被触发时爆炸,造成大量伤害。
Takes 2 minutes after placing to become primed. 放置后需要 2 分钟才能启动。
Automatically shoots monsters and enemy mercenaries/players. 自动射击怪物和敌方雇佣兵/玩家。
Uses basic or incendiary ammo ammo. 使用基础或燃烧弹药。
Repair with iron. 使用铁锭来修复。
Automatically shoots all monsters, mercenaries and players. 自动射击所有怪物、雇佣兵和玩家。
Has infinite ammo. 拥有无限弹药。
Cures your allies from infection. 治愈你的盟友。
Hold right click to extract blood. 右键按住提取血液。
Optional ammo for turrets. 炮塔的可选弹药。
Deals less damage than normal ammo to non parasite enemise but ignites on hit. 对寄生虫造成额外伤害。
Optional ammo for turrets. 炮塔的可选弹药。
Deals less damage than normal ammo but ignores armour. 造成略低的穿甲伤害。
Can store up to 64 stacks of a single item. 可以存储最多 64 组相同物品。
Can be drunk to gain experience. 饮用可获得经验。
Uses ammo: %1$s 使用弹药:%1$s
Hopping 漏斗升级
Non-upgrade items can be inserted/extracted from turrets with hoppers and pipes. 可以使用漏斗和管道向炮塔提供或移除弹药。(升级模块除外)
Ammo Optimization 智能弹药
Automatically switches to the most effective ammo type for the current target. 自动切换到对当前目标最有效的弹药类型。
Increased Barrel Spin 增加转速
Increases fire rate by 1 tick per upgrade. 每次升级增加 1 tick 的射击速度。
Extended Range 扩展射程
Increases turret range by 20 blocks per upgrade. 每次升级增加 20 格炮塔射程。
Redstone Control 红石控制
Turret will only be active if powered by redstone. 只有在受红石激活时炮塔才会处于工作状态。
Australium 澳元素
Improved Rifling 改进枪膛
Increases turret projectile speed by 5 blocks per tick. 每次升级增加 5 格/tick 的炮塔弹道速度。
Predictive Targeting 预测目标
Turret predicts where it's target is moving to and pre-emptively fires. 炮塔能够预测目标移动的位置并提前进行射击。
Puncturing 穿刺
Improves damage by 50% per upgrade. 每次升级伤害提高 50% 。
Zombie Crawler 爬行僵尸
Husk Crawler 爬行尸壳
TF2 NPC Zombie TF2 NPC 僵尸
Zombie Nurse 护士僵尸
Swat Zombie 特警僵尸
Zombie Mechanic 机械师僵尸
Zombie Technician 技术员僵尸
Zombie Fireman 消防员僵尸
Reaver 疾掠者
Library Reaver 图书馆疾掠者
Hospital Reaver 医院疾掠者
Assimilated Cloud Phoenix 被同化的翔云凤凰
Assimilated Desert Phoenix 被同化的沙漠凤凰
Assimilated Ender Phoenix 被同化的末影凤凰
Assimilated Fire Phoenix 被同化的赤焰凤凰
Assimilated Nether Phoenix 被同化的下界凤凰
Assimilated Snow Phoenix 被同化的白雪凤凰
Assimilated Twilight Phoenix 被同化的暮色凤凰
Assimilated Water Phoenix 被同化的润水凤凰
Sentry Turret 哨兵炮塔
Enemy Turret 敌方哨兵炮塔
%1$s choked on toxic gas %1$s在毒气中窒息
%1$s was blown away %1$s 被炸飞了
%1$s met a prickly end %1$s 遇“刺”了
Hunger 饥饿
Syringes 注射器
Upgrades: 升级:
Disabled 已禁用
Idle 空闲
Hostile 敌对
No Owner 无所有者
Owner: 所有者:
Target: 目标:
Range: 射程:
Speed: 射速:
Syringes 注射器
Enemy Team Approaches 敌方:靠近
Ally Team Approaches 友方:靠近
Landmine Beeps 地雷:哔哔
Right click to open sealed crates 右击打开密封板条箱
Craft with a matchbox to light 与火柴盒合成以点燃
%1$s/%2$s %3$s %1$s/%2$s %3$s
/startBossEvent /startBossEvent
/spawnAmbush /spawnAmbush
Juggernaut Juggernaut
Key 英文 中文
message.ldoh.Gas The air is thick with gas 空气中充斥着毒气。
message.ldoh.Lava.Pickup The lava is too hot to carry. 熔岩太烫了,无法携带。
message.ldoh.Lava.Break The lava melted through the bucket. 熔岩融化了桶。
message.ldoh.JoinTeam You have joined the %1$s team. 你已加入 %1$s 团队;
message.ldoh.PostJoinTeam Sneak and right click to make your team follow you. 潜行并右键点击你的队员,让你的团队跟随你。
message.ldoh.OtherJoinTeam %1$s has joined the %2$s team; %1$s 已加入 %2$s 团队;
message.ldoh.DayCount %1$s days remain. 剩余 %1$s 天。
message.ldoh.FinalDay Dawn of the final day. 最后一天的黎明。
message.ldoh.FinalDaySubtitle At midnight the apocalypse will begin. 午夜时分,末日即将降临。
message.ldoh.WorldsEnd The air smells of death. You can already feel the horrors this night will bring. 空气中弥漫着死亡的气息。你已经能感受到这个夜晚将带来的恐怖。
message.ldoh.EventEnd As the sun finally rises, you can feel the invasion over. 当太阳终于升起时,你感到入侵已经结束了。
message.ldoh.Evolution_0 The zombies have evolved, now they can break blocks. 僵尸已经进化,现在它们可以破坏方块。
message.ldoh.Evolution_1 The zombies have evolved, now they can place blocks. 僵尸已经进化,现在它们可以放置方块。
message.ldoh.TFHordeStart An enemy army appears at the horizon. 一支敌军出现在地平线上。
message.ldoh.TFHordeEnd The sounds of gunfire start to fade. 枪声渐渐消失。
message.ldoh.VillagerMessage0 Word has been spread among the surviving civillians of a %1$s, who has constructed a heavilly fortified compound. 幸存的居民们中相传称有一名幸存者 %1$s,他建造了一个重兵护卫的堡垒。
message.ldoh.VillagerMessage.Survivor Survivor 幸存者
message.ldoh.VillagerMessage1 Place a %1$s above your base structure's door and the civillians will start coming to you. 在你基地结构的门上放置 %1$s,居民就会开始前来。
message.ldoh.SealedCrate Right click with a Crow Bar to open sealed crates 使用撬棍右击打开密封板条箱。
commands.ldoh.StartBossEvent.success Bosses have been spawned, the event has now started Boss 已生成,Boss 事件现已开始。
commands.ldoh.SpawnAmbush.success Successfully spawned %1$s ambush. 成功生成 %1$s 袭击。
commands.ldoh.SpawnAmbush.invalidValue %1$s is an invalid parameter for /spawnAmbush %1$s 是 /spawnAmbush 的无效参数。
commands.ldoh.SpawnAmbush.teamFail you must be on the RED or BLU team to spawn an %1$s ambush. 你必须在任意一支队伍里才能生成 %1$s 袭击。
itemGroup.ldoh.ldohTab LDoH Tweaks LDoH 调整 Demoman 爆破手 Engineer 工程师 Heavy 重型兵 Medic 医生 Pyro 火焰兵 Scout 侦察兵 Sniper 狙击手 Soldier 士兵 Spy 间谍 Clothing Scraps 布料 Diamond Nugget 钻石粒 Lead Nugget 铅粒 Empty Syringe 空注射器 Blood Filled Syringe 血液注射器 Enriched Antibody Serum 浓缩抗体血清 Contaminated Syringe 污染注射器 Spawn 生成 Gas Filter 防毒面具滤芯 Gas Mask 防毒面具 Nurse Hat 护士帽 Mechanic Hat 机械师帽 Hardhat 安全帽 Bonesaw 骨锯 Incendiary Ammo 燃烧弹 AP Ammo 穿甲弹 Fire Axe 灭火斧 Fireman Helmet 消防员头盔 Blank Sentry Turret Upgrade 空白哨兵炮塔升级 Sentry Turret Upgrade 哨兵炮塔升级 Candy Corn 玉米糖 Torn Note 破损的笔记 Experience Bucket 桶装经验 Barbed Wire 铁刺绳 Gold Barbed Wire 金刺绳 Diamond Encrusted Barbed Wire 钻石刺绳 Landmine 地雷 Sentry Turret 哨兵炮塔 Enemy Turret 敌方哨兵炮塔 Flickering Light 闪光灯 Horde Spawner 尸群生成器 Filing Cabinet 档案柜 Laboratory Block 实验室方块
fluid.experience Experience 经验
fluid.morphine Morphine 吗啡
fluid.necrotic_blood Necrotic Blood 坏死血液
fluid.enriched_antibody_serum Enriched Antibody Serum 富集抗体血清
tooltip.ldoh.BarbedWire Slows and deals damage to mobs. 减速并对怪物造成伤害。
tooltip.ldoh.BarbedWire.Iron Has Medium durability and low damage. 具有中等耐久度和低伤害。
tooltip.ldoh.BarbedWire.Gold Has Low durability and high damage. 耐久度低,但伤害高。
tooltip.ldoh.BarbedWire.Diamond Has Very high durability and medium damage. 耐久度非常高,但伤害适中。
tooltip.ldoh.BarbedWire.durability Durability: 耐久度:
tooltip.ldoh.Landmine0 Explodes when stepped off, dealing lots of damage. 被触发时爆炸,造成大量伤害。
tooltip.ldoh.Landmine1 Takes 2 minutes after placing to become primed. 放置后需要 2 分钟才能启动。
tooltip.ldoh.Turret0 Automatically shoots monsters and enemy mercenaries/players. 自动射击怪物和敌方雇佣兵/玩家。
tooltip.ldoh.Turret1 Uses basic or incendiary ammo ammo. 使用基础或燃烧弹药。
tooltip.ldoh.Turret2 Repair with iron. 使用铁锭来修复。
tooltip.ldoh.EnemyTurret0 Automatically shoots all monsters, mercenaries and players. 自动射击所有怪物、雇佣兵和玩家。
tooltip.ldoh.EnemyTurret1 Has infinite ammo. 拥有无限弹药。
tooltip.ldoh.AntibodySerum Cures your allies from infection. 治愈你的盟友。
tooltip.ldoh.Syringe Hold right click to extract blood. 右键按住提取血液。
tooltip.ldoh.incendiary_ammo0 Optional ammo for turrets. 炮塔的可选弹药。
tooltip.ldoh.incendiary_ammo1 Deals less damage than normal ammo to non parasite enemise but ignites on hit. 对寄生虫造成额外伤害。
tooltip.ldoh.ap_ammo0 Optional ammo for turrets. 炮塔的可选弹药。
tooltip.ldoh.ap_ammo1 Deals less damage than normal ammo but ignores armour. 造成略低的穿甲伤害。
tooltip.ldoh.FilingCabinet Can store up to 64 stacks of a single item. 可以存储最多 64 组相同物品。
tooltip.ldoh.ExpBottle Can be drunk to gain experience. 饮用可获得经验。
tooltip.ldoh.Ammo Uses ammo: %1$s 使用弹药:%1$s Hopping 漏斗升级
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.hopping.description Non-upgrade items can be inserted/extracted from turrets with hoppers and pipes. 可以使用漏斗和管道向炮塔提供或移除弹药。(升级模块除外) Ammo Optimization 智能弹药
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.ammo_optimization.description Automatically switches to the most effective ammo type for the current target. 自动切换到对当前目标最有效的弹药类型。 Increased Barrel Spin 增加转速
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.barrel_spin.description Increases fire rate by 1 tick per upgrade. 每次升级增加 1 tick 的射击速度。 Extended Range 扩展射程
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.range.description Increases turret range by 20 blocks per upgrade. 每次升级增加 20 格炮塔射程。 Redstone Control 红石控制
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.redstone_control.description Turret will only be active if powered by redstone. 只有在受红石激活时炮塔才会处于工作状态。 Australium 澳元素 Improved Rifling 改进枪膛
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.rifling.description Increases turret projectile speed by 5 blocks per tick. 每次升级增加 5 格/tick 的炮塔弹道速度。 Predictive Targeting 预测目标
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.predictive_targeting.description Turret predicts where it's target is moving to and pre-emptively fires. 炮塔能够预测目标移动的位置并提前进行射击。 Puncturing 穿刺
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.puncturing.description Improves damage by 50% per upgrade. 每次升级伤害提高 50% 。 Zombie Crawler 爬行僵尸 Husk Crawler 爬行尸壳 TF2 NPC Zombie TF2 NPC 僵尸 Zombie Nurse 护士僵尸 Swat Zombie 特警僵尸 Zombie Mechanic 机械师僵尸 Zombie Technician 技术员僵尸 Zombie Fireman 消防员僵尸 Reaver 疾掠者 Library Reaver 图书馆疾掠者 Hospital Reaver 医院疾掠者 Assimilated Cloud Phoenix 被同化的翔云凤凰 Assimilated Desert Phoenix 被同化的沙漠凤凰 Assimilated Ender Phoenix 被同化的末影凤凰 Assimilated Fire Phoenix 被同化的赤焰凤凰 Assimilated Nether Phoenix 被同化的下界凤凰 Assimilated Snow Phoenix 被同化的白雪凤凰 Assimilated Twilight Phoenix 被同化的暮色凤凰 Assimilated Water Phoenix 被同化的润水凤凰 Sentry Turret 哨兵炮塔 Enemy Turret 敌方哨兵炮塔
death.attack.ToxicGas %1$s choked on toxic gas %1$s在毒气中窒息
death.attack.Shrapnel %1$s was blown away %1$s 被炸飞了
death.attack.BarbedWire %1$s met a prickly end %1$s 遇“刺”了
gui.text.Hunger Hunger 饥饿
gui.text.Curing Syringes 注射器
gui.turret.text.Upgrades Upgrades: 升级:
gui.turret.text.Disabled Disabled 已禁用
gui.turret.text.NoTarget Idle 空闲
gui.turret.text.Hostile Hostile 敌对
gui.turret.text.NoOwner No Owner 无所有者
gui.turret.text.Owner Owner: 所有者:
gui.turret.text.Target Target: 目标:
gui.turret.text.Range Range: 射程:
gui.turret.text.FireRate Speed: 射速:
jei.category.ldoh.Syringe Syringes 注射器 Enemy Team Approaches 敌方:靠近 Ally Team Approaches 友方:靠近
ldoh.subtitle.landmine.beep Landmine Beeps 地雷:哔哔
tooltip.ldoh.Crowbar Right click to open sealed crates 右击打开密封板条箱
tooltip.ldoh.UnlitTorch Craft with a matchbox to light 与火柴盒合成以点燃
message.ldoh.FilingCabinet %1$s/%2$s %3$s %1$s/%2$s %3$s
commands.ldoh.StartBossEvent.usage /startBossEvent /startBossEvent
commands.ldoh.SpawnAmbush.usage /spawnAmbush /spawnAmbush Juggernaut Juggernaut
Key 英文 中文 检查结果
message.ldoh.Gas The air is thick with gas 空气中充斥着毒气。 ✔ 术语 air => 空气
message.ldoh.Lava.Pickup The lava is too hot to carry. 熔岩太烫了,无法携带。 ✔ 术语 lava => 熔岩
message.ldoh.Lava.Break The lava melted through the bucket. 熔岩融化了桶。 ✔ 术语 lava => 熔岩
message.ldoh.PostJoinTeam Sneak and right click to make your team follow you. 潜行并右键点击你的队员,让你的团队跟随你。 ✔ 术语 sneak => 潜行
⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
message.ldoh.WorldsEnd The air smells of death. You can already feel the horrors this night will bring. 空气中弥漫着死亡的气息。你已经能感受到这个夜晚将带来的恐怖。 ✔ 术语 air => 空气
message.ldoh.Evolution_0 The zombies have evolved, now they can break blocks. 僵尸已经进化,现在它们可以破坏方块。 ⚠ 术语异常 break => 挖掘
⚠ 术语异常 break => 损坏
message.ldoh.TFHordeStart An enemy army appears at the horizon. 一支敌军出现在地平线上。 ⚠ 术语异常 appears => 现身
message.ldoh.VillagerMessage1 Place a %1$s above your base structure's door and the civillians will start coming to you. 在你基地结构的门上放置 %1$s,居民就会开始前来。 ✔ 术语 door => 门
message.ldoh.SealedCrate Right click with a Crow Bar to open sealed crates 使用撬棍右击打开密封板条箱。 ⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
commands.ldoh.SpawnAmbush.teamFail you must be on the RED or BLU team to spawn an %1$s ambush. 你必须在任意一支队伍里才能生成 %1$s 袭击。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 spawn => 生成
⚠ 术语异常 red => 红色 Diamond Nugget 钻石粒 ✔ 术语 diamond => 钻石
✔ 术语 nugget => 粒 Lead Nugget 铅粒 ⚠ 术语异常 lead => 拴绳
✔ 术语 nugget => 粒 Blood Filled Syringe 血液注射器 ⚠ 术语异常 filled => 填充 Spawn 生成 ✔ 术语 spawn => 生成 Gas Mask 防毒面具 ⚠ 术语异常 mask => mask Nurse Hat 护士帽 ⚠ 术语异常 hat => 帽子 Mechanic Hat 机械师帽 ⚠ 术语异常 hat => 帽子 Fire Axe 灭火斧 ✔ 术语 fire => 火
✔ 术语 axe => 斧 Fireman Helmet 消防员头盔 ✔ 术语 helmet => 头盔 Experience Bucket 桶装经验 ✔ 术语 bucket => 桶 Gold Barbed Wire 金刺绳 ✔ 术语 gold => 金 Diamond Encrusted Barbed Wire 钻石刺绳 ✔ 术语 diamond => 钻石 Flickering Light 闪光灯 ✔ 术语 light => 光 Horde Spawner 尸群生成器 ⚠ 术语异常 spawner => 刷怪笼
tooltip.ldoh.Landmine0 Explodes when stepped off, dealing lots of damage. 被触发时爆炸,造成大量伤害。 ✔ 术语 explodes => 爆炸
tooltip.ldoh.Turret0 Automatically shoots monsters and enemy mercenaries/players. 自动射击怪物和敌方雇佣兵/玩家。 ✔ 术语 shoots => 射击
⚠ 术语异常 shoots => 射出
tooltip.ldoh.EnemyTurret0 Automatically shoots all monsters, mercenaries and players. 自动射击所有怪物、雇佣兵和玩家。 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 shoots => 射击
⚠ 术语异常 shoots => 射出
tooltip.ldoh.Syringe Hold right click to extract blood. 右键按住提取血液。 ✔ 术语 hold => 按住
⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
tooltip.ldoh.incendiary_ammo1 Deals less damage than normal ammo to non parasite enemise but ignites on hit. 对寄生虫造成额外伤害。 ⚠ 术语异常 normal => 普通
⚠ 术语异常 normal => 中
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
tooltip.ldoh.ap_ammo1 Deals less damage than normal ammo but ignores armour. 造成略低的穿甲伤害。 ⚠ 术语异常 normal => 普通
⚠ 术语异常 normal => 中
tooltip.ldoh.FilingCabinet Can store up to 64 stacks of a single item. 可以存储最多 64 组相同物品。 ⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.hopping.description Non-upgrade items can be inserted/extracted from turrets with hoppers and pipes. 可以使用漏斗和管道向炮塔提供或移除弹药。(升级模块除外) ⚠ 术语异常 items => 物品
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.ammo_optimization.description Automatically switches to the most effective ammo type for the current target. 自动切换到对当前目标最有效的弹药类型。 ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率 Increased Barrel Spin 增加转速 ⚠ 术语异常 barrel => 木桶
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.barrel_spin.description Increases fire rate by 1 tick per upgrade. 每次升级增加 1 tick 的射击速度。 ⚠ 术语异常 fire => 火
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.range.description Increases turret range by 20 blocks per upgrade. 每次升级增加 20 格炮塔射程。 ⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡 Redstone Control 红石控制 ✔ 术语 redstone => 红石
⚠ 术语异常 redstone => 红石粉
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.rifling.description Increases turret projectile speed by 5 blocks per tick. 每次升级增加 5 格/tick 的炮塔弹道速度。 ⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 speed => 速度
⚠ 术语异常 projectile => 弹射物
tooltip.ldoh.TurretUpgrade.predictive_targeting.description Turret predicts where it's target is moving to and pre-emptively fires. 炮塔能够预测目标移动的位置并提前进行射击。 ⚠ 术语异常 target => 标靶 Zombie Crawler 爬行僵尸 ✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸 Husk Crawler 爬行尸壳 ✔ 术语 husk => 尸壳 TF2 NPC Zombie TF2 NPC 僵尸 ✔ 术语 npc => npc
✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸 Zombie Nurse 护士僵尸 ✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸 Swat Zombie 特警僵尸 ✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸 Zombie Mechanic 机械师僵尸 ✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸 Zombie Technician 技术员僵尸 ✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸 Zombie Fireman 消防员僵尸 ✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸 Assimilated Desert Phoenix 被同化的沙漠凤凰 ✔ 术语 desert => 沙漠 Assimilated Fire Phoenix 被同化的赤焰凤凰 ⚠ 术语异常 fire => 火 Assimilated Nether Phoenix 被同化的下界凤凰 ✔ 术语 nether => 下界 Assimilated Snow Phoenix 被同化的白雪凤凰 ✔ 术语 snow => 雪 Assimilated Water Phoenix 被同化的润水凤凰 ✔ 术语 water => 水
death.attack.ToxicGas %1$s choked on toxic gas %1$s在毒气中窒息 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
death.attack.BarbedWire %1$s met a prickly end %1$s 遇“刺”了 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
⚠ 术语异常 end => 末地, 末路之地
gui.text.Hunger Hunger 饥饿 ✔ 术语 hunger => 饥饿
gui.turret.text.NoOwner No Owner 无所有者 ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
tooltip.ldoh.Crowbar Right click to open sealed crates 右击打开密封板条箱 ⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
tooltip.ldoh.UnlitTorch Craft with a matchbox to light 与火柴盒合成以点燃 ⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
✔ 术语 craft => 合成
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