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Created June 8, 2020 01:43
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A posix shell compliant script for sending a notification to all logged in users with a display in use (tested on void, put in an sbin path, needs to run as root)
[ -n "${VERBOSE##[NFnf]*}" ] && \
echo "$@"
LOGGED_USERS=$(who | awk '{print $1 " "}')
for user in $LOGGED_USERS; do
# grab the user's running DISPLAY
disp=$(ps -u "$user" -o pid= |
xargs -I{} cat /proc/{}/environ 2>/dev/null |
tr '\0' '\n' |
grep -m1 '^DISPLAY=')
# check used X DISPLAY exists for the logged in user
if [ -n "$disp" ]; then
verbose_echo attempting to notify "$user" on "$disp"
# run notify-send with passed command
sudo -u "$user" "$disp" /bin/notify-send "$@"
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