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Created July 18, 2024 10:47
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PR: CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package#4439

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英文 中文
Dynamic Crosshair 动态准星
Behavior 行为
Style 样式
Tweaks 调整
Dynamically hide 动态隐藏
Hides the crosshair unless holding a tool, weapon, or targeting an entity.
Simple mode is less accurate, but more performant. 除非手持工具、武器或瞄准实体,否则隐藏准星。
Disable debug crosshair 禁用调试准星
Replace the axis crosshair when the F3 debug screen is open with the standard (dynamic) crosshair. 当F3调试屏幕打开时,用标准(动态)准星替换坐标轴准星。
Show in third person view 在第三人称视角中显示
Don't hide the crosshair when in third person view. This only applies to the back perspective, not the front one. 处于第三人称视角时显示准星。仅适用于后视视角,不适用于前视视角。
Hide whenever a screen is open 在屏幕打开时隐藏
Hide whenever a screen is open 在屏幕打开时隐藏
Hide when holding a map 手持地图时隐藏
Hide whenever a map is being held in both hands, so it does not get obstructed by the crosshair 双手手持地图时隐藏准星,防止地图被遮挡
Use dynamic crosshair style 使用动态准星样式
When enabled, use context dependent styles.
When disabled, the crosshair will always be the vanilla one, but can still be hidden based on the settings below. 启用后,使用本设置中的准星样式。
Show the crosshair when: 在下列情况下显示准星:
Configure under which circumstances the crosshair should be visible. It will be hidden in all other cases. 配置准星在什么情况下可见。它会在其他情况下隐藏。
Looking at block 看向方块时
Show the crosshair given the following condition:
If Targeting: when any block is targeted.
If Interactable: when the targeted block can be interacted with.
Disabled: does not show based on block target; may still use the targeted block to evaluate held items. 在下列条件下显示准星:
Looking at entity 看向实体时
Show the crosshair whenever an entity is targeted. 瞄准实体时显示准星
Holding tool 手持工具时
Show the crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a tool is being held.
If Targeting: when a tool is being held and a block is targeted.
Disabled: do not use held tools for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示准星:
Melee weapon overrides tool 武器先于工具判定
Prioritize the melee weapon crosshair over the tool one for tools which can be used as weapons, such as axes. 对于可以作为武器的工具,如斧头,优先使用近战武器准星。
Tool/weapon overrides entity 工具/武器先于实体判定
Show tool or weapon crosshair when targeting an entity depending on held item. Always show entity crosshair if off. 当瞄准一个实体时,根据手持的物品显示工具或武器准星。如果关闭,则总是显示实体准星。
Breakable Block overrides weapon 破坏方块先于武器判定
Shows the "correct tool" crosshair when targeting an instantly breakable block using a melee weapon like a sword. 当使用近战武器(如剑)瞄准一个可以瞬间破坏的方块时,显示“正确的工具”准星。
Holding ranged weapon 手持远程武器时
Show ranged weapon crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a ranged weapon is being held.
If Interactable: when the held ranged weapon is ready to fire.
Disabled: do not use held ranged weapons for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示远程武器准星:
Holding throwable item 手持可投掷物品时
Show throwable item crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a throwable item is being held.
If Interactable: when the held throwable item is ready to throw; but not when there's a cooldown.
Disabled: do not use held throwable items for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示可投掷物品准星:
Holding shield 手持盾牌时
Show shield crosshair when holding a shield. 手持盾牌时显示盾牌准星。
Holding block 手持方块时
Show block crosshair under the following condition:
§lAlways§r: when a block is being held.
§lIf Targeting§r: when a block is being held and a block is targeted.
§lIf Interactable§r: when the held block can be placed at the targeted location.
§lDisabled§r: do not use held blocks for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示方块准星:
§L总是§r: 当手持方块时。
§L当瞄准时§r: 当手持方块并且瞄准了另一个方块时。
§L当可交互时§r: 当手持的方块可以被放置在目标位置时。
§L禁用§r: 手持方块时不进行准星计算。
Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时
Show usable item crosshair under the following condition:
Always: when a usable item (such as food) is being held.
If Interactable: when the held usable item can be currently used.
Disabled: do not use held usable items for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示可使用物品准星:
Force holding spyglass 当手持望远镜时
Force showing a crosshair while holding a spyglass. 手持望远镜时强制显示准星
Crosshair Style 准星样式
Sets the style of the crosshair. Different crosshairs can have different styles. 设置准星的样式。不同的准星可以使用不同的样式。
Crosshair Color 准星颜色
Set the color of the crosshair. "Unchanged" inherits color from vanilla. 设置准星的颜色。“不变”使用了原版准星的颜色。
Custom color 自定义颜色
Set a custom color for the crosshair. The format is #AARRGGBB (alpha, red, green, blue). 自定义准星颜色。格式为#AARRGGBB(alpha, red, green, blue)。
This disables the crosshair from inverting colors when over certain textures 这会使准星在某些纹理上不会反转颜色
Force single color crosshair 强制使用单色准星
Regular 常规
General crosshair when no others apply. 当没有其他准星适用时使用的一般准星。
Looking at block 看向方块时
Crosshair when targeting a block. Item specific crosshairs override this depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准方块时使用的准星。特定物品的准星会根据“行为”中的设置覆盖此项设置。
Looking at entity 看向实体时
Crosshair when targeting an Entity. Item specific crosshairs override this depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准实体时使用的准星。特定物品的准星会根据“行为”中的设置覆盖此项设置。
Holding tool 手持工具时
Crosshair when holding a tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持工具时使用的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding melee weapon 手持近战武器时
Crosshair when holding a melee weapon. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持近战武器时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding ranged weapon 手持远程武器时
Crosshair when holding a ranged weapon. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持远程武器时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding throwable 手持可投掷物品时
Crosshair when holding a throwable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可投掷物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding block 手持方块时
Crosshair when holding a placeable block. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可放置方块时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时
Crosshair when holding a usable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可使用物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Looking at interactable block 看向可交互方块时
Crosshair modifier when targeting an interactable block. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准可交互方块时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding correct tool 手持正确的工具时
Crosshair modifier when holding the correct tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持正确工具时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding incorrect tool 手持错误工具时
Crosshair modifier when holding the wrong tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持错误工具时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时
Crosshair modifier when holding a usable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可使用物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Holding shield 手持盾牌时
Crosshair modifier when holding a shield. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持盾牌时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
Enable the tweaks on this page 启用本页面中的调整
The tweaks on this page can be used to configure crosshair behaviour on servers where behaviour changes cannot be detected. You can use this toggle to turn them off when playing single player or on other servers. 当服务器无法检测到行为变化时,可以使用本页面上的选项来配置准星的行为。如果你在玩单人游戏或是在其他服务器中,可以使用这个开关来关闭这些调整。
Additional Tools 额外的工具
A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the tools category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为工具。
Additional Melee Weapons 额外的近战武器
A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the melee weapons category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为近战武器。
Additional Ranged Weapons 额外的远程武器
A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the ranged weapons category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为远程武器。
Additional Throwable Items 额外的可投掷物品
A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the throwable items category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为可投掷物品。
Additional Usable Items 额外可使用物品
A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the usable items category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为可使用物品。
Additional Interactable Blocks 额外的可交互方块
A list of block names or tags, such as "minecraft:oak_log" or "#minecraft:stairs". These blocks will be added to the interactable blocks category. 这是一个由方块名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:oak_log”或“#minecraft:stairs”。这些方块将被视为可交互方块。
Simple 简单
Advanced 高级
Disabled 禁用
Always 总是
If Targeting 当瞄准时
If Interactable 当可交互时
If Fully Drawn 当蓄满力时
Disabled 禁用
Default 默认
Cross 十字
Diagonal Cross 交叉
Square 方形
Diamond 菱形
Caret 脱字符
Brackets 方框
Brackets Bottom 底部方框
Brackets Top 顶部方框
Round Brackets 圆框
Lines 线框
Line Bottom 底部线框
Disabled 禁用
Do not change 不变
Red 红色
Yellow 黄色
Green 绿色
Cyan 青色
Blue 蓝色
Purple 紫色
Custom color 自定义颜色
Contextual crosshair style 关联游戏内容的准星样式
Dynamic Crosshair that changes shape based on what is targeted 动态准星会根据所选择的目标改变形状
To configure Dynamic Crosshair through an ingame interface, please install YetAnotherConfigLib! 要通过游戏内界面配置动态准星,请安装YetAnotherConfigLib!
Key 英文 中文
dynamiccrosshair.title Dynamic Crosshair 动态准星
dynamiccrosshair.category.general Behavior 行为 Style 样式
dynamiccrosshair.category.tweaks Tweaks 调整
dynamiccrosshair.option.dynamicCrosshair Dynamically hide 动态隐藏
dynamiccrosshair.option.dynamicCrosshair.description Hides the crosshair unless holding a tool, weapon, or targeting an entity.
Simple mode is less accurate, but more performant. 除非手持工具、武器或瞄准实体,否则隐藏准星。
dynamiccrosshair.option.disableDebugCrosshair Disable debug crosshair 禁用调试准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.disableDebugCrosshair.description Replace the axis crosshair when the F3 debug screen is open with the standard (dynamic) crosshair. 当F3调试屏幕打开时,用标准(动态)准星替换坐标轴准星。
dynamiccrosshair.option.thirdPersonCrosshair Show in third person view 在第三人称视角中显示
dynamiccrosshair.option.thirdPersonCrosshair.description Don't hide the crosshair when in third person view. This only applies to the back perspective, not the front one. 处于第三人称视角时显示准星。仅适用于后视视角,不适用于前视视角。
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithScreen Hide whenever a screen is open 在屏幕打开时隐藏
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithScreen.description Hide whenever a screen is open 在屏幕打开时隐藏
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithMap Hide when holding a map 手持地图时隐藏
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithMap.description Hide whenever a map is being held in both hands, so it does not get obstructed by the crosshair 双手手持地图时隐藏准星,防止地图被遮挡
dynamiccrosshair.option.dynamicCrosshairStyle Use dynamic crosshair style 使用动态准星样式
dynamiccrosshair.option.dynamicCrosshairStyle.description When enabled, use context dependent styles.
When disabled, the crosshair will always be the vanilla one, but can still be hidden based on the settings below. 启用后,使用本设置中的准星样式。
禁用后,准星将始终是原版样式,但仍可根据以下设置隐藏。 Show the crosshair when: 在下列情况下显示准星: Configure under which circumstances the crosshair should be visible. It will be hidden in all other cases. 配置准星在什么情况下可见。它会在其他情况下隐藏。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.onBlock Looking at block 看向方块时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.onBlock.description Show the crosshair given the following condition:
If Targeting: when any block is targeted.
If Interactable: when the targeted block can be interacted with.
Disabled: does not show based on block target; may still use the targeted block to evaluate held items. 在下列条件下显示准星:
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.onEntity Looking at entity 看向实体时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.onEntity.description Show the crosshair whenever an entity is targeted. 瞄准实体时显示准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingTool Holding tool 手持工具时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingTool.description Show the crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a tool is being held.
If Targeting: when a tool is being held and a block is targeted.
Disabled: do not use held tools for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示准星:
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingMeleeWeapon Melee weapon overrides tool 武器先于工具判定
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingMeleeWeapon.description Prioritize the melee weapon crosshair over the tool one for tools which can be used as weapons, such as axes. 对于可以作为武器的工具,如斧头,优先使用近战武器准星。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.meleeWeaponOnEntity Tool/weapon overrides entity 工具/武器先于实体判定
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.meleeWeaponOnEntity.description Show tool or weapon crosshair when targeting an entity depending on held item. Always show entity crosshair if off. 当瞄准一个实体时,根据手持的物品显示工具或武器准星。如果关闭,则总是显示实体准星。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.meleeWeaponOnBreakableBlock Breakable Block overrides weapon 破坏方块先于武器判定
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.meleeWeaponOnBreakableBlock.description Shows the "correct tool" crosshair when targeting an instantly breakable block using a melee weapon like a sword. 当使用近战武器(如剑)瞄准一个可以瞬间破坏的方块时,显示“正确的工具”准星。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingRangedWeapon Holding ranged weapon 手持远程武器时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingRangedWeapon.description Show ranged weapon crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a ranged weapon is being held.
If Interactable: when the held ranged weapon is ready to fire.
Disabled: do not use held ranged weapons for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示远程武器准星:
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingThrowable Holding throwable item 手持可投掷物品时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingThrowable.description Show throwable item crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a throwable item is being held.
If Interactable: when the held throwable item is ready to throw; but not when there's a cooldown.
Disabled: do not use held throwable items for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示可投掷物品准星:
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingShield Holding shield 手持盾牌时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingShield.description Show shield crosshair when holding a shield. 手持盾牌时显示盾牌准星。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingBlock Holding block 手持方块时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingBlock.description Show block crosshair under the following condition:
§lAlways§r: when a block is being held.
§lIf Targeting§r: when a block is being held and a block is targeted.
§lIf Interactable§r: when the held block can be placed at the targeted location.
§lDisabled§r: do not use held blocks for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示方块准星:
§L总是§r: 当手持方块时。
§L当瞄准时§r: 当手持方块并且瞄准了另一个方块时。
§L当可交互时§r: 当手持的方块可以被放置在目标位置时。
§L禁用§r: 手持方块时不进行准星计算。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingUsableItem Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingUsableItem.description Show usable item crosshair under the following condition:
Always: when a usable item (such as food) is being held.
If Interactable: when the held usable item can be currently used.
Disabled: do not use held usable items for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示可使用物品准星:
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.forceHoldingSpyglass Force holding spyglass 当手持望远镜时
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.forceHoldingSpyglass.description Force showing a crosshair while holding a spyglass. 手持望远镜时强制显示准星 Crosshair Style 准星样式 Sets the style of the crosshair. Different crosshairs can have different styles. 设置准星的样式。不同的准星可以使用不同的样式。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.crosshairColor Crosshair Color 准星颜色
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.crosshairColor.description Set the color of the crosshair. "Unchanged" inherits color from vanilla. 设置准星的颜色。“不变”使用了原版准星的颜色。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.customColor Custom color 自定义颜色
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.customColor.description Set a custom color for the crosshair. The format is #AARRGGBB (alpha, red, green, blue). 自定义准星颜色。格式为#AARRGGBB(alpha, red, green, blue)。
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.forceColor.description This disables the crosshair from inverting colors when over certain textures 这会使准星在某些纹理上不会反转颜色
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.forceColor Force single color crosshair 强制使用单色准星 Regular 常规 General crosshair when no others apply. 当没有其他准星适用时使用的一般准星。 Looking at block 看向方块时 Crosshair when targeting a block. Item specific crosshairs override this depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准方块时使用的准星。特定物品的准星会根据“行为”中的设置覆盖此项设置。 Looking at entity 看向实体时 Crosshair when targeting an Entity. Item specific crosshairs override this depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准实体时使用的准星。特定物品的准星会根据“行为”中的设置覆盖此项设置。 Holding tool 手持工具时 Crosshair when holding a tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持工具时使用的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding melee weapon 手持近战武器时 Crosshair when holding a melee weapon. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持近战武器时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding ranged weapon 手持远程武器时 Crosshair when holding a ranged weapon. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持远程武器时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding throwable 手持可投掷物品时 Crosshair when holding a throwable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可投掷物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding block 手持方块时 Crosshair when holding a placeable block. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可放置方块时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时 Crosshair when holding a usable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可使用物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Looking at interactable block 看向可交互方块时 Crosshair modifier when targeting an interactable block. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准可交互方块时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding correct tool 手持正确的工具时 Crosshair modifier when holding the correct tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持正确工具时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding incorrect tool 手持错误工具时 Crosshair modifier when holding the wrong tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持错误工具时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时 Crosshair modifier when holding a usable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可使用物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 Holding shield 手持盾牌时 Crosshair modifier when holding a shield. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持盾牌时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。
dynamiccrosshair.option.enableTweaks Enable the tweaks on this page 启用本页面中的调整
dynamiccrosshair.option.enableTweaks.description The tweaks on this page can be used to configure crosshair behaviour on servers where behaviour changes cannot be detected. You can use this toggle to turn them off when playing single player or on other servers. 当服务器无法检测到行为变化时,可以使用本页面上的选项来配置准星的行为。如果你在玩单人游戏或是在其他服务器中,可以使用这个开关来关闭这些调整。
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalTools Additional Tools 额外的工具
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalTools.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the tools category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为工具。
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalMeleeWeapons Additional Melee Weapons 额外的近战武器
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalMeleeWeapons.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the melee weapons category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为近战武器。
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalRangedWeapons Additional Ranged Weapons 额外的远程武器
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalRangedWeapons.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the ranged weapons category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为远程武器。
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalThrowables Additional Throwable Items 额外的可投掷物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalThrowables.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the throwable items category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为可投掷物品。
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalUsableItems Additional Usable Items 额外可使用物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalUsableItems.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the usable items category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为可使用物品。
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalInteractableBlocks Additional Interactable Blocks 额外的可交互方块
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalInteractableBlocks.description A list of block names or tags, such as "minecraft:oak_log" or "#minecraft:stairs". These blocks will be added to the interactable blocks category. 这是一个由方块名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:oak_log”或“#minecraft:stairs”。这些方块将被视为可交互方块。
dynamiccrosshair.mode.Simple Simple 简单
dynamiccrosshair.mode.Advanced Advanced 高级
dynamiccrosshair.mode.Disabled Disabled 禁用
dynamiccrosshair.policy.Always Always 总是
dynamiccrosshair.policy.IfTargeting If Targeting 当瞄准时
dynamiccrosshair.policy.IfInteractable If Interactable 当可交互时
dynamiccrosshair.policy.IfRangedWeaponFullyDrawn If Fully Drawn 当蓄满力时
dynamiccrosshair.policy.Disabled Disabled 禁用 Default 默认 Cross 十字 Diagonal Cross 交叉 Circle Square 方形 Diamond 菱形 Caret 脱字符 Dot Brackets 方框 Brackets Bottom 底部方框 Brackets Top 顶部方框 Round Brackets 圆框 Lines 线框 Line Bottom 底部线框 Disabled 禁用
dynamiccrosshair.color.Unchanged Do not change 不变
dynamiccrosshair.color.Red Red 红色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Yellow Yellow 黄色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Green Green 绿色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Cyan Cyan 青色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Blue Blue 蓝色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Purple Purple 紫色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Custom Custom color 自定义颜色
modmenu.summaryTranslation.dynamiccrosshair Contextual crosshair style 关联游戏内容的准星样式
modmenu.descriptionTranslation.dynamiccrosshair Dynamic Crosshair that changes shape based on what is targeted 动态准星会根据所选择的目标改变形状
dynamiccrosshair.requireYaclForConfigScreen To configure Dynamic Crosshair through an ingame interface, please install YetAnotherConfigLib! 要通过游戏内界面配置动态准星,请安装YetAnotherConfigLib!
Key 英文 中文 检查结果
dynamiccrosshair.title Dynamic Crosshair 动态准星 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.dynamicCrosshair.description Hides the crosshair unless holding a tool, weapon, or targeting an entity.
Simple mode is less accurate, but more performant. 除非手持工具、武器或瞄准实体,否则隐藏准星。
简单模式准确度较低,但性能更好。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.disableDebugCrosshair Disable debug crosshair 禁用调试准星 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.disableDebugCrosshair.description Replace the axis crosshair when the F3 debug screen is open with the standard (dynamic) crosshair. 当F3调试屏幕打开时,用标准(动态)准星替换坐标轴准星。 ✔ 术语 f3 => f3
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
dynamiccrosshair.option.thirdPersonCrosshair Show in third person view 在第三人称视角中显示 ✔ 术语 third person view => 第三人称视角
dynamiccrosshair.option.thirdPersonCrosshair.description Don't hide the crosshair when in third person view. This only applies to the back perspective, not the front one. 处于第三人称视角时显示准星。仅适用于后视视角,不适用于前视视角。 ⚠ 术语异常 back => 返回
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
✔ 术语 third person view => 第三人称视角
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithScreen Hide whenever a screen is open 在屏幕打开时隐藏 ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithScreen.description Hide whenever a screen is open 在屏幕打开时隐藏 ✔ 术语 open => 打开, 开启
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithMap Hide when holding a map 手持地图时隐藏 ✔ 术语 map => 地图
dynamiccrosshair.option.hideWithMap.description Hide whenever a map is being held in both hands, so it does not get obstructed by the crosshair 双手手持地图时隐藏准星,防止地图被遮挡 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 map => 地图
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.dynamicCrosshairStyle Use dynamic crosshair style 使用动态准星样式 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.dynamicCrosshairStyle.description When enabled, use context dependent styles.
When disabled, the crosshair will always be the vanilla one, but can still be hidden based on the settings below. 启用后,使用本设置中的准星样式。
禁用后,准星将始终是原版样式,但仍可根据以下设置隐藏。 ✔ 术语 hidden => 隐藏
⚠ 术语异常 hidden => 已隐藏
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Show the crosshair when: 在下列情况下显示准星: ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Configure under which circumstances the crosshair should be visible. It will be hidden in all other cases. 配置准星在什么情况下可见。它会在其他情况下隐藏。 ⚠ 术语异常 all => 全部
✔ 术语 hidden => 隐藏
⚠ 术语异常 hidden => 已隐藏
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.onBlock.description Show the crosshair given the following condition:
If Targeting: when any block is targeted.
If Interactable: when the targeted block can be interacted with.
Disabled: does not show based on block target; may still use the targeted block to evaluate held items. 在下列条件下显示准星:
禁用:不基于目标方块显示准星;但仍然可以用目标方块来评估所持物品。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.onEntity Looking at entity 看向实体时 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.onEntity.description Show the crosshair whenever an entity is targeted. 瞄准实体时显示准星 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 entity => 实体
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingTool.description Show the crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a tool is being held.
If Targeting: when a tool is being held and a block is targeted.
Disabled: do not use held tools for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示准星:
禁用:手持工具时不进行准星计算。 ✔ 术语 tools => 工具
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingMeleeWeapon.description Prioritize the melee weapon crosshair over the tool one for tools which can be used as weapons, such as axes. 对于可以作为武器的工具,如斧头,优先使用近战武器准星。 ✔ 术语 tools => 工具
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 used => 使用
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.meleeWeaponOnEntity Tool/weapon overrides entity 工具/武器先于实体判定 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.meleeWeaponOnEntity.description Show tool or weapon crosshair when targeting an entity depending on held item. Always show entity crosshair if off. 当瞄准一个实体时,根据手持的物品显示工具或武器准星。如果关闭,则总是显示实体准星。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 entity => 实体
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.meleeWeaponOnBreakableBlock.description Shows the "correct tool" crosshair when targeting an instantly breakable block using a melee weapon like a sword. 当使用近战武器(如剑)瞄准一个可以瞬间破坏的方块时,显示“正确的工具”准星。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingRangedWeapon.description Show ranged weapon crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a ranged weapon is being held.
If Interactable: when the held ranged weapon is ready to fire.
Disabled: do not use held ranged weapons for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示远程武器准星:
禁用:手持远程武器时不进行准星计算。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingThrowable Holding throwable item 手持可投掷物品时 ✔ 术语 item => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingThrowable.description Show throwable item crosshair given the following condition:
Always: when a throwable item is being held.
If Interactable: when the held throwable item is ready to throw; but not when there's a cooldown.
Disabled: do not use held throwable items for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示可投掷物品准星:
禁用:手持可投掷物品时不进行准星计算。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 item => 物品
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingShield Holding shield 手持盾牌时 ✔ 术语 shield => 盾牌
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingShield.description Show shield crosshair when holding a shield. 手持盾牌时显示盾牌准星。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 shield => 盾牌
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingBlock.description Show block crosshair under the following condition:
§lAlways§r: when a block is being held.
§lIf Targeting§r: when a block is being held and a block is targeted.
§lIf Interactable§r: when the held block can be placed at the targeted location.
§lDisabled§r: do not use held blocks for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示方块准星:
§L总是§r: 当手持方块时。
§L当瞄准时§r: 当手持方块并且瞄准了另一个方块时。
§L当可交互时§r: 当手持的方块可以被放置在目标位置时。
§L禁用§r: 手持方块时不进行准星计算。 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
✔ 术语 placed => 被放置
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingUsableItem Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时 ✔ 术语 item => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.holdingUsableItem.description Show usable item crosshair under the following condition:
Always: when a usable item (such as food) is being held.
If Interactable: when the held usable item can be currently used.
Disabled: do not use held usable items for crosshair computation. 在下列条件下显示可使用物品准星:
禁用:手持可使用物品时不进行准星计算。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 item => 物品
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.forceHoldingSpyglass Force holding spyglass 当手持望远镜时 ✔ 术语 spyglass => 望远镜
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairConfig.forceHoldingSpyglass.description Force showing a crosshair while holding a spyglass. 手持望远镜时强制显示准星 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair Style 准星样式 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.crosshairColor Crosshair Color 准星颜色 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.customColor Custom color 自定义颜色 ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.customColor.description Set a custom color for the crosshair. The format is #AARRGGBB (alpha, red, green, blue). 自定义准星颜色。格式为#AARRGGBB(alpha, red, green, blue)。 ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.forceColor.description This disables the crosshair from inverting colors when over certain textures 这会使准星在某些纹理上不会反转颜色 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 colors => 颜色
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.crosshairStyle.color.forceColor Force single color crosshair 强制使用单色准星 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 General crosshair when no others apply. 当没有其他准星适用时使用的一般准星。 ⚠ 术语异常 general => 通用
⚠ 术语异常 no => 否
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair when targeting a block. Item specific crosshairs override this depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准方块时使用的准星。特定物品的准星会根据“行为”中的设置覆盖此项设置。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 item => 物品
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Looking at entity 看向实体时 ✔ 术语 entity => 实体 Crosshair when targeting an Entity. Item specific crosshairs override this depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准实体时使用的准星。特定物品的准星会根据“行为”中的设置覆盖此项设置。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 item => 物品
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair when holding a tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持工具时使用的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair when holding a melee weapon. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持近战武器时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair when holding a ranged weapon. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持远程武器时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair when holding a throwable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可投掷物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair when holding a placeable block. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可放置方块时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时 ✔ 术语 item => 物品 Crosshair when holding a usable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可使用物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair modifier when targeting an interactable block. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 瞄准可交互方块时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair modifier when holding the correct tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持正确工具时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Crosshair modifier when holding the wrong tool. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持错误工具时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Holding usable item 手持可使用物品时 ✔ 术语 item => 物品 Crosshair modifier when holding a usable item. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持可使用物品时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星 Holding shield 手持盾牌时 ✔ 术语 shield => 盾牌 Crosshair modifier when holding a shield. This is active depending on Behavior settings. 手持盾牌时的准星。这项设置会根据“行为”中的设置激活。 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.enableTweaks Enable the tweaks on this page 启用本页面中的调整 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
dynamiccrosshair.option.enableTweaks.description The tweaks on this page can be used to configure crosshair behaviour on servers where behaviour changes cannot be detected. You can use this toggle to turn them off when playing single player or on other servers. 当服务器无法检测到行为变化时,可以使用本页面上的选项来配置准星的行为。如果你在玩单人游戏或是在其他服务器中,可以使用这个开关来关闭这些调整。 ✔ 术语 off => 关
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 toggle => 切换
✔ 术语 on => 开
✔ 术语 used => 使用
⚠ 术语异常 player => 玩家
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalTools Additional Tools 额外的工具 ✔ 术语 tools => 工具
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalTools.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the tools category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为工具。 ✔ 术语 tools => 工具
✔ 术语 items => 物品
✔ 术语 item => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalMeleeWeapons.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the melee weapons category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为近战武器。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
✔ 术语 item => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalRangedWeapons.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the ranged weapons category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为远程武器。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
✔ 术语 item => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalThrowables Additional Throwable Items 额外的可投掷物品 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalThrowables.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the throwable items category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为可投掷物品。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
✔ 术语 item => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalUsableItems Additional Usable Items 额外可使用物品 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalUsableItems.description A list of item names or tags, such as "minecraft:fire_charge". These items will be added to the usable items category. 这是一个由物品名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:fire_charge”。这些物品将被视为可使用物品。 ✔ 术语 items => 物品
✔ 术语 item => 物品
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalInteractableBlocks Additional Interactable Blocks 额外的可交互方块 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
dynamiccrosshair.option.additionalInteractableBlocks.description A list of block names or tags, such as "minecraft:oak_log" or "#minecraft:stairs". These blocks will be added to the interactable blocks category. 这是一个由方块名称或标签组成的列表,例如“minecraft:oak_log”或“#minecraft:stairs”。这些方块将被视为可交互方块。 ✔ 术语 blocks => 方块
⚠ 术语异常 blocks => 格挡
dynamiccrosshair.policy.IfRangedWeaponFullyDrawn If Fully Drawn 当蓄满力时 ⚠ 术语异常 drawn => 绘制 Default 默认 ✔ 术语 default => 默认 Diamond 菱形 ⚠ 术语异常 diamond => 钻石
dynamiccrosshair.color.Red Red 红色 ✔ 术语 red => 红色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Yellow Yellow 黄色 ✔ 术语 yellow => 黄色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Green Green 绿色 ✔ 术语 green => 绿色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Cyan Cyan 青色 ✔ 术语 cyan => 青色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Blue Blue 蓝色 ✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Purple Purple 紫色 ✔ 术语 purple => 紫色
dynamiccrosshair.color.Custom Custom color 自定义颜色 ✔ 术语 custom => 自定义
modmenu.summaryTranslation.dynamiccrosshair Contextual crosshair style 关联游戏内容的准星样式 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
modmenu.descriptionTranslation.dynamiccrosshair Dynamic Crosshair that changes shape based on what is targeted 动态准星会根据所选择的目标改变形状 ⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
dynamiccrosshair.requireYaclForConfigScreen To configure Dynamic Crosshair through an ingame interface, please install YetAnotherConfigLib! 要通过游戏内界面配置动态准星,请安装YetAnotherConfigLib! ⚠ 术语异常 game interface => 游戏界面
⚠ 术语异常 crosshair => 十字准星
✔ 术语 crosshair => 十字准星, 准星
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