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[Outlier Detected] CPU has deviated for {{}} | ({{value}})% - Store: {{}} | {{}}
System CPU is rising to a higher-than-desirable level for instance {{}}.
# **Store Details**
* **Store Number:** {{}}
* **Store Region:** {{}}
- host: localhost
port: 6379
# Can be used in lieu of host/port
# unix_socket_path: /var/run/redis/redis.sock # optional, can be used in lieu of host/port
"requests": [
"q": "avg:system.load.1{*}",
"type": "bars",
"conditional_formats": [],
"aggregator": "avg"
"q": "week_before(avg:system.load.1{*})",
# Make sure you replace the API and/or APP key below
# with the ones for your account
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
"title": "Did you hear the news today - test4?",
"text": "Oh man!",
"priority": "normal",
"tags": ["environment:test"],
DBLaw /
Created July 7, 2016 17:32
Pull data from the ThousandEyes API and push to Datadog
apiVersion = 'v5'
apiURL = ''
urlBase = apiURL + '/' + apiVersion + '/'
logLevel = 3
requestCount = 0
uploadLimit = 10000
DBLaw / datadog-nginx
Created November 10, 2015 19:36 — forked from gane5h/datadog-nginx
Nginx log parsing with datadog
Custom parser for nginx log suitable for use by Datadog 'dogstreams'.
To use, add to datadog.conf as follows:
dogstreams: [path to ngnix log (e.g: "/var/log/nginx/access.log"]:[path to this python script (e.g "/usr/share/datadog/agent/dogstream/")]:[name of parsing method of this file ("parse")]
so, an example line would be:
dogstreams: /var/log/nginx/access.log:/usr/share/datadog/agent/dogstream/
Log of nginx should be defined like that:
log_format time_log '$time_local "$request" S=$status $bytes_sent T=$request_time R=$http_x_forwarded_for';
when starting dd-agent, you can find the collector.log and check if the dogstream initialized successfully
"requests": [
"q": "sum:system.cpu.idle{*} / avg:system.cpu.idle{*}",
"type": "line"
"viz": "timeseries"
Linux OID's (these tend to work for network devices like F5 too)
CPU Statistics
1 minute Load: .
5 minute Load: .
15 minute Load: .
percentage of user CPU time: .
"requests": [
"q": "avg:system.cpu.system{*}",
"type": "line"
"q": "hour_before(avg:system.cpu.system{*})",
"type": "line"
- name: datadogproc
search_string: ['ddagent.exe']