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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Efficient Searching
# ALL NGRAMS CACHE (cache this client-side)
# ================
ngrams = {} # Assuming ngrams is a pre-populated hash
# ALL RECORDS CACHE (cache this client-side)
# =================
Records = [] # an array of all records
ShadowRecords = [] # an array of all records' ids
# SEARCH RESULTS (calculated when searching)
# ==============
Results = [] # an array of all results
ShadowResults = [] # an array of all results' ids
# Convenience method for adding a record
addResult = (index) ->
index = _.index ShadowRecords, id # get the index of the record
Results.push Records[index] # add that record to the results
ShadowResults.push id # add that records' id to the shadow results
# Convenience method for removing a result at an index
removeResult = (index) ->
ShadowResults.splice index, 1 # modify shadow results array in place
Results.splice index, 1 # modify results array in place
updateResults = (newResults) ->
if _.isEmpty newResults # an empty array is passed
Results = newResults # set results to an empty array (no one cares for a record without searching for it)
else if _.isEmpty Results # if the previous state was an empty array (i.e. no search)
_.each newResults, addResult
else # if there were previous results (i.e. we're filtering a previous search)
_.each newResults, (id) ->
index = _.index ShadowResults, id # get the index of the new result in the current result records
if index == -1
addResult id
_.each ShadowResults, (id) ->
index = _.index newResults, id # get index of a current result record in the new result records
if index == -1 # if a current result record doesn't exist in the new result records
removeResult index # remove it
getResults = (searchQuery) ->
searchGrams = searchQuery.match(/\w+/g) # Select all tokens in search query (select all words)
resultsIds = []
_.each searchGrams, (ngram) -> # For each search token,
resultIds = ngrams[ngram] # Get the result ids for that token
resultIds.push(resultIds) if !_.isUndefined resultIds # If the result ids exist, add them to the resultIds
resultIds = _.intersection.apply(_, resultIds) # Get the intersection of all results
updateResults(_.uniq resultIds) # Call updateResults
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