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Created January 4, 2018 14:55
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Migrate single Virtual Network Gateway with the NAT Rules between NVGRE Network Services.
General features of that script:
- Migrate Virtual Network Gateway with several different external IPs
- Good protection from the fool :)
- Show all collected information about Virtual Network Gateway before delete
- You will newer lost of your data
Your System Center VMM Server
Was tested with System Center VMM 2016
VPN settings migration isn't supported
#Enter SCVMM Server name, if then not exists
while (!(Get-ScvmmServer -ComputerName $VMMServer)) {
$SCVMMServer = Read-Host "Enter VMM Server Name:"
function SelectNetworkService($Side) {
Show list VMM Network Services (NVGRE Only). You must select one of they.
#Is receive all Network Services with NVGRE enabled
$NetworkServices = Get-SCNetworkService | WHERE {$_.NVGRESupported -eq $true} | SORT Name
#Show list NVGRE Services
$counter = 0
foreach ($NetworkService in $NetworkServices) {
Write-Host $counter, $NetworkService.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Select NVGRE Services
$NetworkServiceNumber = Read-Host "Enter $Side NetworkService number"
while (!$NetworkServices[$NetworkServiceNumber]) {
Write-Host "Please enter correct $Side NetworkService number!" -ForegroundColor Red
$NetworkServiceNumber = Read-Host "Enter $Side NetworkService number"
Write-Host ($NetworkServices[$NetworkServiceNumber]).Name selected successfully -ForegroundColor green
return $NetworkServices[$NetworkServiceNumber]
function SelectNetwork() {
Show list of VMM Networks on selected VMM Network Service. You must select one of they
#Show list of networks on selected VMM Network Service
$counter = 0
foreach ($ListSourceNetwork in $VmNetworksOnSourceNetworkService) {
Write-Host $counter, $ListSourceNetwork.Name, $ListSourceNetwork.Owner -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Select one number of network
$SourceNetworkNumber = Read-Host "Enter SOURCE network number"
#Check selected network
while (!$VmNetworksOnSourceNetworkService[$SourceNetworkNumber]) {
Write-Host "Please enter correct Network number!" -ForegroundColor Red
$SourceNetworkNumber = Read-Host "Enter SOURCE network number"
Write-Host ($VmNetworksOnSourceNetworkService[$SourceNetworkNumber]).Name selected successfully -ForegroundColor green
return $VmNetworksOnSourceNetworkService[$SourceNetworkNumber]
function CheckData() {
Validation of entered data
You should check all data about your migrate gateway:
- Source and destination VMM Network Service
- Existings external IP Addressess (may be several)
- Existings NAT Rules (yor can copy and save they)
If all information is correct, your should type Y or y. If no - type any other letter, and script will be end.
Write-Host "Check all data:" -BackgroundColor Green
Write-Host "Selected Network: $SelectedNetwork ($SourceNetworkService)" -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "External IP Addressess:" -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "Nat Rules:" -ForegroundColor Magenta
foreach ($NatRule in $NatRules) {
Write-Host $NatRule.Name, $NatRule.ExternalIPAddress, $NatRule.ExternalPort, $NatRule.InternalIPAddress, $NatRule.InternalPort -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "Source NetworkService: $SourceNetworkService" -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "Destination NetworkService: $DestinationNetworkService" -ForegroundColor Magenta
#Waiting your confirmation entered data
$checker = Read-Host "Is information correct? (Y/N)"
if ($checker -eq "Y" -or $checker -eq "y") {
Write-Host "Ok" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "You have selected $checker. Script was break!" -ForegroundColor Red
function CheckDestinationNetworkService() {
Checking that destination Network Service has available network domain
$MaxRoutingDomains = $DestinationNetworkService.MaxRoutingDomainSupported
$Counter = 0
foreach ($VmNetwork in $VmNetworks) {
$VMNetworkGateway = Get-SCVMNetworkGateway -VMMServer $VMMServer -VMNetwork $VMNetwork
if ($VMNetworkGateway.NetworkGateway.Name -eq $DestinationNetworkService) {
if ($MaxRoutingDomains -gt $Counter) {
Write-Host "Destination gateway test was passed" -ForegroundColor Green
return $true
} else {
Write-Host "Destination gateway test failed! He isn't have free routing domains. Please select another NetworkService!" -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
#Select source NetworkService
$SourceNetworkService = SelectNetworkService("SOURCE")
#Getting all VM Networks with VMNetworkGateways
$VmNetworks = Get-SCVMNetwork -VMMServer $VMMServer | WHERE {$_.VMNetworkGateways -ne $NULL}
#Select VM Networks on source NetworkService
foreach ($VmNetwork in $VmNetworks) {
$VMNetworkGateway = Get-SCVMNetworkGateway -VMMServer $VMMServer -VMNetwork $VMNetwork
if ($VMNetworkGateway.NetworkGateway.Name -eq $SourceNetworkService) {
#If NetworkService not contain domains, script will be break
if ($VmNetworksOnSourceNetworkService.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Source NetworkService $SourceNetworkService not contain domains" -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Show and select network
$SelectedNetwork = SelectNetwork
#Collect information about VMNetwork
$GW = Get-SCVMNetworkGateway -VmmServer $VMMServer -VMNetwork $SelectedNetwork
$NatRules = Get-SCNATRule -VMMServer $VMMServer -VMNetworkGateway $GW
$ExternalIPAddressess = $NatRules | WHERE {$_.ExternalPort -eq 0} | SELECT ExternalIPAddress, NATConnection -Unique
$NatRules = $NatRules | WHERE {$_.ExternalPort -ne 0}
#Create NAT Rules Array
$NatRulesArr = @()
foreach ($i in $NatRules) {
$NatRulesProps = @{
name = $i.Name
ExternalIPAddress = $i.ExternalIPAddress
ExternalPort = $i.ExternalPort
InternalIPAddress = $i.InternalIPAddress
InternalPort = $i.InternalPort
Protocol = $i.Protocol
NATConnection = $i.NATConnection.ToString()
$tmpObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $NatRulesProps
#Select destination network service
Do {$DestinationNetworkService = SelectNetworkService("DESTINATION")}
While (!(CheckDestinationNetworkService))
#Check that all collected data is correct
#Set the errors variable (marker)
$Errors = $false
#Remove old Network Service Gateway
if (($GW).Count -eq 1) {
try {
Remove-SCVMNetworkGateway -VMMServer $VMMServer -VMNetworkGateway $GW
} catch {
Write-Host "Gateway wasn't removed!" -ForegroundColor Red
$Errors = $true
} finally {
if ($errors -eq $false) {Write-Host "Gateway was removed" -ForegroundColor Green}
} else {
Write-Host "GW Count NOT equal 1! (($GW).Count)" -ForegroundColor Red
$Errors = $true
#Add new Virtual Network Gateway
if ($Errors -eq $false) {
try {
Add-SCVMNetworkGateway -VMMServer $VMMServer -Name $GW.Name -EnableBGP $false -NetworkGateway $DestinationNetworkService -VMNetwork $SelectedNetwork
} catch {
Write-Host "Gateway wasn't created!" -ForegroundColor Red
$Errors = $true
} finally {
if ($errors -eq $false) {Write-Host "Geteway was created" -ForegroundColor Green}
#Add NAT Connections
if ($Errors -eq $false) {
try {
$NewGW = Get-SCVMNetworkGateway -VMMServer $VMMServer -VMNetwork $SelectedNetwork
$NatConnection = @()
foreach ($ExternalIPAddress in $ExternalIPAddressess) {
$NatConnection += Add-SCNATConnection -VMMServer $VMMServer -Name $ExternalIPAddress.NATConnection.ToString() -VMNetworkGateway $NewGW -ExternalIPAddress $ExternalIPAddress.ExternalIPAddress.IPAddressToString
} catch {
Write-Host "NAT connections wasn't created!" -ForegroundColor Red
$Errors = $true
} finally {
if ($errors -eq $false) {Write-Host "Nat connections was created" -ForegroundColor Green}
#Add NAT Rules
foreach ($NatRule in $NatRulesArr) {
if ($Errors -eq $false) {
try {
$TargetNatConnection = $NatConnection | WHERE {$_.Name -eq $NatRule.NATConnection}
if ($TargetNatConnection) {
Add-SCNATRule -VMMServer $VMMServer -NATConnection $TargetNatConnection -Name $NatRule.Name -ExternalPort $NatRule.ExternalPort -InternalPort $NatRule.InternalPort -InternalIPAddress $NatRule.InternalIPAddress -Protocol $NatRule.Protocol
} else {
Write-Host "NAT rule $NatRule.Name wasn't created, because TargetNatConnection is fill!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} catch {
Write-Host "NAT rule wasn't created!" -ForegroundColor Red
$Errors = $true
} finally {
$name = $NatRule.Name
if ($errors -eq $false) {Write-Host "NAT rule $name was created" -ForegroundColor Green}
#Check and show job status
if ($errors -eq $false) {
Write-Host "All tasks completed successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "Tasks completed with errors!" -ForegroundColor Red
#The End!
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