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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Web mining example: Scraping web data to look for a new job.
## Get IDs of papers containing "electronic medical records"
paper_ids <- entrez_search("pubmed", "electronic medical records", retmax = 5000)$ids
records <- fetch_in_chunks(paper_ids)
## Find article locations in the nested records
addresses <- as.character(sapply(records, function(x) x$MedlineCitation$Article$AuthorList$Author$Affiliation))
# clean up with regex:
addresses <- str_replace_all(addresses, "(Electronic [Aa]ddress:)|[[:alnum:][:punct:]]+@+[[:alnum:][:punct:]]+", "")
journals <- as.character(sapply(records, function(x) x$MedlineCitation$MedlineJournalInfo$ISSNLinking))
job_data <- data.frame(address = addresses, ISSN = journals)
# Get data on impact factors of major scientific journals
impact_url <- ""
# The data we want is in an HTML table on the webpage
impacts <- readHTMLTable(impact_url)[[1]]
impacts <- impacts[, c(1,2,4)] # keep only these columns
## article data and impact factor share the ISSN column so merge:
job_data <- merge(job_data, impacts, all.x = TRUE)
job_data <- job_data[complete.cases(job_data),]
job_data <- job_data[job_data$address != "NULL",]
save(job_data, file = "data/job_data.RData")
## This website provides ranking data for the top 100 European universities in a table:
rankings_url <- ""
# No header in the table so we will make our own:
rankings <- readHTMLTable(rankings_url, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[[1]]
names(rankings) <- c("rank", "institution", "type", "country", "score")
rankings$institution <- str_replace(rankings$institution, "^THE ", "") # cleanup
## Iterate over the top 100 institutions, check if they are in the article address and include ranking data
job_data$institution_score <- NA
job_data$institutions <- NA
job_data$countries <- NA
for(institution in 1:nrow(rankings)){
new_score <- str_detect(job_data$address,[institution, "institution"]))
job_data$institution_score[new_score] <- rankings[institution, "score"]
job_data$institutions[new_score] <- rankings[institution, "institution"]
job_data$countries[new_score] <- rankings[institution, "country"]
save(job_data, file = "data/job_data.RData")
## Subset by universities with rankings:
selected <- job_data[!$institution_score),]
selected$impact_factor <- as.numeric(as.character(selected[["Impact Factor"]]))
selected[["Impact Factor"]] <- NULL
selected$institution_score <- as.numeric(selected$institution_score)
## Use ggmap to get longitudes and latitudes:
coords <- geocode(paste(selected$institution, selected$country))
# Bind on to the side of the article data
selected <- cbind(selected, coords)
save(selected, file = "selected.RData")
## Use reshape2 to aggragate our data to 1 line for each institution
molten <- melt(selected)
# Get mean impact factor for articles from a university:
my_data <- dcast(molten, country + institution ~ variable, mean)
# Get publication counts for each university:
publications <- dcast(molten, country + institution ~ variable, length)
my_data$publications <- publications$institution_score
# composite ranking
my_data$ranks <- rank(my_data$institution_score) + rank(my_data$impact_factor) + rank(my_data$publications)
my_data <- my_data[order(my_data$ranks, decreasing = TRUE),]
# Capitalise the university names for display
capitalise <- function(x) {
s <- tolower(strsplit(x, " ")[[1]])
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
sep="", collapse=" ")
my_data$institution <- sapply(my_data$institution, capitalise)
my_data$labels <- my_data$institution
my_data$labels[my_data$ranks < 35] <- ""
# Plot the map:
p <- qmap(c(-5, 60, 19, 48), zoom = 4)
p + geom_point(aes(lon, lat, colour = ranks, size = publications), data = my_data) +
scale_color_continuous( low="red", high="blue") +
geom_text(aes(x = lon, y = lat, label = labels, size = 6,
hjust = c(1,rep(0, 5), 1, 0,0,1,rep(0,11)), vjust = 0), data = my_data)
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