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Created January 24, 2016 17:55
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* Hue Service Manager
* Author: Juan Risso (
* Copyright 2015 SmartThings
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
name: "Hue (ReConnect)",
namespace: "smartthings",
author: "SmartThings",
description: "Allows you to connect your Philips Hue lights with SmartThings and control them from your Things area or Dashboard in the SmartThings Mobile app. Adjust colors by going to the Thing detail screen for your Hue lights (tap the gear on Hue tiles).\n\nPlease update your Hue Bridge first, outside of the SmartThings app, using the Philips Hue app.",
category: "SmartThings Labs",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: ""
preferences {
page(name:"mainPage", title:"Hue Device Setup", content:"mainPage", refreshTimeout:5)
page(name:"bridgeDiscovery", title:"Hue Bridge Discovery", content:"bridgeDiscovery", refreshTimeout:5)
page(name:"bridgeBtnPush", title:"Linking with your Hue", content:"bridgeLinking", refreshTimeout:5)
page(name:"itemDiscovery", title:"Hue Device Setup", content:"itemDiscovery", refreshTimeout:5)
def mainPage() {
if(canInstallLabs()) {
def bridges = bridgesDiscovered()
if (state.username && bridges) {
return itemDiscovery()
} else {
return bridgeDiscovery()
} else {
def upgradeNeeded = """To use SmartThings Labs, your Hub should be completely up to date.
To update your Hub, access Location Settings in the Main Menu (tap the gear next to your location name), select your Hub, and choose "Update Hub"."""
return dynamicPage(name:"bridgeDiscovery", title:"Upgrade needed!", nextPage:"", install:false, uninstall: true) {
section("Upgrade") {
paragraph "$upgradeNeeded"
def bridgeDiscovery(params=[:])
def bridges = bridgesDiscovered()
int bridgeRefreshCount = !state.bridgeRefreshCount ? 0 : state.bridgeRefreshCount as int
state.bridgeRefreshCount = bridgeRefreshCount + 1
def refreshInterval = 3
def options = bridges ?: []
def numFound = options.size() ?: 0
if (numFound == 0 && state.bridgeRefreshCount > 25) {
log.trace "Cleaning old bridges memory"
state.bridges = [:]
state.bridgeRefreshCount = 0
app.updateSetting("selectedHue", "")
subscribe(location, null, locationHandler, [filterEvents:false])
//bridge discovery request every 15 //25 seconds
if((bridgeRefreshCount % 5) == 0) {
//setup.xml request every 3 seconds except on discoveries
if(((bridgeRefreshCount % 1) == 0) && ((bridgeRefreshCount % 5) != 0)) {
return dynamicPage(name:"bridgeDiscovery", title:"Discovery Started!", nextPage:"bridgeBtnPush", refreshInterval:refreshInterval, uninstall: true) {
section("Please wait while we discover your Hue Bridge. Discovery can take five minutes or more, so sit back and relax! Select your device below once discovered.") {
input "selectedHue", "enum", required:false, title:"Select Hue Bridge (${numFound} found)", multiple:false, options:options
def bridgeLinking()
int linkRefreshcount = !state.linkRefreshcount ? 0 : state.linkRefreshcount as int
state.linkRefreshcount = linkRefreshcount + 1
def refreshInterval = 3
def nextPage = ""
def title = "Linking with your Hue"
def paragraphText
def hueimage = null
if (selectedHue) {
paragraphText = "Press the button on your Hue Bridge to setup a link. "
hueimage = ""
} else {
paragraphText = "You haven't selected a Hue Bridge, please Press \"Done\" and select one before clicking next."
hueimage = null
if (state.username) { //if discovery worked
nextPage = "itemDiscovery"
title = "Success!"
paragraphText = "Linking to your hub was a success! Please click 'Next'!"
hueimage = null
if((linkRefreshcount % 2) == 0 && !state.username) {
return dynamicPage(name:"bridgeBtnPush", title:title, nextPage:nextPage, refreshInterval:refreshInterval) {
section("") {
paragraph """${paragraphText}"""
if (hueimage != null)
image "${hueimage}"
def itemDiscovery() {
int bulbRefreshCount = !state.bulbRefreshCount ? 0 : state.bulbRefreshCount as int
state.bulbRefreshCount = bulbRefreshCount + 1
def refreshInterval = 3
state.inItemDiscovery = true
def bridge = null
if (selectedHue) {
bridge = getChildDevice(selectedHue)
subscribe(bridge, "bulbList", bulbListData)
subscribe(bridge, "sceneList", sceneListData)
state.bridgeRefreshCount = 0
def bulboptions = bulbsDiscovered() ?: [:]
def bulbs_numFound = bulboptions.size() ?: 0
if (bulbs_numFound == 0)
app.updateSetting("selectedBulbs", "")
def scenesoptions = scenesDiscovered() ?: [:]
def scenes_numFound = scenesoptions.size() ?: 0
if (scenes_numFound == 0)
app.updateSetting("selectedScenes", "")
if((bulbRefreshCount % 3) == 0) {
return dynamicPage(name:"itemDiscovery", title:"Bulb and scenes Discovery Started!", nextPage:"", refreshInterval:refreshInterval, install:true, uninstall: true) {
section("Please wait while we discover your Hue Bulbs and Scenes. Discovery can take several minutes, so sit back and relax! Select your device and scene below once discovered.") {
input "selectedBulbs", "enum", required:false, title:"Select Hue Bulbs (${bulbs_numFound} found)", multiple:true, options:bulboptions.sort {it.value}
input "selectedScenes", "enum", required:false, title:"Select Hue Scenes (${scenes_numFound} found)", multiple:true, options:scenesoptions.sort {it.value}
section {
def title = getBridgeIP() ? "Hue bridge (${getBridgeIP()})" : "Find bridges"
href "bridgeDiscovery", title: title, description: "", state: selectedHue ? "complete" : "incomplete", params: [override: true]
private discoverBridges() {
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction("lan discovery urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN))
private sendDeveloperReq() {
def token =
def host = getBridgeIP()
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction([
method: "POST",
path: "/api",
headers: [
HOST: host
body: [devicetype: "$token-0", username: "$token-0"]], "${selectedHue}"))
private discoverHueBulbs() {
def host = getBridgeIP()
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction([
method: "GET",
path: "/api/${state.username}/lights",
headers: [
HOST: host
]], "${selectedHue}"))
private discoverHueScenes() {
def host = getBridgeIP()
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction([
method: "GET",
path: "/api/${state.username}/scenes",
headers: [
HOST: host
]], "${selectedHue}"))
private verifyHueBridge(String deviceNetworkId, String host) {
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction([
method: "GET",
path: "/description.xml",
headers: [
HOST: host
]], deviceNetworkId))
private verifyHueBridges() {
def devices = getHueBridges().findAll { it?.value?.verified != true }
devices.each {
def ip = convertHexToIP(it.value.networkAddress)
def port = convertHexToInt(it.value.deviceAddress)
verifyHueBridge("${it.value.mac}", (ip + ":" + port))
Map bridgesDiscovered() {
def vbridges = getVerifiedHueBridges()
def map = [:]
vbridges.each {
def value = "${}"
def key = "${it.value.mac}"
map["${key}"] = value
Map bulbsDiscovered() {
def bulbs = getHueBulbs()
def bulbmap = [:]
if (bulbs instanceof java.util.Map) {
bulbs.each {
def value = "${}"
def key = +"/"+
bulbmap["${key}"] = value
} else { //backwards compatable
bulbs.each {
def value = "${}"
def key = +"/"+
bulbmap["${key}"] = value
return bulbmap
Map scenesDiscovered() {
def scenes = getHueScenes()
def scenemap = [:]
def sceneTime = [:]
// first pass to keep only the latest items
if (scenes instanceof java.util.Map) {
scenes.each {
if (sceneTime."${}")
if (sceneTime."${}".lastupdated && is_latest(it.value.lastupdated, sceneTime."${}".lastupdated))
sceneTime["${}"] = ['lastupdated': it.value.lastupdated, 'id':]
} else {
sceneTime["${}"] = ['lastupdated': it.value.lastupdated, 'id':]
scenes.each {
if ( == sceneTime."${}".id)
def lights = it.value.lights ? " ${it.value.lights}" : ''
def value = "${ on \d+/)}${lights}"
def key = +"/"+
scenemap["${key}"] = value
return scenemap
def is_latest(date1, date2) {
def d1 = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", date1)
def d2 = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", date2)
if ( d1 > d2) { true } else { false }
def bulbListData(evt) {
state.bulbs = evt.jsonData
def sceneListData(evt) {
state.scenes = evt.jsonData
Map getHueBulbs() {
state.bulbs = state.bulbs ?: [:]
Map getHueScenes() {
state.scenes = state.scenes ?: [:]
def getHueBridges() {
state.bridges = state.bridges ?: [:]
def getVerifiedHueBridges() {
getHueBridges().findAll{ it?.value?.verified == true }
def installed() {
log.trace "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.trace "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
def initialize() {
log.debug "Initializing"
state.inItemDiscovery = false
state.inSceneDiscovery = false
state.bridgeRefreshCount = 0
state.bulbRefreshCount = 0
if (selectedHue) {
def manualRefresh() {
def timedRefresh() {
// when triggering a scene the light light state take several
// seconds to change it's state. So we need to delay this.
runIn(10, manualRefresh)
def uninstalled(){
state.bridges = [:]
state.username = null
// Handles events to add new items
def itemListHandler(hub, data = "") {
def msg = "Item list not processed. Only while in settings menu."
def scenes = [:]
def bulbs = [:]
if (state.inItemDiscovery) {
log.trace "Adding items to state..."
state.bridgeProcessedItemList = true
def object = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(data)
object.each { k,v ->
if (v instanceof Map) {
// hacky way to guess if it's a bulb or a scene
if (v.get("type"))
bulbs[k] = [id: k, name:, type: v.type, hub:hub]
else {
// keep active for backward compatiblity (deprecated since 1.11)
if ( || v.containsKey("lastupdated")) {
def lights = []
v.lights.each { light -> lights << state.bulbs?."${light}".name}
scenes[k] = [id: k, name:, hub:hub, lights:lights, lastupdated:v?.lastupdated]
def bridge = null
if (selectedHue)
bridge = getChildDevice(selectedHue)
if (scenes.size() > 0) {
bridge.sendEvent(name: "sceneList", value: hub, data: scenes, isStateChange: true, displayed: false)
return "${scenes.size()} scenes found. ${scenes}"
else if (bulbs.size() > 0) {
bridge.sendEvent(name: "bulbList", value: hub, data: bulbs, isStateChange: true, displayed: false)
return "${bulbs.size()} bulbs found. ${bulbs}"
def addBulbs() {
def bulbs = getHueBulbs()
selectedBulbs?.each { dni ->
def d = getChildDevice(dni)
if(!d) {
def newHueBulb
if (bulbs instanceof java.util.Map) {
newHueBulb = bulbs.find { ( + "/" + == dni }
if (!newHueBulb) {
// If we have dimmable light use the lux device otherwise use standard hue bulb device
if (newHueBulb?.value?.type?.equalsIgnoreCase("Dimmable light")) {
d = addChildDevice("smartthings", "Hue Lux Bulb", dni, newHueBulb?.value.hub, ["label":newHueBulb?])
} else {
d = addChildDevice("smartthings", "Hue Bulb", dni, newHueBulb?.value.hub, ["label":newHueBulb?])
log.debug "created ${d.displayName} with id $dni"
} else {
log.debug "Looking for ${dni} in bulbs list but not match found ${bulbs}"
} else {
log.debug "found ${d.displayName} with id $dni already exists, type: '$d.typeName'"
if (bulbs instanceof java.util.Map) {
def newHueBulb = bulbs.find { ( + "/" + == dni }
if (newHueBulb?.value?.type?.equalsIgnoreCase("Dimmable light") && d.typeName == "Hue Bulb") {
d.setDeviceType("Hue Lux Bulb")
def addScenes() {
def scenes = getHueScenes()
selectedScenes?.each { dni ->
def d = getChildDevice(dni)
if(!d) {
def newHueScene
if (scenes instanceof java.util.Map) {
newHueScene = scenes.find { ( + "/" + == dni }
d = addChildDevice("smartthings", "Hue Scene", dni, newHueScene?.value.hub, ["name":newHueScene? on \d+/)])
def childDevice = getChildDevice(d.deviceNetworkId)
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "lights", value: newHueScene?.value.lights)
} else {
//backwards compatable
newHueScene = bulbs.find { ( + "/" + == dni }
d = addChildDevice("smartthings", "Hue Scene", dni, newHueScene?.hub, ["name":newHueScene?.name.minus(~/ on \d+/)])
def childDevice = getChildDevice(d.deviceNetworkId)
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "lights", value: newHueScene?.lights)
log.debug "created ${d.displayName} with id $dni"
} else {
log.debug "found ${d.displayName} with id $dni already exists, type: '$d.typeName'"
if (scenes instanceof java.util.Map) {
def newHueScene = scenes.find { ( + "/" + == dni }
d.setDeviceType("Hue Scene")
def addBridge() {
def vbridges = getVerifiedHueBridges()
def vbridge = vbridges.find {"${it.value.mac}" == selectedHue}
if(vbridge) {
def d = getChildDevice(selectedHue)
if(!d) {
// compatibility with old devices
def newbridge = true
childDevices.each {
if (it.getDeviceDataByName("mac")) {
def newDNI = "${it.getDeviceDataByName("mac")}"
if (newDNI != it.deviceNetworkId) {
def oldDNI = it.deviceNetworkId
log.debug "updating dni for device ${it} with $newDNI - previous DNI = ${it.deviceNetworkId}"
if (oldDNI == selectedHue)
app.updateSetting("selectedHue", newDNI)
newbridge = false
if (newbridge) {
d = addChildDevice("smartthings", "Hue Bridge", selectedHue, vbridge.value.hub)
log.debug "created ${d.displayName} with id ${d.deviceNetworkId}"
def childDevice = getChildDevice(d.deviceNetworkId)
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "serialNumber", value: vbridge.value.serialNumber)
if (vbridge.value.ip && vbridge.value.port) {
if (vbridge.value.ip.contains(".")) {
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "networkAddress", value: vbridge.value.ip + ":" + vbridge.value.port)
childDevice.updateDataValue("networkAddress", vbridge.value.ip + ":" + vbridge.value.port)
} else {
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "networkAddress", value: convertHexToIP(vbridge.value.ip) + ":" + convertHexToInt(vbridge.value.port))
childDevice.updateDataValue("networkAddress", convertHexToIP(vbridge.value.ip) + ":" + convertHexToInt(vbridge.value.port))
} else {
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "networkAddress", value: convertHexToIP(vbridge.value.networkAddress) + ":" + convertHexToInt(vbridge.value.deviceAddress))
childDevice.updateDataValue("networkAddress", convertHexToIP(vbridge.value.networkAddress) + ":" + convertHexToInt(vbridge.value.deviceAddress))
} else {
log.debug "found ${d.displayName} with id $selectedHue already exists"
def locationHandler(evt) {
def description = evt.description
log.trace "Location: $description"
def hub = evt?.hubId
def parsedEvent = parseLanMessage(description)
parsedEvent << ["hub":hub]
if (parsedEvent?.ssdpTerm?.contains("urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1")) {
def bridges = getHueBridges()
log.trace bridges.toString()
if (!(bridges."${parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString()}")) {
//bridge does not exist
log.trace "Adding bridge ${parsedEvent.ssdpUSN}"
bridges << ["${parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString()}":parsedEvent]
} else {
// update the values
def ip = convertHexToIP(parsedEvent.networkAddress)
def port = convertHexToInt(parsedEvent.deviceAddress)
def host = ip + ":" + port
log.debug "Device ($parsedEvent.mac) was already found in state with ip = $host."
def dstate = bridges."${parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString()}"
def dni = "${parsedEvent.mac}"
def d = getChildDevice(dni)
def networkAddress = null
if (!d) {
childDevices.each {
if (it.getDeviceDataByName("mac")) {
def newDNI = "${it.getDeviceDataByName("mac")}"
if (newDNI != it.deviceNetworkId) {
def oldDNI = it.deviceNetworkId
log.debug "updating dni for device ${it} with $newDNI - previous DNI = ${it.deviceNetworkId}"
if (oldDNI == selectedHue)
app.updateSetting("selectedHue", newDNI)
} else {
if (d.getDeviceDataByName("networkAddress"))
networkAddress = d.getDeviceDataByName("networkAddress")
networkAddress = d.latestState('networkAddress').stringValue
log.trace "Host: $host - $networkAddress"
if(host != networkAddress) {
log.debug "Device's port or ip changed for device $d..."
dstate.ip = ip
dstate.port = port = "Philips hue ($ip)"
d.sendEvent(name:"networkAddress", value: host)
d.updateDataValue("networkAddress", host)
else if (parsedEvent.headers && parsedEvent.body) {
def headerString = parsedEvent.headers.toString()
if (headerString?.contains("xml")) {
log.trace "description.xml response (application/xml)"
def body = new XmlSlurper().parseText(parsedEvent.body)
if (body?.device?.modelName?.text().startsWith("Philips hue bridge")) {
def bridges = getHueBridges()
def bridge = bridges.find {it?.key?.contains(body?.device?.UDN?.text())}
if (bridge) {
bridge.value << [name:body?.device?.friendlyName?.text(), serialNumber:body?.device?.serialNumber?.text(), verified: true]
} else {
log.error "/description.xml returned a bridge that didn't exist"
} else if(headerString?.contains("json")) {
log.trace "description.xml response (application/json)"
def body = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(parsedEvent.body)
if (body.success != null) {
if (body.success[0] != null) {
if (body.success[0].username)
state.username = body.success[0].username
} else if (body.error != null) {
//TODO: handle retries...
log.error "ERROR: application/json ${body.error}"
} else {
//GET /api/${state.username}/lights response (application/json)
if (!body?.state?.on) { //check if first time poll made it here by mistake
def bulbs = getHueBulbs()
def scenes = getHueScenes()
log.debug "Adding bulbs and scenes to state!"
body.each { k,v ->
if ( v.get("type") )
bulbs[k] = [id: k, name:, type: v.type, hub:parsedEvent.hub]
scenes[k] = [id: k, name:, hub:parsedEvent.hub]
} else {
log.trace "NON-HUE EVENT $evt.description"
def doDeviceSync(){
log.trace "Doing Hue Device Sync!"
try {
subscribe(location, null, locationHandler, [filterEvents:false])
} catch (all) {
log.trace "Subscription already exist"
def parse(childDevice, description) {
def parsedEvent = parseLanMessage(description)
if (parsedEvent.headers && parsedEvent.body) {
def headerString = parsedEvent.headers.toString()
def bodyString = parsedEvent.body.toString()
if (headerString?.contains("json")) {
def body
try {
body = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(bodyString)
} catch (all) {
log.warn "Parsing Body failed - trying again..."
if (body instanceof java.util.HashMap) {
//poll response
def bulbs = getChildDevices()
for (bulb in body) {
def d = bulbs.find{it.deviceNetworkId == "${}/${bulb.key}"}
if (d) {
if (bulb.value.state?.reachable) {
sendEvent(d.deviceNetworkId, [name: "switch", value: bulb.value?.state?.on ? "on" : "off"])
sendEvent(d.deviceNetworkId, [name: "level", value: Math.round(bulb.value.state.bri * 100 / 255)])
if (bulb.value.state.sat) {
def hue = Math.min(Math.round(bulb.value.state.hue * 100 / 65535), 65535) as int
def sat = Math.round(bulb.value.state.sat * 100 / 255) as int
def hex = colorUtil.hslToHex(hue, sat)
sendEvent(d.deviceNetworkId, [name: "color", value: hex])
sendEvent(d.deviceNetworkId, [name: "hue", value: hue])
sendEvent(d.deviceNetworkId, [name: "saturation", value: sat])
{ //put response
def hsl = [:]
body.each { payload ->
log.debug $payload
if (payload?.success)
def childDeviceNetworkId = + "/"
def eventType
body?.success[0].each { k,v ->
childDeviceNetworkId += k.split("/")[2]
if (!hsl[childDeviceNetworkId]) hsl[childDeviceNetworkId] = [:]
eventType = k.split("/")[4]
log.debug "eventType: $eventType"
switch(eventType) {
case "on":
sendEvent(childDeviceNetworkId, [name: "switch", value: (v == true) ? "on" : "off"])
case "bri":
sendEvent(childDeviceNetworkId, [name: "level", value: Math.round(v * 100 / 255)])
case "sat":
hsl[childDeviceNetworkId].saturation = Math.round(v * 100 / 255) as int
case "hue":
hsl[childDeviceNetworkId].hue = Math.min(Math.round(v * 100 / 65535), 65535) as int
else if (payload.error)
log.debug "JSON error - ${body?.error}"
hsl.each { childDeviceNetworkId, hueSat ->
if (hueSat.hue && hueSat.saturation) {
def hex = colorUtil.hslToHex(hueSat.hue, hueSat.saturation)
log.debug "sending ${hueSat} for ${childDeviceNetworkId} as ${hex}"
sendEvent(hsl.childDeviceNetworkId, [name: "color", value: hex])
} else {
log.debug "parse - got something other than headers,body..."
return []
def pushScene(childDevice, transition_deprecated =0 ) {
// We are using the default group 0 which contain all the lights
// See API
put("groups/0/action", [scene: getId(childDevice)])
return "Scene pushed"
def on(childDevice, transition_deprecated = 0) {
log.debug "Executing 'on'"
def percent = childDevice.device?.currentValue("level") as Integer
def level = Math.min(Math.round(percent * 255 / 100), 255)
put("lights/${getId(childDevice)}/state", [bri: level, on: true])
return "level: $percent"
def off(childDevice, transition_deprecated = 0) {
log.debug "Executing 'off'"
put("lights/${getId(childDevice)}/state", [on: false])
return "level: 0"
def setLevel(childDevice, percent) {
log.debug "Executing 'setLevel'"
def level = Math.min(Math.round(percent * 255 / 100), 255)
put("lights/${getId(childDevice)}/state", [bri: level, on: percent > 0])
def setSaturation(childDevice, percent) {
log.debug "Executing 'setSaturation($percent)'"
def level = Math.min(Math.round(percent * 255 / 100), 255)
put("lights/${getId(childDevice)}/state", [sat: level])
def setHue(childDevice, percent) {
log.debug "Executing 'setHue($percent)'"
def level = Math.min(Math.round(percent * 65535 / 100), 65535)
put("lights/${getId(childDevice)}/state", [hue: level])
def setColor(childDevice, huesettings, alert_deprecated = "", transition_deprecated = 0) {
log.debug "Executing 'setColor($huesettings)'"
def hue = Math.min(Math.round(huesettings.hue * 65535 / 100), 65535)
def sat = Math.min(Math.round(huesettings.saturation * 255 / 100), 255)
def alert = huesettings.alert ? huesettings.alert : "none"
def transition = huesettings.transition ? huesettings.transition : 4
def value = [sat: sat, hue: hue, alert: alert, transitiontime: transition]
if (huesettings.level != null) {
value.bri = Math.min(Math.round(huesettings.level * 255 / 100), 255)
value.on = value.bri > 0
if (huesettings.switch) {
value.on = huesettings.switch == "on"
log.debug "sending command $value"
put("lights/${getId(childDevice)}/state", value)
def nextLevel(childDevice) {
def level = device.latestValue("level") as Integer ?: 0
if (level < 100) {
level = Math.min(25 * (Math.round(level / 25) + 1), 100) as Integer
else {
level = 25
private getId(childDevice) {
if (childDevice.device?.deviceNetworkId?.startsWith("HUE")) {
return childDevice.device?.deviceNetworkId[3..-1]
else {
return childDevice.device?.deviceNetworkId.split("/")[-1]
private poll() {
def host = getBridgeIP()
def uri = "/api/${state.username}/lights/"
try {
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction("""GET ${uri} HTTP/1.1
HOST: ${host}
""", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN, selectedHue))
} catch (all) {
log.warn "Parsing Body failed - trying again..."
private put(path, body) {
def host = getBridgeIP()
def uri = "/api/${state.username}/$path"
def bodyJSON = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(body).toString()
def length = bodyJSON.getBytes().size().toString()
log.debug "PUT: $host$uri"
log.debug "BODY: ${bodyJSON}"
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction("""PUT $uri HTTP/1.1
HOST: ${host}
Content-Length: ${length}
""", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN, "${selectedHue}"))
private getBridgeIP() {
def host = null
if (selectedHue) {
def d = getChildDevice(selectedHue)
if (d) {
if (d.getDeviceDataByName("networkAddress"))
host = d.getDeviceDataByName("networkAddress")
host = d.latestState('networkAddress').stringValue
if (host == null || host == "") {
def serialNumber = selectedHue
def bridge = getHueBridges().find { it?.value?.serialNumber?.equalsIgnoreCase(serialNumber) }?.value
if (!bridge) {
//failed because mac address sent from hub is wrong and doesn't match the hue's real mac address and serial number
//in this case we will look up the bridge by comparing the incorrect mac addresses
bridge = getHueBridges().find { it?.value?.mac?.equalsIgnoreCase(serialNumber) }?.value
if (bridge?.ip && bridge?.port) {
if (bridge?.ip.contains("."))
host = "${bridge?.ip}:${bridge?.port}"
host = "${convertHexToIP(bridge?.ip)}:${convertHexToInt(bridge?.port)}"
} else if (bridge?.networkAddress && bridge?.deviceAddress)
host = "${convertHexToIP(bridge?.networkAddress)}:${convertHexToInt(bridge?.deviceAddress)}"
log.trace "Bridge: $selectedHue - Host: $host"
return host
private Integer convertHexToInt(hex) {
def convertBulbListToMap() {
try {
if (state.bulbs instanceof java.util.List) {
def map = [:]
state.bulbs.unique {}.each { bulb ->
map << ["${}":["id", "name", "hub":bulb.hub]]
state.bulbs = map
catch(Exception e) {
log.error "Caught error attempting to convert bulb list to map: $e"
private String convertHexToIP(hex) {
private Boolean canInstallLabs() {
return hasAllHubsOver("000.011.00603")
private Boolean hasAllHubsOver(String desiredFirmware) {
return realHubFirmwareVersions.every { fw -> fw >= desiredFirmware }
private List getRealHubFirmwareVersions() {
return location.hubs*.firmwareVersionString.findAll { it }
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