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Created April 20, 2024 10:16
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PR: CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package#4029

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英文 中文
Activate a Pink Salt Chamber 激活一个粉红岩盐召唤室
Knock Knock 门铃叮咚
Have all Crystal Lamps in your inventory 同时持有所有水晶灯
Balanced, As All Things Should Be 平和均衡,一如自然
Enter a Pink Salt Shrine 进入粉红岩盐神殿
Peaceful Revolution 和平革命
Deploy a Glow Flare 发射一个晶莹照明弹
Spread the Light! 传播光芒!
Create Glowstone Dust by Composting with a Lumiere Shard 用荧黄晶碎片堆肥获得荧石粉
Fragility of Light 脆弱的光
Construct a Silver Bomb 制造一个银炸弹
It's About Drive, It's About Power 说的就是动力,说的就是力量
Obtain a Silver Ingot 获得银锭
Multi-Disciplined 多用途
Don a full suit of Sterling Armor 获得全套镶银盔甲
Looking Good, Partner! 看起来不错!
Summon the Berserker 召唤狂暴盐尸
Reign of Terror 恐怖统治
Use a Spectre Flare 使用一个幽荧照明弹
I spy with my little eye 找呀找呀找朋友
Spectate a Spectre 透过望远镜观察幽荧灵
Watchdog 看门狗
Teleport to a Warped Anchor 传送至一个传送诱锚处
What is this Place? 这是哪啊……
Illager Resistance 灾厄村民抗性
Crystal Canyons 水晶峡谷
Lichen Caves 地衣洞穴
Pink Salt Caves 粉红盐洞
Allurite Block 诱蓝晶块
Allurite Brick Slab 诱蓝晶砖台阶
Allurite Brick Stairs 诱蓝晶砖楼梯
Allurite Bricks 诱蓝晶砖
Allurite Cluster 诱蓝晶簇
Allurite Lamp 诱蓝晶灯
Allurite Slab 诱蓝晶台阶
Allurite Stairs 诱蓝晶楼梯
Amethyst Brick Slab 紫水晶砖台阶
Amethyst Brick Stairs 紫水晶砖楼梯
Amethyst Bricks 紫水晶砖
Amethyst Lamp 紫水晶灯
Amethyst Slab 紫水晶台阶
Amethyst Stairs 紫水晶楼梯
Bowl Lichen 地衣菇
Chandelier 灯台
Charged Lumiere Block 充能荧黄晶块
Chiseled Allurite 雕纹诱蓝晶块
Chiseled Amethyst 雕纹紫水晶块
Chiseled Lumiere 雕纹荧黄晶块
Chiseled Pastel Pink Salt 雕纹藕色岩盐
Chiseled Pink Salt 雕纹粉红岩盐
Chiseled Rose Pink Salt 雕纹玫粉岩盐
Combustion Table 爆炸物加工台
Cured Membrane Block 硬化幻翼膜块
Deepslate Silver Ore 深层银矿石
Gilded Beads 金珠帘
Glinted Allurite Cluster 闪烁的诱蓝晶簇
Glinted Amethyst Cluster 闪烁的紫水晶簇
Glinted Lumiere Cluster 闪烁的荧黄晶簇
Glow Berries Silver Lattice 长有发光浆果的银格栏
Glow Ink Clumps 发光墨水聚块
Lichen Cordyceps 地衣虫草
Lichen Cordyceps Plant 地衣虫草植株
Lichen Moss 地衣苔藓块
Lichen Roots 地衣根索
Lichen Shelf 壁生地衣
Lumiere Block 荧黄晶块
Lumiere Brick Slab 荧黄晶砖台阶
Lumiere Brick Stairs 荧黄晶砖楼梯
Lumiere Bricks 荧黄晶砖
Lumiere Cluster 荧黄晶簇
Lumiere Composter 装有荧黄晶的堆肥桶
Lumiere Lamp 荧黄晶灯
Lumiere Slab 荧黄晶台阶
Lumiere Stairs 荧黄晶楼梯
Monstrometer 怪物计
Pastel Pink Salt 藕色岩盐
Pastel Pink Salt Brick Slab 藕色岩盐砖台阶
Pastel Pink Salt Brick Stairs 藕色岩盐砖楼梯
Pastel Pink Salt Brick Wall 藕色岩盐砖墙
Pastel Pink Salt Bricks 藕色岩盐砖
Pastel Pink Salt Slab 藕色岩盐台阶
Pastel Pink Salt Stairs 藕色岩盐楼梯
Pastel Pink Salt Wall 藕色岩盐墙
Pink Salt 粉红岩盐
Pink Salt Brick Slab 粉红岩盐砖台阶
Pink Salt Brick Stairs 粉红岩盐砖楼梯
Pink Salt Brick Wall 粉红岩盐砖墙
Pink Salt Bricks 粉红岩盐砖
Pink Salt Chamber 粉红岩盐召唤室
Pink Salt Cluster 粉红岩盐簇
Pink Salt Lamp 粉红岩盐灯
Pink Salt Slab 粉红岩盐台阶
Pink Salt Stairs 粉红岩盐楼梯
Pink Salt Straw 粉红岩盐束
Pink Salt Wall 粉红岩盐墙
Polished Pastel Pink Salt 磨制藕色岩盐
Polished Pastel Pink Salt Slab 磨制藕色岩盐台阶
Polished Pastel Pink Salt Stairs 磨制藕色岩盐楼梯
Polished Pastel Pink Salt Wall 磨制藕色岩盐墙
Polished Pink Salt 磨制粉红岩盐
Polished Pink Salt Slab 磨制粉红岩盐台阶
Polished Pink Salt Stairs 磨制粉红岩盐楼梯
Polished Pink Salt Wall 磨制粉红岩盐墙
Polished Rose Pink Salt 磨制玫粉岩盐
Polished Rose Pink Salt Slab 磨制玫粉岩盐台阶
Polished Rose Pink Salt Stairs 磨制玫粉岩盐楼梯
Polished Rose Pink Salt Wall 磨制玫粉岩盐墙
Potted Bowl Lichen 地衣菇盆栽
Potted Lichen Roots 地衣根索盆栽
Raw Silver Block 粗银块
Rose Pink Salt 玫粉岩盐
Rose Pink Salt Brick Slab 玫粉岩盐砖台阶
Rose Pink Salt Brick Stairs 玫粉岩盐砖楼梯
Rose Pink Salt Brick Wall 玫粉岩盐砖墙
Rose Pink Salt Bricks 玫粉岩盐砖
Rose Pink Salt Slab 玫粉岩盐台阶
Rose Pink Salt Stairs 玫粉岩盐楼梯
Rose Pink Salt Wall 玫粉岩盐墙
Saline Composter 含盐堆肥桶
Shadow Frame 幻幕框架
Silver Balance 银称
Silver Block 银块
Silver Lattice 银格栏
Silver Ore 银矿石
Silver Panel 银板
Silver Panel Slab 银板台阶
Silver Panel Stairs 银板楼梯
Silver Tiles 银瓦
Silver Tiles Slab 银瓦台阶
Silver Tiles Stairs 银瓦楼梯
Smooth Allurite 平滑诱蓝晶块
Smooth Allurite Slab 平滑诱蓝晶台阶
Smooth Allurite Stairs 平滑诱蓝晶楼梯
Smooth Amethyst 平滑紫水晶块
Smooth Amethyst Slab 平滑紫水晶台阶
Smooth Amethyst Stairs 平滑紫水晶楼梯
Smooth Lumiere 平滑荧黄晶块
Smooth Lumiere Slab 平滑荧黄晶台阶
Smooth Lumiere Stairs 平滑荧黄晶楼梯
Stranded Membrane Block 条纹幻翼膜块
Warped Anchor 传送诱锚
Combustion Table 爆炸物加工台
Astral 魂体
Block Bane 方块禁忌
Enfeeble 衰弱
Rupture 碎裂
Sustain 持续
Berserker 狂暴盐尸
Glow Flare 晶莹照明弹
Pink Salt Pillar 粉红岩盐柱
Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片
Preserved 腌尸
Silver Bomb 银炸弹
Sparkle 晶莹螈
Spectator Vision 观察者视野
Specterpillar 幽荧毛虫
Spectre 幽荧灵
Spectre Flare 幽荧照明弹
Pillager Drop Silver Ingots 灾厄村民掉落银锭
Slowed Budding Amethyst Destroy Speed 减缓紫水晶母岩破坏速度
Spectre Flares spawn in Ancient City chest loot 远古城市箱子战利品中生成幽荧照明弹
Galosphere Config Galosphere配置
Allurite Shard 诱蓝晶碎片
Barometer 晴雨气压计
Berserker Spawn Egg 狂暴盐尸刷怪蛋
Bottle Of Spectre 幽荧灵瓶
Cured Membrane 硬化幻翼膜
Glow Flare 晶莹照明弹
Golden Lichen Cordyceps 金地衣虫草
Icon Item 图标
Lichen Cordyceps 地衣虫草
Lumiere Shard 荧黄晶碎片
Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片
Preserved 腌尸
Preserved Flesh 腌腐肉
Preserved Spawn Egg 腌尸刷怪蛋
Raw Silver 粗银
Saltbound Tablet 盐缚板
Salted Jerky 盐渍干肉
Silver Bomb 银炸弹
Bouncy 弹性
Duration 引爆时间
Explosion 爆炸强度
Silver Ingot 银锭
Silver Nugget 银粒
Add Pink Salt Shard 放入粉红岩盐碎片
All items 所有物品
Add an item 放入一个物品
Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片
Add Silver Ingot 放入银锭
Leather Equipment 皮革装备
Add Leather Armor 放入皮革盔甲
Silver Ingot 银锭
Sparkle Spawn Egg 晶莹螈刷怪蛋
Specterpillar Spawn Egg 幽荧毛虫刷怪蛋
Spectre Bound Spyglass 缠灵望远镜
Spectre Flare 幽荧照明弹
Spectre Spawn Egg 幽荧灵刷怪蛋
Sterling Boots 镶银靴子
Sterling Chestplate 镶银胸甲
Sterling Helmet 镶银头盔
Sterling Horse Armor 镶银马铠
Sterling Leggings 镶银护腿
Lingering Potion of Astral 滞留型魂体药水
Arrow of Astral 魂体之箭
Potion of Astral 魂体药水
Splash Potion of Astral 喷溅型魂体药水
Composter filled with Lumiere Shard 堆肥桶:放入荧黄晶
Monstrometer activates 怪物计:激活
Monstrometer is charged 怪物计:充能
Monstrometer deactivates 怪物计:关闭
Pink Salt Chamber deactivates 粉红岩盐召唤室:停止运作
Pink Salt Chamber summons 粉红岩盐召唤室:召唤
Berserker dies 狂暴盐尸:死亡
Berserker hurts 狂暴盐尸:受伤
Berserker grunts 狂暴盐尸:呼噜
Berserker hits 狂暴盐尸:攻击
Berserker roars 狂暴盐尸:咆哮
Berserker shakes 狂暴盐尸:摇晃
Berserker smashes 狂暴盐尸:重击
Berserker steps 狂暴盐尸:脚步声
Berserker summons 狂暴盐尸:召唤
Pink Salt Pillar pierces 粉红岩盐柱:穿刺
Pink Salt Shard lands 粉红岩盐碎片:着陆
Preserved dies 腌尸:死亡
Preserved emerges 腌尸:出现
Preserved hurts 腌尸:受伤
Preserved groans 腌尸:低吼
Specterpillar dies 幽荧毛虫:死亡
Specterpillar hurts 幽荧毛虫:受伤
Spectre chirps 幽荧灵:啾啾
Spectre dies 幽荧灵:死亡
Spectre hurts 幽荧灵:受伤
Spyglass locks to Spectre 望远镜:绑定至幽荧灵
Spectre receives Item 幽荧灵:获得物品
Saltbound Tablet fires 盐缚板:发射
Saltbound Tablet recharged 盐缚板:恢复完毕
Saltbound Tablet charges up 盐缚板:充能
Preserved Upgrade 腌存升级
Silver Upgrade 银升级
Galosphere Galosphere
Key 英文 中文
advancements.galosphere.activate_pink_salt_chamber.description Activate a Pink Salt Chamber 激活一个粉红岩盐召唤室
advancements.galosphere.activate_pink_salt_chamber.title Knock Knock 门铃叮咚
advancements.galosphere.crystal_lamps.description Have all Crystal Lamps in your inventory 同时持有所有水晶灯
advancements.galosphere.crystal_lamps.title Balanced, As All Things Should Be 平和均衡,一如自然
advancements.galosphere.find_pink_salt_shrine.description Enter a Pink Salt Shrine 进入粉红岩盐神殿
advancements.galosphere.find_pink_salt_shrine.title Peaceful Revolution 和平革命
advancements.galosphere.light_spread.description Deploy a Glow Flare 发射一个晶莹照明弹
advancements.galosphere.light_spread.title Spread the Light! 传播光芒!
advancements.galosphere.lumiere_compost.description Create Glowstone Dust by Composting with a Lumiere Shard 用荧黄晶碎片堆肥获得荧石粉
advancements.galosphere.lumiere_compost.title Fragility of Light 脆弱的光
advancements.galosphere.silver_bomb.description Construct a Silver Bomb 制造一个银炸弹
advancements.galosphere.silver_bomb.title It's About Drive, It's About Power 说的就是动力,说的就是力量
advancements.galosphere.silver_ingot.description Obtain a Silver Ingot 获得银锭
advancements.galosphere.silver_ingot.title Multi-Disciplined 多用途
advancements.galosphere.sterling_armor.description Don a full suit of Sterling Armor 获得全套镶银盔甲
advancements.galosphere.sterling_armor.title Looking Good, Partner! 看起来不错!
advancements.galosphere.summon_berserker.description Summon the Berserker 召唤狂暴盐尸
advancements.galosphere.summon_berserker.title Reign of Terror 恐怖统治
advancements.galosphere.use_spectre_flare.description Use a Spectre Flare 使用一个幽荧照明弹
advancements.galosphere.use_spectre_flare.title I spy with my little eye 找呀找呀找朋友
advancements.galosphere.use_spectre_spyglass.description Spectate a Spectre 透过望远镜观察幽荧灵
advancements.galosphere.use_spectre_spyglass.title Watchdog 看门狗
advancements.galosphere.warped_teleport.description Teleport to a Warped Anchor 传送至一个传送诱锚处
advancements.galosphere.warped_teleport.title What is this Place? 这是哪啊…… Illager Resistance 灾厄村民抗性
biome.galosphere.crystal_canyons Crystal Canyons 水晶峡谷
biome.galosphere.lichen_caves Lichen Caves 地衣洞穴
biome.galosphere.pink_salt_caves Pink Salt Caves 粉红盐洞
block.galosphere.allurite_block Allurite Block 诱蓝晶块
block.galosphere.allurite_brick_slab Allurite Brick Slab 诱蓝晶砖台阶
block.galosphere.allurite_brick_stairs Allurite Brick Stairs 诱蓝晶砖楼梯
block.galosphere.allurite_bricks Allurite Bricks 诱蓝晶砖
block.galosphere.allurite_cluster Allurite Cluster 诱蓝晶簇
block.galosphere.allurite_lamp Allurite Lamp 诱蓝晶灯
block.galosphere.allurite_slab Allurite Slab 诱蓝晶台阶
block.galosphere.allurite_stairs Allurite Stairs 诱蓝晶楼梯
block.galosphere.amethyst_brick_slab Amethyst Brick Slab 紫水晶砖台阶
block.galosphere.amethyst_brick_stairs Amethyst Brick Stairs 紫水晶砖楼梯
block.galosphere.amethyst_bricks Amethyst Bricks 紫水晶砖
block.galosphere.amethyst_lamp Amethyst Lamp 紫水晶灯
block.galosphere.amethyst_slab Amethyst Slab 紫水晶台阶
block.galosphere.amethyst_stairs Amethyst Stairs 紫水晶楼梯
block.galosphere.bowl_lichen Bowl Lichen 地衣菇
block.galosphere.chandelier Chandelier 灯台
block.galosphere.charged_lumiere_block Charged Lumiere Block 充能荧黄晶块
block.galosphere.chiseled_allurite Chiseled Allurite 雕纹诱蓝晶块
block.galosphere.chiseled_amethyst Chiseled Amethyst 雕纹紫水晶块
block.galosphere.chiseled_lumiere Chiseled Lumiere 雕纹荧黄晶块
block.galosphere.chiseled_pastel_pink_salt Chiseled Pastel Pink Salt 雕纹藕色岩盐
block.galosphere.chiseled_pink_salt Chiseled Pink Salt 雕纹粉红岩盐
block.galosphere.chiseled_rose_pink_salt Chiseled Rose Pink Salt 雕纹玫粉岩盐
block.galosphere.combustion_table Combustion Table 爆炸物加工台
block.galosphere.cured_membrane_block Cured Membrane Block 硬化幻翼膜块
block.galosphere.deepslate_silver_ore Deepslate Silver Ore 深层银矿石
block.galosphere.gilded_beads Gilded Beads 金珠帘
block.galosphere.glinted_allurite_cluster Glinted Allurite Cluster 闪烁的诱蓝晶簇
block.galosphere.glinted_amethyst_cluster Glinted Amethyst Cluster 闪烁的紫水晶簇
block.galosphere.glinted_lumiere_cluster Glinted Lumiere Cluster 闪烁的荧黄晶簇
block.galosphere.glow_berries_silver_lattice Glow Berries Silver Lattice 长有发光浆果的银格栏
block.galosphere.glow_ink_clumps Glow Ink Clumps 发光墨水聚块
block.galosphere.lichen_cordyceps Lichen Cordyceps 地衣虫草
block.galosphere.lichen_cordyceps_plant Lichen Cordyceps Plant 地衣虫草植株
block.galosphere.lichen_moss Lichen Moss 地衣苔藓块
block.galosphere.lichen_roots Lichen Roots 地衣根索
block.galosphere.lichen_shelf Lichen Shelf 壁生地衣
block.galosphere.lumiere_block Lumiere Block 荧黄晶块
block.galosphere.lumiere_brick_slab Lumiere Brick Slab 荧黄晶砖台阶
block.galosphere.lumiere_brick_stairs Lumiere Brick Stairs 荧黄晶砖楼梯
block.galosphere.lumiere_bricks Lumiere Bricks 荧黄晶砖
block.galosphere.lumiere_cluster Lumiere Cluster 荧黄晶簇
block.galosphere.lumiere_composter Lumiere Composter 装有荧黄晶的堆肥桶
block.galosphere.lumiere_lamp Lumiere Lamp 荧黄晶灯
block.galosphere.lumiere_slab Lumiere Slab 荧黄晶台阶
block.galosphere.lumiere_stairs Lumiere Stairs 荧黄晶楼梯
block.galosphere.monstrometer Monstrometer 怪物计
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt Pastel Pink Salt 藕色岩盐
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_brick_slab Pastel Pink Salt Brick Slab 藕色岩盐砖台阶
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_brick_stairs Pastel Pink Salt Brick Stairs 藕色岩盐砖楼梯
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_brick_wall Pastel Pink Salt Brick Wall 藕色岩盐砖墙
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_bricks Pastel Pink Salt Bricks 藕色岩盐砖
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_slab Pastel Pink Salt Slab 藕色岩盐台阶
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_stairs Pastel Pink Salt Stairs 藕色岩盐楼梯
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_wall Pastel Pink Salt Wall 藕色岩盐墙
block.galosphere.pink_salt Pink Salt 粉红岩盐
block.galosphere.pink_salt_brick_slab Pink Salt Brick Slab 粉红岩盐砖台阶
block.galosphere.pink_salt_brick_stairs Pink Salt Brick Stairs 粉红岩盐砖楼梯
block.galosphere.pink_salt_brick_wall Pink Salt Brick Wall 粉红岩盐砖墙
block.galosphere.pink_salt_bricks Pink Salt Bricks 粉红岩盐砖
block.galosphere.pink_salt_chamber Pink Salt Chamber 粉红岩盐召唤室
block.galosphere.pink_salt_cluster Pink Salt Cluster 粉红岩盐簇
block.galosphere.pink_salt_lamp Pink Salt Lamp 粉红岩盐灯
block.galosphere.pink_salt_slab Pink Salt Slab 粉红岩盐台阶
block.galosphere.pink_salt_stairs Pink Salt Stairs 粉红岩盐楼梯
block.galosphere.pink_salt_straw Pink Salt Straw 粉红岩盐束
block.galosphere.pink_salt_wall Pink Salt Wall 粉红岩盐墙
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt Polished Pastel Pink Salt 磨制藕色岩盐
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt_slab Polished Pastel Pink Salt Slab 磨制藕色岩盐台阶
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt_stairs Polished Pastel Pink Salt Stairs 磨制藕色岩盐楼梯
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt_wall Polished Pastel Pink Salt Wall 磨制藕色岩盐墙
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt Polished Pink Salt 磨制粉红岩盐
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt_slab Polished Pink Salt Slab 磨制粉红岩盐台阶
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt_stairs Polished Pink Salt Stairs 磨制粉红岩盐楼梯
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt_wall Polished Pink Salt Wall 磨制粉红岩盐墙
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt Polished Rose Pink Salt 磨制玫粉岩盐
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt_slab Polished Rose Pink Salt Slab 磨制玫粉岩盐台阶
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt_stairs Polished Rose Pink Salt Stairs 磨制玫粉岩盐楼梯
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt_wall Polished Rose Pink Salt Wall 磨制玫粉岩盐墙
block.galosphere.potted_bowl_lichen Potted Bowl Lichen 地衣菇盆栽
block.galosphere.potted_lichen_roots Potted Lichen Roots 地衣根索盆栽
block.galosphere.raw_silver_block Raw Silver Block 粗银块
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt Rose Pink Salt 玫粉岩盐
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_brick_slab Rose Pink Salt Brick Slab 玫粉岩盐砖台阶
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_brick_stairs Rose Pink Salt Brick Stairs 玫粉岩盐砖楼梯
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_brick_wall Rose Pink Salt Brick Wall 玫粉岩盐砖墙
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_bricks Rose Pink Salt Bricks 玫粉岩盐砖
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_slab Rose Pink Salt Slab 玫粉岩盐台阶
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_stairs Rose Pink Salt Stairs 玫粉岩盐楼梯
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_wall Rose Pink Salt Wall 玫粉岩盐墙
block.galosphere.saline_composter Saline Composter 含盐堆肥桶
block.galosphere.shadow_frame Shadow Frame 幻幕框架
block.galosphere.silver_balance Silver Balance 银称
block.galosphere.silver_block Silver Block 银块
block.galosphere.silver_lattice Silver Lattice 银格栏
block.galosphere.silver_ore Silver Ore 银矿石
block.galosphere.silver_panel Silver Panel 银板
block.galosphere.silver_panel_slab Silver Panel Slab 银板台阶
block.galosphere.silver_panel_stairs Silver Panel Stairs 银板楼梯
block.galosphere.silver_tiles Silver Tiles 银瓦
block.galosphere.silver_tiles_slab Silver Tiles Slab 银瓦台阶
block.galosphere.silver_tiles_stairs Silver Tiles Stairs 银瓦楼梯
block.galosphere.smooth_allurite Smooth Allurite 平滑诱蓝晶块
block.galosphere.smooth_allurite_slab Smooth Allurite Slab 平滑诱蓝晶台阶
block.galosphere.smooth_allurite_stairs Smooth Allurite Stairs 平滑诱蓝晶楼梯
block.galosphere.smooth_amethyst Smooth Amethyst 平滑紫水晶块
block.galosphere.smooth_amethyst_slab Smooth Amethyst Slab 平滑紫水晶台阶
block.galosphere.smooth_amethyst_stairs Smooth Amethyst Stairs 平滑紫水晶楼梯
block.galosphere.smooth_lumiere Smooth Lumiere 平滑荧黄晶块
block.galosphere.smooth_lumiere_slab Smooth Lumiere Slab 平滑荧黄晶台阶
block.galosphere.smooth_lumiere_stairs Smooth Lumiere Stairs 平滑荧黄晶楼梯
block.galosphere.stranded_membrane_block Stranded Membrane Block 条纹幻翼膜块
block.galosphere.warped_anchor Warped Anchor 传送诱锚
container.galosphere.combustion_table Combustion Table 爆炸物加工台
effect.galosphere.astral Astral 魂体
effect.galosphere.block_bane Block Bane 方块禁忌
enchantment.galosphere.enfeeble Enfeeble 衰弱
enchantment.galosphere.rupture Rupture 碎裂
enchantment.galosphere.sustain Sustain 持续
entity.galosphere.berserker Berserker 狂暴盐尸
entity.galosphere.glow_flare Glow Flare 晶莹照明弹
entity.galosphere.pink_salt_pillar Pink Salt Pillar 粉红岩盐柱
entity.galosphere.pink_salt_shard Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片
entity.galosphere.preserved Preserved 腌尸
entity.galosphere.silver_bomb Silver Bomb 银炸弹
entity.galosphere.sparkle Sparkle 晶莹螈
entity.galosphere.spectator_vision Spectator Vision 观察者视野
entity.galosphere.specterpillar Specterpillar 幽荧毛虫
entity.galosphere.spectre Spectre 幽荧灵
entity.galosphere.spectre_flare Spectre Flare 幽荧照明弹
galosphere.midnightconfig.pillagerDropSilverIngot Pillager Drop Silver Ingots 灾厄村民掉落银锭
galosphere.midnightconfig.slowBuddingAmethystDestroySpeed Slowed Budding Amethyst Destroy Speed 减缓紫水晶母岩破坏速度
galosphere.midnightconfig.spectreFlareAncientCityLoot Spectre Flares spawn in Ancient City chest loot 远古城市箱子战利品中生成幽荧照明弹
galosphere.midnightconfig.title Galosphere Config Galosphere配置
item.galosphere.allurite_shard Allurite Shard 诱蓝晶碎片
item.galosphere.barometer Barometer 晴雨气压计
item.galosphere.berserker_spawn_egg Berserker Spawn Egg 狂暴盐尸刷怪蛋
item.galosphere.bottle_of_spectre Bottle Of Spectre 幽荧灵瓶
item.galosphere.cured_membrane Cured Membrane 硬化幻翼膜
item.galosphere.glow_flare Glow Flare 晶莹照明弹
item.galosphere.golden_lichen_cordyceps Golden Lichen Cordyceps 金地衣虫草
item.galosphere.icon_item Icon Item 图标
item.galosphere.lichen_cordyceps Lichen Cordyceps 地衣虫草
item.galosphere.lumiere_shard Lumiere Shard 荧黄晶碎片
item.galosphere.pink_salt_shard Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片
item.galosphere.preserved Preserved 腌尸
item.galosphere.preserved_flesh Preserved Flesh 腌腐肉
item.galosphere.preserved_spawn_egg Preserved Spawn Egg 腌尸刷怪蛋
item.galosphere.raw_silver Raw Silver 粗银
item.galosphere.saltbound_tablet Saltbound Tablet 盐缚板
item.galosphere.salted_jerky Salted Jerky 盐渍干肉
item.galosphere.silver_bomb Silver Bomb 银炸弹
item.galosphere.silver_bomb.bouncy Bouncy 弹性
item.galosphere.silver_bomb.duration Duration 引爆时间
item.galosphere.silver_bomb.explosion Explosion 爆炸强度
item.galosphere.silver_ingot Silver Ingot 银锭
item.galosphere.silver_nugget Silver Nugget 银粒
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.additions_slot_description Add Pink Salt Shard 放入粉红岩盐碎片
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.applies_to All items 所有物品
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.base_slot_description Add an item 放入一个物品
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.ingredients Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.additions_slot_description Add Silver Ingot 放入银锭
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.applies_to Leather Equipment 皮革装备
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.base_slot_description Add Leather Armor 放入皮革盔甲
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.ingredients Silver Ingot 银锭
item.galosphere.sparkle_spawn_egg Sparkle Spawn Egg 晶莹螈刷怪蛋
item.galosphere.specterpillar_spawn_egg Specterpillar Spawn Egg 幽荧毛虫刷怪蛋
item.galosphere.spectre_bound_spyglass Spectre Bound Spyglass 缠灵望远镜
item.galosphere.spectre_flare Spectre Flare 幽荧照明弹
item.galosphere.spectre_spawn_egg Spectre Spawn Egg 幽荧灵刷怪蛋
item.galosphere.sterling_boots Sterling Boots 镶银靴子
item.galosphere.sterling_chestplate Sterling Chestplate 镶银胸甲
item.galosphere.sterling_helmet Sterling Helmet 镶银头盔
item.galosphere.sterling_horse_armor Sterling Horse Armor 镶银马铠
item.galosphere.sterling_leggings Sterling Leggings 镶银护腿
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.astral Lingering Potion of Astral 滞留型魂体药水
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.tipped_arrow.astral Arrow of Astral 魂体之箭
item.minecraft.potion.effect.astral Potion of Astral 魂体药水
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.astral Splash Potion of Astral 喷溅型魂体药水
subtitles.block.lumiere.compost Composter filled with Lumiere Shard 堆肥桶:放入荧黄晶
subtitles.block.monstrometer.activate Monstrometer activates 怪物计:激活
subtitles.block.monstrometer.charge Monstrometer is charged 怪物计:充能
subtitles.block.monstrometer.deactivate Monstrometer deactivates 怪物计:关闭
subtitles.block.pink_salt_chamber.deactivate Pink Salt Chamber deactivates 粉红岩盐召唤室:停止运作
subtitles.block.pink_salt_chamber.summon Pink Salt Chamber summons 粉红岩盐召唤室:召唤
subtitles.entity.berserker.death Berserker dies 狂暴盐尸:死亡
subtitles.entity.berserker.hurt Berserker hurts 狂暴盐尸:受伤
subtitles.entity.berserker.idle Berserker grunts 狂暴盐尸:呼噜
subtitles.entity.berserker.punch Berserker hits 狂暴盐尸:攻击
subtitles.entity.berserker.roar Berserker roars 狂暴盐尸:咆哮
subtitles.entity.berserker.shake Berserker shakes 狂暴盐尸:摇晃
subtitles.entity.berserker.smash Berserker smashes 狂暴盐尸:重击
subtitles.entity.berserker.step Berserker steps 狂暴盐尸:脚步声
subtitles.entity.berserker.summoning Berserker summons 狂暴盐尸:召唤
subtitles.entity.pink_salt_pillar.emerge Pink Salt Pillar pierces 粉红岩盐柱:穿刺 Pink Salt Shard lands 粉红岩盐碎片:着陆
subtitles.entity.preserved.death Preserved dies 腌尸:死亡
subtitles.entity.preserved.emerge Preserved emerges 腌尸:出现
subtitles.entity.preserved.hurt Preserved hurts 腌尸:受伤
subtitles.entity.preserved.idle Preserved groans 腌尸:低吼
subtitles.entity.specterpillar.death Specterpillar dies 幽荧毛虫:死亡
subtitles.entity.specterpillar.hurt Specterpillar hurts 幽荧毛虫:受伤
subtitles.entity.spectre.ambient Spectre chirps 幽荧灵:啾啾
subtitles.entity.spectre.death Spectre dies 幽荧灵:死亡
subtitles.entity.spectre.hurt Spectre hurts 幽荧灵:受伤
subtitles.entity.spectre.lock_to_spyglass Spyglass locks to Spectre 望远镜:绑定至幽荧灵
subtitles.entity.spectre.receive_item Spectre receives Item 幽荧灵:获得物品
subtitles.item.saltbound_tablet.cast_attack Saltbound Tablet fires 盐缚板:发射
subtitles.item.saltbound_tablet.cooldown_over Saltbound Tablet recharged 盐缚板:恢复完毕
subtitles.item.saltbound_tablet.prepare_attack Saltbound Tablet charges up 盐缚板:充能
upgrade.galosphere.preserved_upgrade Preserved Upgrade 腌存升级
upgrade.galosphere.silver_upgrade Silver Upgrade 银升级
itemGroup.galosphere.galosphere Galosphere Galosphere
Key 英文 中文 检查结果
advancements.galosphere.activate_pink_salt_chamber.description Activate a Pink Salt Chamber 激活一个粉红岩盐召唤室 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
advancements.galosphere.crystal_lamps.description Have all Crystal Lamps in your inventory 同时持有所有水晶灯 ⚠ 术语异常 inventory => 物品栏
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 crystal => 水晶
advancements.galosphere.crystal_lamps.title Balanced, As All Things Should Be 平和均衡,一如自然 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
advancements.galosphere.find_pink_salt_shrine.description Enter a Pink Salt Shrine 进入粉红岩盐神殿 ⚠ 术语异常 enter => enter
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
advancements.galosphere.find_pink_salt_shrine.title Peaceful Revolution 和平革命 ✔ 术语 peaceful => 和平
advancements.galosphere.light_spread.description Deploy a Glow Flare 发射一个晶莹照明弹 ⚠ 术语异常 glow => 发光, 荧光
advancements.galosphere.lumiere_compost.description Create Glowstone Dust by Composting with a Lumiere Shard 用荧黄晶碎片堆肥获得荧石粉 ✔ 术语 glowstone => 荧石
✔ 术语 glowstone dust => 荧石粉
✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
advancements.galosphere.lumiere_compost.title Fragility of Light 脆弱的光 ✔ 术语 light => 光
advancements.galosphere.silver_bomb.title It's About Drive, It's About Power 说的就是动力,说的就是力量 ✔ 术语 power => 力量
advancements.galosphere.silver_ingot.description Obtain a Silver Ingot 获得银锭 ✔ 术语 ingot => 锭
advancements.galosphere.use_spectre_flare.title I spy with my little eye 找呀找呀找朋友 ⚠ 术语异常 i => i
advancements.galosphere.warped_teleport.description Teleport to a Warped Anchor 传送至一个传送诱锚处 ⚠ 术语异常 warped => 诡异木, 诡异 Illager Resistance 灾厄村民抗性 ✔ 术语 illager => 灾厄村民
⚠ 术语异常 resistance => 抗性提升
✔ 术语 resistance => 抗, 防
biome.galosphere.crystal_canyons Crystal Canyons 水晶峡谷 ✔ 术语 crystal => 水晶
biome.galosphere.lichen_caves Lichen Caves 地衣洞穴 ✔ 术语 caves => 洞穴
biome.galosphere.pink_salt_caves Pink Salt Caves 粉红盐洞 ⚠ 术语异常 caves => 洞穴
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.allurite_brick_slab Allurite Brick Slab 诱蓝晶砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.galosphere.allurite_brick_stairs Allurite Brick Stairs 诱蓝晶砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.galosphere.allurite_bricks Allurite Bricks 诱蓝晶砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
block.galosphere.allurite_cluster Allurite Cluster 诱蓝晶簇 ✔ 术语 cluster => 簇
block.galosphere.allurite_slab Allurite Slab 诱蓝晶台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
block.galosphere.allurite_stairs Allurite Stairs 诱蓝晶楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.galosphere.amethyst_brick_slab Amethyst Brick Slab 紫水晶砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.galosphere.amethyst_brick_stairs Amethyst Brick Stairs 紫水晶砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.galosphere.amethyst_bricks Amethyst Bricks 紫水晶砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
block.galosphere.amethyst_slab Amethyst Slab 紫水晶台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
block.galosphere.amethyst_stairs Amethyst Stairs 紫水晶楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.galosphere.bowl_lichen Bowl Lichen 地衣菇 ⚠ 术语异常 bowl => 碗
block.galosphere.chiseled_allurite Chiseled Allurite 雕纹诱蓝晶块 ⚠ 术语异常 chiseled => 錾制
block.galosphere.chiseled_amethyst Chiseled Amethyst 雕纹紫水晶块 ⚠ 术语异常 chiseled => 錾制
block.galosphere.chiseled_lumiere Chiseled Lumiere 雕纹荧黄晶块 ⚠ 术语异常 chiseled => 錾制
block.galosphere.chiseled_pastel_pink_salt Chiseled Pastel Pink Salt 雕纹藕色岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
⚠ 术语异常 chiseled => 錾制
block.galosphere.chiseled_pink_salt Chiseled Pink Salt 雕纹粉红岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
⚠ 术语异常 chiseled => 錾制
block.galosphere.chiseled_rose_pink_salt Chiseled Rose Pink Salt 雕纹玫粉岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
⚠ 术语异常 chiseled => 錾制
block.galosphere.combustion_table Combustion Table 爆炸物加工台 ✔ 术语 table => 台
block.galosphere.deepslate_silver_ore Deepslate Silver Ore 深层银矿石 ⚠ 术语异常 deepslate => 深板岩
✔ 术语 deepslate => 深层
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.galosphere.gilded_beads Gilded Beads 金珠帘 ⚠ 术语异常 gilded => 镶金
block.galosphere.glinted_allurite_cluster Glinted Allurite Cluster 闪烁的诱蓝晶簇 ✔ 术语 cluster => 簇
block.galosphere.glinted_amethyst_cluster Glinted Amethyst Cluster 闪烁的紫水晶簇 ✔ 术语 amethyst cluster => 紫水晶簇
✔ 术语 cluster => 簇
block.galosphere.glinted_lumiere_cluster Glinted Lumiere Cluster 闪烁的荧黄晶簇 ✔ 术语 cluster => 簇
block.galosphere.glow_berries_silver_lattice Glow Berries Silver Lattice 长有发光浆果的银格栏 ✔ 术语 glow berries => 发光浆果
✔ 术语 glow => 发光, 荧光
block.galosphere.glow_ink_clumps Glow Ink Clumps 发光墨水聚块 ✔ 术语 glow => 发光, 荧光
block.galosphere.lichen_cordyceps_plant Lichen Cordyceps Plant 地衣虫草植株 ✔ 术语 plant => 植株
block.galosphere.lichen_roots Lichen Roots 地衣根索 ⚠ 术语异常 roots => 菌索
block.galosphere.lumiere_brick_slab Lumiere Brick Slab 荧黄晶砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.galosphere.lumiere_brick_stairs Lumiere Brick Stairs 荧黄晶砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.galosphere.lumiere_bricks Lumiere Bricks 荧黄晶砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
block.galosphere.lumiere_cluster Lumiere Cluster 荧黄晶簇 ✔ 术语 cluster => 簇
block.galosphere.lumiere_composter Lumiere Composter 装有荧黄晶的堆肥桶 ✔ 术语 composter => 堆肥桶
block.galosphere.lumiere_slab Lumiere Slab 荧黄晶台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
block.galosphere.lumiere_stairs Lumiere Stairs 荧黄晶楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt Pastel Pink Salt 藕色岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_brick_slab Pastel Pink Salt Brick Slab 藕色岩盐砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_brick_stairs Pastel Pink Salt Brick Stairs 藕色岩盐砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_brick_wall Pastel Pink Salt Brick Wall 藕色岩盐砖墙 ⚠ 术语异常 brick wall => 砖块墙
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_bricks Pastel Pink Salt Bricks 藕色岩盐砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_slab Pastel Pink Salt Slab 藕色岩盐台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_stairs Pastel Pink Salt Stairs 藕色岩盐楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pastel_pink_salt_wall Pastel Pink Salt Wall 藕色岩盐墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt Pink Salt 粉红岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_brick_slab Pink Salt Brick Slab 粉红岩盐砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_brick_stairs Pink Salt Brick Stairs 粉红岩盐砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_brick_wall Pink Salt Brick Wall 粉红岩盐砖墙 ⚠ 术语异常 brick wall => 砖块墙
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_bricks Pink Salt Bricks 粉红岩盐砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_chamber Pink Salt Chamber 粉红岩盐召唤室 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_cluster Pink Salt Cluster 粉红岩盐簇 ✔ 术语 cluster => 簇
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_lamp Pink Salt Lamp 粉红岩盐灯 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_slab Pink Salt Slab 粉红岩盐台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_stairs Pink Salt Stairs 粉红岩盐楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_straw Pink Salt Straw 粉红岩盐束 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.pink_salt_wall Pink Salt Wall 粉红岩盐墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt Polished Pastel Pink Salt 磨制藕色岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt_slab Polished Pastel Pink Salt Slab 磨制藕色岩盐台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt_stairs Polished Pastel Pink Salt Stairs 磨制藕色岩盐楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_pastel_pink_salt_wall Polished Pastel Pink Salt Wall 磨制藕色岩盐墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt Polished Pink Salt 磨制粉红岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt_slab Polished Pink Salt Slab 磨制粉红岩盐台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt_stairs Polished Pink Salt Stairs 磨制粉红岩盐楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_pink_salt_wall Polished Pink Salt Wall 磨制粉红岩盐墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt Polished Rose Pink Salt 磨制玫粉岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt_slab Polished Rose Pink Salt Slab 磨制玫粉岩盐台阶 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt_stairs Polished Rose Pink Salt Stairs 磨制玫粉岩盐楼梯 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.polished_rose_pink_salt_wall Polished Rose Pink Salt Wall 磨制玫粉岩盐墙 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.galosphere.potted_bowl_lichen Potted Bowl Lichen 地衣菇盆栽 ⚠ 术语异常 bowl => 碗
✔ 术语 potted => 盆栽
block.galosphere.potted_lichen_roots Potted Lichen Roots 地衣根索盆栽 ⚠ 术语异常 roots => 菌索
✔ 术语 potted => 盆栽
block.galosphere.raw_silver_block Raw Silver Block 粗银块 ✔ 术语 raw => 粗, 生
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt Rose Pink Salt 玫粉岩盐 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_brick_slab Rose Pink Salt Brick Slab 玫粉岩盐砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_brick_stairs Rose Pink Salt Brick Stairs 玫粉岩盐砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_brick_wall Rose Pink Salt Brick Wall 玫粉岩盐砖墙 ⚠ 术语异常 brick wall => 砖块墙
⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_bricks Rose Pink Salt Bricks 玫粉岩盐砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_slab Rose Pink Salt Slab 玫粉岩盐台阶 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_stairs Rose Pink Salt Stairs 玫粉岩盐楼梯 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.rose_pink_salt_wall Rose Pink Salt Wall 玫粉岩盐墙 ⚠ 术语异常 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
block.galosphere.saline_composter Saline Composter 含盐堆肥桶 ✔ 术语 composter => 堆肥桶
block.galosphere.shadow_frame Shadow Frame 幻幕框架 ✔ 术语 frame => 框架, 展示框
block.galosphere.silver_ore Silver Ore 银矿石 ✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.galosphere.silver_panel_slab Silver Panel Slab 银板台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
block.galosphere.silver_panel_stairs Silver Panel Stairs 银板楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.galosphere.silver_tiles Silver Tiles 银瓦 ✔ 术语 tiles => 瓦
block.galosphere.silver_tiles_slab Silver Tiles Slab 银瓦台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
✔ 术语 tiles => 瓦
block.galosphere.silver_tiles_stairs Silver Tiles Stairs 银瓦楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
✔ 术语 tiles => 瓦
block.galosphere.smooth_allurite Smooth Allurite 平滑诱蓝晶块 ✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_allurite_slab Smooth Allurite Slab 平滑诱蓝晶台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_allurite_stairs Smooth Allurite Stairs 平滑诱蓝晶楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_amethyst Smooth Amethyst 平滑紫水晶块 ✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_amethyst_slab Smooth Amethyst Slab 平滑紫水晶台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_amethyst_stairs Smooth Amethyst Stairs 平滑紫水晶楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_lumiere Smooth Lumiere 平滑荧黄晶块 ✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_lumiere_slab Smooth Lumiere Slab 平滑荧黄晶台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.smooth_lumiere_stairs Smooth Lumiere Stairs 平滑荧黄晶楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
✔ 术语 smooth => 平滑
block.galosphere.warped_anchor Warped Anchor 传送诱锚 ⚠ 术语异常 warped => 诡异木, 诡异
container.galosphere.combustion_table Combustion Table 爆炸物加工台 ✔ 术语 table => 台
effect.galosphere.block_bane Block Bane 方块禁忌 ⚠ 术语异常 bane => 杀手
entity.galosphere.glow_flare Glow Flare 晶莹照明弹 ⚠ 术语异常 glow => 发光, 荧光
entity.galosphere.pink_salt_pillar Pink Salt Pillar 粉红岩盐柱 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
entity.galosphere.pink_salt_shard Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
entity.galosphere.spectator_vision Spectator Vision 观察者视野 ⚠ 术语异常 spectator => 旁观模式
galosphere.midnightconfig.pillagerDropSilverIngot Pillager Drop Silver Ingots 灾厄村民掉落银锭 ⚠ 术语异常 pillager => 掠夺者
⚠ 术语异常 drop => 丢弃
galosphere.midnightconfig.slowBuddingAmethystDestroySpeed Slowed Budding Amethyst Destroy Speed 减缓紫水晶母岩破坏速度 ⚠ 术语异常 destroy => 摧毁
✔ 术语 budding amethyst => 紫水晶母岩
✔ 术语 speed => 速度
✔ 术语 budding => 母岩
galosphere.midnightconfig.spectreFlareAncientCityLoot Spectre Flares spawn in Ancient City chest loot 远古城市箱子战利品中生成幽荧照明弹 ✔ 术语 chest => 箱子
✔ 术语 chest loot => 箱子战利品
✔ 术语 spawn => 生成
✔ 术语 loot => 战利品
item.galosphere.allurite_shard Allurite Shard 诱蓝晶碎片 ✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
item.galosphere.berserker_spawn_egg Berserker Spawn Egg 狂暴盐尸刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.galosphere.glow_flare Glow Flare 晶莹照明弹 ⚠ 术语异常 glow => 发光, 荧光
item.galosphere.icon_item Icon Item 图标 ⚠ 术语异常 item => 物品
item.galosphere.lumiere_shard Lumiere Shard 荧黄晶碎片 ✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
item.galosphere.pink_salt_shard Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
item.galosphere.preserved_spawn_egg Preserved Spawn Egg 腌尸刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.galosphere.raw_silver Raw Silver 粗银 ✔ 术语 raw => 粗, 生
item.galosphere.silver_ingot Silver Ingot 银锭 ✔ 术语 ingot => 锭
item.galosphere.silver_nugget Silver Nugget 银粒 ✔ 术语 nugget => 粒
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.additions_slot_description Add Pink Salt Shard 放入粉红岩盐碎片 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.applies_to All items 所有物品 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.base_slot_description Add an item 放入一个物品 ✔ 术语 item => 物品
item.galosphere.smithing_template.preserved_upgrade.ingredients Pink Salt Shard 粉红岩盐碎片 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.additions_slot_description Add Silver Ingot 放入银锭 ✔ 术语 ingot => 锭
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.applies_to Leather Equipment 皮革装备 ✔ 术语 leather => 皮革
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.base_slot_description Add Leather Armor 放入皮革盔甲 ✔ 术语 leather => 皮革
✔ 术语 leather armor => 皮革盔甲
item.galosphere.smithing_template.silver_upgrade.ingredients Silver Ingot 银锭 ✔ 术语 ingot => 锭
item.galosphere.sparkle_spawn_egg Sparkle Spawn Egg 晶莹螈刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.galosphere.specterpillar_spawn_egg Specterpillar Spawn Egg 幽荧毛虫刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.galosphere.spectre_bound_spyglass Spectre Bound Spyglass 缠灵望远镜 ✔ 术语 spyglass => 望远镜
item.galosphere.spectre_spawn_egg Spectre Spawn Egg 幽荧灵刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.galosphere.sterling_boots Sterling Boots 镶银靴子 ✔ 术语 boots => 靴子
item.galosphere.sterling_chestplate Sterling Chestplate 镶银胸甲 ✔ 术语 chestplate => 胸甲
item.galosphere.sterling_helmet Sterling Helmet 镶银头盔 ✔ 术语 helmet => 头盔
item.galosphere.sterling_horse_armor Sterling Horse Armor 镶银马铠 ✔ 术语 horse armor => 马铠
✔ 术语 horse => 马
item.galosphere.sterling_leggings Sterling Leggings 镶银护腿 ✔ 术语 leggings => 护腿
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.astral Lingering Potion of Astral 滞留型魂体药水 ⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion => 滞留药水
✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion of => 滞留型药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.tipped_arrow.astral Arrow of Astral 魂体之箭 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 arrow of => 之箭
item.minecraft.potion.effect.astral Potion of Astral 魂体药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.astral Splash Potion of Astral 喷溅型魂体药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash potion => 喷溅药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash => 闪烁标语
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
✔ 术语 splash => 喷溅型
subtitles.block.lumiere.compost Composter filled with Lumiere Shard 堆肥桶:放入荧黄晶 ⚠ 术语异常 filled => 填充
✔ 术语 composter => 堆肥桶
⚠ 术语异常 shard => 碎片
subtitles.block.monstrometer.activate Monstrometer activates 怪物计:激活 ✔ 术语 activates => 激活
⚠ 术语异常 activates => 发动
subtitles.block.monstrometer.charge Monstrometer is charged 怪物计:充能 ✔ 术语 is charged => 充能
subtitles.block.monstrometer.deactivate Monstrometer deactivates 怪物计:关闭 ⚠ 术语异常 deactivates => 失效
subtitles.block.pink_salt_chamber.deactivate Pink Salt Chamber deactivates 粉红岩盐召唤室:停止运作 ⚠ 术语异常 deactivates => 失效
⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
subtitles.block.pink_salt_chamber.summon Pink Salt Chamber summons 粉红岩盐召唤室:召唤 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
subtitles.entity.berserker.death Berserker dies 狂暴盐尸:死亡 ✔ 术语 dies => 死亡
subtitles.entity.berserker.hurt Berserker hurts 狂暴盐尸:受伤 ✔ 术语 hurts => 受伤
subtitles.entity.berserker.idle Berserker grunts 狂暴盐尸:呼噜 ✔ 术语 grunts => 呼噜
subtitles.entity.berserker.punch Berserker hits 狂暴盐尸:攻击 ⚠ 术语异常 hits => 击中
subtitles.entity.berserker.roar Berserker roars 狂暴盐尸:咆哮 ✔ 术语 roars => 咆哮
subtitles.entity.berserker.shake Berserker shakes 狂暴盐尸:摇晃 ⚠ 术语异常 shakes => 摇动
⚠ 术语异常 shakes => 晃动
subtitles.entity.berserker.smash Berserker smashes 狂暴盐尸:重击 ⚠ 术语异常 smashes => 碎裂
subtitles.entity.berserker.step Berserker steps 狂暴盐尸:脚步声 ✔ 术语 steps => 脚步声
subtitles.entity.pink_salt_pillar.emerge Pink Salt Pillar pierces 粉红岩盐柱:穿刺 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色 Pink Salt Shard lands 粉红岩盐碎片:着陆 ⚠ 术语异常 pink => 粉红色
✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
subtitles.entity.preserved.death Preserved dies 腌尸:死亡 ✔ 术语 dies => 死亡
subtitles.entity.preserved.hurt Preserved hurts 腌尸:受伤 ✔ 术语 hurts => 受伤
subtitles.entity.preserved.idle Preserved groans 腌尸:低吼 ✔ 术语 groans => 低吼
subtitles.entity.specterpillar.death Specterpillar dies 幽荧毛虫:死亡 ✔ 术语 dies => 死亡
subtitles.entity.specterpillar.hurt Specterpillar hurts 幽荧毛虫:受伤 ✔ 术语 hurts => 受伤
subtitles.entity.spectre.ambient Spectre chirps 幽荧灵:啾啾 ✔ 术语 chirps => 啾啾
subtitles.entity.spectre.death Spectre dies 幽荧灵:死亡 ✔ 术语 dies => 死亡
subtitles.entity.spectre.hurt Spectre hurts 幽荧灵:受伤 ✔ 术语 hurts => 受伤
subtitles.entity.spectre.lock_to_spyglass Spyglass locks to Spectre 望远镜:绑定至幽荧灵 ✔ 术语 spyglass => 望远镜
subtitles.entity.spectre.receive_item Spectre receives Item 幽荧灵:获得物品 ✔ 术语 item => 物品
subtitles.item.saltbound_tablet.cast_attack Saltbound Tablet fires 盐缚板:发射 ✔ 术语 fires => 发射
subtitles.item.saltbound_tablet.prepare_attack Saltbound Tablet charges up 盐缚板:充能 ⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
⚠ 术语异常 charges up => 蓄力
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