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Last active February 21, 2024 11:41
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  • Save DAddYE/bd6a4819ec0bbb2efb0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DAddYE/bd6a4819ec0bbb2efb0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'formula'
class Opencv < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 'd16ced627db17f9864c681545f18f030c7a4cc0b'
# CUDA needs 2.4.10 (see #1228)
# url ''
# sha1 'a0c2d5944364fc4f26b6160b33c03082b1fa08c1'
head ''
option "32-bit"
option "with-java", "Build with Java support"
option "with-qt", "Build the Qt4 backend to HighGUI"
option "with-tbb", "Enable parallel code in OpenCV using Intel TBB"
option "with-tests", "Build with accuracy & performance tests"
option "without-opencl", "Disable GPU code in OpenCV using OpenCL"
option "with-cuda", "Build with CUDA support"
option "with-quicktime", "Use QuickTime for Video I/O insted of QTKit"
option :cxx11
depends_on :ant if build.with? "java"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "eigen" => :optional
depends_on "gstreamer" => :optional
depends_on "jasper" => :optional
depends_on "jpeg-turbo"
depends_on :libpng
depends_on "libtiff"
depends_on "libdc1394" => :optional
depends_on "numpy" => :python
depends_on "openexr" => :optional
depends_on "openni" => :optional
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on :python => :optional
depends_on "qt" => :optional
depends_on "tbb" => :optional
# Can also depend on ffmpeg, but this pulls in a lot of extra stuff that
# you don't need unless you're doing video analysis, and some of it isn't
# in Homebrew anyway. Will depend on openexr if it's installed.
depends_on 'ffmpeg' => :optional
def install
jpeg = Formula["jpeg-turbo"]
ENV.cxx11 if build.cxx11?
args = std_cmake_args + %W(
if build.without? "tests"
args << "-DBUILD_opencv_java=" + ((build.with? "java") ? "ON" : "OFF")
args << "-DWITH_OPENEXR=" + ((build.with? "openexr") ? "ON" : "OFF")
args << "-DWITH_QT=" + ((build.with? "qt") ? "ON" : "OFF")
args << "-DWITH_TBB=" + ((build.with? "tbb") ? "ON" : "OFF")
args << "-DWITH_FFMPEG=" + ((build.with? "ffmpeg") ? "ON" : "OFF")
args << "-DWITH_GSTREAMER=" + ((build.with? "gstreamer") ? "ON" : "OFF")
args << "-DWITH_QUICKTIME=" + ((build.with? "quicktime") ? "ON" : "OFF")
args << "-DWITH_1394=" + ((build.with? "libdc1394") ? "ON" : "OFF")
if build.with? "cuda"
ENV["CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS"] = "-Xcompiler -stdlib=libstdc++; -Xlinker -stdlib=libstdc++"
inreplace "cmake/FindCUDA.cmake", "list(APPEND CUDA_LIBRARIES -Wl,-rpath \"-Wl,${_cuda_path_to_cudart}\")", "#list(APPEND CUDA"
args << "-DWITH_CUDA=ON"
args << "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-stdlib=libstdc++"
args << "-DWITH_CUDA=OFF"
# OpenCL 1.1 is required, but Snow Leopard and older come with 1.0
args << "-DWITH_OPENCL=OFF" if build.without? "opencl" or MacOS.version < :lion
if build.with? "openni"
args << "-DWITH_OPENNI=ON"
# Set proper path for Homebrew's openni
inreplace "cmake/OpenCVFindOpenNI.cmake" do |s|
s.gsub! "/usr/include/ni", "#{Formula["openni"].opt_include}/ni"
s.gsub! "/usr/lib", "#{Formula["openni"].opt_lib}"
if build.include? "32-bit"
args << "-DOPENCV_EXTRA_C_FLAGS='-arch i386 -m32'"
args << "-DOPENCV_EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS='-arch i386 -m32'"
if ENV.compiler == :clang and !build.bottle?
args << '-DENABLE_SSSE3=ON' if Hardware::CPU.ssse3?
args << '-DENABLE_SSE41=ON' if Hardware::CPU.sse4?
args << '-DENABLE_SSE42=ON' if Hardware::CPU.sse4_2?
args << '-DENABLE_AVX=ON' if Hardware::CPU.avx?
mkdir "macbuild" do
system "cmake", "..", *args
system "make"
system "make install"
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