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Created May 26, 2024 07:26
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PR: CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package#4387

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英文 中文
Block Of Blazing Crystal 烈焰晶体块
Deepslate Uraninite Ore 深层普通晶质铀矿石
Deepslate Uraninite Ore (Dense) 深层致密晶质铀矿石
Deepslate Uraninite Ore (Poor) 深层贫瘠晶质铀矿石
Dry Ice 干冰
Ender Cell (Basic) 末影单元(基础)
Ender Cell (Blazing) 末影单元(烈焰)
Ender Cell (Hardened) 末影单元(硬化)
Ender Cell (Niotic) 末影单元(钻石)
Ender Cell (Nitro) 末影单元(下界)
Ender Cell (Spirited) 末影单元(富生)
Ender Cell (Starter) 末影单元(初级)
Ender Gate (Basic) 末影道门(基础)
Ender Gate (Blazing) 末影道门(烈焰)
Ender Gate (Hardened) 末影道门(硬化)
Ender Gate (Niotic) 末影道门(钻石)
Ender Gate (Nitro) 末影道门(下界)
Ender Gate (Spirited) 末影道门(富生)
Ender Gate (Starter) 末影道门(初级)
Block Of Energized Steel 充能钢块
Energizing Orb 充能台
Energizing Rod (Basic) 充能棒(基础)
Energizing Rod (Blazing) 充能棒(烈焰)
Energizing Rod (Hardened) 充能棒(硬化)
Energizing Rod (Niotic) 充能棒(钻石)
Energizing Rod (Nitro) 充能棒(下界)
Energizing Rod (Spirited) 充能棒(富生)
Energizing Rod (Starter) 充能棒(初级)
Energy Cable (Basic) 能量线缆(基础)
Energy Cable (Blazing) 能量线缆(烈焰)
Energy Cable (Hardened) 能量线缆(硬化)
Energy Cable (Niotic) 能量线缆(钻石)
Energy Cable (Nitro) 能量线缆(下界)
Energy Cable (Spirited) 能量线缆(富生)
Energy Cable (Starter) 能量线缆(初级)
Energy Cell (Basic) 能量单元(基础)
Energy Cell (Blazing) 能量单元(烈焰)
Energy Cell (Creative) 能量单元(创造)
Energy Cell (Hardened) 能量单元(硬化)
Energy Cell (Niotic) 能量单元(钻石)
Energy Cell (Nitro) 能量单元(下界)
Energy Cell (Spirited) 能量单元(富生)
Energy Cell (Starter) 能量单元(初级)
Energy Discharger (Basic) 能量提取器(基础)
Energy Discharger (Blazing) 能量提取器(烈焰)
Energy Discharger (Hardened) 能量提取器(硬化)
Energy Discharger (Niotic) 能量提取器(钻石)
Energy Discharger (Nitro) 能量提取器(下界)
Energy Discharger (Spirited) 能量提取器(富生)
Energy Discharger (Starter) 能量提取器(初级)
Energy Hopper (Basic) 能量漏斗(基础)
Energy Hopper (Blazing) 能量漏斗(烈焰)
Energy Hopper (Hardened) 能量漏斗(硬化)
Energy Hopper (Niotic) 能量漏斗(钻石)
Energy Hopper (Nitro) 能量漏斗(下界)
Energy Hopper (Spirited) 能量漏斗(富生)
Energy Hopper (Starter) 能量漏斗(初级)
Furnator (Basic) 熔炉发电机(基础)
Furnator (Blazing) 熔炉发电机(烈焰)
Furnator (Hardened) 熔炉发电机(硬化)
Furnator (Niotic) 熔炉发电机(钻石)
Furnator (Nitro) 熔炉发电机(下界)
Furnator (Spirited) 熔炉发电机(富生)
Furnator (Starter) 熔炉发电机(初级)
Magmator (Basic) 岩浆发电机(基础)
Magmator (Blazing) 岩浆发电机(烈焰)
Magmator (Hardened) 岩浆发电机(硬化)
Magmator (Niotic) 岩浆发电机(钻石)
Magmator (Nitro) 岩浆发电机(下界)
Magmator (Spirited) 岩浆发电机(富生)
Magmator (Starter) 岩浆发电机(初级)
Block Of Niotic Crystal 钻石晶体块
Block Of Nitro Crystal 下界晶体块
Player Transmitter (Basic) 玩家供电仪(基础)
Player Transmitter (Blazing) 玩家供电仪(烈焰)
Player Transmitter (Hardened) 玩家供电仪(硬化)
Player Transmitter (Niotic) 玩家供电仪(钻石)
Player Transmitter (Nitro) 玩家供电仪(下界)
Player Transmitter (Spirited) 玩家供电仪(富生)
Player Transmitter (Starter) 玩家供电仪(初级)
Reactor (Basic) 反应堆(基础)
Reactor (Blazing) 反应堆(烈焰)
Reactor (Hardened) 反应堆(硬化)
Reactor (Niotic) 反应堆(钻石)
Reactor (Nitro) 反应堆(下界)
Reactor (Spirited) 反应堆(富生)
Reactor (Starter) 反应堆(初级)
Solar Panel (Basic) 太阳能板(基础)
Solar Panel (Blazing) 太阳能板(烈焰)
Solar Panel (Hardened) 太阳能板(硬化)
Solar Panel (Niotic) 太阳能板(钻石)
Solar Panel (Nitro) 太阳能板(下界)
Solar Panel (Spirited) 太阳能板(富生)
Solar Panel (Starter) 太阳能板(初级)
Block Of Spirited Crystal 富生晶体块
Thermo Generator (Basic) 热力发电机(基础)
Thermo Generator (Blazing) 热力发电机(烈焰)
Thermo Generator (Hardened) 热力发电机(硬化)
Thermo Generator (Niotic) 热力发电机(钻石)
Thermo Generator (Nitro) 热力发电机(下界)
Thermo Generator (Spirited) 热力发电机(富生)
Thermo Generator (Starter) 热力发电机(初级)
Block Of Uraninite 晶质铀块
Uraninite Ore 普通晶质铀矿石
Uraninite Ore (Dense) 致密晶质铀矿石
Uraninite Ore (Poor) 贫瘠晶质铀矿石
This Card is already bound to %s! 这张卡已被绑定至%s!
Not enough Blocks! you need %s more! 方块不足,你还需要%s个!
Linking done! 链接完成!
Out of range!! 超出范围!
Started linking ... 开始链接……
Coolants 冷却剂
Energizing 充能
Heat Sources 热源
Magmatic Fluids 岩浆流体
Solid Coolants 固体冷却剂
Channel: %s 末影频道:%s
Charging Speed: %s FE/t 充能速度:%s FE/t
Right click to bind. 右击以绑定。
Fuel Consumption 燃料消耗
Auto Mode 自动模式
The reactor will stop when is full and start
when has less than 70% of energy. 反应堆会在能量缓存满的时候停止
Generation Factor 产出系数
New Capacity: %s FE 增加电容:%s FE
New Energy: %s FE 增加能量:%s FE
Production 产出
Redstone 红石
[SHIFT + CLICK] to apply. [SHIFT+点击]以应用。
Solid Coolant 固体冷却剂
Unlimited Powah!!! 无限的能量!!!
Mode: %s 模式:%s
Config 配置
Link 链接
Rotate 旋转
Aerial Pearl 天线珍珠
Battery (Basic) 电池(基础)
Battery (Blazing) 电池(烈焰)
Battery (Hardened) 电池(硬化)
Battery (Niotic) 电池(钻石)
Battery (Nitro) 电池(下界)
Battery (Spirited) 电池(富生)
Battery (Starter) 电池(初级)
Binding Card 绑定卡
Binding Card (Dimensional) 绑定卡(跨维度)
Blank Card 空白卡
Blazing Crystal 烈焰晶体
Manual (Powah!) 手册(Powah!)
Basic Capacitor 基础电容(中型)
Basic Capacitor (Large) 基础电容(大型)
Basic Capacitor (Tiny) 基础电容(小型)
Blazing Capacitor 烈焰电容
Hardened Capacitor 硬化电容
Niotic Capacitor 钻石电容
Nitro Capacitor 下界电容
Spirited Capacitor 富生电容
Charged Snowball 带电雪球
Blazing Crystal 烈焰水晶
Niotic Crystal 钻石水晶
Nitro Crystal 下界水晶
Spirited Crystal 富生水晶
Dielectric Casing 绝缘外壳
Dielectric Paste 绝缘覆层
Dielectric Rod 绝缘棒
Dielectric Rod (Horizontal) 绝缘棒(横向)
Ender Core 末影核心
Energised Steel 充能钢
Lens Of Ender 末影透镜
Niotic Crystal 钻石晶体
Photoelectric Pane 光伏板
Player Aerial Pearl 玩家天线珍珠
Spirited Crystal 富生晶体
Energized Steel 充能钢
Thermo Plate 热力板
Uraninite 晶质铀
Raw Uraninite 天然晶质铀
Wrench 扳手
Use a Binding card on Enderman or Endermite. 对末影人或末影螨使用绑定卡获得。
Use a Photoelectric Pane on Enderman or Endermite. 对末影人或末影螨使用光伏板获得。
Use an Aerial Pearl on Zombie or Husk. 对僵尸或尸壳使用天线珍珠以获得。
Blue Ice 蓝冰
Dry Ice 干冰
Any Ice 任意冰
Packed Ice 浮冰
Raw Uraninite Ores 粗晶质铀矿
Uraninite Blocks 晶质铀块
Uraninite Ores 晶质铀矿石
Batteries 电池
Charge items when is in player inventory, can Also be used to upgrade the capacity of a Ender Network channel by Shift clicking a Battery to an Ender Cell GUI, if the Battery contain energy then will also be applied to the ender network channel. 充能玩家物品栏中的物品。同样可以在末影单元中通过按下Shift单击被加入至末影频道,其中所含能量也会被保留。
Binding Card 绑定卡
Binding Card used to link a player with a Player Transmitter in the same dimension. 绑定卡可被用于链接同一维度中的玩家与玩家供电仪。
You need to link it with you before adding it to the player transmitter, Right-click it to bind. 你首先需要将自己绑定与之绑定。右击以完成。
Binding Card (Dimensional) 绑定卡(跨维度)
Dimensional Binding Card used to link a player with a Player Transmitter across dimensions. 绑定卡可被用于链接任意一个或两个维度中的玩家与玩家供电仪。
You need to link it with you before adding it to the player transmitter, Right-click it to bind. 你首先需要将自己绑定与之绑定。右击以完成。
Charged Snowball 带电雪球
Throwing a Charged Snowball will cause a bolt of lightning to spawn when hitting the ground or when it hits the mob, obtained by energizing a snowball. 落地时或命中生物时会召唤闪电。充能雪球以获得。
Dry Ice 干冰
Dry Ice used mainly to cool down reactors, it can be found underground at levels below 64, you can also obtain it by energizing two pieces of blue ice. 干冰主要被用于降低反应堆的温度。它生成于Y=64以下,但也可以通过同时充能两个蓝冰获得。
Ender Cells 末影单元
The Ender Cell its a block used to store energy (FE) to a specific channel of the ender network of the owner. 末影单元可被用于为其拥有者在末影网络的特定频道内存储FE能量。
You can access the energy stored of a selected channel from anywhere in the world if the Ender Cell that you want to transfer power from/to have an active channel with a valid capacity. 如果一个频道有有效的电容空间并存有能量,你便可以在任意位置的末影单元中访问该频道并提取其中的能量。
You can add capacity to a selected channel by shift-clicking an Energy Cell or Battery to the Ender Cell GUI. 你可以通过在右击末影单元打开的GUI中按下Shift单击能量单元或电池以将之添加至所选频道。
The amount added is the same of the item you've added, max capacity a channel can have is 9E FE. 频道的属性值(电容大小、所存能量)都与你已添加的物品的总属性值相同。最大电容为9*10^18 FE。
Ender Gates 末影道门
Transfer energy between the adjacent block and the ender network. 在相邻方块与末影网络之间转移能量。
Unlike the Ender cell you can not Upgrade the network from it. 与末影单元不同,你不能通过末影道门升级各个频道。
Energizing 充能
The Energizing Orb its a block used to energize items, require at least one Energizing Rod in range of %s to work, the energizing speed depends on amount of rods and the rod tier (I/O rate). 充能台可被用于为物体充能。其周围%s格内必须有至少1个充能棒。充能速度取决于充能棒的数量及其等级。
The orb does not require energy but the rods must be placed on cables or any Forge Energy (FE) block to work. 充能台本身不需要能量供应,但充能棒必须位于线缆或FE存储方块上方以工作。
When placing the orb/rod in range will automatically link to each other, also you can use the powah:wrench with Link mode to re-link them. 被放置时充能台和充能棒会自动互相连接,你也可以通过手持设置为链接模式的扳手右击线缆来改变其转移模式。
Functional Blocks 功能性方块
Energy Cables 能量线缆
Cables are used to transfer power between machines. 线缆可被用于转移能量。
You can change transfer mode of by right-clicking a cable using powah:wrench with Config mode selected. 你可以通过手持设置为配置模式的扳手右击线缆来改变其转移模式。
Energy Cells 能量单元
The Energy Cell its a block used to store energy (FE). 能量单元可被用于存储FE能量。
Can Also be used to add capacity to an Ender Network channel by Shift-clicking it to an Ender Cell GUI, if the Energy Cell contains energy then will also be applied to the ender network channel. 同样可以在末影单元中通过按下Shift单击被加入至末影频道,其中所含能量也会被保留。
Energy Discharger 能量提取器
The Energy Discharger its a block used to drain energy (FE) out of charged items and then store it to an internal buffer if then connected via cables to extract that stored power and re-using it again. 能量提取器可被用于提取已含能量物品中的能量并将之存储于自身的缓存中。可以用线缆将能量提取器中的能量提取以再次利用这些能量。
Energy Hopper 能量漏斗
The Energy Hopper its a block used to charge chargeable items inside an adjacent inventory like a chest or any block with an accessible inventory and not a not has forge energy. 能量漏斗可被用于充能包含可交互物品栏且不含FE能量的相邻方块中的可充能物品。
Furnator 熔炉发电机
The Furnator is an FE generator that generates energy from solid Furnace fuel like coal, wood ... 熔炉发电机通过燃烧木头、煤炭等燃料产出FE能量。
High tiers generate more FE/t and it has higher energy output, also they burn the fuel faster with the same energy gained per fuel tick. 更高等级拥有更快的输出速度,同时每刻产出的FE能量也更多,产出能量相同时消耗燃料也更快。
Generators 能量产出
Items 物品
Lens Of Ender 末影透镜
When Applying a Lens Of Ender to a Solar Panel will make it see through blocks. 右击装至太阳能板上时可以使之无视上方方块产能。
Magmator 岩浆发电机
The Magmator is an FE generator that generates energy from high temp fluids like Lava. 岩浆发电机通过熔岩等高温流体产出FE能量。
High tiers generate more FE/t and it has higher energy output, also they burn the fuel faster with the same energy gained per fuel tick. 更高等级拥有更快的输出速度,同时每刻产出的FE能量也更多,产出能量相同时消耗燃料也更快。
Materials 材料
Player Aerial Pearl 玩家天线珍珠
Player Aerial Pearl used to craft the player transmitter. 用于合成玩家供电仪。
You can get it by using an Aerial Pearl on a Zombie or Husk. 对僵尸或尸壳使用天线珍珠以获得。
Player Transmitter 玩家供电仪
The Player Transmitter its a block used to charge items wirelessly in linked player inventory including armor slots and off-hand anywhere in the same dimension when has a normal binding card and across dimensions when has a dimensional binding card. 玩家供电仪可被用于充能链接至的玩家物品栏中的物品。装有绑定卡时可为在当前维度的玩家充能,而装有绑定卡(跨维度)时可为在任意维度的玩家充能。
Reactor 反应堆
The Reactor is a multi-block (FE) generator that use Uraninite as main fuel. 反应堆是一种以晶质铀为燃料的多方块FE产能器。
To build it you will need 36 Reactor block in your hand and placing them in a 3X4 replaceable area, then the reactor will complete building itself automatically. 要想建造一个反应堆,你需要将36个反应堆方块放入快捷栏中,并准备一块343格大小的可建造区域。在该区域的中心放置一个反应堆方块后,它会自动完成建造。
When Generating energy the reactor heats up causing it to consume fuel faster and generating less FE/t, so you need to cool it down using a coolant like water, also you can use a solid coolant like snow or ice for extra coldness, solid coolant require liquid coolant to work. 反应堆会在产能时升温,此时它会更快地消耗燃料,每刻产出的FE也会减少,所以你需要水作为流体冷却剂为之降温,同时你也可以使用冰、干冰等固体冷却剂进行额外的冷却;固体冷却剂生效需要流体冷却剂作为前置条件。
Keep the reactor buffer full of fuel for better production. 保证反应堆的缓存充满燃料以使其更好地产出能量。
Carbon materials like coal, wood..., will improve the fuel efficiency and will add +180 C of heat. 包括木头、煤炭在内的含碳材料可以提升燃料效益,同时使反应堆升温180 C。
Redstone will speed up the production and the fuel consumption and will add +120 C of heat. 红石可以提升能量产出与燃料消耗速度,同时使反应堆升温120 C。
The reactor will stop when is full and start when has less than 70% of energy if the auto mode is on. 自动模式下,反应堆会在能量缓存满的时候停止并在能量少于70%时启动。
Solar Panel 太阳能板
The Solar Panel is an FE generator that generates energy when exposed to sunlight, high tiers generates more FE/t, any block that stop light above the Solar panel will stop its production. 太阳能板在阳光存在时会产出FE能量。更高等级每刻产出的FE能量更多。任何位于太阳能板上方阻挡其阳光的方块都会使其停止产出。
Storage / Transfer 能量存储/转移
Thermo Generator 热力发电机
The Thermo Generator is an FE generator that generates energy when placed on top of a high temp block/fluid like lava, require a coolant fluid like water to run. 热力发电机在熔岩等高温流体或方块上方时会产出FE能量。需要消耗水作为流体冷却剂。
Uraninite Ore 晶质铀矿石
Uraninite Ore is an ore rarely found underground at levels below 64 for poor, below 20 for the normal, and below 0 for dense, and is found in 1 - 5 block deposits. 晶质铀矿石是一种稀有的矿石。其贫瘠变种生成于Y=64以下,普通变种生成于Y=20以下,致密变种生成于Y=0以下,矿团大小为1-5。
An iron or better pickaxe is needed to mine it, and when mined it will drop 1 piece of Raw Uraninite based on the ore type (the amount dropped are effected by fortune). 需要铁镐及更高等级的镐来挖掘。挖掘时会掉落1个天然晶质铀(受时运影响)。
Welcome back %s :) 欢迎回来,%s :)
Wrench 扳手
The Wrench has 3 modes: 扳手拥有3个模式,手持扳手按下Shift右击可以切换扳手的模式:
Config Mode: used to change cables I/O configuration. 配置模式:用于改变线缆的输入输出配置。
Link Mode: used to link linkable blocks like energizing orb and rods. 链接模式:用于链接可链接方块,例如充能台与充能棒。
Rotate Mode: used to rotate blocks horizontally. 旋转模式:用于水平旋转方块。
Powah Powah
Key 英文 中文
block.powah.blazing_crystal_block Block Of Blazing Crystal 烈焰晶体块
block.powah.deepslate_uraninite_ore Deepslate Uraninite Ore 深层普通晶质铀矿石
block.powah.deepslate_uraninite_ore_dense Deepslate Uraninite Ore (Dense) 深层致密晶质铀矿石
block.powah.deepslate_uraninite_ore_poor Deepslate Uraninite Ore (Poor) 深层贫瘠晶质铀矿石
block.powah.dry_ice Dry Ice 干冰
block.powah.ender_cell_basic Ender Cell (Basic) 末影单元(基础)
block.powah.ender_cell_blazing Ender Cell (Blazing) 末影单元(烈焰)
block.powah.ender_cell_hardened Ender Cell (Hardened) 末影单元(硬化)
block.powah.ender_cell_niotic Ender Cell (Niotic) 末影单元(钻石)
block.powah.ender_cell_nitro Ender Cell (Nitro) 末影单元(下界)
block.powah.ender_cell_spirited Ender Cell (Spirited) 末影单元(富生)
block.powah.ender_cell_starter Ender Cell (Starter) 末影单元(初级)
block.powah.ender_gate_basic Ender Gate (Basic) 末影道门(基础)
block.powah.ender_gate_blazing Ender Gate (Blazing) 末影道门(烈焰)
block.powah.ender_gate_hardened Ender Gate (Hardened) 末影道门(硬化)
block.powah.ender_gate_niotic Ender Gate (Niotic) 末影道门(钻石)
block.powah.ender_gate_nitro Ender Gate (Nitro) 末影道门(下界)
block.powah.ender_gate_spirited Ender Gate (Spirited) 末影道门(富生)
block.powah.ender_gate_starter Ender Gate (Starter) 末影道门(初级)
block.powah.energized_steel_block Block Of Energized Steel 充能钢块
block.powah.energizing_orb Energizing Orb 充能台
block.powah.energizing_rod_basic Energizing Rod (Basic) 充能棒(基础)
block.powah.energizing_rod_blazing Energizing Rod (Blazing) 充能棒(烈焰)
block.powah.energizing_rod_hardened Energizing Rod (Hardened) 充能棒(硬化)
block.powah.energizing_rod_niotic Energizing Rod (Niotic) 充能棒(钻石)
block.powah.energizing_rod_nitro Energizing Rod (Nitro) 充能棒(下界)
block.powah.energizing_rod_spirited Energizing Rod (Spirited) 充能棒(富生)
block.powah.energizing_rod_starter Energizing Rod (Starter) 充能棒(初级)
block.powah.energy_cable_basic Energy Cable (Basic) 能量线缆(基础)
block.powah.energy_cable_blazing Energy Cable (Blazing) 能量线缆(烈焰)
block.powah.energy_cable_hardened Energy Cable (Hardened) 能量线缆(硬化)
block.powah.energy_cable_niotic Energy Cable (Niotic) 能量线缆(钻石)
block.powah.energy_cable_nitro Energy Cable (Nitro) 能量线缆(下界)
block.powah.energy_cable_spirited Energy Cable (Spirited) 能量线缆(富生)
block.powah.energy_cable_starter Energy Cable (Starter) 能量线缆(初级)
block.powah.energy_cell_basic Energy Cell (Basic) 能量单元(基础)
block.powah.energy_cell_blazing Energy Cell (Blazing) 能量单元(烈焰)
block.powah.energy_cell_creative Energy Cell (Creative) 能量单元(创造)
block.powah.energy_cell_hardened Energy Cell (Hardened) 能量单元(硬化)
block.powah.energy_cell_niotic Energy Cell (Niotic) 能量单元(钻石)
block.powah.energy_cell_nitro Energy Cell (Nitro) 能量单元(下界)
block.powah.energy_cell_spirited Energy Cell (Spirited) 能量单元(富生)
block.powah.energy_cell_starter Energy Cell (Starter) 能量单元(初级)
block.powah.energy_discharger_basic Energy Discharger (Basic) 能量提取器(基础)
block.powah.energy_discharger_blazing Energy Discharger (Blazing) 能量提取器(烈焰)
block.powah.energy_discharger_hardened Energy Discharger (Hardened) 能量提取器(硬化)
block.powah.energy_discharger_niotic Energy Discharger (Niotic) 能量提取器(钻石)
block.powah.energy_discharger_nitro Energy Discharger (Nitro) 能量提取器(下界)
block.powah.energy_discharger_spirited Energy Discharger (Spirited) 能量提取器(富生)
block.powah.energy_discharger_starter Energy Discharger (Starter) 能量提取器(初级)
block.powah.energy_hopper_basic Energy Hopper (Basic) 能量漏斗(基础)
block.powah.energy_hopper_blazing Energy Hopper (Blazing) 能量漏斗(烈焰)
block.powah.energy_hopper_hardened Energy Hopper (Hardened) 能量漏斗(硬化)
block.powah.energy_hopper_niotic Energy Hopper (Niotic) 能量漏斗(钻石)
block.powah.energy_hopper_nitro Energy Hopper (Nitro) 能量漏斗(下界)
block.powah.energy_hopper_spirited Energy Hopper (Spirited) 能量漏斗(富生)
block.powah.energy_hopper_starter Energy Hopper (Starter) 能量漏斗(初级)
block.powah.furnator_basic Furnator (Basic) 熔炉发电机(基础)
block.powah.furnator_blazing Furnator (Blazing) 熔炉发电机(烈焰)
block.powah.furnator_hardened Furnator (Hardened) 熔炉发电机(硬化)
block.powah.furnator_niotic Furnator (Niotic) 熔炉发电机(钻石)
block.powah.furnator_nitro Furnator (Nitro) 熔炉发电机(下界)
block.powah.furnator_spirited Furnator (Spirited) 熔炉发电机(富生)
block.powah.furnator_starter Furnator (Starter) 熔炉发电机(初级)
block.powah.magmator_basic Magmator (Basic) 岩浆发电机(基础)
block.powah.magmator_blazing Magmator (Blazing) 岩浆发电机(烈焰)
block.powah.magmator_hardened Magmator (Hardened) 岩浆发电机(硬化)
block.powah.magmator_niotic Magmator (Niotic) 岩浆发电机(钻石)
block.powah.magmator_nitro Magmator (Nitro) 岩浆发电机(下界)
block.powah.magmator_spirited Magmator (Spirited) 岩浆发电机(富生)
block.powah.magmator_starter Magmator (Starter) 岩浆发电机(初级)
block.powah.niotic_crystal_block Block Of Niotic Crystal 钻石晶体块
block.powah.nitro_crystal_block Block Of Nitro Crystal 下界晶体块
block.powah.player_transmitter_basic Player Transmitter (Basic) 玩家供电仪(基础)
block.powah.player_transmitter_blazing Player Transmitter (Blazing) 玩家供电仪(烈焰)
block.powah.player_transmitter_hardened Player Transmitter (Hardened) 玩家供电仪(硬化)
block.powah.player_transmitter_niotic Player Transmitter (Niotic) 玩家供电仪(钻石)
block.powah.player_transmitter_nitro Player Transmitter (Nitro) 玩家供电仪(下界)
block.powah.player_transmitter_spirited Player Transmitter (Spirited) 玩家供电仪(富生)
block.powah.player_transmitter_starter Player Transmitter (Starter) 玩家供电仪(初级)
block.powah.reactor_basic Reactor (Basic) 反应堆(基础)
block.powah.reactor_blazing Reactor (Blazing) 反应堆(烈焰)
block.powah.reactor_hardened Reactor (Hardened) 反应堆(硬化)
block.powah.reactor_niotic Reactor (Niotic) 反应堆(钻石)
block.powah.reactor_nitro Reactor (Nitro) 反应堆(下界)
block.powah.reactor_spirited Reactor (Spirited) 反应堆(富生)
block.powah.reactor_starter Reactor (Starter) 反应堆(初级)
block.powah.solar_panel_basic Solar Panel (Basic) 太阳能板(基础)
block.powah.solar_panel_blazing Solar Panel (Blazing) 太阳能板(烈焰)
block.powah.solar_panel_hardened Solar Panel (Hardened) 太阳能板(硬化)
block.powah.solar_panel_niotic Solar Panel (Niotic) 太阳能板(钻石)
block.powah.solar_panel_nitro Solar Panel (Nitro) 太阳能板(下界)
block.powah.solar_panel_spirited Solar Panel (Spirited) 太阳能板(富生)
block.powah.solar_panel_starter Solar Panel (Starter) 太阳能板(初级)
block.powah.spirited_crystal_block Block Of Spirited Crystal 富生晶体块
block.powah.thermo_generator_basic Thermo Generator (Basic) 热力发电机(基础)
block.powah.thermo_generator_blazing Thermo Generator (Blazing) 热力发电机(烈焰)
block.powah.thermo_generator_hardened Thermo Generator (Hardened) 热力发电机(硬化)
block.powah.thermo_generator_niotic Thermo Generator (Niotic) 热力发电机(钻石)
block.powah.thermo_generator_nitro Thermo Generator (Nitro) 热力发电机(下界)
block.powah.thermo_generator_spirited Thermo Generator (Spirited) 热力发电机(富生)
block.powah.thermo_generator_starter Thermo Generator (Starter) 热力发电机(初级)
block.powah.uraninite_block Block Of Uraninite 晶质铀块
block.powah.uraninite_ore Uraninite Ore 普通晶质铀矿石
block.powah.uraninite_ore_dense Uraninite Ore (Dense) 致密晶质铀矿石
block.powah.uraninite_ore_poor Uraninite Ore (Poor) 贫瘠晶质铀矿石 This Card is already bound to %s! 这张卡已被绑定至%s!
chat.powah.not.enough.blocks Not enough Blocks! you need %s more! 方块不足,你还需要%s个! Linking done! 链接完成! Out of range!! 超出范围! Started linking ... 开始链接……
gui.powah.jei.category.coolant Coolants 冷却剂
gui.powah.jei.category.energizing Energizing 充能
gui.powah.jei.category.heat.sources Heat Sources 热源
gui.powah.jei.category.magmatic Magmatic Fluids 岩浆流体
gui.powah.jei.category.reactor.fuels 反应堆燃料
gui.powah.jei.category.solid.coolant Solid Coolants 固体冷却剂
info.powah.carbon Carbon Channel: %s 末影频道:%s
info.powah.charging.speed Charging Speed: %s FE/t 充能速度:%s FE/t Right click to bind. 右击以绑定。
info.powah.fuel.consumption Fuel Consumption 燃料消耗
info.powah.gen.mode Auto Mode 自动模式
info.powah.gen.mode.desc The reactor will stop when is full and start
when has less than 70% of energy. 反应堆会在能量缓存满的时候停止
info.powah.generation.factor Generation Factor 产出系数 New Capacity: %s FE 增加电容:%s FE New Energy: %s FE 增加能量:%s FE
info.powah.production Production 产出 Redstone 红石 [SHIFT + CLICK] to apply. [SHIFT+点击]以应用。
info.powah.solid.coolant Solid Coolant 固体冷却剂
info.powah.unlimited Unlimited Powah!!! 无限的能量!!!
info.powah.wrench.mode Mode: %s 模式:%s
info.powah.wrench.mode.config Config 配置 Link 链接
info.powah.wrench.mode.rotate Rotate 旋转
item.powah.aerial_pearl Aerial Pearl 天线珍珠
item.powah.battery_basic Battery (Basic) 电池(基础)
item.powah.battery_blazing Battery (Blazing) 电池(烈焰)
item.powah.battery_hardened Battery (Hardened) 电池(硬化)
item.powah.battery_niotic Battery (Niotic) 电池(钻石)
item.powah.battery_nitro Battery (Nitro) 电池(下界)
item.powah.battery_spirited Battery (Spirited) 电池(富生)
item.powah.battery_starter Battery (Starter) 电池(初级)
item.powah.binding_card Binding Card 绑定卡
item.powah.binding_card_dim Binding Card (Dimensional) 绑定卡(跨维度)
item.powah.blank_card Blank Card 空白卡
item.powah.blazing_crystal Blazing Crystal 烈焰晶体 Manual (Powah!) 手册(Powah!)
item.powah.capacitor_basic Basic Capacitor 基础电容(中型)
item.powah.capacitor_basic_large Basic Capacitor (Large) 基础电容(大型)
item.powah.capacitor_basic_tiny Basic Capacitor (Tiny) 基础电容(小型)
item.powah.capacitor_blazing Blazing Capacitor 烈焰电容
item.powah.capacitor_hardened Hardened Capacitor 硬化电容
item.powah.capacitor_niotic Niotic Capacitor 钻石电容
item.powah.capacitor_nitro Nitro Capacitor 下界电容
item.powah.capacitor_spirited Spirited Capacitor 富生电容
item.powah.charged_snowball Charged Snowball 带电雪球
item.powah.crystal_blazing Blazing Crystal 烈焰水晶
item.powah.crystal_niotic Niotic Crystal 钻石水晶
item.powah.crystal_nitro Nitro Crystal 下界水晶
item.powah.crystal_spirited Spirited Crystal 富生水晶
item.powah.dielectric_casing Dielectric Casing 绝缘外壳
item.powah.dielectric_paste Dielectric Paste 绝缘覆层
item.powah.dielectric_rod Dielectric Rod 绝缘棒
item.powah.dielectric_rod_horizontal Dielectric Rod (Horizontal) 绝缘棒(横向)
item.powah.ender_core Ender Core 末影核心
item.powah.energised_steel Energised Steel 充能钢
item.powah.lens_of_ender Lens Of Ender 末影透镜
item.powah.niotic_crystal Niotic Crystal 钻石晶体
item.powah.photoelectric_pane Photoelectric Pane 光伏板
item.powah.player_aerial_pearl Player Aerial Pearl 玩家天线珍珠
item.powah.spirited_crystal Spirited Crystal 富生晶体
item.powah.steel_energized Energized Steel 充能钢
item.powah.thermoelectric_plate Thermo Plate 热力板
item.powah.uraninite Uraninite 晶质铀
item.powah.uraninite_raw Raw Uraninite 天然晶质铀
item.powah.wrench Wrench 扳手
jei.powah.binding_card_dim Use a Binding card on Enderman or Endermite. 对末影人或末影螨使用绑定卡获得。
jei.powah.lens_of_ender Use a Photoelectric Pane on Enderman or Endermite. 对末影人或末影螨使用光伏板获得。
jei.powah.player_aerial_pearl Use an Aerial Pearl on Zombie or Husk. 对僵尸或尸壳使用天线珍珠以获得。
tag.item.c.blue_ices Blue Ice 蓝冰
tag.item.c.dry_ices Dry Ice 干冰
tag.item.c.ices Any Ice 任意冰
tag.item.c.packed_ices Packed Ice 浮冰
tag.item.c.raw_uraninite_ores Raw Uraninite Ores 粗晶质铀矿
tag.item.c.regular_ices Ice
tag.item.c.uraninite_blocks Uraninite Blocks 晶质铀块
tag.item.c.uraninite_ores Uraninite Ores 晶质铀矿石
wiki.powah.battery Batteries 电池
wiki.powah.battery_0 Charge items when is in player inventory, can Also be used to upgrade the capacity of a Ender Network channel by Shift clicking a Battery to an Ender Cell GUI, if the Battery contain energy then will also be applied to the ender network channel. 充能玩家物品栏中的物品。同样可以在末影单元中通过按下Shift单击被加入至末影频道,其中所含能量也会被保留。
wiki.powah.binding_card Binding Card 绑定卡
wiki.powah.binding_card_0 Binding Card used to link a player with a Player Transmitter in the same dimension. 绑定卡可被用于链接同一维度中的玩家与玩家供电仪。
wiki.powah.binding_card_1 You need to link it with you before adding it to the player transmitter, Right-click it to bind. 你首先需要将自己绑定与之绑定。右击以完成。
wiki.powah.binding_card_dim Binding Card (Dimensional) 绑定卡(跨维度)
wiki.powah.binding_card_dim_0 Dimensional Binding Card used to link a player with a Player Transmitter across dimensions. 绑定卡可被用于链接任意一个或两个维度中的玩家与玩家供电仪。
wiki.powah.binding_card_dim_1 You need to link it with you before adding it to the player transmitter, Right-click it to bind. 你首先需要将自己绑定与之绑定。右击以完成。
wiki.powah.charged_snowball Charged Snowball 带电雪球
wiki.powah.charged_snowball_0 Throwing a Charged Snowball will cause a bolt of lightning to spawn when hitting the ground or when it hits the mob, obtained by energizing a snowball. 落地时或命中生物时会召唤闪电。充能雪球以获得。
wiki.powah.dry_ice Dry Ice 干冰
wiki.powah.dry_ice_0 Dry Ice used mainly to cool down reactors, it can be found underground at levels below 64, you can also obtain it by energizing two pieces of blue ice. 干冰主要被用于降低反应堆的温度。它生成于Y=64以下,但也可以通过同时充能两个蓝冰获得。
wiki.powah.ender_cell Ender Cells 末影单元
wiki.powah.ender_cell_0 The Ender Cell its a block used to store energy (FE) to a specific channel of the ender network of the owner. 末影单元可被用于为其拥有者在末影网络的特定频道内存储FE能量。
wiki.powah.ender_cell_1 You can access the energy stored of a selected channel from anywhere in the world if the Ender Cell that you want to transfer power from/to have an active channel with a valid capacity. 如果一个频道有有效的电容空间并存有能量,你便可以在任意位置的末影单元中访问该频道并提取其中的能量。
wiki.powah.ender_cell_2 You can add capacity to a selected channel by shift-clicking an Energy Cell or Battery to the Ender Cell GUI. 你可以通过在右击末影单元打开的GUI中按下Shift单击能量单元或电池以将之添加至所选频道。
wiki.powah.ender_cell_3 The amount added is the same of the item you've added, max capacity a channel can have is 9E FE. 频道的属性值(电容大小、所存能量)都与你已添加的物品的总属性值相同。最大电容为9*10^18 FE。
wiki.powah.ender_gate Ender Gates 末影道门
wiki.powah.ender_gate_0 Transfer energy between the adjacent block and the ender network. 在相邻方块与末影网络之间转移能量。
wiki.powah.ender_gate_1 Unlike the Ender cell you can not Upgrade the network from it. 与末影单元不同,你不能通过末影道门升级各个频道。
wiki.powah.energizing Energizing 充能
wiki.powah.energizing_0 The Energizing Orb its a block used to energize items, require at least one Energizing Rod in range of %s to work, the energizing speed depends on amount of rods and the rod tier (I/O rate). 充能台可被用于为物体充能。其周围%s格内必须有至少1个充能棒。充能速度取决于充能棒的数量及其等级。
wiki.powah.energizing_1 The orb does not require energy but the rods must be placed on cables or any Forge Energy (FE) block to work. 充能台本身不需要能量供应,但充能棒必须位于线缆或FE存储方块上方以工作。
wiki.powah.energizing_2 When placing the orb/rod in range will automatically link to each other, also you can use the powah:wrench with Link mode to re-link them. 被放置时充能台和充能棒会自动互相连接,你也可以通过手持设置为链接模式的扳手右击线缆来改变其转移模式。
wiki.powah.energy_blocks Functional Blocks 功能性方块
wiki.powah.energy_cable Energy Cables 能量线缆
wiki.powah.energy_cable_0 Cables are used to transfer power between machines. 线缆可被用于转移能量。
wiki.powah.energy_cable_1 You can change transfer mode of by right-clicking a cable using powah:wrench with Config mode selected. 你可以通过手持设置为配置模式的扳手右击线缆来改变其转移模式。
wiki.powah.energy_cell Energy Cells 能量单元
wiki.powah.energy_cell_0 The Energy Cell its a block used to store energy (FE). 能量单元可被用于存储FE能量。
wiki.powah.energy_cell_1 Can Also be used to add capacity to an Ender Network channel by Shift-clicking it to an Ender Cell GUI, if the Energy Cell contains energy then will also be applied to the ender network channel. 同样可以在末影单元中通过按下Shift单击被加入至末影频道,其中所含能量也会被保留。
wiki.powah.energy_discharger Energy Discharger 能量提取器
wiki.powah.energy_discharger_0 The Energy Discharger its a block used to drain energy (FE) out of charged items and then store it to an internal buffer if then connected via cables to extract that stored power and re-using it again. 能量提取器可被用于提取已含能量物品中的能量并将之存储于自身的缓存中。可以用线缆将能量提取器中的能量提取以再次利用这些能量。
wiki.powah.energy_hopper Energy Hopper 能量漏斗
wiki.powah.energy_hopper_0 The Energy Hopper its a block used to charge chargeable items inside an adjacent inventory like a chest or any block with an accessible inventory and not a not has forge energy. 能量漏斗可被用于充能包含可交互物品栏且不含FE能量的相邻方块中的可充能物品。
wiki.powah.furnator Furnator 熔炉发电机
wiki.powah.furnator_0 The Furnator is an FE generator that generates energy from solid Furnace fuel like coal, wood ... 熔炉发电机通过燃烧木头、煤炭等燃料产出FE能量。
wiki.powah.furnator_1 High tiers generate more FE/t and it has higher energy output, also they burn the fuel faster with the same energy gained per fuel tick. 更高等级拥有更快的输出速度,同时每刻产出的FE能量也更多,产出能量相同时消耗燃料也更快。
wiki.powah.generators Generators 能量产出
wiki.powah.items Items 物品
wiki.powah.lens_of_ender Lens Of Ender 末影透镜
wiki.powah.lens_of_ender_0 When Applying a Lens Of Ender to a Solar Panel will make it see through blocks. 右击装至太阳能板上时可以使之无视上方方块产能。
wiki.powah.magmator Magmator 岩浆发电机
wiki.powah.magmator_0 The Magmator is an FE generator that generates energy from high temp fluids like Lava. 岩浆发电机通过熔岩等高温流体产出FE能量。
wiki.powah.magmator_1 High tiers generate more FE/t and it has higher energy output, also they burn the fuel faster with the same energy gained per fuel tick. 更高等级拥有更快的输出速度,同时每刻产出的FE能量也更多,产出能量相同时消耗燃料也更快。
wiki.powah.materials Materials 材料
wiki.powah.player_aerial_pearl Player Aerial Pearl 玩家天线珍珠
wiki.powah.player_aerial_pearl_0 Player Aerial Pearl used to craft the player transmitter. 用于合成玩家供电仪。
wiki.powah.player_aerial_pearl_1 You can get it by using an Aerial Pearl on a Zombie or Husk. 对僵尸或尸壳使用天线珍珠以获得。
wiki.powah.player_transmitter Player Transmitter 玩家供电仪
wiki.powah.player_transmitter_0 The Player Transmitter its a block used to charge items wirelessly in linked player inventory including armor slots and off-hand anywhere in the same dimension when has a normal binding card and across dimensions when has a dimensional binding card. 玩家供电仪可被用于充能链接至的玩家物品栏中的物品。装有绑定卡时可为在当前维度的玩家充能,而装有绑定卡(跨维度)时可为在任意维度的玩家充能。
wiki.powah.reactor Reactor 反应堆
wiki.powah.reactor_0 The Reactor is a multi-block (FE) generator that use Uraninite as main fuel. 反应堆是一种以晶质铀为燃料的多方块FE产能器。
wiki.powah.reactor_1 To build it you will need 36 Reactor block in your hand and placing them in a 3X4 replaceable area, then the reactor will complete building itself automatically. 要想建造一个反应堆,你需要将36个反应堆方块放入快捷栏中,并准备一块343格大小的可建造区域。在该区域的中心放置一个反应堆方块后,它会自动完成建造。
wiki.powah.reactor_2 When Generating energy the reactor heats up causing it to consume fuel faster and generating less FE/t, so you need to cool it down using a coolant like water, also you can use a solid coolant like snow or ice for extra coldness, solid coolant require liquid coolant to work. 反应堆会在产能时升温,此时它会更快地消耗燃料,每刻产出的FE也会减少,所以你需要水作为流体冷却剂为之降温,同时你也可以使用冰、干冰等固体冷却剂进行额外的冷却;固体冷却剂生效需要流体冷却剂作为前置条件。
wiki.powah.reactor_3 Keep the reactor buffer full of fuel for better production. 保证反应堆的缓存充满燃料以使其更好地产出能量。
wiki.powah.reactor_4 Carbon materials like coal, wood..., will improve the fuel efficiency and will add +180 C of heat. 包括木头、煤炭在内的含碳材料可以提升燃料效益,同时使反应堆升温180 C。
wiki.powah.reactor_5 Redstone will speed up the production and the fuel consumption and will add +120 C of heat. 红石可以提升能量产出与燃料消耗速度,同时使反应堆升温120 C。
wiki.powah.reactor_6 The reactor will stop when is full and start when has less than 70% of energy if the auto mode is on. 自动模式下,反应堆会在能量缓存满的时候停止并在能量少于70%时启动。
wiki.powah.solar_panel Solar Panel 太阳能板
wiki.powah.solar_panel_0 The Solar Panel is an FE generator that generates energy when exposed to sunlight, high tiers generates more FE/t, any block that stop light above the Solar panel will stop its production. 太阳能板在阳光存在时会产出FE能量。更高等级每刻产出的FE能量更多。任何位于太阳能板上方阻挡其阳光的方块都会使其停止产出。
wiki.powah.storage_transfer Storage / Transfer 能量存储/转移
wiki.powah.thermo_generator Thermo Generator 热力发电机
wiki.powah.thermo_generator_0 The Thermo Generator is an FE generator that generates energy when placed on top of a high temp block/fluid like lava, require a coolant fluid like water to run. 热力发电机在熔岩等高温流体或方块上方时会产出FE能量。需要消耗水作为流体冷却剂。
wiki.powah.uraninite Uraninite Ore 晶质铀矿石
wiki.powah.uraninite_0 Uraninite Ore is an ore rarely found underground at levels below 64 for poor, below 20 for the normal, and below 0 for dense, and is found in 1 - 5 block deposits. 晶质铀矿石是一种稀有的矿石。其贫瘠变种生成于Y=64以下,普通变种生成于Y=20以下,致密变种生成于Y=0以下,矿团大小为1-5。
wiki.powah.uraninite_1 An iron or better pickaxe is needed to mine it, and when mined it will drop 1 piece of Raw Uraninite based on the ore type (the amount dropped are effected by fortune). 需要铁镐及更高等级的镐来挖掘。挖掘时会掉落1个天然晶质铀(受时运影响)。
wiki.powah.welcome_back Welcome back %s :) 欢迎回来,%s :)
wiki.powah.wrench Wrench 扳手
wiki.powah.wrench_0 The Wrench has 3 modes: 扳手拥有3个模式,手持扳手按下Shift右击可以切换扳手的模式:
wiki.powah.wrench_1 Config Mode: used to change cables I/O configuration. 配置模式:用于改变线缆的输入输出配置。
wiki.powah.wrench_2 Link Mode: used to link linkable blocks like energizing orb and rods. 链接模式:用于链接可链接方块,例如充能台与充能棒。
wiki.powah.wrench_3 Rotate Mode: used to rotate blocks horizontally. 旋转模式:用于水平旋转方块。 Powah Powah
Key 英文 中文 检查结果
block.powah.blazing_crystal_block Block Of Blazing Crystal 烈焰晶体块 ✔ 术语 block of => 块
⚠ 术语异常 crystal => 水晶
block.powah.deepslate_uraninite_ore Deepslate Uraninite Ore 深层普通晶质铀矿石 ⚠ 术语异常 deepslate => 深板岩
✔ 术语 deepslate => 深层
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.powah.deepslate_uraninite_ore_dense Deepslate Uraninite Ore (Dense) 深层致密晶质铀矿石 ⚠ 术语异常 deepslate => 深板岩
✔ 术语 deepslate => 深层
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.powah.deepslate_uraninite_ore_poor Deepslate Uraninite Ore (Poor) 深层贫瘠晶质铀矿石 ⚠ 术语异常 deepslate => 深板岩
✔ 术语 deepslate => 深层
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.powah.dry_ice Dry Ice 干冰 ✔ 术语 ice => 冰
block.powah.energized_steel_block Block Of Energized Steel 充能钢块 ✔ 术语 block of => 块
block.powah.energy_hopper_basic Energy Hopper (Basic) 能量漏斗(基础) ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
block.powah.energy_hopper_blazing Energy Hopper (Blazing) 能量漏斗(烈焰) ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
block.powah.energy_hopper_hardened Energy Hopper (Hardened) 能量漏斗(硬化) ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
block.powah.energy_hopper_niotic Energy Hopper (Niotic) 能量漏斗(钻石) ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
block.powah.energy_hopper_nitro Energy Hopper (Nitro) 能量漏斗(下界) ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
block.powah.energy_hopper_spirited Energy Hopper (Spirited) 能量漏斗(富生) ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
block.powah.energy_hopper_starter Energy Hopper (Starter) 能量漏斗(初级) ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
block.powah.niotic_crystal_block Block Of Niotic Crystal 钻石晶体块 ✔ 术语 block of => 块
⚠ 术语异常 crystal => 水晶
block.powah.nitro_crystal_block Block Of Nitro Crystal 下界晶体块 ✔ 术语 block of => 块
⚠ 术语异常 crystal => 水晶
block.powah.player_transmitter_basic Player Transmitter (Basic) 玩家供电仪(基础) ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
block.powah.player_transmitter_blazing Player Transmitter (Blazing) 玩家供电仪(烈焰) ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
block.powah.player_transmitter_hardened Player Transmitter (Hardened) 玩家供电仪(硬化) ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
block.powah.player_transmitter_niotic Player Transmitter (Niotic) 玩家供电仪(钻石) ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
block.powah.player_transmitter_nitro Player Transmitter (Nitro) 玩家供电仪(下界) ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
block.powah.player_transmitter_spirited Player Transmitter (Spirited) 玩家供电仪(富生) ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
block.powah.player_transmitter_starter Player Transmitter (Starter) 玩家供电仪(初级) ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
block.powah.spirited_crystal_block Block Of Spirited Crystal 富生晶体块 ✔ 术语 block of => 块
⚠ 术语异常 crystal => 水晶
block.powah.uraninite_block Block Of Uraninite 晶质铀块 ✔ 术语 block of => 块
block.powah.uraninite_ore Uraninite Ore 普通晶质铀矿石 ✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.powah.uraninite_ore_dense Uraninite Ore (Dense) 致密晶质铀矿石 ✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.powah.uraninite_ore_poor Uraninite Ore (Poor) 贫瘠晶质铀矿石 ✔ 术语 ore => 矿石 Right click to bind. 右击以绑定。 ⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
info.powah.fuel.consumption Fuel Consumption 燃料消耗 ✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
info.powah.gen.mode Auto Mode 自动模式 ✔ 术语 auto => 自动 Redstone 红石 ✔ 术语 redstone => 红石
⚠ 术语异常 redstone => 红石粉
info.powah.unlimited Unlimited Powah!!! 无限的能量!!! ⚠ 术语异常 unlimited => 无限制
item.powah.blazing_crystal Blazing Crystal 烈焰晶体 ⚠ 术语异常 crystal => 水晶
item.powah.charged_snowball Charged Snowball 带电雪球 ✔ 术语 snowball => 雪球
item.powah.crystal_blazing Blazing Crystal 烈焰水晶 ✔ 术语 crystal => 水晶
item.powah.crystal_niotic Niotic Crystal 钻石水晶 ✔ 术语 crystal => 水晶
item.powah.crystal_nitro Nitro Crystal 下界水晶 ✔ 术语 crystal => 水晶
item.powah.crystal_spirited Spirited Crystal 富生水晶 ✔ 术语 crystal => 水晶
item.powah.niotic_crystal Niotic Crystal 钻石晶体 ⚠ 术语异常 crystal => 水晶
item.powah.player_aerial_pearl Player Aerial Pearl 玩家天线珍珠 ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
item.powah.spirited_crystal Spirited Crystal 富生晶体 ⚠ 术语异常 crystal => 水晶
item.powah.uraninite_raw Raw Uraninite 天然晶质铀 ⚠ 术语异常 raw => 粗, 生
jei.powah.binding_card_dim Use a Binding card on Enderman or Endermite. 对末影人或末影螨使用绑定卡获得。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 enderman => 末影人
jei.powah.lens_of_ender Use a Photoelectric Pane on Enderman or Endermite. 对末影人或末影螨使用光伏板获得。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 enderman => 末影人
jei.powah.player_aerial_pearl Use an Aerial Pearl on Zombie or Husk. 对僵尸或尸壳使用天线珍珠以获得。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸
tag.item.c.blue_ices Blue Ice 蓝冰 ✔ 术语 blue ice => 蓝冰
✔ 术语 ice => 冰
⚠ 术语异常 blue => 蓝色
tag.item.c.dry_ices Dry Ice 干冰 ✔ 术语 ice => 冰
tag.item.c.ices Any Ice 任意冰 ✔ 术语 ice => 冰
tag.item.c.packed_ices Packed Ice 浮冰 ⚠ 术语异常 packed => 装入袋中
✔ 术语 ice => 冰
✔ 术语 packed ice => 浮冰
tag.item.c.raw_uraninite_ores Raw Uraninite Ores 粗晶质铀矿 ✔ 术语 raw => 粗, 生
tag.item.c.regular_ices Ice ✔ 术语 ice => 冰
tag.item.c.uraninite_blocks Uraninite Blocks 晶质铀块 ⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
wiki.powah.battery_0 Charge items when is in player inventory, can Also be used to upgrade the capacity of a Ender Network channel by Shift clicking a Battery to an Ender Cell GUI, if the Battery contain energy then will also be applied to the ender network channel. 充能玩家物品栏中的物品。同样可以在末影单元中通过按下Shift单击被加入至末影频道,其中所含能量也会被保留。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 player => 玩家
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地, 末路之地
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地
wiki.powah.binding_card_0 Binding Card used to link a player with a Player Transmitter in the same dimension. 绑定卡可被用于链接同一维度中的玩家与玩家供电仪。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 player => 玩家
wiki.powah.binding_card_1 You need to link it with you before adding it to the player transmitter, Right-click it to bind. 你首先需要将自己绑定与之绑定。右击以完成。 ⚠ 术语异常 player => 玩家
wiki.powah.binding_card_dim_0 Dimensional Binding Card used to link a player with a Player Transmitter across dimensions. 绑定卡可被用于链接任意一个或两个维度中的玩家与玩家供电仪。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 player => 玩家
wiki.powah.binding_card_dim_1 You need to link it with you before adding it to the player transmitter, Right-click it to bind. 你首先需要将自己绑定与之绑定。右击以完成。 ⚠ 术语异常 player => 玩家
wiki.powah.charged_snowball Charged Snowball 带电雪球 ✔ 术语 snowball => 雪球
wiki.powah.charged_snowball_0 Throwing a Charged Snowball will cause a bolt of lightning to spawn when hitting the ground or when it hits the mob, obtained by energizing a snowball. 落地时或命中生物时会召唤闪电。充能雪球以获得。 ⚠ 术语异常 hits => 击中
✔ 术语 snowball => 雪球
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
wiki.powah.dry_ice Dry Ice 干冰 ✔ 术语 ice => 冰
wiki.powah.dry_ice_0 Dry Ice used mainly to cool down reactors, it can be found underground at levels below 64, you can also obtain it by energizing two pieces of blue ice. 干冰主要被用于降低反应堆的温度。它生成于Y=64以下,但也可以通过同时充能两个蓝冰获得。 ⚠ 术语异常 down => 向下
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 blue ice => 蓝冰
✔ 术语 ice => 冰
⚠ 术语异常 blue => 蓝色
wiki.powah.ender_cell_0 The Ender Cell its a block used to store energy (FE) to a specific channel of the ender network of the owner. 末影单元可被用于为其拥有者在末影网络的特定频道内存储FE能量。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地, 末路之地
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地
wiki.powah.ender_cell_1 You can access the energy stored of a selected channel from anywhere in the world if the Ender Cell that you want to transfer power from/to have an active channel with a valid capacity. 如果一个频道有有效的电容空间并存有能量,你便可以在任意位置的末影单元中访问该频道并提取其中的能量。 ⚠ 术语异常 power => 力量
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地, 末路之地
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地
wiki.powah.ender_cell_2 You can add capacity to a selected channel by shift-clicking an Energy Cell or Battery to the Ender Cell GUI. 你可以通过在右击末影单元打开的GUI中按下Shift单击能量单元或电池以将之添加至所选频道。 ⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地, 末路之地
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地
wiki.powah.ender_cell_3 The amount added is the same of the item you've added, max capacity a channel can have is 9E FE. 频道的属性值(电容大小、所存能量)都与你已添加的物品的总属性值相同。最大电容为9*10^18 FE。 ✔ 术语 item => 物品
wiki.powah.ender_gate_0 Transfer energy between the adjacent block and the ender network. 在相邻方块与末影网络之间转移能量。 ⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地, 末路之地
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地
wiki.powah.ender_gate_1 Unlike the Ender cell you can not Upgrade the network from it. 与末影单元不同,你不能通过末影道门升级各个频道。 ⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地, 末路之地
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地
wiki.powah.energizing_0 The Energizing Orb its a block used to energize items, require at least one Energizing Rod in range of %s to work, the energizing speed depends on amount of rods and the rod tier (I/O rate). 充能台可被用于为物体充能。其周围%s格内必须有至少1个充能棒。充能速度取决于充能棒的数量及其等级。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 speed => 速度
⚠ 术语异常 tier => 品质
wiki.powah.energizing_1 The orb does not require energy but the rods must be placed on cables or any Forge Energy (FE) block to work. 充能台本身不需要能量供应,但充能棒必须位于线缆或FE存储方块上方以工作。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 placed => 被放置
wiki.powah.energy_blocks Functional Blocks 功能性方块 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
wiki.powah.energy_cable_0 Cables are used to transfer power between machines. 线缆可被用于转移能量。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
⚠ 术语异常 power => 力量
wiki.powah.energy_cell_0 The Energy Cell its a block used to store energy (FE). 能量单元可被用于存储FE能量。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
wiki.powah.energy_cell_1 Can Also be used to add capacity to an Ender Network channel by Shift-clicking it to an Ender Cell GUI, if the Energy Cell contains energy then will also be applied to the ender network channel. 同样可以在末影单元中通过按下Shift单击被加入至末影频道,其中所含能量也会被保留。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地, 末路之地
⚠ 术语异常 the end => 末地
wiki.powah.energy_discharger_0 The Energy Discharger its a block used to drain energy (FE) out of charged items and then store it to an internal buffer if then connected via cables to extract that stored power and re-using it again. 能量提取器可被用于提取已含能量物品中的能量并将之存储于自身的缓存中。可以用线缆将能量提取器中的能量提取以再次利用这些能量。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
⚠ 术语异常 power => 力量
wiki.powah.energy_hopper Energy Hopper 能量漏斗 ✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
wiki.powah.energy_hopper_0 The Energy Hopper its a block used to charge chargeable items inside an adjacent inventory like a chest or any block with an accessible inventory and not a not has forge energy. 能量漏斗可被用于充能包含可交互物品栏且不含FE能量的相邻方块中的可充能物品。 ✔ 术语 inventory => 物品栏
✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
⚠ 术语异常 chest => 箱子
✔ 术语 hopper => 漏斗
wiki.powah.furnator_0 The Furnator is an FE generator that generates energy from solid Furnace fuel like coal, wood ... 熔炉发电机通过燃烧木头、煤炭等燃料产出FE能量。 ✔ 术语 furnace => 熔炉
✔ 术语 wood => 木头
✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
wiki.powah.furnator_1 High tiers generate more FE/t and it has higher energy output, also they burn the fuel faster with the same energy gained per fuel tick. 更高等级拥有更快的输出速度,同时每刻产出的FE能量也更多,产出能量相同时消耗燃料也更快。 ✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
wiki.powah.items Items 物品 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
wiki.powah.magmator_1 High tiers generate more FE/t and it has higher energy output, also they burn the fuel faster with the same energy gained per fuel tick. 更高等级拥有更快的输出速度,同时每刻产出的FE能量也更多,产出能量相同时消耗燃料也更快。 ✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
wiki.powah.materials Materials 材料 ✔ 术语 materials => 材料
wiki.powah.player_aerial_pearl Player Aerial Pearl 玩家天线珍珠 ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
wiki.powah.player_aerial_pearl_0 Player Aerial Pearl used to craft the player transmitter. 用于合成玩家供电仪。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 player => 玩家
✔ 术语 craft => 合成
wiki.powah.player_aerial_pearl_1 You can get it by using an Aerial Pearl on a Zombie or Husk. 对僵尸或尸壳使用天线珍珠以获得。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 zombie => 僵尸
wiki.powah.player_transmitter Player Transmitter 玩家供电仪 ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
wiki.powah.player_transmitter_0 The Player Transmitter its a block used to charge items wirelessly in linked player inventory including armor slots and off-hand anywhere in the same dimension when has a normal binding card and across dimensions when has a dimensional binding card. 玩家供电仪可被用于充能链接至的玩家物品栏中的物品。装有绑定卡时可为在当前维度的玩家充能,而装有绑定卡(跨维度)时可为在任意维度的玩家充能。 ✔ 术语 inventory => 物品栏
✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 normal => 普通
✔ 术语 normal => 中
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
✔ 术语 player => 玩家
✔ 术语 dimension => 维度
wiki.powah.reactor_1 To build it you will need 36 Reactor block in your hand and placing them in a 3X4 replaceable area, then the reactor will complete building itself automatically. 要想建造一个反应堆,你需要将36个反应堆方块放入快捷栏中,并准备一块343格大小的可建造区域。在该区域的中心放置一个反应堆方块后,它会自动完成建造。 ⚠ 术语异常 build => 开发版
wiki.powah.reactor_2 When Generating energy the reactor heats up causing it to consume fuel faster and generating less FE/t, so you need to cool it down using a coolant like water, also you can use a solid coolant like snow or ice for extra coldness, solid coolant require liquid coolant to work. 反应堆会在产能时升温,此时它会更快地消耗燃料,每刻产出的FE也会减少,所以你需要水作为流体冷却剂为之降温,同时你也可以使用冰、干冰等固体冷却剂进行额外的冷却;固体冷却剂生效需要流体冷却剂作为前置条件。 ⚠ 术语异常 down => 向下
⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
✔ 术语 ice => 冰
⚠ 术语异常 snow => 雪
✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
wiki.powah.reactor_3 Keep the reactor buffer full of fuel for better production. 保证反应堆的缓存充满燃料以使其更好地产出能量。 ✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
wiki.powah.reactor_4 Carbon materials like coal, wood..., will improve the fuel efficiency and will add +180 C of heat. 包括木头、煤炭在内的含碳材料可以提升燃料效益,同时使反应堆升温180 C。 ✔ 术语 materials => 材料
✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
⚠ 术语异常 efficiency => 效率
wiki.powah.reactor_5 Redstone will speed up the production and the fuel consumption and will add +120 C of heat. 红石可以提升能量产出与燃料消耗速度,同时使反应堆升温120 C。 ✔ 术语 redstone => 红石
⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
✔ 术语 fuel => 燃料
⚠ 术语异常 redstone => 红石粉
✔ 术语 speed => 速度
wiki.powah.reactor_6 The reactor will stop when is full and start when has less than 70% of energy if the auto mode is on. 自动模式下,反应堆会在能量缓存满的时候停止并在能量少于70%时启动。 ✔ 术语 auto => 自动
wiki.powah.solar_panel_0 The Solar Panel is an FE generator that generates energy when exposed to sunlight, high tiers generates more FE/t, any block that stop light above the Solar panel will stop its production. 太阳能板在阳光存在时会产出FE能量。更高等级每刻产出的FE能量更多。任何位于太阳能板上方阻挡其阳光的方块都会使其停止产出。 ✔ 术语 light => 光
⚠ 术语异常 exposed => 斑驳的
wiki.powah.storage_transfer Storage / Transfer 能量存储/转移 ✔ 术语 / => /
wiki.powah.thermo_generator_0 The Thermo Generator is an FE generator that generates energy when placed on top of a high temp block/fluid like lava, require a coolant fluid like water to run. 热力发电机在熔岩等高温流体或方块上方时会产出FE能量。需要消耗水作为流体冷却剂。 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
⚠ 术语异常 placed => 被放置
✔ 术语 water => 水
wiki.powah.uraninite Uraninite Ore 晶质铀矿石 ✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
wiki.powah.uraninite_0 Uraninite Ore is an ore rarely found underground at levels below 64 for poor, below 20 for the normal, and below 0 for dense, and is found in 1 - 5 block deposits. 晶质铀矿石是一种稀有的矿石。其贫瘠变种生成于Y=64以下,普通变种生成于Y=20以下,致密变种生成于Y=0以下,矿团大小为1-5。 ✔ 术语 - => -
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
wiki.powah.uraninite_1 An iron or better pickaxe is needed to mine it, and when mined it will drop 1 piece of Raw Uraninite based on the ore type (the amount dropped are effected by fortune). 需要铁镐及更高等级的镐来挖掘。挖掘时会掉落1个天然晶质铀(受时运影响)。 ⚠ 术语异常 dropped => 丢弃个数
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 pickaxe => 镐
✔ 术语 iron => 铁
⚠ 术语异常 raw => 粗, 生
⚠ 术语异常 ore => 矿石
⚠ 术语异常 drop => 丢弃
wiki.powah.welcome_back Welcome back %s :) 欢迎回来,%s :) ⚠ 术语异常 back => 返回
wiki.powah.wrench_1 Config Mode: used to change cables I/O configuration. 配置模式:用于改变线缆的输入输出配置。 ⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
wiki.powah.wrench_2 Link Mode: used to link linkable blocks like energizing orb and rods. 链接模式:用于链接可链接方块,例如充能台与充能棒。 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
wiki.powah.wrench_3 Rotate Mode: used to rotate blocks horizontally. 旋转模式:用于水平旋转方块。 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
⚠ 术语异常 used => 使用
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