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Created February 8, 2021 17:09
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PowerShell function to extract text between delimiters
function Get-TextWithin {
Get the text between two surrounding characters (e.g. brackets, quotes, or custom characters)
Use RegEx to retrieve the text within enclosing characters.
The text to retrieve the matches from.
Single character, indicating the surrounding characters to retrieve the enclosing text for.
If this paramater is used the matching ending character is "guessed" (e.g. '(' = ')')
Single character, indicating the start surrounding characters to retrieve the enclosing text for.
Single character, indicating the end surrounding characters to retrieve the enclosing text for.
# Retrieve all text within single quotes
here is 'some data'
here is "some other data"
this is 'even more data'
Get-TextWithin $s "'"
# Retrieve all text within custom start and end characters
here is /some data\
here is /some other data/
this is /even more data\
Get-TextWithin $s -StartChar / -EndChar \
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
Position = 0)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Single', Position = 1)]
[char]$WithinChar = '"',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Double')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Double')]
$htPairs = @{
'(' = ')'
'[' = ']'
'{' = '}'
'<' = '>'
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WithinChar')) {
$StartChar = $EndChar = $WithinChar
if ($htPairs.ContainsKey([string]$WithinChar)) {
$EndChar = $htPairs[[string]$WithinChar]
$pattern = @"
[regex]::Matches($Text, $pattern).Value
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