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Created March 19, 2016 01:06
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Save DB-009/080dbc8decc7fd7f7178 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hey bud check it out Ive got a few function in here but the important one is generate BGMap (I also have a border generation script that wraps objects around stage)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//_DB reality jam contest
//projest started: 10:45 am 12/31/15
public class controlledStageGenerator : MonoBehaviour
public float xtiles, ytiles, tileSizeW,tileSizeH,tileScale;
public int floors;
public List<mapTile> bgMapTiles, fgMapTiles, virtualTiles = new List<mapTile>();
public controlledGameStateManager gameStateManager;
public int vTilesCount,enesCount;
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void GenerateBGMap(GameObject spawnObj)
//background generation
float xPos = 0, yPos = 0, zPos = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < (xtiles * ytiles) * floors; x++)
if (xPos % xtiles == 0 && x != 0)
xPos = 0;
yPos += 1;
if (yPos == ytiles)
yPos = 0;
Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH);
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = spawnPos;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().gameStateManager = gameStateManager;
//int vTileID = findVtile(spawnPos);
public void GenerateBorder(GameObject spawnObj)
float xPos = -1, yPos = -1, zPos = 0;
//border creation
for (int x = 0; x < (xtiles+2) *( ytiles+2)*floors; x++)
if (xPos == xtiles+1 && x != -1)
xPos = -1;
yPos += 1;
if (yPos == ytiles+1)
yPos = -1;
//These if must be seperated for the way borders are drawn
if ((xPos == -1 || xPos == xtiles ) )
//Debug.Log(xPos + " xPos " + yPos + "Y POS" + x + " X");
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH);
else if (yPos == -1 || yPos == ytiles)
// Debug.Log(xPos + " xPos " + yPos + "Y POS" + x + " X");
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH);
public void GenerateMiddleArena(GameObject spawnObj, bool midSpawn)
if (midSpawn == true)
float xPos = 0;
float yPos = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < xtiles * ytiles; x++)
if (xPos % xtiles == 0 && x != 0)
xPos = 0;
yPos += 1;
if ((xPos >= 2 && xPos <= xtiles - 3) && (yPos >= 2 && yPos <= ytiles - 3))
//Add modifiers here will only draw in middle
//checkers board modifier
if (xPos % 2 == 0 && yPos % 2 == 0)
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale, yPos * tileSizeH), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale, yPos * tileSizeH);
else if (xPos % 2 != 0 && yPos % 2 != 0)
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale, yPos * tileSizeH), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale, yPos * tileSizeH);
fgMapTiles.Add(new mapTile( new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale, yPos * tileSizeH),tileCreated));
//ID for keeping track of coins, buffs and weapons on stage can erase a few or swap places stage effects
//0=coins,1=buff,2=weapons,3=item/collectible ,4=enemy
public void GenerateObjects(int amount, GameObject spawnObj, bool rand, string spawnPos, int itemTypeID)
int tempVTileCount = virtualTiles.Count;
if (amount > tempVTileCount)
Debug.Log("ehh not enough tiles");
amount = tempVTileCount;
// Debug.Log(tempVTileCount + "free tiles : " + amount);
if (rand == false)
if (spawnPos == "bottom")
for (int x = 0; x < amount; x++)
int indexOf = (amount - 1) - x;
//Debug.Log(indexOf + "indexOF");
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.transform.Translate(0, -1, 0);
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos;
fgMapTiles.Add(new mapTile(virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos,tileCreated));
else if (spawnPos == "top")
for (int x = 0; x < amount; x++)
//get the virtual tile in backwards order
// virtualTiles.Count -1 because arrays start at 0; ex if vtile.count is 4 we need 3
// subtract x from that amount we just got each for update to get next value in pattern
int indexOf = (tempVTileCount - 1) - x;
// Debug.Log(indexOf + "indexOF");
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.transform.Translate(0, -1, 0);
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos;
fgMapTiles.Add(new mapTile( virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos,tileCreated));
for (int x = 0; x < amount; x++)
int indexOf = Random.Range(0, virtualTiles.Count - 1);
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.transform.Translate(0, -1, 0);
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos;
fgMapTiles.Add(new mapTile(virtualTiles[indexOf].initialTilePos,tileCreated));
if(itemTypeID == 0)
//coinsCount += amount;//add amount to coins
else if (itemTypeID == 1)
//buffsCount += amount;//add amount to buffs
else if(itemTypeID == 2)
// wepsCount += amount;//add amount to weps
else if(itemTypeID == 3)
enesCount += amount;//add amount to enemies
else if(itemTypeID == 4)
//itemsCount += amount;//add amount to items
public void deleteMap()
GameObject[] gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("mapTile");
foreach (GameObject thisTile in gos)
gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("mapObj");
foreach (GameObject thisTile in gos)
gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("border");
foreach (GameObject thisTile in gos)
gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("coin");
foreach (GameObject thisTile in gos)
gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("mapItem");
foreach (GameObject thisTile in gos)
gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("enemy");
foreach (GameObject thisTile in gos)
public void updateFreeSpacesList()
//same setup as background tiles but include scale for virtual map
float xPos = 0, yPos = 0, zPos = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < (xtiles * ytiles)*(floors+1); x++)
if (xPos % xtiles == 0 && x != 0)
xPos = 0;
yPos += 1;
if (yPos == ytiles)
yPos = 0;
Vector3 virtualPos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale* zPos, yPos * tileSizeH);//Y and Z fliped for 2d game
bool occupied = false;
foreach(mapTile disTile in fgMapTiles)
if(disTile.initialTilePos == virtualPos)
occupied = true;
if (occupied == false)
virtualTiles.Add(new mapTile(virtualPos,null));
virtualTiles[virtualTiles.Count - 1].initialTilePos = virtualPos;
// GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(randomObj,virtualPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
vTilesCount = virtualTiles.Count;
public int findVtile(Vector3 initPos)
bool cleared=false;
int tempCount = 0;
foreach(mapTile disTile in virtualTiles)
Debug.Log(disTile.initialTilePos + " : " + initPos);
if (disTile.initialTilePos == initPos)
Debug.Log("found a virtuaL tile");
cleared = true;
return tempCount;
if (cleared == false)
return -1;
return -2;
public int findMaptile(Vector3 initPos)
bool cleared = false;
int tempCount = 0;
foreach (mapTile disTile in fgMapTiles)
// Debug.Log(disTile.initialTilePos + " : " + initPos);
if (disTile.initialTilePos == initPos)
cleared = true;
return tempCount;
if (cleared == false)
return -1;
return -2;
public void DestroyTile(mapTile disTile)
Vector3 tempPos = disTile.initialTilePos;
virtualTiles.Add(new mapTile(tempPos, disTile.gameObject));
vTilesCount = virtualTiles.Count;
public void GenBattleZone(GameObject spawnObj)
float xPos = -1, yPos = -1, zPos = 0;
//border creation
for (int x = 0; x < (xtiles + 2) * (ytiles + 2) * floors; x++)
if (xPos == xtiles + 1 && x != -1)
xPos = -1;
yPos += 1;
if (yPos == ytiles + 1)//if reached limit on Z axis reset to 0 (flipped z and Y for 2d)
yPos = -1;
Debug.Log("Youve accessed battleZone");
if (yPos == ytiles)
yPos = 0;
//These if must be seperated for the way borders are drawn
if ((xPos == -1 || xPos == xtiles))
//Debug.Log(xPos + " xPos " + yPos + "Y POS" + x + " X");
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH);
fgMapTiles.Add(new mapTile(new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH), tileCreated));
else if (yPos == -1 || yPos == ytiles)
// Debug.Log(xPos + " xPos " + yPos + "Y POS" + x + " X");
GameObject tileCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(spawnObj, new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
tileCreated.GetComponent<mapTile>().initialTilePos = new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH);
fgMapTiles.Add(new mapTile(new Vector3(xPos * tileSizeW, tileScale * zPos, yPos * tileSizeH), tileCreated));
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