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Created July 3, 2022 00:34
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esp-wifi main branch
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cargo +nightly run --example dhcp_esp32c3 --features=esp32c3,embedded-svc,wifi_logs,dump_packets --release
Compiling esp32c3-hal v0.1.0 (
Compiling esp-wifi v0.1.0 (/media/d1plo1d/extra_space/git_repos/esp-wifi)
Compiling esp-backtrace v0.1.0 (
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 3.06s
Running `espflash --speed 921600 --monitor target/riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf/release/examples/dhcp_esp32c3`
Serial port: /dev/ttyUSB0
WARN setting baud rate higher than 115200 can cause issues.
Chip type: ESP32-C3 (revision 3)
Crystal frequency: 40MHz
Flash size: 4MB
Features: WiFi
MAC address: 7c:df:a1:61:fd:98
[00:00:00] ######################################## 12/12 segment 0x0
[00:00:00] ######################################## 1/1 segment 0x8000
[00:00:09] ######################################## 304/304 segment 0x10000
Flashing has completed!
CTRL+R Reset chip
Build:Feb 7 2021
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0xc (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
mode:DIO, clock div:1
load:0x403ce000 [_erwtext:??:??],len:0x928
load:0x403d0000 [_erwtext:??:??],len:0x2ce0
entry 0x403ce000 [_erwtext:??:??]
I (30) boot: ESP-IDF v4.4-dev-2825-gb63ec47238 2nd stage bootloader
I (30) boot: compile time 12:10:40
I (30) boot: chip revision: 3
I (33) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. bootloader chip revision: 0
I (41) boot.esp32c3: SPI Speed : 80MHz
I (45) boot.esp32c3: SPI Mode : DIO
I (50) boot.esp32c3: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (55) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (60) boot: Partition Table:
I (64) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (71) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00006000
I (78) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (86) boot: 2 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 003f0000
I (93) boot: End of partition table
I (98) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. application chip revision: 0
I (105) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c080020 size=11ba8h ( 72616) map
I (124) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=00021bd0 vaddr=3fc81f90 size=03fd0h ( 16336) load
I (127) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=00025ba8 vaddr=40380000 size=01f90h ( 8080) load
I (132) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00027b40 vaddr=00000000 size=084d8h ( 34008)
I (143) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=00030020 vaddr=42000020 size=70128h (459048) map
I (217) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (217) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
TRACE - recursive_mutex_create called 0x3fc82008
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
INFO - pp rom version: 9387209
TRACE - wifi_calloc 1 740
TRACE - calloc 1 740
TRACE - malloc called 740
TRACE - new allocation idx = 0
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96b88
INFO - net80211 rom version: 9387209
TRACE - wifi_calloc 1 192
TRACE - calloc 1 192
TRACE - malloc called 192
TRACE - new allocation idx = 1
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96e70
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - spin_lock_create 0x3fc81f94
TRACE - recursive_mutex_create called 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 60
TRACE - new allocation idx = 2
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f30
TRACE - task_get_max_priority
TRACE - wifi_create_queue len=200 size=8 ptr=0x3fc81f9c real-queue 0x3fc82080 - not checked
TRACE - semphr_create - max 1 init 0
TRACE - sem created res = 0 (+1)
TRACE - task_get_max_priority
TRACE - task_create_pinned_to_core task_func 0x40001720 [ppTask:??:??] name wifi stack_depth 6656 param 0x0 prio 253, task_handle 0x3fcdf928 core_id 0
TRACE - work_queue task 0x40001720 [ppTask:??:??] param 0x0 prio 253
TRACETRAC - >>>> sE - emphr_takbefore 0x1 bloe wock_time_trker ick 429490x3f67295
c8a9e8 0x0
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - >TRAC>>> returE - qn from seueuemphr_take_recv
TRACE - 0x3task_delafc820y tick 1
80 iTRACE - stem 0emphr_delx3fcete 0x1
8a9a8 bINFO - Ilock (0) wifi_time:
_tiINFOck 4 - wifi d29496river tas7295k: 00, pr
io:253, stack:6656, core=0
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - malloc called 20
TRACE - new allocation idx = 3
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - sem created res = 0 (+1)
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - create for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fcccfe8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACTRACE - task E - qget curreueuent task -_recv return 0 retx2
TRACE urns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- TRACmutex_unlE - ock 0x3fcread_82008
TRAmac CE - >>>>0x3fc semphr_t9420ake 0x1 ba 0
Tlock_timeRACE_tick 429 - re4967295
ad_mac 0x3fc9420a 0
TRACE - read_mac 0x3fc94204 1
TRACE - read_mac 0x3fc94204 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 2028 1
TRACE - calloc 2028 1
TRACE - malloc called 2028
TRACE - new allocation idx = 4
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f88
TRACE - malloc called 1024
TRACE - new allocation idx = 5
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc97778
TRACE - sprintf ESP_%02X%02X%02X
TRACE - sprintf ESP_000000
TRACE - free called 0x3fc97778
TRACE - free idx 5
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - wifi firmware version: 131fc6b
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - wifi certification version: v7.0
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - config NVS flash: disabled
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - config nano formating: disabled
TRACE - wifi_calloc 136 1
TRACE - calloc 136 1
TRACE - malloc called 136
TRACE - new allocation idx = 5
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc97778
TRACE - wifi_calloc 136 1
TRACE - calloc 136 1
TRACE - malloc called 136
TRACE - new allocation idx = 6
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc97800
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init management short buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 736
TRACE - new allocation idx = 7
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc97888
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 736
TRACE - new allocation idx = 8
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc97b68
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static tx FG buffer num: 2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - calloc 120 1
TRACE - malloc called 120
TRACE - new allocation idx = 9
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc97e48
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static rx buffer size: 2212
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 10
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc97ec0
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 11
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc98768
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 12
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc99010
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 13
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc998b8
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 14
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9a160
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 15
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9aa08
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 16
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9b2b0
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 17
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9bb58
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 18
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9c400
TRACE - malloc called 2216
TRACE - new allocation idx = 19
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9cca8
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static rx buffer num: 10
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc965f4 0x4204e48a [pm_dream_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc96608 0x4204e47e [pm_active_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc96644 0x4204e472 [pm_sleep_delay_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc965e0 0x4204e466 [pm_noise_check_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc9661c 0x4204e45a [pm_coex_schm_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc96630 0x4204e44e [pm_coex_slice_wifi_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc96668 0x4204e442 [pm_disconnected_sleep_delay_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc9667c 0x4204e436 [pm_connectionless_wake_interval_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc96690 0x4204e42a [pm_connectionless_wake_window_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc95408 0x4203a224 [scan_inter_channel_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc9541c 0x4203a216 [scan_enter_oper_channel:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRATRACECE - >>>> - q return fueue_rom semphrecvr_take
TR 0x3fACE - frec820e called 80 it0x3fc96f7em 00
TRACE - free idx 3
x3TRACE - tfc8aask get c9a8 burrent talocksk - retu_timern 0x2
TR_ticACE - mutk 429ex_lock p4967tr = 0x3f295
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - malloc called 80
TRACE - new allocation idx = 20
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9d550
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - malloc called 20
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - t - qask get cueue_urrent tarecvsk - retu return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ACTRACEE - mutex - s_unlock 0emphr3fc82008_give
TRACE - 0x1>>>> semp
TRAChr_take 0E - x1 block_queuetime_tick_rec 42949672v 0x395
TRACE fc82- >>>> re080 iturn fromtem semphr_t0x3fcake
TRACE8a9a - free c8 bloalled 0x3ck_tfc96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - time_task get cick urrent ta42949sk - retu6729rn 0x2
ACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_calloc 152 1
TRACE - calloc 152 1
TRACE - malloc called 152
TRACE - new allocation idx = 21
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9d5a0
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, a0, d5, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, a0, d5, c9, 3f]
TRACTRACE - tE - ask get cqueueurrent ta_recsk - retuv retrn 0x2
TRurnsACE - mut
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ex_unlock 0x3fINFO c82008
TR- D ACE - >>>(0) w> semphr_ifi:take 0x1
INFOblock_tim - ce_tick 42lear 94967295
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRTRACE - >ACE >>> retur- quen from seue_rmphr_takeecv 0
TRACE - x3fcfree call82080ed 0x3fc9 ited5a0
TRACE - free idx 21
m TRACE - t0x3fcask get c8a9aurrent ta8 blosk - retuck_trn 0x2
TRime_tACE - mutick ex_lock p4294tr = 0x3f96729c82008
ACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - malloc called 20
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRATRACCE - taskE - q get currueueent task _recv- return ret0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- muItex_unlocNFO -k 0x3fc82 I (008
TRACE0) wi - >>>> sfi:
emphr_takINFO e 0x1 blo- seck_time_tt coick 42949untry67295
: cc=CN schan=1 nchan=13 policy=1
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRTRACEACE - >>> - q> return ueue_from semprecvhr_take
T 0x3fRACE - frc820ee called80 it 0x3fc96fem 070
TRACE - free idx 3
xTRACE - t3fc8ask get ca9a8 urrent tablocsk - retuk_timrn 0x2
TRe_tiACE - mutck 42ex_lock p9496tr = 0x3f7295
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - malloc called 20
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TTRACERACE - ta - qsk get cuueue_rrent tasrecvk - retur retun 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
CETRAC - mutex_E - sunlock 0xemph3fc82008
r_givTRACE - >e 0x>>> semph1
TRAr_take 0xCE -1 block_t queuime_tick e_re429496729cv 0x5
TRACE -3fc8 >>>> ret2080 urn from itemsemphr_ta 0x3fke
TRACE c8a9- free caa8 bllled 0x3fock_c96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
tTRACE - time_task get cick urrent ta42949sk - retu6729rn 0x2
ACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - malloc called 20
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fccd098 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACTRACE - tE - qask get cueueurrent ta_recvsk - retu retrn 0x2
TRurnsACE - mut
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
eTRACEx_unlock - m0x3fc8200utex_8
TRACE -lock >>>> sem ptr phr_take = 0x0x1 block3fc82_time_tic014
k 4294967TRACE295
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_apb80m_request - no-op
TRACE - wifi_clock_enable
TRACE - wifi_clock_enable
TRACE - phy_enable - not fully implemented
TRACE - phy_enable - not fully implemented
TRACE - sprintf %d,%s,%s,%s
TRACE - sprintf 500,985899c,Apr 19 2021,16:05:08
TRACE - phy_version 500,985899c,Apr 19 2021,16:05:08
TRACE - phy_enable_clock
TRACE - phy_enable_clock done!
TRACE - coex_enable - not implemented
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE - wifi_reset_mac - not implemented
TRACE - coex_wifi_release - not implemented
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ht20 freq=2412, chan=1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc9559c 0x42040ff4 [chm_end_op_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc955b0 0x42040ff4 [chm_end_op_timeout:??:??] 0x1
TRACE - slowclk_cal_get
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - coex_pti_get
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - set rx active PTI: 0, rx ack PTI: 0, and default PTI: 0
TRACE - set_intr 0 2 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 2 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 0 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 0 1 1
TRACE - set_isr - interrupt 1 function 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] arg 0x0
TRACE - ints_on 2
TRACE - ints_on n=1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=0
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 21749710
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc965e0 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 552 1
TRACE - calloc 552 1
TRACE - malloc called 552
TRACE - new allocation idx = 21
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9d5a0
TRACE - wifi_calloc 768 1
TRACE - calloc 768 1
TRACE - malloc called 768
TRACE - new allocation idx = 22
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9d7c8
TRACE - wifi_calloc 212 1
TRACE - calloc 212 1
TRACE - malloc called 212
TRACE - new allocation idx = 23
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dac8
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9dac8
TRACE - free idx 23
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - mode : sta (7c:df:a1:61:fd:98)
TRACE - calloc 1 24
TRACE - malloc called 24
TRACE - new allocation idx = 23
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dac8
DEBUG - esp_timer_create Some(0x42061352 [pmksa_cache_expire:/home/wen_chen/esp/esp32/esp-idf/components/wpa_supplicant/src/rsn_supp/pmksa_cache.c:56]) 0x3fc9dac8 0x3fc9dad4
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 0
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 1
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 2
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 3
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 4
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 5
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 6
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 7
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 8
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 9
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 10
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 11
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 12
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 13
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 0x3fc8a8dc 0x3c0841ac
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - enable tsf
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - connect status 0 -> 0
TRACE - esp_event_send_internal 0x3fc85f60 2 0x0 0 4294967295
TRACE - phy_update_country_info C
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TTRACERACE - >> - q>> returnueue_ from semrecvphr_take
0x3fTRACE - fc820ree calle80 itd 0x3fc96em 0f70
TRACE - free idx 3
xTRACE - 3fc8task get a9a8 current tblocask - retk_timurn 0x2
Te_tiRACE - muck 4tex_lock 29496ptr = 0x37295fc82008
RACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - malloc called 20
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fccd088 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - t - qask get cueueurrent ta_recvsk - retu retrn 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ACE - mutex_unlINFO ock 0x3fc- I 82008
TRA(0) wCE - >>>>ifi: semphr_t
aINFke 0x1 blO - ock_time_Set ptick 4294s ty967295
pe: 0
TRACE - coex_condition_set - do nothing
TRACE - coex_status_get
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE TRACE >>>> re - quturn fromeue_ semphr_trecv ake
TRACE0x3f - free cc8208alled 0x30 itfc96f7DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
TRAem 0x0
TRACE - free idx 3
3StatuCE -fc8a9s(St triga8 bartinger lock_g, Stimertimetoppe...._tickd)
tTRA 429art WCE -49672ifi task95
get curreTRACnt task -E - t return 0ask x1
TRACE get c- mutex_lurreock ptr =nt ta 0x3fc820sk -08
TRACE retu- malloc rn 0called 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
xTRACE - t2
TRAask_ms_toCE -_tick ms mute10
TRACE x_lo- queue_sck ptend queuer = 0x3fc8200x3fc80 item 08200x3fc8d5c88
TRA block_tiCE -me_tick 1 task60000
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRAC get TRACE - qcurrE - tueueent task _recvask get c ret- returreurns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ntDEBUurn 0 tasG - tx2
Tk - rimerRACE etur_disa- mun 0x1rm 0tex_u
TRAx3fc9nlocCE - 65e0k 0x3mute
TRACE - found timer ...
x_DEBUGfc82unloc - t008
Tk 0ximer_RACE3fc82arm_ - mu008
us, cex_lTRACurrenock E - tt tiptr =imerme 27 0x3 call4654fc820back08
T callBUG RACE ed
-- tim mutex_uner_alock 0x3frm_usc82014
TR 0x3ACE - mutfc965ex_lock pe0 4tr = 0x3f09600c82014
TR0 faACE - mutlse
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACex_unlockE - 0x3fc820free 14
called 0x3INFO - V fc96f(0) wifi:70
TRACE - free idx 3
INFO - - quset_scan_eue_rid=0
INFOecv -
TRAC0x3fcE - wifi_8208calloc 480 ite1
TRACE m 0x3- calloc fc8a48 1
TRAC9a8 bE - mallolockc called _time48
TRACE - new allocation idx = 24
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
_tiTRACE - tck 42ask get c9496urrent ta7295
sk - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fccca98 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TTRACERACE - ta - qsk get cuueue_rrent tasrecvk - retur retun 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
CE - mutex_unloINFO ck 0x3fc8- D 2008
TRAC(0) wE - >>>> ifi:semphr_ta
INFOke 0x1 bl - Sock_time_tart tick 4294wifi967295
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid=, channel=0, hidden=0, type=active, active=<0,0>, passive=0
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid 0x0 is NULL
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - first chan=1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9d5a4
DEBUG - timer_done 0x3fc9d5a4
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc9d5a4 0x42041f0a [cnx_connect_timeout:??:??] 0x0
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=3
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - clear scan ap list
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - start scan: type=0x50f, priority=2, cb=0x0, arg=0x3fc9412c, ss_state=0x01, time=2111813, index=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - inter_channel_timeout: arg=0x0, ss_state=0x01
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x09, chan<1,0>, dur<0,120>
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - change: chan<1,0>, dur<0,120>
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - enter start op, arg=0x3fc9551c
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<1,0>, arg=0x3fc9551c, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 180
TRACE - new allocation idx = 25
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9db10
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a808 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - startTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fccc948 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
TR max timeACE r
INFO - - tri
DEBUG -gger timer_di timesarm 0x3fr...c955b0
TRACE - found timer ...
.DEBUG - t
iTRmer_arm_uACE -s, curren tast time 32k get271814
DE curBUG - timrent er_arm_ustask 0x3fc955 - reb0 192000turn0 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - 0x1
semphr_giTRACEve 0x1
TR - mTRACECE -utex - qu >>>_lockeue_> ret ptrrecv urn = 0x0x3ffrom 3fc8c8208semp2008
0 ithr_taTRACem 0xke
TE - m3fc8RACE alloa9a8 - frc calblocee caled k_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACtimed 0x3E - _tickfc9dtask_ 429ae0
TRACE - free idx 24
49Tms_to6729RACE _tic5
TRACE - received [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
kTRACE- mu ms 1 - qtex_l0
TRueue_ock ACE -recvptr = que retu 0x3ue_serns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ndTRACfc820 queE - c14
Tue 0xoex_RACE 3fc8event- mu2080 _durtex_uitemationnloc 0x3f_getk 0x3c8d5
TRACfc82c8 blE - 014
cock_oex_wINFOtime_ifi_ - V tickreque(0) 1600st -wifi:00
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRAC not
INFE - timplO - gask emeTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ntet_sget ced
Tcan_iurreTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fccc3b8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nt taE - INFO sk -queue-
retu_recTRACErn 0v 0x3 - tx1
TRfc82ask_mACE 080 is_to- muttem _tickex_u0x3fc ms nlock8a9a100
T 0x38 bloACE fc82ck_ti- ta008
Tme_tsk_deRACEick 4lay - ti2949tick mer 672951600callb
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Eck c - queue_alledrecv retu
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mCE -utex_lock trig ptr = 0xger 3fc82014
timerTRACE - m....utex_unlo
TRACck 0x3fc8E - 2014
TRACtask E - malloget c called curre2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 26
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dbc8
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a7b8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ntTRACE - t tasask_ms_tok - r_tick ms etur10
TRACE n 0x1- queue_s
TRAend queueCE - 0x3fc820mute80 item 0x_lox3fc8a948ck pt block_tir = me_tick 10x3fc60000
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
E - m TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mTRACEutexutex_ - m_locklockalloc ptr ptr cal = 0x= 0xled 83fc83fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACTRACE - tE - m - mask_mutexutex_s_to_unlounlo_tickck 0ck 0x ms x3fc83fc810
TRACINFO- queE - - V ue_smallo(0) end qc cawifi:ueuelled
INF 0x3f2312O - gc820
TRACE - new allocation idx = 27
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9e4d0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACEet_s80 it - mcan_iem 0utex_d=0
x3fc8lockINFO d5c8 ptr -
bloc= 0xTRACEk_ti3fc82 - tme_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
Tsk_mck 1RACE s_to60000- mu_tick
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
mTRACtex_us 10E - tnloc0
TRAask k 0x3CE -get cfc82 taskurre014
T_delnt taRACEay tisk - - mack 1 retulloc60000rn 0 call0
TR 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 28
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9edd8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - ACE -mutex_loc mutk ptr = 0ex_unx3fc82014lock
TRACE - 0x3fmutex_unlc820ock 0x3fc08
TRAACE CE - mall- timoc calleder c 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 29
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9f6e0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mallbutex_lockack c ptr = 0xalle3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 30
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9ffe8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACTRACE - mutexE - m_lock ptrutex = 0x3fc8_lock2014
TRAC ptrE - mutex = 0x_unlock 0fc82x3fc82014014
TRAINFO CE - - V (0) wmuteifi:
INFOx_unl - get_scock an_id=0
I0x3fcNFO -
T8201RACE - ta4
TRAsk_ms_to_CE -tick ms 1 mall00
TRACE oc c- task_dealledlay tick 2311600000
TRACE - new allocation idx = 31
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca08f0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 32
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 33
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRACACE - mutE - mex_lock putextr = 0x3f_lockc82014
TR ptrACE - mut = 0xex_unlock3fc8 0x3fc8202014
TRINFOACE - V (0) - mutwifi:
INFex_uO - get_snlocTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
can_id=k 0x30
INFO - fc82
TRACE -014
T task_ms_RACEto_tick m - mas 10TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRAlloc CE - taskcall_delay tied 23ck 16000012
TRACE - new allocation idx = 34
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2408
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 35
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2d10
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 36
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3618
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - m14
TRutex_lockACE ptr = 0x- mut3fc82014
ex_uTRACE - mnlockutex_unlo 0x3ck 0x3fc8fc8202014
TRO - V (0)ACE - wifi:
IN malFO - get_loc cscan_id=0alle
d 231
TRACE - new allocation idx = 37
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
tasTRACEk_ms_to_t - mick ms 10utex_0
TRACE -lock task_del ptr ay tick 1= 0x600000
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 38
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca4828
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 39
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5130
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACERACE - mu - mtex_lock utex_ptr = 0x3ock fc82014
Tptr RACE - mu= 0x3tex_unlocfc82k 0x3fc82014
RAINFCE -O - V (0) mute wifi:
INx_unFO - get_lock scan_id=00x3f
TRtask_ms_tACE -o_tick ms mal 100
TRACloc cE - task_alledelay ticd 231k 16000002
TRACE - new allocation idx = 40
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 41
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6340
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 42
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6c48
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACTRACE - mE - mutex_lockutex ptr = 0x_lock3fc82014
ptrTRACE - m = 0xutex_unlo3fc8ck 0x3fc82014
TRINACE FO - V (0- mut) wifi:
Iex_uNFO - getnlock_scan_id= 0x30
INFO - fc820
TR task_ms_ACE to_tick m- mals 100
TRAloc CE - taskcalle_delay tid 23ck 16000012
TRACE - new allocation idx = 43
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7550
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 44
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7e58
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 45
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca8760
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 46
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9068
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRATRACECE - mute - mx_lock ptutex_r = 0x3fclock82014
TRA ptr CE - mute= 0xx_unlock 3fc820x3fc8201014
TRINFO ATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- V CE - (0) wifi:mute
INFO - gx_unlet_scan_ick 0d=0
INFO x3fc-
TRACE82014 - task_m
TRAs_to_tickCE - ms 100
TmallRACE - taoc cask_delay lledtick 1600 2312000
TRACE - new allocation idx = 47
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9970
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc cTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
alled 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 48
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaa278
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 49
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaab80
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRACEACE - mut - mex_lock putex_tr = 0x3flockc82014
TR ptr ACE - mut 0x3ex_unlockfc82 0x3fc820014
RAINFOCE - - V (0) mutewifi:
INFx_unO - get_slock can_id=0
0x3fINFO -
c8201TRACE - t4
TRask_ms_toACE -_tick ms mal100
TRACEloc c - task_dalleelay tickd 231 1600000
TRACE - new allocation idx = 50
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcab488
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 51
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcabd90
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 52
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcac698
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - m - mutex_lockutex_ ptr = 0xlock3fc82014
ptr TRACE - m= 0xutex_unlo3fc82ck 0x3fc8014
TINFRACE O - V (0)- mu wifi:
INtex_uFO - get_nlocscan_id=0k 0x
TRACE - 014
task_ms_tTRACEo_tick ms - m 100
TRACallocE - task_ caldelay ticled 2k 1600000312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 53
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcacfa0
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 54
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcad8a8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 55
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcae1b0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - mE - mutex_lockutex ptr = 0x_lock3fc82014
ptrTRACE - m = 0xutex_unlo3fc8ck 0x3fc82014
TRINACE FO - V (0- mut) wifi:
Iex_uNFO - getnlock_scan_id= 0x30
INFO - fc820
TR task_ms_ACE to_tick m- mals 100
TRAloc CE - taskcalle_delay tid 23ck 16000012
TRACE - new allocation idx = 56
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaeab8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 57
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaf3c0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACET - mRACE - muutex_tex_lock unloptr = 0x3ck 0xfc82014
T3fc8RACE - mu2014tex_unloc
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k TRAC0x3fc8201E - m4
uINFO -tex_ V (0) wilock fi:
INFO ptr - get_sca= 0x3n_id=0
INfc82FO -
ACE - tasTRACEk_ms_to_t - mick ms 10utex_0
TRACE -unlo task_delck 0xay tick 13fc8600000
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TTRACE - mRACE utex_lock- mu ptr = 0xtex_u3fc82014
nlocTRACE - mk 0x3utex_unlofc82ck 0x3fc8014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
E INFO - que- V (0) wue_rifi:
INFOecv 0- get_scx3fc8an_id=0
I2080NFO -
T itemRACE - ta 0x3sk_ms_to_fc8a9tick ms 1a8 b00
TRACE lock_- task_detimelay tick _tick1600000
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 68080844
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc965e0 4096TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - free called 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - queue_recv TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
0x3fTRACE - mc8208utex_lock0 it ptr = 0xem 0x3fc82014
3fc8TRACE - ma9a8 utex_unloblocck 0x3fc8k_tim2014
e_tick 4INFO - V 29496(0) wifi:7295
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACINFO - geE - qt_scan_idueue=0
INFO -_recv
TRACE ret- task_msurns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
_tTRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
o_TRACtick ms 1E - t00
TRACE ask_- task_dems_tolay tick _tic1600000
k ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a828 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRTRACACE - mutE - mex_lock putextr = 0x3f_lockc82014
TR ptrACE - mut = 0xex_unlock3fc8 0x3fc8202014
TRACINE - FO - V (0mutex) wifi:
I_unlNFO - getock 0_scan_id=x3fc0
INFO - 82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE task_ms_ - mto_tick mutex_s 100
TRAlockCE - task ptr _delay ti= 0xck 1600003fc820
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACTRACE - mE - tutex_lockrigg ptr = 0xer ti3fc82014
mer.TRACE - m...
Tutex_unloRACEck 0x3fc8 - ta2014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
sTRACE - mk getutex_lock cur ptr = 0xrent3fc82014
taskTRACE - m - rutex_unloeturnck 0x3fc8 0x12014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACE - mRACEutex_lock - mu ptr = 0xtex_3fc82014
lock TRACE - mptr utex_unlo= 0x3ck 0x3fc8fc822014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
00RACE - m8
TRAutex_lockCE - ptr = 0x mall3fc82014
oc cTRACE - malledutex_unlo 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACck 0xCE -E - t3fc8 muteask_2014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
msTRACx_loc_to_E - mk pttick utexr = 0ms 1_lockx3fc0
TRA ptr82014CE - = 0x
TRA queu3fc8CE - e_se2014
mutend quTRACx_unleue E - mock 0x3fcutex0x3fc8208_unlo82010 iteck 04
xINm 0x3fc82FO -3fc8d014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
5cTRAC V (08 blE - m) wiock_tutexfi:
Iime__lockNFO tick ptr- get1600 = 0x_sca00
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE3fc8n_id= - t2014
INask gTRACFO - et cE - m
TRurrenutexACE -t ta_unlo tassk - ck 0k_ms_retux3fc8to_trn 0x2014ick m1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ATRACs 100CE -E - m
TRA muteutexCE - x_un_locktasklock ptr_dela0x3f = 0xy tic82003fc8ck 168
0000ACE -TRAC0
E - tim mutex_uner calock 0x3fllbac82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mck cutex_lockalled ptr = 0x
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACETRACE - m - qutex_lockueue_ ptr = 0xrecv3fc82014
retuTRACE - mrns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
utex_unlock 0TRACEx3fc82014 - f
ree calIled 0NFO - V (x3fc0) wifi:
9dbc8INFO - ge
TRACE - free idx 26
tTRACE_scan_id= - m0
INFO - utex_
TRACE -ock task_ms_ptr to_tick m= 0x3s 100
TRAfc82CE - task014
T_delay tiRACEck 160000 - mu0
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9e4d0
TRACE - free idx 27
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dbc8
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9edd8
TRACE - free idx 28
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9f6e0
TRACE - free idx 29
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9ffe8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - free idx 30
CETRAC - mutex_E - mlock ptr utex= 0x3fc82_lock014
TRACE ptr - mutex_ = 0xunlock 0x3fc83fc82014
INFO - V TRAC(0) wifi:E - m
INFO - gutexet_scan_i_unlod=0
INFO ck 0-
TRACEx3fc8 - task_m2014s_to_tick
mTRs 100
TRAACE CE - task- fre_delay tie cack 160000lled 0
TRACE - free idx 31
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - free idx 32
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - free idx 33
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca2408
TRACE - free idx 34
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca2d10
TRACE - free idx 35
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca3618
TRACE - free idx 36
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - free idx 37
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca4828
TRACE - free idx 38
TRTRACE ACE - mut- mutex_lock pex_ltr = 0x3fock pc82014
TRtr =ACE - mut 0x3fex_unlock8201 0x3fc8204
ACE IN- mutFO - V (0ex_u) wifi:
InlockNFO - get 0x3_scan_id=fc8200
INFO - 14
TRACE - TRACEtask_ms_t - fo_tick msree c 100
TRACalleE - task_d 0x3delay ticfca5k 1600000130
TRACE - free idx 39
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9e4d0
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - free idx 40
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca6340
TRACE - free idx 41
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9edd8
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRAock 0CE - mutex3fcx_lock pt82014r = 0x3fc
TRACE INFO - mutex_u- V nlock 0x3(0) wfc82014
Iifi:NFO - V (
INFO0) wifi:
- sINFO - gesid nt_scan_idot c=0
INFO -onfig
- task_msINFO _to_tick -
ms 100
TRTRACEACE - tas- frk_delay tee cick 16000alled00
TRACE - free idx 42
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca7550
TRACE - free idx 43
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca7e58
TRACE - free idx 44
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca8760
TRACE - free idx 45
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca9068
TRACE - free idx 46
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca9970
TRACE - free idx 47
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9f6e0
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcaa278
TRACE - free idx 48
TRTRACE - mACE -utex_lock mut ptr = 0xex_lo3fc82014
ck pTRACE - mtr = utex_unlo0x3fck 0x3fc8c82012014
TRAO - V (0)CE - wifi:
INmuteFO - get_x_unlscan_id=0ock
TRACE - 8201task_ms_t4
o_tick ms 10TRAC0
TRACE -E - f task_delree ay tick 1calle600000
d 0x3fcaab80
TRACE - free idx 49
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9ffe8
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcab488
TRACE - free idx 50
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcabd90
TRACE - free idx 51
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca08f0
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - m ptr utex_lock= 0x ptr = 0x3fc823fc82014
TRACE - mTRACEutex_unlo - mck 0x3fc8utex_2014
unlock 0INFO - V x3fc8(0) wifi:2014
INFO - g
INFOet_scan_i - Vd=0
INFO (0)-
TRACE wifi - task_m:
INs_to_tickFO - ms 100
TssidRACE - ta not sk_delay conftick 1600igure000
TRACE - free called 0x3fcac698
TRACE - free idx 52
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcacfa0
TRACE - free idx 53
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fcad8a8
TRACE - free idx 54
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fcae1b0
TRACE - free idx 55
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fcaeab8
TRACE - free idx 56
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fcaf3c0
TRACE - free idx 57
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_stTRACE - mate=0utex_lockx03
ptr = 0xINFO 3fc82014
TRACE - mTRACEutex_unlo - cck 0x3fc8oex_s2014
taINtus_FO - V (0get
D) wifi:
IEBUGNFO - get - ti_scan_id=mer_0
INFO - disar
TRACE -m 0x task_ms_3fc95to_tick m408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRAs 100
TRACE - CE - taskcoex_delay ti_statck 160000us_g0
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x09, chan<2,0>, dur<0,120>
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - change: chan<2,0>, dur<0,120>
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ht20 freq=2417, chan=2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - enter start op, arg=0x3fc9551c
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<2,0>, arg=0x3fc9551c, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 180
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a858 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - start max timer
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc955b0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 92301811
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc955b0 1TRACE 9200- mutex_l00 faock ptr =lse
TRACE - found timer ...
TR0x3fc8201ACE -4
TRACE - fre mutex_une calock 0x3flled c82014
0x3fc9INFO - V dae0
TRACE - free idx 24
(0TRACE) wifi:
I - qNFO - getueue__scan_id=recv0
INFO - 0x3f
TRACE -c820 task_ms_80 itto_tick mem 0s 100
TRAx3fc8CE - taska9a8_delay ti blocck 160000k_ti0
me_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9db10
TRACE - free idx 25
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a948 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACETRACRACE - mE - m- trutex_utexiggerlock_lock tim ptr ptrer...= 0x = 0x.
TR3fc823fc8ACE -14
T2014 taskRACE
TRAC get - muE - currtex_mutexent unloc_unltask k 0xock 0- re3fc82x3fcturn 014
- TRACEmallINFO - moc ca- V utex_lled(0) wlock 2312ifi: ptr
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2408
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO0x3fE - m - gc8200utexet_sc8
TR_lockan_iACE - ptrd=0
I mal = 0xNFO loc c3fc8-
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
-TRACETRAC task - tE - m_ms_ask_mtex_to_ts_to_unloick mtickck 0xs 10 ms 13fc80
CE -ACE -TRAC task queE - m_delue_sealloay tind qc calck 1ueue led 600000x3f2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2d10
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
E -080 mutex_loitem ck ptr = 0x3f0x3fc8201c8d5c4
TRACE -8 bl mutex_unock_tlock 0x3fime_c82014
TRtick ACE - mal1600loc calle00
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACEd 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3618
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - m - tautex_locksk g ptr = 0xet cu3fc82014
rrenTRACE - mt tasutex_unlok - ck 0x3fc8retur2014
TRACn 0xE - mallo1
TRAc called CE -2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
muTRACE - mtex_utex_lockunloc ptr = 0xk 0x3fc82014
3fc82TRACE - m008
utex_unloTRACEck 0x3fc8 - t2014
TRACimer E - mallocallc called back 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca4828
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- mE - mutexutex__lock ptrlock = 0x3fc8 ptr 2014
TRAC= 0xE - mutex3fc82_unlock 0014
-INFO - mut V (0) wiex_unfi:
INFO lock- get_sca 0x3fn_id=0
INc820FO -
TACE - tasRACE k_ms_to_t- maick ms 10lloc 0
TRACE -call task_deled 23ay tick 112
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5130
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6340
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 100891297
DEBUG -TRAC timE - mutexer_ar_lock ptrm_us = 0x3fc8 0x3f2014
TRACc965E - mutexe0 40_unlock 09600x3fc820140 fal
TRACE - found timer ...
TRAINFO - V CE - (0) wifi:free
INFO - calleget_scan_d 0xid=0
INFO3fc96 -
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - task_E - ms_to_ticqueuek ms 100
_recTRACE - tv 0x3ask_delayfc82 tick 160080 i0000
tem 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - coex_event_duration_get
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8d508 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - free idx 33
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca2408
TRACE - free idx 34
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - mE - futex_lockree ptr = 0xcalle3fc82014
d 0xTRACE - m3fcautex_unlo2d10
TRACE - free idx 35
ckTRACE 0x3fc820 - m14
utex_lock pINFO - V tr =(0) wifi: 0x3f
INFO - gc820et_scan_i14
TRACE- mut - task_mex_us_to_ticknlock ms 100
T 0x3RACE - tafc820sk_delay 14
tick 16000TRACE00
- free called 0x3fca3618
TRACE - free idx 36
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - free idx 37
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca4828
TRACE - free idx 38
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5130
TRACE - free idx 39
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - free idx 40
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca6340
TRACE - free idx 41
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x03
TRACE - coex_status_get
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc95408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - coex_status_getTRACE
- mutex_lockINFO ptr = 0x - D 3fc82014
(0) TRACE - mwifi:utex_unlo
ckI 0x3fc820NFO -14
INFO perf- V (0) worm sifi:
INFOcan: - get_sc ss_san_id=DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
INFCE -=0x09 -
tri, cha
TRAgger n<3,CE - time0>, dtaskr....ur<0_ms_t
TRA,120>o_tiCE -
INFck mstaskO -
100 get
TRACcurrCE - E - ent tcoextask_ask _statdela- retus_gy ticurn et
0Ik 16x1
TRNFO 00000ACE - V (
0) - mutwifi:
INFex_lO - changock pe: chan<3tr =,0>, dur< 0x3f0,120>
INc820FO -
TRANFO - V (CE -0) wifi:
mallINFO - htoc c20 freq=2alled422, chan 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- t
ask_ms_to_ticTRACE - mk msutex_lock 10
T ptr = 0xRACE3fc82014
- quTRACE - meue_utex_unlosend ck 0x3fc8queu2014
e IN0x3fcFO - V (08208) wifi:
I0 iteNFO - entm 0xer start 3fc8dop, arg=05c8 x3fc9551cblock
eINFO - _tickV (0) wif1600i:
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
-TRAC scan opeE - tration: sask tate=0x03get c, chan<3,urre0>, arg=0nt tax3fc9551csk -, status= retu0
INFO - rn 0
TRAC- V (0) wE - ifi:
INFOmutex - scan a_unlny ssid
Iock 0NFO -
Tx3fcRACE - mu82008tex_lock
TRAptr = 0x3CE - fc82014
TtimeRACE - mur caltex_unloclback 0x3fc82k cal014
- malloc called 180
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9db10
TRACE - coex_pti_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - start max timer
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc95TRACE - m5b0
TRACE - found timer ...
uDEtex_lock BUG -ptr = 0x3 timfc82014
Ter_arRACE - mum_ustex_unloc, curk 0x3fc82rent014
tINFime 1O - V TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a5d8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
(072540) wifi:
INFO - geDEBUGt_scan_id - t=0
INFO -imer_
TRACE arm_- task_msus 0x_to_tick 3fc9ms 100
TR55b0 ACE - tas1920k_delay t000 fick 16000lse
TRACE - found timer ...
ACE - free called 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - free idx 24
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - coex_event_duration_get
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not impleTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a708 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
queTRACE - mue_rutex_lockecv 0 ptr = 0xx3fc3fc82014
82080TRACE - m iteutex_unlom 0x3ck 0x3fc8fc8a2014
9a8 blockINFO - V _tim(0) wifi:e_tic
kINFO - 429get_scan_49672id=0
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
- tE - qTRACriggeueueE - tr ti_recvask_mer.. retms_to..
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
RDEBUG_ticACE - - tk ms tasimer_100
k getdisaTRACE currm 0x - trent 3fc9ask_dtask65e0
TRACE - found timer ...
- DEBUelay retuG - ttickrn 0ximer 16001
ACE -us, curre mutnt timeTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex 11057076_lock2
DEBUG - ptr timer_ar = 0xm_us 0x3f3fc8c965e0 402008
96000 falTRACse
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - fE - mree calleallod 0x3fc96c calf70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - led 8queue_rec
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACv 0x3fc82E - t080 item ask_0x3fc8a9ams_to8 block_t_ticime_tick k ms 42949672910
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - qRACE ueue_recv- qu returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - eue_smutex_locend k ptr = 0queuex3fc82014 0x3
TRACE - fc820mutex_unl80 iock 0x3fctem 082014
TRAx3fcCE - mall8d5c8oc called blo 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a7f8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck_TRACETRACtime_ - tE - mtickask_mutex 1600s_to_lock00
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRAC_tickptr E - ms 1= 0xtask 0
TR3fc82get ACE -014
curre queTRACEnt tue_se - mask -nd qutex_ retueue unlourn 00x3fck 0xx1
Tc82083fc8RACE 0 it2014
- muem 0xINFOtex_u3fc8 - V nloca948 (0) k 0x3blocwifi:fc82k_tim
Te_tiO - gRACEck 16et_s - ti0000can_imer
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
llbac - mINFO k cautex_-
lockTRACE - t ptr ask_ms_to= 0x_tick ms 3fc82100
- task_dTRACEelay tick - m 1600000
utex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2408
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2d10
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
TRAC 0x3fc820E - t14
TRACE rigg- mutex_uer tinlock 0x3mer.fc82014
TACE - maRACE lloc call- taed 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3618
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACsk ge - mE - mt cuutex_utexrrentlock_lock tas ptr ptrk - r= 0x = 0xetur3fc823fc8n 0x1014
TRATRACETRACCE - - mE - mmuteutex_utexx_locunlo_unlok ptck 0xck 0r = 03fc8x3fc8x3fc2014
TRA- malFO -CE - loc V (0mallcalle) wioc cad 23fi:
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- gTRAC - muet_sE - ttex_can_iask_lock d=0
ms_toptr INFO _tic= 0x3-
k ms fc82TRACE10
T - tRACE RATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ask- quCE - _ms_eue_smuteto_tiend x_unlck mqueueck 0s 10 0x3fx3fc0
TRAc82082014CE -80 it
TRA taskem 0CE - _delx3fc8mallay tid5c8oc cack 1 bloclled60000k_ti 23120
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca4828
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - qme_tueue_recvick 1 0x3fc820600080 item 00
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
xTRACE3fc8a9a8 - tblock_timask ge_tick 42et c94967295
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
urTRACE - qrent ueue_recvtask returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
-TRACE - f returee callern 0d 0x3fca1x1
TRACE - free idx 32
TRACE - RACEmutex_loc - muk ptr = 0tex_x3fc82014unloc
TRACE - k 0xmutex_unl3fc82ock 0x3fc008
TRATRACECE - queu - te_recv 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
i3fc82080 mer item 0x3fcallbc8a9a8 black ock_time_calletick 4294
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_TRrecvACE - mut retuex_lock prns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
tTRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
r =TRACE 0x3fc820 - t14
TRACE ask_m- mutex_us_tonlock 0x3_tickfc82014
ms 1INFO - V 0
TR(0) wifi:ACE -
INFO - queuget_scan_e_senid=0
INFOd qu -
TRACeue 0E - task_x3fcms_to_tic82080k ms 100
iteTRACE - tm 0x3ask_delayfc8a tick 160908 b0000
lock_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a828 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRACEACE - mut - mex_lock putex_tr = 0x3flockc82014
TR ptr ACE - mut= 0xex_unlock3fc82 0x3fc820014
TRACINE - mFO - V (0utex) wifi:
I_unloNFO - getck 0_scan_id=x3fc80
INFO - 2014
TRAC task_ms_E - to_tick mmallos 100
TRAc caCE - tasklled_delay ti 2312ck 160000
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5130
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x03
TRACE - coex_status_get
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc95408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x09, chan<4,0>, dur<0,120>
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
INFO - changTRACE - e: cmutex_lochan<4k ptr = 0,0>,x3fc82014 dur<
TRACE - 0,12mutex_unl0>
INock 0x3fcFO -82014
FINO - V (0)O - wifi:
INV (0FO - get_) wifscan_id=0i:
TRACE - ht2task_ms_t0 freo_tick msq=24 100
TRAC27, cE - task_han=delay tic4
INFk 1600000O -
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - enter start op, arg=0x3fc9551c
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<4,0>, arg=0x3fc9551c, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 180
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6340
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a858 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - start max timer
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc955b0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 125586311
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc955b0 1920000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACEDE - mutex_BUG -lock ptr tim= 0x3fc82er_di014
TRACEsarm - mutex_ 0x3funlock 0xc9553fc82014
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACEINFO - V - w(0) wifi:ifi_c
aINFO - llocget_scan_ 96 1d=0
TRACE - E - task_calloms_to_ticc 96k ms 100
TRTRACE - tACE ask_delay- mal tick 160loc 0000
called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6c48
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - free idx 33
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca2408
TRACE - free idx 34
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca2d10
TRACE - free idx 35
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBDEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TRUG - timeACE r_disarm - tri0x3fc9559ggerc
TRACE - found timer ...
tiINFO - mer..V (0) wif..
INFO -RACE ssid not- ta configursk gee
INFO - t cu
TRACE -rrent free cal tasled 0x3fck - ra3618
TRACE - free idx 36
eTRACE - mturnutex_lock 0x1
ptr = 0xTRAC3fc82014
E - TRACE - mmutexutex_unlo_locck 0x3fc8k ptr2014
=DE 0x3BUG - timfc820er_dTRACE08
Tisarm - mRACE 0x3utex_- mafc955locklloc 9c
TRACE - found timer ...
calI ptr led NFO -= 0x8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRAC V (03fc8E - t) wi2014
ITRACms_toFO -E - _tick ssimutex ms d not_unl10
TR conock 0ACE figurx3fc- quee
IN82014ue_sFO -
INend q
TRAFO - ueueCE - V (0 0x3ffree) wifc820 calli:
I80 ited 0NFO -em 0x3fca getx3fc83f20_scand5c8
TRACE - free idx 37
bTRAC_id=0lockE - m
INF_timeutexO -
TRAk 160 ptrCE - 000
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRA = 0xtaskCE - 3fc8_ms_ttask2014
o_ti get TRACck mscurrE - m 100ent ttex_
TRAask -unloCE - retck 0xtaskurn 03fc8_delax1
y tiRACE DEBUck 16- muG - t0000tex_uimer0
_dinlocsarm 0x3fk 0x3c9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
fc82INFO 008
T- V (0) wRACEifi:
INFO - ti - ssid nmer ot configcallbure
INFO ack -
TRACEcalle - free cd
alled 0x3fca4828
TRACE - free idx 38
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - free idx 32
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5130
TRACE - free idx 39
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - free idx 40
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TDEBUGRACE - mu - ttex_lock imer_ptr = 0x3disafc82014
Trm 0xRACE - mu3fc9tex_unloc65e0
TRACE - found timer ...
k 0EBUGx3fc82014 - t
imer_arIm_us,NFO - V ( cur0) wifi:
rent INFO - getimet_scan_id =1310
INFO - 4242
DE task_ms_BUG to_tick m- tims 100
TRAer_aCE - taskrm_us_delay ti 0x3ck 160000fc9650
e0 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - free idx 24
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9db10
TRACE - free idx 25
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRATRACE - mCE -utex_lock queu ptr = 0xe_se3fc82014
nd quTRACE - meue utex_unlo0x3fcck 0x3fc882082014
0 item 0xINFO - V 3fc8(0) wifi:a948
bINFO - lockget_scan__timeid=0
INFO_tic -
TRACk 160E - task_000
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
mTRACs_to_tickE - q ms 100
TueueRACE - ta_recvsk_delay 0x3tick 1600fc820000
80 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - coex_event_duration_get
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8d508 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x03
TRACE - coex_status_get
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc95408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x0TRACE -9, c mutex_lohan<5ck ptr = ,0>,0x3fc8201 dur<4
TRACE -0,12 mutex_un0>
INlock 0x3fFO -c82014
TRACINFO - V E - (0) wifiDEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
INFE - tstatO - griggus_geet_ser tit
mIcan_ier..NFO -d=0
TR V (INFO ACE 0) wi-
- tasfi:
TRACEk geINFO - tt cur- chask_mrentange:s_to task cha_tick - rn<5,0 ms eturn>, d100
T 0x1ur<0,RACE
TRAC120> - taE -
INFOsk_dmutex -
elay _loc
kINFtick ptr O - 1600= 0xV (0)000
3fc82 wifi:
FO - ht20TRACE freq=243 - m2, chan=5alloc
led 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACECE - mute - tx_lock ptask_mr = 0x3fcs_to82014
TRA_tickCE - mute ms x_unlock 10
TR0x3fc8201ACE 4
- qINFOueue_ - V (0) sendwifi:
INF queuO - entere 0x start op3fc82, arg=0x3080 fc9551c
Iitem NFO -
I0x3fNFO - V (c8d5c0) wifi:
bloINFO - scck_tan operatime_tion: statick e=0x03, c16000han<5,0>,0
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACarg=0x3fcE - t9551c, stask atus=0
INget cFO -
urrentINFO - V task(0) wifi: - r
INFO - seturncan any s 0x1sid
TRACEE - - mutex_mutexlock ptr _unl= 0x3fc82ock 0014
TRACEx3fc - mutex_82008unlock 0x
CE - TRACE - mtimealloc calr called 180
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9db10
lbaTRACE ck c- coex_ptalledi_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - start max timer
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc955b0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 137813811
DEBUG - timer_arTRACE - mm_us utex_lock0x3f ptr = 0xc955b3fc82014
0 19TRACE - m20000utex_unlo falck 0x3fc8se
TRACE - found timer ...
E -IN freFO - V (0e ca) wifi:
Illed NFO - get0x3f_scan_id=c96f70
INFO - 0
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - - qtask_ms_tueue_o_tick msrecv 100
TRAC 0x3fE - task_c820delay tic80 itk 1600000em 0
x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - free idx 32
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - coex_event_duration_get
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a708 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TTRAC queuRACEE - te_re - muriggcv 0xtex_er ti3fc8lock mer.2080 ptr ...
Titem= 0x3ACE 0x3fc820- tafc8a914
Tsk gea8 bRACE t culock_- murrenttimetex_u tas_ticknlock - r 429k 0x3etur49672fc82n 0x195
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRAC - qINFO E - ueue_- V mutexrecv(0) w_loc retuifi:k ptrrns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INF 0x3f - tO - gc820imer_et_s08
TRdisacan_iCE -rm 0d=0
I malx3fc9NFO loc c65e0-
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRAC - ti - tE - tmer_ask_mask_arm_us_toms_tos, c_tick_ticurren ms k ms t ti100
Tme 14RACERACE 0967 - ta- qu765
Dsk_deue_sEBUGelay nd q - ttick ueueimer_1600 0x3farm_000
uc820s 0x3fc9680 it5e0 40960em 000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - x3fcfree call8d5c8ed 0x3fc9 blodae0
TRACE - free idx 24
ckTRACE - q_timeueue_recv_tic 0x3fc820k 16080 item 0000
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRAx3fc8a9a8CE - block_titaskme_tick 4 get 294967295curr
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
eTRACE - qnt taueue_recvk - returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
reTRACE - fturnree calle 0x1
d 0x3fca6TRAC340
TRACE - free idx 41
E -TRACE - m muteutex_lockx_un ptr = 0xlock 3fc82014
0x3fTRACE - mc8200utex_unlo8
TRck 0x3fc8ACE -2014
TRAC timE - queueer ca_recv 0x3llbafc82080 ick catem 0x3fclled8a9a8 blo
ck_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a908 block_time_tickT 160RACE - mu000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
teTRACx_lock ptE - qr = 0x3fcueue82014
TRA_recvCE - mute 0x3x_unlock fc8200x3fc820180 i4
tem 0x3fc8a9INFO - V a8 b(0) wifi:lock_
INFO - gtimeet_scan_i_tickd=0
INFO 429-
TRACE49672 - task_m95
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACEs_to_tick - q ms 100
Tueue_RACE - tarecvsk_delay retutick 1600rns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- D (0) wifi:
INFO - scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x03
TRACE - coex_status_get
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc95408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x09, chan<6,0>, dur<0,120>
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - change: chan<6,0>, dur<0,120>
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ht20 freq=2437, chan=6
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fccc9a8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
O - enter start op, arg=0x3fc9551c
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<6,0>, arg=0x3fc955TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
TR1c, sTRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tatTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - E - tINFOmutexrigg -
_locer tiINFOk ptrmer. - V = 0...
T0) wx3fcRACE ifi:82014- ta
TRAsk ge - sCE - t cucan amuterrentny sx_unl tassid
Iock k - rNFO 0x3fcetur-
T8201n 0x1RACE4
TRA- mutFO -CE - ex_l V (0muteock p) wix_loctr =fi:
Ik pt 0x3fNFO r = 0c820- getx3fc14
TR_sca82008ACE n_id=
TRA- mut0
INCE - ex_uFO - mallnlock
TRoc ca 0x3ACE -lledfc820 tas 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TR_ms_E - tCE -to_task_m malick ms_toloc cs 10_tickalle0
TRA ms d 180CE -10
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca11f8
ACETRAC task - qE - c_delueue_oex_ay tisendpti_gck 1 queuet
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
e 0TRACE6000x3fc8 - t00
as2080k_ms_to_t itemick ms 10 0x3
TRACE - fc8d5queue_senc8 bd queue 0lockx3fc82080_time item 0x3_ticfc8a858 bk 160lock_time000
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRA_tick 160CE - 000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
task INFO - get V (0) wifcurrei:
INFO -nt t start maask -x timer
I retNFO -
Durn 0EBUG - tix1
Tmer_disarRACE m 0x3fc95- mu5b0
TRACE - found timer ...
tDEBUG -ex_un timer_arlockm_us, cur 0x3frent timec820 1485548108
DEBUG -ACE - timer_ar timm_us 0x3fer cac955b0 19llba20000 falck case
TRACE - found timer ...
lTRACE - led
free called 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9db10
TRACE - free idx 25
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - mE - utex_lockmutex ptr = 0x_loc3fc82014
k ptrTRACE - m = 0utex_unlox3fc8ck 0x3fc820142014
TRACE - INFO - V mute(0) wifi:x_unl
oINFO - ck 0get_scan_x3fc8id=0
INFO2014 -
TRACE - task_E - ms_to_ticmallok ms 100
c caTRACE - tlled ask_delay2312 tick 160
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a7f8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TRATRACE0000CE - - t
ask_trigms_to_ticger tk ms 10
TimerRACE - qu....
eue_send TRACqueue 0x3E - tfc82080 iask tem 0x3fcget c8a948 blourreck_time_tnt taick 16000sk -0
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mreturutex_lockn 0x ptr = 0x1
CE -TRACE - m muteutex_unlox_lock 0x3fc8ck pt2014
TRACr = E - mallo0x3fcc called 82002312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2408
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACE - mRACE utex_lock- ma ptr = 0xlloc 3fc82014
callTRACE - med 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACutex_RACEE - tunlo - muask_ck 0xtex_ms_to3fc8lock _tic2014
ptr k ms TRAC= 0x310
TE - mfc82RACE allo014
T- quc calRACEeue_sled - muend 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2d10
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
queTRACEtex_ue 0x - munloc3fc8utex_k 0x2080 ock 3fc8item ptr 2014
0x3f= 0x3INFOc8d5cfc82 - V 8 bl014
T(0) ock_tRACEwifi:ime_ - mu
INFtick tex_O - g1600unlocet_s00
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACEk 0xcan_i - t3fc82d=0
ask g014
urren - mTRACEt taalloc - tsk - calask_mretuled 2s_torn 0x312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3618
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRAC_tickACE E - m ms - mututex100
Tx_un_locRACE lockk ptr- ta 0x3f = 0sk_dec820x3fc8lay 08
TR2014tick ACE
TRAC1600- timE - 000
mer cutex_unloallback 0x3fc8ck c2014
TRACalledE - mallo
c called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca4828
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mTRACE - mutexutex_lock_unlo ptr = 0xck 03fc82014
x3fc8TRACE - m2014utex_unlo
TRACck 0x3fc8E - 2014
mINFallocO - V (0) cal wifi:
INled 2FO - get_312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5130
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFE - mO -
TRAutexCE - task_lock_ms_to_ti ptrck ms 100 = 0x
TRACE - 3fc8task_dela2014
y tick 16TRAC00000
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6340
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlocTRAk 0xCE - mute3fc82x_lock pt014
r = 0x3fcTRACE82014
TRA- maCE - mutellocx_unlock call0x3fc8201ed 24
31INFO 2
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7550
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACV (0) wifE - mi:
INFO -utex get_scan_lock_id=0
INF ptrO -
TRA = 0xCE - task3fc8_ms_to_ti2014
ck ms 100TRAC
TRACE - E - mtask_delautexy tick 16_unlo00000
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7e58
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca8760
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9068
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRACEACE - mut - mex_lock putex_tr = 0x3flockc82014
TR ptrACE - mut = 0xex_unlock3fc8 0x3fc8202014
TINFO RACE- V (0) w - muifi:
INFOtex_ - get_scunlocan_id=0
Ik 0xNFO -
T3fc82RACE - ta014
sk_ms_to_TRACEtick ms 1 - m00
TRACE alloc- task_de callay tick led 21600000
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9970
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaa278
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaab80
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACRACE - muE - mtex_lock utexptr = 0x3_lockfc82014
T ptrRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
t = 0ex_unlockx3fc8 0x3fc820201414
INFO TRACE- V (0) w - mifi:
INFOutex_ - get_scunloan_id=0
Ick 0xNFO -
Tfc82RACE - ta014
sk_ms_to_TRACEtick ms 1 - m00
TRACE alloc- task_de callay tick led 21600000
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcab488
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcabd90
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcac698
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TTRACERACE - mu - mtex_lock utex_ptr = 0x3lockfc82014
T ptr RACE - mu= 0xtex_unloc3fc82k 0x3fc82014
TINFORACE - V (0) - muwifi:
INFtex_uO - get_snloccan_id=0
k 0x3INFO -
fc82TRACE - t014
Task_ms_toRACE_tick ms - ma100
TRACElloc - task_d callelay ticked 2 1600000
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcacfa0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcad8a8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcae1b0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACRACE - muE - tex_lock mutexptr = 0x3_locfc82014
Tk ptrRACE - mu = 0tex_unlocx3fc8k 0x3fc822014014
INFOTRACE - V (0) - mwifi:
INFutex_O - get_sunlocan_id=0
ck 0xINFO -
3fc8TRACE - t2014
ask_ms_toTRAC_tick ms E - m100
TRACEallo - task_dc calelay tickled 1600000
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaeab8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 57
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaf3c0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 58
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcafcc8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - m - mutex_lockutex_ ptr = 0xlock3fc82014
ptr TRACE - m= 0xutex_unlo3fc82ck 0x3fc8014
TINFRACE O - V (0)- mu wifi:
INtex_uO - get_nlockscan_id=0 0x3
TRACE - 14
Ttask_ms_tRACE o_tick ms- ma 100
TRAClloc E - task_calldelay ticed 23k 160000012
TRACE - new allocation idx = 59
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb05d0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 60
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb0ed8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 61
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb17e0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fTc8201RACE - mu4
TRtex_lock ACE ptr = 0x3- mutfc82014
Tex_uRACE - munlocktex_unloc 0x3k 0x3fc82fc820014
TRAO - V (0)CE - wifi:
INmallFO - get_oc cascan_id=0lled
TRACE - new allocation idx = 62
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb20e8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACtask_ms_tE - mo_tick msutex 100
TRAC_lockE - task_ ptrdelay tic = 0xk 16000003fc8
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 63
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb29f0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 64
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb32f8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fTRACE -c820 mutex_lo14
TRck ptr = ACE 0x3fc8201- mal4
TRACE -loc mutex_uncallelock 0x3fd 23c82014
TRACE - new allocation idx = 65
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb3c00
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACNFO - V (E - m0) wifi:
utexINFO - ge_lockt_scan_id ptr=0
INFO - = 0x
TRACE 3fc8- task_ms2014
_to_tick TRACms 100
TRE - mACE - tastex_k_delay tunloick 16000ck 0x00
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACECE - mute - mx_lock ptutex_r = 0x3fclock82014
TRA ptr CE - mute= 0xx_unlock 3fc820x3fc8201014
TINFO -RACE V (0) wi- mufi:
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
Itex_uNFO - getnloc_scan_id=k 0x30
INFO - fc82
TRACE -014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
taTRACsk_ms_to_E - mtick ms 1utex00
TRACE _lock- task_de ptrlay tick = 0x1600000
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRTRACEACE - mut - mex_lock putex_tr = 0x3flockc82014
TR ptr ACE - mut= 0xex_unlock3fc82 0x3fc820014
INFO -TRACE V (0) wi - mfi:
INFO utex_- get_scaunlon_id=0
INck 0xFO -
TR3fc8ACE - tas2014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k_TRACms_to_ticE - mk ms 100
utexTRACE - t_lockask_delay ptr tick 160 = 0x0000
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRTRACEACE - mut - mex_lock putex_tr = 0x3flockc82014
TR ptr ACE - mut= 0xex_unlock3fc820x3fc820014
RINFO ACE - V (0)TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutINFO - geex_ut_scan_idnlock=0
INFO - 0x3
TRACE fc820- task_ms14
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
_toTRAC_tick ms E - m100
TRACEutex - task_d_lockelay tick ptr 1600000
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - mE - mutex_lockutex ptr = 0x_lock3fc82014
ptrTRACE - m = 0xutex_unlo3fc8ck 0x3fc82014
INFOTRAC - V (0) E - mwifi:
INFutexO - get_s_unlocan_id=0
ck 0INFO -
x3fc8TRACE - t2014ask_ms_to
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
_TRACtick ms 1E - m00
TRACE utex- task_de_locklay tick ptr1600000
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 189468795
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc965e0 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - free idx 24
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - coex_event_duration_get
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a708 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
T- queRACE - muue_rtex_lock ecv 0ptr = 0x3x3fcfc82014
T82080RACE - mu itetex_unlocm 0x3k 0x3fc82fc8a014
9a8 block_INFO - V time(0) wifi:_tick
INFO - 2949get_scan_6729id=0
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRAC - qE - task_ueue_ms_to_ticrecvk ms 100
retuTRACE - trns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACask_delayE - q tick 160eue_0000
recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9db10
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - free idx 33
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca1b00
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a0b8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
FO -TRACE - m ssidutex_lock not ptr = 0x conf3fc82014
igurTRACE - me
uINtex_unlocFO -k 0x3fc82
ACINFE - O - V (0)freTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
TRe ca wifiACE lled :
IN- tri0x3fFO - ggerca240get_ time8
TRACE - free idx 34
TRACEscanr.... - m_id=0
INFCE - lockO -
task ptr
TRA get = 0xCE - curr3fc82taskent t014
_ms_task TRACEo_ti- ret - mck msurn utex_ 1000x1
TRARACE k 0xCE - - mu3fc82tasktex_l014
_delaock DEBUGy tiptr = - tck 16 0x3imer_0000fc820disa0
rm 08
T0x3fc9559RACE c
TRACE - found timer ...
-TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
maACE - wiflloci_calloc cTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
96 alle1
TRACE -d 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
cTRACEalloc 96 - t1
TRACE -ask_m malloc cs_toalled 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2408
_ticTRACk ms E - mutex10
T_lock ptrRACE = 0x3fc8- qu2014
TRACeue_sE - mutexend _unlock 0queuex3fc82014 0x3
fc8208IN0 iteFO - V (0m 0x) wifi:
I3fc8dNFO - ssi5c8 d not conblockfigure
IN_timFO -
TRe_ticACE - frek 16e called 0000
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - free idx 35
- TRACE - mtaskutex_lock get ptr = 0xcurre3fc82014
nt tTRACE - mask -utex_unlo retck 0xTRACurn 03fc8E - mx1
utexRACE TRAC_lock- muE - f ptrtex_uree = 0xnloccalle3fc8k 0x3d 0x2014
TRACE - free idx 36
RACTRACE - mE - E - mutextimerutex_unlo cal_lockck 0lback ptrx3fc8 cal = 0x2014led
3fc82INFO - V014
T (0) wifiRACE:
INFO - - muget_scan_tex_id=0
INFOunloc -
TRACk 0xE - task_3fc82ms_to_tic014
k ms 100
TRACTRACE - tE - fask_delayree tick 160calle0000
d 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - free idx 37
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca2d10
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca4828
TRACE - free idx 38
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5130
TRACE - free idx 39
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 96 1
TRACE - calloc 96 1
TRACE - malloc called 96
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3618
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - free idx 40
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE -tr = mutex_lo 0x3fck ptr = c8200x3fc820114
TRACE -ACE mutex_un- mutlock 0x3fex_uc82014
INnlockFO - V (0 0x3) wifi:
Ifc820NFO - get14
INFO - - ti
TRACE -mer_d task_ms_isarto_tick mm 0x3s 100
TRAfc95CE - task59c
TRACE - found timer ...
_deIlay tick NFO 1600000
- V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca6340
TRACE - free idx 41
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca7550
TRACE - free idx 43
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca7e58
TRACE - free idx 44
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca8760
TRACE - free idx 45
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca9068
TRACE - free idx 46
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fca9970
TRACE - free idx 47
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRAINFOCE - mute - V x_lock pt(0) r = 0x3fcwifi:82014
INFCE - muteO - sx_unlock sid 0x3fc8201not c4
INFO - onfiV (0) wifgure
INFO -INFO get_scan -
TRAE - CE - taskfree _ms_to_ticallck ms 100ed 0x
TRACE - 3fcatask_delaa278
TRACE - free idx 48
y TRACEtick 1600 - m000
utex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcaab80
TRACE - free idx 49
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcab488
TRACE - free idx 50
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcabd90
TRACE - free idx 51
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fcac698
TRACE - free idx 52
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcacfa0
TRACE - free idx 53
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRAINFCE - muteO - x_lock ptV (0)r = 0x3fc wif82014
INCE - muteFO -x_unlock ssid0x3fc8201 not4
INFO - confV (0) wifiguri:
INF get_scanO - _id=0
TRACE -CE - task free_ms_to_ti calck ms 100led 0
TRACE - x3fctask_delaad8a8y tick 16
TRACE - free idx 54
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcae1b0
TRACE - free idx 55
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fcaeab8
TRACE - free idx 56
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcaf3c0
TRACE - free idx 57
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcafcc8
TRACE - free idx 58
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcb05d0
TRACE - free idx 59
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
TRAINCE - muteFO -x_lock pt V (0r = 0x3fc) wi82014
ICE - muteFO -x_unlock ssi0x3fc8201d not4
INFO - conV (0) wiffiguri:
IN get_scanFO - _id=0
TRAACE -CE - task fre_ms_to_tie calck ms 100led
TRACE - 0x3fctask_delab0edy tick 168
TRACE - free idx 60
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcb17e0
TRACE - free idx 61
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcb20e8
TRACE - free idx 62
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcb29f0
TRACE - free idx 63
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcb32f8
TRACE - free idx 64
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9559c
TRACE - found timer ...
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid not configure
TRACE - free called 0x3fcb3c00
TRACE - free idx 65
TRACE - muTRACtex_E - mutexlock _lock ptrptr = 0x3fc8= 0x32014
TRACfc82E - mutex014
T_unlock 0RACEx3fc82014 - mu
tINFO - ex_uV (0) wifnlocki:
INFO - 0x3 get_scanfc820_id=0
TO -
TRARACE CE - task- qu_ms_to_tieue_rck ms 100ecv
TRACE - 0x3ftask_delac8208y tick 160 it00000
em 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x03
TRACE - coex_status_get
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc95408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x09, chan<7,0>, dur<0,120>
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - change: chan<7,0>, dur<0,120>
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ht20 freq=2442, chan=7
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - enter start op, arg=0x3fc9551c
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<7,0>, arg=0x3fc9551c, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 180
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - coex_pti_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - start max timer
ITRNFO -CE - mut
DEex_lock pBUG tr = 0x3f- timc82014
TRer_dACE - mutisarmex_unlock 0x3 0x3fc820fc95514
TRACE - found timer ...
-DEBU V (0) wiG - tfi:
INFO imer- get_sca_arm_n_id=0
INus, FO -
TRcurreACE - tasnt tk_ms_to_time 2ick ms 1008260
TRACE -5311
task_delDEBUay tick 1G - t600000
imer_arm_us 0x3fc955b0 1920000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - coex_event_duration_get
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8d508 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRATRACCE - muteE - qx_lock ptueuer = 0x3fc_recv82014
TRA retCE - muteurns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TRATRACEx_unCE - - mlock trigutex_0x3fger tlockc8201imer ptr 4
= ....
0x3fINFO TRACc8201- V E - t4
TR(0) wask ACE -ifi:get c mut
INFOurreex_un - gnt talocket_scsk - 0x3fan_i retuc820d=0
In 0x14
TACE -- maRACE mutlloc - taex_locallsk_msck ped 23_to_tr = 12
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca4828
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
0x3TRACtick fc82E - tms 1008
TRRACEms_toACE - ma_tic- tasllock ms k_de call10
Tlay ted 8RACE ick
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE- qu16000 - teue_s00
eask_mnd queue s_to0x3fc8208_tick0 item 0x ms 3fc8a948 10
TRblock_timACE e_tick 16- que0000
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ueTRACE - m_sendutex_lock que ptr = 0xue 0x3fc82014
3fc8TRACE - m2080 utex_unloitemck 0x3fc8 0x3f2014
TRACc8d5E - malloc8 blc called ock_2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5130
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
timTRACE - me_tiutex_lockck 16 ptr = 0x00003fc82014
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRTRACEACE - mut - tex_unlockask g 0x3fc820et c14
TRACE urren- malloc t tacalled 23sk - 12
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACEretuE - m - mrn 0xutexutex_1
TR_locklockACE - ptr ptr mut = 0x= 0xex_un3fc83fc82lock2014
0x3fTRACTRACEc820E - m - m08
TRutexutex_ACE _unlounlo- timck 0ck 0xer cx3fc83fc8allba20142014
ck c
TRACINFOalledE - - V (0) mallwifi:
INFoc caO - get_slledcan_id=0
2312INFO -
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6340
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRACEACE - tas - mk_ms_to_tutex_ick ms 10ock 0
TRACE -ptr task_del= 0x3ay tick 1fc82600000
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7550
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7e58
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca8760
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - m- muutex_locktex_l ptr = 0xock 3fc82014
ptr =TRACE - m 0x3utex_unlofc820ck 0x3fc814
RAINCE - FO - V (0mute) wifi:
Ix_unlNFO - getock _scan_id=0x3fc0
INFO - 8201
TRA task_ms_CE -to_tick m malls 100
TRAoc cCE - taskalled_delay ti 231ck 1600002
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9068
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9970
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaa278
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 218189295
DEBUG - TRAtimeCE - muter_armx_lock pt_us r = 0x3fc0x3fc82014
TRA965eCE - mute0 409x_unlock 60000x3fc8201 fals4
TRACE - found timer ...
TRAINFO - V CE - (0) wifi:free
INFO - calleget_scan_d 0xid=0
INFO3fc9d -
TRACE - free idx 24
E -TRAC task_ms_E - qto_tick mueues 100
TRA_recCE - taskv 0x3_delay tifc82ck 160000080 i0
tem 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - free idx 32
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0xTRACE3fca4 - mutex_828
TRACE - free idx 38
locTRACk ptr = 0E - mx3fc82014utex
TRACE - _lockmutex_unl ptrock 0x3fc = 0x82014
3fc8201INFO - V 4
TRA(0) wifi:CE -
INFO - mutexget_scan__unlid=0
INFOock 0 -
TRACx3fcE - task_82014ms_to_tic
k Tms 100
TRRACE ACE - tas- frk_delay tee caick 16000lled00
TRACE - free idx 39
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - free idx 40
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca6340
TRACE - free idx 41
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca7550
TRACE - free idx 43
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca7e58
TRACE - free idx 44
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca8760
TRACE - free idx 45
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca9068
TRACE - free idx 46
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fca9970
TRACE - free idx 47
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - free called 0x3fcaa278
TRACE - free idx 48
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACTRACE - mE - utex_lockqueue ptr = 0x_rec3fc82014
v retTRACE - murnsutex_unlo
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
cTRACINFO k 0xE - t- D 3fc82rigg(0) w014
er tiifi:INFO mer.
..IN- V .
TRAFO -(0) wCE - scanifi: task end
INFO get: arg - g curr=0x0et_scent , staan_itask tus=d=0
I- re0, ssNFO turn _sta-
I - ta - mNFO -sk_mutex_
Ts_to_lockRACE tick ptr - co ms 1= 0xex_st00
T3fc82atusRACE 08
T_get- tasRACE
DEBk_de- malUG -lay tloc timeick caller_di16000d 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
0x3E - tfc95408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - ask_mcoex_stats_tous_get
_tick mINFO - D s 10(0) wifi:
EINFO - - qperform sueue_an: ss_ssend tate=0x09queu, chan<8,e 0x30>, dur<0fc82,120>
INF080 iO -
TRAtem CE - coex0x3fc_status_g8d5cet
8INFO bloc- V (0) wk_tiifi:
INFOme_ti - changeck 1: chan<8,600000>, dur<0
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
INFO E - t-
aINFOsk g - V (0) et cuwifi:
INFrrenO - ht20 t tasfreq=2447k - , chan=8
returINFO -
n 0x1
TRATRACCE - E - mutexmute_lock ptrx_unl = 0x3fc8ck 02014
TRACx3fcE - mutex82008_unlock 0
TRAx3fc82014CE -
timINFO er c- V (0) wallbaifi:
INFOck c - enter alledstart op,
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<8,0>, arg=0x3fc9551c, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 180
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick TRAms 1CE - mute0
TRAx_lock ptCE -r = 0x3fc queu82014
TRAe_seCE - mutend qux_unlock eue 0x3fc82010x3fc4
82080IN iteFO - V (0m 0x3) wifi:
Ifc8aNFO - get858 b_scan_id=lock0
INFO - _time
TRACE -_tick task_ms_ 160to_tick m000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
s I100
TRACENFO - - task_d V (elay tick0) wi 1600000
INFO - start max timer
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc955b0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 225627311
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc955b0 1920000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - free called 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - free idx 37
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 226821660
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc965e0 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - free idx 24
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item TRACE -0x3fc mutex_lo8a9ack ptr = 8 blo0x3fc8201ck_t4
TRACE -ime_t mutex_unick lock 0x3f42949c82014
TRACE - received [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
INFTRACEO - V (0) - q wifi:
INueue_FO - get_recvscan_id=0 retu
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACRACE - taE - csk_ms_to_oex_tick ms 1event00
TRACE _dur- task_deationlay tick _get1600000
TRADEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TRCE - coexACE _wifi_req- triuest - noggert impleme timented
TRACr...E - qTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8d388 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
Tueue_recvRACE 0x3fc820 - ta80 item 0sk gx3fc8a9a8et cu block_tirrenme_tick 4t tas294967295k -
TRACE - received [17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
rTRACE - qeturnueue_recv 0x1 returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
RATRACE - tCE -ask_ms_to mute_tick ms x_lo10
TRACE ck pt- queue_sr = end queue0x3fc 0x3fc820820080 item 08
TRAx3fc8a908CE - block_ti mallme_tick 1oc c60000
TRACE - queue posting [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - qalleueue_recvd 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRACE 0x3ACE - - tfc820 mutask_m80 iex_los_totem 0ck p_tickx3fctr = ms 8a9a80x3f10
TR bloc8201ACE ck_ti4
TR- queme_tACE -ue_sick 4 mutend q2949ex_unueue67295lock 0x3f
TRACE - received [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE 0x3c8208 - qfc8200 itueue_14
rem 0xecv INFO 3fc8retur- V d5c8 ns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
bloTRACE(0) ck_ti - fwifi:me_tree c
INFick 1alleO - g6000d 0x3et_s0
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
cTRACEfca1an_id - t1f8
TRACE - free idx 32
I get - mNFO -urreutex
TRnt t_lockACE ask - ptr- tas ret = 0xk_msurn 03fc8_to_tx1
ick RACE TRACms 10- muE - m0
TRtex_uutexACE -nloc_unlo task 0x3ck 0k_delfc82x3fc8ay t008
T2014ick 1RACE
TRAC6000 - tiE - 00
qumer eue_recv callb0x3fc8208ack 0 item 0xcalle3fc8a9a8 d
block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - scan end: arg=0x0, status=0, ss_state=0x03
TRADEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - coexCE -_status_g triget
DEBUG ger - timer_dtimerisarm 0x3....fc95408
TRACE - found timer ...
TRAoex_statuCE - s_get
task geINFO - D t cur(0) wifi:rent
tINFO -ask - perform retscan: ss_urn 0tate=0x0x1
TR9, chan<9ACE ,0>, dur<- mut0,120>
INex_lFO -
TRock pACE - coetr =x_status_ 0x3fget
cINFO8200 - V (0) 8
INFCE -O - chang malle: chan<9oc c,0>, dur<alled0,120>
IN 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
EINFO - ta - V (0) k_mswifi:
INF_to_O - ht20 tick freq=2452ms 1, chan=9
CE - queuTRACe_senE - mutexd qu_lock ptreue 0 = 0x3fc8x3fc2014
TRAC82080E - mutex ite_unloTRACm 0x3ck 0E - mfc8dx3fc8utex5c8 b2014_locklock
_tIN ptrime_tFO - = 0xick V (03fc816000) wi2014
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
ERACE - taINFO - musk g - entex_et cuter unlocrrenstartk 0xt tas op,3fc82k - arg=14
0retux3fc9INFOrn 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8d228 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TR551c- V (ACE
INFO0) w- mut -
nINFINFOlock O - - ge0x3fV (0)t_scc8200 wifan_id8
ICE - NFO NFO -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
time- sca
TRAr caln opCE - lbaceratitaskk calon: _ms_tled
stateo_tick ms=0x0 100
TRAC3, chE - task_an<9delay tic,0>, k 1600000arg=
0x3fc9551c, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc callTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ed 180
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca11f8
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a858 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - muteINFO x_lock pt- V r = 0x3fc(0) w82014
TRAifi:CE - mute
INFOx_unlock - s0x3fc8201tart 4
mINFO -ax t V (0) wiimer
INFO INFO- get_sca -
TRG -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tACE - tasimer_k_ms_to_tdisaick ms 10rm 0x0
TRACE -3fc9 task_del55b0ay tick 1
TRACE - found timer ...
- timer_arm_us, current time 236462311
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc955b0 1920000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - free idx 3
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc965e0
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 237142693
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fc965e0 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free called 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - free idx 24
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a9a8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca3f20
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82080 item 0x3fc8a7f8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc955b0
TRATRACTRACECE -E - t - m trigask_utex_ger ms_tolocktimer_tic ptr ....k ms = 0x
T3fc82E - RACE 014
task - quTRACEget eue_s - mcurreend utex_nt tqueueunloask - 0x3ck 0x retfc8203fc8urn 080 i2014
Ttem 0INFORACE x3fc - V - mu8a948(0) tex_l blowifi:ock ck_ti
INFptr =e_tiO - 0x3fck 1get_sc82060000can_08
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ACTRACEid=0E - m - m
INFOalloutex_ -
c callock
TRACled ptr E - 8
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc96f70
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRAC= 0xtask_E - 3fc82ms_ttask_014
o_ticms_tTRACEk mso_tic - m 100
k msutex_TRAC 10
TunloE - tRACEck 0xask_ - qu3fc8delayeue_2014
ticsend TRACk 160queuE - m0000e 0x3allo
c cafc82lled 2312080 i
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca4828
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
teTRACE - mm 0xutex_lock3fc8d ptr = 0x5c8 3fc82014
blockTRACE - m_timutex_unloe_ticck 0x3fc8k 162014
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, 70, 6f, c9, 3f]
E -TRAC mallTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
oc cE - talled 231ask 2
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5130
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
gTRACE - met cuutex_lockrren ptr = 0xt tas3fc82014
k - TRACE - mreturutex_unlon 0xck 0x3fc81
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACCE - TRACE - mmuteE - mutexx_unlallo_lockock c cal ptr0x3fcled = 0x82002312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca5a38
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRAC3fc82RACEE - m014
- TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tiutexTRACEmer _lock - mcallb ptrutex_ack = 0xunlocalle3fc8ck 0xd
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fc965e0
3fc8ACE -TRAC2014
triE - mINFOgger utex - V time_unlo(0) 0wifi:
INFCE - 2014O - gtask
TRACet_s get E - can_icurrmallod=0
ent tc caINFO ask lled -
- ret2312TRACEurn
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca6340
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
0xTRACE - t1
TRA - mask_mCE -utex_s_to mutelock_tickx_lo ptr ms ck pt= 0x100
Tr = 3fc82RACE0x3fc014
- ta8200TRACEsk_d8
TRA - melay CE -utex_tick mallunlo 1600oc cck 0x000
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fc9dae0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRTRACEACE - mal - tloc calleask_md 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7550
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
sTRACE - m_to_utex_locktick ptr = 0xms 13fc82014
TRTRACE - mACE -utex_unlo queck 0x3fc8ue_se2014
TRACnd qE - mallTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ueoc calledue 0 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca7e58
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
x3TRACINFO fc82E - m- V 080 iutex(0) wtem _lockifi:0x3fc ptr
INFO8d5c = 0x - b8 blo3fc8lockick_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
2ng sctime014
Tan t_tickRACEimeou 160 - mut
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, e0, da, c9, 3f]
TRACtex_FO - E - unloc
TRtask k 0xACE -get 3fc82 tascurre014
k getnt tTRACE curask - - mrent retalloctaskurn 0 cal - rex1
Tled 2turnRACE 312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca8760
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- muTRAC 0x2
tex_E - mTRACunlocutexE - mk 0x_locktex_3fc8 ptr lock2008
= 0x ptr TRAC3fc82= 0xE - t014
call - mTRACEbackutex_ - t callunloask ged
eck 0xt current3fc8 task - r2014
eturn 0x2TRAC
TRACE - E - mmutex_unlalloock 0x3fcc cal82008
leId 23NFO - V (12
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9068
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
0TRAC) wifi:
IE - mNFO - getutex ap num=1_lock2
INFO - ptr
TRACE = 0x3- task gefc82t current014
Ttask - rRACE eturn 0x2- mu
TRACE - tex_umutex_locnlock ptr = 0k 0x3x3fc82008fc82
TRACE - 014
Ttask get RACEcurrent t - maask - retllocurn 0x2
T callRACE - mued 2tex_unloc312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fca9970
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
kTRACE 0x3fc820 - m08
TRACE uteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- x_locwifi_callk ptoc 20 1
Tr = 0RACE - cax3fclloc 20 182014
TRAmalloc caCE - lled 20
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaa278
TRACE - tmutexask get c_unlurrent taock 0sk - retux3fcrn 0x2
TR82014CE - wif
TRACi_thread_E - semphr_gemallot
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
c TRACE - tcallask get ced 23urrent ta12
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaab80
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACsk - retuE - mrn 0x2
TRutexACE - mut_lockex_lock p ptrtr = 0x3f = 0xc82008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - 3fc82task_ms_t014
o_tick msTRACE 10
TRACE - m - queue_utex_send queuunloe 0x3fc82ck 0x080 item 3fc80x3fcccab2014
8 block_tTRACime_tick E - m160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 78, a2, ca, 3f]
TRACE - tallocask get c calurrent taled 2sk - retu312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcab488
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
rn 0TRACx2
TRACE E - m- mutex_uutexnlock 0x3_lockfc82008
T ptrRACE - >> = 0>> semphrx3fc8_take 0x12014 block_ti
TRACme_tick 4E - 294967295mutex
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcabd90
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcac698
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcacfa0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcad8a8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcae1b0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaeab8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcaf3c0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcafcc8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb05d0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb0ed8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb17e0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb20e8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb29f0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation at reused block
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb32f8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 65
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb3c00
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 66
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb4508
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 67
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb4e10
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 68
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb5718
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 69
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb6020
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - malloc called 2312
TRACE - new allocation idx = 70
TRACE - malloc at 0x3fcb6928
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
r = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
utex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_loTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlocTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
r = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
utex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_loTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_loTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlocTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlocTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
utex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlocTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
r = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
r = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlocTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlocTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_loTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock pTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fcTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
utex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
r = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
utex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRATRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
CE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE -TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unloTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ck 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_uTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
nlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr =TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_locTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
k ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlockTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
ACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - muteTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
x_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82014
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82014
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820
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