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PowerShell custom argument transformation attribute for DateTime
class DateTransformAttribute : System.Management.Automation.ArgumentTransformationAttribute {
# property to take additional format strings for transformations
# default constructor:
DateTransformAttribute() : base() { }
# 2nd constructor with parameter AdditionalFormatStrings
DateTransformAttribute([string[]]$AdditionalFormatStrings) : base() {
$this.AdditionalFormatStrings = $AdditionalFormatStrings
# Transform() method is called whenever there is a variable or parameter assignment.
[object] Transform([System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics]$engineIntrinsics, [object] $inputData) {
if ($inputData -as [datetime]) {
# return as-is:
return ($inputData -as [datetime])
# get the provided format strings first for them to take precedence
$dateFormatStrings = $this.AdditionalFormatStrings
# add the static date format strings
$dayFirstFormats = 'd/M h:mtt', 'dd/MM hh:mmtt', 'dd/MM hh:mm:ss tt'
# add same with '.' as delimiter
$dayFirstFormats = $dayFirstFormats.foreach{ $_; $_.Replace('/', '.') }
$monthFirstFormats = 'M/d h:mtt', 'MM/dd hh:mmtt', 'MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt'
# check if the local date is in M/d or d/M format
# check for this format first
if ('14/6' -as [datetime]) {
# local date is d/M
$dateFormatStrings += $dayFirstFormats + $monthFirstFormats
else {
$dateFormatStrings += $monthFirstFormats + $dayFirstFormats
#try to convert a provided string with ParseExact using the different format strings
if ($inputData -is [string]) {
foreach ($format in $dateFormatStrings) {
try {
$newDate = [datetime]::ParseExact($inputData, $format, $Null)
catch {
# if the conversion attempt fails keep trying the other formats
# if the conversion succeeds return the date
if ($newDate) { return $newDate }
# conversion faild throw an exception.
throw [System.InvalidOperationException]::new('No valid date time.')
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