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Created June 11, 2016 14:49
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"#zftalk": {
"zf2 flowchart": ""
"global": {
"doesn't work": "Doesn't work is not a helpful statement. Was there an error? Unexpected results? Does it sit on the couch all day eating all your cheetos and ignoring the classifieds? Be specific!",
"espresso": "A coffee beverage which weierophinney and DASPRiD will never reach an agreement on how it should be brewed. (but, really, weierophinney is correct)",
"surveying": "If you have to ask \"Does anyone here use foo\" or \"Are there any baz experts around\" you're just taking a survey. You'll likely get an answer quicker if you just ask specifically what you need help with.",
"zend": "Please stop calling the product by the company name. The product name is Framework, marketed by Zend. Since you don't call the popular operating system Microsoft, call the product Zend Framework or ZF for short. (And yes, you may know what you mean, but others don't. We're just stopping insanity like )",
"rest": "Rest is an architectural style, for distributed hypermedia systems, and mostly just means, do HTTP right. see and",
"actionstack": "The actionstack is a horrible piece of devil work which will remain buggy for eternity because nobody can work out how to maintain it well. if you don't believe me look at the number of open issues on it.",
"dev config": "For development only configuration, please see",
"array_merge": "Using array_merge() for configuration is undesirable due to how it merges scalar values for matching string keys: array_merge(['foo' => 'bar'], ['foo' => 'baz']) == ['foo' => ['bar', 'baz']].",
"x vs y": "You seem to be asking an X vs Y problem. You want to do X, and you think you can solve it with Y, but you don't know how to do Y, but when what you should really be asking is how to do X, because we will probably be able to give you a better answer",
"ugt": "UGT is the Universal Greeting Time. For more information, look at",
"gdata": "Zend_GData is obsolete and currently unsupported, please use the official google php sdk instead.",
"skeleton application": "ZF2 Skeleton Application, for quick start to ZF2 or as base of your app:",
"service manager alias": "Service manager alias' can be found here:",
"rest put vs post": "Actually, fielding doesn't use the words put or post once in his dissertation, instead he talks about using the http verbs as actually described here:",
"feature": "",
"zf1 eol": "Please read the FAQ for answers about the End of life / maintainance period of ZF1",
"asking": "Asking about asking, or asking if anyone is online, or taking a survery of who knows about component X will often be ignored on IRC. Please don't feel you have to ask to ask, just ask, you will be much more likely to get a response.",
"bot?": "I'm alive!",
"config": "Environment \"sections\" in config have been replaced by individual config files per-environment. Additionally, the notion of \"production\" vs. \"development\" goes away, replaced by \"global\" settings and \"local\" settings. Typically, you will keep your \"local\" config files outside of version control (as they could contain credentials or other information you may need to keep secure) and \"local\" is then \"local",
"tests": "",
"magic route": "The magic routing (:module/:controller/:action and *) have been removed from ZF2 after much discussion because, a) there is no longer a concept of modules in the MVC, nor a dispatcher to list controllers, b) We are trying to make the framework more explicit and less implicit, and c) to prevent the duplication of content over multiple urls, which can affect your sites search engine performance",
"array_replace": "Using array_replace() for configuration can cause problems when trying to merge indexed arrays (with no explicit keys defined): array_replace(['foo' => ['bar', 'baz']], ['foo' => ['bam']]) == ['foo' => ['bam', 'baz']]. This occurs because the integer key 0 is replaced by the second array.",
"spabby": "Spabby is Welsh. (and generally unhappy)",
"5.3": "ZF2 fully supports php > 5.3.3, though it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to atleast 5.3.20, or 5.4. As of March 2013, the PHP 5.3 series only receives critical fixes. (source:",
"i18n": "The new i18n component of ZF2 requires the PHP intl extension to work. On debian based systems you can install the php5-intl package or on redhat based systems the php-intl package.",
"zend\\bot": "Zend\\Bot is a bot running the DASBiT IRC bot software which is written in Python:",
"wsod": "White Screen Of Death: If you're seeing a blank page (and view-source is empty), make sure your php.ini contains error_reporting = -1 and display_errors = On (only for development). Putting: <?php error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ?> at the top of your script might have no effect if your code fails to compile such as in the case of PARSE errors",
"brown-nose": "Unfriendly way of calling someone out for flattery; see",
"merging": "",
"rest clients": "Rest clients are just http clients.",
"router": "Did you ever see someone driving on the Router 66?",
"example zf2 application": " is a great example of how a tidy ZF2 application should look",
"password hashing": "Please read"
"#roave": {
"pdog": "pdog is our personal KI assistant, managing all kind of stuff like getting us ice cream. Pronounced: PRISM Godzilla",
"smscloud-invoices": "We are doing SMS Cloud invoices through QuickBooks, not Harvest. This is because Harvest rounds sub-cent amounts on the invoice display which can confuse customers."
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