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D-Nice/SHA1.sol Secret

Last active October 5, 2016 15:48
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pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
//Version is tested and working
//Go to for WIP optimized version
contract SHA1 {
uint8[4] shift = [3, 8, 14, 16];
uint constant leftAlign = 16**56;
uint constant prep = 16**55; //allow extra bits as requested in spec
uint constant h0 = 1732584193 * prep; //0x67452301
uint constant h1 = 4023233417 * prep; //0xEFCDAB89
uint constant h2 = 2562383102 * prep; //0x98BADCFE
uint constant h3 = 271733878 * prep; //0x10325476
uint constant h4 = 3285377520 * prep; //0xC3D2E1F0
event LOG(string indexed input, bytes digest);
event LOGVars(uint[2] A, uint[2] B, uint[2] C, uint[2] D, uint[2] E);
//event DEBUGWrds(uint[80]);
//event DEBUG(string, uint);
uint[4] K = [1518500249 * prep, 1859775393 * prep, 2400959708 * prep, 3395469782 * prep];
//0x5A827999 //0x6ED9EBA1 //8F1BBCDC //CA62C1D6
function run(string _m) returns (bytes h) {
//string memory _m = "A Test for 64 bytes message working";
bytes memory raw = bytes(_m);
uint reusedPos = raw.length + 32; //reusing due to stack depth limit
//uint extraBitShift = (16**(62));
assembly {
let extraBitShift := mload(0x40)
extraBitShift := exp(16, 62)
mstore(add(raw, reusedPos), mul(0x80, extraBitShift))
uint[2] memory A;
A[0] = h0;
uint[2] memory B;
B[0] = h1;
uint[2] memory C;
C[0] = h2;
uint[2] memory D;
D[0] = h3;
uint[2] memory E;
E[0] = h4;
uint rawMsgLen;
//256byte bug was because chunk was set to a var here (sets to uint8...)
for(uint chunk = 0; chunk <= (raw.length - (raw.length / 64) * 8) / 56; chunk++) {
bytes memory tmp = new bytes(64); //this was causing words not to be masked properly
// divide by 56 'should' be right, tested working with up to 128 bytes, but will have to see with larger
// it isnt right, fix it
if(chunk == (raw.length - (raw.length / 64) * 8) / 56)
rawMsgLen = raw.length * 8;
reusedPos = 32 + (64 * chunk); //didnt know
assembly {
let endBits := mload(0x40)
endBits := mload(add(raw, add(reusedPos, 32)))
//no need for above
endBits := or(endBits, rawMsgLen)
mstore(add(tmp, 0), 0x20) //mem offset
mstore(add(tmp, 64), mload(add(raw, reusedPos))) //the bytes themselves :)
mstore(add(tmp, 96), endBits)
mstore(add(tmp, 32), 64) //turn into 512-bit/64-byte chunk here (will need to take care of 448 mod 512 in future)
} //5k total gas cost up to here
uint[80] memory t; //uint easiest(probably most efficient) to work with for bitwise ops
reusedPos = 64;
uint tmpW;
//~ 15k gas cost used up to here
for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
assembly {
tmpW := mload(add(tmp, reusedPos))
tmpW := and(tmpW, 0xFFFFFFFF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
} //mask to 32-bit word
t[i] = tmpW;
reusedPos += 4;
t = expandWords(t);
(A[1], B[1], C[1], D[1], E[1]) = (hashLoop(t, A[0], B[0], C[0], D[0], E[0]));
A[0] = ((A[0] + A[1]) * 16) / 16; //add then truncate
B[0] = ((B[0] + B[1]) * 16) / 16;
C[0] = ((C[0] + C[1]) * 16) / 16;
D[0] = ((D[0] + D[1]) * 16) / 16;
E[0] = ((E[0] + E[1]) * 16) / 16;
A[0] *= 16;
B[0] /= 16 ** 7; //masking with and would be better
C[0] /= 16 ** 15;
D[0] /= 16 ** 23;
E[0] /= 16 ** 31;
h = toBytes20ish(A[0] + B[0] + C[0] + D[0] + E[0]);
LOG(_m, h);
function expandWords(uint[80] t) private returns (uint[80]) {
for(var i = 16; i < t.length; i++) {//~1800 gas per round
uint tRes;
uint tNext;
// ROTL1(((i-3 XOR i-8) XOR i-14) XOR i-16)
for (var x = 1; x < 4; x++) {
if (x == 1)
tRes = t[i-shift[0]];
tNext = t[i-shift[x]];
tRes = tRes ^ tNext;
t[i] = (ROTL(tRes, 1)/ leftAlign) * leftAlign; //rotate left 1, truncate
return t;
function hashLoop(uint[80] t, uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e)
private returns (uint A, uint B, uint C, uint D, uint E) {
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
D = d;
E = e;
uint f;
uint m;
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { //~1200 gas cost per round
if (i <= 19)
f = f_1(t[i], B, C, D);
else if (i <= 39 || i >= 60)
f = f_2(t[i], B, C, D);
else if (i <= 59)
f = f_3(t[i], B, C, D);
m = ROTL(A, 5) + f + E + K[i/20] + t[i]/16;
m = m * 16; //truncate result
E = D;
D = C;
C = ((ROTL(B, 30) * 16) / leftAlign) * prep;//(ROTL(B*16, 30) / leftAlign) * prep;
B = A;
A = (m / leftAlign) * prep;
function f_1(uint t, uint B, uint C, uint D)
returns (uint f) {
f = B & C;
f = f | ~B & D;
function f_2(uint t, uint B, uint C, uint D)
returns (uint f) {
f = B ^ C;
f = f ^ D;
function f_3(uint t, uint B, uint C, uint D)
returns (uint f) {
f = ((B & C) | (B & D)) | C & D;
function toBytes20ish(uint256 x) internal constant returns (bytes b) {
b = new bytes(20);
assembly { mstore(add(b, 32), x) }
//Thanks to Axic
function shl(uint x, uint y) internal returns (uint) {
return x * (2 ** y);
function shr(uint x, uint y) internal returns (uint) {
return x / (2 ** y);
function ROTL(uint x, uint y) internal returns (uint) {
return shr(x, 32 - y) | shl(x, y);// leftAlign) * leftAlign; //could possibly use assembly here to mask to save on costs (about 25k it seems)
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