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Last active January 7, 2018 21:13
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Robust function to run parallel jobs
Robust function to run parallel jobs
Can be used as a template for running jobs concurrently.
Written by: Amir Granot.
Blog :
GitHub :
$result = Start-SomeParrallelJobs -Servers @(1..200) -ScriptBlock {
Start-Sleep 3
new-object psobject -Property @{
HelpFile = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $toSend
Yoohoo = "$toSend [$using:Server]"
} -ArgumentsHash @(5) -ConcurrentAmount 20 -ttw 1 -WriteProgress #-JobTimeoutSec 30 -Verbose
[int]$ConcurrentAmount = 5,
# Time to Wait
[int]$ttw = 3,
[int]$JobTimeoutSec = 30,
$Jobs = @()
foreach($Server in $Servers)
$percent = $Jobs.Count/$Servers.Count*100
Write-Progress -Activity "Some Activity in Progress" -Status "$percent% Complete" -CurrentOperation "Working on $Server" -PercentComplete $percent
$Jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Name "$Server" -ArgumentList @ArgumentsHash
Write-Verbose "Job $Server was created."
if($Jobs | ? {$_.State -eq "Completed"} -OutVariable Completed)
#Continue with another procedure? Change as you like...
Write-Verbose "> $($Completed.Count) Completed Jobs"
$Completed | %{
New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
JobName = $_.Name
Content = Receive-Job $_
Status = "Completed"
while(($Jobs | ? {$_.State -eq "Running"} -OutVariable Running).Count -gt $ConcurrentAmount)
Start-Sleep -s $ttw
Write-Verbose "> $($Running.Count) Running Jobs"
$Running | ForEach-Object{
$TimeOutPassedInterval = (Get-Date).AddSeconds(-$JobTimeoutSec)
if($_.PSBeginTime -lt $TimeOutPassedInterval)
Stop-Job $_
New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
JobName = $_.Name
Content = Receive-Job $_
Status = "Stopped"
}#foreach server in servers
while($Jobs | ? {$_.State -eq "Running"} -OutVariable Running)
Start-Sleep -s $ttw
Write-Verbose "> $($Running.Count) Running Jobs"
$Running | ForEach-Object{
$TimeOutPassedInterval = (Get-Date).AddSeconds(-$JobTimeoutSec)
if($_.PSBeginTime -lt $TimeOutPassedInterval)
Stop-Job $_
New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
JobName = $_.Name
Content = Receive-Job $_
Status = "Stopped"
if($Jobs | ? {$_.State -eq "Completed"} -OutVariable Completed)
#Continue with another procedure? Change as you like...
Write-Verbose "> $($Completed.Count) Completed Jobs"
$Completed | %{
New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
JobName = $_.Name
Content = Receive-Job $_
Status = "Completed"
$Jobs | ? {$_.State -eq "Failed"} | ForEach-Object {
New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
JobName = $_.Name
Content = Receive-Job $_
Status = "Failed"
write-verbose "Completed jobs = $($Jobs | ?{$_.State -eq "Completed"} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count)"
write-verbose "Failed jobs = $($Jobs | ?{$_.State -eq "Failed"} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count)"
write-verbose "Stopped jobs = $($Jobs | ?{$_.State -eq "Stopped"} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count)"
$Jobs | Remove-Job
Measure-Command {
$result = Start-SomeParrallelJobs -Servers @(1..200) -ScriptBlock {
Start-Sleep 3
new-object psobject -Property @{
HelpFile = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $toSend
Yoohoo = "$toSend [$using:Server]"
} -ArgumentsHash @(5) -ConcurrentAmount 20 -ttw 1 -WriteProgress #-JobTimeoutSec 30 -Verbose
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