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Created October 10, 2023 15:27
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ADSR bias faust demo
adsr_bias_env = environment
// In the functions below, we use the equation `y=bias_curve(b,x)`.
// `b`: bias between 0 and 1. Bias of 0.5 results in `y=x`. Bias above 0.5 pulls y upward.
// `x`: input between 0 and 1 that needs to be remapped/biased into `y`
// `y`: `x` after it has been biased. Note that `(y==0 iff x==0) AND (y==1 iff x==1)`.
bias_curve(b,x) = (x / ((((1.0/b) - 2.0)*(1.0 - x))+1.0));
// d/dx of bias_curve(b,x)
bias_curve_d_dx(b, x) = 0-(-1+b)*b/((1-x+b*(-1+2*x))^2);
// Solve for x in y=bias_curve(b,x)
bias_curve_inverse(b,y) = (b-1)*y / (2*b*y-b-y);
// We don't allow the bias to be too close to 0 or 1 because it leads to slopes too
// close to positive or negative infinity.
bias_clip = aa.clip(.03, .97);
adsr_bias(att, dec, sus, rel, final, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate) = envelope
with {
ugate = gate>0;
fb(_state, _y) = nextState, nextY
with {
// Legato control
onset = ba.impulsify(ugate);
state = select2(onset, _state, 0), _state : select2(legato);
y = select2(onset, _y, final), _y : select2(legato);
// State 0: release
// State 1: attack
// State 2: decay
y_at_release = y : ba.latch(ugate==0);
// Slope is a y-distance divided by a number of samples
att_slope = (1-final) / max(1,(att*ma.SR));
dec_slope = (sus-1) / max(1,(dec*ma.SR));
rel_slope = (final-y_at_release) / max(1,(rel*ma.SR));
// Get bias based on the state, then clip for safety.
b = bias_rel, bias_att, bias_dec : select3(state) : bias_clip;
// We will remap from an input domain to [0..1] based on the current state.
from1 = ba.if(state==2, sus, final);
from2 = ba.if(state==0, y_at_release, 1);
// Prevent divide-by-zero in it.remap
pct = it.remap(from1, from2, 0, 1, y), 0.5 : select2(from1==from2) : bias_curve_inverse(b);
slope = rel_slope, att_slope, dec_slope : select3(state) : _*bias_curve_d_dx(b, pct);
nextY = y + slope : aa.clip(from1, 1);
nextState = select2(ugate,
select2(y < 1.0, 2, 1),
envelope = fb ~ (_,_) : !, _;
ahdsr_bias(att, hol, dec, sus, rel, final, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate) = envelope
with {
ugate = gate>0;
fb(_state, _y) = nextState, nextY
with {
// Legato control
onset = ba.impulsify(ugate);
state = select2(onset, _state, 0), _state : select2(legato);
// two conditions in which we want to hard-reset the `y` to `final`
// instead of using the previous `_y`.
y = ba.if((onset & (legato<0.5)) | (ba.time==0), final, _y);
// State 0: release
// State 1: attack
// State 2: hold
// State 3: decay
y_at_release = ba.if(ba.time==0,1,y) : ba.latch(gate==0);
// Slope is a y-distance divided by a number of samples
att_slope = (1-final) / max(1,(att*ma.SR));
hold_slope = ba.if(gate, att_slope, rel_slope);
dec_slope = (sus-1) / max(1,(dec*ma.SR));
rel_slope = (final-y_at_release) / max(1,(rel*ma.SR));
// Get bias based on the state, then clip for safety.
// Note that for the hold state, we choose a bias of 0.5 (the middle value).
b = bias_rel, bias_att, .5, bias_dec : ba.selectn(4, state) : bias_clip;
from1 = ba.if(state==3, sus, final);
from2 = ba.if(state==0, y_at_release, 1);
// Prevent divide-by-zero in it.remap
pct = it.remap(from1, from2, 0, 1, y), 0.5 : select2(from1==from2) : bias_curve_inverse(b);
slope = rel_slope, att_slope, hold_slope, dec_slope : ba.selectn(4, state) : _*bias_curve_d_dx(b, pct);
hold_time = ma.SR * hol;
hold_timer = ugate : +~(*(ugate * (state != 1)));
nextY = y + slope : aa.clip(from1, 1);
nextState = select2(ugate,
ba.selectn(4, state,
select2(y < 1.0, 2, 1),
select2(hold_timer < hold_time, 3, 2),
envelope = fb ~ (_,_) : !, _;
// ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release, Final) envelope generator with
// control over bias on each segment, and toggle for legato.
// #### Usage
// ```
// adsrf_bias(at,dt,sl,rt,final,b_att,b_dec,b_rel,legato,t) : _
// ```
// Where:
// * `at`: attack time (sec)
// * `dt`: decay time (sec)
// * `sl`: sustain level (between 0..1)
// * `rt`: release time (sec)
// * `final`: final level (between 0..1) but less than or equal to `sl`
// * `b_att`: bias during attack (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_dec`: bias during decay (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_rel`: bias during release (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `legato`: toggle for legato. If disabled, envelopes "re-trigger" from zero.
// * `t`: trigger signal (attack is triggered when `t>0`, release is triggered
// when `t=0`)
declare adsrf_bias author "Andrew John March and David Braun";
declare adsrf_bias licence "STK-4.3";
adsrf_bias(att, dec, sus, rel, final, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate) = adsr_bias_env.adsr_bias(att, dec, sus, rel, final, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate);
// ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelope generator with
// control over bias on each segment, and toggle for legato.
// #### Usage
// ```
// adsr_bias(at,dt,sl,rt,b_att,b_dec,b_rel,legato,t) : _
// ```
// Where:
// * `at`: attack time (sec)
// * `dt`: decay time (sec)
// * `sl`: sustain level (between 0..1)
// * `rt`: release time (sec)
// * `b_att`: bias during attack (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_dec`: bias during decay (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_rel`: bias during release (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `legato`: toggle for legato. If disabled, envelopes "re-trigger" from zero.
// * `t`: trigger signal (attack is triggered when `t>0`, release is triggered
// when `t=0`)
declare adsr_bias author "Andrew John March and David Braun";
declare adsr_bias licence "STK-4.3";
adsr_bias( att, dec, sus, rel, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate) = adsr_bias_env.adsr_bias(att, dec, sus, rel, 0, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate);
// AHDSR (Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, Release, Final) envelope generator
// with control over bias on each segment, and toggle for legato.
// #### Usage
// ```
// ahdsrf_bias(at,ht,dt,sl,rt,final,b_att,b_dec,b_rel,legato,t) : _
// ```
// Where:
// * `at`: attack time (sec)
// * `ht`: hold time (sec)
// * `dt`: decay time (sec)
// * `sl`: sustain level (between 0..1)
// * `rt`: release time (sec)
// * `final`: final level (between 0..1) but less than or equal to `sl`
// * `b_att`: bias during attack (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_dec`: bias during decay (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_rel`: bias during release (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `legato`: toggle for legato. If disabled, envelopes "re-trigger" from zero.
// * `t`: trigger signal (attack is triggered when `t>0`, release is triggered
// when `t=0`)
declare ahdsrf_bias author "Andrew John March and David Braun";
declare ahdsrf_bias licence "STK-4.3";
ahdsrf_bias(att, hol, dec, sus, rel, final, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate) = adsr_bias_env.ahdsr_bias(att, hol, dec, sus, rel, final, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate);
// AHDSR (Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelope generator
// with control over bias on each segment, and toggle for legato.
// #### Usage
// ```
// ahdsr_bias(at,ht,dt,sl,rt,final,b_att,b_dec,b_rel,legato,t) : _
// ```
// Where:
// * `at`: attack time (sec)
// * `ht`: hold time (sec)
// * `dt`: decay time (sec)
// * `sl`: sustain level (between 0..1)
// * `rt`: release time (sec)
// * `final`: final level (between 0..1) but less than or equal to `sl`
// * `b_att`: bias during attack (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_dec`: bias during decay (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `b_rel`: bias during release (between 0..1) where 0.5 is no bias.
// * `legato`: toggle for legato. If disabled, envelopes "re-trigger" from zero.
// * `t`: trigger signal (attack is triggered when `t>0`, release is triggered
// when `t=0`)
declare ahdsr_bias author "Andrew John March and David Braun";
declare ahdsr_bias licence "STK-4.3";
ahdsr_bias( att, hol, dec, sus, rel, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate) = adsr_bias_env.ahdsr_bias(att, hol, dec, sus, rel, 0, bias_att, bias_dec, bias_rel, legato, gate);
// process = adsrf_bias(
// hslider("[0]attack", 1.0, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[1]decay", .5, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[2]sustain", .5, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[3]release", .2, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[4]final", .2, .0, 1., .001),
// k, k, k,
// checkbox("[6]Legato"),
// button("Gate")
// )
// with {
// k = hslider("[5]k", .001, .0, 1., .001);
// };
// process = adsr_bias(
// hslider("[0]attack", 1.0, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[1]decay", .5, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[2]sustain", .5, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[3]release", .2, .0, 1., .001),
// // hslider("[4]final", .2, .0, 1., .001),
// k, k, k,
// checkbox("[6]Legato"),
// button("Gate")
// )
// with {
// k = hslider("[5]k", .001, .0, 1., .001);
// };
process = ahdsrf_bias(
hslider("[0]attack", 1.0, .0, 1., .001),
hslider("[1]hold", 1.0, .0, 1., .001),
hslider("[2]decay", .5, .0, 1., .001),
hslider("[3]sustain", .5, .0, 1., .001),
hslider("[4]release", .2, .0, 1., .001),
hslider("[5]final", .2, .0, 1., .001),
k, k, k,
with {
k = hslider("[6]k", .5, .0, 1., .001);
// process = ahdsr_bias(
// hslider("[0]attack", 1.0, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[1]hold", 1.0, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[2]decay", .5, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[3]sustain", .5, .0, 1., .001),
// hslider("[4]release", .2, .0, 1., .001),
// // hslider("[5]final", .2, .0, 1., .001),
// k, k, k,
// checkbox("[7]Legato"),
// button("gate")
// )
// with {
// k = hslider("[6]k", .001, .0, 1., .001);
// };
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