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Last active September 17, 2016 23:16
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An Ethereum unit converter living on the blockchain with some caveats (doesn't support decimal places and they get truncated)
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract EtherUnitConverter {
* Ethereum Units Converter contract
* created by: D-Nice
* contract address: 0x52070b253406fc4F2bf71dBaF910F66c45828DBA
mapping (string => uint) etherUnits;
/* used web3.js unitMap for this data from:
function EtherUnitConverter () {
= 0;
= 10**0;
etherUnits['kwei'] = etherUnits['babbage'] = etherUnits['femtoether']
= 10**3;
etherUnits['mwei'] = etherUnits['lovelace'] = etherUnits['picoether']
= 10**6;
etherUnits['gwei'] = etherUnits['shannon'] = etherUnits['nanoether'] = etherUnits['nano']
= 10**9;
etherUnits['szabo'] = etherUnits['microether'] = etherUnits['micro']
= 10**12;
etherUnits['finney'] = etherUnits['milliether'] = etherUnits['milli']
= 10**15;
= 10**18;
etherUnits['kether'] = etherUnits['grand']
= 10**21;
etherUnits['mether'] = 10**24;
etherUnits['gether'] = 10**27;
etherUnits['tether'] = 10**30;
function convertToWei(uint amount, string unit) external constant returns (uint) {
return amount * etherUnits[unit];
function convertTo(uint amount, string unit, string convertTo) external constant returns (uint) {
uint input = etherUnits[unit];
uint output = etherUnits[convertTo];
if(input > output)
return amount * (input / output);
return amount / (output / input);
string[11] unitsArray = ['wei', 'kwei', 'mwei', 'gwei', 'szabo', 'finney', 'ether', 'kether', 'mether', 'gether', 'tether'];
function convertToEach(uint amount, string unit, uint unitIndex) external constant returns (uint convAmt, string convUnit) {
uint input = etherUnits[unit];
uint output = etherUnits[unitsArray[unitIndex]];
if(input > output)
convAmt = (amount * (input / output));
convAmt = (amount / (output / input));
convUnit = unitsArray[unitIndex];
function convertToAllTable(uint amount, string unit)
external constant returns
(uint weiAmt,
uint kweiAmt,
uint mweiAmt,
uint gweiAmt,
uint szaboAmt,
uint finneyAmt,
uint etherAmt) {
uint input = etherUnits[unit];
//kether and other higher units omitted due to stack depth limit
(weiAmt, kweiAmt, mweiAmt, gweiAmt, szaboAmt, finneyAmt, etherAmt) = iterateTable(amount, input);
function iterateTable(uint _amt, uint _input) private constant returns
(uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint) {
uint[7] memory c;
for(uint i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
uint output = etherUnits[unitsArray[i]];
if(_input > output)
c[i] = (_amt * (_input / output));
c[i] = (_amt / (output / _input));
return (c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],c[5],c[6]);
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