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Created May 12, 2024 06:49
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PR: CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package#4364

🔛 Diff:

英文 中文
True 启用
False 禁用
Hue Light Map 色相亮度图
Saturation Slider 饱和度滑块
Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
Alpha is locked to 255. 透明度值(Alpha)被锁定为255。
Use hue brightness map to change those values 要更改色相和亮度,请使用色相亮度图。
Press up or down arrow keys to change color saturation 按上下方向键更改颜色饱和度
Only assigns hue and brightness. Use saturation slider to change saturation. 仅指定色相和亮度。要更改饱和度,请使用饱和度滑块。
Press left or right arrow to change color hue. Press up or down for color brightness 按左右方向键更改颜色的亮度。按上下方向键更改颜色的色相
Click the map to assign a hue and light value 单击此图指定色相和亮度值
Hexadecimal color representation. 十六进制颜色代码。
§o§4Unknown Attribute§r §o§4未知属性§r
Current Setting: %s 当前设置:%s
Edit Expression 编辑表达式
Only values in selected type are kept 只有当前选定类型的值会生效
Edit Ingredient... 编辑原材料…
Single Item 单件物品
Set of Items 系列物品
Item Tag 物品标签
Edit List... 编辑列表…
Edit Map... 编辑映射…
Number between %1$s and %2$s %1$s到%2$s之间的数字
Number less than or equal to %s 小于等于%s的数字
Number greater than or equal to %s 大于等于%s的数字
Any valid number 任意有效数字
Press left or right keys to change value. Press enter to confirm selection. 按左右方向键改变数值。按回车键确认你的选择是否有效。
Drag slider to change value. Click checkmark to confirm selection. 拖动滑块更改数值。点击对勾确认你的选择是否有效。
Invalid entry: Needs to be a number. 无效输入:必须是数字。
Press enter to confirm entry. 按回车键确认你的输入是否有效。
Click checkmark to confirm entry. 点击对勾确认你的输入是否有效。
Edit Object... 编辑对象…
Edit Set... 编辑系列…
Restore [%1$s] to default of [%2$s] 将 [%1$s] 恢复为默认值 [%2$s]
Update error for [%1$s], [%2$s] to [%3$s]: %4$s 在将 [%1$s] 从 [%2$s] 改为 [%3$s] 时出现错误:%4$s
Revert error for [%1$s]: %2$s 在撤销 [%1$s] 的更改时出现错误:%2$s
[%1$s], [%2$s] to [%3$s] 将 [%1$s] 从 [%2$s] 改为 [%3$s]
Revert [%1$s], [%2$s] back to [%3$s] 撤销更改,将 [%1$s] 从 [%2$s] 改回 [%3$s]
Player [%1$s] may have tried cheating server config options! See the server logs for details. 玩家 [%1$s] 可能尝试过绕过服务器配置选项来作弊!要了解更多细节,请查看服务器日志。
Config Section 配置片段
This Config Section doesn't implement it's translation key. The screen doesn't know what to call it! 这项配置片段未实现自己的翻译键。这处屏幕不知道该怎么称呼它!
Setting 设置
This Setting doesn't implement it's translation key. The screen doesn't know what to call it! 这项设置未实现自己的翻译键。这处屏幕不知道该怎么称呼它!
Actions 操作
Pressing Confirm will reset this setting to its default. Continue? 点击确认后,此项设置会重置为默认值。继续吗?
Back 返回
Return to %s 返回到%s
Save config and close screen 保存配置并关闭此屏幕
Forwarded Settings config 已转发设置
Restart Required 需要重启游戏
Changing this setting will require a restart! 更改此设置后,需要重启游戏以生效!
Some settings within this section will require a restart if changed! 更改此片段中的某些设置后,需要重启游戏以生效!
Some settings within this config will require a restart if changed! 更改此配置中的某些设置后,需要重启游戏以生效!
You have received a configuration update that may require a client restart. Please contact a Server Operator for more information. 你收到了配置更新,但这份更新可能需要你重启客户端。请联系服务器管理员(OP)以获取更多信息。
You have made changes to configuration(s) that require a client restart. 你已经更改了一些需要重启客户端的配置项。
You have made changes to configuration(s) that require a server restart. Connected clients have been automatically updated and notified; please follow up with them and/or staff members to schedule a restart. 你已经更改了一些需要重启服务端的配置项。当前连接的客户端已自动更新并收到通知;请与他们和/或工作人员跟进处理此事,以安排游戏重启。
Settings received during synchronization require a client restart. Proceed? 同步期间收到的设置需要重启客户端。继续吗?
Accept 接受
Deny 拒绝
Apply Changes 应用更改
Applies all changes and saves configs 应用所有更改并保存配置
Revert Changes 撤销更改
Reverts all changes just made to configs 撤销本次对配置所做的所有更改
Restore Defaults 恢复默认值
Restores all configs default settings 将所有配置项恢复为默认值
Confirm 确认
Pressing Confirm will reset these settings to their defaults. Continue? 点击确认后,这些设置会重置为默认值。继续吗?
Change History 历史更改
Lists all changes just made to configs 列出本次对配置所做的所有更改
Forward Setting 转发设置
Forward 转发
Forward this entry to another player 将此条目转发给另一位玩家
No-one to forward settings to 没有可以接收此条目的玩家
Forwarded settings 他人转发的设置
No forwarded settings 暂无他人转发的设置
Can't Edit 无法编辑
You don't have the proper permissions to edit this entry. 你没有编辑此条目的权限。
Navigate to %s 跳转到%s
Changes... 更改…
Manage Changes 管理更改
%s Changes Made Button 进行了%s份更改时的按钮
No Changes Made Button 未进行任何更改时的按钮
Change management menu for applying and reverting changes. 管理更改的菜单,可以应用或撤销更改。
Copy 复制
Paste 粘贴
Delete Entry 删除条目
Add New Entry 新增条目
Cancel 取消
Press up or down arrows to change value 按上下方向键更改数值
Back to Title Screen 返回到标题屏幕
Screen Usage Information 屏幕用法信息
§oThis config is powered by %s§r §o此配置由§r %s §o提供支持。§r
Open Curseforge page 打开 Curseforge 页面
§o[Ctrl + Z]§r - Undoes changes one-by-one new to old. §o[Ctrl + Z]§r - 从新到旧,按一次撤销一次更改。
§o[Ctrl + F]§r - Focuses the search bar. §o[Ctrl + F]§r - 聚焦到搜索栏。
§o[Ctrl + C]§r - Copies hovered or selected setting. §o[Ctrl + C]§r - 复制当前悬停或选中的设置。
§o[Ctrl + V]§r - Pastes copy buffer into compatible setting. §o[Ctrl + V]§r - 将复制缓冲区的内容粘贴到兼容的设置中。
§o[Ctrl + S]§r - Saves changes and sends updates to the server. §o[Ctrl + S]§r - 保存更改并将更新发送到服务器。
§o[Pg Up/Pg Dwn]§r - Scrolls up/down a 'page' of settings. §o[Page Up/Page Down]§r - 向上/向下滚动设置,按一次滚动一页长。
§o[Right Click]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[右击]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。
§o[Shift + F10]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[Shift + F10]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。
§o[Context Menu Key]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[上下文菜单快捷键]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。
§o[!]§r - Settings marked with a ! require a restart if changed. §o[!]§r - 带有 ! 标记的设置,更改后需要重启以生效。
Test Child Dave's Boolean Test Child Dave's Boolean
Dave's favorite boolean. Please treat it well. Dave's favorite boolean. Please treat it well.
Key 英文 中文
fc.validated_field.boolean.true True 启用
fc.validated_field.boolean.false False 禁用
fc.validated_field.color.hl Hue Light Map 色相亮度图
fc.validated_field.color.s Saturation Slider 饱和度滑块
fc.validated_field.color.r.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
fc.validated_field.color.g.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
fc.validated_field.color.b.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
fc.validated_field.color.a.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数
fc.validated_field.color.a.desc_locked Alpha is locked to 255. 透明度值(Alpha)被锁定为255。
fc.validated_field.color.s.desc Use hue brightness map to change those values 要更改色相和亮度,请使用色相亮度图。
fc.validated_field.color.s.usage.keyboard Press up or down arrow keys to change color saturation 按上下方向键更改颜色饱和度
fc.validated_field.color.hl.desc Only assigns hue and brightness. Use saturation slider to change saturation. 仅指定色相和亮度。要更改饱和度,请使用饱和度滑块。
fc.validated_field.color.hl.usage.keyboard Press left or right arrow to change color hue. Press up or down for color brightness 按左右方向键更改颜色的亮度。按上下方向键更改颜色的色相
fc.validated_field.color.hl.usage.mouse Click the map to assign a hue and light value 单击此图指定色相和亮度值 Hexadecimal color representation. 十六进制颜色代码。
fc.validated_field.entity_attribute.error §o§4Unknown Attribute§r §o§4未知属性§r
fc.validated_field.enum.current Current Setting: %s 当前设置:%s
fc.validated_field.expression Edit Expression 编辑表达式
fc.validated_field.ingredient Only values in selected type are kept 只有当前选定类型的值会生效
fc.validated_field.ingredient.edit Edit Ingredient... 编辑原材料…
fc.validated_field.ingredient.STACK Single Item 单件物品
fc.validated_field.ingredient.LIST Set of Items 系列物品
fc.validated_field.ingredient.TAG Item Tag 物品标签
fc.validated_field.list Edit List... 编辑列表… Edit Map... 编辑映射…
fc.validated_field.number.desc.fallback Number between %1$s and %2$s %1$s到%2$s之间的数字
fc.validated_field.number.desc.fallback.min Number less than or equal to %s 小于等于%s的数字
fc.validated_field.number.desc.fallback.max Number greater than or equal to %s 大于等于%s的数字
fc.validated_field.number.desc.fallback.any Any valid number 任意有效数字
fc.validated_field.number.slider.usage Press left or right keys to change value. Press enter to confirm selection. 按左右方向键改变数值。按回车键确认你的选择是否有效。
fc.validated_field.number.slider.usage.unfocused Drag slider to change value. Click checkmark to confirm selection. 拖动滑块更改数值。点击对勾确认你的选择是否有效。
fc.validated_field.number.textbox.invalid Invalid entry: Needs to be a number. 无效输入:必须是数字。
fc.validated_field.number.textbox.usage Press enter to confirm entry. 按回车键确认你的输入是否有效。
fc.validated_field.number.textbox.usage.unfocused Click checkmark to confirm entry. 点击对勾确认你的输入是否有效。
fc.validated_field.object Edit Object... 编辑对象…
fc.validated_field.set Edit Set... 编辑系列…
fc.validated_field.default Restore [%1$s] to default of [%2$s] 将 [%1$s] 恢复为默认值 [%2$s]
fc.validated_field.update.error Update error for [%1$s], [%2$s] to [%3$s]: %4$s 在将 [%1$s] 从 [%2$s] 改为 [%3$s] 时出现错误:%4$s
fc.validated_field.revert.error Revert error for [%1$s]: %2$s 在撤销 [%1$s] 的更改时出现错误:%2$s
fc.validated_field.update [%1$s], [%2$s] to [%3$s] 将 [%1$s] 从 [%2$s] 改为 [%3$s]
fc.validated_field.revert Revert [%1$s], [%2$s] back to [%3$s] 撤销更改,将 [%1$s] 从 [%2$s] 改回 [%3$s]
fc.networking.permission.cheat Player [%1$s] may have tried cheating server config options! See the server logs for details. 玩家 [%1$s] 可能尝试过绕过服务器配置选项来作弊!要了解更多细节,请查看服务器日志。
fc.config.generic.section Config Section 配置片段
fc.config.generic.section.desc This Config Section doesn't implement it's translation key. The screen doesn't know what to call it! 这项配置片段未实现自己的翻译键。这处屏幕不知道该怎么称呼它!
fc.config.generic.field Setting 设置
fc.config.generic.field.desc This Setting doesn't implement it's translation key. The screen doesn't know what to call it! 这项设置未实现自己的翻译键。这处屏幕不知道该怎么称呼它!
fc.config.right_click Actions 操作
fc.config.restore.confirm.desc Pressing Confirm will reset this setting to its default. Continue? 点击确认后,此项设置会重置为默认值。继续吗?
fc.config.back Back 返回
fc.config.back.desc Return to %s 返回到%s
fc.config.done.desc Save config and close screen 保存配置并关闭此屏幕
fc.config.forwarded Forwarded Settings config 已转发设置
fc.config.restart Restart Required 需要重启游戏
fc.config.restart.warning Changing this setting will require a restart! 更改此设置后,需要重启游戏以生效!
fc.config.restart.warning.section Some settings within this section will require a restart if changed! 更改此片段中的某些设置后,需要重启游戏以生效!
fc.config.restart.warning.config Some settings within this config will require a restart if changed! 更改此配置中的某些设置后,需要重启游戏以生效!
fc.config.restart.update You have received a configuration update that may require a client restart. Please contact a Server Operator for more information. 你收到了配置更新,但这份更新可能需要你重启客户端。请联系服务器管理员(OP)以获取更多信息。
fc.config.restart.update.client You have made changes to configuration(s) that require a client restart. 你已经更改了一些需要重启客户端的配置项。
fc.config.restart.update.server You have made changes to configuration(s) that require a server restart. Connected clients have been automatically updated and notified; please follow up with them and/or staff members to schedule a restart. 你已经更改了一些需要重启服务端的配置项。当前连接的客户端已自动更新并收到通知;请与他们和/或工作人员跟进处理此事,以安排游戏重启。
fc.config.restart.sync Settings received during synchronization require a client restart. Proceed? 同步期间收到的设置需要重启客户端。继续吗?
fc.button.accept Accept 接受
fc.button.deny Deny 拒绝
fc.button.apply Apply Changes 应用更改
fc.button.apply.desc Applies all changes and saves configs 应用所有更改并保存配置
fc.button.revert Revert Changes 撤销更改
fc.button.revert.desc Reverts all changes just made to configs 撤销本次对配置所做的所有更改
fc.button.restore Restore Defaults 恢复默认值
fc.button.restore.desc Restores all configs default settings 将所有配置项恢复为默认值
fc.button.restore.confirm Confirm 确认
fc.button.restore.confirm.desc Pressing Confirm will reset these settings to their defaults. Continue? 点击确认后,这些设置会重置为默认值。继续吗?
fc.button.changelog Change History 历史更改
fc.button.changelog.desc Lists all changes just made to configs 列出本次对配置所做的所有更改
fc.button.forward Forward Setting 转发设置
fc.button.forward.confirm Forward 转发 Forward this entry to another player 将此条目转发给另一位玩家
fc.button.forward.inactive No-one to forward settings to 没有可以接收此条目的玩家 Forwarded settings 他人转发的设置
fc.button.alert.inactive No forwarded settings 暂无他人转发的设置
fc.button.noPerms Can't Edit 无法编辑
fc.button.noPerms.desc You don't have the proper permissions to edit this entry. 你没有编辑此条目的权限。
fc.button.navigate Navigate to %s 跳转到%s
fc.button.changes Changes... 更改…
fc.button.changes.title Manage Changes 管理更改
fc.button.changes.message %s Changes Made Button 进行了%s份更改时的按钮
fc.button.changes.message.noChanges No Changes Made Button 未进行任何更改时的按钮
fc.button.changes.desc Change management menu for applying and reverting changes. 管理更改的菜单,可以应用或撤销更改。
fc.button.copy Copy 复制
fc.button.paste Paste 粘贴
fc.button.delete Delete Entry 删除条目
fc.button.add Add New Entry 新增条目
fc.button.cancel Cancel 取消
fc.button.slider.usage.focused Press up or down arrows to change value 按上下方向键更改数值
fc.button.restart.cancel Back to Title Screen 返回到标题屏幕 Screen Usage Information 屏幕用法信息 §oThis config is powered by %s§r §o此配置由§r %s §o提供支持。§r Open Curseforge page 打开 Curseforge 页面 §o[Ctrl + Z]§r - Undoes changes one-by-one new to old. §o[Ctrl + Z]§r - 从新到旧,按一次撤销一次更改。 §o[Ctrl + F]§r - Focuses the search bar. §o[Ctrl + F]§r - 聚焦到搜索栏。 §o[Ctrl + C]§r - Copies hovered or selected setting. §o[Ctrl + C]§r - 复制当前悬停或选中的设置。 §o[Ctrl + V]§r - Pastes copy buffer into compatible setting. §o[Ctrl + V]§r - 将复制缓冲区的内容粘贴到兼容的设置中。 §o[Ctrl + S]§r - Saves changes and sends updates to the server. §o[Ctrl + S]§r - 保存更改并将更新发送到服务器。 §o[Pg Up/Pg Dwn]§r - Scrolls up/down a 'page' of settings. §o[Page Up/Page Down]§r - 向上/向下滚动设置,按一次滚动一页长。 §o[Right Click]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[右击]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。 §o[Shift + F10]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[Shift + F10]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。 §o[Context Menu Key]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[上下文菜单快捷键]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。 §o[!]§r - Settings marked with a ! require a restart if changed. §o[!]§r - 带有 ! 标记的设置,更改后需要重启以生效。
fc.validated_field.color.r R R
fc.validated_field.color.g G G
fc.validated_field.color.b B B
fc.validated_field.color.a A A
test.walkable.testChildDave.testChildBool Test Child Dave's Boolean Test Child Dave's Boolean
test.walkable.testChildDave.testChildBool.desc Dave's favorite boolean. Please treat it well. Dave's favorite boolean. Please treat it well.
Key 英文 中文 检查结果
fc.validated_field.color.hl Hue Light Map 色相亮度图 ⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
⚠ 术语异常 map => 地图
fc.validated_field.color.s Saturation Slider 饱和度滑块 ✔ 术语 saturation => 饱和
✔ 术语 saturation => 饱和度
fc.validated_field.color.r.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数 ⚠ 术语异常 enter => enter
fc.validated_field.color.g.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数 ⚠ 术语异常 enter => enter
fc.validated_field.color.b.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数 ⚠ 术语异常 enter => enter
fc.validated_field.color.a.desc Enter an integer between 0 and 255 输入一个0到255之间的整数 ⚠ 术语异常 enter => enter
fc.validated_field.color.a.desc_locked Alpha is locked to 255. 透明度值(Alpha)被锁定为255。 ⚠ 术语异常 locked => 锁上
✔ 术语 alpha => alpha
⚠ 术语异常 locked => 上锁的, 已锁定的
fc.validated_field.color.s.desc Use hue brightness map to change those values 要更改色相和亮度,请使用色相亮度图。 ✔ 术语 brightness => 亮度
⚠ 术语异常 map => 地图
fc.validated_field.color.s.usage.keyboard Press up or down arrow keys to change color saturation 按上下方向键更改颜色饱和度 ✔ 术语 down arrow => 下方向键
⚠ 术语异常 down => 向下
⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
⚠ 术语异常 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 saturation => 饱和
✔ 术语 saturation => 饱和度
fc.validated_field.color.hl.desc Only assigns hue and brightness. Use saturation slider to change saturation. 仅指定色相和亮度。要更改饱和度,请使用饱和度滑块。 ✔ 术语 saturation => 饱和
✔ 术语 saturation => 饱和度
fc.validated_field.color.hl.usage.keyboard Press left or right arrow to change color hue. Press up or down for color brightness 按左右方向键更改颜色的亮度。按上下方向键更改颜色的色相 ✔ 术语 right arrow => 右方向键
⚠ 术语异常 down => 向下
⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
✔ 术语 brightness => 亮度
⚠ 术语异常 left => 左手
⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
⚠ 术语异常 arrow => 箭
fc.validated_field.color.hl.usage.mouse Click the map to assign a hue and light value 单击此图指定色相和亮度值 ⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
⚠ 术语异常 map => 地图
fc.validated_field.enum.current Current Setting: %s 当前设置:%s ⚠ 术语异常 current => 当前分辨率
fc.validated_field.ingredient.STACK Single Item 单件物品 ✔ 术语 item => 物品
fc.validated_field.ingredient.LIST Set of Items 系列物品 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
fc.validated_field.ingredient.TAG Item Tag 物品标签 ✔ 术语 item => 物品
fc.validated_field.number.slider.usage Press left or right keys to change value. Press enter to confirm selection. 按左右方向键改变数值。按回车键确认你的选择是否有效。 ⚠ 术语异常 enter => enter
⚠ 术语异常 left => 左手
⚠ 术语异常 right => 右手
fc.validated_field.number.slider.usage.unfocused Drag slider to change value. Click checkmark to confirm selection. 拖动滑块更改数值。点击对勾确认你的选择是否有效。 ⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
fc.validated_field.number.textbox.usage Press enter to confirm entry. 按回车键确认你的输入是否有效。 ⚠ 术语异常 enter => enter
fc.validated_field.number.textbox.usage.unfocused Click checkmark to confirm entry. 点击对勾确认你的输入是否有效。 ⚠ 术语异常 click => 生火
⚠ 术语异常 click => 剪断
fc.validated_field.default Restore [%1$s] to default of [%2$s] 将 [%1$s] 恢复为默认值 [%2$s] ✔ 术语 default => 默认
fc.validated_field.revert Revert [%1$s], [%2$s] back to [%3$s] 撤销更改,将 [%1$s] 从 [%2$s] 改回 [%3$s] ⚠ 术语异常 back => 返回
fc.networking.permission.cheat Player [%1$s] may have tried cheating server config options! See the server logs for details. 玩家 [%1$s] 可能尝试过绕过服务器配置选项来作弊!要了解更多细节,请查看服务器日志。 ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
fc.config.back Back 返回 ✔ 术语 back => 返回
fc.config.done.desc Save config and close screen 保存配置并关闭此屏幕 ✔ 术语 save => 保存
⚠ 术语异常 save => 储存模式
fc.config.restart.update.server You have made changes to configuration(s) that require a server restart. Connected clients have been automatically updated and notified; please follow up with them and/or staff members to schedule a restart. 你已经更改了一些需要重启服务端的配置项。当前连接的客户端已自动更新并收到通知;请与他们和/或工作人员跟进处理此事,以安排游戏重启。 ⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
fc.button.apply.desc Applies all changes and saves configs 应用所有更改并保存配置 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
fc.button.revert.desc Reverts all changes just made to configs 撤销本次对配置所做的所有更改 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
fc.button.restore Restore Defaults 恢复默认值 ✔ 术语 defaults => 默认
fc.button.restore.desc Restores all configs default settings 将所有配置项恢复为默认值 ✔ 术语 default => 默认
⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
fc.button.changelog.desc Lists all changes just made to configs 列出本次对配置所做的所有更改 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部 Forward this entry to another player 将此条目转发给另一位玩家 ✔ 术语 player => 玩家
fc.button.alert.inactive No forwarded settings 暂无他人转发的设置 ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
fc.button.changes.message %s Changes Made Button 进行了%s份更改时的按钮 ✔ 术语 button => 按钮
fc.button.changes.message.noChanges No Changes Made Button 未进行任何更改时的按钮 ⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
✔ 术语 button => 按钮
fc.button.changes.desc Change management menu for applying and reverting changes. 管理更改的菜单,可以应用或撤销更改。 ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
fc.button.delete Delete Entry 删除条目 ⚠ 术语异常 delete => delete
fc.button.cancel Cancel 取消 ✔ 术语 cancel => 取消
fc.button.slider.usage.focused Press up or down arrows to change value 按上下方向键更改数值 ✔ 术语 down arrow => 下方向键
⚠ 术语异常 down => 向下
⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
fc.button.restart.cancel Back to Title Screen 返回到标题屏幕 ✔ 术语 title screen => 标题屏幕
✔ 术语 back => 返回 Open Curseforge page 打开 Curseforge 页面 ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启 §o[Ctrl + Z]§r - Undoes changes one-by-one new to old. §o[Ctrl + Z]§r - 从新到旧,按一次撤销一次更改。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Ctrl + F]§r - Focuses the search bar. §o[Ctrl + F]§r - 聚焦到搜索栏。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Ctrl + C]§r - Copies hovered or selected setting. §o[Ctrl + C]§r - 复制当前悬停或选中的设置。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Ctrl + V]§r - Pastes copy buffer into compatible setting. §o[Ctrl + V]§r - 将复制缓冲区的内容粘贴到兼容的设置中。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Ctrl + S]§r - Saves changes and sends updates to the server. §o[Ctrl + S]§r - 保存更改并将更新发送到服务器。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Pg Up/Pg Dwn]§r - Scrolls up/down a 'page' of settings. §o[Page Up/Page Down]§r - 向上/向下滚动设置,按一次滚动一页长。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Right Click]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[右击]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Shift + F10]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[Shift + F10]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。 ✔ 术语 - => - §o[Context Menu Key]§r - Opens a context menu, if applicable. §o[上下文菜单快捷键]§r - 若上下文菜单可用,就打开它。 ✔ 术语 menu => 菜单
✔ 术语 - => - §o[!]§r - Settings marked with a ! require a restart if changed. §o[!]§r - 带有 ! 标记的设置,更改后需要重启以生效。 ✔ 术语 - => -
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