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Created December 13, 2021 19:26
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next, *prev;
struct LinkedList {
struct Node* head;
int size;
struct Node* createNode(int data) {
Creates a new node with the provided data.
struct Node* newNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = NULL;
newNode->prev = NULL;
return newNode;
void push (struct LinkedList** ll, int data) {
Pushes a new node behind the linked list's head node.
struct Node* newNode = createNode(data);
if ((*ll)->head == NULL) {
(*ll)->head = newNode;
} else {
newNode->next = (*ll)->head;
(*ll)->head->prev = newNode;
(*ll)->head = newNode;
(*ll)->size += 1;
void append (struct LinkedList** ll, int data) {
Append a new node to the end of the linked list
struct Node* newNode = createNode(data);
if ((*ll)->head == NULL) {
(*ll)->head = newNode;
} else {
struct Node* currentNode = (*ll)->head;
while (currentNode->next != NULL) {
currentNode = currentNode->next;
currentNode->next = newNode;
newNode->prev = currentNode;
(*ll)->size += 1;
int getValueAt(struct LinkedList** ll, int index) {
Returns the value of a node at the given index.
If node does not exist, program will exit.
if (index >= (*ll)->size || index < 0) {
printf("Index %d does not exist in size %d linked list! Exiting...\n", index, (*ll)->size);
struct Node* currentNode = (*ll)->head;
while (index != 0) {
currentNode = currentNode->next;
index -= 1;
return currentNode->data;
int removeNodeAt(struct LinkedList** ll, int index) {
Removes a node at the provided index.
If node does not exist, program will exit.
if (index >= (*ll)->size || index < 0) {
printf("Index %d does not exist in size %d linked list! Exiting...\n", index, (*ll)->size);
struct Node* currentNode = (*ll)->head;
int removedData = 0;
while (index != 0) {
currentNode = currentNode->next;
index -= 1;
removedData = currentNode->data;
if (currentNode->prev == NULL && currentNode->next == NULL) {
(*ll)->head = NULL;
} else if (currentNode->prev == NULL && currentNode->next != NULL) {
struct Node* temp = currentNode;
(*ll)->head = currentNode->next;
(*ll)->head->prev = NULL;
} else if (currentNode->prev != NULL && currentNode->next == NULL) {
struct Node* temp = currentNode;
currentNode->prev->next = NULL;
} else if (currentNode->prev != NULL && currentNode->next != NULL) {
struct Node* temp = currentNode;
currentNode->prev->next = currentNode->next;
currentNode->next->prev = currentNode->prev;
(*ll)->size -= 1;
return removedData;
void clear(struct LinkedList** ll) {
Removes all nodes from the linked list
struct Node* currentNode = (*ll)->head;
while (currentNode != NULL) {
(*ll)->head = (*ll)->head->next;
(*ll)->size -= 1;
currentNode = (*ll)->head;
void printList(struct LinkedList** ll) {
struct Node* currentNode = (*ll)->head;
printf("Size %d: ", (*ll)->size);
while (currentNode != NULL) {
printf("%d ", currentNode->data);
currentNode = currentNode->next;
int main() {
// Initialize an empty linked list
struct LinkedList* linkedList = (struct LinkedList*)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkedList));;
linkedList->head = NULL;
linkedList->size = 0;
printf("Appending 1, 2, 3 to the linked list\n");
append(&linkedList, 1);
append(&linkedList, 2);
append(&linkedList, 3);
printf("Pushing 4, 5, 6 to the linked list\n");
push(&linkedList, 4);
push(&linkedList, 5);
push(&linkedList, 6);
printf("Getting some values from linked list\n");
printf("Index 0: %d\n", getValueAt(&linkedList, 0));
printf("Index 3: %d\n", getValueAt(&linkedList, 3));
printf("Index %d: %d\n", linkedList->size-1, getValueAt(&linkedList, linkedList->size-1));
printf("\nRemoving some values from linked list\n");
printf("Removing Index 0: %d\n", removeNodeAt(&linkedList, 0));
printf("Removing Index %d: %d\n", linkedList->size - 1, removeNodeAt(&linkedList, linkedList->size - 1));
printf("Removed Index 1: %d\n", removeNodeAt(&linkedList, 1));
printf("Clearing linked list\n");
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