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D1plo1d/dev Secret

Created July 1, 2022 19:03
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cargo +nightly run --example dhcp_esp32c3 --features=esp32c3,embedded-svc,wifi_logs,dump_packets
Compiling esp32c3-hal v0.1.0 (
Compiling esp-wifi v0.1.0 (/media/d1plo1d/extra_space/git_repos/esp-wifi)
Compiling esp-backtrace v0.1.0 (
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.74s
Running `espflash --speed 921600 --monitor target/riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf/debug/examples/dhcp_esp32c3`
Serial port: /dev/ttyUSB0
WARN setting baud rate higher than 115200 can cause issues.
Chip type: ESP32-C3 (revision 3)
Crystal frequency: 40MHz
Flash size: 4MB
Features: WiFi
MAC address: 7c:df:a1:61:fd:98
[00:00:00] ######################################## 12/12 segment 0x0
[00:00:00] ######################################## 1/1 segment 0x8000
[00:00:14] ######################################## 433/433 segment 0x10000
Flashing has completed!
CTRL+R Reset chip
Build:Feb 7 2021
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0xc (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
mode:DIO, clock div:1
load:0x403ce000 [_erwtext:??:??],len:0x928
load:0x403d0000 [_erwtext:??:??],len:0x2ce0
entry 0x403ce000 [_erwtext:??:??]
I (30) boot: ESP-IDF v4.4-dev-2825-gb63ec47238 2nd stage bootloader
I (30) boot: compile time 12:10:40
I (30) boot: chip revision: 3
I (33) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. bootloader chip revision: 0
I (41) boot.esp32c3: SPI Speed : 80MHz
I (45) boot.esp32c3: SPI Mode : DIO
I (50) boot.esp32c3: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (55) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (60) boot: Partition Table:
I (64) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (71) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00006000
I (78) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (86) boot: 2 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 003f0000
I (93) boot: End of partition table
I (98) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. application chip revision: 0
I (105) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c0e0020 size=1aaa0h (109216) map
I (130) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0002aac8 vaddr=3fc81f90 size=039c8h ( 14792) load
I (133) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0002e498 vaddr=40380000 size=01b80h ( 7040) load
I (137) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00030020 vaddr=42000020 size=d11ach (856492) map
I (272) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=001011d4 vaddr=40381b80 size=00410h ( 1040) load
I (274) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (276) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
TRACE - recursive_mutex_create called 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
INFO - pp rom version: 9387209
TRACE - wifi_calloc 1 740
TRACE - calloc 1 740
INFO - net80211 rom version: 9387209
TRACE - wifi_calloc 1 192
TRACE - calloc 1 192
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - spin_lock_create 0x3fc81fa4
TRACE - recursive_mutex_create called 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 60
TRACE - task_get_max_priority
TRACE - wifi_create_queue len=200 size=8 ptr=0x3fc81f90 real-queue 0x3fc8207c - not checked
TRACE - semphr_create - max 1 init 0
TRACE - sem created res = 0 (+1)
TRACE - task_get_max_priority
TRACE - task_create_pinned_to_core task_func 0x40001720 [ppTask:??:??] name wifi stack_depth 6656 param 0x0 prio 253, task_handle 0x3fcdf928 core_id 0
TRACE - work_queue task 0x40001720 [ppTask:??:??] param 0x0 prio 253
TRACE - >>>> semphr_take 0x1 block_time_tick TRACE4294967295
- before worker 0x3fc8a990 0x0
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - TRACE - >>>> return from semphr_take
queue_recv TRACE - task_delay tick 1
TRACE - semphr0x3fc8207c item _delete 0x1
0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick 4294967295
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - wifi driver task: 00, prio:253, stack:6656, core=0
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - sem created res = 0 (+1)
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - create for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccbdf8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2TRACE -
TRACE - queue_recv returns
mutex_unlock TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
- read_mac TRACE - >>>> semphr_take 0x3fca4c360x1 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - read_mac 0x3fca4c36 0
TRACE - read_mac 0x3fca4c30 1
TRACE - read_mac 0x3fca4c30 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 2028 1
TRACE - calloc 2028 1
TRACE - alloc 1024
TRACE - sprintf ESP_%02X%02X%02X
TRACE - sprintf ESP_000000
TRACE - free 0x3fc94bcc
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - wifi firmware version: 131fc6b
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - wifi certification version: v7.0
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - config NVS flash: disabled
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - config nano formating: disabled
TRACE - wifi_calloc 136 1
TRACE - calloc 136 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 136 1
TRACE - calloc 136 1
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init management short buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 736
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 736
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static tx FG buffer num: 2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - calloc 120 1
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static rx buffer size: 2212
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static rx buffer num: 10
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca701c 0x420af50c [pm_dream_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7030 0x420af500 [pm_active_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca706c 0x420af4f4 [pm_sleep_delay_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7008 0x420af4e8 [pm_noise_check_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7044 0x420af4dc [pm_coex_schm_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7058 0x420af4d0 [pm_coex_slice_wifi_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7090 0x420af4c4 [pm_disconnected_sleep_delay_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca70a4 0x420af4b8 [pm_connectionless_wake_interval_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca70b8 0x420af4ac [pm_connectionless_wake_window_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5e30 0x4209b2a6 [scan_inter_channel_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5e44 0x4209b298 [scan_enter_oper_channel:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - >>>> return from semphr_take
TRACE - queTRACE - free ue_recv 0x3fc943c4
0x3fc8207cTRACE - task get current task - item return 0x20x3fc8a908
block_time_tiTRACEck - mutex_lock ptr = 42949672950x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - alloc 80
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccbe08 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - queue_rec- task get current task - return v returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mTRACE - semphrutex_unlock _give 0x3fc820040x
TRACE - >>>> semphr_take TRACE - queue_recv 0x1 block_time_tick 0x3fc8207c item 4294967295
0x3fcTRACE - >>>> return from se8a908 block_time_tick mphr_take
TRACE - free 42949672950x3fc943c4
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 152 1
TRACE - calloc 152 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccbe08 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 34, aa, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 34, aa, c9, 3f]
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2TRACE -
queuTRACEe_recv returns - mutex_unlock
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - >>>> semphr_take 0x1 block_time_tick 4294967295
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - clear blacklist
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - >>>> return from semphr_take
TRACE - queue_recv TRACE - free 0x0x3fc9aa34
3fc8207cTRACE - task get current task - return item 0x20x
3fc8a908TRACE - mutex_lock ptr block_time_tick = 0x3fc820044294967295
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccbe08 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - - task get current task - return queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - >>>> semphr_take 0x1 block_time_tick 4294967295
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - set country: cc=CN schan=1 nchan=13 policy=1
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - >>>> return from semphr_take
TRACE - queue_recv TRACE - free 0x3fc943c4
0TRACE - task get current taskx3fc8207c item - return 0x2
0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 42949672950x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccbe08 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2TRACE -
TRACE - queue_recv returns
mutex_unlock TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
0x3fc8TRACE -2004
TRACEsemphr_give - >>>> semphr_take 0x10x1 block_time_tick
TRACE - TRACE - que>>>> return from semphr_take
ue_recv TRACE - free 00x3fc943c4
x3fc8TRACE - task get current task - return 207c item 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr0x3fc8a908 = block0x3fc82004_time_tick
4294967295TRACE - task get current task
- return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccc068 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - - task get current task - return queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - - mutex_unlock mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - >>>> semphr_take 0x1TRACE block_time_tick - 4294967295
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - wifi_apb80m_request - no-op
TRACE - wifi_clock_enable
TRACE - wifi_clock_enable
TRACE - phy_enable - not fully implemented
TRACE - phy_enable - not fully implemented
TRACE - sprintf %d,%s,%s,%s
TRACE - sprintf 500,985899c,Apr 19 2021,16:05:08
TRACE - phy_version 500,985899c,Apr 19 2021,16:05:08
TRACE - phy_enable_clock
TRACE - phy_enable_clock done!
TRACE - coex_enable - not implemented
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE - wifi_reset_mac - not implemented
TRACE - coex_wifi_release - not implemented
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ht20 freq=2412, chan=1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5fc4 0x420a2076 [chm_end_op_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5fd8 0x420a2076 [chm_end_op_timeout:??:??] 0x1
TRACE - slowclk_cal_get
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - coex_pti_get
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - set rx active PTI: 0, rx ack PTI: 0, and default PTI: 0
TRACE - set_intr 0 2 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 2 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 0 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 0 1 1
TRACE - set_isr - interrupt 1 function 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] arg 0x0
TRACE - ints_on 2
TRACE - ints_on n=1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=0
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 34642094
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fca7008 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 552 1
TRACE - calloc 552 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 768 1
TRACE - calloc 768 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 212 1
TRACE - calloc 212 1
TRACE - free 0x3fc9af64
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - mode : sta (7c:df:a1:61:fd:98)
TRACE - calloc 1 24
DEBUG - esp_timer_create Some(0x420c23d4 [pmksa_cache_expire:/home/wen_chen/esp/esp32/esp-idf/components/wpa_supplicant/src/rsn_supp/pmksa_cache.c:56]) 0x3fc9af64 0x3fc9af70
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 0
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 1
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 2
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 3
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 4
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 5
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 6
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 7
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 8
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 9
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 10
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 11
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 12
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 13
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 0x3fc8a83c 0x3c0e5a18
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - enable tsf
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - connect status 0 -> 0
TRACE - esp_event_send_internal 0x3fc85988 2 0x0 0 4294967295
TRACE - phy_update_country_info C
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - >>>> return from semphr_takeTRACE - queue_recv
TRACE - free 0x3fc8207cDEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fca7008
item 0x3fc8a9080x3fc943c4
TRACE - block_time_tick trigger timer....
TRACE4294967295 - task get current task - ret
TRACE - task get currurn ent task - return 0x1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE0x3fc82004
- TRmutex_lock ptr = ACE - alloc 8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
0x3fc82004TRACE - queue_send queue
0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8e948 block_time_tick TRACE 160000
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
- task get current task - return TRACE - TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_unloDEBUG - timerck _disarm TRACE0x3f0x3fca7008 - mutex_unc8200
TRACE - found timer ...
lock TRACE - DEBUG - timer_arm_wifi_calus, curre0x3fc8loc nt time 200420 1
TRACE - timer callbacTRACE k called- calloc DEBUG
20- timer_arm_us 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x3fca70080x2
TRACE - 4096000 wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
falseTRACE - task get current task - return
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x0x3fc820043fc943c4
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms TRACE - queue10_recv
TRACE - queue_send 0x3fc8207cqueue item 0x3fc8200x3fc8a9087c item block_time_tick 0x3fccc058 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 80, af, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 80, af, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv reTRACE - task get current task - return turns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - >>>> semphr_take 0x1 block_time_tick 4294967295INFO
- I (0) wifi:
INFO - Set ps type: 0
TRACE - coex_condition_set - do nothing
TRACE - coex_status_get
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACETRACE - >>>> return from semphr_take
- queue_recv TRACE - free 0x3fc8207c i0x3fc9af80
tem Status(Starting, Stopped)
Start Wifi Scan
0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick TRACE - task get current task - return 4294967295
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - set_scan_id=0
TRACE - wifi_calloc 48 1
TRACE - calloc 48 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fca7008
TRACETRACE - trigger timer....
- task_mTRACE - s_to_tick ms task get current task - return 100x1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc82004
TRACE - alloc 8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
0x3fc8207cTRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms item 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c0x3fccb948 item block_time_tick 0x3fc8e948 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 80, af, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - task get current taTRACE - tassk - - queuk get returne_reccurren v returnst task -0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
return TRACE - mutex_unlock DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x10x3fc82004
TRACETRACE - 0x3fca7008
TRACE - found timer ...
>>>> sem - mutex_unphr_takDEBUG lock e - 0x1timer_arm_us, current 0x3fc8 blocktime 2004
_time_t459938ick 97
TRACE - timer ca42949DEBllback ca67295UG - tlled
imer_arm_us 0x3fca7008 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - free 0x3fc943c4
TRACE - queue_recv 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8a908 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 80, af, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - Start wifi scan
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid=, channel=0, hidden=0, type=active, active=<0,0>, passive=0
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid 0x0 is NULL
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - first chan=1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9aa38
DEBUG - timer_done 0x3fc9aa38
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc9aa38 0x420a2f8c [cnx_connect_timeout:??:??] 0x0
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=3
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8e568 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - clear scan ap list
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fca7008
TRACE - triggeTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
r timer....
TRACEINFO - D (0) wifi:
- task get current task - return 0x1TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - alloc 8INFO
- TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
start scan: type=0x50f, prioTRACE rity=2, cb=0- tasx0, arg=0x3fk_ms_tca4b58, ss_o_tickstate=0x01, ms time=3692184,10
queue_send queue TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
0x3fc8207c item INFO - V (0) wifi:
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
0x3fc8e948 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, c4, 43, c9, 3f]
INFO - inter_channel_timeout: arg=0x0, ss_state=0x01
TRACE - task get current task - return INFO -
TRACE - INFO - D (0) wifi:
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - timer callback calledINFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x09, chan<1,0>, dur<0,120>
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - change: chan<1,0>, dur<0,120>
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - enter start op, arg=0x3fca5f44
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<1,0>, arg=0x3fca5f44, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 180
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8a768 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - start max timer
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fca5fd8
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 57057418
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fca5fd8 1920000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - >>>> return from sTRACE - queemphr_take
ue_recv TRACE - free 0x3fc8207c0x3fc9af80 item
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc8a9080x3fc82010
block_time_tick TRACE4294967295
- mutex_unlock TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
0x3fc82010TRACE -
queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
INFO - V (0) wifi:
TRACE - mutex_unlock INFO - get_scan_id=0
TRACE - alloc INFO -
2312TRACE -
task_ms_to_tick ms TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccad78 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACEDEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fca5fd8
TRAC- task_ms_to_tick ms TRACE -E - t10
ask_delay tickTRACE trigg 16000- qer timer.00
d queue 0x3fc8207cTRACE item 0x3fc8a8a8 block_time_tick - task get cur160000
rent task TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
- return TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x10x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010TRACE
- TRACE - alloc mutex_lock ptr = 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x0x3fc820043fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - TRACE - alloc alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mute8
x_lock ptr = TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACETRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
- task_ms_to_tick ms 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlTRACEock TRACE - - mutex_unl0x3fc8queueock 2010
_send que0x3fc8ue 2010TRACE
- alloc 0x3fc8207c item 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
0xTRACE - 3fc8e948 block_time_tick mutex_lock ptrTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
= 160000
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, d0, 43, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - - task get current task - rINFO -mutex_eturn V (0)unlock wifi: 0x1
TRACE - mutex_unlock TRACE - alloc 0x2312
INFO - TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
get_scan_iTRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - TRACE - timer callback callmutex_lock ed
ptr = 0x3fc82010INFO -
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms TRACE - mute100x_unlock
TRACE - task_delay tick 160000x3fc8201000
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc820100x
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc820100x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312INFO - V (0) wi
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
- mutex_lock ptr = INFO - get_scan_id=0
TRACE - mutex_unlock TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 100
TRACE - task_delay tick 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock TRACE - 0x3fc82010
mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACEINFO - V (0) wifi:
- alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
INFO - get_scan_id=TRACE - mutex_0
lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - tmutex_unlock ask_ms_to_tick ms 100
TRACE - task_delay0x3fc82010 tick 1600000
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81fa4 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
Exception 'Store/AMO access fault' mepc=420280d2, mtval=0
TrapFrame { ra: 420280be, t0: 4005890e, t1: f, t2: 3, t3: 0, t4: 0, t5: 3c0ec3d4, t6: 0, a0: 0, a1: 90c, a2: 3, a3: 90c, a4: 4, a5: 60000000, a6: 1, a7: 3c0ec3d4, s0: 3fc8a840, s1: 0, s2: 8, s3: 8a4, s4: 0, s5: 3fcdf930, s6: 3fce0000, s7: fff00000, s8: 60034000, s9: 60033000, s10: 3fce0000, s11: 0, gp: 0, tp: 0, sp: 3fc8a7b0 }
0x42021e44 [malloc:/media/d1plo1d/extra_space/git_repos/esp-wifi/src/wifi/]
0x42023850 [esp_wifi::wifi::os_adapter::wifi_malloc:/media/d1plo1d/extra_space/git_repos/esp-wifi/src/wifi/]
0x40040ccc [rom_pll_vol_cal:??:??]
cargo +nightly run --example dhcp_esp32c3 --features=esp32c3,embedded-svc,wifi_logs,dump_packets --release
Compiling esp32c3-hal v0.1.0 (
Compiling esp-wifi v0.1.0 (/media/d1plo1d/extra_space/git_repos/esp-wifi)
Compiling esp-backtrace v0.1.0 (
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 2.45s
Running `espflash --speed 921600 --monitor target/riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf/release/examples/dhcp_esp32c3`
Serial port: /dev/ttyUSB0
WARN setting baud rate higher than 115200 can cause issues.
Chip type: ESP32-C3 (revision 3)
Crystal frequency: 40MHz
Flash size: 4MB
Features: WiFi
MAC address: 7c:df:a1:61:fd:98
[00:00:00] ######################################## 12/12 segment 0x0
[00:00:00] ######################################## 1/1 segment 0x8000
[00:00:09] ######################################## 304/304 segment 0x10000
Flashing has completed!
CTRL+R Reset chip
Build:Feb 7 2021
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0xc (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
mode:DIO, clock div:1
load:0x403ce000 [_erwtext:??:??],len:0x928
load:0x403d0000 [_erwtext:??:??],len:0x2ce0
entry 0x403ce000 [_erwtext:??:??]
I (30) boot: ESP-IDF v4.4-dev-2825-gb63ec47238 2nd stage bootloader
I (30) boot: compile time 12:10:40
I (30) boot: chip revision: 3
I (33) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. bootloader chip revision: 0
I (41) boot.esp32c3: SPI Speed : 80MHz
I (45) boot.esp32c3: SPI Mode : DIO
I (50) boot.esp32c3: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (55) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (60) boot: Partition Table:
I (64) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (71) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00006000
I (78) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (86) boot: 2 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 003f0000
I (93) boot: End of partition table
I (98) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. application chip revision: 0
I (105) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c070020 size=11be0h ( 72672) map
I (124) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=00021c08 vaddr=3fc81f90 size=039c8h ( 14792) load
I (127) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=000255d8 vaddr=40380000 size=01f90h ( 8080) load
I (132) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00027570 vaddr=00000000 size=08aa8h ( 35496)
I (144) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=00030020 vaddr=42000020 size=6fc44h (457796) map
I (217) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (217) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
TRACE - recursive_mutex_create called 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
INFO - pp rom version: 9387209
TRACE - wifi_calloc 1 740
TRACE - calloc 1 740
INFO - net80211 rom version: 9387209
TRACE - wifi_calloc 1 192
TRACE - calloc 1 192
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - spin_lock_create 0x3fc81f94
TRACE - recursive_mutex_create called 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 60
TRACE - task_get_max_priority
TRACE - wifi_create_queue len=200 size=8 ptr=0x3fc81f9c real-queue 0x3fc8207c - not checked
TRACE - semphr_create - max 1 init 0
TRACE - sem created res = 0 (+1)
TRACE - task_get_max_priority
TRACE - task_create_pinned_to_core task_func 0x40001720 [ppTask:??:??] name wifi stack_depth 6656 param 0x0 prio 253, task_handle 0x3fcdf928 core_id 0
TRACE - work_queue task 0x40001720 [ppTask:??:??] param 0x0 prio 253
TRACE TRACE- >>>> se - bmphr_takeefore 0x1 bloc work_time_tiker 0ck 429496x3fc7295
8b3f8 0x0
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRTRACE - >ACE >>> retur- que from seue_remphr_takecv 0
TRACE - x3fc8task_dela207cy tick 1
itemTRACE - s 0x3emphr_delfc8b3ete 0x1
b8 bloINFO - Ick_ti (0) wifime_t:
ickINFO 4294 - wifi d9672river tas95
k: 00, prio:253, stack:6656, core=0
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - sem created res = 0 (+1)
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - create for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fcccfe8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TTRACERACE - ta - qsk get cuueue_rrent tasrecvk - retur retun 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
CETRACE - mutex_ - runlock 0xead_m3fc82004
ac 0TRACE - >x3fca>>> semph4c32r_take 0x 0
TR1 block_tACE ime_tick - rea429496729d_ma5
c 0x3fca4c32 0
TRACE - read_mac 0x3fca4c2c 1
TRACE - read_mac 0x3fca4c2c 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 2028 1
TRACE - calloc 2028 1
TRACE - alloc 1024
TRACE - sprintf ESP_%02X%02X%02X
TRACE - sprintf ESP_000000
TRACE - free 0x3fc955d0
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - wifi firmware version: 131fc6b
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - wifi certification version: v7.0
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - config NVS flash: disabled
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - config nano formating: disabled
TRACE - wifi_calloc 136 1
TRACE - calloc 136 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 136 1
TRACE - calloc 136 1
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init management short buffer num: 32
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 736
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 736
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static tx FG buffer num: 2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - calloc 120 1
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static rx buffer size: 2212
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
TRACE - alloc 2216
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init static rx buffer num: 10
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca701c 0x4204dfa4 [pm_dream_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7030 0x4204df98 [pm_active_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca706c 0x4204df8c [pm_sleep_delay_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7008 0x4204df80 [pm_noise_check_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7044 0x4204df74 [pm_coex_schm_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7058 0x4204df68 [pm_coex_slice_wifi_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca7090 0x4204df5c [pm_disconnected_sleep_delay_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca70a4 0x4204df50 [pm_connectionless_wake_interval_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca70b8 0x4204df44 [pm_connectionless_wake_window_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5e30 0x42039d3e [scan_inter_channel_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5e44 0x42039d30 [scan_enter_oper_channel:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRATRACECE - >>>> - q return fueue_rom semphrecvr_take
TR 0x3fACE - frec820e 0x3fc947c itdc8
TRACEem 0 - task gx3fc8et curren3b8 t task - blocreturn 0xk_tim2
TRACE -e_ti mutex_lock 42ck ptr = 94960x3fc82007295
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - alloc 80
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACETRACE - t - qask get cueue_urrent tarecvsk - retu return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ACTRACEE - mutex - s_unlock 0emphrx3fc82004_giv
TRACE - e 0x1>>>> semp
TRAhr_take 0CE - x1 block_queutime_ticke_rec42949672v 0x395
TRACE fc82- >>>> re07c iturn fromtem semphr_t0x3fcake
TRACE8b3b - free 08 blox3fc94dc8ck_t
iTRACE -me_ti task getck 4 current 29496task - re7295turn 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 152 1
TRACE - calloc 152 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 38, b4, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 38, b4, c9, 3f]
TRACTRACE - tE - qask get cueueurrent ta_recvsk - retu retrn 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ACE - mutex_unlINFO ock 0x3fc- D 82004
TRA(0) wCE - >>>>ifi: semphr_t
INFOake 0x1 b - clock_timelear _tick 429blac4967295
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRARACECE - >>>> - q return fueue_rom semphrecvr_take
TR 0x3fACE - frec820e 0x3fc9b7c it438
TRACEem 0 - task gx3fc8et currenb3b8t task - blocreturn 0xk_ti2
TRACE -me_ti mutex_lock 4ck ptr = 294960x3fc820072954
task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRATRACECE - task - q get currueue_ent task recv- return retu0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- mutIx_unlockNFO - 0x3fc820 I (04
TRACE 0) wi- >>>> sefi:
mphr_takeINFO 0x1 bloc- sek_time_tit couck 429496ntry7295
: cc=CN schan=1 nchan=13 policy=1
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACTRACE - >>>> E - qreturn frueueom semphr_recv_take
TRA 0x3CE - freefc820 0x3fc94d7c ic8
TRACE tem 0- task gex3fct current8b3b8 task - r bloeturn 0x2ck_ti
TRACE - me_tmutex_locick 4k ptr = 02949x3fc8200467295
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fcccff8 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TTRACERACE - ta - qsk get cuueue_rrent tasrecvk - retur retun 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
CETRAC - mutex_E - sunlock 0xemph3fc82004
r_givTRACE - >e 0x>>> semph1
TRAr_take 0xCE -1 block_t queuime_tick e_re429496729cv 0x5
TRACE -3fc8 >>>> ret207c urn from itemsemphr_ta 0x3fke
TRACE c8b3- free 0xb8 bl3fc94dc8
ock_TRACE - ttime_ask get ctickurrent ta 4294sk - retu9672rn 0x2
ACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccd098 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRTRACACE - tasE - qk get curueuerent task_recv - return ret 0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
E TRAC- mutex_uE - mnlock 0x3tex_fc82004
TlockRACE - >> ptr >> semphr= 0x_take 0x13fc82 block_ti010
me_tick 4TRACE294967295 - m
utex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - wifi_apb80m_request - no-op
TRACE - wifi_clock_enable
TRACE - wifi_clock_enable
TRACE - phy_enable - not fully implemented
TRACE - phy_enable - not fully implemented
TRACE - sprintf %d,%s,%s,%s
TRACE - sprintf 500,985899c,Apr 19 2021,16:05:08
TRACE - phy_version 500,985899c,Apr 19 2021,16:05:08
TRACE - phy_enable_clock
TRACE - phy_enable_clock done!
TRACE - coex_enable - not implemented
TRACE - coex_wifi_request - not implemented
TRACE - wifi_reset_mac - not implemented
TRACE - coex_wifi_release - not implemented
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ht20 freq=2412, chan=1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5fc4 0x42040b0e [chm_end_op_timeout:??:??] 0x0
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fca5fd8 0x42040b0e [chm_end_op_timeout:??:??] 0x1
TRACE - slowclk_cal_get
TRACE - coex_pti_get
TRACE - coex_pti_get
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - set rx active PTI: 0, rx ack PTI: 0, and default PTI: 0
TRACE - set_intr 0 2 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 2 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 0 1 1
TRACE - set_intr 0 0 1 1
TRACE - set_isr - interrupt 1 function 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] arg 0x0
TRACE - ints_on 2
TRACE - ints_on n=1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=0
DEBUG - timer_arm_us, current time 18636059
DEBUG - timer_arm_us 0x3fca7008 4096000 false
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE - wifi_calloc 552 1
TRACE - calloc 552 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 768 1
TRACE - calloc 768 1
TRACE - wifi_calloc 212 1
TRACE - calloc 212 1
TRACE - free 0x3fc9b968
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - mode : sta (7c:df:a1:61:fd:98)
TRACE - calloc 1 24
DEBUG - esp_timer_create Some(0x42060e6c [pmksa_cache_expire:/home/wen_chen/esp/esp32/esp-idf/components/wpa_supplicant/src/rsn_supp/pmksa_cache.c:56]) 0x3fc9b968 0x3fc9b974
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 0
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 1
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 2
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 3
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 4
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 5
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 6
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 7
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 8
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 9
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 10
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 11
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 12
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 13
DEBUG - esp_timer_create 0x3fc8b2ec 0x3c0741e4
INFO - I (0) wifi:
INFO - enable tsf
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - connect status 0 -> 0
TRACE - esp_event_send_internal 0x3fc85958 2 0x0 0 4294967295
TRACE - phy_update_country_info C
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TTRACERACE - >> - q>> returnueue_ from semrecvphr_take
0x3fTRACE - fc820ree 0x3fc7c it94dc8
eTRm 0xACE - tas3fc8bk get cur3b8 rent taskblock - returntime 0x2
TRAC_ticE - mutexk 429_lock ptr4967 = 0x3fc8295
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_calloc 20 1
TRACE - calloc 20 1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - task_ms_to_tick ms 10
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fccd088 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRATRACECE - task - q get currueue_ent task recv- return retu0x2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
- mutex_unlockINFO 0x3fc820- I 04
TRACE (0) w- >>>> seifi:mphr_take
INFO 0x1 bloc - Sk_time_tiet psck 429496 typ7295
e: 0
TRACE - coex_condition_set - do nothing
TRACE - coex_status_get
TRACE - semphr_give 0x1
TRACE - >TRACE>>> retur - qn from seueue_mphr_takerecv
TRACE - 0x3ffree 0x3fc820c94dc8
7Sc ittatus(Staem 0xrting, St3fc8opped)
Stb3b8 art Wifi blocScan
TRACk_timE - task e_tiget curreck 42nt task -9496 return 07295
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82004
TRACE - task get current task - return 0x2
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82004
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - set_scan_id=0
TRACE - wifi_calloc 48 1
TRACE - calloc 48 1
TRACE - task get current task DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fca7008
TRACE - - retrigger tturn imer....
TRACE - tTRACEask get c - wurrent taifi_tsk - retuhrearn 0x1
TRd_semACE - mutphr_ex_lock pget
TRACE - wifi_thread_semphr_get - return for 2 0x1
TRACEtr = 0x3f - tc82004
TRask gACE - allet coc 8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
uTRACE - trrentask_ms_to tas_tick ms k - r10
TRACE etur- queue_sn 0x2end queue
TRA 0x3fc820CE - 7c item 0mutex3fc8dfe8x_loc block_tik ptme_tick 1r = 060000
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - received [8, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACEx3fcTRACE - q82004 - tueue_
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACEask recv - tget cretuask_murrerns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
nt DEBUs_to_taskG - ttick - reimer ms 1turn_disa0
TR 0x1
rm 0ACE -TRACx3fca queE - m7008ue_seutex
TRACE - found timer ...
_uDEBUGnd qnlock - tueue 0x3imer_0x3ffc820rm_uc82004
TRs, c7c itACE urrenem 0- timt tix3fccer cme 24ca98allba3627 blocck c82
DEk_tialledBUG me_ti
ck - tim160000
TRACE - queue posting [6, 0, 0, 0, 84, b9, c9, 3f]
TRACE - ter_arask get cm_usurrent ta 0x3fsk - retuca70rn 0x2
TR08 40ACE - mut9600ex_unlock0 fal 0x3fc820se
TRACE - found timer ...
TRACE E - f- >>>> seree mphr_take0x3fc 0x1 bloc94dck_time_ti8
TRAck 429496CE -7295
queue_recv 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8b3b8 block_time_tick 4294967295
TRACE - received [6, 0, 0, 0, 84, b9, c9, 3f]
TRACE - queue_recv returns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - Start wifi scan
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid=, channel=0, hidden=0, type=active, active=<0,0>, passive=0
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - ssid 0x0 is NULL
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - first chan=1
DEBUG - timer_disarm 0x3fc9b43c
DEBUG - timer_done 0x3fc9b43c
DEBUG - timer_setfn 0x3fc9b43c 0x42041a24 [cnx_connect_timeout:??:??] 0x0
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - filter: set rx policy=3
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - clear scan ap list
INFO - D (0) wifi:
INFO - sTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8df28 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
tart scan: type=0xTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
50f, priority=2, cb=0x0, arg=0x3fca4b54, ss_state=0x01, time=1857033, index=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - inter_channel_timeout: arg=0x0, ss_state=0x01
INFO - D TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
(0) wifi:
INFO - perform scan: ss_state=0x09, chan<1,0>, dur<0TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - coex_status_get
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - change: chan<1,0>, dur<0,120>
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - enter start op, arg=0x3fca5f44
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan operation: state=0x03, chan<1,0>, arg=0x3fca5f44, status=0
INFO - V (0) wifi:
INFO - scan any ssid
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 180
TRACE - coexTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fca7008
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
E TRACE - t- trask_ms_toigger_tick ms tim10
TRACE er...- queue_s.
TRend queueACE - 0x3fc820 tas7c item 0k getx3fc8b218 cur block_tirent me_tick 1task60000
TRACE - queue posting [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- retINFOurn 0 - V (0) x1
INFRACE O - start- mu max timetex_lr
INFO - ock
DEBUG -ptr = timer_d 0x3fisarm 0x3c820fca5fd8
TRACE - found timer ...
DEBUG - t04
Timer_arm_RACE us, curre- alnt time 3loc 80044218
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ETRACBUG - timE - ter_arm_usask_ 0x3fca5fms_tod8 192000_tic0 false
TRACE - found timer ...
kTRACE - ms semphr_gi10
TRve 0x1
TRACE TRACEACE - que - q- >>>ue_sueue_> reend qecv turnueue 0x3f from0x3fc8207 semc8207c itphr_tc item 0xake
em 0x3fc8TRACE3fc8b3b8 - fdfe8 blocree 0block_timx3fck_time_ti9b984e_tick 42
94Tck 169672RACE 000095
TRACE - received [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - queue posting [8, 0, 0, 0, c8, 4d, c9, 3f]
-TRACETRAC mute - tE - qx_loask gueueck ptet c_recvr = urren ret0x3fct taurns
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
sk TRACE8201- ret - m0
TRAurn utex_CE -0x1
Tlock muteRACE ptr x_un - mu= 0xlock tex_3fc820x3funloc010
c8201k 0xTRACE0
-3fc82 mutINFO 004
ex_un- V TRACElock(0) w - t 0x3fifi:imer c820
TR - gback ACE et_sccall- allan_ied
d=c 230
INFO - 12
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACERACE - ta - tsk_ms_to_ask_mtick ms 1s_to00
TRACE _tick- task_de ms lay tick 10
ACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8b358 block_time_tick 160000
TRACE - queue posting [11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - queue_send_from_isr
TRACE - queue_send queue 0x3fc8207c item 0x3fc8b1e8 block_time_tick 1000
TRACE - queue posting [19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
TRACE - task_yield_from_isr
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
DEBUG - timer is due.... 0x3fca5fd8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TTRACE - mRACE utex_lock- tr ptr = 0xigger3fc82010
timTRACE - mer...utex_unlo.
TRck 0x3fc8ACE -2010
TRAC tasE - allock get 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
cTRACETRACurren - mE - mt tautex_utexsk - lock_lockretu ptr ptrrn 0x= 0x = 0x1
TR3fc823fc8ACE -010
mutTRACETRACex_lo - mE - mck putex_utextr = unlo_unlo0x3fck 0xck 0c82003fc8x3fc84
E -Iallo allNFO -c 8
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
VTRACEoc 2 (0) - t312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACEwifiask_m - m:
INFs_toutex_O - _ticklockget_s ms ptr can_10
TR= 0xid=0
ACE 3fc82INFO- que010
ue_sTRACETRACend q - mE - tueueutex_ask_ 0x3funloms_toc820ck 0x_tic7c it3fc8k ms em 02010
x3fc8TRACTRACEdfe8E - a - t blocloc ask_d_tim2312elay e_ti
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
ck TRACEtick16000 - m 16000
TRACE - queue posting [7, 0, 0, 0, d4, 4d, c9, 3f]
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
lE - tock ptr =ask 0x3fc820get c10
TRACE urre- mutex_unt tanlock 0x3sk -fc82010
T retuRACE - alrn 0loc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mx1
Tutex_lockRACE ptr = 0x- mu3fc82010
tex_uTRACE - mnlocutex_unlok 0x3ck 0x3fc8fc822010
TE - allocRACE 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
-TRACE - m timeutex_lockr ca ptr = 0xllbac3fc82010
k caTRACE - mlled
utex_unlock 0x3fc8201TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - alloTRACEc 231 - mutex_2
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
loTRACck ptr = E - m0x3fc8201utex0
TRACE -_lock mutex_un ptrlock 0x3f = 0xc82010
3fc820INFO - V 10
TR(0) wifi:ACE
INFO - g- mutet_scan_iex_ud=0
INFO nlock-
TRACE 0x3 - task_mfc820s_to_tick10
T ms 100
TRACE RACE - ta- alsk_delay loc 2tick 1600312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
E - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRTRACEACE - mut - mex_lock putex_tr = 0x3flockc82010
TTRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
RACE - ptr mutex_un= 0xlock 0x3f3fc82c82010
TNFO - V (RACE 0) wifi:
- muINFO - getex_ut_scan_idnloc=0
INFO -k 0x
TRACE 3fc82- task_ms010
_to_tick TRACEms 100
TR - aACE - taslloc k_delay t2312ick 16000
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRATRACCE - muteE - mx_lock ptutexr = 0x3fc_lock82010
TRA ptrCE - mute = 0xx_unlock 3fc80x3fc82012010
TINFO -RACE V (0) wi - mufi:
INFO tex_- get_scaunlocn_id=0
INk 0xFO -
TR3fc82ACE - tas010
k_ms_to_tTRACEick ms 10- al0
TRACE -loc task_del2312
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACE - interrupt 1 0x400017f0 [wDev_ProcessFiq:??:??] 0x0
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 0
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 0
TRACE - interrupt 1 done
TRACE - wifi_int_disable wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 - return 1
TRACE - wifi_int_restore wifi_int_mux 0x3fc81f94 tmp 1
TRACay tick 1E - 600000
mutex_lock ptr = 0x3fc82010
TRACE - mutex_unlock 0x3fc82010
TRACE - alloc 2312
Exception 'Store/AMO access fault' mepc=42009ec8, mtval=0
TrapFrame { ra: 42009ec4, t0: 8, t1: 3fca4b2c, t2: 3fca4228, t3: 3fca4220, t4: 14, t5: 3fca4224, t6: 3fca4220, a0: 0, a1: 4, a2: 8, a3: 0, a4: 0, a5: 3fca49d8, a6: 90c, a7: fffffffc, s0: 3fc8b310, s1: 90c, s2: 8, s3: 8a4, s4: 0, s5: 3fcdf930, s6: 3fce0000, s7: fff00000, s8: 60034000, s9: 60033000, s10: 3fce0000, s11: 3c072a14, gp: 0, tp: 0, sp: 3fc8b2d0 }
0x40040ccc [rom_pll_vol_cal:??:??]
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